Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1921, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. 60 NO. 304 Wadsworth Fights To Save Administration Forces Oppose House Measure Which They Say Means Utter Dis aster to Nation. Borah Pleads Economy By ARTHUR SEARS HENNING. Ihlrar Trlbune-Omahu Bee leased Wire. Washington, June 6. Adminis tration forces launched a iri in . e senate today to save the coun Vry from a return to the state of weakness and unprcparedness which prevailed before the United States entered the world war. Senator Wadsworth of New York, chairman of the senate military af fairs committee, backed by Secre tary of War Weeks, appealed to the senate to stand ' firm against the army appropriation bilj passed by the house. "Utter disaster" faces the army if this bill becomes a law, lie declared. He proceeded to an alyze the house bill, revealing for the first time how its provisions lit erally would rip the army to shreds. "The house bill," Jie said, "has never been properly understood by the public. The press has never accurately stated its provisions. It is popularly supposed that it pro vides for an army of . 150,000 men. Would Wreck Army. "As a matter of fact, it calls for the reduction of the army to 120,000 men by the end of the year. It would require the discharge of 105,000 men. It would mean utter disaster to the army in the opinion of Secretary of War Weeks. He begs us not to do it. He informs us that if the house bill becomes a law, there won't be ' a combat unit in theUnited States big cnought or fit to take the field in an emergency." " , Senator Wadsworth explained that the senate mil, carrying appropria tions of $333,000,000, only $15,000,000 more than the house bill, would pre vent the army from going below 169,000 men. The estimated strength of the armv on July 1, he stated, would be 215.000 mem The reduc tion to 169,000 men would not be reached until about February 15, 1922. so that the average- strength of the army during the next fiscal year would be about 180,000 men. He called attention to the fact that the, bill now before the senate is actually , $11,000,000 less- than the mcasurepassed by both houses last Marcn ana pocicet vctoea uy presi dent Wilson because it was "too small" 4 He refuted the charge of extravagance by showing that since the republicans came into control of congress in 1919, they have, cut $1. 300,000,000 from the army estimates prepared by the Wilson administra tion. . -V'-- Need Men on Pacific Senator Wadsworth declared against anv reduction of the gar risons in Hawaii, Panama. Alaska and other Pacific possessions. On the contrary, he said, these gar risons ought to be .enlarged. For this reason the senator stated, the reduction of strength would fall en tirely upon forces now in continental United States, leaving not more than 24.000 comBat troops for service. Senator Borah of Idaho declared that the necessity for economy was so great that "nothing but savage reduction of expenditures would are, the situation," and said that i' he' had his way he would cut the strength of the army to 100,000 men. He expressed the opinion that the weakness of the army in continental United States would shortly be im proved by the return of the' troops now in Germanw Debate on this point, however, brought out the fact that there is no certainty as to the t.'me of the withd.wal of the troops in Ocrmanv. Senator Wadsworth reminded the senate that tfce maintenance of the r.rmy in Germany was costing the United States nothing. All expenses of the occupation are charged to Germany under the terms of the armistice, he explained. He furnished . Cmi ehiir,icr that ttiA flnmhpr nf American troops now in Germany is 14,000. The expenses charged against the German government to date for the American occupation total $278,000,000. Germany - has paid $37,000,000 of this amount Return Is Uncertain. Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, democrat wanted to know about the plans for bringing the troops back from Oermany. lhe committee, does ' not know -what the president' is going to do," said Senator -. Wadsworth. becre tary Weeks was asked about it and he said he could not discuss it." "The troops must be brought back as soon as the peace resolution is adopted," said Senator Hitchcock. "My impression is that the Knox resolution reserves the right to maintain troops in Germany," re plied Senator Wadsworth. , Senator. Borah sharply criticized the failure of congress to adopt the peace resolution. He called atten tion to the fact that the republican party had pledged itself to restore the status of peace with Germany as soon as it came to power, and - declared that the delay in putting . through the Knox resolution has become a subject of ridicule abroad. Estate Tax Is "Allowable ?; Deduction' Court Rules . Washington, June 6. An estate "lax is an "allowable deduction," from the income of an estate in com puting net income, the supreme court ruled today. ,. " ' .. . The court affirmed a decision of the court of claims in the case brought by executors of. the Alan H. Woodward estate in Alabama, which held that the government erred in refusing to approve such a deduction from that estate's income Army for 1918, v . ..' 1 "" . str k tt . miirmn 1 TTTVTE1 IT 1 f1 llatll lima M. h Mall (I Yr . Billy A gun.. 17.S0: Dallv bnly. $S: 8u.. 1 THREE CENTS Cntoni S-eM-Clw IUMk Do U. IMS, ! UJY1AMA, IL'DUAi, J Ur . Ontld 4th ZoH () . Dally d Simiky. fit; Daily 0l, ti; 0l. 19 Detective Faces Jury For Shooting Joyrider Jury Selected To Decide Fate of John Herdzina City Detective Apparently Un concerned as Trial for Killing Joyrider in Auto Begins. After six hours' hard work and the questioning of more than 50 men in District Judge Leslie's court yester day, a jury was obtained to try John Herdzina, a city detective, for the slaying of Joseph Howard, 22, the night of April 9, at Thirty-third and L streets, when Herdzina attempted to interfere with the , actions of a noisy party of youths in an automo bile. These are the 12 men selected to try Herdzina on a charge of man slaughter: ' Frank Owen, 223 Pinkney street, employe Nebraska Steel Tank com pany. . Ray Queen, 2181-2 Park avenue, employe Fontenelle hotel. Albert Peterson, 4825 Military ave nue, truck driver. Joe Baker, 1906 Military avenue, stock and bond salesman. John Nelson, 6534 Binney street, mattress maker. Clarence Morris, 2812 Seward street,' carpenter. Frank Gross, 2423 South . Twen tieth street, janitor. ... John, Withnell, 2424 Lanmore ave nue. . ' '' Albert Burger, 1225 South FiRieth street, carpenter. J. F. Smith, president smitn Brick company. Fred bamuelson, 40.3! Izard sweet, landscape gardener. Charles Smidt, 2727 North bixty third street, express clerk. The trial will proceed at 9 this morning and will take until Friday at least. Mrs. Herdzina sat just back of her husband in the court room yesterday and frequently wiped her eyes with a handkerchief. Herzina seemed unconcerned: Harry B. Fleharty is attorney for ' Herdzina. County Attorney Shotwell ' and his chief deputy, Raymond T. Coffey, are con ducting the prosecution. "Ciuzenship,, Subject Of Pershing Address To Uni Graduates ' Lincoln, June 6. (Special.) De rrees were conferred upon 540 stu dents at the University of Nebraska today, the largest graduating class in the history of the institution. Gen. Tohn T. Pershinar. a. graduate of the University of Nebraska school of law of 1893, delivered the commence inent address. "Citizenship" was the subject of General Pershing's address. He wa-ned against the flood of illiterate foreigners sweeping over the coun trv. "Mbst of the propaganda against our institutions is circulated among this class of people, General Per shinar said, j . General Pershing blamed the citi zens of the country for a great deal of the laxity governing immigation to America. . . .-- - Tulsa Man Who Failed to Heed Guard Shot and Killed Tulsa. OkL. Tune 6. R. S. Os borne died this morning ata local hospital of wounds received when he was shot by a guard last night. Ac cording to military authorities,. Os home. who was a member of an au tomobile party, failed to halt when commanded to stop by guards pa trolling . the , Sand Springs road, where the shootintr occurred. Mrs, Paul Warner, sister of Osborne, was cut by flying glass and is in a hospital His death brings the num ber of known white victims from the race riot to 11. Wool Growers to Discuss Method of Marketing Crop Belle Fourche, S. D., June. 6. (Special.) A meeting of the wool srrowers ot the Belle fourche dis trict will be held in this city June 11 to discuss the best method of marketing this year's clip. Shearing has started m this part of the coun try,"several outfits having gone to the great sheep ranges, and it is ex pected wool will commence arriving f Tl.1l. 17 1.- v.. t in in jcyc 1 UUIUIC .UUUL JUUC IV. Newsprint Prices Lower New York; June 6. Reductions in the orice of newsprint paper from $110 a ton to $95 were announced by the International Paper company and the Canadian Export - .Taper com pany. The lower quotation applies to deliveries in the third quarter "f .this year, . .. , jl ' sf 'AW Skinner Is Ousted as Firm Hp Resigns Fron T Skinner PacK. -npany on Demand o,Aeceiver Neville. Contract Is Abrogated Paul F, Skinner, president of the Skinner Packing company, has re signed at the demand ot Keith Neville, receiver of the company, and' the elimination of Mr. Skinner has been approved by Federal Judge Woodrough. The papers were filed in federal court yesterday. Skinner has been at the 4iead ot the Skinner enterprises during their tempestuous career of the last year and a half. The troubles started when the Skinners completed their magnificent packing plant on the South Side now being operated by the Dold Packing company. Long Court Actions. Hiring Robert C. Howe, for years an official of Armour & Co. here. and his subsequent discharge started the troubles. This resulted m long court actions with many suits in spite of the fact that the company was said to xbc in excellent financial condition. All culminated finally m the- ap- nointment of Keith Neville as re ceiver of the company, May 13. The settlement made by Neville with "Paul Skinner and filed in dis trict court includes the resignation of Paul Skinner as president and di rector, the abrogation of his 10-year contract at an annual salary ot $28,000 and other perquisites. Turns Over Shares. This contract is just a vear old. It provided a salary of $18,000 cash for Mr. Skinner and a gift of 100 shares of stock annually, these shares being worth , approximately $10,000. It also included a clause giving him the right to purchase 2,500 additional shares of the common stock for which he was reauired to pay only $5,000 in cash, the rest being on his note. Mr. Skinner turned over to the re ceiver 3.504 shares of Skinner Pack ing company stock and his note for $245,000 was cancelled and the $5,000 he had paid on the common stock was returned to him. '- ; - Aid for Pueblo Is Guaranteed Many States and Cities Make Provisions to Help Flood Swept Colorado: Omaha has offered its assistance to the destitute of the flood districts of Colorado. J. David Larson, com missioner of the Omaha Chamber of j- 1 CI f commerce wiren uuvcrnui auuup uj Colorado yesterday that Omaha stood ready to help in any way it could. San Francisco. June 6. Mayor Tames RolDh of San Francisco ap- pealed today to the people oi mis city to aid the sutterers ot tne rueDio flood. The mayor in his appeal said: 'The resoonse from the people of San Francisco should be immediate and generous, showing we have not forgotten the catastrophe of 1906, nor the aid given us under similar circumstances." The San Francis Examiner start ed a relief subscription, heading it with $500. ' Memories of 1906. ' Sacramento, Cal., June 6. Califor nia must not forget the response j made to her needs in 1906, said Gov ernor William D. Stephens today in a proclamation urging the people of t'e state to contribute relief and supplies to the sufferers ot Pueblo, Colo. At the same time the gover nor telegraphed his sympathy to Governor Oliver H. Shoup ot Colo rado. - " Ball Flayers Donate. Flint. Mich.. June 6. The Michi gan-Ontario base ball league today started a fund with a subscription ot $100 for the Colorado flood victims. , - Kansas to Co-operate. Topeka, Kan., June 6. Governor Allen today telegraphed Governor Shoup of Colorado, that Kansas would co-operate in the relief ef forts for those left destitute in the Pueblo flood. . Iowa Will Aid. , . Des Moines, la., June 6. Iowa will come to the aid of Pueblo, R. H. Faxon, general secretary of the Chamber of Vommerce, announced today. Steps will be taken here to supply the city's wants, he said. Oklahoma to Contribute. Oklahoma City, Okl., June 6. A proclamation urging citizens of Okla homa to contribute to a fund for re lief of flood refugees In Colorado was issued by Governor Robertson. 38 Defendants in Toledo Mail Rohbery Put on Trial ? Toledo, O., Juire 6. The second chapter of Toledo's $1,000,000 post office robbery started today when 38 defendants, accused of complicity went on trial in a carefully guarded court room. ' Wanda Urbaytis, the young wom an once named as the master mind in the theft and - Father- Anthony Gorek of New Chicago, Ind., are among the defendants. ' The robbery took place February 17, five men compelling mail truck drivers to' remain impassive while they loaded the valuable sacks in an automobile and sped away. House Passes Bill to Give Private Fishing Rights Washington, June , 6. The house tooay toaay a diu providing ior gov' ernment acquisition of private fish' ing rights in Pearl harbor, Hawaii '- . ; jri .. .. Dealer Robbed Twice, Thinks Advertising Doesrit Always Pay Tecumseh, Neb., June 6. (Spe- fffifial.) William England operates the ,acco supply nouse, or MnoKe r ' Ta,e," in Sterling, this county. He ''Jus had an experience which ''es him think it does not pay to Advertise on every occasion. . .Recently his place of business was broken into and some jewelry, in-, eluding a number of watches, were stolen from a punch board. Four $5 gold pieces, set in the board were overlooked, and the local Paper stated the fact. The thief was ap prehended and Mr. England went to Nebraska City, where he recovered most of his jewelry. Then the England place was robbed a second time, and this time the thief took watches, jewelry, $5 gold pieces, punch board and all. The Beatrice bloodhounds were secured but re fused to take the scent. . 'Don't Hang Me,' Wails Suspect . In Girl's Deatl Evidence Points to Negro As Slayer of Pretty School Teacher; Trailed by Bloodhounds. Des ' Moines, June 6. (Special Telegram.) Trapped in a net of damaging evidence, Tom Lewis, ne gro, is whimpering in fear of the gallows 'today and denying he killed Miss Sarah Barbara Thors dale in a lonely woods near Valley Junction last Thursday. "Don't hang me, I don't want to hang," Lewis keeps saving over and over, while Sheriff W. E. Robb, deputies and state agents fire fusil lades of questions at . him in the county.-jail. Lewis is confronted with such convincing evidence that each effort by him to explain involves him deeper, Sheriff Robb asserts. . Bloodhounds Trail Lewis. Bloodhounds twice went direct to Lewis after picking up a scent where the girl struggled for her life with her asasilant. At the scene of the crime is a man's heel mark. In the heel was a bent nail. ' A bent nail is in one of Lewis' heels and the shoe fits the footprint perfectly. Shoe Fits Footprints. Near the river bank where the girl struggled is a footprint,made by her, and several by her assailant. Lewis' shoe also fit the man's foot prints exactly, Sheriff Robb said.4 .. At least 12 persons " saw Lewis near the scene of .the crime shortly before the girl was attacked, The sheriff has their names. Lewis has been identified by a Valley Junction woman as the man who made advances toward her last Wednesday within a short distance from where Miss Thorsdale was at tacked. he says he fled when he saw her husband coming. Canvassers Succeed : Who Are Giving Only Spare Time to Work While some of the leaders of the Omaha Bee Help Yourself club are spending all their time in seeking subscriptions to The Bee, some of the most successful campaigners are doing this remunerative aim interest ing work "on the side." Miss June Beaver of Harlan, la., works for the Wilder Storage Bat tery Co., 1 Miss Merle Andress of Oakland, la., has been busy at school. J. H. Domingo of Weeping Water, Neb., is in the insurance busi ness. Mrs. r. h. Buck ot jremont spends her mornings in her household work. J. i. bchwaiger ot North Platte is a Union Pacific engineer. But all-of these are putting.m their spare moments at the job of getting votes in the Help Yourself club's campaign, hoping to win the $7,800 house or the $4,400 automobile of fered as caoital prizes or if not that, one of the nine automobiles or 16 other awards. North Platte Asks Survey For New Irrigation Ditch North Platte; Neb.,,June 6. (Special.) t" Committees appointed by the farm bureau and the Cham ber of Commerce wi?k unite in ask ing the federal government to make a survey of lands in Lincoln county south of the South Platte river wnn the view of haying the government construct an irrigation ditch. Such a ditch would irrigate fully 30,000 acres ot land and the water supply could be obtained from the flood waters of the South Platte through a series, of dams constructed in the canyons. ' Chamber of Commerce Wins From U. C. T. in Ball Game North Platte, Neb.. June 6. (Special.) The Chamber of Com merce base ball team defeated the United Commercial Travelers, 8 to 3. A -collection of $44 was taken, which was turned over to the Peo ple's mission free" lunch room. A council of the United Commercial Travelers will be organized in this city June 18. Forty traveling men who make North Platte their home have signed the charter member ship. Phonograph Concert in Lincoln Heard at Ashland Ashland. Neb.. June 6. (Special.) A phonograph concert in the radio station of the state university at Lin coln was enjoyed by persons at the wireless station of J. D. Fender at Ashland. Announcements made by the operator at Lincoln and co.r versation durinar the intervals be tween selections were plainly audible at the Ashland station I . I ; 1 ' i i iisr -s,- Women Voters' League Meets To Form Slate Will Outline Plan of Action to Guide Fair Sex in Picking Candidates in Political Arena. ' '"Lincoln; "June 6 (Special.) Ne braska "chib and society warmen forming the personnel of the Wom en's League of Voters gathered in Lincoln today preparatory to out lining a plan of action and sentiment which will guide the newly enfran chised women of the Cornhusker state in picking and endorsing vari ous candidates in the political" arena. A strong effort is being made by prospective candidates to cover up their activities in attempting to keep the solons in Nebraska and direct feminine fire in other directions than their own. . ..- ' The stand taken by Nebraska s na tional characters in the Omaha city oWt,',-i anrt tlipir nast stands on -prohibition and other questions vital-: ly interesting to tne happiness ana contentment of the home and fire side, which the women have pledged themselves to protect promises not to be forgotten. If a republican is known to nave stood for those things these women will not forsret'him. And the same is true with the democrats. As the women gathered in in coln today there were a number of politicml policies being discussed. Whether they will endorse movie picture "censorship, anti-capital pun ishment and other moral and human itarian planks, which, they say, will occupy the woman's sphere in pol itics, is a mooted question toaay. The convention proper will open at 9:30 tomorrow morning in the Auditorium of the Social Science k;i.4;r -it 'ttii itnive.rsitv. Well- known Nebraska wonien here today in advance of the convention are: m a H nietnirh. president of the league, Hastings; Mrs. Charles Johannes, treasurer, umana; ivuss May Gund, secretary, incom; ivirs. nni. CmitVt Omaha; Mrs. E. B. Penney, Fullerton; Mrs. Irene C. Buell, Ashland; ur. jenme manias, n Un. ira r H RrrWwell. Valen- tine; Mrs. H. H. Wheeler, Lincoln; Mrs F. A. Harrison, incoin; iur. r. a Rvan. Grand Island; Mrs. Louise Ormsby, Thompson. , Df ath Notice and Letter From Cousin in Same Mail r-t- q T Tnrw ft. CSoecial.) hamuli, w. , ., j . ' nr. ArtVif.i Arnnld nt this CltV .! 1 O. IHUiui - - received notice of the death ot a cousin in the same mail witn letter of greetitng from the cousin, ,1,1, fif . ttii time of writine the let- I1VJ "V - - ter, was apparently in good health. The cousin was Mrs. Annie KocKie of Fremont, Neb. Her letter to the Canton woman was dated May 26, and in the same mail Mrs. Arnold received another missive from a CrA n( fi-a Rnrlfic notifvinor Mrs. Arnold that her cousin had died on the morning of May 27. Canton, S. D., Will Provide Tourist Camping Ground Canton, S. D., June 6. (Special.) Through the efforts of the Com mercial club this city will be provid ed with a camping ground for auto mobile tourists and other passing through Cantcyi. The- chautauqua grounds will be opened to the tour ists for a camping and recreation place. ' ' Einwohnerwehr to Disarm Munich. Bavaria. June 6 (By The Associated Press) The Bavarian Einwohnerwehr, or citizen's guard, has decided to disarm voluntarily by June 30, under the allied ultimatum, To The Rescue Flood Summary Denver, June 6. Reports received at the Denver office of the Associated Press tonight indicated that flood conditions in northern Colorado were as follows: - At Greeley The Platte river here has risen about two feet as a result of rains the last two days, but con ditions are not serious and the dam age has been slight. Conditions to night are improved. At Masters Roads are washed out in several places. The rising of the Platte.a.ndPgu.dM-tiyers has done Some damage but conditions are im proving. At Erie Several hundred yards of Union Pacific, railroad trackage washed out, but the flood is receding. At Lyons The Sf. Vrain road is washed out in places. Two bridges are out between Boulder and Lyons. The road is covered by water at a few places in the Canyon roads at Estes Park. . At Sterling The Platte river has risen about two feet, but appears to be at its crest.' Reports have come from Brush and Fort Morgan above here that another flood was coming but the reports have been greatly dis counted. : V At Longmont Water is round the railroad station and the elevator. No lives have been lost or seriously menaced. At Englewood (A suburb of Den ver.) The rising waters of the Platte have done some property damage. Two or three bridges are thereatened, but late reports said they were Hold ing. ..: -.','. At Denver Several blocks in the West Side residential district still flooded and many families have moved Out. No loss of life. Unless more rains come it is believed the Platte here will recede by morning. u Chicago Mayor Suffers First Defeat at Polls In Judicial Election Chicago, June 6. Mayor William Hale Thompson suffered his first defeat at the polls since his election in 1911, 'today, when the coalition judicial ticket headed by the demo cratic candidates carried Chicago by pluralities estimated at from . 10,000 to 30,000. ; .'. At 8 o'clock the city admini stration issued a statement admia ting defeat of all of its candidates with the possible exception of one. A band, stationed in the city hall early in the evening, prepared to de part shortly after 8 o'clock. The musicians had not begun to play. One man was shpt and killed in an election argument, but otherwise no disorder was reported by the police. Asks That Rail Commission Hold Phone Rate Hearing Columbus, Neb., June 6. (Spe cial.) The city council passed resolution askinar that the hearing on the proposed iricrease of rates for the Platte County Independent lelc phone company be held in Columbus by the State . Railway commission The resolution avers that it is not a time to raise rates, wages of all kinds being reduced and prices ot all products being ' below the level prevailing a. year ago. Hermit Living in Cave Is Swept Away By Flood Denver, June 6. Reports received here from - Lake Charles, 15 miles south, told of the drowning of a her mit who lived in a cave near that place. 'He had lived for years in the cave, which was on the high bank of St. Charles river. The swirling waters obliterated the cave and the occupant is -still missing. It was near the same spot. Lake Charles re ports say, that a woman and for children were drowned. i Money Needed N To Aid Sufferers In Pueblo Flood President and Governor Issue Appeals Red Cross Will Have Entire Charge of Relief Measures. Washington, June 6. President Harding issued a request today to the people of the United States to assist bv cdntriburions the Ameri can Red Cross in rendering aid to the people of Pueblo, Colo., because of the flood conditions. The presiuents appeal follows: "To the people of the United States: ': i "Overwhelming disaster has come to the people of Pueblo, and sur rounding districts. Realization of their sufferings prompts me to issue an urgent request to all whose em pathies are awakened to assist the labors of the American Red Cross which has quickly organized to deal with the first great need and will stand bv until homes and homelife can be re-established. Contributions may be sent at once through the office of any chapter, or directly to Red Cross headquarters at Washing ton, for use in the stricken territory. "WARREN G. HARDING." Red Cross in Charge. Colorado Springs, Colo., June 6. Gov. Oliver H. Shoup of Colorado issued a proclamation in connection with the flood disaster throughout Colorado, m which he placed all re lief measures in the hands of the American Red Cross organization. The proclamation' follows: "To the people of Colorado: "The havoc wrought bv the re cent floods in Colorado is appalling. Many parts of the state have been affected, but . the greatest damage apparently has been done in the Ar kansas valley, lhe flood probaDiy reaped its largest harvest of human .lives and destruction of property in and about the city ot fueDio. it is imnossible at this time accurately to estimate either the loss of life or" of oroocrty. but the toll will he verv heavv. 1 "Knowing that the response will be prompt and general, I, as chief executive of the state, call, upon the neoole.of Colorado to contribute to the relief of the-flood sufferers. There distress is great and their need most pressing. It will require not days but weeks and perhaps even months to relieve the situation. Will Need Funds. "As governor, I have, on behalf of the people of the state, accepted the offer of the American Red Cross to take general charge and supervision of the relief work. It"s officials now are on the ground and actively un dertaking the herculesn task. "In ' cases' where local organiza toins have been formed and funds collected I request that the same be forwarded to the governor's ' office in Denver, to be at once made avail able to the Red Cross. All sub scriptions thus forwarded to the gov- Tur to Pace Two, Column Three.) J, - The Weather, - Forecast ' Nebraska ; Unsettled weather Tuesday and Wednesday with prob ably showers; not muchchange in temperature. Iowa Fair Tuesday; Wednesday unsettled with possibly showers; not much change in temperature. . Hourly Temperatures. 5 . m AO 1 p. m SO a. m. m I p. m St . m .....S S p. m t ft. m 87 4 p. m M m t s p, ni H3 a. in It p, m 81 ft. m... 7H 7 p. m Hi aooo...... SO S p. nl4 79 52 Bodies Recovered In Pueblo t Every Able-Bodied Man Or dered to Work Remoivng Debris Clean Up Is Progressing Rapidly. Tourists Must Leave By TIik AMMM'latrd I'rrm. Pueblo, Colo., June 6. After a day's search through the debris in the flooded districts of Pueblo, 5J bodies had been recovered tonight. These include 42 in the morgues and 10 recovered late this afternoon on the St. Charles mesa. These last 10 have not been identified. With the issuance of an order this afternoon by Lieut. Col. Paul F. Nelson, in vharge of the city under martial law. drafting every able- bodied man in the city for labor, the work of cleaning up is progressing rapidly. Scrapers are at work in the streets in the business section, clear ing away the mud. Debris is being removed from the streets and side walks, preparatory to being cartel away, uasoiine engines are oeing pressed into service on all available pumps for clearing basements of the stores ana uunnings m me uuuucu rea. Workers Paid 43 Cents. The order, which puts every able- bodied man to work in the recon struction of Pueblo, provides pay of 43 cents an hour. Those who refuse- to work are subject to arrest and will be put to work without conipensa- ' tion. Tourists and sightseers have been ordered to leave town. .If they remain they will be put to work, tin order states. The only official estimatl! of the amount of damage -from the flood was one of $5,000,000 by the Pueblo Manufacturers association. Other estimates vary from $10,000,000 to $15,000,000. Transportation east and north from the city is just how declared to be the greatest need. Goverhbr ' Oliver H. Shoup today telegraphed Senator Lawrence C. Plnpps and Senator Samuel D. Nicholson to make every effort to get an appro priation ot .UUU.UOU to the state ot Colorado to repair tracks and rebuild bridges on the lines entering from these directions. - The senators replied that thev did not feel they "could conscientiously make such a request tor tederal as sistance until facts and conditions have been more definitely deter mined." Report 50 More Bodies. Late this afternoon a- report came to offices of the Nuckolls Packing company that 50 bodies had been re covered at Boone, on the river about 20 miles east. Thi report is tin confirmed. "Whatever figure the death list fi nally reaches, not half the bodies of the victims of the flood will be re covered," R. G. Breckcnridge, presi dent of the Pueblo Rotary club, said today. He based this statement on peculiarities of the river channel and the drifting of mud over the flooded areas. No additional bodies were broucht to the morcue on the south side today. The number remained at 13, of which 12 have been identi fied. The unidentified body was be lieved to be that of a Mrs. Westcott of Pueblo. Identify 10 Bodies. Ten more bodies were identified to day at north side morgues. The list announced was as follows: Lillian Clark, Pueblo,' believed to have been a clerk at the Crews Beggs store. 1 ' ' . H. A. Allen, 109 North Santa Fe avenne, Pueblo, carpenter. . William Korber, believed to be a brother of Jake Korber, wealthy Al buquerque (N. M.) merchant, who was killed recently in an accident. Neil Kendall, 10, son of E. P. Ken- - dall of Devine. ; ! AT irt.. lt.v: if : .. Mia, maiuiu KJAUUlll, .niCVlCttlt. Mae Byrd and her daughter, Sarah Byrd of Denver, negroes. C. C. Morri, further identification unknown. Sylvia Shattio, 83 West Third street, Pueblo, negro. ' The following list had been pre viously announced: Dorothy Metz, 21754 South Main ' street, Pueblo. T T-T-..1I p,,it-n r . uiuuoii CI1YCI. Doris Seaber, 328 North Union street, Pueblo. Frank Erwin, Hotel Deremer, Pueblo. .i Evans, Kansas City, Mo., Pull man conductor John Fareros, . Bennet avenue Pueblo. - - . - x.- E. C. Hames, Pueblo. Henry Miller, Pueblo. Funerals Are Delayed. " The body of an unidentified Mex ican woman was also recovered to-' Anv A 11 a( .Via ' .... v ivvuvutu UUU1C9 are being held in the morgues. . It will be impossible, undertakers say, to bury the bodies for. several days, roads to the cemeteries being im passable. One body, at an under taking parlor since last Wednesday, has not yet been buried. It was expected this morning that many bodies would be recovered to day in Grove, the low district lying south-of the river, and where the greatest loss of life is reported. These predictions were not borne out, however. . The water has not left all parts of this district and it has not been thoroughly searched yet. Rain again began falling this af ternoon and J. E. Moorhead, per sonal representative of the governor, made the paradoxical statement that it was a blessing to the stricken city. Should the city "dry up" too rapidly before the debris and mud are removed from the flooded dis-' tricts, the result would be disagree able odors and probable menace to the health of the population. While the list of known dead grows slowly, several reports to un- dertakers indicate that other recov- (Tura tri Tw, Celaaui Tv i