Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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OU CAN help yourself get one of these valuable
awards. You can ONLY do it in one way and that
is by having absolute FAITH in your own ability
to do it. Be enthusiastic. Your friends and acquaintances
- will gladly give you subscriptions if they feel that you are
out to win and YOU CAN. You saw an opportunity when
you became a member of the Help Yourself Club and that
opportunity is not one bit less than it was at that time. It
is much better, in fact, for you have a big tally of votes.
Some members will have to put on extra pressure
and "pep" to hold their present position, other newer mem-
bers must put renewed energy
into their work to better pres
ent positions, but all have an ex-
cellent opportunity to secure one of the
valuable awards. It all depends upon their
own exertions. .
As the campaign progresses, many ru
mors will be spread. In most cases they are
inspired by a desire to discourage the ambi
tious members. Someone will remark that
so-and-so ; told them that so-and-so told
somebody else that so-and-so had so many
votes. Quite naturally, at each repetition -of
the tale, the number of the votes is in
creased and by the time the story has reach
ed you, you are apparently completely out
voted. When you hear such stories, just
figure that a new teller of fairy tales has
come to our vicinity. Then forget it.
You personally are not telling others
how many votes you have and you may rest assured that
others are not at least not truthfully. Idle gossip is not
going to win one of these- valuable awards. Undaunted
courage and determination will. Just remember your ob-
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Help That Counts
ject as a member of the Help Yourself Club and that you
can best help yourself by a realization that other members
do not find subscriptions coming any easier than you do.
Your opportunity still exists and there are thirty awards.
Don't work in a haphazard fashion. Decide defi
nitely each morning just whom you will see during the day
and conserve your time so you may get to see them all. If
one of your prospects is out, do not wait. Put the name on
your list for the following day and try again.
From June 6 to June 18 members will be given 75,000
extra votes for $25.00 in subscriptions and 2,000 extra votes
for each dollar over the $25.00. From June 20 to June 25,
the last week of the campaign, no extra votes will be given.
Members can readily see that the next two weeks are'the
ones in which they must pile up their big pyramid of votes
to assure success.
Go after big subscriptions. Take shorter ones if you
must, but try first for the long one. Look over your receipts
and get your friends, who in the early part of the campaign
gave you short term subscriptions, to give you a second pay
ment and thus extend the time
of their subscription. Thesec
ond payment plan is a rapid
way of securing votes. Mark
all such remittances "Second
If, when you last saw some
of your friends, they were tak
ing another paper and did not
want two at one time, go back
at jthem and tell them you are
in the up-and-running class
and have them give you a sub
scription to The Bee, the best
paper in Nebraska, the deliv
ery of The Bee to commence
when their present subscrip
tion to the other paper expires.
Mark such subscriptions on
your remittance sheet "Future
I Subscription."
But let's all definitely decide that during the next two
weeks we are going to HELP OURSELVES.
1921 Will Reward Fighters.
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