Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1921, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 60 NO. 295.
lttrt Clul Mittw Miy 21. IMS. tl
Oaaaa P. 0. Ulta Asl af attrrt 5. 1171.
OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1921..
Until Junt JJ. by Mall (I VM. Dally Sun., I7.M); Daily Only. M: u-. (2.M
Outtld, 4th Z (I yar). Oilly and ldi, lit; Dally Only. Ill; Biiaday Only, II
Iddie Rick
Starts One
Stop Flight
Premier U. S. Ace, After Be.M
ing Forced to Return to
Starting Place, Leaves
Redwood City, Cal. ,'
) Seen at Rock Springs
By The Aaoclatd Trmu.
Salt Lake City, May 26. Eddie
Rickenbacker passed over Salt Lake
at 5:08 o'clock, flying- at an altitude
of about 9,000 feet. .
Cheyenne, May 26. Capt. Eddie
Rickenbackcr is expected to arrive
here at any minute for a short stop
fa his trans-continental airplane
flight. A report received here from
Rock Springs, Wyo., at 7:45 p. m.,
said Rickenbacker left that place
shortly after 6 o'clock with Cheyenne
as hit destination, and that he ex-
perted to stop here about 8: JO
JP' Deluged by Fog.
r . T .1 i f ii t
rvcuwouu viiy, ai.,. .May ii.
Capt. Eddie Rickenbackcr, American left here at 8:32 a. m. on a
flight which he hopes will take him
to Washington, D. C, hy tomorrow
night. It was his second attempt to
. get away today, he having hopped
pft' at 4:06 a. in., but being forced to
return due to a dense fog.
Rickenbackcr circled the field a
few times before winging off in a
northeasterly direction. The fog
rhad cleared and air conditions :
j seemed ideal for the start. !
yjn me nrst auempr ne went as
far as Martinez. 35 miles northeast
of here in an air line, Tlie fog be
came thicker as he progressed and
was so heavy over the Sacramento
river crossing at Martinez that all
visibility was lost. He picked his
nay back to the field here after hav
ing been gone one hour and 32
May Nut Reach Omaha.
Before leaving the second time
Rickeifbackcr expressed a doubt that
be would reach Washington tomor
row night. There is some chance of
his doing fco if he tan reach North
TMtt.A Vk Innmtit Urn caM Wo
f planned to make the flight to North
r ''- Platte, 1,200 miles fcir line from here,
He expects to "bomb" the cities
over which he passes with copies-of
I th
the Memorial day address of the na
tional commander of the American
Legion., The real purpose of the
flight is to enable him to attend a
banquet given by the Metropolitan
I " Club in .Washington -on Saturday. .u
a Kickotihackcr is nying iignt witn
jrnjihine parts and accessories
down to an irreducible minimum,
fl This enabled him to get away with
f! 330 gallons of gasoline and 30 gal-
kns of oil, enough for a 14-hour
Japan Blamed for
Yap Controversy
v- Ex-Minister. Viscount Kato,
. Scores Government for
Osaka, May 24 (By The Assp:
' g ciated J'r
I Kato, forn
I: . -Vforeign af
t'ress.; Viscount iaKaaKj
rmer Japanese minister of
affairs." blamed the Japa
nese (tovernment for developments
arising over the mandate to me
Island of Yap during a speech be
fore a meeting of members of the
Kenset Kai. or opposition party,
here yesterday.
-He said, however n that Japan
should now insist . Mier acquired
rights. ; 4 ' .
' The ministry was assailed for
abandoning Japan's especial claims
in Manchuria and Mongolia in con
nection with the Chinese consorti
um. He called it "the most deplor
able diplomatic bluifder ever com
mitted" and asserted it would "only
tow the seeds of future trouble."
L$ I Viscount Kato tavorea rcsxnciion
Vof armaments, after a proper inter
I 1 national understanding, and said that
I fin the meantime all efforts should
VAhe made "to cut down naval and
."nifctary expenditures.
New York Packing House Men
Accept Redaction in Wages
New York, May ; 26. A' new
agreement, providing average wage
reductions of 10 per cent for 5,000
slaughter and packing house work
ers in this district, has been signed
by employing packers and the
Amalgamated Meat Cutters and
Butcher Workmen of Xorth Ameri
ca, it was announced today. The
new contract also provided for
"continuation of the preferential union
shop. The agreement was signed by
Armour & Co.. Swift Co., Wilson &
Co., Morris & Co., : nd various small
er concerns '
Woman Mayor Is Ousted
Through Recall Election j
Harriette. Mich., May 26. The
village of Harriette was without a
government as a result of the ousting j
Ot Airs, aiinnie oouinwicic, prcsiucm
of the village board, and all but two
trustees in a recall election yester
day. Mrs. Southwick was defeated
last soring, but she refused to certify
the result and the action of the op- i
position in sealing the poll books!
nullified the election and she held j
, her position. She w ill be a candidate j
again. .
Vfenate Committee Will
V Probe West Virginia Riot
Washington, May 26. The senate
( committee on education and labor
' ' Toted today to investigate recent is-
orders in. the coal mininp region
along the Kentucky-West Virginia
border. A sub-committee will bein
hearing! t IVilfenison, V, y.x,
Attempting One-Stop
Cross-Country Flight
I , N't I V, '
r w
Eddie Rickenbacker.
Buttermilk Diet
Makes Bis; Hit
With Tourists
Omaha Commercial Club
Members Learn of Big In
crease in Dairying in
Southern Nebraska.
Root,-;.- VoK Mav 2ft (Snecial
' Telegram.) Through a land flowing
with buttermilk- the trade excursion
of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce
passed today. From early morning,
when a supply of fresh buttermilk
was put on the dining cars at Seward,
where the creamery turns out close
to 1,000,000 pounds of butter a year,
the journey was through a district m
which the production of milk has in
creased from 25 to 40 per cent in the
last three years.
Nebraska farmers as a whole arc
relying more and more on milk, poul
try and eggs for ready cash and it is
through this fact that they have been
able to live while holding their
wheat. In some towns the farmers
operate co-operative creameries of
their own, ontably Superior, where
the outmit of one of these plants
1 average 15,000 pounds of butter a
day. ,iwo days ago tne umana
Boosters saw a large condensed milk
plant at Fairbury which has reopened
after being closed down for several
months. . . ; '.., ' -."
" """TRalii !s Needed.
Pastures everywhere never were
better, and although grain fields are
in need of rain, dairying is a drought
resisting industry, that thrives when
others cannot be relied upon.
Today's journey through York,
Seward, Filmore, Saline, and Gage
counties, gave evidence of the con
tinuous prosperity that dairying
Seward, a town of about 2,500 peo-
i pic just 85 miles from Omaha, stands
, ' , e .1.
out as a smiling example oi xne pos
sibilities of the country town. There
is nothing which big cities have ex
cept a street car system that Seward
does not possess. There are four
miles of paved streets, wide as axe j
most streets in Nebraska towns,
thronged with motor cars. Even the
fire department is motorized. It is
said to be the smallest town in Amer
ica owning its Y. M. C. A. building
and having a paid secretary. Fine
homes abound with electricity," water
hand sewage system provided by
the municipality. A brick plant, ite
(Turn rto Paga Two. Column One.)
May Establish Temporary
Postoffice at Camp Gifford
Washington, May 26. (Special
Telegram.) Responding to an ap
peal Irom Walter W. Head, presi
dent of the Omaha council of the
Boy Scouts for establishment of a
postoffice at Camp Gifford, seveu
miles south of Omaha, for the
benefit of the boys in camp there
from June 21 to August 27. Con
gressman Jefferis made formal
Assistant Postmaster General
Work said that if Mr. Head would
file a formal application for the es
tablishment of a fourth-class office
at Camp Gifford, an inspector would
be ordered at once to Omaha to re
port upon the advisability of putting
an office in the camp during the
period mentioned. - -'
Burlington Increases Its
Dividends to Five Per Cent
New York. May 26. The Chicago,
Burlington & Quincy railroad today
declared a 5 per cent dividend pay
able June 25, an increase of 1 per
cent over the prevailing semi-annual
HIS MOTHER dreamed of
a sweet girl from their own
town, a wedding, and a
small white wooden house
in the village. She found a
soldier's grave and a faded
beauty in a cabaret.
Miss Sunshine
. By Harrison Rhodes .
uiuw I a dittp
ItitwOfl J DTRnnv tnnr
t fiction -n '
The Sunday Bee
Trade Plans
By Harding
i'Leading Bankers Called to
White House for Conference
On American Commerce in
Foreign Countries.
Proposals Fully Approved
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee J.taurd Wire.
Washington, May 26. Projects of
international financing of vast scope
and plans for the promotion of
American foreign trade are being
formulated by the Harding adminis
tration, in co-operation with the big
international bankers of New York.
At a dinner at the White House
last night the plans were discussed
by President Harding, Secretary of
Treasury Mellon and Secretary of
Commerce Hoover with J. P. Mor
gan, James A. Alexander of ,the
National Bank of Commerce;
Charles A. Sabin of the Guaranty
Trust company, C. E. Mitchell of the
National City bank, William Kent
of the Bankers Trust company,
Benjamin Strong, governor of the
New York Federal Reserve bank,
and H. C. McEldowny of the Union
Trust company, Pittsburgh.
It was stated at the White House
today that the president invited the
bankers to Washington to discuss
his proposal that in making future
loans to foreign governments and
individuals, the bankers should re
quire that the proceeds be used to
establish credits for the purchase ot
American goods or discharge of for
eign obligations to this country.
Bankers Approve Plan.
The bankers are reported to have
given unqualified assent to the presi
dent's proposal, which emanated
originally from New York financiers.
lo require toreign loans to be ex
pended in ,his country not only will
promote foreign trade, it was pointed
out, but increase banking business as
American sales increase.
At the same time the bankers con
tended that extensive American in
vestments in Europe would foster
American foreign trade by promot
ing European rehabilitation and the
power to pay the government aid
of such financing was urged.
"The administration has no intention
to work out in the immediate future,
any scheme by which allied securities
would be used to take up liberty
bonds upon their maturity.
Secretary of the Treasury Mellon
made this clear today in commenting
on reports that the administration al
ready has decided upon" such a plan
and that this is what President Hard
ing had in mind in his reference to
the allied loans in his speech m New
York Monday.
i No Specific Plan.
Secretary Mellon said the president
merely has a hope that some day a
scheme will be feasible under which
the allied securities could be placed
in the hands eff American investors,
thus establishing a direct obligation
between the foreign governments and
the holders of these securities instead
of continuing the present system by
which the United States government
(Turn to Page Tnd. Column Three.)
Lincolnites Oppose
Fight in Resolution
Lincoln, May 26. Chancellor S. i
Avery of the University of Nebraska,
Federal Judge T. C. Munger of this
city city, W. A. Selleck, president of
the Lincoln Mate bank, and W. A
Luke, secretary of the local Y. M.
C. A., are some of the signers of a
pctitcn io the governor of New Jer
sey state being circulated here ask
ing that the Dempsey-Carpentier
tight be prohibited.
The petition recites that the fight
would be against "public morals"
and that in 1890 the United States su
preme court in barring the Louisi-
anna lottery ruled that a legisla
ture cannot bargain away the public
health or the public morals. The
people themselves cannot do it, much
less their representatives." The peti
tioners, however, express themselves
inf avor of amateur boxing.
, The move was launched at a meet
and that in 1890 to United States su
which Dr. Wilbur F. Crafts of Wash
ington spoke on "The Adventures of
a Cheerful Reformer."
Habeas Corpus Writ Plea
Is Denied to Charles Ponzi
Boston, May 26. A writ of
habeas corpus was denied today to
Charles Ponzi, sentenced last fall
to five years in the penitentiary in
connection with his get rich, foreign
exchange scheme by Federal Judge
Hale, who ruled that Ponzi would
have to stand trial in the state courts
on indictments charging him with
larceny. Attorney General Allen
announced last night that Ponzi
would be placed on trial today.
Petrograd Workers Are
Asking Control of Power
Copenhagen, May 26. A Helsing
fors dispatch to the Bcrlingskc
Tidende today says the Petrograd
vorkers are demanding that the
Russian government be transferred
to a body representing aN political
The soviet government, the dis
patch says, has prohibited the news
papers from mentioning strikes or
other signs oi unrest.
Rain in North Nebraska
Washes Out Rail Bridges
Norfolk, Neb., May 26. (Special
Telegram.) Torrential rains have
swollen streams in North Nebraska.
I A railroad bridge was washed out at
t Verde!, cutting the line to the Rose-
' nua country. Koads in bad coudi-
won, -
American Ammunition
t i t i n i
laken in insn Kaids
London, May 26. (By The Asso
ciated Press.) Irish-American am
munition totalling 16,388 rounds
has been captured in the Dublin dis
trict since March 23, Sir Hamar
Greenwood, chief secretary for Ire
laud, announced today in the House
of Commons.
. The chief secretary made this
statement in reply to Col. Martin
Archcr-Shee, , unionist member for
Finsbury, who asjted him whether
ammounition of American manufac
ture had recently been captured in
raids on Smn Fein premises in Dub
lin and what was the amount and
the nature of the captures.
Small Crowd at
Townley Debate
At Beatrice
Audience Hostile to Langer
League Head Answers
Few Questions With
Beatrice, Neb., May 26. (Spe
cial Telegram.) William Langer,
former attorney general of . North
Dakota, again today braved a hostile
audience of Gage county Nonparti
san leaguers and league sympathizers
in his debate with A. C. Townley,
national leader of the Nonpartisan
league. A Beatrice man, who at
tended the meeting stated that there
were not five townspeople present.
The audience numbered approxi
mately 3o0. Townlev devoted one-
half of his time to witticisms, which
always drew heavy applause from
the audience. When lie did not get
it, he waited for it until they did
Townley admitted Langcr's charge
that he had been a socialist and ran
for the legislature on the socialist
ticket in North Dakota several years
Found Machine Loose.
"I did so because the other parties,
the democratic and republican, were
controlled by grain gamblers and
others, and I could not organize the
farmers through either of those par
tics for a state-owned elevator plat
form.", he said. "But I found the
machir.e in the socialist party was
loose and had too many nuts in it.
so I started the Nonpartisan league."
In reply to a question by Langer
concerning his reasons for refusing
to testify to a charge hanging over
him for alleged activties in discour
aging the draft, Townley said:
"I had tort much sense to go be
fore a framed court. The grain gam
blers and others; through their tools
like this rascal Langer here, are do
me: everything in their power to put
me in jail in an attempt to injure the
Nonpartisan league.
Another of Langer's questons an
swered by Townley concerned the
failure of the legislature in .North
Dakota to pass an anti-red flag law.
Didn't Need Red Laws.
"We did not pass it because we
didn't need it there," he said.
Townley commended The Omaha
Bee for the fair treatment accorded
him by the paper in describing the
Dcshler meeting yesterday. I he
head line was a little lop-sided, but
(Turn to Pane Two, Column Two.)
Foreign Loans
Funded This Year
Secretary Mellon Says Unpaid
Interest Also WflL Be
Cared for.
Washington, May 26. Foreign
loans approximating $10,000,000,000
made to the allies during the war
will be funded this year, Secretary
Mellon said today. Accumulated
unpaid interest, he added, prctoably
would be funded also and payments
spread over a period of year.
Commenting' ion President Har
ding's recent New York speech,' in
which the president expressed the
hope that the present form of for
eign obligations might be changed
in a reasonable period and distributed
among the people of the country,
Mr. Mellon said that no plan of that
kind had yet been formulated. All
'that the treasury has in mind now,
Mr. Mellon explained, was that these
bofifjs should be put into shape to
use in exchange or to take up Lib
erty bonds. There was no intention,
he added, of placing foreign obliga
tions on the market in place of other
Wisconsin Assembly Kills
Memorial on Volstead Act
Madison, Wis., May 26. A bill
nrcmoralizing congress to amend the
Volstead prohibition law to permit
manufacture and sale of light wines
and beers was killed by the Wis
consin assembly this morning, 46
to 40. v
Deficiency Appropriation
Bill Is Passed by House
Washington, May ' 26. The $100,
000,000 deficiency appropriation bill
carrying $200,000 for prohibition en
forcement until July 1, was passed
today by the house. It now goes to
the senate.
Leak in Roof Wins
Decision for Tenant
New York, " May 26. A leaky
court house roof served to win a
case for a tenant. When raindrops
began trickling down the neck of
Justice Scanlan, a clerk command
ered an umbrella w hich the judge held
over his head as he heard landlord
tenant litigation.
"That's one of the annoyances my
client suffers," said the tenant's law-
yer- .. . ....
verdict lor the. tenant, said the
j,1 judge, ' " " . j
Another Man Pays
Death Penalty in
Chicago Ward War
Michael Licari, Partisan of
lvate Tony D'Andrae, Shot
. Down by Unknown
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bea leased Wire.
.Chicago, May 26. The vengeful
Nineteenth ward went out of bounds
today and took another life in "the
bloody political strife that has re
quired four murders, three bomb
ings and many stabbings and slug
gings to satisfy differences over the
election of one alderman.1 ;
Three weeks ago Michael Licari,
a partisan of Tony D' Andrea, then
chief of one political faction, moved
from the Ninteenth ward to a crowd
ed quarter iu the "black belt." Li
cari, it was rumroed, was marked for
death by friends of two murdered
members of the rival faction headed
by Alderman John Powers. i
A few days after Licari moved,
D'Andrea was murdered on his own
doorstep by ambushed gunmen.
Early today, Licari locked the sa
loon he had purchased when he
moved and walked a short distance
on his way home accompanied by
his negro bartender and several late
patrons. A few blocks from the sa
loon he left the others and turned
toward his home.
Four shots rang through the morn
ing air and neighbors saw the Italian
lying on the sidewalk. All four
shots hit Livari, one piercing his
heart. One or two persons saw,
they said, a man wearing a white
bartender's apron and carrying a
revolver, running away.
Police immediately rounded up
seven suspects, including the pro
prietor of a nearby saloon.- Late to
day, however, they admitted they
hail no tangible evidence against any
of those under arrest.)
Robbery was not the motive, po
lice said, as a large sum of money
and several valuable diamonds on
the person of the dead man. had not
been touched..
Presbyterians Vote
For Disarmament
Winona Lake, Ind., May 26. ,
Calling of a conference of the na-"
tions to secure progressive disarma
ment was urged on President Hard
ing by the 133d general assembly
of the Presbyterian church in the
United States of America. The as
sembly passed the resolution appeal
ing for the conferende following its
presentation by W.J. Bryan.
Trans-Pacific Radio
Service to Start Soon
San Francisco, May 26. Trans
pacific radio service between- the
United States and China from
Shanghai, via Manila, Guam, Hono
lulu, to San Francisco, will soon be
inaugurated, it was announced by
Lieut. Com. , Scott D. McCaughey,
district communication superintend
ent of the naval communication
service here. .
Negotiations are 'being completed
and rates mapped out with the
French govemrhent for use of its
station in Shanghai to connect with
the circut which has been operating
between San Francisco and Manila.
Commercial, press and government
business will be handled.
Denby to Visit West.
Washington, May 26. Secretary
Denby is planning to make an in
spection of the naval establishments
of the Pacific coast this summer, he
said today. He expects to leave
Washington late in July and spend
several weeks in the west. If time
permits he will inspect the Pacific
fleet and also go. to Honolulu,
Still Rocking the
First German War
Criminal Guilty
Sergeant Heync, Accused of
111 Treatment, Given 10
Months. .
Leipsic, May 26. Sergeant Heyne,
; accused of having ill-treated British
.soldiers who were prisoners of war
at tne prison camp at nerne, -Westphalia,
was sentenced to 10 months'
imprisonment by the high court here
today. He was the first German offi
cer to be tried on criminal charges
arising from the conduct of the war.
Reviewing the testimony, the pros
ecutor declared that while prisoners,
of war "could not be expected tor be
handled with 'kid gloves,' Sergeant
Heyne was shown to have exceeded
the requirements of his position as
guard over British prisoners in 28
Defense counsel declared the Brit
ish prisoners were generally unruly
and to have constantly organized
The next case to be tried will be
that of Captain Mueller, who was ac
cused of ill-treating British prison
ers, at the camp at Karlsruhe.
Two Reported Killed
In Tug River Battle
Williamson, W. Va., May 26.
State police headquarters here re
ceived reports today that a West
Virginia state trooper, and a Ken
tucky: National guardsman were
killed at Nolan, west of here, when
fighting in the Tug river battle zone
was resumed. i ,
Captain" Norton of the state police
sent the report of the killings to
Capt. J. R. Brockus, .the latter said.
. Private Kackley, a West Virginia
trooper, and Manlcy Vaughn of the
Kentucky militia, were killed and
George Crum, a civilian, was wound
ed, the advices said.
. When word of the shooting was
received, state police officials or
dered the Norfolk and Western rail
road company to prepare a special
train for an immediate run to Nolan.
Husband Objects to Paying
Ex-Wife Alimony for Child
Garland Boswell, former husband
of Nell G. Gillard, filed an answer
in district court to her petition for
alimony to pay for their child's main
tenance, in which he alleges that she
is not a proper person to have cus
tody of the child. He says she was
ejected from her aunt's home in 1910.
They were divorced October 28,
112. He says she has refused to
let him see the child.- .
" She has filed a motion to strike his
answer from the files as "scandalom
and filed only to make a tirade."
Central Nebraska Bakers
Favo. ?ound and a Half Loaf j
: Grano Island, Neb., May 26. At
a meeting of 30 central Nebraska
bakers the larger pound and a half
loaf was urged because of its greater
moisture holding quality and its
economy in wrapping and handling.
Robert Tivotdale, Grand Island, was
elected president and Phil'Yager of
Hastings, secretary-treasurer. The
next meeting will be held at Hastings
in July.
One Man Killed, Several
' Injured in Gas Explosion
St. Paul,. May 26. One person was
killed, several others Injured and
two buildings badly damaged in an
explosion in the downtown district
tonight. Ignition of gas is believed
to .have been the caur-,:
Plague at Tampico
Havana, May 26. Thirty-eight
cases of bubonic plague, with .25
deaths, were recorded in Tampico,
Mex., and environs in April and
r j j: . i
Birty, ii is ueciarca m aispaicncs rc-
iceived by Havana port authorities, .
Burleson, Now in
Berlin, Sees No
Hope of U.S. Peace
Ex-Po6tmaster General Ex
presses Opinion That Ver
sailles Treaty Must Be
Made Basis for Peace.
Berlin, May 26. Former Post
master General Burleson . does not
believe that President Harding will
very soon be able to make good his
promise of a speedy peace with Ger
many. Meeting a prominent American in.
Berlin, Mr. Burleson asked him how
long he expected to remain in Ber
lin. "Until the state of war is ended,"
said the American.
"Well, then,'" said Mr. Burleson,
"you will be here a hell of a long
time yet."
Mr. Burleson is alleged to have
expressed the opinion that President
Harding will not be able to arrange
any peace except through the Ver
sailles treaty.
There is considerable surprise,
here that Burleson should come to
Germany and attempt to do business
while the state of war still exists,
particularly after having achieved
the reputation of being one of the
most fanatic anti-Germans. He
leaves tomorrow for Vienna.
U. S. Trustees Inspect
St. Paul Stock Yards
St. Paul, May 26. George Suther
land, former senator from Utah, and
Col. H. W. Anderson of Richmond,
Va., trustees appointed by the Dis
trict of Columbia supreme court of
the Swift and Armour stock yards
properties, spent today inspecting
the South St. Paul stock yards and
heard witnesses in regard to their
operation. The trustees are accom
panied by H. J. Galloway, special as
sistant attorney general. They left
tonight for Sioux City.
Witnesses- were questioned as to
whether packer control of the stock
yards was detrimental to the public
good and the general opinion was
that the. packers did not use their
control of the yards to gain an un
due advantage over traders or live
stock shippers.
Committee to Act on Plan
For Building Pacific Cable
Washington, May 26. A bill by
Senator Jones, republican, Washing
ton, for federal construction of a Pa
cific cable to Asiatic ports including
Manila, was referred by the com
merce committee today to a sub-committee
composed of Senators Jones,
t ernald, Maine and Edge, New Jer
sey, republicans, and Fletchers,
Florida, and Ransdell, Louisiana,
democrats. Hearings are not planned
and early action is expected.
Washington to New York
Air Mail Abandoned May 31
Washington, May 26. The Washington-New
York air mail route will
be abandoned after May 31, Post
master General Hay announced to
day. Urgent necessity for economy
and the fact that means of continuing
the department's experiments with
air mails would he afforded . by the
New York-San Francisco route were
given as the reasons for the decision.
The Weather
Friday, fair and cooler.
Hourly Temperature.
a. m as
1 P.
J P.
a P.
5 p.
a. m.
7 a. m.
A a. m .
ft a. m .
1A a. m.
It a. m.
it noon.
m. .
m . .
1 D.
Hold Lead
In Ireland
Expected to. Have Approxi
mately 40 of 52 Seats in Par
liament After Final Returns
Are Counted.
All Parties- Well Pleased
Hy Tim Annotated Trent.
Belfast, May 20 Unionists have
done better in the election than they
anticipated, the Sinn Fciners, worse
than their prophets predicted and
the nationalists no more than they '
looked for.
All are celebrating the unionists,
because they have won; the nation-
j alists and Sinn Feincrs, because they
have made their protest against the
partition of Ireland.
Unionists expected to win 34 of
the 52 seats. They will probably get
nearer 40 scats.
Daniel McCann, chief lieutenant in
Belfast of Joseph Devlin, national
ist leader, had hoped for 14 seats,
but did not really believe more than
12 nationalists and Sinn Feincrs
could be returned and he proved a
good prophet.
Counting of the ballots will not be
completed probably until the end
of the week but present returns
show that the unionists made their
greatest gains in Belfast, where it
is expected they will have IS or 16
One Nationalist for Belfast.
Joseph Devlin is the only national
ist or Sinn Feiner who will have a
scat for Belfast, and even he was
beaten in ' his own stronghold for
first place on the poll by his union
ist opponent. T. H, Byrne. His col
league, Alderman Byrne, had only
311 votes, or 10,000 fewer than his
lea'der. This was due to the national
ists giving all their first votes to Dev
lin. Sinn Feiners did better than Byrne,
but on the first ballot they were well
behind the unionists.
The socialists here, as in other
constituencies, lost their deposit,
which they have to forfeit if they do
not receive a certain number of votes.
In. Antrim the unionists were
pretty certain of six of the seven
seats, the other going to Devlin.
Barbour Heads List.
Louis Walsh, Sinn Feiner, who
was permitted to leave the deten-
! tion camp to take part in the election
and who headed the poll in the
county council election, is now near
er the bottom of tht poll, although
there gre many Sinn Feiners- in
North Antrim and the glens of An
trim. The unionist Barbour, headed '
the list, with some 17,000, a's com
pared with Walsh's less than 5.000.
At Derry the - unionists elected
their three candidates all they had
nominated, thus leaving the other
two seats- to Professor John Mac
Neil, Sinn Fein, and his nationalist
running mate.
In County Down, where Sir Jame
Craig, Ulster premier designate, and
Eamonn de Valera, republican lead
er, were opponents, and where both
will be elected, the seats will be
divided equally between the two
sides, two and two.
The percentage of votes polled
was high in West Belfast. It reached
94. It is noted that in many in
stances the candidate whose name,
was first on the list, which was. ar
ranged alphabetically, received the
most votes. For example, Sir R.
Anderson, unionist, had nearly 2,000
more than Professor MacNeil in
Derry, where the Sinn Feiner was
expected to lead. ,
The nationalists probably will win
eight seats and the inn Feiners
four. .
Mexican Outlaws Loot Home
Of Ex-U. S. Consular Agent
Mexico City, May 26. A hacienda
owned by Edward Thompson, a
former United States consular of
ficer in Mexico, and located about
70 miles from Merida, Yucatan, was
sacked by outlaws yesterday. The
bandits destroyed valuable historical
documents and relics connected with
the ruins of the ancient city of
Chichen Itza, nearby. .
It was reported the Mexican gov
ernment will be asked by the Amer
ican consul at Progresso to in
demnify MrThompson for his loss.
Negress, Mother of Six, Is
Murdered by Her Husband
Sioux City, la., May 26. Mrs.
Fannie Green, a negrcss. the mother
of six children, was murdered by her
husband, Horace Green, a plasterer,
who slashed her neck from ear to
ear, according to a confession the
police say he made following his ar
rest The killing followed a domes
tic quarrel last night. The children,
all girls, who range in age from 16 to
3 years, wer in the house at the
time their mother was killed, but
none of them witnessed the killing.
Ex-First Lord of Admiralty, '
Sir Arthur Wilson, Dies
London, May 26. Admiral Sir
Arthur Knyvet Wilson, first sea lord
of the admiralty from 1909 to 1912,
and w ho retired in the latter year,
died today at Swaffham, Norfolk.
Admiral Wilson was born in 1842,
the son of Rear Admiral George
Knyvet Wilson. He became aide-de-camp
to Queen Victoria in 1892,
was commander of the channel
squadron from 1902-3 and com
mander in chief of the home and
channel fleets from 1903 to 1907.
Man Charged With Beating
Wife Tarred and Feathered
Shreveport, La., May 26. Jaclc
Morgan, 30, was taken into the
country by masked men last night
and tarred and feathered.
Morgan was arrested several time
recently for alleged wife beating,
but was discharsed for lack of cvi.
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