Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA'. SUNDAY, 3UNE 5, 1921.
Grand Lodge of
C Masons to Oben
In Omaha Monday
. Communication Proper of Ne
, braska Body Opens Tuesday
. . To Visit Masonic Home
at Plattsmoutb.
The 64th grand lodge communica
tion of Nebraska Freemasons will
open in the Masonic temple, Nine
teenth and Douglas streets, Monday
evening, June 6, at 7:30, when past
masters' degrees will be conferred
on all masters-elect.
ihe grand lodge proper opens
Tuesday, June 7, at 10 a. m when
a lodge of Master Masons will be
opened by the deputy grand master.
This will be followed by a reception
.to all past grand masters and to
Joseph B. Fradenburg, present
grand master. During the morning
Grand Master Fradcnburg and other
grand officers will submit their an
nual reports. At 12:30 p. m. there
will be a dinner for the Nebraska
Freemasons' association.
To Masonic Home. ,
, ,, At 2 p. m. the Masons will go by
special train to Plattsmouth, where
they will visit the Nebraska Masonic
home. In the evening after return
ing to Omaha, there will be a busi
ness session and oration.
.Wednesday will be devoted en-
activities past and planned for the
future will be discussed.
Install Officers.
.'. Thursday morning there will be
a short business session and at 2
t). m. there will be another business
session and the installation of grand
All masters of Omaha lodges have
made special plans to assist dole
Rates to the grand lodge in finding
accommodations while in the city.
Mobile Hospital
No. 1 Vets to Meet
First Reunion of A. E. F. Out
fit to Be Held in Bluffs
June 18.
'.'First reunion of Mobile hospital
No. K American expeditionary forces,
will be held in Council Bluffs
June 18.
Plans for the first reunion of this
organization since the war are in
charge of Harold Hetrick, Rcid Zim
merman and Charles L. Snuffin, for
mer sergeants.
Surgeon General Merritt W. Ire
land, IT. S. A.,, and leading surgeons
from all sections of the United States
who performed their first war sur
gery on battle casualties while at
the front with Mobile hospital No. 1,
probably will attend this first re
union. -
Mobile hospital iso. 1 was or-
fiiicu in rdi is aiuuriu a uuvicui
composed of Hospital Unit K, which
was mustered into the federal serv
ice in the Bluffs June 18, 1917, on
the anniversary of which date the
first reunion is to be held.
Mobile hospital No. 1 wa dec
orated with the Croix de Guerre,
cited by General Pershing and both
trench ana American corps com
manders lor - its services in every
. maior engagement.
Col. Donald Macrae of Council
Bluffs served as commander of the
unit throughout its service. He was
decorated by the French government
with the Croix de, Guerre. ...
Wife Went Home to Mother
and Harold, Hubby Alleged
Burton W. JNorris told the district
court yesterday in ,ap etition for di
vorce from Viola C. Norris that Viola
has not showed him any affection
since their marriage a year ago, but
has showered -.her affections upon
on. Harold Scott.
On May 23, he alleges, she took
all their furniture, threw his own
clothes on the floor, and returned to
her mother. He went there the next
evening to see her and found her in
the arms of Harold, he declares. He
says she kissed Harold and told
her husband that she toved him.
They have made a property settle
ment and are awaiting the divorce
decree, he says.
Council to Open $950,000
Sealed City Bonds Tuesday
"The city council will open on next
jnesaay morning sealed proposals
ner cenc inirrui-inr i wars.
These bonds will be designated as
follows: Finance, $500,000; sewer,
$400,000; park. $50,000.
The finance bonds will enable the
.city to pay paving contractors as
their work progresses and will re
move the necessity of requiring con
tractors to carry city warrants.
The sale of these bonds will bring
the city's bonded indebtedness to
$22,800,938, including water plant
and gas plant bonds.
New Headquarters Company
Of National Guard to Meet
he new headquarters company of
the National guard, now in the proc
ess of organization, will hold its first
assembly in the armory on Sixteenth
and Harney streets Monday evening.
This is the organization which con-
and other specialty outfits. There are
still a number of jood places to be
filled in this company, and they will
go to the first applicants who can
As soon as the new company is
recruited up to 50 men requisition
will be made to the government for
the equipment.
King of Trails Highway
banquet Scheduled Here
Walter B. Montgomery of the
umu untie ui jviuK ui i raus
nignway, Kansas v,ny, is in umana
to arrange for a public banquet to be
held here within the next two weeks
in the interests of this highway,
which goes through Omaha on its
route from Winnipeg, Canada, to
Brownville, Tex.
Prominent good roads speakers
will be at the banquet. Arthur J.
Weaver of Fts City will be one of
Young Judea Day to Be
Observed by 1 1 Clubs
f 1
"TVs vfv
1 Mctpidus1
Eleven Young Judea clubs of
Omaha will observe "National
Young Judea day" with a joint pro
gram in the Swedish auditorium
Monday night at 8.
rred White will talk on aims ot
the organization and a group of eight
little girls will sing Jewish folk songs.
They are Ruth Green, Rose Batim,
r-reda Novey, Lillian Miller, Helen
Jangcr, .Esther Cohen and Sophia
Spor. The Young Judeans' orchestra
will play;
Jistolle l-apidus and iierminie
Hirschman will give solo dances;
Leona Peril's and Jennie Liebowitz, a
violin duct; Betty Steinberg and
Dorothy Rubin, readings; nnd
Bertha Kushncr will take the leading
role in a playlet, "Poor Mary
Mrs. Ben Handler is supervisor of
the young people's organization.
250,000,000 Fish Put
In Minnesota Lakes;
Anglers' hearts have been glad
dened by the announcement that ap
proximately 2SO.000.000 fish have
been distributed in Minnesota lakes
and streams this year. Of these
fish, more than 230,000,000 are wall
eye pike, 10,000.000 are, trout and the
remainder consist of other game spe
cies. As a result of closing the season
on black bass June 15, instead of
Memorial day two years ago, these
fish have multiplied rapidly and bass
fishing this season probably will ex
cel that of many years past.
The general fishing season, for all
species except bass and trout,
opened in Minnesota May 15. Re
ports from nearly all localities indi
cate that pike, pickerel and crappies
have been "hitting with a ven
geance." Trout may be taken from
Minnesota streams begining April 15.
Virtually the only change in legis
lation affecting vacation visitors
from other states this season is an
increase in the nonresident license
fee, which has been fixed at
Heavy Loot Here
Eighty pennies made up the heavy
pay enevelope secured by burglars
who broke through, a rear window in
the William Hibbler company store
at 2312 Vinton street Friday night.
Detectives have a suspect in the rob
bery under surveillance, according
to the police report.
Lincoln, Neb.
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
grounds, yet entirely distinct, and
rendering it possible to . classify
cases. The one building being fit
ted for and devoted to the treat
ment of noncontagious and nonmen-
tal diseases, no others being admit
ted; the other Best Cottage being
designed for and devoted to the
exclusive treatment of select mental
cases requiring for a time watchful
care and special nursing.
New Method Removes
"Superfluous Hair Roots
Have you "tried everything" for that
annoying hairy or fuzzy growth and about
given up in despair T Well, there' just
one thing more to try, and yon ma', try
it, because it ia the 'on home treatmont
that reache the very root of such troubles.
The new process is not to he compared
at all with depilatory, electrical or any
other method you've ever heard of. It is
different because it actually REMOVES
ROOJS AND ALL you, see the root with
your own eyes. -
just eet a sticK of pnelactlne from your
drucsist. follow the simple instructions.
and you will be delighted with the result.
Phelactine is odorless, non-irritating, and
can be used with entire safety you could
even eat it with impunity. It is an in
stantaneous method.
Mnnv hack without auMtiofl
) (Hunt's Salve and Soap), fail Q
ins akin disease. Try thi
treatment at our rMk
Sherman & McConnelt ft Drue Siotm.
s.-rv i
We'll Repair
Your Shoes
Bring your old shoes to our
shoe section and we will make
them look like new at a moder
ate price. Mail order work
promptly taken care of.
We Are Always Striving
to Serve You Better
Growth is the watchword of the Burgess-Nash store, but
it has been the policy from the beginning to ever and always
live up to the ideal of "greatest service to the greatest num
ber." And it is through the carrying out of thia purpose
that makes it possible for us to now look with pleasure upon
our new home so near completion. The past few months
we have been upset The hammering and other noises were
deafening, and we had a hard time to find our way about, for
departments have been moved from one place -to another.
But the time will soon be here when we will throw open
the doors of our new building, which is being built with
every thought for its patrons. In every event of progress
which lias transpired, this store has most notably made its
impress upon the welfare of the people. We merely reflect
public opinion in this statment, for it ha3 repeatedly been
said that "the greatest single force In bringing the mercan
tile development of the city to its present high standard has
been due to inspiration born in this store."
When the Bride
Have Gone
The interest of the
guests turns to the wed
ding gifts. Then come the
rippling whispers of ap
proval. Laughing excla
mations of delight. "Oh,
it is
"Won't Barbara just love it."
"I never saw such an exquisite selection of silver and just
what is needed, too."
In the favor of a guest who lingers to admire it in the ap
preciation of a bride who will soon return to treasure her tokens
of love and friendship beautiful silver, useful silver, everlasting
silver, has won its way by merit alone to the front ranks of ap
propriate things to give.
The range in prices of silverware permits a very great latitude
of choice.
Main Floor
Nothing Can Take the Place of Smart
White Wash Skirts
They're so crisp and fresh looking always so easily tubbed so thoroughly
firacticall And so decidedly smart with vividly colored sweaters or the new blazer
ackets and jerseys! Cotton tricotines, gabardines, linens, surf satins, corded
materials that show many an artistic, new treatment of buttons, belts, hem
stitchings, tuckings, pleatings, are here for your selection at moderate prices.
Sale of 1200 Packages of
Bucilla Goods
Stamped and Ready to Embroider
l2 Regular Price
Consisting of women's aprons, chemise, corset, covers, aofa
pillows, embroider covers, library covers, centerpieces, blouses,
negligees, aprons. Children's bonnets, hats, creepers, dresses,
rompers. Towels, luncheon sets, boudoir bags. A competent in
structor will show you how to embroider and make the garments.
Second Floor
Specially Priced for
Clothes Line's,
39c each
B0-ft. rope line, well marie, spe
cial, 39c.
Wash Boards,
59c each'1
Zinc scrubbing face, solid con
struction wash boards, 59c.
Laundry Baskets,
95c each
Made strong splint, 27 In. x 17
In. Extra deep. Special, 95c.
4-drawer machines, drophead style, at only $34.50.
A few drophead machines, specially priced at $18.00.
Convenient Terms of Payment $1.00 a week if desired.
' Fourth Floor
i 1 1 j -v. "V "x. -v ' 111 I I
ft Lll.l
MIX A 1 11 I II III.
and Groom
Monday s Selling
Clothes Pins,
12 for 5c
Good quality clothes pins are of
. fered for 12 for 5c
Scrub Brushes,
15c each
Solid back, Tampico filled. Spe
cial, 15c.
Boilers, $2.45 each
. Boilers, 8 sizes, all galvanized,
wood handles. Special, $2.45.
Free Westinghbuse
Portable Electric Sewing
Machines j
The Long Bobbin Rotary
The NEW "FREE" is the only machin
that will make a perfect stitch at all times,
under all conditions and with all kinds of
"The , Free," slightly used, priced at
Charming and Youthful Are the
Frocks for Graduation and
June Brides
They are the prettiest, daintiest and fluffiest
affairs imaginable. Yet with all their frills,
they are made very simply and very youth
fully, reflecting in the girlish lines, all the gen
tle dignity and beauty of the occasion. The
styles are as varied as the fabrics with all the
season's best conceits represented. The ma
terials may be of
Crepe de Chine, Net, Organdie, Voile, Doited Swiss,
Canton Crepe, Georgette, Laces,
in straight-line tunic and apron effects, tier
and ruffle skirts, accordian plaitings, and
frills, bouffant and draped models are here
for her choosing.
Third Floor
Exquisite Silken
For the Brides or Graduates
The fabrics are beautifully fine and the
most unusual taste is shown in their design
and decorative touches. There are envelope
chemise, petticoats, night dresses of crepe de
chine or tub satin, at very moderate prices.
Second FIooi
Gifts for the
Manicure Sets
Manicure sets are always necessary
and practical gifts for girls. We are
showing ivory sets in pretty leather
cases in 5 to 7 pieces to a set. Price
Eversharp Pencils-
All styles in plated or sterling silver.
Price $1.00 to $7.00.
Fountain Pens
The Waterman or Conklin make,
non leakable and self-filling. Price
$2.50 to $12.00. I
Memory and Kodak
Medium or large sizes, leather or
cloth bound. Very attractive. Prices
$1.50 to $5.75. '
Papetries or correspondence cards,
novelties in white or colors. Price 50c
to $6.00 a'box.
Buy a Book
a Week
Did you get the first installment
of Zane Grey's new story with the
latest number of the Ladies Home
Journal? This will tell you just how
good a story Zane Grey can write
but you can buy any one of a dozen
novels by Zane Grey at our store for
Book Shop First Floor
Fine Quality
Very Specially Priced at
Women's full fashioned silk stock
ings in a fine light weight of silk, made
with double toes and soles and high
spliced heels, also imported lace lisles,
is an unusual value at $2.00.
A Pretty Fan
For the Girl Graduate
What can be more dainty or accept
able to the girl graduate than a pretty
fan, made in the daintiest silk gauze
with trimmings of lace, beads, and
decorations of hand painting or silk
embroidery. Carved Ivory sticks or
fancy wooden sticks.
Priced from 75c to $10.00
Main Floor
New Draperies and Rugs
to Brighten Up the Home .
' are offered for Monday at prices which interest you.
Swisses, Voiles and
Grenadines for Ruffled
Snowy white materials in stripes
and small figures priced from 50c to
$1.00 per yard.
Summer Cretonnes
Two special lots of cretonne in
many beautiful patterns and in all
colors. 36 inches wide. Special
prices 50c, 60c yard.
Axminster Rugs
Another large arrival of Axminster rugs in
neat allover patterns, regular weave, divided
into three lots for quick selling.
27x54...t.s $2.98 27x60 ...... $4.98
36x72. . .$7.98
Grass Matting for Porch Runners
Three widths in green and .
27-in., special, 75c yd.j 36-in., special, $1.00 yd.j 54-in., special, $1.25 yd.
Sixth Floor
that provide the means
for the smartest of
summer fashions are
here in a wondrous
array 6f vivid colorings
for sport apparel, dain
ty pastel colors for
summery frocks, as
well as white, flesh and
conservative colors.
Monday we offer spe
cial values that will in
terest you.
Specially Priced Monday
Colored and white
crochet buttons, 35c
Children's circle
combs, 50c each.
Colored rick rack,
fast color, 20c bolt.
Feather-stitch braid,
all colors, 6 yd. bolts,
25c bolt.
One-fourth p o n d
dressmakers' pins, 35c
Sew -on supporters
50c set; set of four.
With every purchase
in the Notion Dept. we
will give free a 10c
package of Snap.
Remnants of
Sport Skirting
$2.95 yard
A special sale of
sport skirting. Rem
nants in lengths suit
able for skirts. On sale
Monday at about Vt
the regular price. All
40 inches wide.
Dress Voile
39c yard
One large counter of
wash voile in all white,
with woven checks and
stripes; very pretty for
dresses and blouses. 38
inches wide. On sale
Monday at 39e yard.
Barber Bill
Barber Shop
for the children is now located
on the mezzanine floor, just
inside the entrance on Harney
street at Seventeenth.
Plain Marquisette
29c yd.
36 inches wide, in white and ecru,
fine quality yarn, highly mercerized.
Terry Clotn and Cre- .
tonnes for Porch
These materials are ideal for cov
ering pillows and wicker furniture
and come in dark backgrounds, bo
that they do not soil easily. Priced
49c, 75c, $1.00 up.
brown with woven border. Bound
Crepe de
Chine, $1.45
Special sale of all
silk crepe de chine for
dresses, blouses and
underwear, in flesh,
pink, navy, black, tan,
copen and blue, burnt
orange, tomato, taupe
and Harding blue. 40
inches wide.
Flesh Wash
Satin, $1.00
Special sale of 85
inch flesh wash satin.
Monday, $1.00 yard.