Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1921, Page 10, Image 10
18 Classified Advertising Rates It per line (count i word to line) 1 dsy 16 per Iia par day. t eoosecutive dys 16 par lis par day, f consecutive daya 14a per lln par day, I eoneeeutW daya Ks ad taken for leaa than total of 86e. The rataa apply either ta the Daily er Sunday Baa. All advtinienl ap pear in both moraine and ning daily rcers (or tha on chart. CONTRACT BATES ON APPLICATION Want ada aeeaptad at tha following of fice: MAIN 0FFlCB.....17th and Frr,am 8U. Booth 8ida S South 24th St. Council Bloffi It Seott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE ATLANTIC 1008. THE BEE will not b raapoaaibl tot nor than ona tncorret Inaartion of as edvartiaament ordered for mar than on ties CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:44 A.M. Mornins Edition : P- M. 6unday Edition 9 :00 P. M.. Saturday DEATH tt YlJNERAL NOTICES. CURTIS Eliia A., at tha home of her daughter, Mrs, Carrie Curlla Altnen. 1701 Davenport meet. Wedneeday morning. June . 1921. aged 69 She ia aurvlved by three daughters, Vrs. Carrie Curtis Althen of Omaha. Mrs f. T. Anderson of Ainsworth. Neb., and Mra. W. I). Mathewe. Harksnrings. Ark.; two son.-. Hurry Curtis of Prime ton. Idaho, and John Richurdson. Ka mlth. Idaho; four sister and one brother. . Mr Curtia will be at t'roeby-Moore funeral home. Twenty-fourth and Wirt treeta, end will be taken to Cam bridge. Neb. for interment. CHIVKRS Uus; Baltimore. Md., age 37 years. Funeral Friday morning. 10 a. m., from John A. Gentleman Mortuary. Burial In Forest l.awn cemetery, HAOF.RTY Mies Madeline, age 19, aur vlved bv parents, one brother and ona aietea of Omaha. Reeldence 50 N. :iith1St. Remnins at Heafey & Haafey Chapel. Funeral Notice later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS "STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST """"AMBULANCE "155!,,, Thirty-third and Farnam. TfiJLSE & RIEPEN ' HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Embaitiier. hon H. 166. Office 1611 Fernem. FOR AMBULANCB call - Market ejso. Korlaku Funeral Home. 3d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARM0N 11 Douglaa St. Douglas 844. L. Hendt-raon, 1618 Farnam. Jackaon 1268. JOHN BATH. ISM Farnam. D. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha. Vaaa and Mary Mlllch, 1025 R itreet, ''tawrence and Maria Greenland. S831 Charlea street, boy. Henry and Leona Brigga, 2706 Lake trRt'Eba'nd Antonta Palladino, 111J14 Sjouth Twenty-aecond atreet. boy. Max and Gussl Firef. 1433 Charles jVj.and Katherln Nightingale, 1624 Amei avenue, boy. Lewia and 8tella' Foral. 1418 Pierce atreet. boy. , , . , ... Sebaatlno and Josephln Catalapo, 61 Plerea atreet. boy. Finch and Fern Klmberly hospital, girl Peter and Mary Eger. 2724 South 12th tRhardy' and Elliabeth Scheuneman, 'johnlI,andy'Bertha Proktal. JB1S South Seventh (treat, boy. Deaths. Irvana Valda. 40. 6!3S South Twenty- Ta,fayVtr"tTurk, 60, HOT North Twen- rR.?t'ReDr.yor. 49, 2!0 North Thlr lieth street. Cue Bolaa. hospital. Wong Kaw. 65, hospital. Harold Thertla, infant, hoaptUI. Juliua F. Bernhard, 48. 3oSS Arbor WMraV C M. Hyland. S. hospital. CharlaV H. Oarvey. 20. 1920 South Flf- ULillla,trKailn., Infant. 2111 Poppl.ton venue. , MARRIAGE LICENSES. Roland Smith. 13. P. Soto, .Neb., and Xva Scbafar, SO. Blair, Neb. William A. Hellwagen. 23, J-vntN''nD.-aad Andrea J. Anderson. 22. Wayne, Nab. ' , Carl 3. Svar. 28. Caaper. Wyo, and Sadio Batllff, 25. Casey. Ia. Fred Berglund, 24, Omaha, and Elsa Johnson, 22. Omaha. Robert Lea Jackson. 35. Omaha, and Hattlo Ball. 11, Omaha. Ceorga P. Oorn, 28. Council Bluffs, la., and Margaretha L. Staata. 25. Council Bluffa. Ia. i - William R. Lillegren. 12, Omaha, end Frn Maadln. 19. Omaha. Franci M. Pulllam. 41. South Bend. Nab., and. Maria W. Thompaon. 3. South Band. Neb. Archl. B. Wyant. . O'Xelll Neb., and Bessie A. Vaught, 31. O'Neill Neb. . Charlea Shater. over 51, Murdnck, Neb, and France Campbell, over 18, South Banr, Neb. Umll 3. Schmtd, 29, Schuyler, Neb., and Chrtatln Sladek, 26, Schuyler, Neb. Samuel O. Hoden, 2t. Council Bluffs, la"-rnd Francea M. Quick, 19, Council Bluff la. . 'jlerbert Sohm, 22. Omaha, and Fay L. Anderson, 17, Omaha. r. Palmaulst. over 21, Omaha, and Dolll M. Smith, over VeK 18. Dunbar, Paul "latlea. 14. Omaha, and Margaret Anderson. 34. Omaha. -r.n T.mmanuel Hoe. 21. Council Bluffa. la., and Lazora Council Bluffa. Ia. M. Park, 18 45!lvi J. Lowrey, 10, Dunbar, Neb., and I,TCy Goton, 18. uunoar, ieu. Clareno Haa. 80, Mtnden, Ia.. and Al ma Wohlert, 22. Mlnden. la. Aloxander C. Weidanfeld. over 21. Oma . and Mail L. Alberry. over 18, Snaha. rHvld O. Paltlt. 11, Omaha, and Delia 4, Dudley. 18. Leper, Mo. Norman H. Jones, 28, Omaha, and Con- Mauic G. Wolf, 19, Omaha. t...nh Allen. 43. Omaha, and Anna Sdwaer. II. Omaha, 1 . Frank J. Nablty, 25. Omaha, and Eva M.-Watta, 29, Omahaj ' LQST, FOUND AND REWARDS, erti iTirt.K LOST an etreet car tele- " phon Tylar 80. Wa are anxious to re '' tor loat artielea to rightful ownera . OMAHA COUNCU. BLUFFS ST. BY. COMPANT. Trvsr k tnv Boston bulldog on Park Ave. near Nichola Senn hoapital. Anawers m nam Blllia: 125 reward. Tel. . Cortnn Condon. Har. 4825 or Har. 0404 BETWEEN Brandeia. South Side, pearl . aunburat with diamond in center, valued as heepsake. newara. r CLOVER leaf pin with pearl; reward. Call wptr ii. TORTOISE ahell glaaaea. Market 3872. -SPECIAL NOTICES. CONCESSION MEN AND SHOWS ATTEN LInr.A clean concessions, free at h.iii,., . Tnerrr-aa-round. ferris wheel I tnotor dome, etc.. for big American 5 legion celebration at Emmetsburg, Ia., ; "Yiiiv 1 and t. Writ for rserAationa and exslain what you hav to Wm. , Knight, chairman. tbomSBURG celebrate July Fourth. wri... k... ..a in tha line of conces .tr,. Oct la early. Owner, of ret buev. For In formation writ Earl J. Wright, Stroma burg. Neo. uitotw Hntel. Gothenburg. Neb., un Amr new management: dining room will inna : rates 82.(0 Per day an p. Th place that ticale your pal ate. Btevena r Bfvena, rropnuprn PERSONAL. tHB SALVATION Army Industrial horn solicits yonr old clothing, furniture, l magaalnei. We eoUect. W dlatrlbute 1 Phoa) Deo. 4115 and our wagon will rail. Call and Inspect our new home. 11U-1112-111 poag at. TRAINED nura will tak old people or . . . b.. - & Osljaaa as tarn nli. Inveltca to aer nom X-81 Be. S SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HE 88 VIOLET ray and maeeag. Minnie John, ' trtn. Hit Farnam. Dougla 44. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth Street Swedish tnaaaag. mau.109 B.20.D.6877. BENT Hoover vacuum. 11 up. Wl. 1947. 14 ELECTRO masaag. 118 Nevlll Block ELECTRIC hatha and maaaage. Web. 291 MASSAGE -Call Douglas 54. Barnins kf all kinds in Bee W..e kA. t BRINGING UP n : ! : n ; 1 1 ( a'a,-a-ou-oo:' I ( &vsolly- 11 1 w-vJ-vyhvt- U ( sw-oiovoo I sHO-i-i-i-picx WrNNA-.T.Tu-TU, U do: r -woknj N0W. ,o-o-xouj r stuoocRin?- 2 VA " ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDiON. aid-;, knife, eunburm. box pleating, covereci autton, an ". atylea; hemstitching, ploot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholea. oennanta. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 10 Brown Blk. Jackaon 19:1(8. Neb. Pleating A Button Co.. ISO farnarn St.. 2d floor. ricuelB" 6670 Contractors. GARAUB $1011 nnd up; house remodeling, arreena, porches, new and repair work, satisfaction guaranteed.. w- Stevena, 44" S. 22rt. .Market 0527. Corsetiere. HATTIK Putnam Nubone Corset Shop. 6o2 Karbach Hilt.. At. 2993. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCK BIGHT. Fancy. Stage and Ballroom Dancing j aught. T'Caann by Appoltitm.ent. EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Empress Theater. Atlautii: f646. Irtl DJna School for Danelng, J.ei-t Hie Farnam. Dong. 76( 2411 Detectives. RKLIABLK Detective Bureau. Rail" Ex. BldK. JA 256. Night Cel. ..M2. JAMES ALLAN. 813 Neville Blk. Evidence eacured in all casea. Atlantic 1138. . Dressmaking. DressmakiTig. Call Harley hotel. Room 243. Kodak Finishing. t tli a rf..iftniii' nrintlna: nnd enlarging. ... ... m . K. Cn. 407 Writ for price. Howard Ht. FILMS developed, one-day service. Kas Studio, 213-29 yevuie cm. BRITT Printing Co., 7 Elka Bldg. Furs. WE) remodel your fur and nslts like new. Fura aiorea ana against all losses. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO., 203 S. 16th. Doug. 7181. ' Labor and Building. WE can build you a good garage for 8100. We also deliver kindling. Micaim Lumber & Wreck Co., 24th and Bur dette, Webster 6655. Painting and Paperhanging. INTERIOR varnishing, enameling, floora waxed, wall paper cleaned, walnut, assi. ALL kinds of painting and paper hanging, work guaranteed. L. y, Mortensen.u. . PAINTING, paperhanglng and wallpaper cleaning. J. mu. walnut tani. Patent Attorneys. ATENT ATTORNEYS. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1718 Dodge, Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS Si SK to buy back at mll profit. GROSS JEWELRT COM 401 N. 16th St Doug las 6041. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 17th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Braas, bronae, aluminum and machine gray Iron caatlnga. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single. 36c; double edge. 4ac doz. mall orders so licited. Omaha Sharp Co. 103 N. 16th. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatu. LeBron Electric. 318 B. istn hi., umana. Fr.AT TIHE? CALL, D. 6603. WHITELEY. The TIRE MAN. 320 S. 13th. ROGERS Confectionery Store, 24th and Farnam St., Jackson 0127. Omaha Towel) Supply. 207 S. 11th. JA. 0628 FOR SALE. Furniture and Hounsehold Goods. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattreasea mad over In new ttck at ball tno price or new beda. 1907 Cuming. Jackson 2467. -BURNER gas plat atone with large size oven. 1309 So. 25th Ave. Douglas 8514. BED DAVENPORT. Kenwood 0428. Pianos and Musical Instuments. - $5 Down Puts a Piano in Your Home. Bight now we are offering some won dorful bargains in used pianos. Read this list and call tomorrow. Chlckering. upright only 1 72.00 Pease. UDrirht onlv 98.00 Hallett & Davis, upright only...., 146.00 Mghte & Co.. uprunt only -jvv.vv Richter. uorlaht onlv 225.00 sehmoller & Mueller, upright only.: 250.00 baa Sona. upright only......... ao.vv Free stool and scarf. . We rent pianos, do expert tuning, regulating, refinishlng ana moving. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co., . 1514-18-18 Dodse. DO 1621 GEORGE A. SMITH Dealer In druma, xylophones, etc., instruct. ons. repairing. AArirM 27S1 Tlfivennnrt St. for catalog. Phon Harney 2967. Try Smith's pedal. BIOGEST phonograph bargain in Omaha. Shtae Phonograph Co. 1404 uooge. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES, bought. old. rented and repaired. Sole agent for th CORONA. Oct our price before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Jackaon 412". 1912 Farnam PROTECTOGRAPHS. F. 4a .'; bargain. tit Farnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES W rant, repair, aell needle and parts. MICKEL'S 16th and Harney. Dooglaa 1971 TRUNKS and traveling goods, at low prlcea. will take your old trunn in on a new one; we do repair. ng. auria Cornish Co., 1210 Farnam St. WE buy, aell safes, make deck, ahow - casea. etc Omaha Klxtur A 8upply Co . w. cor. Jltn and Douglas, ja. -lie Q A T?1?Q BARGAINS. 12th F CilXf HlO j. j. Darlght Safe Farnam. Co. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS 'DESKS New desks, used desk bought, sold and traded, j. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. u. ie WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. . HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch th Domeatle column of Th Bee. Lot ef good place are always advertlaed. Don t mis tnem EXPERIENCED stenographer desirea poal tlon in amall town. Good reference. Box 31. Carroll, Neb. COLORED lady wanta work Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, can veo. evu. POSITION aa bookkeeper. Wal. 2164. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE washing at home. Web. 3804. DAY WORK. 40 and 4 Sc. Web. 23S5. DAY WORK, laundry. Webster 0202. VAY work wanted. Webster 1390. FATHER HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. International Accountants Society, Inc., 1115 City Nat l Bank Bldf. Phone Jackaon 3122. Largest and oldest extension School of Accounting In America. j naimnaii.v known Association of Certified Public Accountants. Under our method you can qualify quickly. Come and see ua or phone for appointment. Professions and Trades. WANTED On blang book forwarder. One blank bonk finisher. One stock tutter. One flat plate stereotyper. One ruler. Steady work and good wages and working conditions. Open ahop. Wire applications and reference at our ex pense. Hull Lithographing Company, Topeka. Kan. WANTED Non-union llntoype operators permanently, tor aay ana nigni worn. Addresa American & News. Aberdeen, S. D. MOLEIl BARBER COLLEGB. 110 So '4th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. A large middle-western concern desires the services of several high-class salesmen to sell a complete line of . heavy service cotton goods. Duck, canvas, drills, waterproof ma terials, bleached and dyed goods to the re tail, manufacturing and repair trade. This is a splendid op portunity for hard working, intelligent men. Ambitious young men without road ex perience will be con sidered. Address Mr. Rankin, P. 0. Box 92i, Toledo, Ohio. WANTED Experienced salesman to rep resent an established line and concern in northern Nebraska; salary and expense proposition. Address Box Y-1556, Omaha Bee WANTED Man to sell auto insurance. Call Friday or Saturday this week. A. B. Quigley, Sanford Hottel. Miscellaneous. MEN wanted for corn plowing, haying. Can place 25 men in tn next rew oaya. Apply at Farm Bureau," Court Houae, Council Bluffa, Ia. 1,000 MEN WANTED TO WEAR Uncle Sam's Shoes at 12.90 Per Pair. MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. 708 N. 16th. WANTED Experienced A No 1 job com positor, steady position to rigm party. 416 So. 14th St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. GIRLS to prepare for gov. bookkeeping and stenograpnie positions. i,iuu m 11,400 to start. Our personal lnatruc- tion qualifies you quickly. Write Bee, Box A-29. Professions and Trades. GRADUATE nurse wanted for supervisor 25-bed hospital. Vergil Hospital, or. folk. Neb. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Demonstratora. Houae to houae canvassing. Twenty Mule Team borax products. Salary ana commission, ap ply, g to 10 a. m.. 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. Mrs. Ada See. Room 313, Conant Hotel. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestlo Column of The Bee Want Ads, Good, well-paid and homelike place always advertised. wanted -A comDetent white cook, ref erences required. Apply airs, waru 'Burgess. 122 N. 22d Street. WANTED Elderly white woman to aaaist with general housework. Co nome nighta. Call Harney 6183. Miscellaneous. WANTED Housekeeper without children between 25 and 33-. Box 204, riatis- wrouth. Neb. WANTED A girl to aell Ice cream, pop and clgara. 1233 bo. I3tn. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men. ladles and boy to learn barber trade; big demand; wage wnil learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1401 Dodge at. Tri-mty warner oneso. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Meat market and residence sdioining: excellent business in live district of St. Psul, by owner; cash. Address Box Y-1561. FOR SALE Well established battery business in town of 4.000. Exile agency Address Box Y-1667, Omaha Bee. WANT to, hear from owner . having bust ness for sale. J. C. Ncconney, 110 Farnam street, Omaha, Neh, WANTED Couple to be married In public in the city soon, liberal induce' nient.i. Bee, Box A-2. PARTNER wanted In bus line business, one who can drive, with 1300. Box X-54. Bee. FOR SALE Pool room. For particular write J. P. Helnti. Creaton, Neb, EDUCATIONAL, DAT SCHOOL NIGHT CHOOU Complete couraea In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, abort hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial brancbe. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYLE3 COLLEGE. Boyiea Bldg.i Omaha. Tb. Van Sent School of Busineu. Day and Evening School. Ill Omaha National Bank Bid. Douglss I8tt. GLASGOW. ANNIE E, vole and piano. 603 Karbach Block. Jackaon 108L FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PESIRABLR furnished room, private fam llv. gentlemen preferred. 05 N. 2ith Ave, Harney 49 J. TWO NICE front rooms, modern, private home, walkin distance. Harney 2427. COZY, cool, mod. nu. Private. VJ. liii. THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JUNE 10, 1921. Registered V. S. faicot Offtc FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or 'iave you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for youT If ao, then call The Bee A'ant Ad Dept.. Tyler 1000, and we will oi only furnlah you with a complete .oom Hat of choice vacant rooms la Omaha, but also keep your number oa our Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In caae you wanted to make an other change. These Hats are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tleer of Tha Omaha Be and uubllahed olely for their convenience and benef't. Call any time. Atlantlo 1000. Want Ad Dept LARGE modern front room, i largo cloaets, convenient tor two, narney NICE front room. private family, car 2632 N. lth St. line, reasonable. NEWLY furnished, large rooms;, strictly modern: ion inicago. narney N1CF, room for 1 or -3 gentlemen, in private home. n b. aa. rx. NICE cool room, aouth and east exposure, suitable for two. nainutii". 2220 GRACE Nice front room to colored people. Webster 67 lu. 2 small sleeping rms. 1820 Capitol Ave. 2124 Douglas. Nice sleeping room. ROOM for gentlemen. Har. 4326. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE- KEEP1NO KUOMS in Ull. THE BEST IN CITT. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ATLANTIC 1000. WANT AD. TWO gentlemen wish housekeplng rooms, furnished; best ot reierence given, jvvue. 7166. between 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. suite of rooms, unfurnisnea, suitaoie for two. Private entrance, jn-enwoou 2913. . 2012 N. 18 Nicely furnisnea rooms. No objection to aman cnnurrn. ... 2 LARGE rooms. Apply 220V4 N. 23d St. TWO cool hkpg rma, everything fulshed, 7 week., mod., priv. noma. TWO-room apt., modern, convenient, bath floor. 128 So. -ibtn at. NICE clean housekeeping rooma at 211 N. 18th St. 019 ST MARYS AVE Housekeeping rms. Priced right. Mod., priv., all new. DO. 7442 FRONT room and kitchenette. At. 0860. HOUSEKEEPING rooma. KEnwood 0428. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT Alls, A-i i iu DO NOT FIND WHAT TOTT WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETS LIST OF ROOMS. . t.a Mnl rnnmi each auitable xor two. with board, special esunaay aiunr 60r. HILLSIDE INN, 2124 Davenport. ROOMS AND BOARD Room and board, J8.50 week; modern, clOBe In. Douglas 70Uo. liw ""in-, 2883 CAPITOL Ave., excellent board and rdom; private nome, wanting LARGE room, two gentlemen. Good horn cooking; warning distance. n.rnsy. 2562 JONES Nice large room, with board. for two. 38 week eacn. at. oh. Hotels. BUSINESS lady wishes same or middie- ae-ed lady to anare large, pieasani ruum f hntei. Occuoant AWiy all day. Box X-56. Omaha Bee. Unfurnished Rooms. ,m pnppt.tTON Ave.. 4 modern un with kitchenette, for light housekeeping. Call Harney 3331. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FURNISHED modern home for rent to re- sponsible couple witnout ciwuren .Tune is to SeDt. 1st. cloae in, references. Reasonable to right party. Harney 2190. WIT.T. share fur. home with couple or i girls employed; reas. w cotter Unfurnished. i irrf mnd.rn. clone to Fontenelle park, Vi block to car line, t or J3 month lease to responsible peonie. Call Ken wood 6272. . FOR RENT-APTS. AND FLATS, Furnished. ironrpu fcnufiitiAeninff apt., alao sleeping. ai n swentwood Ave., near 26th and Harney. Unfurnished. Peters Trust Company, Spec) a Mate In apartment management. MODERN Apt., i rooms, kitchenette artd bath. Janitor service. i4D.uu. ine x-erou. ing, S23 S. 24th. ' TWO modern 4-room apts. : close In. G. P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. FOR RENT Business Property DESIRABLE office space with or without desk. Ftione service. iouptih is-ov. SEE F. D. WHAD. S10 8. 18TH ST. FOR RENT COMPTOMETER. FOR rent, comptometer. Douglaa 8583. MOVING AND STORAGE. MOVE IT YOURSELF. Do you buay people know es pecially those who have to put fn a full day' worn that . you can rent a one-ton Ford (tuck and ' Drive It Youreejf night or day and do all your trueking or moving. Handle your own stuff and cut your cost half In two. W never cloae. Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard. Jackson 8623 FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CO. RTnWAOW MOVTNG. PACKINf HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS, REASONABLE RATES, - ' FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF TfOTTSF.S AND APARTMENTS. 1107-11 HowaM St Jackaon 0288, rrnitPRnop warehouse. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing; and nipping. CivTktfl VAN AMD STORAGE CO.. 100 Soh 16th. Doug. 4161 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO, Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Atlantlo S400, UNION TRANSFER CO. . Let u estimate your moving, packing and atorage. 1605 Davenport. JA. HORSES AND VEHICLES. TEAM of mares, wagon, hnrnesa, 8 cre corn. 1 acre potatoes. Kenwood 2216. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings 84.60 per 1P: del. W. Wagner. 801 N. 14th, Dg. 1142. FORTY laying hens. Kenwood 4467. LIVE STOCK. JERSEY heifer, fresh 1 wk. KE 4310-8. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. vv: sell "ued not abused cara. Tna is not aU we will buy your car for rnh and se 1 It back to you on time. SALEADAT CAR CO.. 4nth and Farnam. npen mini fl:" r. m. NKW and uaed cars bought and euld. (ftldstrom Auto Sales.- 1318 Harney. SEE JIC.GS AND MAGGIE IN FULL FACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 1920 Buick Roadster. Her you are. an exceptionally good K-44 1920 Bulck roadster with new tires and reflntahed complete. Every detail on this car is Just like new and our price la right. Call Dougla 1970 for Information. Guy L. Smith. BE SURE TO ATTEND THE USED CAR SALE . AT THE PETERSON MOTOR CO.. 2718 Farnam St, ALL THIS WEEK Open evenings. Harney 5066. OAKLAND COUPE. Here la a fine little 4-passenger coupe, Just like new In every respect. Fully equipped, Including slip covers, motormeter, bumpers, extra tire tube and cover, shock absorbers, etc. All tires are brand new and you can scarcely tell th car from a new one. Guaranteed In every respect and a bar gain for someone. Call Douglas 19i0. OUT L. SMITH. WE have 150 acre or land, vaiuea at 13,000, two miles from t-Quniy oeai town. We will trade for used. not abused cara. Saleaday Car Co., 40th and Farnam. 80ME bargain in uaed Kurd car. c- Caffrey Motor co. tarn oinuj r.,m 8ervice Statlop. 'h and Jackaon, Dougla 8600. USED cars, bought, sold snd exchanged. TRAWVEH AUTO. CO.. Zilio r arnam at. 476 takes my late Scripps-Booth , very nne condition, riamm tvv. Squire's garage, 2619 Farnam St. H. Repairing and Painting. WHITE garagei gen. auto repair, atorage and auto painting; day ana nignt. Mu lct: all work guaranteed. New manage ment. Glen Morse. 723 8. 27th. JA. 0422. Clltes & Peterso), suto repair. 810 S. 26th. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 819 S. 24th. Accessories. INTERLOCK Inner tires and reliners do prevent punctures and oiowouis. vui canUers Supplv Co.. 2912 Farnam St. FARM LANDS. Minnestota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange. St. Paul. Minn. Miscellaneous. $800 Secures 90 Acres With 2 Teams, 3 Cows and All tools, equipment Included: prom able farm, prosperous community, few ateps village, easy drive county seat: 40 acrea fertile fields, fine for grain, corn, fruit, vegetables; spring-fjatered, wire fenced pasture, large herd; eatimated 600 corda wood, lots tlmger, apple or chard; comfortable cottage, veranda, de lightful oak shade, splendid view, bli barn, poultry house. Retiring owner 82.600. only 3800 cash, easy terms. Page 89 Illus. Catalog. 1,100 i.nrir.iina free Strout Farm Agency. 831 B. F.. New York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residence. B. H. LOUGEE. INC 618 Kecline Bldg. . OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FAKMB O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 271S. 8100 to 810.000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD. Weed Bldg.. 110 8- I8tn ex. Miscellaneous. r have 2 mtes for trade: one for 32.660, payable monthly, 7 l-o per cent inirr., Also one for 82,200 and some cah to buy a houae located ana pncea im. rn Mr. Tbllver. Kenwood 1086, or nt RASP BROS., 21t Keeltne Bldg. AT. 0721 1ST MORTGAGES bought. Ja. 1180. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Buyers Waiting. for 5 and 6-room modern houses; quick sale guaranteed if price is reasonable. Phone us today, let s talk it oyer. D. E. BUCK & CO., REALTORS. 442 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Jackson 2000. Evenings, Nwlon. a. im;i rm, WE. 88J2: Buck, KE. 2834. Have $2,500 Cash. Want hungalow centrally located. Stier Realty Company, Douglas 6545. 715 Patera Trust Blag: To buy or aell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DUiN AhU 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. ' Jackson 1420 HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List It with ;. A. Orlmmei. umana ivat i LIST homea and Income pronerty witn GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. Bk, Bldg. jaeKson is. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOME C. B. S1 UHi LU, City Nat'l Bldg. . Dougla 7T. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M CAGUE INVEMMh.Nl lu., 1508 Dodge St. Douglas 1845. OTTJ T TT'T'T REAL ESTATE: DLIXIXCj I X Sells. Rents. Inaurea 3S0 Peter Trust Bldg. Jckson 0633. WANT a C or 8-room home: can pay 3300 cash. 325 a month; good party, X-60 Omaha Bee. LIST with us. We guarantee "eeuij. STIER ftGALTl tUi 111 ne. T.lETtvriH WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 413 Karbach B. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. 1200 lot easy terms, Amos Grant Co., 3S0 Brandets Th. Bldg. Douglas 8380. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. 99 TEAR LEASE. Ha 200.4 feet frontage on Farnam street, by 139 feet on 20th treet. No reappraisal during llf ff-L'f location in city for DEPARTMENT tube .It. e a I, A ROE CLUB HOL8E. Located eouthwet corner 20th and Farnam afreets. Rental value r as sured here. No waiting, your Inveet ment in a building would be secure at thi location. Room for 23 atores. Think of th possibilities of revenue. Farnam street la the main artery to the west. Other competitive street will grow, but Farnam atreet will alway lead. Full Information at offlc only. HARRY M. CHRISTIE COMPANT. Douglas 8373. ' 70S Keelln Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Florence. Netnaway, Flor. prop., do evicted, KE. W9 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. $2,750. In Benson we have a six-room house with an unusually large lot; ground 68.5x128 feet. Consider able In the way of fruit. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, DO 83n SS0-2-4 Brand. Th. Bldg. Dundee. PRICE 8J.860. A seven-room atrictly modern home, located within the best residence dis trict in Dundee. Can be handled on reasonable tcrma. Call Jackson 1009. H. A. SCOTT COMPANY, 207 McCague Building. New Dundee Home. Six-room (.three corner bedav-ms), S Btory home. Beautifully flnltljart. Fire place. Complete In every detail. eiA'age. 82.600 cash: terms on balance. S FiftCth Ave. Mattson & Smails, Douglas 8102. 1214 City Nat'l Bank. REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES CHOICE, completely furnished lake shore cottage. Clear Lake, Ia., season 3300. E. L. Renner, 1528 13th St., De Moines, Iowa. (j REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Remis Park, $6,150. A two-story. 8-room, all modern homo in excellent condition: re cently painted; hot water heat: set front lot, 1 block from Har ney car line: price Just reduced 8500 for quick deal; 32,000 ch required; quick action If you want this bargain. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Douglas 2850. 918-20 City National. Owner of Omaha residence will ac cept C. Da for his clear residence in Walnut Hill District (west side). Six rooms, oak floora and finish, full base ment. 2-atory, paved street, near school anr car line. Offered 80 per month rent. Owner. Box Y-7, umana. cee. FOR SALE Five-room bungalow, double garage, large living room, fireplace. Thl la a real bungalow. Oak and white enamel finish. Only 36.500. Call Walnut 2812. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOH AN, 21 Paxton Blk. Atlantlo 4880. FIVE rooms modern, except hetr paved atreet; garage; 83,600; 1(00 cash. Wal nut 1703. ' D. K. BUCK CO. buy and sell homes. North. Minne Lusa Bungalow Read This One $500 Down We have a strictly modern, nearly new S-room bungalow, large living room and dining room, built-in buffet, bedroom with beveled plated French doora and full mirror doors, bath with base tub. kitchen with one-piece . slnk. built-in features, all oak floors and oak finish, full cement basement, furnace heat. Owner leaving the city will glv P"eae- .. alon In 4 hours; price 37,000. Thie is a real bargain and we can prove it. Payne Investment Co., 131 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. CO. 1719. Sundays ce.ll KE. 3227. $2,450. This house 1 located at 3015. Franklin . St.: it ha city. wtr, gaa .and elec. lights: garage for one car; all in nice shape: might handle a low 8200 down; this Is a good buy, so let us bear from you early. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, Douglas 3380. 880-2-4 Brandei Th. Bldg. $2,800. House arranged for two fami lies. Near 20th and Grace. First floor has five rooms and bath, second floor haa four rooma and bath. . Amos Grant Co., Realtors, DO. 8380. ' 330-2-4 Brand. Th." Bldg. 5 ROOMS AND BATH. 32,700. Four good rooms downstairs, one big bedroom and bath up: full basement not finished: ewer, lights and gas; wa ter In atreet, pipea all In but not con nerted; 80 ft. lot. H, blocks to ear and stores. 2H block to chool; sick nes compels ssle; no raise in price; 8800 cash, balance 326 per month ln . eluding interest. Open for inspection any evening after 6. 3426 Taylor St. OWNER CiOlNO TO CAPK COD. Will sacrifice nearly new Minne Luaa bungalow, in fineat of repair; tine garage and cement drive- Immediate possesalon; )T,(00 takes it, about 91,000 cash. RASP BROS., 213 Keeline Bid,- AT. 0721.' JUST LIKE RENT. A six-room strictly modern stucco heme, high snd sightly, mav be bought practically like rent. This le new. Just two blocks from the car: east front. Atlantic 3S01 evenings. Douglas 7412 days. Mr. Cars.. NEAR 24TH AND AMES. S-room all modern bungalow, oak finish, full cement basement, east front, block from car line. 85,250, terma. R. F. CLARY CO., REALTORS, !4TH AMES.- KEN. 0178. SOUTH FRONT t rooms: sun room; frame and tucco bungalow; garage to match. Alfred Thomas Son. Jackson 00(4. J. & ROBINSON, real utst and lnve. meat. 843 Peter Trust. Doug. 809T. FOR & . The entire real eiUtavi personal property,' bills and accounts receivable, equipment and jood-wlll ef th Femurs' Union of Bayard will b sold for cash to th highest bidder on Wedneiday, June 15. 121, at th hour of 2 p. m., by th Board ef Director of th Fanner' Union of Bayard, at the offlc ef Richard Carter, Bayard, Neb. None but aealed' bid will be considered, and said sealed bids must be mailed to Richards c Csrter. Bayard, Neb., so that they may b received before th hour nd day set for th sale. A certified cheek for IISO must accompany each bid. Each prospective bidder will bv th opportunity ef inipttin and Invoicing th said property after June I, 192J. IRA DORMER. Sec. . 1 ' ' Drawn for The Bee by McManu Copyright. 1PM International New Service Nebraska Druggists Will Meet in Fremont At Next Convention Columbus. Neb., June 9. (Spe cial Telegram.) After a spirited contest in which Fremont and Hast ings ran neck and neck for three ballots, the former city was named the meeting place of the Nebraska State Pharmaccntical association next summer. The first ballot stood 41 each, the second ballot the same and the third 4o to 40 m lavor oi Fremont. Another contest of much interest was in the question of ap proving or turning down the Mich clson bill introduced"" in the legisla ture last winter, that will be rein troduced two years hence. The bill iises the requirements necessary to ficcome a registered druggist. It would require three years and a graduation from an accredited school of pharmacy ass well as graduation from high school as a preliminary. The question did not come to a vote but was discussed frfin every angle. The members and their wives to gether with a number of invited guests, numbering in all 250, attend ed their annual banquet and the carnival ball. William Clayton of Grand Island was elected president of the asso ciation. J. H. McBride of Lincoln was re-elected secretary, trd D. D. Adams of Nehawka, treasurer. Turner Haines was named for the state board. "REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. NEAR KOUNTZ PARK FOR TRADE. Six-room, mod. houae; garage; paved atreet; lot 48x150: east front; renting for 863 per mo. Would take in a good car up to 81,200. Call Mr. Tolivar, Atlantic 0721. BEMIS PARK Seven-room Harney 2049. modern house, garage. 4720 N. 39TH ST. Good 6-room house, modern except beat. 8700. balance monthly. Crelgh, SOU Bee. JA. 0:0. South. " Field Club District, 1326 South 35th Street. Owner Moving Out of . City. A good two-story frame, with 4uarter-awed oak floors and fin ish on firat floor: 4 bedrooms and bath on aecoad floor: floored at tic; good cement basement; east front on beautiful lot, between Poppleton and Woolworth; a very comfortable and easily heated house. Price 99,000. .. A. P. Tukey & Son, 620 First Nat. Bank. JA 4223. RENTERS! As long as you pay rent you are wasting your money. Put your rent money in a home of your own. We'll sell you one on easy payments. Creigh, Sons & Co. Established 1868 608 Bee Bldg. Jackaon 0200 The Board of Education will ell at public auction at ten o'clock a. m., Monday, June 13, 1921, four houses located as fol lows: 3032, 3102, 3208 Burt St. and .811 North 3 1st St. Houses to be removed within 30 days. Terms cash. James L. Dowd, auctioneer. Sale will be held on the premises. For par ticulars of sale, inquire of the undersigned. W. T. Bourke, Secretary, 603 City Hall. j, gar CTTflnrero SALE ..... . Lin 3MIJ I ass r. Oil Operators i Protest Against I New Mexican Ta Increase of 23 Per Cent oa Petroleum Brings Many Kicks to State De partment. Washington, June 9.A new ele ment was in iected into the Mexican question today, through formal pro test to the. State Department uy American oil operators, against ths 25 per cent increase in taxes on pe troleum, under a decree issued m Mexico since negotiations lor the drawing of a treaty of amity an4 commerce were begun. In some circles the opinion was expressed that this situation might have to be faced before final adjust ment could be made of the more ba sic question of diplomatic relations between the two governments. Although uninformed officially oi the statement issued in Mexico City last night, in which it was asserted President Ubrfgon couia not such a treaty as has been proposed bv the United States as a condition of recognition, it was learned that publication of the statement occa sioned no surprise here. It was in timated that Obregon's recent an swer to the proposals OI ine .-ia n. wit nf a similar char acter. This communication has not as yet been replied to, ana it was indicated would not be except by George T. Summerlin, charge d at faires, in his conversations at Mexico C'oifrials, it was said, look for the negotiations to' be concluded suc cessfully. Drueserjow Plans to Again Make Race for Legislature Lincoln, June 9. (Special.) Rep resentative Bob Druesedow of Oma. ha stated in Lincoln today that the next election probably would find his name on the ballot as a candw date for the state legislature. Druese dow stated that the rather rough way in which he was handled at th winter's session had not dented him in the least. "Oh, you know, strong boats ar made to withstand rough seas," wa his comment on the political hurrw cane which struck him during: tha session. . Druesedow declared that his Sarpy county annexation bill, although kill ed, had awakened the residents oi that county to the need of good roads. "They've got better roads there than they ever had before," he said. Highway Association Want9 Lower Freight Rates Lincoln, June 9. -(SpeciaD Res olutions urging President Harding to redouble his efforts in getting lower freisrht rates were urged at a meetina- of the Denver-Lincoln-DeV. troit Highway association by Wal- ' ter Livingstone of Hastings, Mayor W. B. Mills of McCook and O. G. Smith of Kearney, president of the Nebraska Good Roads association. -Real Estate Transfers Matilda A. Cletach and husband to Emma E. Nlssen. Decatur at., 118.8 ft. e ef 83d at., s . 60x117.6.8 4.759 Melville 8. dturgeon to Mary E. smith, snth t , 60 ft. of y t., e s. 80x110. snd other l.TSt Carroll F. Gratf and wife to Carrie Cohn, Madison at. 135 ft. a ef 28th St.. a . 120x139 164 Thomas Gillespie to Mary Domlnall, 3od st.. lvihi rt. or a. at., w , 37UX130 S.iOi Henry Stanek and wife to John BrzonkowiKl, aw cor. 39th ana , sts.. 82x130 S68 Helen E. Jeffcoat to Stuart H. Grenvllle. 14th ave . 30 ft. of Camden avo.. w a. 81x142 1 Nellie O. Detwellcr and husband to Kanna Moluf, 46th at., 80 ft. n of Miami St., w s, 80x142 '. 1,400 Merrill H. Garrison and wife to Not Pearl Jones, Spencer St., 190 ft. e of 21st St., S B, 80x124 80S Samuel S. Lanyon and wife to A. A. Schrempp, Poppleton ave., 108 ft. e of 61st St., n a, 63x128 400 A. A. Schremp and wife to Julllua Schadendorf, Poppleton ave., 108 ft. e of (let at., n a. 82x128.... 809 Samuel Harold Jamieson, guardian, to Fred 8. Knapp. se cor. 27th ' and Ellison ave., 33x131.7, undiv. two-thirds 889 Samuel Harold Jamleaon and wife to Fred S. Knapp. ae cor. 27th and Ellison eve.. 33x133.7 4,J0 Anna D. Dace to Anna N. Busch et al., 34th at.. L63 ft, n. of Oak at., w s. 40x138'. (,128 Amelia P. 8chneiderwlnd to Cleo Durnell and wife, aw cor. 60th and Pacific ats 60x128... J.100 Arthur H. Brigga to John R. Web ster, Co., Dewey eve., 60 ft. w of 44th at., s s. 60x127 S00 Charles W. Martin and wife to Charles W. Mason et al., 'Titus ave,, 120 ft. w "of Minn Luaa ave., n a. 68x123 980 Thew A. Carley to Jacob Slosburg, jr., Farnam at., 44 ft ot 12th at., n , 22x132 12.500 E. E. Bruce to Elmer E. Msnler, ne cor. 45th and Misml sts., 40 X122.5 800 W. C. Marsh and wlf to Nettie O'Rourke. ne cor. 46th and Charles t., 140x200 8,000 Alex O. Gustafaon and wife to Dan Moacowits and wife, ae cer. 43th and Miami sts.. 60x126 7,200 Laura A. Jolley and husband to Ar. thur C. Pancast, 57th St.. 200 ft, n. of Pratt at., e. e., 40x134 ' J Laura A. Jolley and husband to Jo Stephenson. 36th ave., 80 ft. a. of r-pauldlng at., e. S . 40x134 1 Kate Wortman Miner to A; W. Calhoun and wife. Pratt at., 100 ft. e, of 27th St.. n. .. 68x128... 7,100 Edward Gilbert to Nellie Marino, s. w. cor. 13th and Pin sts., 60x 140 '. 4,000 Angle O. Persels, guardian, to Mary E. Hook. Spauldlng at., 181 ft. w. of 26th ave., a. a.. 60x126.... 1,000 Angl G. Peraela, administratrix, to Mary E. Hook. Spauldlng et . 251 ft. w. ot 28th ave.. a. . 60x128.. I0 J. ' Leonard to George F. Jones, Seward St., 91 ft. w. of 16th St., n. ., 25x130 I.6TI Milton McCleav et al. to George : F. Jones, a. w. cor. 2Jth and Fort sts., 95x118. 6 11,009 Louis Fadanelll and wife to Myer Mpofaky, Wirt St.. 448 ft. w. of 4 2d ave.. a. .. 40x135 600 Hugh H. Harper and wife to Louie Fadanelll, Wirt at.. 446 ft. w. of 42d ave., s. a., 40x135 J00 Alexander Swansl and wife to Ella Simon, 22d at.. 163 ft. a. of O at., e. s 27'.ixl30 t7 Frank L. Kllby to Irolin Dy Me Kenzle. Lothrop at . 74 ft. . ot JOth at., n. a 60x124 1 CJeorg Tllden to Arabel M. Kim ball, Farnam at , 307 ft. w. of 10th at., a. a . 60x132 40,009 E. B. Towl to Charlotte Towl, B. . cor. 23d and L sts., 60x110 1 Charles W. Buell snd wlf to Flor ence J. Brown. 49th St.. 48 ft. a. of Nicholae St., w. a.. 60x126 ,659 Byron G. Burnank and wife to Loval B Cohn, Seward at.. 16 ft. e. ot 26th St., n. ., 24x86, and other property 7,000 Peder Skrlver and wife to National Refining Co., n. e. cor. 0ih and Hamilton at., . 60x100 9.830 Frank J. Seller and wlf to Anna Konecky. lid at., 100 ft. s of Woolworth ve., e. a. 80x120 8.809 Theresa Moore and husband o Thomas B. Hughes, !6th at., 76 ft. n.' of Case at., e. s., 67x 1,069 Joseph W. Wachtler and wtf to . Peter M. Veaclo. 0th at.. 120 ft. n. of Wirt at., e. s, 40x144 809 Ei die W. Banning and wife to Will Urn H Gates. 14th ave. 121 ft. a. of Fort st . w. a. 6Dxl42. 80 Homestead O. to Jaceb S. Handel- ldNl man, n. . cor. 86th and foik i 1 x I I S '