Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1921, Page 3, Image 3
THIS BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1921. Compromise Plan Of Stillmans Is Declared Halted Pszanowski Becomes Head of Motor Squad Hearings in Suit Will Be Re eumed Next Wednesday Alienation Suit to Be Filed Against Mrs. Leeds. New York, May 26. Hearings in the divorce suit brought by James A Stillnian, millionaire banker against Mrs. Anne U. Stillnian, will be re sumed next Wednesday before Ref eree D. G. Gleason. at Poughkeepsie. This announcement, mad by one of Mrs. Stillnian's attorneys today was taken as an indication that the settlement negotiations said to have been inaugurated by counsel for the banker had halted. Refusal of Mrs. Stillnian to comply with her hus band's demand that she live abroad for five years after the suit had been withdrawn was reported to be the reason for this action. Another con dition, alleged to have been imposed by Mrs. Stilhuan's attorneys was that she give her consent for' the children to choose between their parents. This, it is said, she has declined to do. Mr. Stillnian's offer is reported to Viave included the withdrawal of his suit, legal recognition of the legit imacy of the infant, Guy Stillnian. whose paternity has been questioned in the proceedings and the granting of an allowance of between $50,000 and $90,000 a year to Mrs. Stillnian. Will Force Charges. Unless the banker agrees to an "unconditional surrender" before Wednesday Mrs. Stillnian will turn loose three broadsides against the defense of the former bank president as follows: A $500,000 alienation of affection'; suit against Mrs. Florence H. Leads, former "chicken on the Cen 'tury roof," and alleged affinity of the former bank president. Ask the indictment of Stillnian and Mrs. Leeds by the grand jury, charging that they lived together as man and wife in this city. Start an action for absolute di vorcc, naming Stillnian as the father of Jay iWard Leeds. Mrs. Stillman Determined. . Mrs. Stillnian. it is understood, is determined to carry on the battle cgainst her husband with all the in strumcnts at her command unless he meets her terms as outlined in her ultimatum. She will meet her husband's ef forts to brand her Son, Guy, with he mark of illegitimacy with a .rotital attack. She will charge her husband with being the father of not only Jay Ward Leeds but of at least one. other infant. She is determined, it is said, to acquire a divorce but she is also determined to secure it in New York state. Her husband's tentative proposal of a compromise settlement contained the stipulation that she should go to Paris and file suit for divorce at the end of a f.e year interval. "I could wish Mr. Stillnian and Mrs. Leeds no greater misfortune tltfin to be mated to each other." Mrs. Stillman has said to friends. "I intend to leave Mr. Stillmai. free to do the decent thing and marry he woman he has degraded." Mrs. Leeds Stirred. It is understood that Mrs. Still man's contemplated actions have reached the ears of Mrs. Leeds and that she has decided to take steps to establish legally the fatherhood of her son in order that he may be pro tected financially. It is understood that Mrs. Still nian's bitterness towards the former chorus girl is enhanced by the al leged continuation of the banker's lavish gifts to Mrs.' Leeds, In the meantime Mrs. Stillman has said to friends: "I'd rather wash dishes in Quids' than be forced to leave America even though I am to be given $90, 000 a year and thorough and sweep ing vindication . both for my baby and myself." Former Soldiers to Hold , Reunion at .North Platte North Platte. Neb., May 26. (Special.) Members of Company E, 134th United States infantry, will hold their second annual reunion in this city next Sunday. This com pany was organized in North Platte and was stationed at Doming, N. M., for a year before leaving for overseas service. Men from all parts of the state will again gather to talk army life over with their old com rades and to spend a day of enjoy ment together. The company will meet at the Central Labor Union temple in the morning, at noon they will be banqueted at the Palace cafe, in the afternoon will attend a ball game and in the evening will be puests at a big Wienie roast. Part of Money Taken From Drug Store Is Returned Wymore, Neb., May 26.---(Spe-cial.) Ninety-seven dollars of the $115 which mysteriously disappeared from the drug store of Erie Thomas about two weeks ago was returned by two small boys who live two miles east of town. " ; The little fellows were going after their father's cows, and. crossing a culvert, they saw a small can which appeared to contain the shine of sil ver. Bringing it home to their par ents it was found to contain cur rency and several rolls which con tained nickels and -dimes. Other silver was found wrapped inside tiie paper money. Mr. Thomas identi fied the money as his by the paper wrappings of the nickels and dimes. Machinist Pinned Under White Hot Engine Tire Wymore, Neb., May 26. (Spe cial.) Herb R. Brannan, machinist at the Burlington shops here, was severely burned while removing a tire from an engine. Tires are brought to an almost white heat in this process and wJien sufficiently contracted will drop off the wheel frame. The chain which is wrapped round the tire to prevent it from falling over had become loosened, and the 1.200-pound rim of hot steel fell against Brannan, pinning him to the ground. His helper, unable to lift it, shouted for help, but it was fully one minute before the vic tim could be released, The burn was on the ritfht !esr below the knee. Zijt Want Ade Produce Results. iX Tv - : 1 Wife of Denver Cop Kills Man Who Seizes Her Shoots Assailant Who Attacks Her as She Leaves Garage Where She Placed Auto. Jack Pszanowski Jack Pszanowski, who has served 10 years as city detective, has been appointed head of the police depart ment's automobile bureau, with rank of lieutenant. The new bureau will be started June 1, and will have six detectives. A kitchen sink has bent- patented with a slide that can be drawn out to increase its holding capacity and a drawer to contain utensils. Denver. Colo., May 26. -Mrs. James Cass, 22, wife of a Denver patrolman, late last night shot and killed a man who attempted to seize her as she was returning to her home. The man was shot three times and fell dead in an alley near the Cass residence. Several reports have been made recently, the po lice said, that a prowler was seen in the neighborhood where the shoot- ing took place. v J he dead man was identified by policemen as a man called "Curlcy," a notorious character. . Mrs. Cass said she had just put her automo bile in the, garage, adjacent to her home when her assailant stepped out of a doorway in an apartment house and seized her by the arm. "Let me go," Mrs. Cass said she screamed, at which her assailant seized her by both arms. She tore from his grip, the woman said, and shot three times with a pistol she carries. A police riot squad answered the report sent in by neighbors who gathered and Mrs. Cass was taken to police headquarters where she made a statement. She later was released in her hus band's custody. She is in a state of collapse. ' w th a spiral lock seam is made from strips of ""-tal by a re invented machine. ' ftU3 Part of Uni Annual May Be Destroyed Lincoln, May 26. The entire is sue of the "Cornhusker," the annual of the University of Nebraska, may be called in and the pages of the "student life" section burned if the faculty upholds 'charges of one of the school clubs that this section, containing jokes and (mips about students, is "undignified and unfit for publication." Some of the faculty advocate this action and Provost J. 'J'. Lees, su pervisor of the year book, stated today that he had neglected to read carefully that section of the book. He added that two articles which he had ordered suppressed appeared when the book came out. About 2,500 copies were subscribed for by the students, distribution having be gun yesterday. Lodgepole Farmers Will Discuss Plans June 6 Lodgcpolc. Neb., May 26. (Spe cial.) The Fanners Union Co-operative Grain & Stock association of this place will told its annual meeting June 6. About 150 'Stock holders will attend the meeting, says A. R. Jameson, jr., manager. Slayer of Guard Feared Violence Negro Denies He Knew Victim Died; Plea to Quash Charge Is Overruled. Lincoln, May 26. (Special.) Dis trict Judge W. E. Stewart overruled today the pica in abatement to quash the first degree murder charge filed against Convict James B. King, ne gro, who killed Guard R. L. Taylor at the state penitentiary some weeks ago. King stabbed Taylor to death while on his way to his cell from the dining room. ' The prisoner, brought Into court to testify today, declared on the witness stand that he did not know whether he killed Taylor and did not know, except through hearsay, that Taylor was dead. At the time of the killing, King signed a written confession. On the stand today King said that lie was afraid of mob violence, that the other inmates in the prison had threatened to kill him and that he was constantly in fear of the pris oners carrying out the threat, to lynch hini. Nebraska Delegation Solid , For Kinslcr Appointment Washington, May 26. (Special Telegram.) Senator Norris and Representative Jcfferis had an inter view with Attorney General Daugh crty today, the protests against th-.' nomination of J. C. Kinslcr of Omaha to be United States district attorney being discussed. While neither the senator nor Mr. Jcfferis would say what conclusion was reached with reference to the pro tests, it is believed that they were satisfactorily explained to the attor ney general and that action on the recommendation of the republican members of the Nebraska delegation will follow in due course. Every member of the delegation is standing behind the recommendation under the unit rule adopted before the question of patronage was taken up. Beatrice Restaurant Sold. Beatrice. Neb., May 26. (Special.) Victor Lang, who has been en gaged in the restaurant business hero for 23 years, has sold his place to Albert Parnieter of Lincoln, .who will assume charge about June 1. Wymore Infested With Bug' Plague, Citizens Complain Wymore, Neb., May 26. (Spe cial.) Citizens here affirm that alt the bugs in the "bugology" category are assailing their garden stuff. Not in 30 years, has there been such a pest of insects. Myriads of moths infest both garden and residence. Po tato bugs appear to hunt for Paris green as an appetizer, or at least it appears that way from the little good accomplished by spraying. Wheat in the territory contiguous to Wymore is showing innumerable splotches of red. Farmers says it is not rust, but a discoloration caused by the last freeze, Traveling men who use autos advise that the wheat crop is being referred to as a five bushel to the acre crop. Manawa Park OPENS SATURDAY "Delicia" Ice Cream Freeatthe"Gurney" Demonstration Sat. Union Outfitting Co. See How a "Gurney" Re frigerator Pay for Itself. "Gurney" Given Away. How quickly a good refrigera tor can pay for itself by pre serving food and milk and saving ice will be shown next Saturday during a demonstration of the "Gurney" Refrigerator at the Union Outfitting Company. As a special treat "Delicia" lee Cream with 'SchulzeV Maple Nut Cake wilL be served to every woman who visit the demonstra tion. Special terms will be made on "Gurney" Rcfrigeratora dur ing demonstration. Advertisement Ah! that Tomato Sauce! OVEN BAKE with Tomato Sauce Yes, you detect it at once that delicious flavor and tang of Heinz famous Tomato Sauce. , It is made of choice, fresh, sun ripened tomatoes, perfectly spiced and seasoned and used exclusively in the spotless Heinz'kitchens. , But the supreme goodness of Heinz Baked Beans is the blending of this distinctive taste with the real bean flavor that oven baking gives. The Heinz method of actually baking in dry heat ovens re tains the food value of beans as well as the flavor. These things . mean food economy. Heinz Oven Baked Beans aro all ready to eathot or cold. One of the o D o D o D o a o a o D o D c D 0 a 0 D o D o D o a o D o D o D o O a 0 D o U o D o D o D o D c D c c D o D o D o a o D o U o n o o D o D o D o a o a o a o a o D e D e D o n o n o a o a o D o a o w D o D o D o D o D o D o D o D o D o v D o a o D o D o D o D o n o D o D jonooononononoaonnnnononoq.onoapnooHOooaoaojaonQnoQQcoaoi 17,800.00 HOME $4,440.00 CADILLAC $1,625.00 OVERLAND $1,380.00 GARNER $1,115.00 MAXWELL $1,115.00 MAXWELL . , . $1,115.00 MAXWELL $1,115.00 MAXWELL $1,115.00 MAXWELL $1,115.00 MAXWELL $1,115.00 MAXWELL 3 $1,115.00 MAXWELL S1.HS.C0 MAXWELL HELP YOURSELF CLUB A $51,705.80 alary That is the high mark of compensation for which members of the Help Yourself Club are striving. It is based on the securing of the Capital Award of the $7,800.00 Home and the first of the Special Ad ditional Awards, the $1,625.00 Overland Sedan. , Still a $50,000.00 a year rate of pay means so little in the lives of the average Help Yourself Club members that they have gone to "sleep at the switch," are throwing their possibilities away and permitting brand new members to come in and pass them on the road as swiftly as our $4,440.00 Cadillac will fcfiss a horse-drawn vehicle. Look at that list of awards $29,450.00 of it. Look at the standing of members as shown on page 4. Compare the small lists with the large awards. A wonderful lack of appreciation of the value of effort. We say effort advisedly, because . - - : ....nnAnAnnnnnnn I v a o D a o g D o D o D o D o a o a o 0 o D 8 o a o a o D o o D o D o D c luck is an element which does not enter into this campaign. Hard and consistent work is the only element to be considered. ; With the equivalent of a $50,000.00 salary, the opportunity still open to new members to secure two awards and the lack of interest displayed by many present members, a great many more people should seize this opportunity. . The only requirement is that you should turn in subscriptions to The Bee. If you doubt your ability to, just go out and try. Ask some of your friends to give you a helping hand to win a valuable award. You will be surprised to find how many folks want to subscribe for The Bee. Then, having demonstrated it to your satisfaction, send in your subscriptions and your nomination blank. Your nec essary supplies will be sent you at once. The $29,450 List of Awards: 1$7,800.00 Home, First Capital Award 1 --$4,440.00 Cadillac, Automobile 1--$ 1,500.00 Conservative B. & L. Deposit 9--$l,l 15.00 Maxwell Automobiles 9-$2tf0.00 Building & Loan Deposits 9--$ 100.00 Building and Loan Deposits 1 --$1,625.00 Overland Sedan - 1 -$1,350 Gardner 5-Passenger Automobile Total Number of Awaras -, - - - - - 32 Ten per cent cash commission to all non -winners if they turn in $50.00 or more. Notes for Members and Non-Members From the records of the Campaign Manager's Office showing: that a subscription is received once in a while it ap pears some of the members are laboring under the mistaken idea that somebody else is going to do all the work for them. Keep in mind the fact that the same person can win a Special Additional Award of an automobile and also one of the regular awards. Would not it have felt fine on those' hot evenings to have been able to climb into our own little "Bus" and gone for a cool-off? There are twelve beautiful cars in the list of awards. Keep in mind the three ways subscriptions count right now regular votes, extra votes and cash subscriptions towards the Special Additional Awards. Will you have the satisfaction of having what you want in early life or will you wait until old age for the good things? There are nine Maxwell Touring Cars. One of them will go to the person in each of the nine districts having the largest score of votes, after the winners of th capital awards have been eliminated. You may delay, but time will not The one who will win the Capital Award is one who has made a resolution, and is keeping it, that each day and every day will see more votes placed to their credit. That big Cadillac Is a $4,440.00 7-passenger touring car, complete in every detail She's one of those big "busses" that eat up the road and ride like a Pullman on the Overland Express. How much have you been making a year? One would think that $50,000.00 a year was just pin money to some of the H. Y. S. Club members. There are no losers in the H. Y. S. Club campaign. All members who fail to secure an award will, if they have turned in $50.00 or more, receive a cash commission. You are not restricted to any certain territory in your work. Wotk where you please but if you . want an award work., Spur your friends on transmit to them some of the en thusiasm you yourself possess, Remind them of the rides they will enjoy with you at the wheel. You are offering something worth while when you offer a friend the opportunity to subscribe for The Bee. It it the only morning paper in Nebraska with more than one leased wire service. The Bee has three. That's why The Bee is the most newsy paper. The market page of The Bee has no par allel in the state. Business men all know this and these are two of the reasons The Bee is always found on the breakfast table of the big, successful business man. Where The Bee is concerned there's more than one reason. In determining where we stand in the campaign let us remember the way these awards are to be made: FIRST The Capital Awards will go to the three members securing the greatest total number of votes during the entire campaign. SECOND The Special Additional Awards of two auto mobiles, the Overland Sedan and the Gardner Touring, will go to the city member and the country member securing the largest amount of cash subscriptions during the period from May 1 6th to June 4th. THIRD The District Awards of one Maxwell automobile, one $200.00 Conservative Building .and Loan Deposit and one $100.00 Conservative Building and Loan Deposit will be given to the three members securing the largest total number of votes during the entire campaign in each and every one of the nine districts. FOURTH Every member who does not get one 6f the Capital or District or Special Additional Awards, but who se cures a total in subscriptions of fifty dollars or more will get a cash commission of ten per cent on every dollar sent in. r Campaign Close June 25th, 1S21 1 The Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club Not bo'oiI after Jtnt 3, 1CJ1. befor. eviration date. Must be voted or mal!3 oa or 10 FREE VOTES FOR Street No. City.. Diit. No., .. Stat.,. Good (or 10 frr votes when sent to th H. Y. S. Club on or before above date. No coupon will he transferred to another after being received at the office of The Be. Membership Entry Blank ( The Omaha Bee Help Youristf Club ( ' - 5,000 VOTES Date 1121 II nominal. ., ,' . (Mr., Mr, or Miu) I Btrcet No Diit No 1 City Stat. I Ai a member of Ine Help Yourseu wluo I Signed I I Addret I Thia nomination blank will count for ,009 votes if ent to th. I manager of the H. Y. 8. Club. Only one blank will count for a member. Fill out thia Mank with your nam. or tHe nam. of your favorite and aend it to The Bre. The name of the aereon making; the nomination will not be divulged. , i o a o D o a o D o D o D o a o D o D o a o a o D O a o a o D o a o D o D o S a o n o a