Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1921, Page 2, Image 2
i THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. JUNE 7, 1921, Veritable Night Of Terror Spent By Flood Victims Hundreds of Victims Buried In Mud and Wreckage Many Who Failed to Heed Warnings Lost. Colorado Springs, June 6.-l-Charles Dradman, a refugee, just in from Pu eblo, says that while the property loss and number of deaths may be over-estimated, hundreds have been lost who will never be found. They are buried in deep mud and wreck age,, or washed away by the rapid .stream. "1 was in a rooming house in the. inundated district," he said. "VYe got sufficient warning, but failed to heed it. A wall of water, several feet high , struck the building, carrying it off its foundation. The water sooa reached the second story and sever al roomers were lost. "I was rescued from the roof in a row boat. I saw several houses wrecked and I am sure that 50 lives were lost iu my own observation. 1 am glad to escape with my life, for I lost about everything else. Mrs. E. Marsh and Mrs. Myron S. Collins of Colorado Springs, reache I , nere after terrifying experiences with the flood. They were in Pueblo Fri day night, but succeeded in driving meir auiomooue xu mues souin 01 , this city and then walked most of the way home. i Raced Ahead of Flood. Raymond C. Chapman and Stanley Robinson of Colorado Springs and Ivor Dailey of Denver also reached here. The drive was made over washed out roads, along railroad tracks, over improvised bridges and .through ploughed fields. Chapman had the remarkable ex perience of coming down the Arkan sas valley in advance of the flood, , seeing it inundate Pueblo immedi ately after his arrival and then of reaching his home here last night. He traveled in his automobile. He said:" "Coming down the Arkansas val ley I reached Pueblo early Friday evening. When I reached the city the sirens were blowing. The water was on a level with the bridges. I had with me a New York traveling man, who I had picked up. We went to the Vaile hotel, where we wanted to lodge. "A short time later this hotel was flooded to the second story. I then went to the Congress hotel, which is on higher ground. Here, later on, a number of refugees were brought Many Rescued. "I spent the whole of Friday night watching the flood and fire. Such a night I hope never to see again. The watera soon reached the second stories of buildings in the business; ..... i district ana peopie were uv-ni rescued in boats. The boats were brought up from Mineral Park lake and all were in use. Many flood victims were thus rescued. "The city was in darkness except for candles in some of the buildings that were not flooded ana tor lan terns used by rescuers. "The fires, terrible as they were, lighted up the city more or less and made the work of rescue easier than it would have been otherwise., . . ' "I saw a two-story house floating down the street at the corner of Main and Third streets. "Box'cars and houses were piled up in heaps and the Union depot was surrounded with water and wreck; age until I could not see it from the nearest point I could reach, which was: ven or eight blocks away. The water there was said to be 11 feet deep. Many Refuse to Leave. "Effors were made by the police to tret the people to leave their homes in parts of the city where it was seen they would soqn be flooded, but they could not get them to go. They were caught a few minutes later by the flood. Many of these people were rescued from sficond story windows in row boats. ; Some ; were taken from trees, telephone poles, and roofs of their houses '. "A boy in a boat had rescued two women and was trying to get an old man in the boat when one of the wo men became hysterical and the boat was upset. The boy held on to one of the women and tried to get her to a place of safety, but his strength was too feeble and all were swept away in the rushing flood. This happened at Seventh and Elizabeth streets "Throughout the night fires could be seen in different parts of the city and for a while it looked as if va rious sections were doomed. The fires originated in oil tanks or else where and the wreckage of houses and other combustible material fed the flames. Much lumber from the two big' yards lodged in the wreckage and was burned." Autos Abandoned in Streets. Ivor Dailey and? Wilbur F. Can non of Colorado Springs, comfort ably located in a building above the ,flooded district, spent all Friday night watching the flood and fire do its deadly work. Their state . ment is that the Arkansas river leaped its banks at 7 o'clock in the evening. Autoists caught in their cars in the streets abandoned them and the cars, knocked against each other, bumped into plate glass win dows, turned over and over until at length broken to pieces. Late Fri day night and early Saturday morn ing fires were more frequent, they said, caused by unslacked lime and oil and augmented by passing houses, lumber and other combust ibles. ' At 2 o'clock Sunday morn ing it was possible to read a news paper by light of these fires. Dailey said the night in Pueblo was a night of terror. "We saw a woman in the' second story of a house floating down Main street The house struck a building while the water swirled around it, sucking it down. Finally it stopped and the woman, having evidently lost her mind, leaped into the water and was drowned. "We saw another woman standing in the doorway of her residence, while her son tried to reach her on an improvised raft of logs wired to gether. V The house lurched and turned over and the woman was lost just at thfe point of rescue. "A man'75 years old roosted in a tree all rght in the north part of tows. Hsaid he hag seen a hun- Newspapermen Were First to Arrive in Stricken City of Pueblo After Flood Hit Denver, June 6.Informatkn in relation to conditions in flood-strick en and isolated Pueblo was obtained and forwarded to the outside world under conditions that were as trying and in some instances as hazardous as those which the suffering people of that city themselves underwent The first news of the disaster came to Denver over The Associated Press leased wire and a Western Union Telegraph company messags almost simultaneously. A few min utes after The Associated Press wire lost Pueblo and the last Western Union operator to brave the rush of the waters wired to the Denver office. "I am firoinor to teat it: the water is around my feet." That was Fri day night Reporters First in Town. After that it was hours before communication between Pueblo and the rest of the country was restored. Then that was over one Western Union wire. The first outside news paper men to reach the flooded city were two Denver correspondents. One of them was an Associated Press staff man and the other a staff correspondent of the Denver Times. They went together early Saturday morning in an airplane from this city. Later two more Associated .Press correspondents and an Associated Press operator went to Colorado Springs from Denver by train and from Colorado Springs to Pueblo by automobile and by foot. Trains dred people perish from his vantage of observation. "The last word Pueblo survivors said to us before we left was 'for God's sake send us water, food and clothes. Get them to us quickly. 52 Bodies Recovered From Ruins in Pueblo (Continued From Pate One.) eries may be made when the waters recede further. W. B. McKim of the McKim .undertaking parlos, said today that he had received a report that 16 bodies had been raised up at a place five miles east, known as the Moroney farm. His men have located three horlies at Salt Creek. south of the city, but cannot recov er them, 'he said, lhe bodies of woman and girl have been located near the Colorado and .Southern bridge but cannot be recovered and several in Grove cannot yet be re moved, he said. Kescue and reconstruction work is being systematized tinder the direc tion of Col. Patrick Hamrock, ad jutant general of the state and chief in command of the military. The city has been divided into wards and physicians assigned to the various wards to care for the emergency cases and to instruct the residents in proper sanitation precautions during the abnormal conditions. No Food Shortage. There is no danger of a food shortage, it is said, but the supply is being conserved. Charles W. Lee and ludue Frank Mirick are in charge of this department Food cards- are tstill being issued for the ourchase of Erocenes. AH restric tions on the purchase of gasoline and oil have been removed. Lee today issued a proclamation to all retail merchants ordering them to deliver no food supplies to any one except fresh meats, vegetables and fresh fruit, unless the purchaser could show a written order signed by himself. Such orders were, being issued at half a dozen places through out the city. Lieutentant Colonel Newlon late this afternoon ordered out the rifle companies at Brush, Fort Morgan and Bnehton to augment the troops already doing guard and police duty in Pueblo. A work train of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad from Colorado Springs approached to within four miles of Pueblo on the north this afternoon. The information was brought to military headquarters by Maj. Bert Lake, quartermaster of the National guard, who came that far on a train. ' Relief Trains, Start. A relief train with supplies for the flood sufferers left Fort Logan, Colo., at 3:30 this afternoon, accord ing to a telegram to Colonel Ham rock from Colonel "Caples at Fort Logan, in command of the relief ex pedition. It is expected to arrive here Tuesday morning. Another re lief train -will leave Fort Logan to morrow, his telegram stated. Colonel Caples in his message said 20,000 army rations would be ordered shipped from Omaha if needed. Colonel Hamrock says this will not be ordered, as the food situation is good. . i A carload of provisions, the gift of the people of Utah to the Pueblo flood sufferers, was sent from Salt Lake City today, Colonel Hamrock said. The train is bringing 125 tents, 2,250 blankets, 1,750 bed sacks. Three baggage cars loaded with tents, blankets and cots "will be started to Pueblo from Fort Logan Tuesday morning. The relief camp for flood victims will be established about two mjles east of town instead of at Mineral Palace park, as previously an nounced, Colonel Hamrock said. Seek Relief Funds. Rehabilitation of the telephone service, almost completely disrupted by the flood, is to begin immediate ly. The military authorities tonight granted permission to the telephone company officials to string temporary wires to connect important points in the city. All communication be tween the north and south sides of Notice to Members Ofthev Help Yourself Club Winners of the special award automobiles, offered by The Oma ha Bee Help Yourself club in the period closing June 4, will not be announced until the final awards at the close of the club's cam paign. ' This ruling is made in fairness to the club members who won these awards, as it would not be equitable to them to have their competitors know exactly how many votes they won during the past three weeks. could not get within miles of the business section of the stricken city and automobiles that managed to get around washouts in the roads had to stop at the city limits. . Colorado Springs newspaper men also suc ceeded in reaching Pueblo late Sat urday. News of the conditions in Pueblo was obtained only under the greatest of difficulties. Local newspapers, the police, the fire department, the mili tary and the Red Cross were the first sources of information, as the high water and the strict vigilance of military guards made it impossible to get first hand intormation . until the necessary military passes had been .obtained and provisions made for setting around through the mud, water and fires that overwhelmed the city. Correspondents had to work, in relays to keep in contact with the lone wire and an uncer tain wire at that which connected Pueblo with Denver, the distribution center for news which leaked out from the former city. From the tops of buildings news paper men m Pueblo witnessed much of the disaster. They also used boats. Boots, were in fashion. The military wig-wagged information when dis tance made it impossible to hear the human voice. Fire whistles served as signals for more urgent matters, Church bells also played their part in the transmission of emergency in formation. Half nude and intrepid swimmers,, many of them negroes, served as couriers. the city has been down. In granting this permission Colonel Hamrock declared his primary object at this time is to restore business. Late estimates of the total damage and crop loss from Canon City to the Kansas line is placed at $20,000, 000 in a telegram from the Pueblo Commercial club to Governor Oliver H. Shoup. Damage in Pueblo city and county will reach $6,000,000 or $8,000,000, the telegram states. The governor is urged to aid in the request that the federal government appropriate $5,000,000, of which $2,000,000 be made available immedi ately for improving the Arkansas and Fountain, river levees and removing debris from the damaged cities. Pueblo needs $1,500,000 for this work, the telegram states. Scenes of Desolation. Scenes of desolation were re vealed this afternoon when the fall ing of the , waters of the Arkansas river from the Grove district of the city permitted a close-up of this sec tion, which suffered , most in the flood of Friday night. Residents . of the district, mostly foreigners, were at work this after noon retrieving what they could of their household "effects. Some are planning to go back to their homes immediatelly. The Grove is one of the poor sec tions of Pueblo. Little of this district is more than a tew teet above the river banks and that the waters swept across the settlement with great violence is shown by houses swept from their foundations and a freight car lodged more than 300 yards from any rail road tracks. Loss of lite in the. Grove district has not approached early predictions. Frctmjits position the loss should not have been great had the people taken warnings, but ftiany refused to leave their homes until the water had rushed in upon them.- Mail is Recovered. An important part of the salvage today was sacks of Tmail. These were recovered from all parts of the yard, gathered in piles and hauled by ropes from the railroad yards to via- ducts and taken to the postoffice. Another peculiar recovery in the yards was a corpse, carried by the flood from an uptown undertaking establishment It was the body of Gordon Rennie, sent here from Cali fornia for burial The body of Mrs. Sardgena, sent here from Trindad, was also washed away during the flood and later recovered in its cas ket, which was . intact. Rennie's body was found floating on the cas ket lid. Money Needed to Aid Sufferers in Flood (Continued From Pa One.) ernor's office, whether by organiza tions or by individuals, will be im mediately converted into . the Ked Cross treasury. It is not necessary to advise the people of the state as to the charac ter of the Red Cross organization, for they had ample opportunity to observe its effective work during the recent world war. I am authorized by the officials of the Red Cross to state that every, dollar contributed expended in this relief work as all overhead expenses of every nature and description will be borne by the National Red Cross organiza tion. "From a personal inspection of much of the flooded area I can state that the situation is serious. I, there fore, make this urgent appeal for prompt and I generous response. "Governor. Conner's Park Formally Opened at Alexandria Alexandria. Neb.. Tune 6. (Spe cial.) Formal opening of the Con ner park was held here with a record-breaking' attendance from al most every town in the county. Features of the day were a three- town band and a base ball game be tween Alexandria and Western, which resulted in a 10 to 7 victory for Alexandria. Proposition for Lights' Accepted by Alexandria Alexandria, Neb.. Tune 6. (Spe cial.) The Hydro-Electric com pany's proposition to supply Alex andria with light and power was ac cepted by the election held here The vote stood 313 for and 44 against. It is expected that the project will be rushed to completion. . Young Burglars Caught Table Rock, Neb., June 6. (Spe cial.) Two youthful burglars, who robbed the Farmers' union store and the clothing- store of L Shirley & Co.' at Humboldt were captured the following day with the goods in their possession. The two boys were Carl Moore, negro, and Don Grin stead, b$h of Humboldfc Prayer of Child Trapped in Car Is Answered Woman Passenger of Train Caught in Colorado Flood Gives Graphic Descrip tion of Horrors. By The AMoelated FreM. Pueblo, Colo., June 6. A graphic description of the plight ot passes gcrs caught by the flood in the Mis souri Pacific and Denver and Rio Grande trains during the flood here Friday night, was given by Mrs. Ru by Jillis of Wichita, Kan., who was imprisoned in an overturned Pull man coach on the Denver and Rio Grande with her 9-year-old daughter for more than four hours. "We were in the car next to the enginc'and the train was pulled out of the station to a point near the river," Mrs. Ellis said. "It seemed as though we were only 20 feet from the river bank. The car turned over gradually as the water ruslred under the bottom. It seemed that the others turned over one by one short ly afterwards. Trapped in Car. "The car. turned on the right side and my little daughter, Mildred Mary, and I were thrown to the bottom of the car into the water. I struggled to the surface and found mattresses and bedding over me. Then I found my little girl and pull ed her to the top of the car, which was not yet filled with water. We stood on the rods of the upper berth and held onto the rods on the top ot the car. "The water rose rapidly until it had reaohed my chin. My little girl was clinging to my neck. Fortunate ly the ventilator windows were opened and we were able to breathe freely. I had jriven up hone of life when the water came to my chin. Mildred Mary had not cried or complained up to this time and she asked: 'What shall I do mother,' and I told her to pray. Trust in Jesus. "Then she repeated over and over again: 'Jesus, I trust you.' It seemed only a few minutes then until the water began to re cede. We made our way to the end of the car, where some women in the train had broken out a win dow and were helped to the side of the coach by the rescue party. Ihey carried us to the Nuckolls icking plant." Mrs. Ellis had no idea of the number drowned in the two trains. Two of the passengers iti her coach whose names she did not know were not seen by her in the group of rescued, she said. Mrs. Ellis had been employed in the office of the Missouri Pacific at Wichita and was en route to visit a sister, Mrs. L. G. Siddall, who lives at New Castle, Colo. No Bodies Found. No additional bodies " were taken from the overturned cars of the Denver & Rio Grande today. Res- i cue parties were able . to reach the trains and search through all cars, it was announced. . The bidding in the bottom of the cars had not been removed and it was stated that there is a possibility that some bod ies may yet be found, but this was believed impossible. Passengers who escaped from the trains were in the yards today in efforts to find their baggage. Some were successful, but most searched in vain. Farmer Seriously Hurt ' As He Falls on Pitchfork Alexandria, Neb, June 6. (Spe cial.) Henry Busing, farmer living near Helvey, was dangerously in jured when he fell from a load of hay which he was hauling and lit on an upturned pitchfork, which penetrated his abdomen, puncturing his intes tines. His physician says that he will recover. Columbus Women Organize Delphian Society Chapter Columbus, Neb., June 6. (Spe-V cial.) The Columbus chapter of the national Delphian society was organ ized with 20 charter members and officers were elected for the ensuing year. The purpose of the Delphian society is to form a medium for a group study of history, current events, art, literature and music Supreme Court Upholds Order Ousting Sheriff Lincoln, June 6. (Special.) The supreme court upheld the Mor rill county district court today : in an order ousting Sheriff William I. Dyson from office on a charge of re ceiving and giving away intoxicating liquor. . ' A Quality Used Car For a Low Price For weeks we have, been prepar ing our used cars for this sale. The usual Hansen quality, but at reduced, rock-bottom, sacrificing prices. j "A Safe Place to Bily" Cadillac Bldg. Victim of Saturday Holdup Dies of Wound Receivership of Bank at Superior Nearing an End $35,00Q to Be Salvaged From savings institution; guar antee Fund to Pay Re maining $20,000. Lincoln, June 6. (Special.) Re ceivership of the First State; Savings Ba,nk of Superior, which went to the wall seven years ago, shortly after the failure of the First National Bank of Superior, is nearing an end. According to J. E. Hart, secretary of the department of trade and com merce, there will be about $35,000 salvaged from the bank and the re maining $20,000 will be taken from the 6tate bank guarantee fund. This is the first state bank to fail after the state guarantee law became effec tive. Hart stated that C. W. Harvey, receiver, had used $30,000 of the bank's money for a number of years without interest and for that reason no compensation would be allowed him. Harvey moved into Superior about the time of the failure of the two banks. When the receivership is wound up Harvey will go,to Cali fornia, Hart stated. Assistant Attorney General C. A. Dort has gone to Superior and has started proceedings m the JNuckolls county district court, which will call for the public sale of all remaining property of the bank. Dort also started proceedings in the Thayer county district court, which resulted in the appointment of Hugh Bruning of Belvidere as the receiver for the Farmers State Bank of Belvidere. The doors of that bank were closed recently, following the disappearance of William Barge, the cashier. ' Prepare Aid for Pueblo Lincoln, June 6. (Special.) Money and provisions are being col lected by the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce for the flood sufferers at j Pueblo. 66 7AA 99 ONE ELEVEN Cigarettes To tell you of the care in blending to baccos for ONE-ELEVEN Cigarettes would behigh ly interesting But-just buy a package and id Jind out. 'J dgarettesfj (jutMftUf d by Farnam at 26th Woman Shot by Bandit Trio Dies, Suspect Is Held Wound Inflicted in Back Sat urday Night in Front of St. Joseph Hospital Proves ' Fatal Today. Shot through the back by one of three highwaymen who escaped SaV unday night, Mrs. C. M. Hyland, Palmer, Nb., died at 2:57 a. m. yes terday in St. Joseph, hospital. Mrs. Hyland was formerly Miss Margaret Foley of Omaha and served as secretary to former Sheriff Felix J. McShane. She was 39 years old. Mrs. Hyland was shot when three bandits attempted to hold up her and Mr. and Mrs. James Kane, 2515 South Eleventh street, .near the St. Joseph hospital, just after they had alighted from a street car on Tenth street Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 8:45 from the home of her sister, 2515 South Eleventh street, to St. Patricks church at 9. Burial will be in Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Mrs. Hyland leaves four brothers in Omaha, Mike and Tom Foley, 2515 South Eleventh street; Dan Foley, 3219 Thirty-second avenue, and Thn Foley, Twenty-eighth and Dodge .streets. , One In Custody. One man is in custody, two sus pects were questioned and released, 25 tips were run down and the entire neighborhood of the scene of the shooting was again covered by de tectives. Six detectives are working on the case under the personal direc tion of Chief Van Deusen. Alfred Oliver, 22, 1915 South Elev enth street, who was held for inves tigation in connection with the fatal shooting, stoutly maintains his inno cence. He was arrested at his home. Oliver told Detectives Pszanowski and Rich that he was near the street car barns at Tenth and Pierce about the hour of the shooting. A woman told him of the affair, he said. Returns a 3 A. M. Ellen Curvin, a maid at Oliver's home, told the detectives that Oliver came home about 3 o'clock Sunday morning, it was on this statement that Oliver is being held. "We will have to keep on dig ging," said Van Deusen. "We haven't a clue to work on." Chief of Police Dempsey last night instructed Van Deusen to use every man in the detective department if necessary to apprehend the murder- ers. Owners of Movie Theaters Hold Meeting at Tecumseh Tecumseh, Neb., June 6. (Spe cial..) A convention of motion pic ture theater owners of this section of the state' was held in Tecumseh. District organization was perfected and steps taken to bring about .cer tain matters which will be of benefit to the business. Thirty-four towns are represented in the district. A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND -REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed M 1513 Douglas St. Tel. Dour. 0188 IBPM HLUU SeefaeSeW CooVelWofor onlUSrYans Western Electric Co., Omaha. McGraw Co., Omaha. -Midweit Electric Co., Omaha. Wolfe Electric Co., Omaha. Corr Electric Co., Omaha. G. H. Alwine, 238 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Telephone JA ckon 1151 jLi ILJ K1L: A I IK. Mil ILGiElECJRIC Robbers Get $1,000 From , Fremont Filling Station Fremont, Neb., June 6. Robbers last night blew the safe in the Stand ard Oil company filling station here and' escaped with $1,000 in cash and $240 in gasoline coupon books. The door was blown from the safe and through the front of the building, completely demolishing the small structure. For Summer Haberdashery The Men's Shop Of Manhattan Shirts we recently received a new shipment. A great variety of patterns are shown now for $3 to $12.50. New Neckwear includes knit ties in any width for $1.50 and up; narrow silk cut four-in-hands, 50c and up; and bats for 50c to $1.50. Wash neckwear ranges from 50c to $1.50. Windsors for women and boys, and nar row four-in-hands, silk or knit, for boys, com plete bur showing. Interwoven or Wayne Knit hose in silk or -; lisle and a fine assortment of novelty hose for men. Underwear and sleeping garments can be chosen here from extensive showings. Every style and material in the well known makes and all reasonably priced. To tli Left at You (Enter White Footwear Dainty white kid pumps are beautifully soft and dainty. Made with one wide instep strap and Louis heels. $13 a pair. White 'Nile cloth pumps are shown in a single strap style with hand-turn soles and Louis heels, $8.50 a pair. , White oxfords of Nile cloth and welt soles and military heels and are priced $8.50. White Lisle Hose Very sheer hose of white silk lisle have garter tops and double soles, $1.50. Chiffon weight silk lisle with Pointex heels are $1.75 a pair. , White lace lisles in very beautiful designs are $1.75 to $2.50. Make Sure Your Store Is Correctly Ventilated SHOPPING is a pleasure in the store that is cor rectly ventilated with an ILGVentilatingFan. Customers -linger longer and buy more. - The clerks are more alert more obliging and render a better service. . The warnings of health authorities and eminent physicians are educating the public to beware of the place that is not correctly ventilated, which eventually becomes a .breeding place for sickness and disease. Make your store an inviting spot to public patronage. Install an ILG Ventilat ing Fan and keep the air clean, fresh and invigorating. Here is a factor for building business and conserving customer good will that every merchant can afford. Co an J tin ILG Vtnt Hating Fan dtmonitrat ( at th following EUctrical or Hardwara ataUrt or wrtta for illtutraUd tiloratura. K'iiiHlill5ifllllW(llllllll!jjl" Modern Electric Co., Omaha. LeBron Electrcial Work, Omaha. Omaha Electrical Work, Omaha. American Electric Co., Omaha. G. H. Alwine & Co., Omaha. The Kortmeyer Co, Lincoln, Neb. ) FOR' EAGTORIES- RESTAURANTS -THEATRES HOUSES- VENTILATINOJCO. Woman's Elbow Disolcated In Fall From Porch of Home Tecunisth, Neb., June 6. (Spot cial.) Mrs. Susie Snyder fell froui a porch at her home here, dislocating her left elbow. Mrs. Snyder was endeavoring to hold a post in posi- null w iiiiw Jut oini, jrwiirtui, IfiMcnPM it in place. The post. was pushed fort ward and the woman fell to the ground, lighting upon her elbow. Embroideries of Interest 1j Organdy flouricings In white and cream, for summer dresses. Colored organdy, tucked and ruffled, full skirt length, $3.75 and $4.75 a yard. 1 Narrow edges and in sertions for summer un derthings. N North Aisle Main Floor In Our Ribbon Department There is an endlegs va riety of ribbons for ev ery purpose tor sash or girdle, streamer or rosette, hair bandeaux of flowers, hand bag or vestee. You will find the correct ribbon for it in the ribbon section. To the Right As You Enter II Sioux City Service Co., Sioux City, la Cattle Electric Co., Sioux City, la. Tri-Sute Electric Co., Sioux City, la. Harper-Abbott Co., Sioux City, la. Damon Electric Co., Council Bluff, I OFFICESSTORES PUBLIC BUILDINGS i CHICfVQQX