Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1921, Page 3, Image 3
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, Exporters Make Large Contracts For New Wheat Indications Point to Heavy Foreign Demand During Coming Year ; Crop Pros-, pects Improved. By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago Trlbnae-Omaha Be Leaned Wire, Chicago. lune 6. The wheat sit uation presents peculiar features of a most striking character. Export ers are buying old and new wheat in liberal volume. They arc ab sorbing the old in the southwest as fast as it is offered, at good prem iums and making large contracts for the new crop, which will be available in about 30 days. Indica tions are that the foreign require ments will be liberal throughout the coming year, and that the world's surplus will be wanted. All leading countries have no great surplus reserve of wheat and importing countries, as well as ex porters, are about to pass into the new crop , year and begin imme diately to consume the new crop. World requirements are expected to be about as large the coming year as those of the past. Crop conditions, taken the world over, are mostly favorable, but there is to be no great surplus from pres ent indications, which makes trad ers feel that values will not be ex- t . t t , i nun v it i w a nri mar a trnnn nnpp level will be maintained. Crop Prospects Better Crop prospects in the United States are slightly better than a week ago as regards winter whert and are favorable for spring whoat in the American and Canadian north west. Harvesting has begun in the southwest, and with favorable weath er, will progress rapidly northward. Private crop reports issued dur ing the last week estimate the crop at 599,000.000 to 610,000,000. bushels of winter wheat, compared with 629.- 000,000 bushels estimated by the government last month and 576,000, 000 bushels last year. Inglis' report was' the most sensational of the sea son, showing loss of 87,000,000 busn els in the six leading southwestern and central states, compared with the government report of May. Another report, however, showed a loss of 21,000,000 bushels and sug gests 17.000,000 bushels more than harvested flast year. Estimates on spring wheat are 230,000,000 to $275,000,000 bushels, against 209,000,000 bushels harvested last vear. The total of all wheat is 844,000,000 to 875.000,000 bushels, compared with 787,000,000 bushels harvested last year and a five-year average, from 1915 to 1919, of 831. 000,000 bushels. - , Report Due June 8. The government report is due in Chicago on June 8 and is expected to show a loss of 8 to 9 per cent in acreage of spring wheat from last year, or close to 18,000,000 acres, and a lower condition of winter wheat than 88.8 in May. Farmers are more disposed to sell their old wheat and. to contract for new on all bulges. They are getting a good price for their grain and have in mind their experience of last year, with ill advanced holding operations, which lost theui $1 to $1.50 a bushel. They are selling new wheat freely m the southwest and liberal purchases were made in central Illinois during the last week on the basis of 16 c over Chicago. July, track here, for red or hard winter, shipment by July .20. Tulv wheat has advanced more than 40 cents and reacted 1054 cents in a little more than 40 days. Texas District Attorney Who Refused to Quit, Fired Washington, June 6. Hugh R. Robertson, United States district at torney for the western district of Texas, has been removed from office by President Harding, it was an nounced today at the Department of Justice. No reason was assigned for the removal, it was said. Robert son, last week, said he had refused to resign as requested by Attorney General Daugherty. Gigantic Income Tax Ring Swindle Exposed by Paper Governor Allen Charges For mer Congressman With Con spiracy to Defraud Men With Large Incomes. Wichita, Kan., June 6. Governor Allen's paper, the Wichita Beacon, Saturday published an exclusive story of graft in connection with col lection of income tax and excess profits tax. Governor Allen edi torially urges a federal investigation. The conspiracy is known to exist in many places in the middle west and is believed to be nation-wide in its scope. ' y Taxpayers have been bluffed by solicitors claiming to represent "tax experts." These so-called experts have claimed to possess underground influences with the United States treasury officials, by which taxpayers can secure great reductions in what seem to be exorbitant taxes. Taxpayers paid from 35 to 50 per cent of the alleged reduction to the so-called experts. The fees in some cases, have run as high as $20,000 and more. Solicitors have approached tax payers in some cases even before the inspectors had called and have fore cast exactly what the special assess ments or penalties would be, show ing conclusively that there had been a big leak in the revenue collection department. In most cases the so called experts are former employes of the Treasury departmnt who are believed to have secured valuable data regarding taxpayers. The Beacon has secureed evidence showing that various ex-congressmen and former officials of the Treasury department and politicians have engaged in similar practices. A typical instance is that of an oil company which had to pay privately $21,000 to a so-called expert from an unexpected assessment of $75,000. The government got only $5,000 eventually. This is how it happened. The company's holdings were all sold in 1917 in a normal business transac tion and disbursed among the stock holders, except $26,000 which was banked at 4 per cent interest to pay the income tax. The assessment proved to be $76,000." This caused consternation. A man approached the former head of the company and said that Mr. X, an attorney was in town from Washington and suggested that the latter had influences and could help, on a basis of 50 per cent commission on whatever reduction he might se cure. The oil man hesitated and pro posed that the expert take all he could save of the $26,009 if he could get the tax reduced from $75,000 or less than $26,000. Mr. X demurred but finally went back to Washington and mailed contracts signed by him self on the basis suggested. The- Beason has on file, many cases of various kinds, all pertain ing to the existence of graft and collusion, and will submit the evi dence to President Harding for in vestigation. An investigation was made by the federal secret service long before the present administration and many of these facts wefe ascertained, but nothing came of it. Special Train for Omaha Elks to Los Angeles Meet Nine Pullmans and two diners have been ordered by the Elks to carry the Omaha delegation to the national convention in Los Angeles in Tulv. To date 140 Elks have applied for nlaces on the soecial that leaves Omaha at 1 a. m., July 9, according to Otto Nielson. secretary. Lonz stoos will be made at Ogden and Salt Lake City. Among the prominent Nebraska Elks to go will be franklin 1 Kain, past grana ex alted ruler, and C. A. McLoud of York, member of the grand lodge committee. Many of the Elks will take their wives, Mr. Nielsen said. The new Elks band also will go on the special train. Former Police Officer ? Gets 10 Days for Vagrancy Hans Mortenson, former police of ficer who was arrested a week ago for investigation in connection with the murder of "Wingie" Davis, Omaha taxicab man, near Grand Island, is serving a 10-day jail sen tence on a charge of vagrancy. Chief of Detectives Van Deusen requested Police Judge Foster to put Mortenson away for safe keeping while detectives continue to work on the Davis case. Mortenson has been out of work long enough to sanction the vagrancy charge, ac cording to the chief of sleuths. Funeral for First Member Of Company to Die in France Griswold, la., June 6. (Special.) Funeral services were held at the Catholic church here for Norbert Wilson, the first member of Com pany M, 168th infantry to die in France. I Liver and Bowels Right Always Feel Fine There! one right way to ipeedfly tone up the liver and keep the bowel regular. S Carter's little f ARTFD'C Liver PUU never vMH I tl J fail. Million will testlff . that there It nothing to food for bil iousness, indigestion, headache or sal low, pimply skin. Purely vegetable. Small Mll-Saull Dose-Small Price Bee Want Ads Produce Results. HELP YOURSELF CLUB FEEDING UPS La FAT E T T E When you drive a La Fayette you need never permit another car to come close enough to go around LA FAYETTE-HAYWARD CO. Farnam at 28th Phone Har. 0345 At the close of the first extra vote offer period certain members were in well-advanced positions in the list of standings of members and had excellent starts in their efforts to secure a capital or district award. New members entered and at the close of the second extra vote offer period we note that these newer members have in a great many instances passed the older mem bers. We are simply making this statement as a caution to the older members. These older members did some excellent work during the first few weeks and if they will only "pep up" and go after subscriptions in a business-like way we are sure they will find it will pay them.' You, if you are an older member, will know whether or not this applies in your case. j How strange it is that some folks must be hit hard by dis aster before they can realize a lost opportunity. Right here in this Help Yourself Club Campaign, with 1 Opportunity staring them in the face and awarda worth thousands of dollars each as the goal, many members are trying to pull up the hill under a half head of steam. Other and newer members with a full head of steam are right behind you, and, unless you mend your fires and get down to hard work, you will find the other members will have run around you. If anybody remarks that they cannot afford The Bee, take" a pencil and show them that The Bee, including the big Sunday issue, only costs them about 2 cents a day and ask them if they can afford to be ignorant of the real happenings in the world and their own community for 2 cents a day. Give your renewal to some present club member, or nomi nate a new member. . Your renewal will give some member a helping hand in the race. " During the early part of the campaign some of your friends " may have given you short time 3 or 6-month) subscriptions, thinking you did not have the "sticking qualities" necessary to win. Now that you can show them that you are out to win, go back at them to double or treble their order. The following in ducement is offered. You wilt note by looking over the list of Vote Values of Subscription that the two-year subscription counts proportionately for more votes than for a year and that a six months' subscription counts for more than one for three months. ; . N ' Now, still looking at the list of vote values in the list offer, you will find that a three-month subscription, costing $2.55, gave you a credit of 12,000 votes. If you get this subscriber to extend this to a si-month subscription by giving you another three month subscription you will, for this second subscription of $2.55, , be given a credit for 20,000 votes. In other words, where you get a person who has already given some member a short period subscription to give you a further one it will count for more votes than the original one. This will apply whether you or any other member secured the first, subscription. When the campaign is ended and the awards are given the members who worked hardest, there will be some members who will wish they had not had a wishbone where their backbone should have been. ' " Put ginger into the work. Those Capital -Awards are all young fortunes. i. t ahmtot hmtmvm t0T0 nntatlA he filth A CttT jgwr lares caiion Outings Glaciers' and geysers lakes and woods meadows and moun tain peaks sun-baths and sea-baths you'll find them all in the Union Pacific Country the last great West. from'Omaha w 0 u 80 to Denver, Colorado Springe, Pueblo and A " return. $j4 O 30 ' Rocky Mountain National (E$te$) Park AsW and return. to West Yellowstone (Yellowstone Na $ K j 60 tional Park) and return. Four and one-half days' 9w Jm """" motor trip, within the park, with accommodations at hotels $54.00, at camp $45.00. Side trip Denver to Rocky Mountain National (Estes) Park, $10 JO. $0 W60 to Portland, Tacorha, Seattle and return, J M """" with 200 miles along the scenic Columbia River. Side trips to Yellowstone and Rocky Mountain National Parks at small additional expense. CQ TGQ toSan Francisco, Los Angeles and return.. J . One way via Ogden, Salt Lake City, returning through uenvec. 1 OQ20 Circuit Tour of the West. Union Pacific to JmJmW """ Portland, rail or steamer to San Francisco, returning $ w T am r direct through Ugden or via Los Angeles and bait Lake War i ax 8 ptxlra cuy. Qr route ,e reversed. Includes Denver, too. All these fares include Colorado Springs without additional charge. Yellowstone tickets on sale June 1 to September 10. To all other points' ' June 1 to September 30. Final return limit October 31. Low homeseekers' fares, good 21 days, first and third Tuesdays of each month to certain points in Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. Choose your trip and send for free descriptive booklet, Ak A. K. Carts, City PaiMenger Agent Union ratine System, 1419 lKxtgo Ut, Omaha, Neb. Union Pacific Stjstem USE BEE .WANT ADS THEY BRING RESULTS The Second Capital Award illli mm $4,440.00 seven-pasienger Cadillac Automobile. Purchased from J. H. Hansen Cadillac C Omaha. Ths kind of car you'll find real pleasure in owning and driving big, roomy, easy-riding palace on wheels. EXTRA VOTE OFFER 50,000 Extra Votes for each $25.00 in subscriptions and 2,000 Extra Votes for each dollar over $25.00. This offer is open only from June 6th until June 18th. It is positively the only re maining extra vote offer which will be made. Continuing Our Special Offer arid Sale of ELECTRIC CLEANER The electric vacuum cleaner, sweeper and dust gatherer that Actually Cuts Work in Half Saving time for indoor rest and outdoor pleasures. A Highly Decorative Library Lamp with ornamental bronze base and artistic amber glass paneled shade exactly as illustrated given' free to each purchaser of a Premier Electric Cleaner. Its General Elec tric Motor is a vital factor to permanent satisfaction. Other features insure service and long life. Price $42.50 Cash $45.00 Terms $5.00 Down, $4.00 Per Month - Phone for a Demonstration in Your HomeWihch Places You Under No Obligation. . a m m m m m 1 Nebrra M &y . , vFarnam at Fifteenth ATIantic 3100 rf jfH List of Awards . 1 $7 ftOOJOO HOME, First Capital Award. l-44440 Cadillac Automobile. 1 $1,500.00 Conservative B. & L. Deposit. 9$1J15j00 Maxwell Automobiles. $$200J00 B. & L. Deposits. $-$100 J00 B.&L. Deposits. Total number of awards, 30. - Ten per . cent cash commission to all won winners if they turn in $50.00 or more. x Membership Entry Blank The Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club 5,000 VOTES I I ( nominate. Data. .1921 (Mr., Mra. or His.) I Street No - Diet. No.... . City States I As a member of The Help Younetf Club Signed I Addreea, . This nomination blank will count for 6,000 vote if lent to the manager of the H. Y. S. Club. Only one blank will eonnt for a member. Fill, out this blank with your name or the name of your I favorite and aend it to The Bee. The name of the person making I lthe nomination will not be divulged.