Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 16

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    B B
The. Unusual
An unusual bedroom is a delight,
especially when one lias a room to
spare. An American girl artist, up
on returning to her country home
in America, duplicated a very ar
tistic room she had lived in while
studying abroad. For any other
woman to copy this is not difficult.
Suppose you start with a room
that has never really been finished.
Go over the woodwork and floors
and use a good paste filler. Give
the woodwork two coats of white
paint and finish with a coat or two
of enamel, allowing two days for
drying before each new application
of paint.
The floor should have a coat of
"floor finish." If it is desirable to
stain the floor, as it probably is if
the floor is the type found in t!ie
average country house, select fcr
this room a light oak. Put on two
coats of shellac and when thorough
ly dry apply floor wax. The paste
wax of a reliable brand is best for
this purpose. When it has dried,
polish with a flatiron padded am!
covered with several thicknesses of
cloth. So much for the floor,
v Select flat paint for the walls in
cream color. If you can, stencil
large ovals of garlands of tiny pink
rosebuds with light blue ribbon
streamers, one or two on each wall,
according to the space and size. A
large oval rag rug of black, violet
and blue, with a speck of red and
green now and then, goes well in
this room.
You may be able to pick up
four-poster bed, say in the three
quarter size, depending on taste,
purse and size of room. Sandpaper
it a bit if it needs it. Two coats
of light blue paint and a coat of
enamel will work wonders. A
smaller edition of the oval stencil
used on the wall might be applied
to the head and footboard of the
You will want an unusually beau
tiful bedcover. The one I want to
tell you about sells for $60. But
any woman can copy it. The cover
itself is of good quality unbleached
muslin.- The design desired should
be stenciled on and executed in
French knots in either orange or
yellow embroidery silk. Some shops
sell the unbleached muslin cover al
ready stenciled. The bolster cover
is similar in design."
The color only an artist would
essay, was applied to a semi-windsor
style chair. The color was brick
red. To balance this,' overcurtains
were used in a horizontally striped
brick red, yellow and black material.
This material was also used to make
a 14-inch (in height) oval scrip
A small flour vase of brick red
was set upon a small brown-finished
tip table. This held a col
lection of well-made Japanese flow
ers in every color represented in
the rug.
Since there was neither gas nor ,
electric light, a kerosene oil lajEiy
was chosen. It had a green .po'ttcry
base. The shade was nytde of old
rose silk covered by.old gold color
shirred georgette--'-
The dre,ssej; Scarf was of plain
coarse-net. with a darned-in design.
It was set over a pink liniw
The window curtains were of this
plain coarse net also.
The effect was extremely artistic
and delightfully unusual.
New IdeaBriSeSGiving fo1H0W I PUT ONE OVER
Thanks to the economic tendency,
the outgrowth of the war, an article
of wearing apparel is considered a
most approprite token to present to
a bride as a trousseau gift.
Just as' in former days a piece ot
silver or jewelry was considered the
most appropriate gift, now it is quite
as proper to present the bride with
lingerie, hosiery and gloves. Every
bride requires a traveling suit, and if
she is to be one of the summer brides
of 1921, she will want sports cos
tumes. Dinner gowns, afternoon dresses,
morning dresses and a wrap or two,
will be included in her trousseau, and
a wise giver may choose from such
a list without fear of violating any
of the dictates of good taste. Of
course one must use discretion, and
such a gift would not be advisable in
every case. But a good friend may
choose a garment from the above
list without .fear of violating any of
the dictates of good taste. Of course
one must use discretion, and such a
gift would not be advisable in every
case. But a good friend may choose
a garment from the above list with
out giving offense.
A MONG the accumulated super
f stitions about brides and grooms
and wedding days, the following
are found:
The couple will be separated; if by
mistake they start from the altar in
different directions. t
The groom who has something in
each pocket of his suit at the altar
will never be wealthier than he is at
the time of his marriage.
The one who speaks loudest at the
altar will die first.
If the best man stumbles on his
way to the altar, it means bad luck
to the groom; and if one of the
bridesmaids stumbles, it carries evil
luck to the bride.
If the bridegroom comes down the
aisle before the hymeneal knot is
tied, misfortunes may be expected.
The fainting of a bride at the altar
is the sign of a death in the family.
A baldheaded man at the altar,
whether he be minister, groom, or
bride's father, foretells the advent of
marriage squalls.
Whoever first rises from the altar
after the ceremony will die first.
If a pair stand so far apart at the
altar that you can see between them,
they will disagree.
If the bride steps on her own gown
on the way to ttje altar, she will do
something that .yrt destroy her hap
piness in married.i4ife.
If the bride turns her head when
standing at the altar, it is a bad
omen, because, she is looking for a
second husband.
When the bride goes from her seat
to the altar, the bridesmaids must
close up quickly, lest the seat grow i
cold, which is a sign the bride and
groom's love will quickly grow cold
The bride may look for trouble if
the groom recognizes any lady on his
way to the altar.
It is an ill omen , to have at the
altar, a person of the same given
name as either of the principals.
' To hear a baby cry at a wedding
is an omen that the love of the couple
is one-sided.
The groom's love is fickle, if he
drops anything in the room of the
ceremony. '
In some countries it is believed
that for a bride to carry salt in her
pocket during the ceremony insures
good luck. ' - ; '
In some parts of Scotland it is
said to be unlucky for the bride's
mother to appear at the wedding.
Happiness in spite of all difficulties
is in store for that couple whose
relatives refuse to appear at the cer
emony after being asked.
Disappointed love is foreshadowed
by the fainting of a woman at the
If the places her foot before
that of the groom when being ma.
ried she will rule the house.
Should Venus happen to be at the
height of her splendor when a mar
riage ceremony is performed the lif:
of the happy couple will be a con
tinuous scene of happiness and all
its paths strewed with the rosebuds
of delieht.
The bride or groom who looks at
anything during the ceremony thus
gives evidence that they will one
time try to untie the knot that is
being tied.
If a dog barks during the cere
mony he tells of an enemy in the
If the bride coughs during, the
marriage ceremony her life will not
last long.
Bridegrooms of Elba place one
knee on the bride's dress when mar
ried, to ward off evil spirits.
Never marry in the middle ot toid-
ing doors or under an archway.
If a bride stands under a norai Den
on being married, and the, petals of
a white rose should fall 'on her, she
will be happy and wjll never know a
To stand with the back to a mirror
when being married denotes bad
luck; people are sure to talk ill aboit
' If a minister is marrying a couple
and a clock strikes and a bell rings
all at the same time, the groom wii'
die before a year.
If, during the marriage ceremony,
one of the couple tramps secretly
upon the foot of the other, it will
prevent sickness.
During the wedding whichever has
his or her hand above the other's
shall be master.
To Remove Grease.
Cover the grease spot thickly
with powdered magnesia and let it
remain for 24 hours or more. If
there is much grease repeat with
fresh magnesia. This can be relied
on to "draw out" the grease and it
will not leave a ring of different
For Motor
Automobiles have revolutionized
picnics. In the otd days even if you
went to your picnic in carriages there
was little ( room for carrying picnic
paraphernalia, and of course fewer
people had carriages at their disposal
than those who now have some sort
of automobile to help out with the
A regular picnic lunch basket is a
luxury that not every automobile
owner can afford, but it Is neither ex
pensive nor difficult to get together
a basket or substantial box that will
answer the purpose for you. For a
trifling amount you can get tin plates
and cups, and old or discarded
spoons, forks and knives may be kept
for the picnic box. A substantial
basket with a close-fitting cover is a
good selection for this.
Vacuum bottles and various sorts
of alcohol that can be carried in solid
form have helped picnickers greatly
to add cheer to their picnics. But the
sport of gathering wood and building
a fire in the open whereon to make
coffee or boil water for tea sometimes
impels the picnic devotee to leave
such inventions of civilization be
hind. Perhaps in your picnic kit you
will want to have a pot or saucepan
in which to make your coffee. A
large earthen teapot with a tea cozey,
which need not be ornate so long as
it is thick and close-fitting, is an ex
cellent addition i. you are fond of
It is an English custom to have
tea on picnics or to take the where
withal for tea-making even when an
actual meal is not to be eaten in the
open. English motorists know how
much it helps m an afternoon of
motoring to stop just long enough to
boil water on alcohol and infuse tea.
A tea-making outfit is a very useful
accessory of the English motor car
and one we might well adopt
Constipation is the fore
runner of 85 of all
human ills. It brings
on more suffering;
more sleeplessness.
more ill-temper than
any other single cause.
RID of constipation.;
Nor do you have to take
W any nauseating, griping;
Ut medicines to do it. Take
RICH-LAX is a new treatment It deans
the system, removes the poisons from the
body, and puts you in share to accomolish
things. And RICH-LAX does this without
leaving; you weak and half-sick, as you
al ays feel after taking ordinary laxative.
Guaranteed at Our Store. We ire eo aura the
Rich-Lax will please you that we want you to
come to our More and get a bottle and try it en
tirely at our risk. If it doesn't suit you. if it iaol
the beat laxative medicine you ever used, simply
tell ua ao and we will promptly refund the full
purchase price.
Sherman A McConnell 5 Drug Stores
If you can't supply your guests
with an auto coat, you might just
as well not own an auto these days.
Dame Fashion has issued the dic
tate that it is the smart thing now
to have several "dusters" in the car
for guests. Although the coats come
in imported silk pongee, Holland
linen, natural imported water-shrunk
linen and navy, black and gray, mo
hair, it is quite proper to have the
cheaper models for the guests. Since
the guests will play turn-about when
they are the host, no offense can
be taken.
Out of the High Rent District
16th and Jackson Streets f
3. B. COX. 160 . JACKSOH STS.
! Annnnnrincr a Noram 34lh !
"T' I C
swollen, tender,
loused feet or corns.
Ah! what relief. No more tired
feet; no more burning feet; no more
swollen, aching, tender, sweaty feet.
No more soreness in corns, callouses,
No matter what ails your feet or
what under the sun you've tried
without Kettincr relief just use Tiz.
"Tiz" is the only remedy that draws
out all the poisonous exudations
which puff up the feet. "Tiz" cures
your foot trouble so you'll never
limp or draw up your face in pain.
Your shoes won't seem tight and
your feet will never, never hurt or
get sore and swollen, ihink of it,
no more toot misery, no more
agony from corns, callouses or
Get a box at any drug store or de
partment. store and get instant re
lief. Wear smaller shoes. Just once
try "Tiz." Get a whole year's foot
comfort for a few cents. Think of
Hair Often Ruined ,
By Careless Washing
What's What
They Said I Was Showing My Age,
That I Dressed Too Young for My Face
They made unkindly remarks about ray
wrinkles and bad complexion to men folks
"Cat-ty like.1; you know. But one day
what I call a real and true friend told
me about Kijja, a remarkable beauty se
cret of old Egypt. That very night I got
some and used it on my face, neck and
arms, and I kept using It every night
and morning for a week. Then I went
to a Saturday night dance where most of
my women frlenda go Well, you should
have seen tbem! First they pretended
not to notice me then when all the gentle
men asked me to dance, some women
came around and said: "What have you
been doing to yourself, Mary ?" Nothing,
I replied, but felt I heard them saying
behind my back, "Oh. she's had wax In
jected under her skin, or had her face
enameled or some facial operation per
formed." I just let them talk, because
Kijja Hires such a natural look that Us
uh cannot bo detected, besides it certainly
made me look far younger and more beau
tiful than I ever thought it possible for
anything to do. So I gloried in the fact
that at last I certainly had fooled them
all. It . did me good to put one over
on some of tiie old dames and I write this
hoping that some woman or- women who
nave suffered as I have oil account of slurs
about dressing too young for one's face
may see it and fool some of the "old oats"
as I did. By request the name of the
writer of the above la withheld,, but you
can purchase a bottle of Kijja on an ab
solute guarantee that It will produce suf
ficiency successful results in your case in
three days' time to prove to you that its
continued use for a short time will marvel
ously enhance your beauty and make you
look years younger, or the manufacturers
will refund your money. Kijja will posi
tively Increase the beauty of any woman
any age glrla or grandmothers.
By special arrangements the dealers
named below will give you with each
bottle of Kijja an intensely interesting
and extremely valuable booklet entitled,
"How to Increase your beauty Secrets and
Arts of Fascination employed by Cleopatra,
the greatest enchantress of all time." If
you do not wish to purchase Kijja. a
copy of the booklet will be given, you free
anyway. After usiny Kijja we shall be
thankful If you will write what it does
for you for publication your name will
not be used. Kijja (pronounced Kezha)
is for sale in this city by Burgess-Nasu
Co., Thompson-Belden Co., J, I. Brandels
& Sons, Hayden Bros., Sherman & Mc
Connell five stores, Beaton Drug Co,
Merrltt'a Drug Stores, Myers-Dillon Drug.
Co., Unltt-Doceknl Drug Co., Sun Drug
Co., Fox Drug Co., Faxton Hotel Drug
Co., Dugan Drug Co., Green's Pharmacy.
I By HELEN DECIE , u i0f p y " 6 fn
W YLsS 4 omaha mfr , rw
nrSiM W COMPANY 9 f35
r- " tv,j ioosc iCAr oevtecs
. ' -
ft yea an arms, despondent, weak,
rao down, thraos b flmw aw c1wp cavon
Soap should be used very careful
ly, If you want to keep your hair
looking Its best. Most soaps and pre
pared shampoos contain too much
alkali. This dries the scalp, makes
the hair brittle, and ruins it.
The best thing for steady use is
Mulsifled cocoanut oil - shampoos
(which Is pure and greaseless), and
is better than anything else you can
use. '
One or two teaspoonsful of Mulsi
fled will clean the hair and scalp
thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair
with water and rub it in. It maks
an abundance of rich, creamy lather,
which rinses out easily, removing
every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff
and excessixe oil. The hair dries
quickly and evenly, and it leaves the
hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous,
fluffy and easy to manage.
You can get Mulsifled cocoanut
oil shampoo at any pharmacy, it's
very cheap, and a few ounces will
supply every member of your family
for months. Be sure your druggist
gives you Mulsifled.
Homely and Aged Faces
Now Easily Beautified
Hair Froo
Arm Pits
There are
many things
which will re
move super
fluous hairs
but many of
them so Irri
tate, burn and
redden the
akin as to
make It a sight
to look upon.
It Is no longer
necessary to go
at tt In such
savage man
ner. Super
fluous hair can
now be re
moved by an
application which is absolutely safe
and never fails to remove every
hair so thoroughly that not a
vestige of it remains. There is only
one thing that will do this, and
that is sulfo solution. This can be
obtained from any drug store. The
hairs are merely moistened with It
for a few moments, and then are
seen to literally wither and dis
solve away and are wiped off, leav
ing a skin absolutely perfect, spot
less, soft and smooth. This Is the
sensible method, and no matter how
sensitive the skin, or how thick
the hair growth, It never falls to
remove the hairs completely and
Skin Creams, te AeeompUesi He
Greatest Good, Should Be ;
Freshly Made . ,
Tour complexion Is not merely
In the very outer skin. It is deeper
than that. It is In that part of the
skin immediately underneath the
outer layer. Complexion creams
which merely affect the outer layer
are as a rule very ineffectual. A
method gaining wide use because
of Its tremendous success lies in
the use of zlntone, a powder which
Is mixed at home with a little
glycerine and dissolved In water.
This makes an exquisite cream.
The sintone can be secured at any
arug store In one-ounce packages.
This is also a very economical
method. By liberal use of this
article, a tremendous difference in
the complexion is noted In a few
days by the disappearanoe of mud
dlness, sallowness, red spots, freck
les and other blemishes.
Te Remove Blackheads Without
Pinching or Squeealng
There Is only one preparation sold
exclusively for the Instant removal
of blaokheads, without pinching or
Bqueezlng the flesh, and that Is
neroxln. Try this powder (not a
eoap) on your wash cloth tonight
and see how quickly the blackheads
are dissolved. Neroxln powder In
original package Is to be found at
any drug store, and a package will
last for some time.
I With reductions that set new records for value giving j
THE Birthday Sale ! My, that's where we shine. It is an event which be- !
A cattifi our hnhhv veara aco and which no other store occasion has ever
" o -
uncrowned. We work hard to "put it over." We prepare greater, more open
heartedly and more liberally than for any other sale. And, as always, you
make your own terms.
I .1. -n.' in. 1 '. limai'i I l.'il li 1 1 II' .1 awi Til l v.
Dining Chairs of solid
oak; has a leather slip
seat, comfortable back
and rigidly braced
Handsome Dining Table,
pedestal model of solid
oak in golden finish, with
45-inch top that extends
to 6 feet; reduced in the
Anniver- iOO CA
iarySaleto $tt,DJ
Colonial Buffet, in beauti
ful golden finish with
French plate mirror that
extends the full length;
spacious drawers and
linen compartment; in
this Sale dnJ PA
only.. sPaSiDeOl
Restful Rocker, solidly
built of selected oak in
fumed finish; arms are
braced and the spring seat
is upholstered in genuine
Spanish leather; for An-
Anniversary Sale of
Here are values the like of which you have not
seen in years, and on your own easy-to-pay terms.
$39.50 Seamless
Tapestry Rugs
Very good grade Tapestry Brussels Rugs in 9x12 sizes that
are seamless; they have a substantial nap and come in
beautiful floral and conventional patterns.
Velvet Rugs, 'very good
grade ruga in 8-3x10-6 sizes,
that have been marked at
$49.50; in this Anniversary
sale cnt en
Beautiful Velvet Rugs that
are seamless; 9x12 sizes,
with a thick, heavy nap that
were $59.50; in the Anniver-
...... $36.75
Library Table, a massive model V' t '
with large top, roomy drawer and
lower shelf for books; in tha An
niversary Sale
45-Pound Layer
Felt Mattress
At the closing exercises of a fa
mous medical college the dean was
pleased to be facetious with the newly-fledged
young doctors bachelors
all. "Don't," he pleaded solemnly,
"don't ever tell your wife's secrets
to your patients 1" Then, pausing
impressively, he added the real mes
sage, "and don't don't tell your pa
tients' secrets to your wife!"
Usually, a professional man, es
pecially a physicain, makes a wise
choice of a life partner. But he may
be fascinated by a pretty chatter
box, who, alasl remains a chatterbox
long after her girlish prettiness has
departed. Her husband may do his
best to keep professional secrets out
of her reach, but since curiosity
usually accompanies garrulity, she
finds out quite enough to create
trouble through her talkativeness.
Since feossip is harmless without
willing hearers, the garrulous woman
should be rebuked as courteously as
possible by reminding her that the I
personalities of her husband's office
belong there, and should not be
promulgated abroad. J
.(Copyright. 121, by I'ubllc Ledgu Co.)
The plainest faces made beautiful and
the complexions of good-looking women
improved, oldish faces made young and
pretty, blemished and weather-soiled faces
made spotless, white and satiny in less
than two weeks, by a very simple and
harmless process that acta almost like a
miracle 1 This is all there is to it: Ordinary
mercolized wax, procurable at any drug
store (one ounce will do), is applied night
ly like cold cream, and washed off morn
ings. This gradually peels off the life
less particles of surface skin, permitting
the underlying skin to show itself. The
newer, fresher skin, when wholly in evi
dence, forms a complexion which for beauty
and youthfulness is incomparable with one
produced by other means. A complexion
so natural, so free from artificiality, no
one guesses the secret of its acquirement.
You'll not regret trying this ttally mar
velous treatment.
To quickly remove wrinkles, signs of
rare and age, bathe the face occasionally
in a solution of powd?rd saxolite, one
ounce, dissolved in one-half pint witch
hazel. The results will surprise you.
your children becomingly and economi
cally. Send child's age and a money or
der for 12.60 and we will forward yon
by return mail a pair of rompers or a
girl's dress, as you specify. They are
washable, hand-embroidered and guar
anteed. You save two profits.
365 Pacific Bldg., San Francisco, CaL
All Work Uuarantecd l
1513 Douglaa St. Tel. Doug. 0188
ui i;
w. want to ssaU yarn our book which Mils
a boat 8EXTONIQUK, a roster tJrs rssssdy
that will east yoo Botblag If f are sot
eurad or beeaoted. Every naa oaeduig
teaie to overcome personal wssmbsss, etc.,
sboald get this free book at ones.
440 Berry Block, Nashville, Tana.
Fistula-Pay When Cured!
A mild system ef treatment that eurea Piles. Fistula and other
Rectal Diseases in a short time, without a sever, surgical
efatioa. No Chloroform, Ether or other general anesthetic used.
A eure guaranteed to every ease accepted for treatment, and no money is to be paid until
cured. Write for book en Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials of mors than
1.010 prominent people who have been permanently cured.
OR. E. R. TARRY gaoatorjuaa, f Urs TfysBldf. (Use Bldg.) Omaha, Nek.
Ccb'cQra Soap Shampoos
Best For Children
If you wish them to have thick,
healthy hair through life shampoo
regularly with Cuticara Soap and
hot water. Before shanapooing
touch spots of dandruff and itching,
if any, with Coticura Ointment. A
clean, healthy scalp usually means
good hair.
asislstaihrmkTlUI. A Jdrvse "OsslesM Ias
raMWoas te),l(sia,i4S.llass " UeMwmj-wh-y.
Soap . OintatMtab aarfbOc Talcun Vc.
Caticora Soap aara without mag.
i The Picture i
of Health
The greatest picture in the Art
Gallery of Life is Nature's "Pic
ture of Health." Every woman
wants to be the embodiment of
health and8trength,foritisperfect
Ehysical condition which brings
appiness and beauty and wins
general admirationand popularity.
The orcaf Ooxral Tonic
is a wonderful aid
in keeping the im
portant bodily func
tions stomach,
bowels, kidneys in
normal, active condi
tion and this means vicar,
vivacity, beauty.
Thousands are dally ben
efiting by this splendid
laxative tonic, enjoying
radiant health, anima
tion and mental and
physical strength.
Lyko I. prepared by
experts in sanitary lab
oratories from drugs of
recognized therapeutic
value. It la purs
Ask Your Druggist
Lyko comes la the original packages
only. You can gat It at any reliable drug
Cist's. Ask for a bottle today.
Sob ManufaetuTtra
Na York Kaaaaa City
Large, heavy mattress filled with
clean, new layer cotton, covered
with fancy art ticking, roll edges
end deep
42-Piece Dinner Seta, made of
fine semi-porcelain in an artis
tic conventional design; for the
Sale, the set. . .
Floor Lamps
Kroehler Duofold in solid fumed
oak with spring seat and back
upholstered in imitation leather;
opens up into a full size bed; in
Sale at. . . . . .
Dressing Table, a graceful de
sign, in choice of walnut or ma
hogany finish with large drawer
and triple French plate mirror;
in this Anni- tQO CA
versary Sale at. . pOdfi.OU
Tor sala by Beaton Drug company, ISth
and Far nam streets, and all retail druf gitla.
J With plain or artistically carved
mahogany finished bases and
I elaborate shades made of 3, 4
I and 5 colors, trimmed with
fringe, rosettes, balls, pulls, etc.,
I in the Anniversary Sale at
! $19.75
I As Usual You Make
l Your Own Terms
r N i
WXimm TheHorneof , 1
Cr Home Outfits
y fV?vifw' or over a .uarter century, I
'i5svS.l A. vi ' youm? couples have been bringing "
,JTlTllTi i n h I iTTi TTiTITi luTiItr iliniaiirasWn Q their home furnishing problems a
I i Wii1 I Wf I 1 pracucBiiy any price you ... J
i JJ BfiiSf I care to pay and on easy terms. I
iiftoMlliEi...$199 HJ
h V lN--j-t 4 Rooms a'
I LJSr T&L Furnished... P I O j .
ZsMidzl ...$345 1 j