1 1 12 THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 15)21; Classified Advertising Rates 18 pr lin (count sis word to lint) 1 day ( per lin per day, I eonteeiitiv dart It ptr lin ptr day, T contecutiv dri 14a ptr lin ptr day, SO conttautiv dart No ada taken for lata thin a total ot SSe. That ratta apply aithtr to tht Daily er Sunday Bta. All advertisement P ptar ia boih morning and n!ng dally faptrt for tht ont charge. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION Want adt aeetpttd at tit following of ficii : MAIN OFFICE.. i.lTta and Farnam St. South Side 4935 South 9.4th 8t Council Bluffi 1 Seett St. WANT ACS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 1000. THE BSC will not ba retponsiblt for nor than ona incorrect inttrtion of an advtrtittmtnt ordertd for mora than ant tin. CLOSING HOURS rOR WANT ADS. Craning Edition 11 :4 A. M. Morninc Edition 9:00 P.M. 8undty Edition.; 9:00 P. M.. Btturaay DEATH t FUNERAL NOTICES. 'DKCKER Gilbert, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. W. r. Decker, died Juno S at the Methodist hospital. W was year old and it aurvlvtd by h: parent", two aiatara nd two brother. Funeral erv ' , Ira will ba held at the home of tht '. grandparent. Mr. and Mr. Willia;i Richelieu, 15(9 North Sixteenth street, ' Saturday afternoon at 3, LODGE NOTICES. LODOB hall for rent. Central location. Call Atlantic 0945 day. Webster 09S3 evening and Sunday. FUNERAL DIRECTORS STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST """AMBULANCE "TOoc Thlrty-fhlrd and Farnam, HULSE & RIEPEN PIONKER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. TOt South lth St. Jackon 1.24 HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Embalmer. Phona H. $$. Offle 2611 Farnm. FOR AMBULANCE call Market 0680. Koriako Funeral Home. 23d and O Bts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 'S' IS 14 Dougla 8t Douglas J U Henderaon, 1619 Farnam. Jackson 1251 JOHN BATH. 114 Farnam. P. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth. Clarenc and Maym Silvtrthorn, hospl ' John'and Eleanor Ough. hospital, girl. t Winfrey and Elizabeth Gagnebln, hospl ' Thad and Genevieve Tittenger, hospital, . Edward and Amadna Rickers, hospital, gM Iver and Anna Larson, 250J South Thir- , Frank and Margaret Spellman, hospital, Calvin and 0111 McCarty, 5027 Tierce tret. boy. .... ' . '. John and Maria Lorimer, 211 J Martha ttreet. girl. .... . fc Taul and Anna Snartwltis, 1I10J South Thirty-first street, girl. Donald and Roberta Shoemaker, hos pl'el. boy. . Flllerto and Trinidad Gomez, 5037 South Twenty-fourth street, boy. John and Myra Wilts, hospital, girl, if Asel and Evelyn Springer, hospital, boy. Lester and Mae Spaulding, hospital, girl. ' Dave and Bertha Bolker, hospital, boy. i Deaths. ' Agne MacMurray Jaquith, SS years, 482 Douglas street. . Amelia Baldwin, B8 year, hospital. Sila H. Eyler, 61 year, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 4- Th foIlowlna persona wer issued per tmit to wed: Samuel J. Reuben. 23, Omaha, and Wll lla(Allen, 23, Omaha. ' Gaorg B. Livengeod, 21. Pacific Junc tion, la., and Leona M. Kizzler. H, Pa Cifto Junction, la. , 1 ! Orvill Myers, 10, Omaha, and Verna '.Stephen, II, Omaha. :. George H. Miller. 50, Omaha, and Alice .! Larsen, 26. Omaha. 5 Thoma HawVlna Omaha, arid Mag- gie Peach, SO. Omaha. ' Harry Andreason. 24, Omaha, and Ce- eelia Berlna, 20, Omaha. .. Benlamln W. Whedbei. 30. Fort Crook, and Ella Ma Seddon, 22, Rockford. 111. ; ' Pedro Alba, 22,' Omaha.' and Paula Zaklen, 25, Omaha. ' -' Guy F. Bender, 35. Omaha, and Rose C- Danilewicz, 26, Omaha. tS Howard J. Teedahl. 25, Schanton, la., a,nd Maybelle Huffman. 19. Scranton, Ia. fl Lerov E. Ray, 27. Grand Island. Neb., and Gertrude Case, 25, Omaha. i John W. Moore, 44, Buxton, la., and Grace Choclett, 31, Omaha. ' ' Jerry Dibelka, 21, Omah, and . Rose Novak, 19. Omaha. Harold H. Thorn, 22. Eagle Grove, la., and Maym L. Hendrick, 18, Fort Dodge, Iowa. . ; Jack R. Johnstone, 25, Peoria, 111., and Gladya Robinaon, 22, Miami, Mo. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST On Farnam car, or between 18th ; ; and Farnam and Burgesa-Nash- stores. X 13.000 United Kingdom per cent ft bond and $1,000 Northern Paclfic- Great Northern 4 per cent bond. Re " ward for return to .Miss Rice, cart of r'oters inwi vo yOR ARTICLES LObT on tret car tel V phon Tyler 100. W are anxtou to re- or lost article- t rightful owner. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RV. T COMPANY. SPECIAL NOTICES. JIOUSTON hotel, Gothenburg, Neb., under new management; dlntng room, will open ? June (: rate $?.'60 per da and up: t; The place that tickles your paldle. ' i Stevens and Steven. Proprietor. ' PERSONAL. THB SALVATION Army Industrial horn 'X ollelU your old clothing, furniture, magailne. W collect. W diatrtbut Phon Dour 4 lit and our wagon will ralL Call and Inipict our ntw home, " 11101112-1114 Dodg St -TRAINED nurse will take old people or invalid to her home. Reasonable. Box X-61, Omaha Bee. I WILL not be responsible for any debt ' contracted by my wife, Eleanor Strain. V Fay H. Strain. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS I At 8WOBODA. 1414 FARNAM STREET. KAS3AOE 210 North Seventeenth Street. WEAVING, old rug remade. AT. 1433. . Swadiab. maaaag, maaue.209 S.30.P.5877. RENT Hoover vacuum, 81 up. Wal. 1947. ELECTRIC bath and massage. WE. 2911. MASSAGE. Call Douglas 9549. MASSAGE treatments. S18 Neville Block. ANNOUNCEMENTS. . Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aid-, knife, sunburst, box . pleating, covered buttons, all aixes snd styles; hemstitching, ptojt edging, eye r let - cut work, buttonhole, pennants, r Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 203 Brown Blk. Jackaon ls. Neb. Pleating V Button Co.. llui Farnam ' St.. td floor.' Doqglts 567 - Contractors. OARAGES $100 and up; house remod - ellng: screen porches; new and repair -"work: . satisfaction guaranteed. ' W. St.ven. 440 S. 22d. Market 05:7. I DO general repairing, roofing, carpenter . work and painting. Kenwood 610$. Furs. WK remodel your furs aad tnjka taem Ilk new. Furs stored and Insured , agalntt ail losses. - KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. " 101 a 15th. Doug. TI. - Dancing Academies. - LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT, ratio', -Stag and Ballroom Dancing U'aughL Lesson by Appointment. EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Tmpreas Theater. Atlantic 6(48. Vol.Pina School for Dane'.ng. 2414 Ci"X7LUC. . Farnam. Doug. t6. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway . Ex. Blr. JA . Night Col. 8S13.- JAMES ALLAN, III Neville Blk. Evldenct seeur(t 1n all -cvsvs.- Atlantio . Dressmaking. Drewma king. Call Harley hotel. Room 243. tfesamaklnr. Call Harley hotel. Room 213. Farm and Dairy Products. tac 1 vr. n 1 tor tjd Ani'.T c TELLOW Jersey aweet potato plans. 75c per hundred; ?.' per thousand. Ken wood 19)3. BRINGING UP WHE-E. HAVE 5" ANNOUNCEMENTS. Labor and Building. WE can build you a (rood garage for too. We lo deliver kindling. Mlcklln Lumber Wreck Co., 24th and Bur dette. Webster 6666. Painting and Decorating. ALL, kind of painting and paperhanffmg. work guaranteed. L. P. Morteaen, DO. 4K. PAINTING, atalnlng, varnishing, kalto. mining, atenclllng. Richard. WA. 3336. INTERIOR varnlthlng, enameling, floor waxed, wall paper cleaned. Walnut 4821. PAINTING, paperhanglng and wallpaper cleaning. J. Nau. Walnut 457. FLOORS revarnished, waxed, polished. Webster 4815. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1711 Dodge. Physicians. DR. J. A. TAMISIL'A. physician and aur geon. 622 W. H. Bldg. Phone AT. 2472. Printing. BR ITT Printing Co., 7 Elks Bldg. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS X pw"h Thv,! to boy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 402 N. 16tb St. ."Doug las 6049. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 27th and Martha Sta., Omaha, Neb. Bras, bronze, aluminum and machln grsy Iron castings. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. SlnRle, 35c; double ease, 4m doz. Man orders -o-llcited. Omaha Sharp Co. 103 N. lth wnie xar prices, in j!.niga lo4 qui nowara ei. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Electric, 318 8. 12tb St., Omaha. FLAT TIRE? CALL D. 6603. WHITELEY. The TIRE MAN. 320 S. 13th WRITE m if annoyed by th Pocket Gopher, O. P. Wyland. Harlan, la. FILMS developed, one-day aervlca, Kaae studio. u-i9 Neville bik. TRUNK, almost new, $20, cash. Atlantic Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. JA. 052S GOOD auto trailer, 835. Web. 3597. FOR SALE. Furniture and Hounsehold Goods. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over in new ticks st half th price of new beds. 1907 Cuming. Jackson 2467. FOLDING library dining table. 4 chairs to match, mahogany. 310 Dartmor Apt., 22d and Jones Sta. Pianos and Musical Instuments. - GEORGE A. SMITH Dealer In drum. xylophone, etc., instruction, repairing. Address S761 Davenport Bt. ror catalog. Phono Harney 2967. Try 8mlth's pedal. BIGGEST phonograph bargain in Omaha. nniae rnonoarrapn o.. no uoag. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agent for the CORONA. Get our price before you buy. Every macntn guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc: Jackson 4120. 191! Farnam. PROTECTOGRAPHS. F. E.'s; bargain. ti f arnam Biag. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell needles and parts, MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Doarias 1971. TRUNKS and traveling goods, at low price, will take your old trunk In on a new one; we do repairing. Alfred Cornish Co.. 1210 Farnam St. WE buy, nil safe, make desks, show. cases, etc uraana fixture a ouppjy 1.0, 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. ONET COASTER wagon In good condition. Web. 6642. TEAM of mares, wagon, harness, 8 acre. corn. 1 acre potatoes. Kenwood 2216. Q A TTTTQ BARGAINS. 12th at Farnam. aJXC XiO j. j. Dsrlght Saf Co. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS - Ntw desks, used desk bought, sold snd traded. J. a Reed. 1207 Farnam,. D. 6144. WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. REFINED, competent widow 37. will take choree of first-class home or business while parties aro away for aummer. ', Will consider widower's high'-class home, apt. house or modern farm home where work is light, prefer comfortable home to high wages. References, phone Jack aon 2679, Room 10. Writ Box A 14, Bee. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch th Domeatlo column of Th Be. Lots of good placea are alway advertised. Don't mis them. Laundry and Day Work. DAY WORK wanted. Web. 0803. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. Cylinder and Rotary Pressmen Wanted Cylinder and rotary pressmen wanted by Curtis Publishing Co., The Ladies Home Journal, The Saturday Evening Post, The Country Gentlemen, Philadel phia. Pa. Permanent work at wagea ranging from 850 to $5 per week, with 5 additional for night work. Forty- eight-hour week. Open shop. Only first-clae workmen will be considered. Apply by special delivery letter, giving experience in detail and at least two references on your character and qual ity of workmanlshn and an appointment for a persVnai interview will be ar ranged. Addresa Earl P. Morgan. Man ager of Employment, Curtis Publishing Co.. Sixth and Sansome streets, Phila delphia, Pa. WE want to hoar from a few ambitious men anxious to get Into a good paying profession and who would bo willing to spend short time training to qualify. Exceptional opportunity. In reply give age, present occupation and phone num ber. Bee. Box A-12. COMPOSITORS Including foreman, also operator for Xos. 9, 14 and i linotype. Book binder foreman, forwarder, fin ishers, non-union. High wage. 48 hours, free transportation to fine western cltv. Reference reouired. See . Mr. Waldea. Room 1211. Hotel Hilr. ' WILL pay 860 to 37 per week for 48 hours work to a good .non-union lino- vp. opsrator. , Flanlgnn-Pearson Co., Printer and Binder. Champaign. III. TWO- A No. 1 Buick. mechanics. Muat be first-class. Teoplc a Buick Service. 437 Brodwav, council Bluff. 'Phone 5329 O. B .,Jt0JUEK RARBER COLLEO. .110 So. 14th. Writ for catalog. WANTED Two-third printer. Th J. P. ! - . mi rnrnam Pt. The Bee want ads are business boosters. FATHER I HAVEHT DEEM ANXWHtRE t COT CO VOO TA.LX BACK TO VOU! WIFE. VHEN THI? ACT HOME.- SHE aUARREL WITH HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. POSITIONS PAYING $2,000 TO $6,000 and VP In the accounting line are constantly open to those qual ified to fill them. Fortified by our SpeciKl Tralaing and the a- listanco rendered by our large ataff of certified publlo account ant, you will bo surprised how quickly you can qualify for one of these high-salaried position. It ia simply a matter of deter mination and application, coupled with a few hours' study at home each week during your spare time under the direct supervision ot our staff of experts the largest staff of certified publlo account--ant connected with any educa tional Institution in tho country. No previous knowledge of ac counting la necessary. We not only give you the training, but ar constantly hearing of desir able positions and co-operate and assist you in obtaining a position as soon as you are competent. With such facilities and training as we have for helping you there Is no excuse whatever for you remaining in a position where ths salary Is limited and where there Is no chance for advancement. We have helped hundreds of oth ers out of the RUT and into good paving position and we can also help you. INDECISION AND DE LAY ARE THE WORST ENE MIES to success, if yoi; ARE REALLY ANXIOUS TO BETTER YOUR COXDITTON. YOU WILL NOT WASTE ANY TIME, RUT CALL AT OUR OF FICE AT ONCE. Write, phone or call for booklet, "How to Learn Accounting " International Accountants Society 1115 City Nat'l Bk Bldg., Phone Jackson 3122 TELEPHONE FOR EVENINp , " APPOINTMENTS. . Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN wanted to sell oil leases In New Mexico and Arkansas: big money maker. See Hickmar & Close, raxton , Hotel. SALESMAN to sell aiock tonic to farmer. Highest of rommiaslon; easy aelling plan. 51 S. Jlain. Council Bluff. Trade Schools. LEARN telegraphy in three months! Work for board whil attending. Tui tion reasonable. Position secured. Bail road wire for practice. Catalog free. Address Boyle College, Boyles Bldg., Omsha. Neb. ' Miscellaneous. 1,000 MEN WANTED TO WEAR Uncle Sam's Shoes at $2.90 Per Pair. MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. 706 N. 16th. TEACHER or college student for vacation. , Pleasant, healthful work. Salary. $315 for 90 days. Box A-17. Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE. -Professions and Trades. WANTED Two high school teachers for consolidated school; good town; new . building; writs B. D. Parsons, Secy., Thayer Iowa. LADIES and girls for pressing. Carey . Cleaning, 2401 N. 24th. Webster 0392. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch - the Domestic Column of Tho Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike places alway advertised. WANTED Experienced whit cook. Ref- erences required. Small family, Mrs. G. W. Mash. Walnut 6931. ' A capable girl . for general housework , In small family referenc required. Call Harney 4618. j , Miscellaneous. - OPPORTUNITY TO IMPROVE . PROSPECTS For lady who for year has been , home-body, now unincumbered, thrown on own reaourcea; most paying work such woman can do: most auitable; $650 first six months while learning. Box A -13. Bee. . EXCEPTIONALLY tood poaition for in , telllgent. buines-!lke young woman. Prefer one no home tie. Box A-16, Bee. - TEACHER or college student for vacaT tlon; pleasant, healthful work; salary - $315 for 90 day. Box A-10, Bee! . HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladle and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learuing; strictly modern. Call or writ 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE A lease , on 26-room, all furnished modern notel, good Iowa town, population 1,400. Cheap rent; 35 mile from Omaha. Will ell cheap If old nt once. Address, Box T-15.30, Omaha Bee. . WANT to hear from owner having busi ness for sale. J. C. Jicconney, iioj Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. WELL equipped green house, almost new, rent reasonable. ror lurtner parti culars call Market 4830. NEW MEXICO state oil leases. 40 acres.- $150 acre. Hickmar & Close, raxtou Hotel. - EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, coinptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil - service and all English and commercial branch. Writ, rail or phone Jackson- 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Addrea BOYLES COLLEGE, - 1 Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, "'tb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. Il( Omaha National Bank Bide. Douglas B89. GLASGOW, ANNIE E.. voles and piano. 503 Karbacn hiock. jacKson iuoi. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be mora convenler.: for you 7 It o, then call Th Be .Vant Ad Dept. Tyler 1000. and we will ..ot only furnish you with a complete .-oora Hat of choice vacant room In Omaha, but also keep your number on our 'Wtnt to Rent" Hot for further rsftr tne In ca you wanted to make an other change. These lists art abtoluttly fre of chargt to all reader and adter Users of Th Omaha Be and published solely for their convenience snd bentf't. Call any time. Atlantic 1090. Want. Ad Dept. CLEAN, homelike, room, modern, private home, on car lino. empiVyed lady. Good bastion. $1$ month. Tyler 6884 day TWO connecting room. ' Hght and een: alio sleeplus loom. $ South 2Sth St. Registered U. 8. rattnt Offlco WCLLl-HOW DO VOU SUPPOSE I COT THIb BLACK EXE? TOO ? FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. 2554 Leavenworth, 2 very nice, cool, front rooms In lovely home. Douglaa 9297. ROOM in private home; gentlemen; near Turner Park; walking dlst. HA. 7044. IDEAL room, Field club diatrlct, gentle man, private family. Harney 0669 817 PARK AVE. Nice front room for gentlemen only. Harney 2673. 4-ROOM Apt., $35. closo In. G. P. Steb bins, 1610 Chicago. TWO front room. 605 S. 27th. H. 2606. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST C'F .HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THIS BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ATLANTIC! 1000. WANT AI. NEWLY furnished pleasant connecting rooms, south exposure, close in. Web ster 5252. i TWO light hkpg. 1466 South 16th., rms.. 1 aleeplng. rm. 1st floor. On car line. THREE unfurnished hkpg. rooms, - 2d floor; references required. Walnut 3857. TWO light hkpg. rms., partly fur. On cr lino. 410414 North 24th. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOTT WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETS LIST OF ROOMS. TWO young men to board, room, new home, terms reas., walk. dig. Tyler 5116 FOR TWO young men, easy walking dis tance. 27th and Jackson. Har. 49D6. THREE attractive rooms suitable for '. with board. Close in. Atlantic 1533. FOR RENT HOUSES. Unfurnished. BARGAIN in a family home; 11 room. close in; possession at once; will rent with the privilege to purchase. Joseph O. Doherty, 708 Keeline Bldg. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY furnished 2 and 3-room apartments; will . accommodate four; private bath with ahowcr; walking dis tance. Brown Apts., , 608 N, 21at St. Douglas 6644. " TWO 3-room' furnished apartments, mod ern, private bath. Call Douglas 6711. Unfurnished. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. LEAVING CITY. Will rent 6-room apart ment to party buying some furniture. Make us an offer. 3915 Farnam St. SUB-LEASE 4-room apartment, Selma Terrace. Inquire of Ilickey & Seybold, 226 City National Bank Building. 3 TO 6-ROOM modern flats; move now. Eelln, 623 Taxtori Block. FOR RENT Business Property SEE F. D. WEAD. 110 8. 18TII 8T. Offices. FOR RENT Office rooms, Wilkinson building, 12th and Farnam St., $15.00 to $40.00. Room 218, Henry Williams, Janitor. ONE OR two third-floor office rooms for rent. Ideal location.. Call Doug. 4743. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANT to lease 10-room home; must be modern and well located with two stall garage. Possession any time before . August. I,. E. Hurtz, . care Fairmont Creamery Co. , MOVING AND STORAGE. MOVE IT . YOURSELF. Do you busy people know es pecially those who have to put In a full day's worn that you can rent a one-ton Ford truck . and Drive It Yourself night or day and do all your trucking or moving. Handle your own stuff ' and cut your cost balf la two. W never close. Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard. Jackson 3621 FIDELITY anvan 1 CO. STORAGE MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS, REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackton 0281. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household good and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., tOC South 16th. - Doug. 418$. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Atlantio 3400. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. JA. 2908. STORAGE space fur rent. Reasonable rate. Apply Orchard & Wllhelm Co. M'CLOUD Van & Storage Co. Doug. 7166. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. SPECIAL June delivery on week's notice promised. Purebred Beds, KocKs, Leg horn, Wyandotte. Anconas, Orping ton. Hatches set. Wire, plionu or write for reduced prices. Murray Mc Murrav, Box 112, Webster City. Ia. BIG healthy mixed chick, 3 day old. I or more. 12c each; special rats on 10 Wal. 4680-4. WHEAT screenings, $4.50 per 100 del. A. " W, Wagner, 601 N. 16th. DO. 1142. Fl Plymouth Rock hens, 6 Black Lang n; one rooster. Webster 6875. BAsBY. CHICKS with mother. WA. 2102. LAYING hen. $1.25 aolece. KE. 3246. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Hudson Super-Six This week we are showing several beautiful . renewed Hudson Suner-!x car. In every body style, Inoluding 4 ' passenger speedster, 7-passenger tour ing, S-passenger Cabriolet, 7-passenger sedan- and limousine.- . Every one of these car I .lust Ilk new and carrie our guarantee which protects you in every respect. Our reputation is your -safeguard. .. If you are going to buy a car this season, do not tail to see our Una of renewed cars. Call today. Terms If you wish and exchange your present car If it doe not suit your needs. Guy L. Smith, 2th and Farnam St. Doug! 497. 83-B Overland Touring. $200. "House of Van Brunt" ESTABLISHED 1868. SOME bargain In ued Kurd cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. Th Handy Ford Service station, , ''h and Jackson, Poiigl $noo. .NEW and used car bought and sold, t HOldstrom AUtO &al. 1US Harney. i USED car, bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVEB AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. I FOR KAf.R rhesn 1-ton Nash truek. Mil ' sew the. Joha'Lorenz, Gretna, Neb. t, ' SEE J1GCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE HERE COMES THAT UY , , IMONAHAN THAT $OT TEN OAXS IN JAIL. FER BEATIN' HIS WIFE , 1921 bv t'l Feature Service. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Willys-Knight. - FIVE-FASSENGER TOURING. "House of Van Brunt" ESTABLISHED 186S. WILLYS-KNIC.HT Model 88-4 touring. HOUSE OF VAN -BRUNT, ' Established 1868. 2662 Fflrnam GOOD as new, in perfect condition, 192 Buick Touring car. Kenwood 1577. Overland Six Touring, Continental Motor. $300. Good Tire. ' "House of Van Brunt," ESTABLISHED 1SS8. Accessories. INTERLOCK inner tires and reliners do prevent punctures and blowouts. Vul canizer Supply Co., 2912 Farnam St. Used Trucks. REBUILT 2-ton Republic truck, like new. Hi Oram Bernstein truck, worm drive with now tire and painted, only $975. Guaranteed. Two one-ton Ford trucks, with bodies and cabs. Rood condition, each. $"50 and $400. Rebuilt 1-ton Re public, just like new, with new pneuma tic tires, ral snap. Term if desired. Andrew Murphy & Son, 14 and Jackson. FARM LANDS. Minnestota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange. St. Paul, Minn. Missouri Lands. FARM at bargain price; 101-acre farm. Howeli county, Missouri, for sale; good Improvements; fine location; easy terms; no trades considered. Address owner. Box 96. West Plains. Mo. Texas Lands. 6-ACRE TRACT. Brazoria county. Texas, close to Co lumbia oil field, see title, $200 per acre, rare Opportunity, if interested call. R. H. I.AXDKRYOU. WEB. 3037. .'Miscellaneous. Farm With 300 Apple Trees, Horses, Crops, 6 Cows and heifers, vehicles, implements, dairy uten sils, tool, etc., "thrown in; happiness ana prosperity your in delightful secton big fruit farm; 112 acres on good road, lht mile village, advantages; machine worked fields, aprlng-watered pasture: abundance wood, timber; fine orchard 300 apples:' pear, plum. cherries, grapes, etc.: good 6-room house, mag nificent outlook, 60-ft. basement barn, 2 poultry houses. Ice house, etc. To settle owner's affairs all only $2,800, easv terms. See - page 9, Illustrated : Catalog 1100 Bargains, free. Strout Farm Agency, R.-.I-BF, New York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC.. 638 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB, FARMB 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson zna. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg., 810 S. 13th St. Oil. ARKANSAS Oil leases for sale, any size lease. See Close & Hickman, Paxtoa Hotel. . Miscellaneous. 1ST MORTGAGES bought. Ja. 1180. REAL ESTATE WANTED. T3 t T") tt TTi rri rp REAL ESTATE: 131 XV IV ili 1 I Bells, Rents, Insure .150 Peters Trust Bldg. . Jackson O033. T K,., a anil Din.hn Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426 HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List 1t with C. A. Orlramol, Omaha Nat'l Bk, Bldg. PT T"!?! T'tcATS.' real estate . J. liLijijiNO Ins. and Rental 40$ Omaha Nafl Bk Bldg. Jackson 2182. LIST home and tncome property with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 3418 1st' Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackaon I960. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES C. B. STUHT CO., City Nafl Bldg. Douglaa 8797. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. ' Douglas 1345. LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 413 Karbach B. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Mina Lu.ca Lots T own a choice lot In Minne Lust. All Improvements In street paid for ex cept i small balam e on paving. Will ell for $800. See it today. Call Douglas 0159, evenings Kenwood 2643. Acreage. 3 ACRES, choicest location in Keystone Park. Price and terms reasonable. Phone Doug. 7350, Wal. 4219. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. BEAUTIFUL now brick apartment build ing with large lot near 28th and Har ney; income $220 per month net; can sell for $21,500 and make very easy terms: only thing like it In Omaha. Call Kenwood 1835. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee DUNDEE, $11,500. A good 8 -room modern home. , ono block from the school. Has sunroom. sleeping porch, fireplace and built-in feature; oak and white enamel flnUh: hot water heat. One-car garage. $1,600 cash. GLOVER & SPIAN, Douglas 2850. 91S-20 City Natl CORNER lot In Dundee, on paved street. ,Vlll hnIM c t.rnom huniralnw near car. on term. a Call Mr. Carse, DO. 7412 days Florence. . , (Nethavmy, flui. jirop.. no cvlortd. KE. 1109 , n l k asd Drawn HE I i' u NO yfM.PA.TKT" FOR HIM - ' (3 NEED Atsf tti. Inc. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Benson $3,800. Require a pretty heavy cah pay ment. Houifc is all modern with garage. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, DO. 83S0. 330-2-4 Erandeia Th. Bldg. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West Built for a Home 6 Years : Ago. Full two-story and atttc. Larga living room, dining" room und kitchen; lMnihf, in oak: thres roomy bed room and bath up. Kant frnnt, on car linr south of Hansom Park. Pon't mips this. Only $ti.800. with ?asy term.- GLOVER & MORELL 718-20 Keeline'Rld Atlantic 33. CLAIRMONT 6-room bungalow, ' east front, on paved street. A real location. New house. Oak and white enamel finish; Only $6,750. Easy terms.. Call Mr. Sloan. . Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. Atlantic 2540 Evenings Walnut 2S12 $4,300. Adloinlng Dundee, fire room, striitly modern; terms about $1,000 down. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, PO, 8380. 330-2-4 Brandels Th. Bldg, Restricted District, $5,000. Five-roorn hun(ftIo substan tial, 5 years old, ntrictly modern, located in beautiful Olnirmont, close to car line. Terms also. Call at once. Schroeder Investment Co. REALTORS, Jackson 3261. 638 Railway Exchange BARGAIN In a family home; 11 rooma. closo In; possession at once: will rent with the privilege to purchase. Joseph O'Doherty, 708, Keeline Bldg. Omaha Reel Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 821 Paxton Blk. Atlantic 4880. 6-ROOM house. 4 large lots, garden plant : ed. furnace heat, electric light, 1141 So. 65th St. D. K BUCK A CO. buy and sell homes. North. Minne Lusa Home, ; 7-Room Stucco Priced Below Cost for Quick Sale. First floor: Living room acros front of house, beamed ceiling,, brick ftrenlane. un room, dining room and kitchen. all contain built-in features. Thres bedroom - on second floor. Oak floor throughout," white enamel finish In kitchen and on second floor. Will arrange suitable terms. Tht - beautiful home, situated two blocks north or Miller Park Is only 3 years. For appointment call A. P. Tukey & Son, , . Jackson 4223. Evenings JJr. Beveridgc, DO. 4433. 4720 N. 39TH ST. Good 6-rooro house, modern except heat $700, balancv monthly. Creigh, 60 Bee. JA. 0200. SOUTH FRONT; 5 rooms; sufiroom; frame and stucco bungalow; garage to match. Alfred Thoma & Son. Jackson 0064. 8-ROOM. modern, furnished house. $4,700, Bargain. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest, ment, 642 Peters Trust. Dour. f7. HOUSES for colored, small payment down. Davis., 2530 Grant St. Webster 2420. It's Important to have the right firm handle your real estate, either in buying or sell ing. We can be of service to you. Call, write or phone : Creigh, Sons & Co. Established 1868 608 Bee Bldg. Jackton 0200 6-3 U Real Estate Is Growing in Value Omaha Real Estate is the same safe and sound investment that it always has been. , - There are "examples every week of money made by increasing: values of Omaha Real Estate. Last week Frank Koutsky bought the southeast corner of Twenty-fourth and 0 streets for $17,500, through a Realtor. A few days later, through the same Realtor, he was offered $20,000 for the property. He refused the offer. ' Realtors are property experts. They can make you money by real estate investments. Do You Own Consult Your A Part of Omaha? Realtor OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD for The Bee by McManuu Copyright, 1921 International Newt Sarvic OOESN'T XMPATHT REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. 27th and Brown . $1,500 Down 8-rocm strictly modern bunga low, all on on floor, full cement basement, furnace heat, nice attic Price. $6,800. Payne Investment Co., (ST Omaha National Bank Bldg. Doug 1780. South. 2845 South 34th Street. New 5-room horn with built-in ' features such as bookcases, cup boards, lc box room, buffet. Th hou." is lorated on a corner lot on paved street and has garage. C. G. Carlberg, REALTORS. Jackson 0,585. 312 Brandei Th. Bids. IT'S not often you can buy a close In modern house for $500 cash and balance monthly. We have a 6-rdom house at 816 South 2Sth Street, that ran b bought on these payment. See today. Creigh, Sons & Co., 608 Bee Building." , Jackson 0200. FOR SALE Four 6-room cottages, Just papered and painted, near 2 car lines, on paved street; sidewalk, city water, gas electric light and ewer; I5th and Vinton, 1 block north. Onlv $2,000 to $2,200 each. $300 down, balancel ike rent. Now vacant. Owner, Market 3270. Miscellaneous.' $5,000. Two-story square house, threa rooms and reception hall down, three bedrooms and bath up; terms about $1,000 down, Amos Grant Co., Realtors, REALTORS. Doug. 8380.'' 330-2-4 Brandels Th. Bldg. Real Estate Transfers Agnes Tejnskl and wife to Loui J. Warchel and wife. s. e. cor. 38th and G t., 66x130..- $3,000 israei r-eariman ana wire to Marv . M. Petersi rt. Parker t.. 100 ft. w. of 43d st., a, ., 60x150...:,... 909 noia ' uodds and husband to Edna May Cormlrk, Lafayette are., 200 ft. t. of 61st at,, n. .. 50x106 75,600 t-narny jh. riagg to Henry Ham merly. A t., 70 rt. e. of Hoctor blvd., . .. 125x200..- Ambrose R. Erhrd and wife to An tono Masllko and wife. Wakeley t., loo ft; e. or 43d st., n. ., 50x128 : Ro Bred and nushand to Her man H. Auerbacn, 21st St., 99 ft. 2,100 1,250 n. of Davenport St., e. ., 33x7.. 13,000 John B. Schmidt to Steve Agaitee t al. n, w. cor. 13th and Fort t., 132x167 South Side Land Co. to ' James "Bartunek, Dahlman blvd., 100 ft. . of B at., w. ., 60x280..; . Elizabeth J Baker and husband - to Emily A Blake, Chicago et., " 160 ft. e. of 60th t.. n. .. 50x135 Laurie J. Qulnby and wife to Charles J. Sprlngborg and wife, 47th ave., 160 ft. . of Wirt at., w. .,40x 125 t... . George B. Lehnhoff and wife to Ella C. Welch, Cuming t.. 236 ft. w. of 27th ave., s. ., 49.6x155. Susan P. Speed to Laura A. Jolley, 36th ave.. 8 ft. s. of Spauldlng at., e. a.. 40x134; 37th fc, 200 ft. . of Spauldlng St., s. e. 40x134.... Parkway Real Estate Co. to Eliza beth Bratt Baldwin, 42d St., 100 ft. n. of Castelar st., w. ., 60x126 Byron Reed Co. to Lizzie Schaffer, 30th St.. 149.28 it. e. of Pratt t., e.- .. 49.75x12- 2.360 425 T,$1S 900 2,750 150 2.450 Smith Bread Bill Is " Adopted as Model Lincoln, Tune 2. (Special.) The ! Smith standard loaf bread bilj, passed jat flia last session ot the Nebraska lcsrisrature, was used as a model at J Washington, D. C, last week at a I conference of state and city officials attending a convention dealing with weights and measures laws, accord ing to Leo J. Stuhr, secretary of the Department of Agriculture.. Stuhr i returned today from Washington j where he attended the convention. "Legislation similar to that adopt ' cd by the Nebraska legislature to j curb alleged short weights in, bread i loaves was recommended at the con tention," Stuhr said. The Smith bread bill was intro rluced by Representative Ed Smith of tOmaha. It becomes effective July 23. I After that date the exact weight of bread loaves must be marked on , the packages and if, when weighed, ! they vary more than two ounc;$ 'from the weight-stamped, the pur chaser may prosecute. Bill Would Give. U. S.Power to Fix Rights of Alien President Given Right to Ac Where Necessary Under Terms of Measure In troduced in Senate, -f Washington, June 2. A proposal to confer on the federal government power to determine and enforce, even as against states, treaty rights which aliens in the United States may be given, was introduced by Senator Kellogg, republican, Minnesota, in the form of a bill framed by the judiciary committee of the American Bar association. Senator Kellogg said that the mea sure was put forward to raise the issue and not apply necessarilyl to any specific situation. Under the bill, the president would be authorized, where in his judgment any statute or a state or territory contravened treaty rights of aliens to instruct the attorney general to take up the defense of civil or crimi nal prosecutions brought by state of ficials before state courts and to se cure their removal to federal ,courts for trial. The federal courts would take jur isdiction when any acts had been committed against aliens which would constitute crimes under state laws and penalics similar to those provided in the state statutes avouIU be imposed in case of acts against American citizens. United Mates marshals, and, if necessary, army or navy forces, would be available to enforce decisions. Lnder present conditions there is no law authorizing intervention by the federal government for the pro tection of aliens in state proceeding', Senator Kellogg said. The bill, ho dded, was intended to make clear the rights and duties of the federal government. The bill was referred to the foreicn relations committee, of which Sena tor Kellogg is a member. Senator Kelloge did not care to comment on the possibility that the' measure would apply to the Japan ese question 'on the Pacific coast, though the terms of the bill would give the federal government power to intervene m anti-alien land pro ceedings under such acts as the California law, in case treaty rights of ailens appeared jeopardized. State Coal Contracts Are Awarded by Board Lincoln, Tune 2. (Special.') Ne- braskans will continue to be victims of the "acts of Providence" in the price of coal for its state institu tions. Bids for 47,000 tons of coal to be used during the coming year in char- itable and penal institutions were awarded by the state board of con trol. , Officials of the board admitted they were helpless under the "con tracts" to ward off increases in prices in the events of "acts of Providences" if you want to 'use the word provi dence, tor strikes and other things. The Coal Hill Coal company of Omaha was among the fortunate bid ders.. It is to furnish 3,500 tdns of slack to the penitentiary and 3,000 tons to the Lincoln hospital. Lincoln coal firms obtained the cream of th! business. Telephone Company Asks To Increase Rate in 12 Towns' Lincoln. June 2. (Special.) The Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph company applied today to thestatc railway commission for increased rates at the following towns served by its lines': Ashland, David City, Fairbury, York, Bruning, Deweese, Steele City, Gilcad, Howe, Jansen and Peru. - . The properties' in several towns have been acquired recently and in stallation of new and up-to-date serv ice is given as a reason for the appli cation. In a majority of the cases,. in creases are asked especially lor busi ness telephones. . Beatrice Man Arrested for Alleged Bunk Car Robbery Beatrice, Neb., June 2. (Special Telegram.) Russell Peterson of thif city was arrested at Lincoln charged . with breaking into a Rock Island bunk car here a few weeks ago and stealing about ?200 worth of prop erty from John Wilson. He is al leged to have secured a pair of Elk! cuff buttons, a gold watch chain with Elk tooth mounted, safety razors, adding machine and other articles. Peterson was brought i hack' from Lincoln by Chief of Police Dillow for trial. - . Typhoid Fever Germ Carrier At Grand Island is Sought Lincoln, ''June 2. (Special.) Members of the state board of health arc endeavoring to locale a typhoid tever germ carrier which they believe is responsible for an epidemic at Grand Island. The . department's laboratory in Lincoln is filled with blood specimens taken at that city in an endeavor to locate the innocent Carrier of the disease. St Bernard's Academy Graduates Class of Seven Nebraska City, Neb., June 2. (Special.); The graduating exercises for St. Bernards academy were held . at St. Marys Catholic church. Rev. C J. O'Reilly, D. D., of Lincoln, delivered the address. The class is composed of seven young women. The junior-senior banquet was held at the school Tuesday. Lincoln Wakes Up When Whisky Mine Is Found Lincoln, June 2. (Special.) A bone-dry gold mine, 24 pints of real whisky, were found by workmen dig ging a sewer ditch here. When the news spread there was an exodus from Lincoln business houses to the scene of these relics of the early days in Nebraska. Arlington Woman Burned Arlington, Neb.. June 2. (Spe cial.) Mrs. H. W. Marshall was badly burned when she threw out a gasoline stove which exploded in the kitchei of her home and set th house on fire, 1