THE BEE: OMAHA, FWDAY. MAY 27, 1921 Presbyterians . Discuss Part of (Women in Church Presbyteries to Take Referen dum Vote on Question of Fair Sex As Dea- v cons. Winona , LaAke, Ind., May 26. Scriptural quotations were passed back and forth today as commis sioners to the lJ3d general assem bly of the" Presbyterian church in the United States f America, at? tempted to establish how much of a part women are to be given in ecclesi astical government. A decision was finally reached to allow the presby teries to take a referendum vote on the question of allowing women to be installed as deacons, t A report on the vote will be made at tne next assembly, , . The proposal brought a protest from Rev. Abraham Lathcm of Ches ter, Pa. He quoted from the book of Acts in which he said the l. apostles, in calling for the appoint mcnt of deacons, gave this injunc tion to the disciples: "Look ye out therefore, brethren. seven men of good report, full of the spirit and of wisdom whom you may appoint over thia business, "We have this for our guide, brethren,' he declared, and I be lieve that we should stick pretty close to the good book. , Immediately there were counter quotations from a commissioner, who found his inspiration in the book of Romans. He quoted: "Unto you, Phoebe, our sister, who is a deaconc"ss of the church that is at Cenchrea, that ye receive her in the Lord, worthily of the saints and that ye assist her in whotsoever matter she may have need of you." The assembly completed consider ation of all reports of committees. One of the last reports considered was that of the board of foreign missions. Resolutions were passed asking the United States government Mo find ways to prevent transfer of . liquor from this country to non Christian lands. Buttermilk Diet Makes Big Hit With Tourists (Continued From Page One.) plant, creamery, Lutheran seminary and a $40,000 garage, accommodat ing 300 cars were pointed out to the Omaha business men'by B. M. Hilde brand, president of the Seward Chamber of Commerce. This organ ization is a great community force with unusually large club rooms. j Big City Park. Most remarkable of all the rccep- tion facilities of this town. Adjoining the county fair grounds is an amuse men park erected on land owned by the city but leased to public-spirited citizens who have supplied the funds for a concrete tennis court, golf course, swimming ' pool, pavilion, , children's playground and picnic ' grounds, as well as a tourist camp ing place. Band concerts are given every Saturday and as the town is on both the D. L. D. Trail and the Pershing Highway, crowds of pic nickers come down from Lincoln to enjov themselves. A fund of about $5,0013 is raised each year to entertain the farmers, and a rest room is main tained in the court house for the wives and children of tural visitors. Swimming pools and tourist camp ing grounds are found in many Ne braska towns such as Fall City, Su perior and York. At the latter place free gas for cooking and electric lights are provided for motorists camping outdoors. , The most re markable swimming pool in Nebraska is one about three blocks long and .five feet deep in Beaver Crossing. This is filled by four artesian wells and is used for boating as well. TIi. town lies in an artesian basin and each home has its well, some of them with pressure enough to fill bathtubs on the second floor, Tourists Have Swim, One of the most enjoyable events of the day, was the swimming party arranged for the Omaha tourists at the beach in Fairmont. One of the difficulties of the tour' has been to arrange for baths. At one of the stops yesterday, John J. Meacham, Charles Weir and J. 12. Kelsey, went to a small hottl and hired a room with bath for half an' hour. The bathroom was found to be installed in a remodeled clothes closet, and the tub was not more than three feet long at the base. Kelsey and Weir managed without difficulty to perform their ablutions, although Kelsey, who is one of the fat men of the execursion overflowed the tub. But when Meacham, who is over six feet tall, entered, his knees touched his eyebrows. One of the most interesting stops was at Crete, the ' home of J. G. Adams, one of the trade tourists, who is connected with the creamery there. Seven million pounds of butter are manufactured, 200 cars of eggs and- 2,000,000 pounds of poultry shipped by this company. . . Richardson, manager of -the flour mill at Crete, showed off his plant, which is grinding out 2,000 barrels of flour a day. Doane college is also situated in this town. Crop Conditions Good. George A. Williams; representative leader in the legislature, meet the train at Fairmont and reported business and crop conditions good. Wheat is better the farther north one goes, although there are no prospects of a big crop. H. E. Dickerson, general superintendent of the Northwestern railways, reported an increased volume of grain traffic. His line south of he Platte received 138 cars of grain today, and has orders for 123 cars for tomorrow. Most of this he said was corn. The movement is helping business and is attributed to the higher prices of the last few days. Ak-Sar-Ben is being advertised on the trip by A. H. Frye, who has found a good deal of interest in the running races next month and who has signed tip every man. on the train as a member or the order. Beatrice was tonight's stopping place and most of the Friday's run will be in Kansas, the train swing ing back from Concordia to Tecum seh, Neb. Included in Thursday's run were Waco, L tica, J amora, Coehntr, Cordova, Exeter, Sawyer, Geneva. Friend, Dorchester. Wilbur, DcWiW and Hoag, j JL. . . JLiving Uncomfortable For Debaters Touring Stat tTownley and Langer Differ Widely in Personal Ap- vj pearance and Methods Number of Meetings to Be Fixed' j By Nonpartisan Leader. By PERCY POWELL, Beatrice, Neb., May 26. (Special.) Nebraska dust, r-ord cars and more or less indifferent hotel food are the price one must pay for en joying the excitement of the series of Townley-Langer Nonpartisan league debates in Nebraska. Except when eating or debating, the Townley and Langer parties are on the road continually. They have covered more than 2,000 miles in Ford cars since the debates opened in Kansas. They have hundreds to cover in Nebraska on their tiymg trip from one end of the state to another. They never stay in a town in which a debate is held more than two or three hours after the tent is packed. Tlje Langer party arrived 'n Beatrice at 1 o'clock this morning with the tire off one wheel of the Ford. The Townley party arrived a few hours in advance. Sleep in Same Hotel. In Beatrice they slept in the same hotel for the first time during the trip, due to crowded conditions of hostelries in the Gage county metro polis. Townley, however, did not register and occupied a room rented by one of his cartv. This is a a Townley habit, so they , say 1n Beatrice, to come in and out of town without ever putting his name on a hotel blotter. Jmall Crowd Hears Debate at Beatrice (Continued From Fage One.) the story gave both sidcs an equa' shake, a rarity among newspapers," he told his audience. "Put that in The Bee," he said. Langer repeated a series of Ques tions, which, he declared. Town lev had declined to answer so far in the Kansas and Nebraska debates. "Tell why you appointed Arthur Leseur executive secretary of your organization, when vou know he lias been an attorney for the I. W, W. "Isn't it true that the three mem bers of the executive committee of the Nonpartisan league, with you as president and member of committee. crew up by-laws which provide that you can re-elect yourselves time after time to the committee and the farmers who pay the freight abso lutely have no power to unseat you? . Tells of Handicaps. "Name one Nonpartisan league manager in any state which you are working that has not been or isn't a socialist. Continuing. Langer said: "It isn't easy to face audiences like this who are friendly to the other side to have a man of Townley's type can me a liar and a rascal. "You don't like me now. But some tirne you will believe I am your best friend and will say that I uttered a fair warning to you. "But someone must expose a fel low like this. Someone must follow him to the people he talks to and works among and tell what he really is and for the time being it is an unpleasant task. Tomorrow the debate will be at York in a tent. New Auto Lens Laws to Go Into Effect July 25 It's just one law after another for motorists in Nebraska, according to T. L. Haskin, secretary of the Oma ha Automobile club, who yesterday called attention ot Umaha motorists to the new lens law passed by the last state legislature, effective July 25. . ' - - . ... This law authorizes the state de partment of public works to define lawful lenses, require their use on all motor vehicles and prohibit the sale in this state of all motor vehicles not equipped with the lenses. Specifications compiled by the state of Connecticut were adopted following a meeting of lens makers, automobile club representatives and other interested motorists, limiting the candle power of any bulb to 24. Manufacturers will be required to present , a certified copy of the re sults of laboratory tests of their product before state approval to their sale can be granted. As soon as a list of lenses, legal in Nebraska, is , available, copies can be secured from the Omaha Automobile club. Hospital Nurses Unable to Calm 'Hoochea1' Man All the pretty nurses at the Fenger hospital couldn't calm down J. J. Hoshor. 2107 Farnam street. Wed nesday night when he was taken, all rummed up, to the hospital by. friends, so the police patrol filled with husky bluecoats made a hurried run to the place, gave him some treatments and took him home, ac cording to police reports. Hoshor was assaulted when he got into trouble with a drunken crowd at a soft drink place, the police re port states. They were all drunk, the report continues, and Hoshor had his share. When he was taken to the hos pital, Hoshor became unruly and the nurses had to appeal to the police for aid. His only severe injury was a dislocated shoulder, the report con cludes. Delegates to National Meet Of Grocers at K. C. Named Delegates to the national conven tion ot retail grocers which is to be held in Kansas City, Tune 6-8, were elected Wednesday night at a meeting of the Omaha Retail Gro cers' association. Those elected were J. E. Kirk, J. J. Cameron and 1. Moskovitz. The' grocers are planning to send a delegation of 100 Omaha grocers to Kansas City. Already 75 have signed agreements to go. The party will leave Omaha Sunday morning June 5 in special cars. The special cars occupied by the Council Bluffs grocers will be attached to the Omaha cars at Council Bluffs. Lunches and refreshments will be served on the train Twenty-two l'om?n Ie t0- be m Pr.ty. , J of Presenting Views- How long and how extensive the debates will be depends on" Town- ley. "He has got to say quits," Lang said, "I'll debate any place with him short of the hot place and Russia .Langer is an attorney, a grad ate of Columbia .university, and was twice attorney general of North Da kota. receiving the endorsement the Nonpartisan league in both cam paigns. He says the endorsement came unsolicited. Langer Uses Figures. t ,n arr n rfrhatM throw Id facts and flgures t0 his audience. He lacks the gift of burlesquing his op ponent which Townley has down to a perfection. He hasn't the ability to turn a laugh on his opponent, but as the debate progresses hit tervo his continuous insistence that1 the audience shall hear and digest facts and figures on the Nonpartisan leaguers wins respect and applause, In personal appearance Langer and Townley differ as widely as in debating methods. Langer is a typi cal enterprising well-dressed bust ness man in his thirties, rather hand some one might say. He wears good clothes or clothes that were good be fore he began-touring the dusty roads of Nebraska and Kansas in an open car. Townley Not Handsome, Townlcv would be strong compe tition for a "booby" prize in a beauty contest. His nose is long and curl at the end like a shoe buttoner. H eyes are narrowed and his dress is simple and careless, Townley when he finally accepted Langer's challenge to debate took the naming of the towns where the debates should be staged and the ad vance advertising notices at his ow reauest. Langer says that Townley takes care to do the advertising of the meetings over the rural telephone lines and among friends and does little in the towns "But I'm r-ot kicking" Langer said. He can stack his audiences I want his friends to hear about him. Langer has a good income. He receive! nothing from the admission charge except his expenses. 1 he Townley crowd collects the money and has promised to meet Langer's expenses.' Trade Plans Discussed By President Harding (Continued From Page One.) . holds the obligations of the foreign governments and American investors in turn hold bonds based on these loans. So far as the negotiations which are now going on. between the, treasury and the British government relative to the funding of the present demand obligations are concerned, Secretary Mellon said that there is no inten tion to work out such a plan for -the transfer of obligations. , Mr. Mellon said that while it is intended to place the foreign obligations in marketable form, there is no idea that any plans can be made in the early future tor actually placing them on the market, The present negotiations, he said. merely will work out an arrange ment for definite maturities -of the allied obligations and an agreement as to the payment ot interest Mr. Mellon denied reports that there is any intention of permitting all in terest to go unpaid over a period ot 15 years. . ; Await Action of Congress. The administration . has no inten tion of presenting any general re funding . clans involving victory notes, liberty bonds or certificates of indebtedness to congress during the present session. Any arrangement relative to the transfer of allied obligations from the United States government to - American investors would await action by congress on the refunding which will be neces sary prior to May, Wis, when the victory notes mature. When the -refunding operation takes olace it is expected that the floating debt remaining at that time will be absorbed in long term bonds. In connection with the whole re funding operation, it would be pro per to consider schemes lor trans American investors, thus reducing by that amount, the outstanding public debt of the United States. The $10,000,000,000 of allied obli cations, if transferred to American investors, would absorb the present floating debt of more than S.oUU, 000.000. the victory notes and also the third liberty loan, totalling at present more than $3,600,000,000 which matures in 1928. Caruso Plans to Sail For Europe on Saturday York. " Mav 26. Enrico Caruso, tenor, who is convalescing from pleurisy, will sail tor Italy with his family Saturday on the steamship President Wilson. The oartv including Mr. and Mrs. Caruso, their baby, Gloria, and the tenor' brother. Giovanni, will oc cupy four suites fitted op as bed chambers, music rooms, sitting rooms and nursery. Missouri Valley Railroad Shops Will Close Saturday Missouri Valley. Ia.. May 26. No tice was posted in the Northwestern railroad shops that the locomotive department would be closed Satur day night This includes machinists, boiler makers, blacksmiths, sneet metal .workers, etc. Many officials think things win open up after July 1, when the wage dispute will be adjusted. Little Increase Reported In Illegal Liquor Traffic Washington. ' Mav 26. Reports show virtually no increase in the il legal liquor traffic, notwithstanding the cut of 700 in the federal field forces, prohibition officials said to night. In many instances, they atlded, pending liquor cases' are be- ing. continued .because. of the absence pi agents needed as witnesses, Germans Denied Right to Retain Anti-Tank Rifles Weapons Not Mentioned in Clause Specifying Arms Permitted Under Terms . Of Peace Treaty. By. HENRY WALES. Chicago Tribune Cable. Copyright, 1821. Paris, Mav 26. The council of ambassadors this morning denied the German government's - request to maintain or to manufacture anti tank rifles. The Germans sent a note to the allies protesting against being forced to surrender their anti-tank weapons on the ground that they were not specifically mentioned in the dis armament clauses of the treaty and therefore were not included in the material ordered destroyed. The ambassadors adopted the ad vice of the military experts who showed them a table incorporated into the treaty specifying what arms Germany would be permitted to re tain. The table did not include anti tank rifles and therefore it was ruled that all arms not mentioned must be destroyed. Germany's efforts to retain the right to keep and manufacture anti tank rifles is regarded as being high ly significant in military quarters because the rifles had just been brought to a point of efficiency and were being produced in quantity When the armistice came before the end of the war a few had appeared at the front where they executed deadly havoc among the tanks. A number of French, British and American generals in the fighting at the end of the war believed that the tanks would have lost all their efficiency as soon as the Germans completed training anti-tank sharp shooters, as the German weapon, which could be carried by jone man, discharged a bullet penetrating the steel plates of the tank which ex ploded on the inside, killing the operators and wrecking the tank. Omaha Man May Lose Eyesight From Crash Davenport. Ia.. May 26. H. C. Griffith, a former resident of Council Bluffs. 36, sustained injuries that may cost him his sight, when a car he was driving on the River-to-River road struck a half-grown hog run ning loose on the highway and caused the car to crash into a tele phone pole, sending flying glass from the windshield into his eyes. Mr. Griffith was a former. Kock Island trainman and once lived . in Davenport. Three years ago he was transferred to Council Bluffs. He re cently took. up the insurance business j in Omaha. Seats for motor trucks intended to make long journeys have been in- ented that are readily converted into two sleeping bunks for the drivers. Exports of Canadian Pulp Show Decrease for April Montreal. May 26. Canadian ex- oorts of duId and paper for April were valued at $6,946,236, as com pared with $8,172,336 fof April last year, it was stated in a special report of the Canadian Pulp and Paper as sociation made public today.. The decrease, the report said, was chiefly in chemical pulp, as the ship ments of news Bruit for the past month were valued at $5,241,893 as against $3,827,541 last year. SPECIAL OFFER $25 6al Pries $535 Choice of fancy mahogany, walnut or oak cases. This is unquestionably th most remarkable player piano value ever offered. The SOLO CONCERTO PLAYER, a thor oughly high-grade Instrument embodying the very latest and most up-to-date player mechanism, such as six-point motor, automatic sustaining pedal, guaranteed transposing device and easy pedal action. . We will make liberal allowance for your present piano or phonograph of aceept liberty bonds at face value as part payment on one of these superb players. In Used Pianos We Offer You Three Extra Special Values Terms $5.00 Down and SI .25 Per Week qaia PEASE ERBE - RICHTER Good practice Mahogany cae, Fin condition, Piano, at ' rara bargain at- Oak case, only $98 $150 $225 We have many other bargains to viect from so call tomorrow. We can suit you in quality, price and terms. $5.00 sends one of fnese used instrunrents to your home. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1514-16-18 Dodge St., Phone Dong. 1623, Omaha, Neb. The Home of the Stein way Piano. Fifth Naval District Commandant Dies 0f,m.fM.,imfj,pfr I mi i mi Washington. May 26. Rear Ad miral Augustus F. Fecheteler, com mandant of the ritth navar district. died at Norfolk navy yard early to day, according to report to the Navy department. He had been ill for several months. Admiral Fecheteler would have reached retirement age September 21. It is probable that he will be succeeded m command of the rifth naval district by Admiral Hugh Rodman, now commanding the Pa cific fleet. One Dead; Three May Die From Explosion Manning. Ia., May 26. Four per sons were burned, one of whom has since died, when a drum ot gasoline in the store of John Kostermendt ex ploded. I he dead: 11 JOHN ROSTERMENDT. J'P The injured: tWi Miss Ida Grelck, may die. '$r Hov named Mcuratn. -fa- Boy named Gender. Mr. Rostermendt was filling a can of gasoline from a drum of the oil when in some manner, as yet un known, the drum exploded. Miss Grelck, who was the bookkeeper and Mr. Rostermendt were both almost instantly enveloped in the hot flash of flames. Mr. Rostermendt lived a few hours. Miss Grelck was fear fully burned over a large part of her body, but there are hopes 01 her re covery. Decomposed Body of Man Discovered in Iowa River Muscatine. Ia., May 26. Held fast by the limb of a submerged tree, the bodv of Jesse McHenry, 78, was found badly decomposed in the Ce dar river, three miles below the Mus catine & Western railroad bridge. William Wiess. finder of the body. refused to accept the $2a reward ot tered him by relatives. McHenry had been missing 10 days. He left his daughter's home, near Nichols, to go fishing and is supposed to have become dizzy and tallen in. Witness Refuses to Testify In Suit, Is Sent to Jail 1 Gustav. Mickish yesterday re fused to answer., questions in the hearing of one phase of a suit in District Judge Troup's court and was cited by the judge for contempt. Vou are committed to tne county i jail. Call a deputy sheriff, said Tudcre Troup. ' "Thank you," was all that Mick ish said. He was taken to the county jail. of Charles J. Southard, guardian of August Mickish against Harry f. Bradley, Gustav Mickish and others j that Mickish detied the court. Places a beautiful new SOLO CONCERTO PLAY ER PIANO in your home with bench, scarf and $10 worth of music. f Worth $650 Now .on Sale at $535 Herbert Crane Says Divorced .Wife Looted Home Millionaire Charges WifeTook About Everything Except 1,000-Pound Chair and Hot Stove. Chicago, May 26. Mrs. Elida Piza Crane, Costa Rican beauty, was accused today by her former hus band, Herbert r. Crane, witn navmg looted his home of all the furniture after her divorce. He made the charge today in a plea to the Kane county court to relieve him from paying $70,000 ali mony due until she returns the fur niture and art treasures. The petition" says that when she left .Wildrose farm, the Crane es tate, on March 17, Mrs. Crane took everything in the house "except a stone chair weighing 1,000 pounds, two iron cannon and a hot stove." He said he went to the farm two weeks later prepared to pay the $70,000 due and found that his former wife had left him without coverings or a bed in which to sleep. Oil paintings, miniatures, silver ware, furniture, antiques, mirrors, ; vases and linen are all listed. The value of the goods is given as "un- "In aU women there is an instinctive per ception of bc&uty anialongrngfarit," n ii Not The Morning or The - T"0 YOU remember U trrnt vrui hart rari the other way around, and you read in The Morning Bee what you had read the day before in The Evening Bee! You won't find that in The Bee Morning and Evening TODAY. The Bee is not a "warmed-over" newspaper nowadays. The Bee doesn't have that "warmed-over" taste. The newt ytfu find in The Evening Bee is distinct and different from that you read in The Morning Bee and vice versa. The Policies Are Different The Morning Bee specializes in state and national news, in market and financial reports, comment and gossip carried by Associated Press, Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee leased wires and special telegraph and cable from every part of the world. " The Evening Bee specializes in local news and in entertaining features. The best features and the most important news are in both. But the emphasis is different. Not only the most important local news is in The Evening Bee, but the humor, wom en's affairs, human interest of daily happenings in and about Omaha are there. The Morning Bee carries important local news but places emphasis on the big news from everywhere politics, trade, conventions, agriculture and the like. The Two Are Not the Same The difference is so marked that there is enjoyment in reading both.. Many Omaha men and Ulte it. WHY NVl. Tyler 1000 MM MM UN MM mmmttaSPetm efMOMtaajtMMiaai i 1 told." It represents a collection of years made in all parts of the world. Mrs. Crane is now in. New York visiting her father Samuel Tin, Costa Rican coffee importer. Sh first sued Crane for separate main tenance, charging cruelty. He filed - cm -i . i ... f a cross Din ciiargirtg sne married nun for his money. She then amende! her bill and asked for divorce. While the hearing was in progress he agreed to the divorce and $100,000 alimony, $30,000 of which was pai 1, Bomb Thrown Into de vniiaren s rara -Sofia, Bulgaria, May 26. (By The Associated Press.) A bomb thrown into a procession of school children who were observing the national holiday caused 18 casualties.. Sev eral, wounded are- expected to die. All those hurt were women or chil dren. Communists who had expressed hostile, sentiments with regard to the parade are accused by the popu lation of having been responsible for the outrage. Many of the commun ist leaders have been arrested and a mob burned the Communist club. Burwell High School Ends Year's Activities Burwell, Neb., May 26. (Spe cial.) Professor Wells of Uni versity Place delivered the address to the graduating class of the Burt well High school. The baccalaureate sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Beggs of Ashland, formerly of this city. Fastidious Jingerie THE personal, daintiness that clings to these underthings s makes of the "underneath" an eager competitor of theKoverhead Few women could resist this intimate finery. Attractively priced. But Both when you used to read the same h tri KraVft takU in Ihm Mrtrnlnor R0 Or mxvK it waa xeomen read The Bee Both YUU? THE OMAHA BEE Nicola, B. C, Purchased For Model Village Nicola, B. C. Mav 26. This en tire town, court house, poatoffice, f stores ana resiaences, nas Deen nur cnasea Dy major cnarics syoney mi Goldham, South African capitalist, k and former member of the Brititfr" House of Parliament, and is to he converted into a model English vil- . lage. The business section is to be re placed with a village green and on the 20,000 acres surrounding the town, which are included in the pur chase, will be laid out. in model farms. A summer resort to be built on Nicola lake is included in the plans of the major, who, during con struction workin town, is making his home in the court house. Major Goldham is known as the author of several books on military and mining operations in South Community Club Organized By Logan County Citizens J Staplcton, Neb., May 26. (Spe- " rial.) A big banquet was held here by the 200 members of the recently organized Community club at the close of the membership drive. The banquet was furnished by the losing side in the drive. Community spirit was manifested by the members, who are equally divided between farmers and townspeople. -The club chose- as its official name "Logan County Community club." Its slogan will be, "Never Too Busv to Boost." .t'. 7 i Evening Bee news in The Evening Bee Morning arid Evening and ) h J