4 - - .THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1921. TheOmAhaBee DAILY (MORNING) EVENINGSUNDAY THE BEE PUBLISHING COM PANT NELSON B. UPDIKE. Publisher. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS T Pmi at which Tn Bee la aieeiDlf. eluelwlj tail II d lo lb m f or puMictUoa ot all Ml dlepteee credited to II or not otherirlN eredited la Uili rrr. tad aleo la Wl n.wt puWrteS herein. Ail rtibu o( publlcalioe of ear speelel aiipewae? are euo nwih, BEE TELEPHONES Prlnte BrUMh Bnhtnce. for AT lantie 1000 Far NIeht Call A (tor 10 B. m.l Editorial Dtntitnoat - AT Undo 18U of 10I , OFFICES OF THE BEE '' Mbih nrriM lTtn end Vunom Council Blafl . IS BooU St. I South. 81a. 35 Sovtb 141k Bi Out-ol-Town OfflcMt Km Vnrk - UK nftk Am I WuhlMn lill O t- Chios BUter Bid. Pari, rrenos 410 But 8b Hoooie The Bee's Platform - . . 1. New Union Pnfer Station.' 2. Continued improvement of the Ne braska Highwaya, including the pave ment of Main Thoroughfare - leading into Omaha with a Brick Surface. . 3. A short, low-rate Waterway from the Corn Belt to the Atlantic Ocean. 4. Home Rule Charter for Omaha, with City Manager form of Government. Pueblo's Awful Experience. The dire calamity that has overtaken Pueblo is of especially impressive character for the rea son that it shows how far we have proceeded on the way back to normalcy. That a disaster which involves the loss of some hundreds of lives and the destruction of a few millions of property gives a shock is proof that we have recovered from the calloused condition of a few months ago, when such news came only as an item in the day's proceedings and was scarcely commented upon. No lesson is taught by this disaster, save that which has again and again been impressed upon the mind, .of man, the utter futility of his provision against the forces of nature. Some may consider it unfortunate, but man's require ments almost absolutely demand the existence of a city just where Pueblo stands, exposed as it is to the devastation which has from time to time overtaken it. The canyon of the Arkansas is of such value to commerce that it was at one (time the object of private armed warfare between two rival sets of railroad builders. Pueblo hap pens to lie just where the last southern root of Pike's Peak breaks away to allow the river to debouch onto the plain. Here a town miist exist, that traffic from north to south and east of the mountain may be set on its way to join that from the west, carried up the gorge and over the pass and .down again to the western slope. ; ' . Nature has opened a way for man to follow, but takes toll of his venture from time to time. One who has never experienced a cloudburst in the mountain has no notion of just what it means, nor can words give an adequate idea of the phenomena. Cataclysmic in character, it is as sudden and complete in its effect, almost, as the tornado, with the difference that in one it is the wind, in the other the more substantia! water tthat works "the damage. J V, Pueblo will survive, will revive, just as it has tome out from under previous disasters. Its people are courageous, energetic and self-reliant. Sympathy is not wasted on them, for they are appreciative.1 They will get help, for the great, American heart responds impulsively to such calls. Relief organized during the time 'of war has not disintegrated to such extent that it may not readily serve in the present emergency. Ne braska has a splendid hospital unit, which saw service in France, ready to go in a minute. . And there are others. As far as possible, the damage will be repaired, and Pueblo will resume its life, mindful always of the terrible power for destruc tion that hovers under the shadow of Pike's Peak. Comfort on the Farm. Electricity on the farm is becoming a common place, what; with transmission' lines running out of towns; and individual lighting systems. In. regions of strong and unfailing winds, current is' even generated by a windmill appliance fitted with storage facilities. News of the death qf an the danger ' as well ; as the "blessing of this scientific development , - While he was turning on the current to oper-j ate a washing machine, a combination of circum stances which included his standing in a puddle of water and a faulty transformer resulted in his, electrocution. The accident was ' unusual, and will not discourage the use of electricity any more' than fires caused by kerosene, lamps led to a re turn to candles. Many farmers save themselves "and their wives much labor by utilizing this power. The house and barn are lighted by it, and in some cases where the cost is small, as in the water power districts of the west, cooking is done by electricity. The washing machine, the churn, the separator, the feed grinder, the pump, and many of the numerous mechanical operations . of the rural homestead are run by use of. this .magic current. - Many a man who left the farm as a boy goes .back now to find that the old place is as modern as many city homes. Rural life is being steadily 'improved, but it will take more prosperous years than the one just past, to enable this movement to be maintained. for grasping the necessary preparatory informa tion for the conduct of life. These boys and girls should be left free to judge from the facts, im partially presented, and not be prejudiced, one way or the other, by salaried advocates of any political or economic scheme. Propaganda in the Schools. Gentlemen, don't do it! The schools are for .teaching the three r's, and not for bolstering up any special interest. 'Once the children learn the fundamentals and gain the ability to think correctly, the purpose of public education has been served. The class room is not the place for propaganda of any kind. Yet at the meeting of the National Electric Light association in Chicago, a plan was an nounced to support a course of lectures to place before students in institutions of higher learning "information as to public service corporations and private ownership." This on the grounds that it was nationally important "that young men . should start their business life with correct in formation and ideas of the public service cor porations and the people." Without denial of the claims, that private operation of many public utilities is more efficient than public ownership, it may . be pointed out that were the case of private ownership much weaker, yet lectures supported by these special interests would not reveal this, and in fact, the more puny this case, the stronger the defense. V No commercial interest ought to be allowed invade the schools ,with a special plea. There scarcely Jime' now In the crowded curriculum "Bloc" Government in Congress. . Formation of groups in congress for the pur pose of accomplishing special or general legisla tion has attracted attention many times in the past Usually these coalitions have been but temporary in character loosely formed, and easily falling apart when their object was at tained or had been defeated. A so-called labor bloc was formed several . years ago, which has taken on 'the most substantial form of any, and it is now joined by the agricultural group, the most potent, seemingly yet put together. If this union of representatives of a particular interest or industry continues, we may find the congress of the Unite4 States divided on lines of sectional, industrial, or commercial concern, and with no regard to partisan distinction. Little of real harm will come from the cut ting across of party lines on such matters, for the material welfare of the land is always above party. Divisions of party arise over policy, not aim, means rather than objects. With the groups, however, objects appear to be considered before methods. Inevitably they tend to class distinctions' and to special considerations, both of which are abhorrent to and, when pursued far enough, subversive of our system of govern ment ' We can see, however, where the tendency will lead, just as it has in Europe, where most of the parliaments are constituted along group lines. subdivided as congress may easily become, no one aggregation will be sufficiently numerous or powerful, to, control all the others, and in the combinations that must ensue before a con trolling coalition can be formed, the interest of one must necessarily react on that of the others, and thereby in a large measure nullify any selfish purpose either may have. Government by groups is possible, but ex perience with it in other lands does not justify the assertion that it is an improvement on gov ernment by party. In the United States the "one for all and all for one" principle is far more honored in the observance than in the breach, and it is not probable that present dis turbed conditions will, swing us ;.. very far away from the safe course for popular government. Come and Be Comforted. To those who still contemplate a world in arms, with war s flreaa norrors rampant, we offer this suggestion: Turn around, look at the picture as 'it . actually exists. All the influential men of the world are doing what they can to make another war impossible. Our president at Valley Forge on Sunday pledged his country to peace, to helpfulness, to the doing away of strife, and to the highest ideals for which man has ever striven. He did not, however, agree to. abandon the safety of the nation by sacrificing its . Independence. Only as we can keep ourselves secure may we be of service to others. His clear words: An America dedicated to its standards at Valley Forge will hold fast and suffer, if need be, until our inherited institutions are justified and guaranteed anew. When I pledge America , to world helpfulness, at the same time I exact" a pledge that America will cling to her own independence of action and to her own conscience, hold the, sincerity of an honest mind, honestly striving to serve all mankind, mindful of the dangers ahead, but dreading only the certain dis aster that will come from abandoning the path' lighted by reason to pursue an ignis fatuus formed in the morass of international idealism.. If those who are devoted to a world without war, to the end of all strife between nations and men, will ponder these further words of the pres ident they may indeed find comfort: I want an America of preserved conscience I want an America of preserved righteous- " ness aye, an America clinging to the religious devotion which has been the anchorage of our civilization. Who shall say if we cling to these ; what we may accomplish? I We are already up in the world, but 'the sun of our national life has not yet fairly approached its meridian. It is only morning in our national life. I can . well believe that long before the sun of na tional life has passed its meridian the 100,000,- 000 of today will be myriads of the future. 1 like to think of them as loyal Americans, with faces to the front, marching on to achievement, clinging to their traditions, and joining in a' great swelling chorus: "Glory be to God in the highest, en earth peace, good will to men." But there are worse things than war. The only peace worth having must rest on righteous ness. And that is the peace our president seeks, and which all good citizens should aid him in at taining. .. ' A Bee of the Old Style. An incident that does the heart good is re ported from North Platte, where 70 men, most of them union carpenters and bricklayers, gave their services without charge and built a sub- stantial camp house for the Camp Fire girls! The pleasure does not come from sight of men working without pay, but from the spirit of co-operation that this indicates. If mechanics donated their' services to all who wished to build, the net result would be a loss, since they would cease to be able to make any purchases them selves, and consumption as. well as production is necessary to" prosperity. - In days when the country was flew, house raisings and bees of many other sorts, in which the wholecommunity for miles around partici pated, gave a sense of the common dependence and mutual interest that is now so largely lost. Doubtless many citizens who did not actually take off their coats and pitch in on the work of erecting the camp contributed to the purchase of materials. The Camp Fire girls are not the only gainers from this event, for their camp on the North Platte will stand as a symbol of the feeling of comradeship and solidarity that brought it forth. The airplane has taken the lead from the auto mobile in the matter of sensational fatalities. But Americans must have their thrills. It is not easy to start a tear on account of those Kansans who fell into ( the hands of swindlers through trying to evade taxes. Somebody may yet have to arbitrate between senate and house on the disarmament question. Omaha's sporting blood is getting plenty of action just now. A Scoop, on the Senate President Harding Put One Over When He Beat Borah to Goal Give the motor bus a chance. It his a mission. Streets in Pueblo must resembft some of ours,. . (From the Boston Transcript) The ' president has scored on the senate- scooped the senate, as he might have said in his journalistic days. Sometime before the sen ate adopted the Borah amendment to the naval bill, Mr. Harding instructed his ambassador at London to sound his confreres on the supreme council concerning the feasibility of formal ex changes between the powers regarding a gen eral reduction of armaments. Mr. Harding ap pears to have acted upon the theory that more can be accomplished in this direction by in formal conversations between the members of the supreme council than bv issuinsr first a for mat invitation to a formal conference of all the naval powers. He is represented as alive to the possiDiiity mat American credits abroad mar be conscripted by debtor nations in the present armament race. He has let it be known that he has no sympathy with any nation which would take advantage of America's leniency as a credi tor to arm against America. Obviously, at the White House, there exists a commendable realization that the whole, question of reducing armaments is one of extreme delicacy, one to be entrusted to diplomatic negotiation through the Department of State, one that the senate and house may resolve upon without limit, but with out much chance of advancing the cause. . President Wilson ignored the amendment to the naval bill ot 1910 which requested him to call a conference on disarmament at the close of the war with Germany. President Hardine has anticipated the amendment to the naval bill of 1921 which requests him to call Great Britain and Japan into conference upon disarmament, without any consultation with Italy and France. At the White House there appears to exist also a realization that for the United States to "scrap" its navy without regard to the construction pro grams of other naval powers would be equiva lent in the eyes of the world to a pusillanimous appeal to Great Britain and Japan to permit America to enter the Anglo-Japanese alliance on Anglo-Japanese terms. Fortunately for the na tion that Washington founded and Lincoln saved, there is a president in the White House today who is not willing to do that, the pacifists and the pork barrel politicians of both parties to the contrary notwithstanding. He seems to be as much opposed to entangling alliances to disarm , as he is to entangling alliances to arm foe. the reason that both would be based on political connections with certain powers instead of upon judicial agreements with all powers. Eliminating certain outstanding causes of war is the first step towards reducing arma ments. Those who would reverse the process would put the cart before the horse and attempts to,-do that will not have the assistance of the ad ministration. The president and the secretary of state? have already taken the initiative in this matter. They are leading in the direction that the people desire to be led. And the senate and the house of representatives should attend to their own. neglected business, , and give Mr. Harding and Mr. Hughes a free hand. Let us hope that the president's "scoop" on the senate will be interpreted on Capitol Hill as a rebuke to legislative meddling in executive business. "Lying Bill" Haywood ' Big Bill Haywood, one-time idol of the L W. W-, is entertaining the Russians with statements in the Petrograd newspapers that a "capitalistic conspiracy" in the United States is trying to "starve the workingmen into submission." He insists that this is causing potatoes to rot in the fields, apples to waste in the orchards and rice to go to -ruin on the rice plantations. i In alt of which, of course, Bill Haywood is iyinsr and knows that he is lyine.Our systems "of transportation and distribution, are not peri tect, but they appear so in comparison with what Russia now has. Furthermore, where 10 Ameri cans go hungry 10,000,000 Russians are famine stricken. Under the beneficent rule of. the proletariat in Russia, the country is dying at the top. There .may be intelligence enough, t however, among some of his "comrades" to be' interested jn the fact that in Haywood's old home country' there is plenty of food and prices are falling. Also, in the fact that the average American workman probably has far better food than anyone in Rus sia, with the exceptions of the Lenines, Trotr zkys and Haywoods. , It might beof interest to them to learn that many American workinermen are striking for a Jiigher pay scale, despite -the ' fact that their weekly base wage ot $58 amounts to 1,600,000 rubles at present exchange rate, that they made about $100 a week, or 2,000,000 rubles, as a rule. Yes, the Russian printer who is getting possibly 5,000 rubles a month will be interested in that He may be getting as much as 10,000 rubles a month now, and he is a hlfifaferade workman. Haywood's friends. should compare that with the 4,640,000 to 8,000,000 rubles per month that the "capitalist slave" got in America. , .: When a soviet worker strikes he ceases to eat. 'Also, he is very likely to' be punctured with machine-gun fire. The-American -worker who goes on strike is usually forehanded enough to have a strike fund or a private bank roll. Nevertheless, Big Bill rather : likes the Russian life. He certainly does not care for Leavenworth. Butter is thirty-five cents a pound here; other foods range along in proportion.. Sovjet rubles are now regarded so poorly that intakes 20,000 of them, to buy an American dollar. A , Petro grad workman could take his month's wage of maybe 10,000 rubles, buy a pound of butter and have enough left over to get an egg,, maybe. An American quarter of a dollar is equal to 5,000 rubles. A $12-a-wek office boy if paid in rubles would be getting 240,000 a week. In Russia no man asks '.your salary; he is interested in your food ration. We are ration ing nobody in this "capitalistic land." Our cities are not falling to pieces. We are not starving any. human being or organizing conspiracies to starve anybody into submission. Haywood, maybe, is "spoofing" the Russians. Certainly, he knows that he is talking utter rot. Philadelphia Ledger. ; Yes, But HoVll You Do It? , 5 The real remedy for our foreign trade diffi culty is lower production costs. We must strip away uneconomic restrictions and methods which came as by-products of the war emergency, we must bring labor costs in line with commodity prices, and we must relieve . ourselves of the existing oppressively high railroad freight rates. Such a course will give the consumer the benefit of lower " retail prices, will fortify our. credit structure, will permit us to compete in foreign markets, and will hasten a real revival of trade. New York Evening Post . . Ten - Telephone Service- Story. . million busy signals were' given by' phone girls to indignant Chicagoans . during April, and 6,000,000 times the persons at the other end of the wire did not answer. This is accordintr to figures given by B. E. Sunny, president of the Illinois Bell Telephone com pany. There were 67,700,000 local calls during April. Observations indicated that 96 per cent were answered within ten seconds, and that 96 per cent of the connections that could be com pleted were -completed without error. Chicago Tribune. Where Potatoes Run High. In Chicago potatoes in car lots are selling at thirty cents a bushel. A year ago' they were $7.50, going to show that potatoes have been deflated, except in restaurants. Pittsburgh Gazette. , The Great Unarmed. Disarmament societies should adopt the Venus de Milo as their official symbol. Provi dence Journal, k , Blames the Skip Stop. Omaha, June 6. To the Editor ot The Bee: I wish to say that I considered Margaret Foley Hyland one of my slncerest of friends and her sudden death has caused me, as well as all of her many friends, a very great grief. To think that such a wonderful girl' as she should have to die In such a heartless, cold blooded manner makes all of us feel as though there Is no Justice. And, pray tell me, what Is it that makes citizens of the United States so un safe that one can be shot and killed? My main object in writing this Is to make Omaha see how this dread ful deed could possibly have been averted. Had the street car stopped on Arbor Instead of at Castelar, we might still have Margaret with us. ,Who and what are we that we should have to contend with the state's indifference in regard to this skip stop idea? Arbor and Tenth is by far much lighter than Castelar and Tenth where the accident oc curred. The car stops at all streets going south foe blocks before reach ing Castelar, but why is it that from Castelar to Arbor, from Arbor to Vinton, from Vinton to Bancroft we have no stops'? Does this seem fair? No indeed! Wake up. people! Citi zens of Omaha, why should we not have the street car stop on every corner? Do not we have to pay our seven cents for a ride as well as the next person that has this advantage? We have a petition for the abol ishment of this foollshment now. Why is there no action? Sincerely yours, MARGUERITE KINDER, 1011 Arbor Street. How to Keep Well By DR. W. A. EVANS Questions concerning hygiene, aanitatlon and prevention ot disease, submittal - to Or. Evan by roajors at Th Boo, wUl ba aniworod personally, aubjoct to - proper limitation, wbaro a (tampod addraoted anvolop ia andosod. Dr Evana will not make diaf noal or prsacribe for individual disease. Addres letter ia car oi Th Be.' Copyright, 1921, by Dr. W. A. Evan Scant Dress. Monowl, Neb., June t. To the Editor of The Bee: In answer to "A Call to Arms" in your column about the scanty female costume, I think Jane Addams is right in say ing that there is no more danger in it in the United States than in foreign and even savage lands. One gets used to it Man admires a healthy, graceful animal, especially in ac tion, and the human form is the most graceful of all. Therefore, men like to see as much of it as any modest girl or lady is willing to show. If ladies can look on ath letes who show nearly the whole bare person and get used to it why cannot - man . look, on .flesh-tinted tights and not be corrupted? Why not have lady athletes dress exactly as men? There is no denying that the "free style" will start a move ment for better forms, healthier and fuller as well as more graceful. Per haps we are all using, more cloth ing than is best. Of course, the old maid "skmnles" and "borties" and matrons also, who find no favor at dances and bathing Deacnes and beauty contests, do not like to have to compete with their poor persons with the superior charms of the misses and ladies for the;coveted masculine'notice and ad miration. Well; they do not like Jo make laughing stocks of themselves; they can keep out of that kind of competition, just as homely men do. As to the new things in dancins:. I have little advice. .1 do not know the new dances. But I think it is unwise to leave off the corsets, from What I have read and been told dangerous." They do not. however, need to feel like a board fence When a couple bump together in a crowded nan. but may have some giving to them. Perhaps enough for a young man to know what for form his lady has, whether full or spare: as many men feel they havef a right to know before marriage. If I. am wrong here, it may be that a doctor's cer tificate of full fitness for marriage and motherhood should be sufficient, and, stiff corsets should prevail, Bet ter to err on the safe sjde than pam per to. lust; for the: passions are strong and many wljls, are weak. - As to tne "social evil." it will die put of itself,' when '"business" is so reaajusiea, mai every! man win al ways have a generous income and a Wife and home with all the modern comforts, as his God-given right is, and when every married person is compelled to be healthy and strong oerore the marriage tie. as it is now, business with its "watered stocks", swindles the nation by tak Ing 10 times too much profit Cap! ta lists admit that they are doing this wnen they say that there must be 10 per, cent or more profit on all the stock they have sold. Every one knows that there Is 10 to 20 or more times as much of shares in the dif ferent industries as money was real ly put , into them. s with exactly as much Justice the workmen can claim that they should have 10 or more times as many workmen paid. at the same rate as now. j What a . -howl of rage would rise from capitol and its lick -spittles lr workmen made such a demand! Our industries are killing the nation! It cannot bear such a load! The starting of new Industries will de lay the grand collapse but cannot avoid it, ; For they will run on the same plan. Low wages will ruin all. PROF. N,:, H. - BLACKMER, The Working Student (From the Baltimore American.) Apropos of the discussion as to the. value of a college education and id general taea mat a is a luxury beyond the reach of people of poor or moderate means, a late report from a college in New England is Interesting as proving that many not favored by fortune not only regard it as a necessity but also make their opportunities to get it In their de termination to .win1' its advantages. This report shows that with the ex ception of 10 all its students will go to .work this summer to earn the money needed for their tuition fees. It also shows that with true grit and democratic . spirit .they regard any toil as honorable and worthy of their effort that helps to bring them the prize of knowledge. The report gives many ways which the students will employ to earn money, from tu toring ' and engineering- to selling peanuts. Among the occupations which will be their summer work will be. selling bcToks, underwear, maps, soap and. hair-cutters. Some of them will work - on farms and others will be "bell hops" in hotels, chauffeurs, stewards and waiters on ships, riding instructors, reporters. clerks and bakers. This is the real American spirit, and the knowledge which such men gain will stay with them and go into the life of the nation through them. Also they themselves will be an asset to genuine citizenship, and while their minds are learning their char acters will be developing from the wholesome discipline which work and its hardships will give them as self-training. Their determination is the fighting spirit which has made this country what it Is, which has developed its vast resources through its pioneers, and which makes its re cuperative power from disaster so marked a national characteristic. And it Is something more than dis cipline to ' those students blessed with the saving sense of humor, for their experiences, taken through this view will give them a avluable in sight into human nature and its quirks and oddities. A young man o bent on education as to work his way through college to get it is go ing to make It something: worth HEALTH PROTECTION. I sometimes wonder jf the time has not come for the people in the rural districts, the villages, towns, and smaller cities to have the same health protection that is afforded the people in the largo cities. In the city of Chicago the death rate is now not much more than one fourth as high as it was when con ditions were at their worst. The typhoid rate Is not 1 per cent of what it was when at its worst. Consumption stays at not much more than one-half its rate of a few years ago. Milk no- longer spreads disease and the 'water was not so safe when the buffalo roamed the prairie and no human being could be found, except an occasional roam ing band of Indians. The improvement continues year by year. The awful death rate during the influenza year, 1918, a disaster which depresses us even yet, was no higher than the normal aver age every year rate when the young er Carter H. Harrison first became mayor. I was proud, of the low death rate from typhoid when I was health commissioner, but just 10 years later the typhoid rate is less than one-tenth that of my time. The death rate of the cities with their well developed health depart ments, is considerably lower than that of the country, including the towns and cities of 15,000 and less. In 1920 there were 2,265 cases of typhoid fever and 386 deaths report ed from Illinois outside of Chicago. Inside the city of Chicago there were 234 cases and 30 deaths from ty phoid reported. In the same year 7,800 cases of smallpox were report ed from the state outside Chicago and 150 from Chicago. More than 40 per cent of the population of the state is located in Chicago. Chicago and Illinois are used as illustrations. The same figures ap ply everywhere. T. D. Wood of Co lumbia university made a study of sickness and health in New .York state. This study showed that the country children had more physical defects, poorer eyesight, poorer hearing, poorer teeth, and poorer physiques generally. These figures by . Prof. Wood were challenged. The challengers claimed that he counted as rural districts all towns and cities with 8,000 inhabitants and less. Levine and Middleton show that in Iowa it was the city of 15,000 and less which had the highest typhoid rates and inferentially the highest sickness rates generally, for accord ing to Hazen's law as goes the ty phoid prevalence so goes the pre valence of preventable disease gen erally. But how does that upset the argu ment? The smaller cities, towns and villages have no health protec tion machinery and in all plans for county health officers the one pro tective machine serves such commu nttles and the truly rural population generally. Our farmers complain that their young folks are leaving the farm for the Main streets. Our Main streets are complaining that their people are leaving for the cities. The re ports from the census olllce . show that both complaints are well found ed. Main street has no stronger hold than the rural district had. One shortcoming of both that cr.uld be remedied at small expense relates to health protection. Our people living in such districts now have law odiucr. school equip ment, a sheriff, constable or village policeman giving police protection. Why should they bo without health protection? Neither law officers. police officers, nor scnooi omeera can show a record of accomplish ments, provable by statistics, that . 1 - ... ........ V. 1 n ...ItK , V. n , of the health officers of the cities. Treating Acne Soars. J W. W. writes: "Improvement in tho appearance of scar pitting following acne la not as hopeless as your reply to an inquirer would ap pear. Much can be done by smooth ing off the edges by means of ths figuration spark. It calls for pa tience on the part of the doctor and the patient, but I have done It and know it to be worth while' As Old as Eden. Of what use to eliminate the sex complex from the movies and other forms of fiction when it persists so stubbornly in everyday fact? Here is tho losing lawyer in a New Jersey suit appealing for a new trial on the ground . that his learned opponent took one of the lady Jurors out to luncheon. Waterbury American. Phone Douglas 2793 r"1 : Ml -ifr ttra off airasffSk I HP PRINTING fiCZIrl V flnrj;. . mum mftun fMMAN Ua U rwjjCJ P1- j II aie COMMERCIAL PRINTERS - LITHOGRAPHERS STEEL OlCCNBOSSfKS LOOSE LEAF DEVICES Bowen's Three Day Sale of Towels A Saving Worth Making This is your oppor tunity to lay in your summer's supply. Tues day and Wednesday Towels, are selling at their value at -: . ' BOWEN'S A Quality Used Car For a Low Price For weeks we have been prepar ing our used cars for this sale. The usual Hansen quality, but at ' reduced, rock-bottom, sacrificing prices. UA Safe Place to Bu? 1 v ' " . mm, in f m ffc m mmZ m U fw M 9 W MA HV fnm I aai m m m m w mm bib m m in VUUUlUls aUIUgl A UI UUU1 11 MVIA III way to get Big Mileage Regularly The importance of gasoline with a complete chain of boiling point fractions You wouldn't expect to light a green stick with a match. Yet some, gasolines are like green sticks. 1 They neither ignite . quickly nor burn up completely because they lack sufficient low boiling point fractions for kindling, and have too great a proportion of slow-burning ele ments. Straight distilled gasoline pos sesses the complete chain of boiling points which assure quick . ignition and practically instant, complete combustion. Every bit is converted into heat and power gives bigger mileage per gal lon than slow-burning mixtures, or less carefully refined gasoline. Red Crown Gasoline has a com plete chain of boiling point fractions . Red Crown Gasoline is straight distilled gasoline. It meets all specifications required by- the United States Government for1 motor gasoline. It has a com plete chain of boiling point frac tions low, medium and higher boiling' point - fractions which, in right proportion, assure big power and big' mileage. It is uniform and dependable wher ever you buy it. . How to get better results at less cost The way to get mileage and power economically, to escape carbon troubles, to have a spry, quick-starting engine, is by per-1 feet adjustment of the motor to the fuel used. This can only -be secured by using gasoline that is UNIFORM gasoline you can get wherever you are gasoline that gives a lean, dry, powerful mixture under all weather con ditions. Use Red Crown Gas oline. Look for the Red Crown Service Station Always drive in to a Red Crown Service Station. You are certain of clean-burning, powerful gasoline that is as uniform as modern refining can make it big-milcage gasoline. Polite service, free air, water for your radiator and road information and directions are some of the little things which reflect the ideals of this, company prompt, courteous service, products of highest quality, full meas ureand an expanding service which anticipates the growing needs of the motoring public 1 j Write or ask for a Red Crown Road Wop STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA