Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1921, Page 17, Image 17

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She Could Do
Better, They
A little while ago a lawyer wrote
me concerning; a problem with
which some friends had come to
The daughter of the house, whom
we might as well call "Ruth," is
19. She has fallen in love with a
man twice her ape. He is a wid
ower, with two little girls, one of
whom is only 7 years younger than
the girl he wants to make his wife.
Ruths family have the highest re
gard for the man as a man. But
the combination of his years and
his family make them inclined to
think Kuth ought to do better.
Needless to say, the widower's
circumstances are modest. He can
give Kuth love and a honu, hut it
will be the simplest sort of dwell
ing, where the woman of the family
docs her own work. Ruth loves her
let's call him Peter. The two of
them arc happy together. They are
congenial, and 'her somewhat ad
vanced ideas and mature - develop-
mcn( make her older than her years,
whil thf rnan i vmincr-r than Ittu
Peter is stable, loyal and devoted.
Ruth loves not only him, but his
daughters, who in turn adore her.
Stated thus simply, what obstacle
to happiness suggests itself?
Ruth's people say frankly enough
that they "haven't a thing against"
Ttter. But they think she ought
to do better.
1 wonder what "doing better"
means? Does it mean that Ruth
must marry some one nearer her
own age? Perhaps she could find a
boy of 23 or 24 who promised
well. Rut as he grew older and his
character molded itself into more
definite form what proof is there,
that he wouldn't turn out to be the
last type in the world to make Ruth
haopy - '
She might marry a rich man who d
ncglecj her for selfish pleasures. She
might marry a man with brilliant
. prospects that came to nothing. She
might marry a man who didn't have
the handicap of two little children
and who didn't love children.
We can go on multiplying pos
sibilities absurd and otherwise in
definitely. Lite is largely a matter of taking
chances. Written guarantees don't
go with marriages. But given a man
of stability and character,, who loves
and is loved, who has proven his de
pendability and who answers the
needs of a woman's heart and mind
why under the sun should her
family go about looking for some
one who can give her more? That
"more" may- mean a great deal to
the girl's , family and nothing to
Which of us can tell someone else
what that someone else will find
satisfactory?, We can prophesy the
chances for shipwreck if two who
know nothing about sailing j,o out
in a catboat. We can state that,
given a choice of circumstances,
Group ,A- looks better than Group
B. But at best that's only opinion.
When a silly girl is infatuated
with an unworthy man, then com
mon, se'nse and the advice of an out
si'lcr are invaluable. When anyone
is in the grip of a wild emotion, a
little Sanity may be useful. But
when a girl knows and admires a
man for his stability, and congenial
ity, when there isn't a thing against
him but a few worldly considerations
which are weighed down by charac
ter and other good points why look
for flaws?
Many a lonely old maid can trace,
her state to a critical family's feel
ing that she ought to "do better."
Broths for the
Perhaps one of the first things the
average housewife thinks about
when broth is recommended for the
one who is ill at her home is chicken.
But the chicken broth suitable for
sick folk differs considerably from
the rich, somewhat greasy soup that
well folk get. A tour-pound fowl
may be selected.
" Where there are other members
in the family, have the butcher split
the bird in half and chop one-half
into small pieces. The other half
may be cut into several larger pieces
and, perhaps, made into stew, with
rice for the well members. But the
half that has been chopped into very
tmall pieces is that from which you
make your invalid broth.
Put the pieces into a cook-pot
and cover them with cold water, li
the physician has no objection .o
the patient having salt in his diet,
add half a level teaspoonful of salt
Salt helps to draw out the flavoring
matter and the nutriment. The
smaller are the pieces the more per
fectly will this process of extrac
tion be accomplished. The bones,
of course, should be used, as well as
the meaty part. ' .
Very gradually bring the water
to the boiling point. Then reduce
the temperature, so that the mixture
simmers ,very slowly. When the
1 1 1 Cam Um ttnn.c r.
meat n3 lAlltll UUHI v. ijv,.v
move the pot trom the name ana
' strain. Let the broth cool. When
cool the fat will have hardened into
a cake, which can easily be removed
front the top.
The fat makes excellent shorten
ing for -biscuit for the well folk.
Pour off liquid carefully, so as not
to disturb the sediment from the
bottom. The cold broth may either
be stored in a wide-mouthed covered
jar in the refrigerator, or it may be
immediately reheated for use.
If the broth does not seem as clear
as you would like it. strain it
through double cheesecloth or stir
the lightly beaten white of one egg
into the hot broth. The egg m co
agulating will draw to itself all the
tiny particles. This egg may be
strained out and combined with the
chopped chicken strained out of the
broth, green pepper, onion and po
tatoes and made into a tasty hash
for the well folks.
A pleasing variation of chicken
broth that a certain expensive sana
torium offers some patients, is chick
en broth with egg custard. To make
the custard beat the yoke of one egg I
lightly -with a silver fork. Add a
few grains of salt, if permissible, and i
a tablespoon each of water and milk.
Pnr.r into a small buttered tin mold,
phce in a pan of hot water and baks ,
ti:itjj firm. When cool, remove from
the mold and cut into fancy shapes,'
'- ' - '
Brides of Coming Month
Ll 'lt 'Tiff
If I
" V - -ft i
ML- ' ' - .
' , 7
June will boast many brides for
the month of roses seems to be a
favorite for the misses who will don
white satin and orange blossoms.
The first of. these will be Betty
Ringwalt whose marriage to Lieu
tenant Richard Crane of Aberdeen
Proving Grounds will take place
June 4 at St. Barnabas Episcopal
church. This will be one of the big
church weddinfirs of the month.
Miss Esther Smith, fiancee of
Richard Mallory, has chosen June 25
as the date for her marriage.
Miss Olga Metz, who will become
the bride of Dr. Herbert II. Davis
during June, has not yet announced
her wedding date.
Another June bride will he Miss
Louise White. The date for her
marriage to John Halbcrt of Salt
Lake City has not been chosen to
Miss Mercedes Coad Jensen, who
is engaged to Edward Robinson of
Austin, Tex., will become a bride
during June..
Miss Goldyc Pred will be married.
. -w r- . i v
on June o to aiaycr spiesocrscr.
Mercedes Jensen.
Olga Metz.
such " as diamonds, circles and the
The custard forms arc served with
the broth. '
... Often when a patient has been
used to highly flavored food he ob
jects to the rather tasteless dishes of
the invalid dietary, especially when
he is getting a bit better. It is at
this -time 'that you might make some
onion soup if the doctor permits it
Cook one-half large onion, thinly
sliced, in one tablespoon of butter
for five minutes. Add one cup of
chicken broth and simmer twenty
minutes "Rub through a sieve, add
two tablespoons of cream or top milk the yoke of one-half an egg,
her.ten slightly. Season with salt
and pepper.
I .have made a point of asking the
ph3'sician concerning the use of a
very ordinary seasoning like salt,
for there may be reasons; for a salt
free diet. So be sure to inquire if
salt may be used in any quantity,
however small.
Another variation of your chicken
broth is mushroom soup. To pre
pare this clean and chop three
mushrooms and saute in a teaspoon
of butter for five minutes. Add
three-fourths of a cup of chicken
broth and otic-fourth slice' of an
onion. Simmer about 10 .minutes.
Rub through a fine strainer, add one
egg yolk slightly beaten,- one table
spoon cream, a teaspoonful of but
ter, and a little salt and pepper.
In: place of the mushrooms tfne
might use a tablespoon of cooked
spinach or one-third cup of cooked
cauliflower or one-third of a cup of
canned asparagus tips.
If you live in a place where
chicken is not available or is pro
hibitive in price, try making broth
in a similar manner from rabbit.
Rabbit makes a mighty good broth,
and in most places is far less ex
pensive than chicken.
Saturday Special
Ret! Values at Real Prices
Criteo. a vegetable shortening, S-lb.
: en for -..39c
P. A G. Soap, none better, 10 bar
for , . 67e
Wedgewood, Meadow. Gold or Mid
vest Butter, lb.;' 33c
Imported Dry Mushrooms, per lb.,
at $1.49
One lb. equals 5 lbs. Fresh Mush
rooms. Sunshine Graham Crackers, S-lb.
carton GOc
Sunshine Ginger Snaps, per 2-lb.
carton 40c
Family Tins Krispy Crackers, per
can 6Sc
Long Green Asparagus, per bunch
for . . . m .Sc
Large bunches, S for 25c
New Potatoes, full weight, per peek.
t .73e
Home grown Iceberg or Boston Head
Lettuce, large heads, 4 for 25c
Walter Baker's Chocolate, per lb..
' tor .BSe
Fresh Ground Veal Loaf, per lb.,
at 25
Order Friday afternoon for early de
livery Saturday.
Harney 0188.
2Sth and Farnam
Boxes Reserved
por Spring
A number of the boxes for the
Ak-Sar-Ben spring races, June 2 to
11, have been taken. Everett Buck
ingham has one box. Others who
have taken boxes include Miss
Gladys Peters, Louis C, Nash, John
Gamble, Charles E. Black, Jay Fos
ter, W. D. Hosford, Arthur Guiou,
Randall K. Brown, George Brandeis,
Howard Goulding, N. B. Updike,
George Prinz, Ward Burgess, Rich
ard Kitchen, T. J. Donohue, T. J.
McDearmon, T. C. Byrne, Adolph
Storz, Barton Millard, Gould Dietz,
Joseph, Barker, John Madden, Dr.
W. H. Walker, Charles Beaton, J.
H. Beaton and L. L. Kountze.
On opening day, June 2, there will
be a parade, in which the board of
governors of Ak-Sar-Ben, tha king,
queen and princess of Ak-Sar-Ben,
and members of the Riding club will
take part
Wednesday, June 8, will be society
day. On this occasion the -winner
will be presented with a silver plate
by Miss Gladys Peters, Ak-Sar-Ben
Saturday, June 4, Charles Saun
ders, king of Ak-Sar-Ben, will
present the winner with a qup. s
A small 'piece of butter put into
the pot with white potatoes will pre
vent their boiling to pieces.
Furniture Polish.
Take equal parts of ' turpentine,
good cider vinegar and raw linseed
oil and mix well together.
Stale cake can befijjcetf -Very' thin
and used to line a61dgJr a7'gelar.
Professional Status of Trained Nurse
Many a young woman on com
pleting her course of training in a
hospital finds to her immense amaze
ment on going out cn her first case
that there arc sorr.e persons who
cru.ose to regard her as a social in
fetior. Being young and inexpe
rienced, she is very much hurt be
cause she is never given a place at
table - with her employers. She :s
very anxious to have it understood
that she is in no wise a servant and
bhe sometimes assumes unendurable
manners with cook and housemaid
just because she feds that she must
isfumc social sup-riority when in
their presence.
One young nurse on being em
ployed some tinii before the war
to go abroad with an invalid woman
cf considerable wealth was horrified
to find that her party had been listed
on the passenger l:st thus: "Mr. Jas
per Brown, Mrs. Jasper Brown and
nurse." Her personal identity was
entirely lost sight cf," it seemed to
her. What irritate ! her further was
that because of her nurse's uniform
that her employer wished her to
wear she was not permitted to take
i:;eals with the regular passengers,
but instead ate with the children and
nursemaids, than whom she felt im
measurably superior.
To the experienced nurse these
things are all part of the day's work,
especially if she ;s sure in her own
heart of her own position. As a mat
ter of fact, most persons now regard
a hospital trained nurse as they
v.ould any other, highly specialized
worker, whose work entitles her to
a wage much higher than that of
re average employed woman.
Tlie work of bur Red Cross nurses
overseas also raised the status of the
trained nurse if it needed any rais
ing, and the. fact that many of the
wealthiest and most aristocratic
women of our land willingly donned
the nurse's uiv'form and went
thtough the nurse's training so that
Macaroni Foods
the muscle builder the food of
the worker the one dish of which
the appetite does not tire. It is
made GOOD for you to eat. It
contains genuine Semolina, from
which the best macaroni is made.
For sale at all grocers.
tine mixture.
To remove wall paper from the
walls soak it thoroughly with -wet
cloths and then scrape it off with a
Fresh Bum
for the Wienie Roast
or Hike at
1 6th and Howard Sta.
29th and LeaTenworth Sts.
wy"AajrtT rvm l -lis ay m s
Decoration Day Special
an exceptional Ice Cream
GHOCOLATE Ice Cream filled with
French Fruit and plenty of Assorted
Nuts is the happy flavor combination we
have provided for this week's Sunday
Special. Its particularly good. Ask any
Harding dealer. .
CtMtrt at aft
Come Once
and You
Will Come
Harney St.
Whenever you enjoy every tempting morsel of your dinner
you can just guess mother's been shopping at the Central Market
Come once and you will come always.
Store Closed All Day Monday, Decoration Day
Fancy Fresh Dressed Young Hens, per lb.
Fancy Fresh Dressed Milk-Fed
Broilers, per lb.... ..52 Mid
Best Cuts Fancy Steer Shoulder
Roast, per lb 15
Fancy Young Veal Roast,
per lb. 17
Fancy Fresh Dressed Stewing
Chickens, per lb. ... . .19V&i
Prime Rolled Rib Roast, -per
lb. .......27
Fancy Young Veal Breast,
per lb. 12
Steer Pot Roast,
per lb. .' 11
Pig Pork Roast, .
per lb ...16d
Morrell's Lean Breakfast
Bacon, per lb .32
White Rock Gingerale, quarts,
25; per doz 82.90
Fancy Head Rice,
5 lbs ...24t
Heinz Large Apple Butter
at 45
Heinz Dill Pickles, 10 pickles to
can, at, per can 28
White Rock Gingerale, pints.
15; per doz....... $1.25
Pints Grape Juice
at 30
Morris Supreme Salad Dressing
at .......20
Monarch Peanut Butter,
10-oz. jar , .15
Olive Butter, large jar 38
Small jar 20
Kellogg's Corn Flakes .
at 9
Large Stuffed Olives,
per bottle ............ 35
Minko Peas, per can . . . .12
Per doz. $1.40
No. 2 can Solid Pack Tomatoes, per can. .12
Per doz $1.48
Iten's Assorted Package Cookies, fine for
picnics, per pkg 17
Centraf Special Coffee, ' "
3 lbs. .r.98
Fancy Assorted Bulk Cookies packed in
cartons, per lb .25 and 35
Guaranteed Fresh Country
Eggs, per doz 22
Cloverbloom Creamery Package
Butter, per lb ...32
Virginia Wheel and Swibs
Cheese, lb. ; .35
Devil Food Cakes, each. . . .30
Danish Coffee Cakes,
each 10 and 20
Plain Rolls, per
Crispy Potato Chips,
per pkg. 10
Extra Fancy Strawberries, I Extra Fancy Leaf Lettuce I Extra Fancy New Potatoes,
per quart .251 3 for 101 4 lbs 25
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables of All Kinds x
McCombs' Home-Made Chocolates, Saturday,
special, lb.
Fresh Crispy Peanut Brittle,
59 ! per lb.
they could share teir responsibili
ties and duties further' elevated the
s;uus of the nurs; in the mind of
certain snobbish foik.
The wise ' nurse schools herself
against social snobs. If she does
rot dine with the 'family Where she
is tmporari!y employed she reflects
that she is as independent of them
as they are of her. She fortifies
herself with the idea that she is
there in. a strictly professional ca
tarity and that to share in the social
lite about her wonli' be detracting
from her professional capacity.
New York Sun. .
Add a little onion, a lettuce leaf
and a bit of sugar to canned peas,
it improves their flavor.
Recipe for Hard Soap.
To one-pound can of lye add one
quart of cold water and a half cupful
over. Be careful not to inhale the
fumes. Stir till dissolved and let
stand until perfectly cold. Warm
five pounds of clear grease until soit
enough to run not hot, just melted:
add a tablcspoonful of powdered
borax and pour into the cold lye,
gradually stirring all the time. Add
a cupful, of ammonia, still stirring,
as the more you stir the whiter the
soap, will become. Line a shallow
box with paper and pour in the soap.
As it begins to harden cut in cakos
ot convenient size. Leave to ripen,
the longer the better.
If a man speak or act with a pure
thought, happiness will follow him,
like a shadow that never leaves him.
Putting Strangers Next.
"W'c must put the stranger nrjet
to one another at the dinner party."
"Yes I've got it all arranged
husbands and wives side hv side."'
Kill Bugs
An Ounce of Prevention Is
Worth a Pound of Cure
A spray used NOW will save
your Roses, Vegetables, Cur
rants, etc.
Nebraska Seed Co.,
1613 Howard St.
Mail Orders Filled. Orders of $5 or More Delivered to Any Part of City.
Shoppers Intent on Sharing in the Greatest Money
Savings, Naturally Shop at the Table Supply
13 lbs. Best Sugar .... .$1.00 Butter, Best Creamery, lb. 33
quart Af-.
boxes ww
New Potatoes,
peck . 65c
Asparagus, Carolene Milk,
bunches . 25c 8c Zz 92c
Lux, per pkg-., 10; 10 pkgs. for. . . .97
P & G Soap, 10 bars for ...59?
Large quart Jars Queen Olives for... 43
Ice Tea, 75c Quality, per lb .......... 53
Special Supply Special Coffee, 4 lbs. for.$l
Ankola Coffee, per lb. . . ..... .V. ; 40
Cresea, Small, Fst Norway Herring, in Tomato
Sauee, 35c cans for . ....,31
Kinsr Oscar Fancy JToriray Mackerel, can... .45
Xoreanncr Kippered Herring, per ean 21
Itnbldeaox Sardines, Y cans, in finest olire oil,
per can .29
Devil's Food Cake
Saturday Meat Specials
Rolled Rib Roast, lb...... 20
Pot Roast, lb ....12
Boiling: Beef, lb.. 5
Veal Roast, lb 12 and 15
Veal Chops, lb .15
Veal Stew, lb 10
Spare Ribs, lb 9
Bacon, Sterling, lb w.....17p.
. ... ......... . . w. . v.3o
Danish Coffee Cake............. ...... .....10?, and 20c
Plain Rolls, dozen . ..... .... .v. 3.2c
Krispy Potato Chips, package ..... . .v. . ..- .tk10
CinUMFR'5 The Highest Grade Macaroni, Egg Noodles,
OW""fc Spaghetti and other Macaroni Products
tty, n.ttfrn . sn .in ...qwQ
D"'ved . I
D 1814-16-18 Farnam St. , t
Saturday Supply Your Foodstuff
Needs for Both Sunday and Decoration Day
This great market is wonderfully prepared to serve you. Our great stocks
afford selections that are not to be enjoyed elsewhere and the prices in vir
tually every instance are not to be equaled. Come direct to the Food Center
, Saturday.
Our representatives buy direct .from the farms, and all chickens sold over the .
Food Center Counters are dressed daily in 0 ur own store. '
Fresh Dressed
Roasting Chickens
i7y2c .
Fancy Fresh Dressed
Young Hens
Fresh Dressed
f. Pig Pork Loin Roast, lb 15c
Prime Rib Roast Rolled, lb 25c
Porterhouse Steak, lb. 30c
I Steer Shoulder Steak, lb 15c
Steer Pot Roast, lb
Fancy Veal Roast, lb.
Veal Stew, lb
Sugar Cured Lean Bacon, lb
...... IIV2C
Swift's Premium Hams, half or whole, lb. 30c
Bed Rock Prices on Quality Groceries
10 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar.73c 48 lbs. Coocli's Best Flour. . .$2.15
Best Uncolored Japan Tea, per lb 60c
Best Mixed English Breakfast and Gunpow
der, for Iced Tea, per lb 75c
Fancy No. 1 Santos and Bourbon Coffee,
blended, at, per lb. ..22y2c
Try two pounds wc guarantee it to please
l'lb. Cocoa Free with 3 lbs. Food Center
Special Coffee $1.00
American Sardines in Oil, can 5c
Gold Label Mayonnaise ' Sardines 10c
Mustard Sardines, large can.... 10c,
Fancy Dried Apricots, per lb v. .... .25c
Dairy Products
Thomson's Dairy Maid J'ani'y Cream
ery Butter, per lb 33
Oak Grove Butterine, lb 30c
Good Luck Butterine, lb ..?9e
Wis. Full Cream Cheese 50c
Wis. Full Cream Ntry Cheese. .S0o
Creamed Cottage Cheese 20e
Strictly Frrsh Erss J3c
Best Drinkin Buttermilk In city,
per glass, ftc; per quart 10c
Picnic lunches for hot
weather our specialty.
Our own chefs in our
own kitchens. Fried
Chicken, Salads, Gold
Meats, etc.
Fruits and Vegetables
Large size Texas Cantaloupes, each 35
Fresh Peaches, basket 29
Missouri Berries, quart box 25t
Large Winesap Apples, basket 25 J
Hot House Cucumbers, each IOC
Extra laTge size Pineapples, each 25t
By crate
Devil's Food Cake.
Danish Coffee Cake.
Plain Rolls, doz -.12c
Krispy Potato Chins, nkar..
for ..10c J
Saturday Special
on Select Limes
Soda Fountain dispensers should
take advantage ot this low
price, per dozen
we sdi skinners
the highest grade Macaroni,
Spaghetti, Egg Noodles and
other Macaroni Products.