Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Tests SllOW New
r . " T '
Can Be Erected
Sandstone Strata Underlying
Will Hold .Weight Eight
Times Required
Lincoln, May 26. (Special.)
There is no longer any question that
Ihe 50-foot stratum of Dakota sand
stone, which underlies the city of
Lincoln is strong enough to bear
up the weight of the new capitol.
Tests made at the bottom of the
pit recently excavated on Capitol
.v;uare show that the formation has
a weight resisting power eight to 10
tunes as great as will be needed to
carry the tower of the new capitol
rising 400 feet above the surface of
the ground.
The first test, made on a surface
two inches square at the base of
the 40-foot pit resisted 1,000 pounds
of weight to the square inch before
jiclding f lightly to its pressure.
Vhen 1,100 pounds per square inch piled on the standstonc col
lapsed and heaved up around the
supporting column.
Another area, three inches square
was taken and weights were piled
upon t up to 1,200 pounds. At that
point the gravel bed held firm. The
pressure was left on all night and
this morning the sandstone still held.
It was expected to add 100 pounds
or so more, but the men in charge of
the experiment thought that the
load-beariiiR platform would prob
ably break down before the sand
Engineerirj estimates place the
weight of the new capitol tower at
140 pounds per square inch.
Fremont Meat Market
Robbed of Over $250
. Fremont, Neb., May 26. (Special
Telegram.) Yeggs entered the
Ctichcl meat market here and carried
off a cash u-egistcr weighing about
200 pounds and containing over $250
in cash and a number of negotiable
notes. Entrance was gained through
a rear door by means of a skeleton
key. Nothing else was disturbed
in the market. The register was
carried away in a two-wheeled de
livery cart.
Three men were seen pushing the
cart. The loss was discovered when
residents in the outskirts of town
found the register lying by the road
side, with the lock forced open. Stco!
bars and bolts were used to break
open the cash box. None of the
accounts were disturbed.
Tv-cnty-threc suspects wert ar
rested by the police for invcsti:"-to:i.
The robbery is one of the most dar
ing in the history of Fremont.
Omaha Club to Entertain
Western Kiwanis Delegates
Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and
Idaho delegates to the international
convention of the Kiwanis clubs, to
be held in Cleveland, O,, June 21-25,
will arrive in Omaha Saturday,
June 18, at 3:30 p. nr., and will be
entertained here by the Omaha Ki
wanis club. ,
The special train carrying the
western delegates will leave over
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
railroad at 6:03, June 18, stopping
in Chicago for a day and arriving
in Cleveland, June 20. The railroad
has granted special rates to the dele
gates. The Omaha club expects to send a
big delegation to Cleveland.
Fire Warden Will Issue
Special Hazard Rules
Lincoln, May 26. (Special.)
Some of the bills which State Fire
Marshal Hartford wanted the legis
lature to pass failed to get through
and he is trying to take care of the
problems which they covered by
promulgating official rules and regu
lations to govern fire hazards. The
handling of gasoline at filling sta
tions, electrical appliances and wir
ing, moving picture theaters and dry
cleaning cseablishments will be es
pecially affected by the new rules.
Hog Cholera Reported in
Three Nebraska Counties
Lincoln, May 26. (Special.)
The state' live stock bureau has re
ports of hog cholera on three farms
in Lancaster county, and also from
Tv'earncy and Saunders counties.
Steps will be taken in each com
munity to prevent the disease from
spreading. No report has been made
on the investigation of cholera re
ported several days ago at Friend.
Cheyenne County Rain
Is Big Benefit to Crops
Lodgepole, Neb., May 26." (Spe
ciat.) A soaking rain visited Chey
enne county. The moisture was
badly needed as wheat was begin
ning to show the signs of dry weath
er. The rain is of much benefit
to the corn just planted and bright
ened up the wheat to a great extent.
Sioux City Tram Fare Kept
At 7 Cents by Injunction
Sirttw City, la., May 26. Federal
Juda Henry T. Reed granted today
the temporary injunction requested
by the service company, restraining
the wiiy from enforcing the ordinance
providing for a 6-cent fare. The in
juni;on grants the 7-cent fare de
manded by the service company.
Prepare to Hard Surface
O. L. D. Highway in County
Gretna, -Neb., May 26. (Special.)
-Contractors arc unloading ma
chinery at Millard preparatory to
starting the paving of the O.. L. D.
to the county line. They expect to
be pouring concrete in 30 days.
Call for State Banks as of
, Last Monday Is Issued
Lincoln. Neb., May 26. The state
department of trade and commerce
lias issued a bank call for the condi
tion of the 1,000 state banks in Ne
braska at the close of business, Mon
day, May 23.
Omahans in Paris.
Chicago Trihnn Foreign News Service
From Tribune European Fdltlnn, f
Tars, Mav 7. t the Continental;
are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ware Hall i
cf Omaha, cb. I
I Move to Appoint Him
Health Head Halted
United Seven Split
Over Appointment
Council Refuses ' to' Approve
Dunn's Choice for Health
The city council did not uphold its
campaign slogan of United Seven,"
yesterday morning in the city coun
cil chamber, when Police Commis
sioner Dunn failed to obtain favor
able action on his resolution, naming
Dr. A. S. Fmto as health commis
sioner. Upon motion of Commissioner
Butler, the resolution was held over
for discussion in committee of the
whole next Tuesday morning.
Commissioner Dunn's resolution
I also carried the appointment of Dr.
J. R. Byrne as assistant city physician
to succeed Dr. V. A. Lamphicr, and
Dr. H. L. Boler as physician in
charge of the city detention home, to
succeed Dr. Ralph Luikart.
Mayor Dahhuan opposed the Dunn
resolution on the grounds that he
and the police commissioner were
named informally last Saturday to
agree on the new health commis
sioner. Police Commissioner Dunn, who is
responsible for the health depart
ment, stated he is satisfied that Dr.
Pinto is the man for the place and
is confident that he will finally be
sustained by the council in this ap
pointment. Commissioner Koutsky
was outspoken in his support of the
police commissioner.
Human Skeleton Is
Exhibited to Judges
Lincoln, May 26. (Special.)
Part of a human skeleton was held
up before the gaze of the Nebraska
supreme court judges today to en
lighten them upon disputed points
at issue in the personal damage suit
from Douglas county wherein a
judgment for $51,000 was obtained
by William D. Dailey against the
Woodmen" of the World building
corporation, as a result of an elevator
According to the plaintiffs con
tentions, a new girl had charge of
one of the passenger elevators in
the W. O. W. building at Omaha
and she started it up while he was
getting on. He was caught in the
open doorway, fell out,, and down
to the bottom of the shaft. 25 feet
landing on some steel beams. One
hip was broken, with another frac
ture of the leg; and other injuries.
Insurance Agent Charged
With "Twisting Policies"
Lincoln, May 26. (.Special.)
Chief Young of the state insurance
bureau conducted a hearing in the
complaint against J. E. Erb of Lin
coln, agent for the Old Line Insur
ance company, formerly with the
National Accident company. Erb is
charged with "twisting policies"
from the latter concern to the for-:
mcr and in one instance he is ac
cused of collecting a premium for
one company, which was not turned
in, and later trying to get the policy
changed to another company. He
was defended by E. J. Burkctt.
Alliance Man Killed in
Hay Springs Auto Accident
Hay Springs, Neb., Mav 26. (Soc-
cial.) Fred Stuve of Alliance was
killed here when an automobile he
was driving overturned, fallinsr on
him with such force that a proiectioa
on the seat penetrated his brain. The
accident happened on a sharp turn
in the road just outside of town,
and was discovered a short time
after by " Charles Andrews, farmer
living near by.
Norfolk Railroad Unions
Get C. of C. to Change Name
Norfolk, Neb., May 26. (Special
Telegram.) Directors of the Cham
ber of Commerce after conferences
with railroad union leaders agreed to
withdraw membership from the state
and national Chamber of Commerce
and change the name of the local or
ganization. The proposition comes up
for ratification at a mass meeting
Friday night.
McCook Graduating Class
Second Largest in History
McCook, Neb., May 26. (Special
Telegram.) The second largest
class in the history of McCook, 39
members, was graduated from the
high school. Dr. E. N. Tomkins
of Lincoln delivered the class ad
dress. One hundred were graduated
from the McCook Eighth grade.
There were 25 graduated from the
Rural Eighth graders.
Find Still at Pickerell.
Beatrice; Neb., May 26. (Special
Telegram.) Acting under orders
from Sheriff Emery, officers raided
the farm of Wes Day, near Pickerell,
where they found a big still. Day
and Frank Vicker.s were "arrested.
Evergreens Shrubs Flowers
New and Old Lawn Works, Lawn Mowing, Sodding, Etc.
Phere Walnut 430S
Chester Trial
To Proceed With
Jury of 11 Men
Question of Legality Is Raised
By Lawyers Nebraska
Man Tells Of Cap
ture. Kansas City, Mo., May 26. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Following a con
ference of attorneys for the prosecu
tion it was decided to proceed with
the Densel Chester trial with the
jury of 11 men. -
Since it was announced at the
opening of the trial yesterday that an
agreement had been reached between
the counsel for the defense and the
prosecution that the twelfth man on
the jury panel should be pispenscd
with, several lawyers in the city have
laiscd the question whether a ver
dict of conviction .by a jury of 11
men would- be upheld by the su
preme court.
When the court reconvened after
the noon recess, Ernest Hammond
was called to the witness stand.
Hammond aided in the capture of
Chester after he escaped from the
train at Broken Bow, Neb.
Tells of Conversation
In the course of his testimony
Hammond told of his conversation
with Chester following the recapture
of the prisoner near Oconto, Neb.,
four days after his escape from the
""I asked Chester," Hammond said,
"why he leaped from the train, and
he answered. T wanted to get away.
I didn't want to go back to Kansas
"I asked him what part Bcaslcy
had in his escape and he replied,
'Beasley couldn't help it. I was too
quick for him.'
"He asked me if I was going to
parade him about town when we
reached Broken Bow and I told him
I would take him straight to jail.
The 4hst witness called to the
stand today was K, L. Barton, fath
er of the slain young woman.
The second witness was Georgia
Collier, sister of Blanche Ryan and
former associate of Fred Roberts,
charged jointly with Chester.
"Star" on Stand.
Mrs. Blanche Ryan, a star witness
for the state in the prosecution, went
on the stand at 3 this afternoon.
Mrs. Ryan reiterated her indirect
accusation of Chester which she had
made at the preliminary hearing.
"The roads are burnt tm and the
police are raising hell," Mrs. Ryan
quoted Chester as saying to her.
she testified, in direct cxamina
tion by Prosecutor Orr, to her pre
vious associations, that Chester
warned her:
"Remember, you never saw me in
a brown suit".
Harry Boyle, a private detective
employed in the case, told of the
search for Chester, of his arrest in
Great Falls, Mont., and of his sen
sational escape from a moving train
near Broken Bow, Neb., and his sub
sequent recapture.
Joseph Aylward, defense attorney, j
before examining the witness re-
quested that he disarm, Boyle laid
his revolver oil the judge's bench.
Boyle testified he had tapped the
telephone info the apartment of
Blanche Rvan. with whom Chester
had been living. He also placed a
dictaphone there when she was ab
sent, he said. '
Mexican Pursued, Taken and j
Dragged Back Across Line
Mexico City, May 26. Thirty
Americans arc reported to have
crossed the international boundary
at Vegas, state of Coahuila, on
Tuesday, in pursuit . of Lcandro
Soria, a Mexican charged with viola
tion of United. States laws.
Advices received here declare
Soria was captured ar.d was talicn
back across the border, it being al
leged that he was dragged across
the boundary line by his captors.
President Obregon has ordered the
foreign office to' make an inquiry
with a view to making representa
tions to the United States govern
ment. Riverton Youth Drowns.
Franklin, Xeb May 26. (Special
Telegram,) Robert Allen, jr., 18,
was drowned in the river at River
ton in a hole 18 feet deep. The body
was recovered one houT later.
A French company has been
formed for the manufacture in Al
geria of paper pulp from alfa, of
which there is an almost unlimited
No More Gas in
Stomach and Bowels
If you wish to be permsnently relieved
of aas in the stomach and bowrls, take
Baalmann's Gas-Tableti.
Baalmann's Gai-Tablets are prepared
distinctly and especially for stomach gas,
and particularly for all the bad effects
coming from gas preasure.
That empty, gone and gnawini feeling
at the pit of your stomach will disappear:
that anxious and nervous feeling with
heart palpitation will vanish, and you will
once more be able to take a deep breath,
so often prevented by gas pressing against
your heart and lungs.
Your limbs, arms and fingers won't feel
cold and go to sleep, becsuse Baalmann's
Gas-Tablets prevent gas interfering with
the circulation; intense drowsiness and
sleepy feeling after dinner will soon be
replaced by a desire for some form of en
tertainment. Your distended stomach will
reduce by inches because gas will not
form after -using Baalmann's Gas-Tablets.
Baalmann's Gas-Tablets sell for $1, but
be sure, get the genuine in a yellow pack
age, for only then can you ezpeet the
beneficial results many others have ex
perienced. Baalmann's Gas-Tablets are for sale by
all reliable drue-giats and Sherman t Me
Connclh J. Baalmann, Chemist, San Fran
cisco. WANTED !
High school boys to sell Porch
and Lawn Chairs after school.
Acme Box Co.
Harney 1837
44Z1 Decatur Street
Catholics to Celebrate
Feast of Corpus Christi
With oolemn Procession1
The feast of Corpus Christi wnl be
celebrated by Omaha Catholic
parishes next Sunday afternojn in
St. Cccclias cathedral. This event
is known as the grand feast of the
universal Catholic church a-)J is
otherwise known as the feast of
public reparation.
.The procession of the blessed
eucharist" will be participated in by
10,000 persons who will march from
the cathedral to four temportry
altars stationed four blocks from
each other.
Thirty-six parishes will be repie
sented by their societies, each with
official emblems "and banners.
The benediction will l e g'vrn at
each altar, Archbishop J. J. Haity
officiating as celebrant, assisted by
all Omaha priests.
ihe procession will be divided into
four divisions, under command cf
William Lynch and Leo A. Hoffman.
Omaha Walking Club's
Hut in Woods Burned
There is mourning- in the ranks of
the Omaha club.
The club rendezvous, a shack in
a clearing in the heart of the woods
on Wiley Point, southeast of Om
aha, burned Tuesday night.
The watchman at the Boy Scout
camp, Camp Gifford, less than a half
mile from the Walking club hut. tel
ephoned the sad news to E. M. Ken
nedy, who. wi'h other male mem
bers of the club toiled hard this
spring to convert ' the dilapidated
shack into a fine little camping
place for week-end parties.
The shack was a gift frfom Dr.
Harold Gifford, who owns most of
the acreage of Fontenellc forest.
Truck Freight Line From
Lincoln to K. C. Planned
U'.'mni-p l fav ?fi ( .np-
cial.) The proposed establishment
of a freight trucking line between
Kansas Citv ana Lincoln ly J. A.
T t ... r "j u c 17 1 1
narugan arm n. q. .cwmi i uvvh
ntntl,..!,, miiterl hv U'av nf Re.
atrice, Wyniore, Maryst-illc and Man
hattan, ishort haul service between
Reatrirp and T.mrnln. and south
from Beatrice via Wymorc to Marys
ville is also amcng the present
plans. The line is expected to be in
operation by July 1, and the Lin-
rnln trt Vancac Cifv srhpfllllp 18 ar
ranged for one trip a day each way.
Printed Session Laws
Ready for Legislature!
Lincoln. May 26. (Special.) All j
of the printed session laws in de- j
tached form, to be made up and j
furnished to members of the legis- j
lature before the regular volume is j
ready, have been delivered ana tne
complete hies on these acts will soon
be made up and sent out. This
work is being looked after by Chief
Clerk Corrick of the house and Sec
retary Barnard of the senate.
Phoenix Hosiery
At Pray's you make your se
. lections from a line of Phoenix
Hosiery that is always com
plete ... if it's made by
Phoenix, Pray has it!
Men, 40
Women, 65
Children, 65?
Two Stores
SOS So. 16th. Street
1908 Farnam Street
The Home of Phoenix
Women and
to the public end user ef
Kretschmer's Herb and Root Salves
Owing to the increased demand and on request or our many
customers we have decided to place our salves on sale at all Drug
Stores in Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs.
Kretschmer's Herb and Root Salves, which have been on the
market for the past thirty years, are made from the purest and
most remedial domestic and foreign herbs, roots and oils and con
tain absolutely no poisons whatsoever.
Kretschmer's Herb and Root Salve for Wounds has been used
successfully in the treatment of eczema, piles, boils, ulcerated
bones, old wounds, burns and blood poison resulting from wounds,
cuts, bruises and bites. .
Kretschmer's Herb and Root Salves for Rheumatism is pre
pared especially for the treatment of rheumatism, aches and
Buy a box today and be convinced that our salves cannot be
excelled. Price, 50.
Write us if your druggist cannot supply you.
Exclusively Manufactured and Distributed by
1220 Atlas St., Omaha, Neb.
EllllWOud Park
p , rf
I Woman Loses $750 Platinum
Bar Pin Downtown Thieves
'Visit Rooming House.
Burglars looted the Elmwood park
pavilion Wednesday night for four
boxes of cigars, two cartons cf
chewing gum, 12 golf clubs and a
cr.nvas leather-bound golf bag, Hugh
McCabe, 803 North Thirty-fifth
street, reported to the police.
Burglars also visited the rooming
house of Mrs. S. O'Donnell, 2411
Harney street, and stole $10 and a
$300 mink fur from her, $17 from II.
J. Thompson, $3 from Robert Gill,
and linen collars from George
Jake Liberman, 2215 Pratt street,
reported to police his wife lost a
S50 platinum bar pin set with three
large and 30 small diamonds Wed
nesday while shopping downtown.
S. Harmcl, 1502 North Twenty-
fourth street, reported two sacks ot
sugar, 30 pounds of butter and 2,000
cigarcts stolen.
A second invoice of the stock of
the B. & M. Clothes shop, 1312 Far
nam street, which was robbed by
skylight burglars Tuesday night, re
vealed $2,000 worth of choice mer
chandise had been stolen instead of
$1,000 as at first estimated.
Wife "Half Married, Half
Single," Seeks Freedom
Sarah Resnick asked the district
court yesterday to disregard a civil
marriage ceremony although such a
ceremony is just as legal and bind
ing as any other.
She sets up no reason for annull
ing, her marriage to Joe Resnick in
Papallion by a civil officer, Decem
ber 12, 1920. .except that they re
"half married and half single" " be
cause, she says, the marriage was nt
consummated by a JcwLh marriage
ceremony as required by the laws of j
tnat cnurcn.
She asks to be restored to her
maiden name. Whitman.
By th Picturesque
St, Lawrence River Route
Sailings Every Few Days
Montreal and Quebec
Liverpool, Southampton
Glasgow, Havre, Antwerp
Ocean Trip Shortened by
Two Delightful Days on
The Sheltered River and Gulf
Apply to Agents Everywhere or to
R. S. Elworthy, Ce. Aft., Pass. Dept.
40 North Dearborn St., Chicago
Traffic Agents
Hosiery tot Men,
AT lantic 2679
G. A. R. Chiefs Honored
At C. Of C. Luncheon
Members of all the patriotic organ
izations of Omaha attended the pub
lic affairs luncheon in the Chamber
of Commerce yesterday noon when
Gen. William A. Ketcham, coni-ir.ander-in-chicf
of the G. A, R., and
Mrs. Inez Bender, 'national president
of the Women's Relief corps, were
guests of honor and made addresses.
Dr. E. C. Henry spoke for the
American Legion, Capt. C E.
Adams, past commander-in-chief of
the'G. A. R.. presided as toastmas
ter, and Maj. C. F. Wcller intro
duced the speakers.
Members of the organizations rep
resented showered General Ketcharn
and Mrs. Bender with bouquets of
tlowers and gifts.
- Following the meeting members of
the various organizations conducted
General Ketcham and Mrs. Bender
to Lincoln school where a flag was
presented to the school by the mem
bers of the George Crook G. A. R.
Automobile Club President
To Speak at Kiwanis Meeting
William (Bill) Cheek, president
of the Omaha Automobile club, and
who planned the fight against pav
ing Douglas county roads with bit
ulithic blocks, will be the principal
speaker at the -weekly meeting of
the Kiwanis club at the Rome hotel
t noon today. Fred L. Ncsbit,
chairman of the highways commit
tee of the Chamber of Commerce
an,d good road booster in the Ki
wanis club, will preside at the meet
ing. ;
Ray L. Bcsclin has been appoint
ed chairman of the June entertain
ment committee.
See Our Windows
Specials for
Friday and
of Vast Importance!
We have proven to Omaha women
that our week-end selling specials
are incomparable values.
125 Dresses
That ware formerly priced at
$19.50, will g Friday and -Saturday
at tha amazingly low pries of
Tha dresses are adds and ends
from onr former salss. They are
truly worth three or four timea this
price. Most every wanted sine ia
tha assortment.
Suits and Wraps
Values to $29,130, $39.50 and
f 49.60, Friday j1Q7C
snd Saturday at V 1 Ve O
Special Lot of
Brassieres for Friday
and Saturday Selling
Values to $4.00
$ls39 and $198
Values to JQ
$2.00, at UJJC
Corsets values to $7.00
$1.39 end $1.98
The Latest in
Summer Millinery
For Friday and Saturday,
selling at the extremely low
?. $5.00
Including fashion's latest drets
and sport hats in all popular color,
and materials. These hats aro groat
ly undsrpriced for eur- week-end
The Colon Are
White, Jade, Pink, Peacock, Mavy,
I Orchid, Buff and Tangerine.
I Ia Material of
I Taffeta, Duvetrne, Canton Crepe,
I - Georgette, Straw Combinations, Horse
I Hair and Organdy.
See Our Windows
"Help Yourself Club"
Th DAII.T and Panda;. Morning- or even
ing, hy Hoy Carrier In Omaha, Council
Bluff and In towns where Carrier Boy
service m snaiaiainca.
i Years
1 Tears . . .
1 Tear ...
t Months .
1 Months
. :o.4o
. 5.11
. :.!$
Moraine er ICrenlnr WIthont Sunday by
tamer Doy Bertie.
1 Tra..' i months
t Years
1 Tear
S Months
.. it.'
, . .
.. .!
.. LIS
Bandar 0ly r !7 Carrier.
I Tesrs t:i.lo 160.000
S Tears 10.40 TO.000
I Tear .! l.O0
Months 2.(0 i:,000
Rsaewal auascrintisa aaymsnts will be.
Standing of the Club Member ::ril7nAZm
Includes the votes received and counted at this allies up to 3 p. ., last Saturday.
The standings will h changed again In Friday's paper and will include the votss that
are received and ceuated at tha H. Y. S. Club allies befoi 3 p. m. Tuesday.
WDI laelode all territory Insiil the
City limits of Omaha sooth ef I'aeifie
street, west af the river to Movent,
seeaad street, Inelnding Italstsa, Belle
vae, Fort t rook and Avery.
On l.lll.M Maxwell, one t0.M
5- .I- leposlt and one tlM.M K.
. Poelt will be awarded la this
J!. W. Sage. 5511 S. JJd St tS.10
Mrs. C. A. Cliristenacn, c; Ccd.vr.111,810
Krnest Hrrngren. C0t5 8. 7th St. HI 7"l)
Mnrtfca Kbert, 2403 Poppleton . . . . 1 U.JOO
Mrs. Thomas 8pie. 131 I St. . ..1JG.S40
Mrs. Pearl Htarliey. 137 R. lita 1,610
Frsnli Kennison, ISM S. :cth St. 134,0)0
.Mrs. J. N. Williams. Stun 8. I3d ..1S7.7SO
Mrs. F. Marerek. 621 S. 20th St 135, 410
Mrs. Anna Kunpert. :oit Martha ,4H0
Mrs. ('."" A. Kauth, Bancroft .14:,, 460
John Kwaanlewakl. Oak ... .144,780
H. JIakenholz. s::j Monroe 194, SH0
lv Slevel. 1754 Dorcas 113,470
(i. H. Evan, 41(0 8. 40th 4,tO0
Mr. F". I. Hawortk'. 17?S 8. lh . .H4.440
nar.rga I'eterann. S41J Wright 190,310
Mrs. Olive- 8. Kuenhurv. 10 8. 3:d 44.180
Kenry Furst. iOl V St Mi inn
.T. U ; Ren-rnf t, 4545 S. JHfh lt.T0
I.. A. SpMtrer. f; 8. 23d 1,S80
John Snelt, II rornt Ave 171.710
R H. Ilurl-e. ll: Park Ave 11.100
Mia C O'HrllorSn. StTl K. 10th .. HH.410
1. K. Kotle. 1SJS 8. Slat St." 19H.4O0
Mrs. E. J. McEvoy, ;s:s 8. 'nth St. 6,110
Mrs. -Varv R .'ot, ;o Francis.... 1,000
Mrs. Ella DoMnl. :S00 8. 14th .... S.OOfl
.tnhn Andrlrnnia. j;;J T St S.OflO
Norman Lewis, 19:8 S. illth. ........ 5,000
' Will inelade all territory Inside the
rity limits ot Omaha and .a. and
north ef Pacific street, west ef the
riwer to K's-Mv-thlrd street and as far
north aa Mariie street.
One SI.IK.OA Maxwell. en tOO.oo
R. I.. Deposit and one ftOO.OA R.
L. Deposit will be awarded la this
Mrs. C. J. Hubbard, HOi Farnam .194.750
O. w. Hendee. 454 Burdette 1!:,37
A. T. Klein, Jr.. 4806 Dodge 1:,660
Kloya B. Mortll. C44 8. !6th Ave 190.460
V. J. Wright, 2510 Howard 19I.840
W..-.T. Z!e.rel. SJ14 Decatur 193.9(!0
Tr. Frank O. Smith. Blnvkstono ,.191,450
Louis J.- Schafer,- 113 X." 21th ...194.S10
Mildred Plank. :714 Burt 188.210
Mrs. Anna Morenelli, r-8 S. list 19S.3S0
Fred Koegh. 120 N. 19th 17I.9GO
A. Hicks. 2710 Miami 194.480
Tt II. Arkley. Sr.07 N. 24th 21.S10
Mrs. Emily Winner. 119 X. 20th ...192.410
U. E. Hnlbrool.-. 3.15 Pacific 195.470
Herman Naehshocn. 411 N. 18th .. S0.380
D--'S.i!e n. Ilarrop, 257 Douglas ...191.000
r. A. Wler. 191S Clvsrlcs 178,3110
O. F. Slnsson, Jr.,t9, Cuming ...,111.760
J. K. Mcintosh; -416(1 Chicago ...192,(10
Mrs. Mary Kngel. J705 Cuming ... 41,850
Mrs. A.. E. Waark, 2122 Howsrd ..193.760
Mrs. Resale Reach. 108.8. 59th. . .191.700
Harold Anderson, 3IH Marcy ..... 76,160
K. II. White. 5j7 8. 33d 194.980
Mra. W. J; Whltaker. 4X04 Dodge. .196,760
r. N. Swansnn. 412 Lake ...... .167,760
Mrs. n. X. Clausen. 4809 Under'd 147.280
Mrs. Mario Coulter, Soo Farnev 10r,,ifl
Rv. X. C. Hanson. UlS X. 2Sth St 197.490
Mm; r. M. Tnmandl. 4607 Charles 196.780
Poland Preianinn. IflU X. '52 40.380
Horace Scharffer. 4226 Cuming. .. .195,290
Mrs. c. K. Llnnemen. 1623 Victor. .121.610
Vrs. M. Ik Vnabunrlv, 2i6 Douslas 191. 290 ,
W. C Xielann. IR24 X. S2d 6.300
The. K. MeLeavwy; 633 P.i-k ..... 6. MO j
Koloh X. Pratt. .02 S. 28th 198.100
B. Hyde. S8S0 Swar,l 197.900
M'h-ners Wtntroub. U24 Howard .. 6.210
jl!eri,i Nelson. 4".l 5 Seward 5.110
uougias i-eters, zot b. z.a ...:i,40
Will Inelade an t err orr faslde th
elty limits of Omaha on -and north nf
Maple steees, west af the riser to
Fjghty-thlrd street and north to Ser
geant street. Inelndlng Florence aad
the Carter Ijkke district.
One 1 .111.(10 Mat ell. ens tO..a
B. I.. Deposit end on StOA.IM B.
I.. Deposit will be awarded In this
Kdna Lawrerson, 7711 If. 58th Ave. 138.870
A. 7 Frederick. 251$ Wltmora ...117.600
Vona Kesris. J9S4 N. 47th Ave. ...11S.H70
H. Chrlstenson. C904 Mlnne I.usa. . .194,640
C. I. Schnell, 2423 Crown Point ...194.(40
O. J. Kmery, 25J4 Pratt ....116.100
Leo P&nlels. 2102 Maple 147.860
Mrs. ,R. Tedesco, 2931 Lin. Blvd. 117,980
Violet Brotchle. 6020 Fior. Blvd.. .115.710
Mrs. L. M. Thirtle, 6006 X. 30th. . .115,690
Mrs. W. W. Davis. 3950 Flor; Blvd.,198.870
Mrs. Ilarrv Rogers. Jill N. 29th... 62.160
C. Hall. 2871 Vane 194.640
Winifred Travis. 2861 Fowler 126,310
Vrs. Tom Fodebaugh. SIS. Mer'th 113.130
Mrs. J. M. Streeter, 4008 X. 34th,-. .163.410
Mrs. O. L. Tracy, 2811 Browne. .. .1 47,r.cA
W. F.. Ptutenroth, 245 Camden. .. .193.400
Mrs. Gus KrsntB. 7501 Mapie 117,670
S M. Finlcv. 1121 Blnney 114.590
Mrs. E. CI. Peets. 2729 Laurel .'. 6.180
P. F. Gutschewskl. S231 Ames 33.180
Win include all territory 1st th elty
of Council nioffe, Inelndlng the Msaa
wa district.
One 1.11J.O Mel well, one K0O.M If.
L. Deposit and on gtnfl.Oe) II. at I.
Deposit will he awarded la this district.
Gertrode Rulllcan, III Ave. B 113,780
Anna Ward. 106 tth Ave...... 24.660
Mr. M. A. Smith. 2304 Ave. D. ... .116.790
A W. Geiger. Jr., 42 Damon 23.580
Dorothy Lenthsn. 652 Harrison St.. 117,90
Mrs. Ada Mt-Lnnrhlln. 19.01 3d Ave. 193.310
R. P. Bolin, 2003 4th Ave 103.10
Mrs. Peter Jensen. Oakland CL.. . .101.240
Mrs. Iva M. Ford. 306 S. 18th 117.120
R. D. F.dwards, 310 Ave. C ;..17.JI0
Lou Dimlap. Grand Hotel 102.S80
Mn.Tfm, J. Ryan. 205 Ave. A..., 186,60
Mrs W. A. MitcheM. 20.15 Ave. A... 21.80
A. P. Clobridg. SO W. Piorce 11.08A
Ray Wilcox. 627 R. Broadway 136.690
WIU Inelade all the territory ' the
state of lawe eatslde th. elty of
Council Rial's and the Manawa dis
trict. On. fl.llS.M Maswell, one f2n0.n0
II. I. Deposit aad on. IL
U Deposit wlU he awarded la this
Myrtle Rogers, Percivs! .194,510
liarlen Klutss,- Mnndamin 196,6:0
Mrs. Nettle Batrhelder, Riverton.. .117,450
Glen C. Sllllck. Missouri Valley 10.340
0. J. Atkins. Xeola 115.400
Marion Caughell. Carson. ......... .196.9:0
Ruth Knight. Glenwood 114.791)
Betty Escrett, Malvern 196.240
Rev. O. B. Bauman, Mlnden lis. 100
Mrs. Blllle Iwen, Srhleswlg 119,140
June Ovlatt. Shenandoah 116.630
Mrs. Ona Johnson. Pacific Jet. .. .131.780
George W. Mocre, Bartlett. 115.480
Bert Graham, Rt. 1, Logan 194. ISO
Nellie J. Solleder, Thurman 115.210
Gladys Mavis, Harlan 164,240
Bernard Franklin, Hamburg 153.070
Merle Andreas. Oakland 117.080
Merle B. Its vis, Carson.... 114.260
1. eona llitninn. Persia 121.21.)
Mrs. Ray Pieraon, Henderson 10,120
Lloyd W. Weatherell. Panama..... 80.210
Mrs. Lowell C. Mattos. Shelby 164.100
Mrs. 8. U Jefferson. Woodbine 117.17.
K. K. Axthelm. Glenwood .(U
June Beaver, Hsrlan 11.480
Opal Snyder, Randolph ......... ..167.740
T. J. Comer. Missouri Vailey 189,41(1
Hasel Dnnsldsnn, Avoes 117.610
Cent X . Frnvd. Harlan 6.000
Fred Tsnke, Avoca 114.810
Will Inelada the following counties In
the state of Nebraska t (ass, Karphr.
Douglas (ontalde the city of Omaha),
Saunders, Dodge, Washington. Hurt,
Coming, Thurston, Dakota, Dlion.
One Maxwell, on SxO0.nO
It. L Deposit and owe flM.OO n.
A I. Deposit will be awarded la this
O. C. Hohack. Xehswka t.Ta
Zetta, Lnwee. Valparaiso 46.770
J, II. Donnnfo, .Weeplnj Water., 45.780
Morning, Ermine- and Sunday tT
oy lamer.
1 Tr, i Months.
1 Ter
f Months
i Months
, is. oo
. 1.00
. so
Dally and bundoy by Mnll.
:so. nun
5Vi Ter .'..&0
2 T.ert IS. no
I Year .o
II Months 4.011
1 Months 1.00
Dallj Only by Mall, Without Sunday
h Tears IS.nn
J Years ln i" ?,oi
1 Yrr fc.on st ood
Months :.o K.OOO
Sunday. Only by Mall
5 . (Kin
Yesrs .
Years .
Year ..
. Jtn.oo
ft 00
. ?.50
. i.:i
given half as many votes as new subscriptions
I V. IT. Hoerstmann. Fremont 14.4!
! 1. N. Warrick, Blair 103.S1H
I A. M. SanUiTa, I'lattamouth 19t,;"
R. V. Kennedy. Tekamah l6.64'l
Henrleltn Miller, Oakland lS4,is
Clifford t'unnlnjlham. Wahuo ....ISO.ann
Herman Jiuhlt, Reemer 145. 311
Merman A. Homann, Ellthoi n. . . .l6,I0f
Gordon Smith, Lyon lg.:H
Alvln F. Barton, Lyons .l:i,6!0
-Mrs. P. K. Buck, Fremont 195.
Charles J. Swohodn, Prague 100.SM
Anna niumm, Sorlbner Kl.kOf
K. F. Cuahman, Kennard ,..193tM-,4
Frank Pallan, Pander ln.4S0
Mahel Brazda. West Point ....113,7:0
Nellie nwyer. Colon l7.4f.O
Jessie B. Kaja, Wlsner 17. 7J0
Jena Jenson, Lyons 194. 920
J. SI. Fox, firetna 140,110
Marie Itmraldt. Yutan , .197.910
Mrs. Kdlth Schooler. P.oaalie 10S,4;.rt
Mra. Archie Roberts, North Bend. .198.760
Kmma. Fredxtrom, Oakland 86,70
Mildred K. Johnxon. Mead 192.941)
Mrs. Lulu Owrn, Aahland 17S.S4"
Mra. tt. B. Darling, Hooper 101,94'.
Wm. Mick. Cedar Bluffs 7l.8fi
Donald Watigh, R. 2. Valley 192, :
D. A. Strnthera. Craig 70.40(1
Kmma Johnson, R. 1, Fremont.... 70.2SO
Joaephne Ketchmark. Ft. Cslhoun.197,800
Stella Starry. Springfield 1,1
Mrs. John Huehner. R. 3 Omaha.191.4SO
Kd R. Hnrnk, Wlnnehaeo 67.000
Mra.KMa Tieeh. Bancrott ...5.000
Mrs. 15. A. Wathter, iiermsn 106,790
Will Include the following counties In
the state af Nebraska: Oloe. Nemaha,
Rlrhardann, Pawnee. Johnson, tinge,
tanrnater, Reward, Saline, .lefferson,
Thayer. Fillmore. York, Hamilton.
Clay. Nuckolls. Webster nnd Adams.
One gl.1IA.rn Maxwell, one S2no.n
ft. A I.. Deposit rnd one $ 1 B. A
I.. - Drnoalt will be awarded in this
Mra. Otis Wolford. Clay Center. .. .1 !s. 47'
Blesnor Shot;, Falrhurj- 197,871
fieorpe Whltesell, Kenesaw 87, "9
Mrs. T.ydla Wolfskin, Superior. .,. .1 9S. 74'
Mrs. W. L. Chapman. Olltner 111,24(
Raymond L. t'rosson, Hastlnns .194,831
Mrs. n. Amler-on, 1324 H, Lincoln. 194. 61
Mr. B. F. Jnrilon. York 4... 69.7!t
Mrs. Mnrle Morrla, Hebron 101.C5
Tillle Xoltc. Auburn. R. 2 80.10.
Mrs. Mark Itnll. Auburn 194.47.
Win -Brookley, Kdear 195.80
Mrs. Dean Kite.-Auhum 182.r.4
Vclva Bair, Fairmont 197.90
Vera C.ros:0ia, Kufon... 196.71
Margaret Ahrer.s, Falls City 194,74.
Agnes Kn:8oniii. Aurora., 197,72.
(tail Parann. Humboldt 145.97
William McKerver, Cordova IJ1.7M
Mrs. Chns. Fowler. Xebrnska City. .1 94. 9.;.
Alfred Bo.ikwalter. Pawnee City... 9.';,7
Lola Hofford. Seward 110. 79i
Mra. C. 1. Riley. Tcrumseli ...196,nf
Kmma Krulz.. Deshler... 194.401
C. E. Gilmore, Harvard. 90,47f
Delma Hum. Belvlilere , 130,6.1"
Charles Laune, Alexandria 196,820
c. f.l. Betters. Carlton .., 62.400
S. D. Long, I'owles 197.400
Alvln Lents. Deshler , 70,310
T. F. Stock. Hastings ,. 36.000
R. W. Mastln. Tobias..., 120.160
Vern Butler. Red Cloud 40.870
K. K. Holme. Inland 6.000
W. R. Prl-e. Crete 21,040
Jewell Howard. Lincoln S.flltO
Mrs. Thomas Brower, Geneva 100,940
Will include all territory in the state
of Nebraska not Included In Districts
Number (I and 7. alo territory In South
Dakota. Kansas nnd Colorado.
One fl.llS.04i Maswell, one 1200.00
B. I.. Deposit nnd one 100.00 II.
.. Deposit will be awarded in this
W. B. Shelton. Paxton 193,64
Martin Nelson, Dannehrbg 108, 2.4
Mrs. F. P. Copeland. Brldeport 137.4n
Hilda .Tacobaon, Arapahoe..., 193.670
Mgna Petttrron. Fddyvllle 138.770
Bert Brov.-nell. Chapped ...197,580
P. J. Mlnner. 109 V. 6th, Gr. lis. .194,980
Mrs. A. K. Callahan, Gering 193. 4d0
Mrs. Bertha A. K'oer. Kirk 193.910
W. K. Harris. Bertrand
...192. Ml
. .
.. . 1 tt.r.jft
George Gardner. Bayard
Molh rhlllbrick. Ord
C. B. Doasett. Axlell ...
K. G. Xlsley, Lexington....
Wm. Halsey. Lebanon
J Fern Gates, Stiunford
.vrs. Stelnke. Iloldrrge
Sirs. Clay Funaton. Ogallala
. P.. Lee. 719 X. Locust. .'. Platte 194 0
Blanche Myers, Sutherland !P3.iT0
Mrs. M, Rnsecrans. Juleab's-. Coin. 74. am
Dr. C. II. Blackburn, Mitchell 140,070
Mrs. Ray Rathbun, Hayes Center. .. .77.460
II. C. McKak, St. Paul .90,460
Harvey Thompson. Ravenna SS, i0
Helen I.oomls. Gibbon ..11,610
Albert P. Powers. Greeley .....103,600
P. C McKenale, Burwell i.l93.2
Walter T. Shaw, Franklin ..66,I"0
Mrs. J. A. Qulntoh, Brule 195,490
Wm. F. Ber.-mek. Loup City.,. 61.6.0
Hasel Farrell, Gothenburg. , 196,. '.10
Mrs. Grace Murray. Bloomington. .. .99,:i"fl
Mrs. H. J. Mcintosh, C'oxad 196,840
Luclle Johnson, Orleans 193.760
Harry G. Sellr, Scotia.. .19I.71.0
Mrs. K. ( Dilimnn. Broken Bow..193..;so
Vera Corley. Callaway ,.,.100,210
Mrs. Fred Collom, Arnold 10? ,f;o
Andrew Campbell, Cambridge. .... .194.310
Andy Stone. Wood River.. 33,;oo
IT. B. VanBusklrk, Mullen 192.0OO
Hasel Trundel, Sumner ...196,770
Harriett Kdwards, Scottsbluff 19."9n
C. O. Jones, Hyannls .'9
Clarence Sowler. Ansley t.000
Marie Lewis, Ansel mo 6,t)0n
Mrs. E. J. Relclistein. Mlnden. . . . . .1 85,690
J. F. Schwalger. Xorth Platte 197.170
Inland Zink, McOok.
Irwin W. Klumb, Grand Island..... 5.000
L'xi.le Mclntyre. Tyron 67.OO0
Kdna Galloway, Liberal. Kan 5.010
Mable Douglass, ilorr.-ll 16,390
Thomas Warder, Marysvill k,46.u"o
John Alisky, Brownlee 6.000
R. L. Dunn, 6th Ave.. Kearney US, 000
Mr. Hoy Bennutt. Mi W. 23d,
Oyma Clyde, O'N,
Elisabeth F. Falrchlld. Lemoyne 6.0V0
Isaac R. Rcss. Anseireo
Winifred Bosue. AtklMSnn 101, ooo
Anna Randall. Lone Pin.. 187. ooo
M. A. Hosteller, dhelton 105.490
D'.ck Pullman, Sargent ,.60,170
Will Include the following counties In
the state of Nebraska t Butler, Polk,
Merrlrk, Nance, Tlntt. Colfax, Ktnnton,
Madison. Bonne. Antelope. nroe.
Wayne. Cedar nnd Knox.
One 91,11.1.00 Maxwell, one
R. 4V L. Deposit nnd one St 00.00 It.
tt I. Drposlt will be awarded In this
Vivian Dee. Dnvi.1 City... 140,07.
E. C. Wilde, 823 S. 8. Norfolk. .194.811
F. L. Brown. Schuyler 194.790
Helen M. Wynkoop. Central Cty.. 194,730
Floyd Buchanan, Silver Creek 196.8SO
Ham Davlcs, Wayne 196.600
Elmer Xordland. Columbus ,.183.660
D, P. HIM, Grnnu 193.890
W. C. Halsey, (lakdale 194.4-IO
Fred T. Wlnirinirtnn. ricliuylcr. . , .192,f.S")
A. K. Stafford. Rising City 116.420
11. E. Strushiirg. Pnlk i:..7n
Mrs. Wad Prultt. Humphrey 193.790
U. C. Smith. Albion 134,310
Ida Rut her. Si mlon 191,9. 0
Horry J. Muffley. St. Kdwarti 113,500
(Tedrlc Anderson. Wausa ..113.760
Ijiura Knlenn. Crrie-bton 192.820
Lydla Seyormlahl, Madison 10t,370
Josephine Fvans. Platte Center. .'. .104.480
Mrs. Kd Lyons, Xowman Grove. .,194.120
J. W. Keeler. Fullerton 116.560
R. J. Swanson, Fullerton 101.760
Anton F. Votava. Schuyler 192.720
Junlta Carlson, Stromshurg 124.870
Marguerite Durhtn. Blnnmfleld ...140.96A
Josephine Newton. Osceola 197,760
Blanche Colby, Shelby 191.630
Mrs. A. Masters. Ciarks 36.0OO
O. C. Griffin. Clerks 2,10
Haxel Sowderi. Xellgh 143,700
B. J. Maslowaky, Randolph 147,00.)
Henry J. Maimer, Orta1a, 43.6"0
Roy Combs, David City 178.930
VI Milan King. Cedar Kspichi j dm
C. J. Havlland, Xcrfolk 172.P4J
If you -want to be paid at the
rate ef better tbaa $1,000 per
week, tbea enter the H. Y. Si
Club aad win the $7,800 horn.