Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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    Up-to-Date News and Gossip of Interest to Sport Fans
Timely Hitting
Helps Buffaloes
Trim Boosters
O'Brien Wallops Circuit Clout
Over Center Field Fence
Omaha Gets Early
Des Moines, June 6. Timely hits
in the early innings, including a home
run over the center field fence by
O'Brien, enabled Omaha to take the
odd game of the series from Des
Moines, 6 to 3, today. Score:
4ilalaaoo, lb 3 V 6 1
Hiirrh, c ,.... 0 0 t 1 0
M.rlifln. rf 0 0 1 0 If 8 13 3 0 0
T.rllTflt. lb 0 3 B 0 0
Manev. 8b B A 0 1 1 0
O'Brien, rf 4 3 0 0
Massey. as ,3 0 S 8 8 0
1. Ingle, rf-e 3 1 8 1 0 0
Baunigartner, p , , 4 0 0 V 3 0
Maybe Phrenologist Had Something
To Do With Dempsey Becoming Boxer
(Coejrleht, l2l. by Kiss FetUrat Sydaloate, Inc.)
Editor"! Note-Thle it ths flrct of s series of 13 artTrles which will war dally In thli column
which deal with the early dsya of Jack DamtHny'i humorous, pluturewivw. ana vw
IntcrwUng career. TUe next uiiiaiuuui sppeara tomorrow.
Total ST II 87 IS 1
Kennedy. If A 11 3 0 0
Grant. 3b 4 1 1 0 1
Mueller, lb 5 0 0 14 0 0
O'Connor, rf 3 0 1 0 0 0
Milan, cf 4 0 0 3 0 1
I of fry, 2h 3 114 4 0
Brown, a 4 0 1 1 4 0
Anderson, e .8 0 3 3 0 A
lllHrk. p 3 0 0 S 0
x Banner 1 0 0 0 0 0
Total .- 35 8 8 37 13 3
xHaumgertner batted for Burrh In 7th.
x Banner batted for Black In Otb.
Omaha 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 36
Vm Moines 0 0000801 03
Summary Home runt O'Brien. Two
base hits: l.lngle, Massey, Browu. Socrl.
fire bit I Maury. Stolen base! O'Brien.
Ieft on buwi Omaha, 8; Dee Moinra, n,
Htrurk out i By Black, 8; by Baumgertner,
3. Ilaae on halls I Off Black, 3: off Baum
gartner, 8, Hit by pitched ball: lty Bauni
gartner, O'Connor, Earned runai Omahii,
4 1 Ie Moinra, 3. .Umpires: Buckley ami
Guthrie. Timet li27.
Witches Get One
Hit; Sooners Take
Third Game, 1 to 0
Oklahoma City, June 6. Mitchell
held the erstwhile slugging Witches
to one hit today, a double bv Butler
in the fifth, and Oklahoma City took
the deciding game of the series, 1 to
0. Doubles by Hughes and Graham
accounted for the only nm of the
game in the eighth. Score:
Pitt, rf 4 1 -a
Hushes, as a 1
Berger, u',1 0 1 alShanley, 2b 3 1
Kaet, rf t 0 1 01 harper, cf 4 8
M'Do'el, lb 3 Old ulGraham, lb 4
10 1
Smith, ef 4 0 1 0
Washn. 2b 4 1 6
nniti. i h a 2 a
Butler, 3b 3 1 1 ll.MoorJ, If 4 0 1
Blak'sly. If 3 1 01 Wright. 3b 2 0 1
Haley, o 3 0 3 2Parker. o 3 0 3
ureaory, p 2 u a .( .vlltcnell, p 3
i Totals 11 1:7 13
Totals 28 1 24 161
XOrlffin batted tor Gregory In ninth.
Score by Innings:
Wichita n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Oklahoma. City....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Summary Run: Hughei. Errors: But
ler. Gregory, Shanley, Wright. Two-base
hits: Bullrr. Hughes, Graham. Sacrifice
hit: Bhai'V;. stolen baser: Wright. Base
on balls: . Gregory, 1. Struck out: By
Mitchell. .'". 1 u Gregory. 2. Hit by pitched
ball: By MtOfeell.- Grtffln. Double play:
Harper to 1. raham. Left on bases: Wich
ita, 3; '':homa City. 8. Umpires: An
derson Becker. Time: 1:30.
Saints, 10; Packer. 4.
St. Joseph, Mo., June 6. St. Joseph
pounded two Sioux City pitchers from the
box today and took the final game of
the series, 10 to 4. Ilovlik did not allow
a hit until the sixth inning. Score:
Con'Ily, 3b 6 2 0 3
Beatty, lb 2 0 8
Fisher, If 4 2 0
Cor'don, Sb 5 4 2
pon'wlts, cf 5 1 6
Orover, rf 6 3 0
wuier, 2D 0 2 6
Crosby, 0 3 2 6
Hovllk. p 4 0 1
Totals 38 It 27 10
Fox, sa '6101
Stelnb'r, 3b 4 0 3 0
Faddo'k. cf 4 1 3 0
Mats, lb 3 16 1
RoMson. If 8 1 3 0
Harbor, rf 3 0 2 0
JlaiT, 3b 4 0 0 2
Spellm'n, e 2 0 1 0
Parts, p 0 0 0 1
Stewart, p 1 0 0 2
Lets, ti 2 0 10
Graham, e 1 1 1 0
Total! 33 6 24 7
Score by Innings:
Sioux City 1 0000011 14
St. Joseph 5 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 x 10
Summary Runsi Paddock, 2: Graham.
S; Connolly, Beatty, Fisher, Corrldon, 2;
Bonowtts, Grover, 3; Nufer, Crosby. Er
ror: Roblson, Connolly,' 2; Corrldon, 2.
Earned runs: Sioux City, 3: St Joseph, 8.
Base on ball: Off Stewart. 3: off Lotz,
3; eff Hovllk, 4. Struck out: By Stewart,
1; by Lots, t; by Hovlik. 6. Left on
bases: Sioux City, 1; St. Joseph, 11. Wild
)!lchs: Stewart, 2. Two-base hits:
Bonowltz, Nufer, !; slats. Paddock. Three
base hits: Crosby, Grover. Balk: Hovllk.
Sacrifice hits: Steinbrenser, Beatty, Hov
ilk. Stolen bases: Corrldon, Crosby. Bon
owits. Umpires: Holmes and Ormsby.
Time: 1:65.
Oilers. 7s Miners, S.
Though crippled ana with several play
ens switched, the Oilers made It two out
of three from Joplin by winning today's
came, T to 2. Adams waa In fine form,
the visitor's threatening in only one in
ning. Score:
Chr's'n. cf 4 0 4 1
Smith, lb 4 3 3 0
Jlob'son, ss 4 3 3 4
Brats' hi, if 3 1 1 0
Mueller. 8b 4 3 1 1
Kraeg'r. lb 8 0 3 3
Strain, rf 3 0 3 1
Dunn. 0 10.21
Sohenb'g, p 2 0 0 1
Cedy. e 3 0 0 0
xWalker 1
Burke, Sb 2 114
Tho'son, 3b 5 1 0 1
Boehler. If t 0 2 0
Todt, rf 4 2 3 0
Query, lb 3 1111
Bennett, cr 4 1 4 0
M Gln'ie. es 4 1 2 3
Heving, 0 4 3 4 2
Adams, p 4 2 14
Totals 36 12 27 It
0 0 0!
Hill. P 0 0 0 0
Totals 31 734T2
xWalker batted for Schenberg in eighth.
Score by innings:
Joplin ..0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 03
Tulsa 3 0 1 1 0 1 0 3 x 7
Summary Rons: Smith, Robertson,
Burke, Boehler, Todt, McGlnnts. Heving,
3; Adams. Errors: Smith, Schenberg,
Burke, Bennett. Two-base hits: Todt,
"Mueller. Three-base hits: Bennett, Todt.
Sacrifice hits: Dunn. Bratschi. Krueger.
Stolen bases: Burke, Query, 3. Double
playe: Strain to Robertson; Adams to Hev
ing to Query. Runs and hits: Oft Schen-
Berg, a ana s in 1 inninsjs. ease on nana:
Off Adams. 1; off Schenberg, 4. Struck
vt: By Adams. 3: by Schenberg, 1. Left
n bases: Tulsa, 8; Joplin, ti. Umpires:
Dalv and Burnslde. Time:-1:44.
Victim of 4th Burglary
T -XT rgi . Ci 1- - T.11,
. Ilia 1 Par A OO OU'3 IO IdlK
TTV- tttrU 4 : .via MMtliin 1 r
burglars looted the Star store, 1831
North Twenty-fourth street, Sunday
night and made away with $2,500
. , -1 i i .
worm ui jiici.itnui3
, r, a 1 T . . f - 17 t
and Haney for a report of his loss,
M. Lvmson, propneior, saia, t am
too sick, I have to go home. Don't
ask me what I lost.. Come some
other day."
Entrance was gained by battering
a back door. The loot, .which con
sisted of shoes, clothing and jewelry,
was carted away in a truck, police
say. -
Reds Slay 100 Prisoners in
Khabarovsk as They Quit
Tokio, June 6. (By The Asso
ciated Press.) The Hochi Shim
bun's Harbin correspondent says
today that the bolsheviki, who are
preparing to evacuate Khabarovsk,
capital of the Maritime province of
Siberia, shot 100 political offenders
in jail there, ?
Jack Dempsey dipped deeply into
a portion of grapefruit served by a
fashionable New York hotel and
then chuckled. '
"HiwI bawl this is a laugh," he
grinned. , "Here I am in New York
spending 60 cents for an appetizer
for breakfast fhe same amount of
money that used to buy me three
complete meals when I hit the town
for the first time in 1916. Those
were the days oh, boy, I'll say they
Dempsey's eyes seenmk to drift
back over the chasm of five years
and then he Smiled again.
"Say," he burst out, "did I ever
tell you about that first trip of mine
to New York? Every time I thick
about it I find a big laugh in n, even
though the going was mighty tough.
I guess every fighter that hits the
big town has a rough voyage for a
while and I was no exception."
"Why not spin the yam now
begin the whole thing with the start
of your career," was suggested.
"All right if you think it will be
interesting I am all set and ready to
go now. And the first thing I'll tell
you is that maybe a phrenologist
had something to do with my be
coming a boxer.
"Along about the time I was about
7 years old the family lived in Mont
rose, Colo. The town put on some
sort of fair and my dad took me
along to look things over. One of
those - traveling phrenologists was
parked there under a little tent and
iie agreed to reveal the future of
anyone for the total sum of four bits.
My father led me up for a cranial
bump inspection and tossed over the
50 cents.
"It seems that before the phrenolo
gist cot around to me he had elected
six of the town kids to become fu
ture presidents of the United States,
had passed out two United States
scnatorships aud had awarded four
governorships' to some of the other
kids. So when 1 wanaerea along- ne
had no more first-class political jobs
"He monkeyed around with my
head bumps for a while and seemed
to be debating over some nice re
fined future forme. But the best
he could do was to discover that I'd
be a fighter.
"'But,' he said to my father, per
haps by way of apology, 'this boy
will be a great fighter. Yes, sir, yes
sir a great one. And some day he
will become a champion.'
"That, I guess, set my dad to
thinking. Up to that time he had no
worry about my tuture. Jfresent
worrying was enough for him. But
dad seemed to have some sort of
faith in phrenologists because a few
weeks afterward, when I got into
a quarrel with one of the kids who
lived next door, dad didn't halt the
festivities. He let us go right along
smacking each other while he stood
by and watched us.
"Earlier when dad caught any of
us Dempsey boys squabbling with
neighborhood kids he would shoo us
home in a hurry and follow us up
with a call down. But that day I
guess my father wanted to see, if
at the age of 7, I had any fighter
makings within me.
"I didn't whip the kid and he
didn't whip me. He was heavier,
taller and older, but the fight, in
which neither of us waS damaged,
could be called a draw. But dad
seemed quite satisfied with the show
ing I had made.
Tigers Hammer
Athletic Hurlers
Hit Four Home Runs Detroit
Gets 19 Hits--Win,
12 to 8.
Omaha Bet's Official Racing Form Chart
OMAHA, Neb- Monday, June 6, 1921 Fourth
FIRST RACE Fivs Furlongs. Purse $400,
-v W.....V, ,,ww, , v, ..... u vww.
Day. Summer Meeting ,
3-year-olds up. Net value
Horse audi Owner W t. St. i 1 i Str. Fin. Jockey Ods.
1488 Old Coin. 11 (Brad)
1488 Blue Jay 11 (Rice)
1484 Petlar 8 (Rasmuss)
1491 Watch Your Step 8
1482 My Dream Light 4
1481 Sovereign II 8 (Jes)
1491 Big Cedar 3 (Barton 102
1487 Blue Van 6 (Marm 111
1484 Lola 7 (HcCrosson) 111
1488 Tom Ellison 4 (Mos) 116
1495 'Make Hsste 6 (Reed 116
1488 Bula Maid 9 (Shiel) 111
VI, l3
2l 35
41 4
6 6J
8i 2i
81- 6
11 71
10a 10
91 91
71 81
13 12
V l3
2" 2
4s 8
6! 421
81 5
6 6
71 73
10'1 81
9" 91
8" 102i
11 11
12 12
S. Orr , 7,
N. Tiller 2,
L. .Hall 28.
R. Spicer 2.
B. Norton 62,
C. Horn 46.
Templcton 3.
D. Hum
G. Morrow 18.
L. Mink 49.
8. Carter 48.
W. 'Crump
At post 4 minutes; off at 2:44; time 1 1-5, :49 1.01. Standing good for
all but Bula Maid. Won cleverly second, easily third driving. Winner b. g.
Flandudes-Packetpiece, trained by E. F. Braden. (2 mutuele paid Old Coin
straight 316.00, place $3.50, show 33.10: Blue Jay place 33.60, show 3310;,
Petlar show $7.20. Overweights. Watch Your Step 5, Blue Jay 8, Lola 4, Bula
Maid 5. Big Cedar 8. Scratch 1487 Patsie Harris 111 1491 Emma J. S. Ill,
1488 Satsuma Belle 111. 1491 Dolly Link 111. -,
Old Coin away forwardly took the lead with a rush and neve seriously men
aced he won with speed in reserve. Blue Jay broke full in his stride and ras
ing close up from the start he easily outstayed Petler for the place; Latter
finished gamely and ran a good race. Watch Your Step slow to begin closed a
gap in a fast finish. My Dream Light showed speed but failed to stay. Bula
Maid was practically left. . .
I 4fYY SECOND RACE Fivs Furlongs. Purs $400. 3-year-olds up. Net value
I JJJ , .nn ..rnnil 7fl thiril Mil 1 (
Horse and Owner
Wt. St. i
1487 Klmberly (Stillm) 116 1
1495 Flossie F 9 (Scov) 110 2
1487 Day News 9 (Carn) 116 6
1491 If Coming 8 (Neff) 111 10
1490 Doctor Blues 4 lll 7
1491 Fern Leaf 4 (Bray) 106 4
1495 Nellie Witwer 4 (Sc) lit 8
1482 The Cub II 5 (Alex) 116 9
1489 Caraway 5 (Herring) 111 5
1481 Ella Waldo 8 (Dru) 102 3
Str. Fin.
Jockey Ods. St'h
9-1 71 6"
8' ,8" R3
6 6' 01
7110 . 10 921 L. Mink
2' 8'i 71 10 D. Hurn
1 G. Morrow 5.30-1
2 R. Scoville 6.35-1
T. Corner . 6.00-1
L. Adams
T. Wayt
G. Fields
L. Mason
R. Spicer
At post 1 minute; off 8:17; time :24, :48 4-5, 1:01 8-5. Standing good.
Won driving second and third easily. $2 mutuels paid Kimberly straight $12 60,
place $5.20, show $3.70; Fiosaie F place $7.20, show $4.00; Day News show $4 00.
Winner br. g. Ben Trovato-Africa, trained by E. Stillman. Overweights,' Car
away 6, Flossie F 8. Scratch 1494 Texas Chief 107, May Craig 111, 1482
Bingen 116, 1491 Bit of Blarney 111, 1488 Tom Caro 116.
. Kimberly broke fast and showing the moat early speed he was momentarily
headed by Flossie F midway in the stretch then came again and outgained her
in a hard drive. Flossie F was a forward contender from the start and but for
.hanging in the final strides would have won. Day New ran a smart race from
a slow beginning. If Coming closed an immense gap from a poor beginning.
Doctor Blues ran a fair race. Caraway was sharply shut off soon after the
start. Ella Waldo quit after racing a fast half.
1 en I THIRD RACE Fivs Furlongs. Claiming. Purse 3)400. 3-year-olds up.
' JyJ 1 Net value to winner $300, second $70, third $30.
Horse and Owner Wt. St. i j $ Str. Fin. Jockey Ods. St'h
1490 Bessie Mack II 5 (E 110
1487 Spartan Boy 4 (JAB 115
Sister Florence 12 (E 110
Howard Bland (S) 115
1488 Mr. Kruter 4 (R S) MlO
1498 Old Man Crit '7 (W) 115
1481 Bevo 6 (Sheldon) 110
1481 Faywood 6 (R4K) 110
Pembroke 3 (Bailey) 105
Stilpo 8 (Taylor) 115
, El Capitania 6 (Bar) 115
Opal Wall 4 (Mor) 105
11 13 R. Scoville 2.85-1
21 2!i Deavenport 2 50-1
4 8" G. Ury 36.85-1
5 41 Morrow 86.80-1
81 5 G. Fields 1.45-1
8-1 6 L. Hall 86.85-l
7t 71 B. Norton 22.50-1
81 T. Wayt 140.10-1
9 Froggatt
11 10 103 10 N. Tiller .
10' lli ll10 11" T. Corner 50.00-1
12 12 12 12 .Templcton 20.25-1
:24 8-5, :49, 1.01 35. Standing good.
Winner b. m. Dr. Mack-Avena Jtose,
1 l3
41 S1
3" 41
61 51
21 ' 2a :
9 9
71 7
61 6
8 81
At post 1 minute; off st 3:50:. time
Won drivintr. second easily, third driving.
trained by H. H. Evans. 2 mutuels paid Bessie Meek straight $7.70, place
$3.50, show $3.80; Sparton Boy place $3.10, show $2.80; Florence show
Overweights, Stilpo 4, Bessie Mack 4. Scratch Fox's Choice 115, 1487 John
Spohn 115.
Bessie Mack went to the front with a rush and opening tip a gap she tired
an eight out and scored a lucky win. Sparton Boy was the best. Away slowly
he worked his way up to forward contention and attempting to come through
on the rail he was in close quarter and had to take up sharply and come around.
Bessie Mack. He then finished fast and gaining and was rapidly overhauling the
winner. Howard Bland ran a smart race and closed stoutly. Sister Florence
also went well. Mr. Kruter unseated his rider and ran away a mile. Opal Wall
also ran away a like distance.
1 Cf)? FOURTH RACE Six Furlongs. Claiming. Purse $400. 3-year-olds up.
I JUi .l. , l..., 1rWt 70. third B30.
Wt. St. 1
Horse and Owner
Presumption 12 (Shi 115 4
Magician 6 (AKutch 110 6
Repent 3 (Scoville) 100 3
Sea Beach 8 (Irwin 110 2
Hunter Piatt 5 (RS) 110 1
Gadling 4 (JAB) 115 8
1 i Str. Fin. Jockey Ods. St'h;
4 1" 1" li L. Hail 1.90-1
6 61 4S1 21 T. Wayt 9.40-t
2" S'l 3'1 31 J. Singleton 3.75-1
12 21 2J 4' D. Hurn 2.45-1
51 6 61 5 G. Fields 12.70-1
81 4 6 6 1 Mink s 19.05-1
At post 1 minute: off 4:21; time, :2i 4-6, :48 4.5, 1:14. Standing start good.
Won cleverly, second and third easily. $3.00 mutuels paid Presumption straight
$5.80, place $4.10; Magician, place $9.70. (No show betting.)
. Overweight, Repent 8 scratch: Kokohi 110-1493, C ranee row 115. ,
Presumption moved up fast, rounding the far turn and racing Sea Beach
Into submission, he drew out midway in the stretch and won with something
left. Magician raced far back in the early running, then closed a big gap
through the last quarter and finished fastest of all Repent showed (rood speed
and will improve. Sea Beach made the pace fast and tired finally. Gadling quit
early. '
1 CAl FIFTH 'RACE Six Furlongs. Purse $400. 3-year-olds up. . Net value
I JJJ -,1- tmn mrmA 0.7(1 thlrJ SlO
Horse and Owner Wt. St. 1 i S' Str. Fin. Jockey Ods. St'h
1485 Loyalist 5 (R S)
1485 , Tableau D'Honneur 5
1494 Herder 6 (Irwin)
1488 Goldie S 6 (Geart)
1479 Sedan 7 (Irwin)
112 6 81 S'l 31 1" G. Fields 2.70-1
122 1 4l 4s 4 2l W. Crump .50-1
112 2 1" 1 II S4 Menders 11.10-1
107 4 2'J. 2J 21 4 E. Owen 84.70-1
117 3 5 6 5 5 D. Hurn 11.80-1
At post 1 minute; off at 4:50; time, :28 4-5, :48 8-5, 1:13. Standing start
good. Won driving, second same, third easily., $2.00 mutuels paid Loyalist
straight $7.40, place $3.40: Honneur, place $2.76. (No show betting.) Winner
ch. g.. The Manager-Ancient, trained by J. Haggerty. Scratch 1488 Forbid. 106;.
1497 Woodie Montgomery, 122; 1496 Camilla MuUer, 112; 1494 Sandy H, 115.
Loyalist, a forward contender from the start, wore Herder down a sixteenth
out and barely lasted from ths fast closing Tableau d' Honneur. Latter was
taken back soon after the start and allowed to fall far out of it. He closed with a
a great rush and just failed to get up in a close finish. Herder set a fsst pace
and hung on gamely when challenged. Goldie F showed good speed to the last
eighth, where she tired palpably. Sedan is in poor form at present.
1 C, (14 SIXTH RACE One Mile. Claiming. Purse $400. 3-year-olds up. Net
1 JyrT v.iu hi., ain ,.nnJ 70. third aso.
Horse and Owner
Flash of Steel 7 (M
Swenson 9 (Cornwell
Money Maker 9 (W) 117
Benefactor (Her) 117
N. H. Beal 7(Neely
Striker 11 (fechtel)
Patsy Mack. 9 (Seul)
Red Wings 8 (Ster)
111 Str. Fin. Jockey Ods. StTi
24 11
5 4
4" 6
81 3
6 6
1 23
7 7
8 8
1' J. Singleton 2.56-1
2'i Cornwell 68.40-1
8'i Dearenp't 13 85-1
4 G. Morrow 1.50-1
51 G. Wilson 4.95-1
6 J. Duggan 7.10-1
7l L. Mason 80 00-1
8 L. Hall - 30.35-1
At post 1 minute: off 6:21; time, :24 3-5. :48 4-5. 1 :15- 8-6. 1:42. Standing
good. Won in a canter, second and third easily. $2.00 mutuels paid Flash of
Steel $7.10, place $3.90. show $8 60: Swenaon. place $60.80. show $8.80; Money
Maker, show $5.60. Winner ch. g.. Ballot-Niirella, trained by C. Derby. Scratch
1489 R. Lester. 117. 1492 Frank Shannon. 112.
. Flaah of steel raced Striker into submission and. drawing clear, entering the
. stretch he won in a eanter. Swenaon closed with a rush in a game effort and
was a faat going second. Money Maker ran an improved race and outstayed the
tiring Benefactor. Latter broke slowly, then rushed up to forward contention,
but tired in the last quarter. Striker showed the most early speed but failed
to stay.
Philadelphia, June 6. Detroit
completed the series today by ham
menng three Philadelphia pitchers
for a 12 to 8 victory. - Included in
Detroit s 19 hits were home runs by
Cobb, Dauss and Blue. Dugan of
the Athletics also made a home run
Blue, lb
Bush, ss 4 2
Cobb, cf 4 2
Vouch. If 6 2
Hellm'n, rf 5 3
Shorten. r 0 0
Jones, 3b 6 2
Klags'd, 2b 6 3
Bassler, o 6 2
Dauss, p 5 1
AB.H.O.A,, AB.H.O.A.
4 3 10 I'Witt, rf 6 2 3 0
ClOal'way. ss 6
0 J.W'ker, lb 6
0 I'.W'ker, If 4
01 Welch, cf
OiPerkins, c
4 Dugan, 3b
3 Dykes, zu
Totals 43 19 27 IS
Keeie. p
Hasty, p
Naylor, p
2 13
1 0
Totals 40 12 27 12
xBraalll batted for-Keefe In fourth.
xMcCaun batted for Hasty in eighth.
Score by Innings:
Detroit S 1 0 4 0 1 8 1 013
Philadelphia ...0 0 0 6 1 0 1 0 08
Summary Runs; Blue, 4;' Bush, 2; Cobb,
Vearh, llellmann, 2; Bassler, Dauss, J.
Walker, Welch, Perkins, Dugan. 2; Bra
zil). Errors: Bush, 2; Jones, Galloway.
Two-'base hits: Blue, Veach. Three-base
hits: Bassler, llellmann. Home runs:
Cobb, Dauss, Dugan, Blue. Sacrifice hits:
Cobb, Bush. Double plays: Bush to Flag
stead to Blue; 'J. Walker to Galloway.
J.ert on oases: fmiacteipnia, ; ueiroic,
4. Base on balls: Off Dauss. 1; off Has
ty. 1. Hits: Off Keefe. 11 in 4 innings;
off Hasty, 7 in 4 innings: off Naylor, 1 in
l inning, struck oui: y uauss, s; Dy
Keefe. 1: bv Hastv. 2: by Naylor. 1. Los
ing pitcher: Keefe. Umpires: Chill and
Owens. Time: 1:41.
Senators, 10; box, 7.
.Washington, June 6. Washington made
it four out of five from Chicago by taking
the last game of the series today, 10 to 7.
Judare. lb 5 3 13 1
Harris, 2b 6 3 X 6
Rice, cf 4 2 3 0
Lewis. If 6 0 1
Miller, rf 6 11
Shanks, 3b 4 1 1
Johnson, ss 5 0 2
Mul g n, 3b &
Collins, 2b
Hooper, rf
Falk. If
Mostll, cf
Hheely. lb
Schalk. c
Kerr, p
0 0
3 S
Gharrity, c 3 2 2
O'R'rke, ss 4 2 3
Courtney, p 3 0 0
Shaw, p. 1 1 0
Totals 37 12 24 ll Totals 39 16 27 20
xStrunk batted for Kerr in ninth.
Score by innings:
Chicago 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 6
Washington ... X I 1 0 0 0 5 x 10
Summary Runs: Collins, 3: Mostil, 2;
Strunk, Judge, 2; Harris, 3; Miller, Shanks,
Gharrity, 2; Shaw. Errors: Johnson, 2;
Mulligan, Hooper, Schalk, Gharrity,
O'Rourke. Courtney. Two-base hits: Har
rls, 2; Gharrity, Miller. Judge, Falk.
Three-base hits: O'Rourke. Sheely, Strunk.
Stolen base: Shanks. Sacrifice hit: Ghar
rity. Double plays: Collins to Johnson to
Sheely; Johnson to Collins to Sheely;
O'Rourke to Judge; Shanks to Harris to
Judge. Left on bases: Chicago, 9; Wash
ington, 7. riaee on Balls: oit Courtney,
4; off Shaw, 1. Hits: Off Courtney, 9
in 7 2-3 innings; off Shaw. 3 in 1 1-3 In
nlnir. Hit by pitched ball: By Kerr,
Klce. Struck out: By Kerr, 1; by Court
ney, 1. Wild pitch: Courtney. Winning
pitcher: Courtney. Umpires: Evans and
Moriarlty. Time; 1:60.
, , Browns, 5; Yankees, 1.
New York, June 6. St. Louis defeated
New York, 6 to 1, today In a light hitting
contest. New York Waa held to two hits.
The score:
Tobln. cf 6 0 3 01 Roth, rf 4 0 2 0
0 OlPeck'p'h, ss 2 0 0
8 41 Ruth, cf 3 1 3
3 CIPIpp, lb
1 OlBod'e, If
6 0 Baker, 3b
Ward, 2 b
M'M'us, lb 0
Gerber, ss 4
Wetzel, rf 4
Will'ms. If 4
Severeid, o 3
Ellerbe. 3b 3 0 0 1
J'son, lb-cf 4 1111
Lee. 2b 3004
Davis, p 3 111
Totals 33 .7 27 11
Schang, c
Collins, p
Sheehan, p
3 0 12
3 0 3
4 0 0
4 0 2
2 0 6
2 Q 0
0 0 0
0 0
xHofmann 11 0
Totals 29 2 27 15
xHawkes batted for Collins in seventh.
xHoffmann batted for Sheehan in ninth.
Score by Innings:
St. Louis... 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 35
New York ;0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
Summary Runs: Gerber, 2; EHerbe,
Jacobson, Davis, Both. Errors: Baker,
Ward. Two-base bits: Ruth, Severeid.
Sacrifice hit: Lee. Lert on bases: JNew
York, 9; St. Louis, 9. Base on balls: Off
Collins. 4; off Sheehan, 2; off Davis, 8.
Hits: Off Collins, 3 In 7 Innings; off Shee
han, 4 in 2 innings. Hit by pitched ball:
By Collins, Gerber, Struck out: By Davis,
r, hv Collins. 1: bv Sheehan. S.J Wild
pitch: Collins. Passed ball: Schang,
Severeid. Losing pitcner: uouins. um
pires: Hildebrand, Wilson and Nallin.'
Time: 2:1s. . .. . . .
Boston, 7; Indians, 6.
Boston, June 6. Boston made It three
straight from the world champion Cleve
lands by winning today, 7- to 6. Speaker
got four hits In five times up. Score:
Evans. If 1 0
Ja'ieson, If 3 0
Burns, lb 5 3
Speaker, cf 6 4
Wood, rf 1 1
Smith, rf . 4. 0
Uardn'r, 3b 5 2
Sewell, ss 4 1
Pt'n'a'n,. 2b 3 0
Thomas, c 3 1
Wilson, 0 0 0
Malls, p 2 0
Caldwell, p 1 1
0 0
2 01
0 0
4 0
1 0
2 0
0 1
Coirins, cf 4 2 8 0
Vltt, 3b 3 1 0 0
Msnosky, If 3 1 2 0
Pratt. 2b 3 2 0 4
Hendryx, rf 2 1 8 0
Mclnnls, lb 2 1 11 8
Scott, ss 4 0 3 4
Ruel, c .3 I 3 0
Pennoek, p, 1 0 1 1
Myers, p z u 1 &
Russell, p 10 0 0
totals 29 i 27 14
Totals 37 13 24 lOj
Score by inninss:
Cleveland 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 06
Boston 3 0 0 1 0 3 1 0 s 7
Summary Runs: Evans, Burns, 2;
SneiLknr. Gardner. Sewell. Collins. 2: Vltt.
MeSosky; Pratt, 2: Mclnnls. Errors: Vltt,
2; Hendryx. Two-base hltsr Barns, Mc
lnnls, Collins. Tnree-Base nit: uaraner.
Sacrifice hits: Malls. Thomas, Stephenson,
Menosky, Hendryx, 2; Molnnis, Vltt Dou
ble plays: Pratt to Scott to Mclnnls, 2.
Left on bases: Cleveland, 10; Boston, 6.
Base on balls: Off Mails. 1; off Caldwell,
1; off Pennoek, 2; off Russell, 1. Hits:
Off Mails, 7 In 1 1-3 innings; off Cald
well, 2 In 2 2-3 Innings; off Pennoek. 4
In 8 Innings, none out tn third; off My
ers, 6 In 6 innings; off Russell, 3 In 3 In
nings. Struck out: By Mails. 1; by
Caldwell, 3; by Myers, 'J-; by Russell, 1;
bv Pennoek. 1. Wild Ditch: Caldwell.
Winning pitcher: Myers.' Losing pitcher:
Caldwell, umpires; uonnouy ana jjinecn.
Time: 2;0. .
North Omaha Ramblers
Trim Red Wagons
The North Omaha Ramblers added
another victory to their list yester
day afternoon at the Carter Lake
diamond when they trounced the
Stroud Red Wagons by the score of
10 to 2. Bonnimire ,of the Ramblers
was on the mound for the winners.
The Ramblers are anxious to
schedule out-of-town games. For
contests with the team write Manager-
Chase, 4912 North Thirteenth
street, or call Chase at Kenwood
Horse Racing Resumed
l.f.r!m r!iv Titn fi Hnrsf Tac-
AUWVJW Jt J t J " " " " -
ing was resumed yesterday when the
members ox tue entisn coiony neia
in honor of the birthday of King
Oeorge. inis was me nrsi racing
event in 10 vears and Droved a no
table society function.
Colored Title at State. .
. Detroit. Mich., June 6. The col
ored middleweight championship is
declared to be at stake in a 10-round
bout here tonight between Joe
Gans, New York, the title holder,
and Kid Alberts of St, Loui.
Attention! All Ye
Babe Ruths and Kellys
Enid, Okl., June 6. What was
believed to be a record in the
Western association was made
here yesterday afternoon when
Frank Reiger, Enid catcher, play
ing against Springfield, made
three home runs out of four times
at bat, driving in a total of seven
runs. Enid won, 12 to 3.
Pirates Regain
National Lead
Defeat Giants, 5 to 4 Win
ning Run Crosses Plate in
Final Stanza.
Pittsburgh, June 6. Pittsburgh
regained first place today by defeat
ing New York, 5 to 4, the winning
run coming in the ninth with two
out. Score:
Burns. If 4 111
Bancr'ft, ss 4
Frisch. 3b 4
Young, rf 2
Kelly. io a
Walker, cf 3
Rapp, Sb 3
Smith, c 4
Barnes, p 4
Totals 32 7x26 IS
1 4
0 1
13 0!
1 10 2
1 I 1
2 3 0
0 12
Blgbee, If 5 12 0
Carey, cf 6
Ma'nvle, ss 6
Cntshaw, 2b 5
Whltted, rf 3
Barnh't, 3b 3
Grimm,-lb 4
Schmidt, c 3
Ulazner, p 2
Adams, p 2
xMokan 0
1 2
2 0
3 2
3 2
0 1
0 4
0 0
1 0
0 0
I Totals 37 12 27 12
xMohan ran for Adams In ninth.
xTwo out when winning run scored.
Sere by innings:
New York 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 04
Pittsburgh ., ,1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 15
Summary Runs: Bancroft, Walker,
Rapp. Smith, Bigbee, 2; Carey, Whitted,
Barnhart. Errors: Burns, Frisch, Cut-
shaw.' Two-base hits: Smith, Cutshaw.
Three-base hits: Bancrort, waller, wmun.
Stolen base: Carey. Sacrifice hits: Burns,
Young, Barnhart. Double plays: Barn
hart to Cutshaw to Grimm; Frisch to
Bancroft to Kelly. Left on bases; New
York, 8; Pittsburgh. 9. Base on balls:
Off Barnes, 2; off Glazner, 3; off Adams,
2. Hits: Off Glazner, 6 In 4 innings,
none out in fifth; off Adams, 1 in 6 In
nings. Struck out: By Barnes, 3; by
Glazner, 1: by Adams, 1. Winning
pitcher: Adams. Losing pitcher: Barnes.
Umpires: McCormick and Hart. Time:
2:01. '
Brakes, ! Reds, 1.
Cincinnati, June 6. Bohne, first man
up .hit for a home run, after which Scott
held' Cincinnati safe, Boston winning, 6
to 1.
Powell, cf 4
Barbare. ss 5
S'hw'th, rf 6
Cruise, If 4
Boeckel, 3b 4
Holke, lb
Ford. Zl
Gibson, c
Scott, p '
3 1 11
4 2 1
4 10
4 1
0 2
Totals 87 11 27 1
Bohne. 3b 4 3 0 3
Daubert, lb 4 014 0
Bressler. rf 4 6 1 0
Roush, cf 3 0 6 0
Duncan. If 3 0 10
Kopf, ss 3 12 2
Fonsecr, 2b 3 0 0 4
Wlngo, o 3 0 3 1
Rogge, p 10 0 6
xllargrave 10 0 0
Brenton, p 0 0 0 0
Totals 29 4 27 15
xHargrave batted for Rogge in eight.
Score by innings: ....
Boston 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 R
Cincinnati 1 0 0 0 0 0 00 o l
Summary Runs: Southworth, Boeckel,
Holke, Ford, 2; Scott, Bohne. Errors:
Daubert, Fonseca. Two-base hits: Boeckel,
Rrhr Thrne-hase hit: Southworth.
Home run: Bohne. Sacrifice hit: Powell,
Cruise. Doubie plays: Bonne to wingo
to Daubert; Southworth to Scott to Ford.
Left on' bases: Boston. 7; Cincinnati, 3.'
Base on balls: Off Rogge, 8: off Scott, 2.
Hits: Off Rogge, 11 in 8 innings; off Bren
ton, 0 In 1 Inning. Struck ouU By Rogge,
1; by Brenton, 1. Losing pitcher: Rogge.
Umpires: Moran and Rigler. Time: 1:30.
Dodgers, 7; Cubs, 4.
Chicago, June 6. Brooklyn made It
three out of four from Chicago today by
winning the final game of the series, 7 to
4. Umpire McCaffrey,' on the reserve list
of the. American Association, officiated
with Umpire Quigley, because of the Ill
ness or iienry j uay. iub biihc
Olaon. ax 6 2 3 4
Johns'n, 3b 6 2 2 0
firifflth rf 2 2 2 1
Neis. rf 110 0
te A 1 i n
Kon'cb'y, lb 6 3 10 1
Mvers. cf 4 1 u u
KMduff. 2h 6 2 3 6
Miller, c v u
Reuther, p 4 2 1 0
Totals 19 10 27 12
pi.nV ff alio
Hol'cher. ss 5 1 2
Terrv. 2b .623
Grimes, lb 5
Maisel. cf 5
Sullivan, If 3
Kele'ber, 3b 4
rn 1 V. a
Martin, p
Jones, p
Tyler, p
2 10
2 3
1 2
2 0
2 6
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
TaUIi i a S7 IS
xO'Farrell batted for Martin In sixth.
xKUIefer batted for Jones in eighth.
Rpnrm. hv -Innlnrs: 'i
Brooklyn 4 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 17
Chicago ...0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
Summary Runs: Olson, 3: Johnston,
Griffith, Nets, Konetchy, Terry, Grimes;
Maisel. Errors: Miller, Kelleher, Daly,
Martin. Two-base hits: Wheat, Grimes,
Griffith, Olson. Terry.' Stolen bases:
Konetcny, luiauu. siacnuce hub: urn
fith, Myers. Double plays: Terry to Hol
locher to Grimes;. Kelleher to Terry to
Grime's. Left on bases: Brooklyn, 9;
Chicago, 10. Base on balls: Off Martin, 2;
off Reuther, 1. Hits: Off Martin, 11 in
6 Innings; off Jones, .2 In 2 innings: oft
Tvler, 3 In 1 inning. Hit by pitched ball:
By Reuther, Flack. Struck out: By Mar
tin, 4; by Reuther, 4; by Jones. 1. Wild
pitch: Martin. Ruether. Passed ball:
Daly. Losing pitcher: Martin, Umpires:
Quigley and McCaffrey. Time: 2:11.
Cards, Hi Phillies. O.
St. Louis, June 6. Ths St, Louis Car
dinals continued their -heavy hitting to
day, counting IS safeties and winning
from Philadelphia. 11 to 0. Doak, who
had- not pitched since he Injured his arm
May 30, held the Phillies to three hits
in seven Innings and then voluntarily gave
way to Schupp. The score;
. AB.H.O.A.
Stengel, rf 2 1 0 0
B'me'er. rf 1 0 0 0
J.Miller. 2b 3 0 1 6
Meuael. II z u X v
Wheat, c 0 0 10
Peters, o 1 0 2 0
Wr'ts'e. Sb 3 0 1 I
R.Miller, ss 3 1 3 1
Will ms. u z i
Lee, lb-lf 3 1.6 0
Br"gy, C-lb 3 0 8 .l!
Vunan. n 2 0 0 ' 1
Betts, p 0 0 0 01
. AB.H.O.A.
Mann, cf 6 3 0 0
Janvrln, lb 5 3 16 '0
Stock.- 3b 4 3 0 0
Hornsby. $b 4 1 0 8
Schultz, rf 2 0 10
M' Henry, If 6 3 3 0
La van. ss 3 0 5 8
demons, c 3 1 3 2
Doak, p 3 10 4
Schupp, p 110 1
Totals 35 15 27 18
xFarktuion 1 0 0 0 . v .
Totals 27 '3 24111 .
xParkinson batted for Betts in ninth.
Score by innings;
Philadelphia, ..."....0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
St. Louis 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 x 11
Summary Runs: Mann. 2: Janvrln,
Hornsby, 2t Schultz. McHenry, Lavan,
Clemone, UOSK, ocnurp. j.r.ui.
w V, i , -. (pHnrv. Stock.
Three-base hit: Hornsby: Stolen bases:
Janvrln, MoHonry. nacniice mis:
Stock. Double plays: Doak to Lavan to
Janvrln; Hornsby to Lavan to Janvrln;
, , rt u I n-- tn TCrnrarv. Left on
,1 . juuim iv ... " ...... ...
bases: St. Louis. 7; Philadelphia, 3. Base
on balls: wit jvrenan. , i
off Schupp, 1. Hls: Off Keenan, 12 in
7 innings; off Doak, 3 in 7 innings; off
Innings, Hit by pitched ball: By Doak,
Wheat. Birum ouu w m, ., -j
Doak. 3; by Betts. 2. Winning pitcher:
.t..i.. nt,.h.,f ITannan. TTniDirea:
uoaik. uw.i"a , , "
Brennan and Emslie. Time: 2:02.
American Association
Columbus, O., June 6.
, R. rl. 12.
St. Paul 8 9 1
Columbus 4 10 1
Batteries: iianson, nnea, luaior ira
Allen: Haid and Hartley.
Louisville, Ky June 6.
B. 11a Ba
Milwaukee J o
Louisville v i a
Batteries: Barnes and Gosset; Long ami
. Indianapolis, Ind., June $.
Kansas City i J j
Indianapolis 2 3
Batteries: Carter and Scott; Stryker,
Enzman and Henllne,
Toledo, O., .June 6. R. H F
Minneapolis .. 1 1J
Toledo 9 IB 3
Batteries: Loudermllk. McLaughlin,
8mallwood, George and Shestak, Mayer;
McColl. Orkia. Mead. McCullough , and
Amateur and Semi-Pro Ball
Wla. Fourth Straight.
Clarke, Neb.. June 0. (Special.) Clarke
won their fourth straight game by de
feating Polk at Polk, 6 to 4. Tolk was
shut out until the sixth Inning when they
made four scores on one hit and four
errors, tying the score. Clarks made the
winning run In the ninth Inning. Bat
teries: Polk. Anderson and Peterson;
Clarks, Knowles and Lehr.
Deahler Beats Carleton.
Deahler. Neb., June 6. (Special.)
Deahler' defeated Carleton, .9 to 2, at this
Exeter Trounces Wllber.
Exeter, Neb., June . (Special.) Ex
eter base ball team smashed the fast
Wllber team's record by handing them
their first defeat of the season by the
score of 4 to 2, on the WUber diamond.
Hamilton. Exeter pitcher, was hit for
seven singles. He kept them well scat
tered and tightened up in the pinches,
and struck out 12 men. About 300 fans
accompanied the Exeter team to Wllber.
R. H. E.
Exeter ..........2 fl 0 0 0 0 2 x 4 2
Wllber 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 02 7 3
Batteries: Exeter, Hamilton and Sowers;
Wllber, Caldwell and Prucha.
Green Goblins Lose.
Shenandoah, la., June 6. (Special.)
The winning streak of the Green Goblins,
colored bass ball nine from Kansas City,
was broken when Shenandeah Mount Ar
bors defeaters them, 7 to 2. McKee. local
pitcher, struck out JO batsmen while bis
teammates made 13 hits.
Onkdule Wins.
Oakdble, Neb.. June . (Special.)
Oakdale defeated the fast Meadow Grove
team in one of the best games of the
season. Anderson starred for Oakdalo. Bat
torles: Oakdale. Donavsn and ..Frady;
Meadow Grove, Wingate and Burns. Struck
out: By Donavan, 8; by Wingate, 8.
Hits: Off Donavan. 4; off Wingate, .
Amereian Legion loses.
Glltner, Neb.. June 0. (Special.) Gllt
ner won the third and deciding game from
the American Legion club at Hastings by
score of 9 to 2. Hill for Glltner pitched
shutout ball, striking out nine men and
allowing two hits. Hastings got their
runs through errors.
Batteries: Glltner. Hill and Hegenbart;
Hastings. Fox, Emshoff and Hollings
worth. Forfeits Ball Game.
c i , x- -T . . . a finertat 1 In
a game replete with sensational Plvs
between pcnuyier .rummis u n.o
City team with a tied score. 2 to 2, and
two men on bases with none out in the
ninth, David City balked at a decision
of the umpire at the home plate and
. . i. 4-i,i n-nt,tnw ,h. iamn Sc h 11 V -
ler and David City have always been
. . . i j . J U I . trass haVA
rivals on me neia aim -"
two fast organizations. The game was
n.1 1 nv1.r art A tint, fan WOrO
disappointed at the result. All future
games oeiween m iw a
canceled. The Woodmen of the World
. n.h wii meet the Puritans
at Schuyler next Sunday.
Lawrence Defeats Superior.
Lawrence, Neb.. Juno 6. Speclal.)
Lawrence hall club won their fifth straight
game by defeating Superior on the Law
rence diamond. Batteries: Superior, De
. . u.i i f.,u,,,npA. 1, leshner
lancy aim vniy. "VT , m.
and Banert. Struck out: By Delaney, 10.
Fleshner, 3. Score, Dy innings. r
Sunerlar 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l' 7 4
Lawrence .....1 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 x
Stromsburg Wins.
, vr.u l.m. Rneclal.l
Stromsburg defeated Utica at Utica. 6 to 2.
which famein the first inning: Batteries:'
Stromsburg, Olson and Anderson; Utica.
Rogers and Tardy. Struck out: By Olson,
11; by Rogers, 8.
Ellsworth. 9; Bingham, .
Ellsworth. Neb., June 6. (Special.)
Ellsworth defeated Bingham here in a
. ,.t cam bv a 9 to 6 score.
There was a big attendance present.
Cornlea Loses.
Lindsav. Neb., June 6. (Special.)
Lindsay defeated Cornlea in a fast gsmj
by a score of 6. to 1. Heegerl. star
pitcher for Lindsay, allowed the fast
bunch of Cornlea but two scratch bits.
Linos.; by'r"'?S.S.:...2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-5
Cornea V.: 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1
Coxad Trims Brady.
Cozad, Neb., June 6. (Special.) In
hotly contested game of base ball at.
Willow Island. Cozad defeated Brady by
the score of 4 to 0.
Blair Defeats Bennington.
Blair. Neb.. June 6. (Special.) Blair
beat the fast semi-pro team from Ben
nington here in the best game of ths sea
son by the score of 3 to 0. McKercher for
Blair featured both in the box and at
the bat striking out 16 men and allowing
only 4 hits. At bat he made a single, a
double and a triple out of four times up.
Harris for Bennington had 11 strike outs.
Score by Inning: . R H E
Bennington ...0 0000000 00 4 3
Blair -0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 x 3 8 2
Summary Two-base hits: McKercher.
Harris. Three-base hit: McKercher. Sac
rifice hit: Buraeman. Left on bases: Blslf,
8; Bennington,- 9. Stolen base: Krause.
Double play: Cameron to Krause to West.
Struck out: By McKercher." 16; by Harris,
11. First base on balls: Off McKercher, 4;
off Harris, 6. Batteries: Blair, McKercher
and Krause; Bennington, Harris and
Peterson. Umpires: Campbell.
Wausa Wins Game.
Wausa- Neb.. June . (Special.) Wau
sa detested Hartington at Hsrtlngton, 3
to 1. The festures of the game were the
pitching of Balrd and the home run of
Lackes. Batteries: Balrd and Browni
Jenny and Miller.
ii) i
Orrl, 6; afeoUa, 4.
Scotia, Neb.. June 6. (Special.)
Scotia lost to Ord here In a fast and
Interesting game. Lefty Duryea bad one
bad Inning. By hitting the firsrthree
batters that faced him coupled with, two
hits, gave them all their rnns. After this
inning they were unable to do anything
with his pitching. The hitting of Harry
Selk featured, getting three hits, a double
and home run. - jj jj jj
Scotia J 1
Ord 6 8 8
Batteries: Scotia, Duryea and Ammer
man: Ord, Homovltoh and Fafetia. Um
pires: Peoppe and Petty.
Minden Beats Campbell.
Minden. Neb., June 6. (Special.) The
Minden base ball team came out at the
long end of a 3 to 2 score, defeating Camp
bell, In what was conceded by all to be the
best game played this sesson. The gams
was close and .fast at all times, neither
team having a decided advantage at any
time, and both pitchers working st their
best on ths mound. In the first Inning,
after a run was scored, and In the fourth
and seventh. Minden sdvanced runners
to the third sack, but fslled to bring them
across, and in ths tht'd, Joe Gaughan
poked out a two-sacker with none out,
and failed to score. The next three men
being retired in order, Gaughan taking
third on the second play. Campbell put
men on the bases In all but the first and
sixth inning. In the seventh they filled
the sacks, with two out,- but Wtlley was
forced at third.
Glenwood Beats Hastings.
The Glenwood town team traveled to
Hastings, la., and decisively trimmed the
home nine, 13 to 4. CUenwood played
superior ball throughout the contest, ob
taining a lead In the early innings and
holding it throughout the contest. Bat
teries for Hastings: Gambol. Darling and
D. Clark; Glenwood, G, Shiley, Shupd mid
Albright Merchants M In.
The Albright Merchants trounced the
Waterloo town team Sunday at Waterloo
by the score of 11 to 2. Bloaslng on the
mouud for the Merchants pitched superb
ball, and this coupled wrih good fielding
held the hard hitting Waterloo team to
two runs. Manley caught for the .Mer
chants. Fullerton Wins.
Fullerton defeated St. Edward st St.
Edward Sunday. 3 to 0, in one of tho
best-played games of tho year. Tho
feature of the game was a one-hamled
catch by Centerflelder Smith of Fuller
ton. Fullerton gathered six hits off Kite,
while O. Ballinger held St. Edward to
three blngles. '
Score by Innings:
Fullerton 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 0 02
St. Edward 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Batteries: Fullerton. O. Ballinger and
Miller; St. Edward. Kite and Fischer.
Geneva Wins Two.
Gonevs, Neb., June . (Special.) Two
games were won by Geneva from Sutton.
At Geneva the score was 11 to 3. Battery
for Geneva, Eller and Tharp; Sutton,
Bailey and Sharkey. At Sutton Geneva
got the big end of the score which was
6 to 7. Batteries: Geneva, Alexander and
Tharp; Sutton, Bailey and Sharkey. Wells
of the Sutton team, featured the game by
two three-baggers. Ohlowa will play here
Thursday; Mliligan, Sunday, June 13. On
June 19th, Stromsburg, the champions of
the county, will meet Geneva at Geneva.
Bert rand Wins. '
Wilcox, Neb., June 6. (Special.) Ber
trand won from the home club today In
the 15th Inning, the score being 6 to 6.
Bertrand took the lead in tho third Inning,
when they scored three runs' on three er
rors and one hit. Wilcox scored two runs
in the third on three hits and a walk.
Each team scored one run in the fifth.
Bertrand scored a run in the seventh and
W. L. Pet. I W. L. Pet.
Wichita 31 17 .646 Joplin 22 23 .489
Ok City 26 22 .632 Sioux City 21 24 .4fi7
Tulsa 20 23 .631 St. Joe 20 25 .444
OMAHA 33 23 .500 1 U. Moines 18 29 .383
Yesterday's Results.
Omaha, 6; Des Moines, 3,
Oklahoma, 1; Wichita, 0.
St. Joseph, 10; Sioux City, 4.
Tulsa, 1; Joplin, 2.
Today's Games.
Omaha at Sioux City.
Des Moines at St. Joseph.
Joplin at Wichita.
Tulsa at Oklahoma City.
W. L. Pet.
Pittsb'gh 30 14 .682 St. Louis
Now York 32 15 .681 Chicago
Brooklyn 25 23 .621 Cincin.
Boston 22 21 .612Philadel.
Yesterday's Games.
Pittsburgh, 6; New York, 4.
St. Louis, llj Philadelphia,
Brooklyn, 8; Chicago, 4.
Boston, 6; Cincinnati, 1.
Today's Games.
Brooklyn at St. Louis, .
Boston at Pittsburgh.
New York at Cincinnati.
Philadelphia at Chicago.
W. L. Pet
20 22 .476
17 24 .415
17 31 .364
15 23 .843
W. L. Pet. I W. L. Tct.
Cleveland 30 17 .6381 Boston 20 21 .488
New York 27 19 .6S7ISt. Louis 21 26 .447
Washing. 56 22 .543 Chicago 18 27 .400
Detroit 27 23 .640FhiladeI. 1(1 30 .348
Yesterday's Results.
Boston, 7; Cleveland, 6.
St. Louis, 6; New York, 1.
Detroit. 12; Philadelphia. S.
Washington, 10; Chicago. 7.
Today's Gaines.
St. Louis at Boston.
Chicago at Philadelphia.
Detroit at Washington.
Cleveland at New York. ,
W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet.
Indian'lls 23 17 .576 Minne'lis 21 19 .626
Kan. City 23 20 .535 Toledo , 21 25 .467
Louisville 23 21 .623 Milwa'ke 19 23 .462
St. Paul 22 21 .512Co!umbus 19 25 .432
Yesterday's Results.
Minneapolis, 10; Toledo, 9.
Columbus, 4: St Paul, 3. ,
Milwaukee, 3; Louisville, 0.
Kansas City. 5; Indianapolis, 2.
Today's Games.
St. Paul at Columbus.
Minneapolis at Toledo.
Kansas City at Indianapolis.
Milwaukee at Louisville.
x'. .v.-.m fhA ai-ora for Wllt'OX With a
clean home run with ono man on. Ntdther
team scoreu unui hip jum. n- -i
nit a nonicr huh
was called out for not touching third end
his score 'u mwi vu,t.. ...-..-.. .....
Kelso stHgmt a pretty pitcher's battle.
Maankn striking out 29 and kelso strik
ing out 20. Wilcox will play th llastliiun
UiHja at HnHtliiK next Sunday.
Score by Innings: !
rwtrand ....030 014 fOO 000 001 ti 13 t
Wilcox 003 001 200 000 0006 12 i,
Batteries: . Maaske and Maiinke: Kclfo
and jHcnlcke. Earned runs: Hc-rtraml, 3,
Wilcox, 6.
, Upland Beats Franklin.
Upland, Nei., June . tbpeclal )
Frunklln played ball at Upland Sunday.
The score follows: Jf
Franklin 1 0 1 1J5 -'
Upland 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 X 5 7 3
Batteries: Franklin, lrvln aud Inln;
Upland. Llndgren and Mason.
Upland plays In lloldregs next 1 hurt
day. Mielhy Ueuts Hralnard.
Brainard. Neb., June t). (Special. )
Shelby was defeated by the Hralnard
American Legion team in a fast and simp
py game here Sunday. Ths '-score being
S to 1. Score: R. u. E.
Shelbv 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 7 2
Bralnard 1 0000001 X 2 7 3
Batteries: Shelby, McBeth and Mleke ;
Brainard, C Hlavae and Koza.
Hooper, 8; Sorlbner, 4.
Scrlbner. Neb.. June 6. A big crowil
accompanied the base ball boys to Houprr
to see the game between Scrlbner and
Ht,oper- it. it. r
Scrlbner 0 0 0 1 S 0 0 0 14 11 3
Hooper ,0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 x 5 7 t,
Batteries: bcriDner, r.uu nu
Hooper, Sherman and Jenson.
you enjoy
'em lust the
same. Light
arette and
taste Its
m -
4 leaf blend
o Crimped
(no paste)
B 1 O O K. E
A Quality
Used Car For
a Low Price
For weeks we have been prepar
ing our used cars for this sale;
The usual Hansen quality, but at
reduced, rock-bottom, sacrificing
prices. x .
Cadillac BIdg. Farnam at 26th
Served, v&ere Quality
is considered