Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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Ruth Chalks Up His 15th Homer and Establishes New Major League Record
King of Swats
Scores 118th Home
Run of Career
Former Record of 1 17 Circuit
Clouts Held by Cravath
Yankees Lose to Sen
ators, 3 to ll
Washington, May -il. "Babe"
Ruth made his 15th home run today,
sending the ball over the right field
wall with two on base in the ninth
inning, but New York lost to Wash
ington, 12 to 5. It was Ruth's 118th
home run of his major league career,
j and set a new major league record.
The former record of 117 home runs
I , was held by C. C. Cravath, formerly
j of the lliiladelphia Nationals. The
j " locals made eight consecutive hits
' ', off. Iloyt in the second inning. Zacli-
ary got a double and' three singles
in four times at bat.
AB.H.U.A .1
Vllc'rll. a t I siJinluc 1 i
Jl'Nallv. 2b 4 2 1 j .Hitn l.i. '.'li :t 1 7 4
Ruth. If 0 2 3 ! Kli-p. rf 6 1 4 l
Fiup. lb 4 S 10 IMBrowtr. rt 4 1 1 1
att-u.'Ki, rf 2 i) : o mm:, r. ir s o t o
Fiwnter. rf 1 1 :i 1 ' Fhiinl;. 3b 6 2 0 1
Boille, cf 4 1 e oiiihitivily, 6 3 3
. 'Wliril, lib 4 0 1 rO'R'lir'ilr, s 5 IS 1 r
Scbunir. 1 i 0 0Zachury.i 4 4 13
i l'nrin'r, 0 S 2 1 0
JiM. p 0 0 0 Totals 41 17 ST U
; Sheens n. p .1 I 1 4
Uo.iimii I (I 0 01
Totals 117 13 "4 li!
xllutted for .Sholmn in ninth.
'w TorU n 0 0 (I 5 0 (I 0 S r.
Y ashlns;ton 0 713U1UO xf:
- Summary Runs: M'-Nully, Kuth'. Jjovar
mer, 2: 8he.-han, .ItHlgo, Harris. Ritr.
Miller, Shanks, 2; Uharrily 3; o'Kourkf.
1: Zaohary. Krrors: MrNally. Ward.
Cl'Rourka. Two-base hits: liharrUy, Dux-armor,
Zachary. Three -tmsu bila: Hire,
Judge, NhanUs. Hum hiii: Ruth. Stolen
bases: Uruxv-er, JuilKe. Nn.rlflce hit: Mi.
Nally. liuiililo plays: Harris to Judge;
O'Ruurlio to Harris to Judge; Hbanks to
Mania lo .Indue. Left on banes: New
ork, . Washiimtun. v. First baso on
Vialls; Off Kncharv. '.; off Stieelvan, S.
.Jilts: Off Jlnj-I, 8 In I 2-H InnlnxH; off
., Dhenhnn. B In 1.3 Innlnua. Struck out:
By ZiuiiH-y. J: by Sheelmn, 1, Losing
pitcher: Iloyt. Time i f game: 2:00. Um
pires: OwtMia and Chill.
' ,. Indiana, 7; Tigers, i.
Detroit. May SI. Cleveland bunrhod
lirea 1 l; in tha twelfth today and won
from lxetrolt. 7 to 4. Jomleson's ahoc
string ratrli of Rush's fly In the sixth
after two xx-ere. out ami the bases full
saved too giiine for Cleveland.
Ja'lexon. sa 5 1 4 A'Vnuug. 3b 5 1 .1 7
Burns, lb 0 0 1 n;Husl ss 0 17 4
J'hnst'n, 1b 2 13 o-i'olib. rf 6 0 2a
raney. If 3 16 ! Hell an. rf 6 2 3 a
Smith, rf 4 1 J If .! 1 5 t
O'rdner. lb I ! I SiWue. ll 4 0 Hi n
Newell, as 4 12 Stjonea. .lb 6 S t 1
H enmn, 2b I! I 2 4Alnnmlth, 0 4 l 2 3
Thomas, c fi 2 7 O Dausa, u 603
Walls, p 4104
Totals 42 8 36 la
TnlulB 44 1 :lli 1"!
& Score bv lnnlnrrs:
. Cleveland OUOS1000000 37
Detroit 01010200000 04
Summary' Runa: Johnaton, Burns, Gra
1 tiay, 2; tlardner, 2; 8exve.ll. HHlmaii. 2;
Teach, I4lue. Errors: None. Two-base hits:
' Johnston, Steph'enson. Three-base hit:
Hellman. Stolen base: Blue. Sacrifice hits:
j Veaeh, Oraney, Smith, Sewell. Dnublo
playa: Youmk to Bush to Blue; Sewell to
i Johnston. left on basea: Detroit, S;
I Cleveland. 10. Flrat base on bulls: Oft
Dausa. 6 off Malls, f. Struck out: My
Walls. 7: by Dauaa, 1. Time of (tame: Umpires: Nallln, Wllaon and liilde-brani).
As Dempsey and Carpentier Will Look in Ring
I x ( s . iuai"w s t ... A
Three Homers
Feature 10 to 5
Win of Phillies
Koaton, -; Athletics. 3-4.
. Philadelphia. Pa., May SI. Boston
' vened the series by vinnlnff both phipr
of tod-iys double-header. 0 to :t and 8 to
4. Former Philadelphia piteiiera won
; both ranics, Myers pitching- stronRly in
the pinches. Fennock struck out ten
local playera In the second same and
eaally shut out Philadelphia until the ninth
when they bunched aix hits for alt their
t First frame:
AB.H.O.A.! AB.H.O.A.
. T.eibold. cf 3 t i finvttt. rf 4 1 S
Foster. 3b Hit Su?'ll'way. Kiln
M'nnakv. If 3 2 1 n;Prazlll. lb 3 114 I
Pratt, 2b 4 2 1 3)1' Walker. If 4 0 2 a
Collins, rf B 2 0 OlWelch. cf 4 110
M'Innla. lb 4 0 14 nPe:-kins. c 4 1 3 I
Scott, sa 4 13 lirmsen, 3b 3 113
Walter. 0 4 0 4 I DyUfs, 2b 2 2 z 3
Jlyeea, p 4 11 ;;Hnrria, p -3 0 0 4
'J. Walker 1 0 0 o
i Totala 24 10 27 171
' Totals 33 8 27 17
xBatted for Harrla in ninth.
Score by Innings:
I'oston 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 fl 1 3
Philadelphia 00100001 13
Summary Runa: Leibold. 2: Foster.
Pratt, Myers. Witt. Galloway. Dugan. Er
rors: Scott, Witt, Galloway. Dugan. Two
baa hlta: roster. Perkins, (ialloway.
Home run: Witt. Stolen base: Dykes. Sac
rifice hlta: Menosky, 2; Foster, Dugan.
Pouble plays: Scott to Pratt to Mcln
rlt: Myers to Mclnnis; Kraaill to Gallo
way to Brazlll. Left on bases: Boston. :
Philadelphia. 8. First base on balls: Off
Myers. 4; off Harrla. 4. Struck out: By
Myers. 4; by Harrla, 2. Time of game:
1:34. Umpires: Dtneen and Connolly,
tecond game: -
boston. I Philadelphia.
AB.H.O.A.! AB.H.O.A.
Omaha Loses
Last Game of
Series to Saints
St. Joseph Bunches Hits and
Vin Contest, 5 to ' 4;
Griffin Parks Ball
Over Fence.
I.eJbold. If i
Poster, 3b 5
at'nosky, lb 6
Pratt. Sb 6
Collins, rf 5
M'lnnis. lb 5
Scott, as 4
Pul, c 4
SProck. p 3
1 0 OlWitt. rf 4 2 3
1 (I 4'O ll'way. ss 3 0 2
: It D 'Brtalll. lb 3 1
3 2 jiOWatkcr. If 4 1 3
2 0 OtVe'c. cf 3 13
110 O Perkins. c 4 1 4
1 t 3'DuTan, 3b 4 0 3
1 OiDykes, 2b 4 1 S
fl 2'H.iBty. p '3 2 (1
Xaylor, rt 0 0 n
4t 11 i7 lOlxJ. Walker 110
The St. Joseph Saints grabbed a
chunk of Buffalo meat yesterday
afternoon at Fifteenth and Vinton
street when they fired away at
Pitcher Bert Glasier from start to
finish in the last game of the series
and succeeded in winning the con
test by the score of 5 to 4.
Manager Owens and his hirelings
started out on the war path in the
first inning, scoring one run on two on balls and a single. The
Buffaloes started after the Saints in
their half of the round and before
the side had been retired, three mem
bers of the local herd had galloped
across the rubber.
The Saints moved uo a notch in the
third and in the sixth stanza knotted
the count. Jn their half of tha
sixth the Buffaloes registered their
final tally, forging ahead of their op
ponents by one score.
A single, double and an Omaha
bcbblc resulted in two markers for
the Saints in the seventh, and also
the finishing of the scoring for the
W 1 6 1 I)
an9 Standings
W. L. Pct.r W. T..
Wichita 27 15 .C43lSoo City 20 20
Tulsa 24 19 .BS'lOMAHA 20 SI
.loplin 21 19 .525!St. Joe 17 23
Okl. City 21 21 .5U0D Moines IS 27
Yesterday's (iainee.
St. Joseph, ,5: Omaha, 4.
Sioux City, 5; Des Moines, 2.
Oklahoma, .2.6; Tulsa. 1-6.
Wichita at Joplin, rain.
Today's Game?.
Sioux City at Omaha.
Tulsa at Wichita.
Joplin at Oklahoma City.
St. Joseph at Des Moines.
Packers Score Three
Runs in First Frame
And Trim Boosters
W. I,. Pct.l W. L. Pet.
Pittsburs 27 11 .718;St. Louis 16 20 .444
N. York 27 14 .6B9!('hicaKO 16 20 .411
Boston 19 19 .oOOlPhUndel. 14 23 .378
Bro'klyn 21 22 ,488Cincln. 13 27 .357
Yesterday's Result.
Cincinnati, 6; St. Loitis, 5.
Chicago, 7; Pittsburgh, 6.
. Brooklyn, 4; Roaton, 1'.
Philadelphia, 10; New York, 5.
Today's Games,
St. Louis at Cincinnati.
Chicago at Pittsburgh.
Brooklyn at Boston. v
Philadelphia at New York.
W. L. Pct.i W
674lBoston 16 10
60(MSt. Louis 18 23
SZI'Chlcaso 17 23
Girdason, ?b .
Hnncv, 3b . ., If
Lellvett, lb .
Griffin, rf . . .
O'Hrten, cf-rf
Ilureh. cf
Massey, as , . .
l.lncle. c
Glasier. p 3
Totals .
.4 1
.4 1
j e
.3 1
.4 0
.0 0
.3 0
4 fl
115 1
1 2 0
O 10 1 0
0 0 0 0
0 10 0
0 10 0
0 2 4 2
0 4 S 0
0 1 0
0 27
sBatted for Navlor In ninth'
Score by innings: y
Jfloaton a n 0 0 3 1 0 4 08
Philadelphia 00000000 44
Summary Runs: Pratt. Collins. Mc.
Innla. 8: Scott. Ruel. Brazil!, C. AValk
r, Perkina. Dykes. Errors: Leibold, Witt,
Galloway, Duan Dykes. 2; Hasty. Two--tiasa
hlta: Scott, Foster, Pratt. Stolen
lias: Mclnnis. Sacrifice hit: Pennock.
Double playa: Poster to Pratt to Meln
(iia; Scott to Mclnnis. Left on baaes:
Boston. 7; Philadelphia, 7. First base on
Italia: Off Pennock. t. Hits: Off Hasty,
10 In Innlnts; off Naylor, 1 In I In
iiinjt. Struck out: By Pennock, 10; by Has
ty. 4. Losing pitcher: Hasty. Time of
same: ":00. Umpires: Connolly and Di
ncii. '
, Browns, I; White Sux, .
Chicago. May Jl. Davenonrt after re
lieving Mulrennan on the mmmd put Chi
cago oat In front with bis finely double,
out he blew up In the ninth Innlr.g nn l
the visitors staged a rally .which enabled
them to take the final game of the St.
Louis series, t te T. Score:
Tobin. rf 4 11 OiJohnson. as 4 3 1
Gerber. sa BOB BIM'ligan. 3b 4
eisler, lb 4 X O'KOolllns. 2b 4
WUIIa's, If 4 1 J 0'Hooper. rf B
Berereid, o S 11 TFalk. If 4
Palmero, p 1 0 0 0'Strun's, cf 3
fihoocker. p 0 0 0 I Mostll, f I
1 j siiieeiy. lb 6
J 0'Yaryan. c 4
0 lrMul.'c'an. p 2
0 0 l Vvenport, p !
2 V Hedge, p 0
I if
Totals ;:: 16 27 1:
0 0
flmtth. 3b SI
Ef'obsoa, et I i
M'M'us. 2b 0 0
sWetxel 1 1
Lee, 2b 10
PColllns, e 1 1
Kolb. b 3 1
Xmb, Sb 2 1 2 II
Grtson, Sb 0 0 0 0'
' Total 15 14 27 17!
: sBatted for McManua in second.
Score by Innings:
St. Louis ... 1 1 J 0 0 I!
Chicago 1 0 0 1 S 0 1 07
Summary Runs: Tobln, Slsler, Sever
eld. Smith, Jacobson,, J. Collins,
Johnson, t: Hooper, Fa lk. Strunk, Yar
jan Davenport. Errors: Slsler, Johnson, E.
Collins. Yaryan. Two-base hits: Johnson,
Davenport. Three-base hit: Williams.
Stolen basea: Hooper, Strunk. Sacrifice
kits: Mulligan, E. Collins, Tobin, 2;
Smith, Slsler, Johnson. Double playa:
Johnson to E. Collins to Sheely; Kolb to
Gerber to Slsler: Lee to Gerber to Sisler.
Left on bases: St. Louis, It: Chicago, .
rirst base on balla: Off Mulrennan, B;
off Kolb, t: off Davenport. 4; off Pal
mare, 1. Hits: Off Mulrennan. 10 In (
S.t Innings: off Davenport, 4 In 2 1-3
Innings: off Hodge. 0 In 0 innings; off
Kolb, II In I Innings; off Shocker, 1 In
I Inning: off Falmero, 3 In 3 innings.
Btruck out: By Mulrennan. 1; by Daven
port, 1; by Shocker. 1. Winning pitcher:
Falmero. Loaing pitcher: Davenport. Time
f game: 1;JS- Vmcirea: Morlarlty and j
Connolly. Kb .
Heatty, lb . . .
riaher. If . . .
f'orrldiin, rf . .
Honowiti, rf .
Melonald, as
Kelly, Sb
Crosby, c . . . .
Hovlik, p
SO 4 3 tJ 19 3
AB.R.H. I rt.SH.SB.O. A.E.
. .4 1
. .S 0
..4 2
. .3 1
..4 1
.. 0
..4 0
..3 0
0 0 2
Oil t
1 z
0 1
0 3
0 3
0 1
0 S
0 1
Totals 33 B 8 10 2 1 27 10 4
Score hy innings:
St. Joiph 10100120 0 S
Omaha 30000100 04
Summary Home runs: Griffin. Two
haie hits: l.ellvelt. Corridnn. Fisher. Dou
ble plays: Masaey to Lellvett; Hovlik to
McDonald to Heatty. liaae hlta: Off
Glfltler, 8 In 0 Innings; off Hovlik, in
9 Innings, "truck out: By Glaalrr, 4; by
Hovlik, 4. Hnsea on balla: Off (ilnaler, ft;
off Hovlik. 3. Winning plteher: Hovlik;
losing pitcher, Glnsirr. Left on basea:
Omaha, 4; St. Joseph, A. Wild pltehea:
Glnsier, 2. Impires: Guthrie and Ormaby.
Time: 1:30.
14,000 Mile Honeymoon
Red Oak. Ia., May 31. (Special.)
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sheppard are
home from a 14,000-mile honeymoon
trip. They made the trip by auto
mobile, visiting the Pacific coast.
Bee Dope Sheet
St. Joe 7
Joplin 24
Wichita li
D. Molnea
Sioux City 5
Tulsa 10
Okl. City 1
Western League.
M. T. W. W!i. T. F.
IS 4
' Tol.
s. r..
St. Louis 16
New York 18
Phtladol. 8
Boston 15
Brooklyn 8
Pittsburgh 1$
Chicago 3
National League.
51. T. W. Wk. T.
8 6., .. ..
6 .. .. ..
S. R.
Cl'veland 29 14
N. York 24 IS
Detroit ?4 52
Washing. 21 21 .500!Philadd. 14 26 .SSu
Yesterday's Games.
St. Louis, 8; Chicago, 7.
Cleveland, 3; Detroit.
Boston, 5-8; Philadelphia. 3-4
Washington, 12; New Totk, 5
Today's Games.
i Boston at Philadelphia.
New York at Washington.
Other games not scheduled.
W. L. Pet. W. L. Pet,
In'apolis 20 15 .571t.St. Paul 18 IS .4S0
K. City 20 17 ,C41!Toledo 21 .475
Lo'iavll! 20 18 .e2l:Mll'aukee 17 20 .45s
Ml'apolis 17 17 .500;Columbus 17 21 ,44'(
Yesterday's Results.
Toledo, 17; Columbus, 1.
No other games scheduled.
Today's Games.
Milwaukee at Indianapolis.
Kansaa City at Louisville. '
Minneapolis at Columbus.
St. Paul at Toledo.
At Little Rock, 3; Birmingham, 3.
Called ninth, agreement.)
At Chattanooga, 11; Atlanta, 10.
At Nashville, 8; Wooile, 7.
At .Memphis, 5; Now Orleans, 7.'
Illinois to Erect
Court of Honor In
New Athletic Stadium
Urbana, 111., May 31. As a me
morial to the 173 men from the Uni
versity of Illinois who lost their
lives in the world war, a court of
honor will be built in the new ath
letic stadium to be built with a
$1,500,000 fund now being raised.
There will be -173 columns in the
court one for each of the universi
ty's heroes.
Already various campus organiza
tions have sponsored more than half
of the columns, pledging $1,000
each as their contribution to the
memorial. Those organizations
which lost men during the war will
dedicate their column to the mem
ory of their own soldier dead.
One of the unique sponsors of a
column is the Field Artillery regi
ment, R. O. T. C. composed of men
from many organizations and some
from none at all. The regiment
plans to dedicate its column to some
former university artilleryman who
was not a member of any campus
St. Louis
Chicago 13
New York 2
Washing. 2
Phtladei. 10
Cleveland 11
Detroit 14
Boston 3
American I ensue.
M. T. W. Wk. T.
19 8
S. R.
St. Paul
MI'ea polls
Columbus 15
Toledo 8
Louisville 12
In'apolis 10
Mllaukee 2
Kan. City 11
No. Game.
American Association.
Mid. To!.
M. T. W. i'k. T. F. S. 11.
Kelly vs. Ruth
Homer Men on
No. Date Pitcher and Club Base
1. April 13 Betta, Thila. (R)....l
2. April 16 Meadows, Phlla. R)...!
. April 21 Hubbell, Phlla. (R)...0
4. April 22 Causey, Phila. (R) 0
5. April 27 Mitchell. Brooklyn (L)..l
6. April 30 Klll'.nglm, Boston (R)..3
7. May 2 Watson, Boston (R)....l
8. May 12 Sherdell, St. Louis (L)..
Homer ' Men on
No. Date Pitcher and Club Base
1. April 1C Harris, Phila.. (R)....0
2. April 20 Russell. Boston (R)...l
3. April 21 Moore. Phila. (L) 1
4. April 2! Rommel. Phlla. (R)....l
R. April 25 Johnston, Wuah. (R)...e
C. May ! .lone, Boston (R) 0
7. May 6 Erickaon. Wash. R)...0
8. May 7 Johnson, Wash. (R) 0
9. May 10 Mlddletun.Det. (R)....l
10 May 12 Pause, Detroit (R) 1
11 May 14 Bagby. Clev. (R) 1
13 May 17 I'hle. Clev. (R) 0
13 May 25 Shocker. St. Louis (R)..2
14 May 2H Kcefe. Plula (R) 0
IS May 31 Zachary, Wash. (D....2
Des Moines, la., May 31. Al
though Beck pitched runless ball for
Des Moines after the first inning,
Sioux City scored three times in the
opening frame on three passes and
two Juts and defeated the locals, 3
to 2. Tesar was tight in the pinches.
AB.H.O.A. r AB.H.O.A.
Fox, If 1 0 0 0Ken'edy. cf 3 1 2 e
S'nbr'er, 2b 3 0 3 4rGrant, 3b 4 10 1
Pad'ock, cf 3 0 4 Ol.Moeller. lb 3 0 8 1
Metz, lb 4 1 11 IfO'Co'or. rf 3 1 0 0
Rob'son, rf 3 3 1 OiMllan. if 4 0 10
B'miller, ss 2 0 3 4t('offey, 2b 3 18s
Marr, 3b 4 11 HRrnwn, ss 4 1 S 0
Spellman, c 4 1 4 2' Anderson, e 4 0 5 I
Tesar, p 3 0 0 l!Beck, p 3 11s
rLudolph 1 0 0 d
Totals 37 6 27 13; .
Totals 32 B 27 13
jiLudolph batted for Beti In ninth'.
Sioux City 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Des Moines 10000001 03
Summary Runs: Fox, Paddock, Robi
sou, Kennedy, 2. Errors: None. Two-base
hits: Robinson, Kennedy. Sacrifice, hits:
Steinbrenner, 2; Robinson, Beamnlller, Te
sar. Stolen bases: Kennedy, Milan. Left
on basea: Sioux City, S; Des Moines, t.
Struck out: By Beck. 4; by Tesar, 4.
First base on balls: off Beck, 6 off Teaar.
Bases on balls: Off Beck, 6; off Tesar, 4.
Earned runs; Sioux City, 3; Des Moines.
2. Double play: Beck to Moeller. Time of
game: 1:46. Umpires: Holmes and Dc
lavc. '
Oklahoma City, 2-5; Tulaa, 1-9. ,
Tulsa. Okl.. May 31. Tulsa and Okla
homa City split r double-header this after
noon, the visitors taking tho first game,
3 to 1. and the Oilers the second, 6 to S,
in 10 innings. Score;
I'ltt. rr 4 3 1 OIBurke. If 4 3 I
Hushes, 3b 3 1 2 2Tho son. 3b 4
Shanley, 2b 4 1 1 4tWuffll, 2b 4
Harper, cf 4 2 6 flTodt. rf 4
Williams, Bruggy and Meusel
Spank Out Circuit Clouts
Latter Forges Ahead
Of Kelly.
New York, May 31. Home runs
bv Williams, Bruggy and Meusel
aided Philadelphia in defeating the
Giants in the third game of their
series, 10 to 5. Mettsel's home run
was his ninth of the season and en
abled him to take the home rim leaa
of the National league from Kelly of
New York.
1 0
2 3S
2 2 a
Gr'ham, lb 3 1 7 OIRParkor, lb 2 0 10 o
0 4 1
0 3
0 2 2
0 0 3
0 0 e
Moore. If 3 2 3 OiBennott, cf 4
Wlllia s. ss 3 0 2 SfM'Qi'nls, ss 3
DParker, c 4 2 6 llQuery, c 3
Salisbury, p 3 0 0 2;H'ghland, p 3
xHeving 1
Totals 311127 111
Total 32 7 27 19
xHeving batted for R. Parker in ninth.
Oklahoma City 0 0110000 02
Tulsa , 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Summary Runs: Harper, D. Parker,
Burke. Errors: Query, 2. Two-base hits:
Todt. 2;. (Jraham, Harper. Sacrifice hits:
Hughes, Williams, ParkeV. Double plays:
Thompson to McOlnnls to Parker; Burke
to McOinnia; McOlnnls to Wuffli to Par
ker, 2; WiliiamB to Shanley to Graham,.
First base on balls: Off Haughlandi 3.
Struck out:. By Haughland, 2; by Salis
bury, 4. Left on basea: Tulaa, 6; Okla
homa City. 7. Tims of game: 1:37. Um.
plrea: Burnside an Daly.
Second game:
Pitt, rf 5 3 3 1 'Burke. If 4 3 2 0
Hughes, iTho'son, 3b S 3 1 1
3b-ss 4 0 1 4(Wuffli. 2b 5 0 3 2
Sh'ley, 2-3b 5 2 5 41Todt, rf 4 2 10
Harper, cf 5 2 3 OlRP'rker, lb 6 2 11
Gr'ham. lb 4 0 10 UBennett, cf 4 0
Moore, If 4 0 3 1 1M'Gl'nla, ss 4 3 3 3
Wlllia's, ss 1 0 1 2!Hevlng, c 4 0 4 a
DParker, c 4 0 2 -OIAdams, p 3 10 3
Love, p 3 10 lixQuery 1 0 0 V
Cross, p 110 OrMorrls, p 9 0 0 2
Heatly, 2b 1 0 0 11 .
1 Totals 39 13 30 13
Totals 37 9 28 151
xQuery batted for Adams In ninth'.
xOne out. when winning run scored.
Score by innings:
Oklahoma City ..3 12000000 0 $
Tulsa .....0 1 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1
Summary Runa: Pitt, Shanley, Harper,
2; Moore, Burke, 2: Todt, 2; R. Parker.
Adams. Errors: Shanley, Graham, Wil
liams, McGlnnis. Two-base hits: Todt,
Pitt, Parker. Home run: Harper. Sacri
fice hits: Hughes. Williams. 2; . Todt.
Stolen bases: McGlnnis, Thompson, Burke,
Shanley. Double plays: Wuffli to McOlnnls
to Parker; Pitt, to Graham to Williams.
Rung and Hits: Oft Love. 5 and in S
innings. First base on balls: Off Adams,
2: off Love, 1. Struck out: By Adams, 4;
by Gross. 1. Left on bases: Tulsa, 7; Okla
homa City, 8. Time of game: 2:00. Um
pires: Daly and Burnside.
n.'llnn !h 4 il 2 II Burns. If 4 2 2 1
JMiller, lb 5 3 7 1 : Bncroft, s 3 2 2 5
Meusel. If 4 3 4 I ! Frlsch, 2b 4 1 2 S
tvtiin ::h 5 1 2 DIYoung. rf 4 11
wMiiior. ss 5 11 2lKelly. lb 5 1 10 8
WUIIa's, cf 5 2 3 OfWalker, cf, 4 12 1
Lee, rf 5 11 OtRapp, 3b 3 111
Bruggv, c 3 3 7 1 Smith, o 3 0 6 3
Be'dows, p 3 0 0 HBarnes, p 2 0 10
Hubbell. ii 1 1 0 HSailee.p 0 0 0 o
iPerrltt. n 0 0 0 o
Totals 40 15 27 HlxBrown 10 0 0
xSnyder 1 0 0 o
Totals 34 9 27 10
xBatted for Barnes In sixth'.
xBatted for Sallee in eighth.
flAtra Kw Inn Intra?
Philadelphia 0 110(211 410
New York 0 0003001 a a
Summary Runs: J. Miller. 2; Meusel,
2: Wrightstone, R. Miller, Williams, Lee,
Bruggy, Hubbell, Burns, 2; . Bancroft,
Frlsch', Kelly. Errors: Wrightstone, R.
Miller, Bruggy, Hubbell, Young. Perritt.
Two-base hlta: Burns, Kelly, Walker, J.
Miller. Three-base hits: Lee, J. Miller.
trm runs: Williams. Bruggy. Meusel.
Stolen basea: Young. Bruggy. Sacrifice
hilar Raw nzs. Fnactl. UOUDIS plays
Frlsch to Bancroft to Kelly: Rawllngs
, t Miii r.mft on hnsea: Philadelphia.
6. New York. 9. First base on Balla: Off
u,n i- off Sallee. 1: off Meadows, o;
off Hubbell, 1. Hits: Off Barnes, 8 in 6
innings; off 8alle, 3 In 2 innings; oil
Perritt. 4 in 1 Inning; off Meadows, 8
in 7 innings; off Hubbell. 1 in 2 In.
nings. Struck out: By Barnes, il; by
Sallee. 1; by Meadows, 4; by Hubbell, 1.
Winning pitcher: Meadows. Losing pitch
er: Barnes. Passed ball: Bruggy. Timo
cf game: 2:20. Umpires: Qulgley and
Dodgers, 4; Braves, 2.
Boston. May 31. Brooklyn broke Fill
inglm winning streak today, defeating
Boston. 4 to 2. Filllnglm was given poor
support and Grimes pitched effectively.
AB.H.O.A.r AB.H.O.A.
Olson, ss 6 13 6IPow(ll. cf 5 13 0
2 2 liBarbare, as 4 z a j
0 0 OJS worth. t-f 4 2 3 0
1 3 OlCruise, if 2 10 0
K'etchy, lb 5 2 S OfB'eckel, 3b 4 113
Myers, 2b 5 o a JfHome. id i i n "
2 l z oiieora. z a i
3 14 2(Gowdy, o 2 0 2 !
4 3 0 dlFllllnglm, p 3 0 0 3
1 Scott. P 0 0 0 0
Totals 36 10 27 15xChrist'b'ry 0 0 0
xOlbeon 10 0 0
Totala 32 10 27 21
xChristenbury batted for Gowdy in the
ninth. .
xGibson batted for Scott In ninth.
Score by innings:
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 14
Boston 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 I
Summarv Runs: Johnston. Konetchy,
Neia, Miller. Boeckel, Ford. Errors: Pow
ell, Barbare, Southworth. Two-base hit:
Johnston. Thre-baso tits: Wheat, Ford,
Boeckel. Home run: Johnston. Stolen
base: Southworth. Sacrifice hlts: Is,el"'
Ford, Cruise. Double plays: Grimes to
Olson to Konetchy; Ford to Barbare to
Holke: Barbare to Ford to Holke. Left
on bases: Brooklyn, 11: Boston. 8. First
base on halls: Off Grimes. 3; off FUlin
glm. 5. Hits: Off Filllnglm. 10 in 8 1-3
innings; off Seott, 0 in 2-3 inning. Struck
cut: By Grimes. 1. Wild pitch: Grimes.
Losing pitcher: Filllnglm. Time of game:
1:57.. Umpires: Rigler and Moran.
Reds, 6; Cardinals, 5.
' Cincinnati, May 31. Duncan's triple, fol
lowed by Kopfs single in the tenth today,
enabled Cincinnati to win from St. Louis,
6 to 6. Luque did not allow a hit for
six innings, but was pounded nar.1 in inj
next two. Score:
AB.H.O.A.r AB.H.O.A.
J'hnst'n. 3b 4
Hood, cf
Wheat, If 5
Nets, rf
Miller, c
Grimes, p
Saddle Experts From Kentucky and
Tiajuana Will Be Seen in Bright Hued
Silks at Local Track This Week
It is all work and no play at the Ak-Sar-Ben race course
where preparations have been completed for the eight-day
running horse meeting, which will be inaugurated on next
Thursday. Indeed, the million dollar plant is a picture these
days with no stone left unturned for the benefit of both the
public and the horsemen. For days the management has had
a large force of men at work and when the big crowd files
through the turnstiles on opening day they will be agreeably
surprised at the many new features that will be presented.
One of the salient features of this'
season's meeting are the many high
class jockeys who will be seen :n
the bright hued silks out at the" Ak-Sar-Ben
track. These little men
who guide the high tensioned
thoroughbreds are a part of the rac
ing game that are as important as
the horses they ride. It is to them
that the valuable racing stock are
entrusted and from the time the
trainer gives them the "leg up on
his mount" it lies with the jockey
whether victory or disappointment
is the owners reward. liv;
thoroughbreds are given to them
trained and ready to do their best
and if badly ridden the best horse
sometimes meets defeat.
Star Jockeys Here.
This year the many crack run
ners will be graced by some of the
best jockeys in America. From all
points of the compass these high
class riders have migrated to these
parts. From Kentucky conies L.
Mink, W. Crump and G. fields.
This trio are most capable pilots
and many of the great horses of the
present day turf have felt the kind
hands of these saddle experts.
Thousands have cheered them ' on
while they were riding over the "big
time" on the metropolitan tracks.
D. Hum who will do the stable
riding for C. B. Irwin, the Wyom
ing horseman, is a lad whose rise
to fame has been meteoric. It was
not many months ago that Hum
was as green as grass in regards to
riding a thoroughbred, but Irwin,
the expert horseman that he is, saw
in the little lad a diamond in the
rough. For weeks and weeks he
galloped the Irwin horses until the
day came that Irwin told him he
could ride his first race. To every
embryo jockey that day is the' day
of days which he always remembers.
It means his chance to start at the
bottom of the ladder and climb rung
by rung to fame and fortune or utter
failure. To Hum's credit it must
be said that before he had ridden
but a few races he graduated from
the ranks of the maiden jockeys and
scored his initial success. Since then
Hurn has ridden a startling number
of victorious horses and on more
than one occasion he has riddeii
three winners in one day. The lad
is a development of Tijuana, Mex.,
the far southern racing center which
has contributed to the American
turf such great riders as C. Buell,
J. Roberts, E. Fool, V. Parke, C.
Smith, cf 6 10 OtBohne. Sb
F urnier. lb 5 2 13 l'D'ubert, lb
Stock. 3b S 2 1 OIRouah. cf
H'rnaby, 2b 3 0 3 6Dunran. If
Schiilltz. rf 4 0 2 OIKonf. ss
M'H'nry. If 4 i 3 UF'nsera, Sb
Lavan, ss 4 1 3 7!See, rf
Clemona, c 4 0 4 lVlngo, e
Walker, p 4 0 0 lJLuque, p
5 0 12
4 2 3
4 14
i 2 0 1
4 2 2 4
4 1 3 0
4 13 0
4 112
Totals 38 29 171 Totals 37 13 30 11
xTwo out when winning run scored.
Score by innings: .
St. Loul OOOOOOS20 n 5
Cincinnati 0000OIO4U l t
Summary Runs: Smith, Fournier, 2
Ktnck McHenrv. Rohna. Rouah. 2: Dun
can, Kopf, Fonseca. Errors: Lavan, dem
ons, Bohne, Fonseca. Two-base hits: See,
KtocK. x: Jiournier, nounn. inne-u"
hits: Fonseca, Fournier, Duncan. Stolen
bases: Bohne. Roush, 2; McHenry. Sacri
fice hit: Hornsby. Double plays: Lavan
trt Fournier to Clemona: Lavan to Horna
by to Fournier; Hornsby to Lavan. Left
on bases: St. Louis, 4; Cincinnati. 4.
First base on balla: Off Walker. Struck
out: By Luque. 2: by Walker,. 2. Time of
Kama: i:oa. umpirea; jia t uu mvi-
Frank A. Freeman to Take
His Family to Milwaukee
Frank A. Freeman is at Hotel
Fontenelle. He came here to ar
range to take his family to Milwau
kee where he will make his home.
Mr. Freeman is sales manager of the
laundry division of the Palmolive
company of Milwaukee. He form
erly was with an Omaha soap com
rrank A. freeman, jr., business
manager of the Central High School
.Register, w:II go to Milwaukee after
his graduation here next month. He
expects to enter the University of
Wisconsin next fall.
Mexican Unable to Care
For Family Is Deported
Mergildo: Vargas, Mexican, his
wife and three children, living on the
South Side, are slated for deporta
tion July 1 m the grounds they are
public charges.
I he order to deport them canw
one nour atter the deportation
special" passed through Omaha
early this spring.
Cubs, 1: Pirates, 0,
Pittsburgh. May 31. Chicago defeated
Pittsburgh, 7 to 6, in 12 Innings today.
Coooer held the visitors to nine hits In
nine innings and gave way to Mokan, a
nlnch hitter in tha ninth when Pittsburgh
tied the score. With Carlson pitching the
tenth, the Cubs scored three runs on four
hits then Plttshurgn tied it again. man
ager Evers was put off the field by Um
pire Brennan In the second Inning for dia
putlng decisions on balls and strikes,
5 2 OIBlgbee, If 6 3 2 0
2 1 2ICarey. cf 5 1
1 5 7IM'nvllle, js 5 2
2 14 0'C'tahaw, 2b 6 8
1 2 OJWhl'd. rf-lb 2 2
3 2 OrTi'rney. 3b 6 1
2 2 4'Grlmm. lb 3 0
0 3 BlxBarnhart
2 0 II Carlson, p
0 0 OlxSkiff
0 1 OtHa'llton, p
f Schmidt, c
43 15 35 17Cooper, p
Mokan, rf
Barber, rf
W'rner. 3b
Terry, !b
flrlmes, lb
Maisel, cf
Sullivan, If
K'll'her, ss
Daly, c
Vaughn, n
Freeman, p 0
1 1
0 0
1 0
1 0
5 0
3 0
2 1
6 1
5 4
2 4
3 A
3 3
0 a
0 0
o e
fi 0
0 2
1 0
Totals 45 14 36 19
xBatted for Vaughn in 11th.
xBatted for Urlmm in ninth.
xBatted for Carlson in 10th:
Score by innings:
Chicago 100001001SO 17
Pittsburgh ....0 00100011SO 0 6
Summary Runs: Barber. Warner. Ter
ry, Grimes. 2: Maisel, Sullivan, Maran.
vllle, 2; Whltted, Tlerney. Bernhardt,
Mokan. Errora: Sullivan. Maranvllle, Mo
kan. Two-base hits: Cutshaw, Whltted,
Crimes, Tierney. Three-base hit: Mokan.
Stolen baacs: Sullivan. Cutahaw. Sacrifice
hlta: Terry. Sullivan. Kelleher, 3: Cutahaw,
Schmidt, Whitted. 2. Double plays: Cut.
ahaw to Maranvllle to Grimm: Carey to
Schmidt to Tlerney: Schmidt to Tierney.
Left on bases: Chicago, 10: Pittsburgh,
13. Bases on balls: Off Vaughn. 6; eft
Freeman, 1: off Cooper, 4; off Hamilton,
1. Hlta: Off Vaughn, 14 In 10 innings;
off Freeman. 0 in innings; off Cooper,
9 In Innings: off Carlson, 4 In 1 in
ning; off Hamilton, 2 in 2 Innings. Struck
out: By Vaughn. 1: by Freeman, 1: by
Cooner, 2: by Carlson. 1: by Hamilton,
1. Winninr pitcher: Freeman. Losing
rltcher: Hamilton. Time of game: 3:01.
Umpires: Brennan and Emalie.
Tribute Paid to Nurses
Des Moines. It., May 31. Tribute
was paid 10 Iowa nurses who died
in the world war when 10 trees were
dedicated to their memory; at the
Iowa state house grounds this afternoon.
American Association
on to tha fact
that SPUR
(the Only One
that's A leaf
blend and
crimped) have
J Crimped
(no paste)
g Service and Repair g
d Department
26th and Ftrnam Street
We make it right.
Toledo, O., May 31.
Tntprto -
Batteries: Wilson. Sherman. Ku.i.i anil
Hartley; Bedlent and Morgan.
Only one game scheduled in the Ameri
can asaoclAtlon. '
O Our satisfied customers are O
our best asset. Q
Q TT 1J?1I .11 J 3 O
nave your aainac Bitenueu m
by efficient, capable me- ;
-i : u ,u O
ncuaiijB, will, LiuvuKti tuji- m
stant Dractice. can do it for U
O less in the long run. jjj
,:'Ts 2 1 H Hansen Cadillac Go. g
service Department o
Lunsford and last, but not least, C.
Thompson, the lad who went from
Tijuana to Kentucky and booted
in Behave Yourself a winner in the
Kentucky derby.
Other jockeys of note who will
scintilate at the Ak-Sar-Ben track
are W. Mandcrs, J. J. Dugan, D.
Scoville, G. Morrow, J. Singleton
and others.
More Horses on the Way.
Word was received at the offices
of the Ak-Sar-Ben that more horses
are on the way. It was rumored
that L. A. Broaddus shipped a car
load containing 12 head from Eric.
Pa., and that Omaha is the destitu
tion of the shipment. Should this
be true, the large colony of great
horses stabled at the field will be
augmented by some additional high
class stock. Among those that are
said to be in the car are H. C.
Basch, Counterbalance and Port
light. Roy Owen, the well known local
trainer who is in charge of the fast
mare Lady In Black and Phrone
Ward, resents the report that train
ing the runner is new to him. He
claims the thoroughbred as his first
love and has a picture to show m
connection with a runner which he
was training 20 years ago. He says
that he is simply returning to the
thoroughbred for a brief period.
Speaking about Lady In Black and
Phrone Ward makes us remark th it
N. B. Updike, who recently pur
chased the pair of watch-breakers
from C. B. Irwin, has in
these two speedsters a tower of
strength. Indeed, it would not be
surprising to see the solid black
mare carry off first honors in one or
both of the big stakes to be decided.
Phrone Ward is entered in the
Queens Plate only as she is purely a
Adolph Schinkel
Wins for Denver
Omaha Pitcher in Mid-West
League Pitches Good Ball
Sterling Loses, 3 to !.
Vie Recommend
the early purchase
of your winter's
This is the best time of
the year to be sure of
quality, preparation and
Sunderland Brothers Go.
3d Floor Keeline Bldg.
Phone Atlantic 2700
Denver, Colo., May 31. (Special
Telegram.) Denver won from Ster
ling today, 5 to 3, because of the air
tight pitching, of Adolph Schinkel,
who hails from Omaha. The big
right-hander let the Sterling team
down with five hits, twe of which
came in the third. This pair of blows,
coupled with an out and a sacrifice,
netted Sterling three runs. After
that round Schinkel was a riddle all
the way, and not a visiting player
reached second.
Denver made two in the first on a
base on balls, an error and a pair
of singles. A hit and a double scored
another in the sixth. Elsh's double,
a hit, sacrifice and Diamond's drive
counted two more in the eighth.
Noyes pitched fair ball, but was
unable to keep the hits scattered. Er
rors in the outfield by Silcott and
Black added to Denver's run col
umn. SC0,C: U.11.K.
Ptirltns 0 0 3 n 0 n 0 ft 03 5 2
Drnvor li 0 (I 0 H 1 0 3 x 5 in 0
UatlorioBi Noyes and Kranlngera; .Sihlli
l(el and Diamond.
New York, May 30. Sleel Rangrr, S
attlo. Shanghai, May 58. Hiberls, Maru, San
Francisco: Wppt Ipllp. San Francisco.
Kobe, May 23. M. S. Bollar. San Fran-
C'sVciney, K S. V., May 29. West MaJi
wah. Tacoma. '
Liverpool, May 30. Mcgantic, Mon
treal. Suiled.
New York, May 30. Celtic, Liverpool.
COLORADO Leading popular - priced
SPRINGS' ALTA tourist hostelry offerins
VISTA HOTEL rates now from $1.60 up.
Mnc Latetcna. rxtb
BUS meets trains. Head
quarters "Seeing Pikes
Region" Service.
l UN
Smart in Appearance
COiiMCO.MMsflMriMIMr.rao,l t
feat Summer Koftess
Red-blooded Americans, lovers of
life in the open, jump to answer the
call of this vast mountain region
as joyfully as the small boy with a
shout "C'mon Skin-nay" hot-foots
it for the "old swimmin' hole."
Here in the Rockies, only fourteen hours
away, are all the joys and pastimes of
the greatout-ofdoors. Sky-piercingmoun-tain
heights, commanding, serene. Air
that O. Henry called "aerial champagne."
Wild flowers from meadow to snow line. Wild
animals at home. Lakes and streams inviting the
angler. Good motor roads through valleys and
canyons to rugged heights and over the Continen
tal Divide. Golf, tennis, horseback riding, hiking.
Modern hotels, camps, ranches. J
All nature is in conspiracy against care. Come and
enjoy a sense of immense freedom. Complete
your vacation by going on to Salt Lake City and
Yellowstone National Park.
Three trains daily Omaho to Denver; four to Salt
Lake City. Through sleeping cars to Yellowstone.
LowSammerFareinbwinefiect. Letoiplanatrip foryou.
Illustrated booklets "Colorado's Mountain Playgrounds"
or "Hock? Mountain national Park" free on request.
1 For information ask
Union Depot, Consolidated Ticket Office, or
A. K. Curts, City Pass. Agent, U. P. System
1418 Dodge Street
Union Pacific