Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1921, Page 10, Image 10

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lrlK BEE: OMAHA. FKIJDA Y, JUNE 3. 1921.
Mix Margaret Williams, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Manley Wil
liams, became the bride Thursday
evenin got Lloyd Meters, ton of Mr
-and Mrs. O. M. Peters. t
Rev. John Kelly officiated.
The bridesmaid. Mary Wil
li ''is, sister of the bride, wore orchid
organdy. Her bouquet was of pink
The b ride wore white georgette
combined With lace and carried
, white roses.
The couple will take a western
. trip returning to Omaha about
- July I.
The marriage of Miss Ruth
Stauffer and Martin Johnson took
place Thursday afternoon at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. W. Stauffer. Rev. R. L.
Wheeler officiated.
Pink and white peonies were used
through the rooms. Twenty guests
attended the ceremony.
Miss Anna Stauffer, sister of the
bride, was the bride's only attend
ant. She wore yellow organdie and
carried lavendar sweetpeas.
The bride wore white georgette
and - carried a shower bouquet of
. roses and sweetpeas.
Fern Roberts was best man.
After a western trip the couple
will reside in Omaha.
Junior League
University Banquet
The University of Omaha Alumni
association will hold its annual ban-
Suet at the Prettiest Mile club, Fri
ay evening, at 6:30 o'clock. A
r business meeting and election of of
:' ficers will follow.
University trustees, invited as
;, guests of honor, include Mesdames
: George A. Joslyn, M. O. Maul, John
Bekins, W.' S. Robertson, W. T.
Graham. 'George H. Payne, J. P.
Lord, D.'W. Merrow, George Ras
mussen, W. A. Gordon, Paul Kuhns,
Henry Keiser; Messrs. John Bekins,
; W. S. Robertson, W. T. Graham,
George H. Payne. J. P. Lord, D.
W. Morrow, George Rasmussen, W.
A. Gordon, Faul Kuhns and Henry
'Keiser. -'
, Job's Daughters Give Concert.
Job's Daughters, Bethel No. 1, will
. present a concert Saturday evening
v at 8:15 o'clock at Masonic temple,
; under direction of Lillian Gould
' Faber. '
The program will include chorus
,' numbers: a violin solo, "Andante at
;; Sherzo Capriccioso," byMrs. Faber,
i accompanied by Mrs. , Howard
Rushton; reading from "Les Misera
bles," Maud Monroe; dance, Men-
. delssohn's "Spring Song," Ruth and
Ethet Mick. Chorus numbers will
be accompanied by Mrs. Henry Best.
Carter Lake News.
ii Carter Lake Kensington club will
'i meet for luncheon Wednesday of
each week at the club house.
Harry Mahaffey is spending a few
days in Wyoming.
,!,' Mrs. Morris Fleming, who has
!k been visiting Mrs. A. S. Campbell,
Hi has returned to her ranch near
Ogallala, Neb.
it: Mr. and Mrs. Burton Laird have
opened their cottage at the Lake.
; Mrs. Harry Mallo and Mrs. Harry
Jones have gone to California for
'i the summer.
; , Lakoma Country Club.
I'. Mrs. R. L. Reynolds entertained
i;;'.18 guests at the get-together
j: dinner Thursday evening at Lakoma
;; Country club.
. The board of directors made
reservations for the get-together din
ner Thursday evening. Covers were
. i laced for 14.
Returns From School.
'i Stanley DeVore, son of Mr. and
i. Mrs. F. S. De Vore, returned Tues
day from Kemper Military academy
.; at Booneville, Mo. He was honored
,. Wednesday evening at a dinner
!. dance at Fort Calhoun when Mr.
v i and Mrs. M. M. McCarthy enter
tained for him. Twenty guests at-
; tended.; r '
;'i Sorority Luncheon.
! . Members of Alpha Phi will have
!. luncheon at the Athletic club Satur-
: day.
Seven daily newspapers in Loulsi
, ana are edited by women.
HI I J '
'Jl!nehrt-Mndf n". Phot
Miss Gertrude Stout is the new
president of the Omaha Junior
League, succeeding . Miss Gladys
She was elected Thursday morning
at the annual election -at the Country
club when the "Leagu? ticket" won
over the nominating committee slate.
Other officers chosen are Mrs.
Louis Clarke, first vice president;
Mrs. George Redick, second vice
president; Miss Catherine Thummel,
recording secretary; Mrs; Paul Gal
lagher, corresponding secretary, and
Mrs. Ray Lowe, treasurer.-
What's What
Invitations to class-day exercises
are sent out two or three weeks in
advance of the commencement date.
Intimate friends are asked to lunch
eon, and cards for the "Prom" or
class dance may be included. If the
academy or college is a considerable
distance from the home town, rela
tives and local friends who may be
sending "graduation gifts" should
dispatch these early, so that the pack
ages may not arrive "after the fair."
Only members of the family or
family friends send gifts of jewelry to
a girl graduate, flowers, books
paper-cutters, silver pencils, etc., are
always in good taste. A young man
latitude in accepting tokens oi more
latitude in accepting tokens or more
intrinsic value, .such as a gold toun
tain pen or cuff links. The right sort
of books are always appreciated,
Congratulations may be sent with
or without gifts. Presents are by no
means obligatory on these occasions,
but people who accept invitations
usually make some sort of return
either in entertainment or by send
ing an appropriate gift to the grad
uate. .,. ; ' ... . ... . .
(Copyright,-1921, by Public Ledger Co.)
Headache Bands
A brightly-colored handkerchief
tied over the hair is the newest note
in the tennis costume introduced by
Mile. Lengen, the famous French
tarltr rtiamni'nfi A 'wide . "hMdarhr"
band is being substituted by some of
me lair piayers, in oroer to Keep ine
hair tidy.
In Japan there are a large number
of women who, as heads of busi
ness houses, employ many men and
women, but suffrage is withheld
from them because they are women
3 C!
When it comes
to buying milk
How Much . Thought Do
You Give to Its Quality?,
No dealer can be SURE of the
product unless he has a system:
of safeguards that begin to
work before the , milk is pro
duced and continue to function -until
the milk has been deliv
ered to your home.
Alamito Milk is Wholesome,
Clean and Safe
It is safeguarded by the most modern methods
every step of the way. It is cooled on the
farms, hauled in under cover,, clarified, pas
teurized, cooled and bottled by , the most
scientific methods." That 'a why your neighbor
uses Alamito Milk. Call the office and one of
the WHITE WAGONS will serve you.
Alamito "Milk Vhite" Dairy
Leavenworth St. at 26th
Phone Douglas 0409.
Omaha, Neb.
Dr. and Mrs. H. C Sumney- left
Monday for an eastern trip. Mrs.
Sumney plans to spend the summer
in Mime.
Mr. and Mrs. V B. Fordyce of
Los Angeles. Cal.. arrived Wednes
day. to spend a month at the E. C
Blundell home. -
Mrs. George McNamara and
daughter, Catherine, who have been
visiting in Omaha, returned to their
home Wednesday.
Miss Bernice Bushee arrives this
week-end from Fairfield, Neb., to
spend several days visiting Miss
Katherine Reynolds, ,.
Rudder Norton returns to Omaha
this week-end from the University
of Nebraska at Lincoln, where he
has been attending school.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Duffy of St
Louis, who were called to Omaha by
the death of Mr. Duffy s mother, are
at the Patrick Duffy home.
Misses Margaret Eastman and
Dorothy Norton, students at High
land Hall, Hollidaysburg, Pa., will
return to Omaha about June 11,
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Nash leave
thf latter part of the month to . end
the summer at Winchenden, Mass.,
and points in New Hampshire.
Mr. and .Mrs. John A. McShane
left Monday for their home in Coro
nado Beach, Cal. They have been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hos-ford.
Mrs. B. B. Davis underwent an
operation Wednesday at Rochester,
Minn. She was accompanied to
Rochester by her husband, Dr. Davis,
and Miss Olga Metz.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McShane have
returned from an eastern trip, in
cluding Baltimore and Atlantic City.
While in Baltimore they secured a
home in Roland Park, where they
will reside after July 1. ,
Mrs. R. C. Howe leaves Friday
evening for Chicago. She will meet
her daughter, Miss Marion Howe,
there and they will return to Omaha
the latter part of next week. Miss
Howe has been spending some-time
in New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Guiou leave
June 23 to speifd the summer at
Prior lake. Mrs. Will Coad and
Mrs. Joseph 'Byrne will also sum
mer there. The children of Mr. and
Mrs. E. S. Westbrook will go there
about July 1;
Miss Camilla Edholm, a student at
Simmons college, Boston, will attend
a house party at Grand Beach, Me.,
and will also visit with Mrs. H. C.
Sumney at Portland, Me., before re
turning to Omaha. She is expected
home the latter part of Jime. -
League Speaker
x ?
Its j
Mrs. C. G, Ryan of Graijd Island
is one of the speakers at the state
convention, League of Women
Voters, in Lincoln next week. She
will appear Wednesday morriing on
the subject "Food Supply and De
mand." Mrs. Ryan is regarded as
one of the strong members of the
League in Nebraska.
' Friday Affair;
The Daughters of Isabella will
an entertainment at Jacobs hall,
iy, June 3, at 8 o'clock
Miss Eula Bates of Sorinefield.
Neb.,is the guest of Mrs. Frank C.
fatton. Miss Jithel Parson spent
last week-end in Springfield with
Miss Bates.
J The women of Constantinople have
been emancipated, but in the streets
they wear what appears almost like
a uniform. The cut of all street
costumes is almost the same, the onlv
difference being "in the color.
General Pershing
Will Address
GeneraJ John J. Pershing will
speak to the League of Women
Voters next Tuesday evening in Lin
coln, before the state, convention of
that body. His subject will be "Dis
armament." The convention of the League will
be held Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, June 7-9. Mrs. E. F.
Pettis of Lincoln is president of the
local organization and Mrs. Charles
Dietrich of Hastings, state president.
Since - Carrie Chapman Catt's ad
dress in Cleveland on disarmament,
the League has been making the sub
ject an issue.
Faculty Reception.
A program was given Wednesday
evening at the eighth annual faculty
reception at the University of
Omaha. Those taking part included
Mr. and Mrs. - Charles Thiem, Mr.
and Mrs. T. B. Trotzman and Miss
Gertrude Thiem who gave musical
numbers. A short play was presented
with the following cast, Izma
Tucker, Esther- Janssen, Myrtle
Sorenson and Dwight Higbee.
Dinner for Mrs! Hull
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Westbrook
entertained at dinner at their
home, Thursday evening, in honor of
Mrs. C. A. Hull who leaves Satur
day to spend the summer abroad.
Covers were placed for eight.
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae
will meet for luncheon Saturday at
1 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. R. E.
Davis, 530 South Fifty-second street,
Standing of the Club Members ZJUSTtT nk.-i
countM in tu affic al tha Club Muafar up to 3 p. m., Waanaiday, Juu 1. It will
b aalletd by atwlyinf thU list that mny chant hava bam ma da la tha positlona
of ioma in tha raca.
Club mtmbtra who aatarad only a ahart tin afa -aw hava eamman-Bf paai
tions in tha column. What athara eaa ate, you can ao. TRY IT.
Tha DAILY and Bandar. Morning- or Erai
inr. by Bay Carrier in Omaha, roonril
Bluffa and In town where Carrier Boy
wifret raaiDiauica,
Jtt Years i:s.S
I Yeara ,
1 Year
( Month
I Month ...t .(5
' Kw
Moraine or Erenlnjr Wllhoot Bnnday by
Carrier Boy Service.
S Yr., S month .....i:s.SS
1 Jeer n.9
1 Year 7. SO
Month J.
Month l.tS
- , Sunday Only by Boy Carrier.
5 Yeara ....$25.69
2 Yeara 10.49
1 Tear S.SO
I Month 2.(0
S3, 000
Moralac, Xrenlnr and Bnnday by
Boy Carrier.
1 Yr I Month .....115.(0
1 Year 11.00 151,000
( Month .1 1.09 ,000
t Month 4.50 15.000
Daily Ml San day by Kail,
IMYeirs 115.50 150,000
S Year 11.00 130,000
1 Year T.50 03,000
Montha 4.00 13,000
S Month 1,00 10,000
Dally Only by Mali, Without Sunday
I Year ', 115.09 160,000
5 Year 10.00 70,000
1 Year 6.00 32,000
6 Montha 1 60 13,000
Sunday Only by Mall,
4 Yeara
1 Year
i 1 car ....
( Month '. .
1, ...
... 1.60
Renewal aubacription paymanta will b civaa half as many vote aa new aubicription
Will Include all territory intld the
City limit of Omaha outn of Paeifle
atreet. weat of the river to Sarenty.
aeeond atreet, including- Ralitoa, Belto
vue. Fort Crook and Avery.
One 11,115.00 MaxweU. one tlOO.M
B. A I.. Deposit and one f 100.00 B.
h. Depoilt will be awarded la thi
Doctors Recommsnd
Bon-Opto for tho Eyes
Physicians and eye specialists pre
scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home remedy
in the treatment of eye troubles and to
strengthen eyesight. Soldundefmoney
refund guarantee by all, druggists.
"In order to gather statistics
of value, X-Ray pictures of your
teeth will be taken free of
charge, daily, 11 a. m. to 2 p. m.
Room 603 Securities."
R. W. Sate, 161 8. S3d Of, 590
Erneat Herngren. 1015 8. 7th. ....07,710
L. A. Speltier. 6630 S. 13d it. Tin
Mrs. J. N. William, 3605 8.. 23d ,.455,540
Mr. F. Marecek, 6310 S. 10th) ....404,410
Mr. Pearl Starkey, 4825 Poppleton481,040
Mr. P. D. Hawarth, 1776 a 8th ..475.780
ueorg feierson, 5413 Wright .
Mr. Thomas Seize, 2318 I St. ,
Norman LewU, 1923 S. 29th...
H. Makenholz, 1323 Monroe ...
Henry Furat, 3205 W
Miss I. E. Kolle, 1338 S. 31st ...
Mrs. C. A. Kauth, 1822 Bancroft
John Spell, 810 Forrest Ave. ...
John Andriconls, 6413 S. 33d
j. Li. ueecrort, 4645 8. 18th,
Mrs. C. A. Christiansen. 612 Cedar. 208.989
U. H. Evans, 4660 S. 40th 202.890
Iva Slegel. 1724 Dorcaa 178,890
John Kwasniewskl, 2867 Oak ....145,650
Martha Ebert, 2403 Poppleton 133,800
Mrs. O. S. rJusenbury, 1906 S. 33d.. 98,460
Mrs. Anna Ruppert, 1014 Martha... 78,430
Mis C. O'Halloran, 2971 8. 10th.... 29,370
Mr. E. J. McEvoy, 3323 8. 14th ... 11,280
K. H. Burke, 1102 Park Ave. .... 11.860
Mrs. Mary R. Cole, 209 France .... 6.240
Mrs. Ella Postal. 2300 S. 14th .... S.070
Will include all territory insld the
city limit of Omaha and on, and
north of Pacific street, west of the
river to Eighty-third street and aa far
north a Maple atreet.
One 11,115.06 Maxwell, one StOO.OO
B. L. Deposit and one f 100,00 B.
Deposit wlU be awarded la thi
A. M. Senders, Plattsmouth 453,820
Josephine Ketchmark, Ft. Calhoun. 447,920
Mabel Bradta, West Point 420,150
Jessie B. Kays, Wisner 376,340
Maria Rowaldt, Yutan 874,910
Henrietta Miller, Oakland 870,190
Nellie Dwyer. Colon 366,840
Alvln F. Barton, Lyons , 367,820
Mrs. Lulu Owens, Ashland 330,160
E. F. Cushman, Kennard 341,220
Herman Bunk, Beemer ....311,770
Donald Wauch, R. 3, Valley .329.790
Mildred E. Johnson, Mead .-,..316,390
Mrs. P. E. Buck, Fremont.,.. 310,480
Emma Fredstrom. Oakland 304.760
R. V. Kennedy, Tekamah 300,730
Mrs. Chaa. Andrews, Arlington 296,470
Jena Jensen, Lyon 219,360
W. H. Hoerstmann, Fremont 316,700
Anna Blumm, Sorlbner...., 214,910
Mr. John Huebner, R. 3 213 430
Gordon Smith, Lyon , 190.910
I. N. Warrick. Blair ltd. 390
J. M. Fox, Gretna. !tS,170
J. H. Domingo, Weeping Water, (D.4S0
Clifford Cunningham. Wahoo U,860
Cha. J. Bwoboda, Prague 129.000
Mrs. Edith Schooler, Rosalie 118,060
Mrs. O. B. Darling, Hooper 115.580
Stella Starry. Springfield ing.70o
Wm. Mick. Cedar Bluffs 102.800
Emma Johnson, R. I., Fremont.... 101, 790
it, a. Biruiner, wraig U'.iuu
Will Include the following counties In
the state of Nebraska: Otoe, Nemaha,
Richardson, Pawnee, Johnson, Gage,
Lancaster, Seward, Saline, Jefferson,
Thayer, Fillmore, York, Hamilton,
Clay, Naekolls, Webster and Adam.
On S1.115.0A Maxwell, one S200.0O
B. - L. Deposit and one 1100.00 B. A
Ij. Deposit will be awarded in thi
Mrs. Marie Coulter, 3000 Harney .409,810
O. W. Hendee, 4204 Burdette ...498,640
Ralph N. Pratt, 602 S. 28th 497,680
Mrs. A. E. Waack, 3222 Howard.. 497,210
Dr. Frank G. Smith, Blackstone. .'.496,110
Mrs. j. HUDDara, 3SU4 jrornam 96.130
Kloye B. Morell, 544 8. 25th Ave 494,630
mrs. r-muy winner. n w. zotn. . .493.430
Mrs. B. N. Clausen, 4809 Under' d 437,130
Mrs. M. L. Yosburg, 2564 Douglas 441,740
R. E. Holbrook. 3556 Pacltlo 419,470
C. B. Hyde. 3S30 Seward ....416.790
Louis J. Schafer, 113 N. 26th. ...403,400
c. A. weir, 1915 cnanes 392,390
E. H. White, 667 b. 33d ........369,990
Mildred Plank, 2714 Burt ......358,310
A. Hicks, 2710 Miami ..........343,070
Dessle D. Harrop, 2667 Douglas - ..340,860
Mrs. W. J. Whltaker, 4804 Dodge.340,580
Mrs. C. M. Tomanea, 4507 Charlea.311,640
Douglas Peters, 206 S. 32d 304,410
Mrs. Anne Marinelll. 858 8. list. .300.960
P. J. Wrlcht. 2310 Howard 293.210
iv. t. zeisel, 3314 uecatur zss.ziju
Horace Bcnaerrer, zz turning . .zt2,iu
Harold Anderson, 3110 Marcy ...242,350
J. K. Mcintosh, 4160 Chicago ...239,050
Rev. N. C. Hanson. 1713 N. :6th.. 338. 9S0
A. D. Klein, jr.. 4806 Dodge ....224,980
Mrs. Bessie Beach. 1008 8. 20th ..216.000
Phlnas Wlntroub, 1324 Howard ...180,510
Fred Keogh, 220 N. 19th .......173,010
I,. K. Swanson, 4119 Lake 104,390
Mrs. C. E. Linneman. 1633 Victor ..137,870
Harold Netlaon, 4313 Seward 118, WO
C. F. Slosson, jr., 4900 Cuming ..113.030
Roland Prelsman, 101S N. 32d ... 60,400
Mrs. Mary Engle. 2(05 Cuming ... 44.390
W. C. Nellson. 1824 N. 33d 11.800
Thos. K. McLeavey. 833 Park..:. 5,480
W. Lutes, 117 8. 25th Ave ....... ,000
-the bread you will approve
In tHe modest homes of the workers
at club luncheons as well as the
homes that set the standards for their
localities you will find HARD ROLL
bread. ,
Many a, good cook has told us that not
until she had tried Hard Roll did she
believe that bakers' bread could be
made so delicious try a loaf TODAY
and you,' too, will give it , your ap
proval. . ; : :;; ;
Health y; hard - playing
youngsters have vigorous
appetites and "pieJlg,, be
tween meals on Hard Boll
'bread will help to keep the
bloom of youth on their
When next you phone your
grocer1 ask for HAED
ROLL bread your entire
f cimily will thoroughly en-
joy its wholesome goodness.
Will Include aU territory Inside the
city limit of Omaha on and north of
Maple atreet, west of the- river to
Eighty-third street and north to Bar
grant street, Including Xloreac and
the Carter Lake district.
One 11,115.00 Maxwell, on SJOO.OO
B. L. Deposit and one 1100.00 E.
L. Deposit wUl be awarded in tcts
Vera Orosshaus. Sutton 495.710
Agnes Kraaomll. Aurora... 498.720
Eleanor Shoff, Falrbury 497,970
Mrs. Mark Hall. Auburn 496.970
8. D. Long, Cowles.... 495,210
Mrs. unas. Fowler, Nebraska City. .494,700
R. W. Mastln, Tobias 494,160
Sirs. Thomas Brewer, Geneva 494,160
Emma Kruts, Deshler 460,920
E. E. Holmes, Inland 459,220
Mrs. Dean Kite, Auburn 406,710
Lola Kosford, Seward 400,790
Velva Bair, Fairmont .588,890
Jewell Howard, Lincoln 375,000
Mrs.-Otis Wolford, Clay Center.... 359,430
Charles Laune, Alexandria ...837,620
Raymond L. Crosson, Hastings. ...176,800
Margaret Aherns, Falls City 260,190
Mrs. Lydla Wolfskin, Superior.... 256, 980
George Whitesell, Keneaaw 249,280
Mrs. C. D, Riley, Tecuroseh 217.600
Mrs. B. Anderson, 1324 H. Lincoln. .210,310
Delma Harp, Belvedere 180,270
Vera Butler, Red Cloud 160,170
Gail Parsons, Humboldt. 166,970
Mrs. W. L. Chapman, Glltner... .142,470
Mrs.' Maria Morrlss, Hebron 121,690
a. E. Gllmore, Harvard 115,490
Tllll Nolte. R. 1,. Auburn... 115,370
Alfred Bookwalter, Pawnee City.. 100,140
W. E. Price, Crete 94.170
Mrs. B. F. Jordon, York 65,790
C. M. Beggs, Carleton 62,400
Edward Brunlnr, Brunlng 54,290
Gladys Leahy, Peru 16,000
Will Include all territory in th state
.of Nebraska aa ineladad la Districts
Number and 7, also territory In South
Dakota. Kansas and Colorado,
On Ca,lU.O Maxwell, one 1500.00
B. tu Deposit aad one $100.00 B. -
. Dynt will b awarded in thi
G. J. Emery, 2554 Pratt. ........ .499,900
Mrs. W. W. Davis, 3929 Flor. Blva..497,M0
Violet Brotchle. 6020 Flor. Blvd. .496,800
A. L. Frederick, 2568 Whitmore. .. .495,600
Mrs. G. L. Tracy, 2811 Browne. .. .494,960
W. E. Stutenroth, 2460 Camden. .491,800
Mona Harris, 2964 N. 47th Ave. .421,090
P. F. Grutschewski, 8331. Ames.... 317.400
Mrs. J. M. Streeter.4008 N. 84th..300,41"0
Leo Daniels. 3303 Maple.... .291,400
Mrs. R. Tedesco, 2939 Lin. Blvd. .285,060
Edna' Lawrenson, 7711 N. 28th Ave. 281,890
C. D. Schnell. 2423 Crown Point. .'. .272,760
C: Hall, 1870 Vane i 167,850
Mrs1. A. Dangel, 6125 Flor Blvd. .. .215,070
H. Cbrtstanstn, 6904 Mihne Lusa.. 818,750
Mrs. Gust Krantz, 7301 Maple. .. .100,280
S. M. Flnley. 1921 Binney 194,780
Mrs. Harry Rogers, 8511 N. 29th.. 188.810
Mrs. L. M. Thlrtle, 6005 N. 30th. .160,810
Winifred Travis. 1861 Fowler 149,980
Mrs. Tom Rodebaugh. 3180 Mer'th. 119,760
Mrs. E. G. Peels, 2727 Laurel.... 21,340
WlU include all territory to the city
of Council Bluff, including; tha Bfana
wa district. ' .
One fl.llS.00 Maxwell, one 1200.00 B.
L. Deposit and eaa 100.00 B. L.
Deposit will be awarded in thi district.
Mrs. Iva M. Ford, 305 S. 18th 499,310
Mr. M. A. Smith, 2304 Ave. V 498,540
Anna Ward. 1000 5th Ave 497,020
Gertrude Sullivan, 813 Ave. B 361,880
R. p. Bonn. 200i n Ave i.iy
Mrs. Wm. J. Ryan. 202O Ave. A..... 263,810
Ray Wilcox, 520 Voorhla.. 246,760
Dorothy Lenlhan, 653 Harrison. ... .219,910
Mrs. Ada McLaughlin, 1903 3d Ave.. 300,490
Mrs, Peter Jensen. Oakland, Ct... .144,900
Lou DunlaD. Grand Hotel 141,670
R. D. Edwards. 2310 Ave. C 121,040
A. P. Clobridae. 300 W. Pleree 49.080
A. W. Geiger, Jr., 420 Damon. ..j... 26,1
Mr. w i. Mitchell. 2035 Ave. A... 21,9
Bertha ZobeU 720 Ave. , M00
' WlU Include all the territory In th;
state of Iowa outside the city of
Council Bluff and th Manawa dis
trict. One $1,118.00 Maxwell, one $100.00
B. L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
L. Deposit will be awarded la th
Rev. G. B. Bauman, Mlnden .....499,000
Betty Eacrett, Malvern 495,070
Merle Andress. Oakland ,...479,9o0
Glen C. Sllllck, Missouri Valley ...434.040
June Ovlatt, Shenandoah 393.670
Bert Graham, R. 1, Logan 387,000
Harlan Klutts, Mondamin 370,320
O. J. Atkins. Neola 360,370
Mrs. Nettle Batcheldom Rlverton.. 367,940
Mrs. S. L. Jefferson.
Geo. W. Moore. Bart let t
June Beaver, Harlan
Hasel Donaldson, Avoca ..
Nellie J. Eolleder, Thurman
Mrs. Billie Iwen, Schleswifc
Marlon Caughell, Carson ..
Leona Hamann, Persia ....
Opal Snyder, Randolph ....
Myrtle Rogers, Percival ...
Gladys Mavis, Harlan .,
Merle B. Travis, Carson
Fred Tanks, Avoca ,. ...
Ruth Knight, Glenwood
T. J. Comer. Missouri Valley
Mrs. Ona Johnson, Pacific Jet.
Mrs. Lowell C. Mattox. Shelby.
Bernard Franklin, Hamburg
Mrs. Ray Pierson, Henderson
E. E. Axthelm. Glenwood ....
Grant E. rroyo, Marian ,
Blanch Collins, Red Oak
... 112.024
... 79,440
Will Include the fellow Inr counties ia
the state of Nebraska i Cast, Sarpy,
Douglas (outside the city of Omaha),
Ha tinders. Dodge, Wahlngtnn, Burt,
Cuming. Thurston. Dakota. Dixon.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $300.00
B. L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
St L. Deposit will be awarded la thla
Zetta Lowsr, Valparaiso 499,960
Ed R. Horsk, Winnebago 47,o
Frank Pallas, Ponder 490.950
G. C. Hobsck. Nehawka 49,eio
Mrs. Archie Roberts, No. Bend 478.700
Herman A. Homann, Elkhorn 453.900
M. A. Hoststler. ghelton ....499,490
Wm. Halsey. Lebanon. ..499.190
J. F. Schwalger, North Platta ....497,190
Hazel Farrell. 'Gothenburg 495,670
Harriet Edwards, Scottsbluff 494.850
A. R. Lee. 710 Locust, No. Platte.480,060
P. C. McKensie. Burwell 471.900
C. O. Jones, Hyannis 469,730
Mrs. E. Stelhke, Holdrege 452,740
Mrs. J. A. Quinton. Brule 482.990
Mrs. H. J. Mcintosh, Cosad 414,240
Mrs. E. J. Relchsteln. Mlnden ..404.690
Mrs. A. K. Callahan, Gerlng , ....396,460
Martin Nielsen. Dannebrog 369,370
Mrs. Fred " ColluraV Arnold ......363.970
Hilda Jscobson, Arapahoe 362,910
Mn. K. C. Dlllman, Broken Bow.. 369,180
B. O. Nisley, Lexington 358,810
Bert Brownell, Chappeli 342,490
Mrs, Bertha A. Eber, Kirk ........340,620
Fern Gates, Stamford ..330,990
Lucile Johnson, Orleana 329,990
W. B. Shelton, Faxton 321,790
J. P. Mlnner. 101 W. 6th, Or. Is... 318,110
W. K. Harris, Bertrand 313,970
Elizabeth E. Fairchild, Lemoyne..304,770
Andy Stone, Wood River 297,820
Blanche Myers, Sutherland 286,400
Dr. C. H. Blackburn, Mltctell ....276,940
Melba Phllbrick. Ord.... 266,410
Helen Hammond, Valentin ...243,770
Hazel Tfundel, Sumner ..........240.770
C. B. Dossett,' Aktell ..'.'....240,370
Harry K. 8elk, Scotia 227.840
Geo, Gardner, Bayard 320,980
Signa Peterson, Eddyvllle ........ 222,170
Mrs. Clay Funston, Ogallala 210,860
Anna' Randall. Long Fine 211,490
K. B. VanBusktrk, Mullen ....203,100
Andrew Campbell, Cambridge ....200,370
R. L. Dunn, Cth Ave., Kearney ..198,570
Mm. McKeevee, Cordova 182,780
Wm. F. Beranek, Loup City 170,910
Vera Corley, Callaway 166.840
Mrs. F. 8. Copeland. Bridgeport ....145.880
H. C. McKay, St. Paul .146.070
Ethel Fitsimones, Alnsworth 139,460
Leland Zink, McCook '.. 130,870
Albert P. Power, Greeley 117,900
winltrea sogue. Atxinson ..,.,.ai,w
Harvey Thompson. Ravenna .113,700
Dick Pullman. Sarxent 100,840
Mrs. L. Rosencrans. Julesburc. Colo.100,170
Oyma Clyde. O'Neill 71,400
Ilzzi Mclntyre, xyron in.tuu
Mrs. Roy Bennett, Kearney .... 48,190
Helen Loomla, Gibbon 29.610
Mabel Douglass, Morrell 12,740
John Allsky, Brownie 10,170
Will Include the following eountles In
the state of Nebraska: Butler, Polk,
Merrick, Nance. Piatt. Colfax, Stanton,
Madison, Boone, Antelope, Fterc
Wayne, Cedar and Knox.
One $1,110.00 MaxweU. en $100.00
B. & L. Deposit and on $100.00 B.
- L. Deposit will be awarded In this
W. C. Halsey, Oak dale 499.020
Harry J. Muffey. St. Edward 498,900
E. C. Wilde, 123 & 8th. Norfolk. ...497,310
Mrs. Wade Pruitt, Humphrey ...... 496.790
D. P. Hill, Genoa 495,790
F. L. Brown, Schuyder 495,780
R. E. Strasburg, Polk 404,600
Helen Wynkoop, Central City 401.130
Josephine Newton, Osceola 466,300
Lydla seyersdanl. Jlaauon 44s.40
C. J. Haviland, Norfolk 428,000
Floyd Buchanan, Silver Creek 424,380
Laura Kolena, Crelghton 410,640
G. C. Saytth. Albion
Stromsburc .......386,040
Hasel Sowdera. Nellgh 366,870
Fred T. Winglngton. Schuyler 350,080
Marguerite Durbln, Bloomfield 345,280
Blanche Colby, Shelby 336.560
Ida Ruther, Stanton 333,730
Mrs.. Ed Lyons. Newman Grove ..325,300
R. J. bwanson, Fullerton 315,800
A. E. Stafford, Rising City 315,130
Anton F. Votava, Schuyler 300,170
B. J. Maslowsky, Randolph 299.730
Josephine Evans, Piatt Center ...190.480
Vivian Dee. David City 385,170
Cedrlo Anderson, Wausa 259,480
Sam Dsvles, Wayne 230,600
Elmer Nordtand, Columbus 228,740
W. J. Keeler. Fullerton ....200.370
Henry J. Haynea, Octavla 181,740
G. C. Grlftln. Clarka ,.167,730
Ray Chase, rialnvlew 121.000
Wm. King, Cedar Rapids 46,800
The Extra Prize Extra Vote
Offer, ' now in force and
which closes Saturday night
June 4th at 10 p. m., is the
best offer of Extra Votes
and ' Extra Prizes to be
made during the balance of
the Campaign Subscrip
tions will never again earn
you at many votes as during
this period.
Save Ice
and keep your provisions
sweet and wholesome.
At this season of the year
and during the entire
summer months your
Refrigerator becomes the
family larder, so use a
Grand Rapids
The best Refrigerator science
can build and ona that will
keep food properly and natu
rally reduce your ice bills.
up from
We have a size for every
home, be it the small apart
ment or the large residence.
Bowen' 1921 price ar
from 30 to 60 per cent lett
than 1920 price.
Order your Refrigerator at
Bowen's and save money.
Howard St., bet 15th and 16th
; ight
ADOrerBody. Itchedaud
" I suffered for fourteen years with
a severe case of eczema which was
scattered nearly all over my body.
At first it seemed like pimples and
then turned to blisters and itched and
burned so badly that I scratched and
irritated the affected parts.' I could
not sleep at night.
' '.'A friend told me about Cuticura
Soap and Ointment and after using
four cakes of Cuticura Soap and three
boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was
completely healed, in two weeks."
(Signed) Mr. E. W. Robbins. R. 3,
Box 72, Westby, Wis., July 12, 1920.
Give Cuticura Soap. Ointment and
Talcum the care of your skin.
rmtoriM, Bpt H. I,SU." Soid snrr
whara. Soap e.Oiataot sad 60c Talcum ISc.
aVCuticura Soap shava witixeftt mac
quickly relieves Constipation, Bil
iousness, Loss of Appetite) and Head
aches, due to Torpid Liver.
Affords protection -gainst In
fectious diseases. All prudent
persons should avail themselves
)f this.dependable germicide.
Money back without quasttoa
tJ) (Hunt's Salva and Soap), fail ia,
Yl th treatment of Itch, Eciam,'
A Rinaworm, Tettsr or othsr Iteh-
' 1.- .kin iIIvl Trw thla
tnatmtnt at our rMk ..
Sbsrmaa A McCannell S Drue Stores. M a
Lei s uo aSnnnnmcr
( ...
With Polly"
A complete
ping service,
absolutely no
pense to1 you a
regular Sunday Bee