Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1921, Page 6, Image 6
Missing Cashier Of Defunct Bank Returns to Home Official Who Left When Shortage of $24,000 Is Dis eovered Declares to Sheriff He Was in K. C. West riains, .Mo., May 25.-A. Lee Babb, 40, cashier of the Citi zens bank of Pompna, near-by town, who disappeared six weeks ago, when an alleged shortage of $24,000 was discovered in the bank's funds, returned to his home here today and surrendered to Sheriff Joseph Ald ridge. Babb is remaining at the home of the sheriff, while arrangements are under way for his preliminary hear ing on charges of embezzlement. A widespread search has been con ducted for Babb who, authorities claim, said today he used the money for oil speculation. He refused to say where he had been while the hunt was in progress but explained he came here froin Kansas City because "I could not ; bear to be away from my family any longer." Babb, the authorities claim, Said , he intended to replace the money when his investments failed, but was unable to obtain the necessary funds when he made a trip to Kansas City and did not have the courage to return and face his family and friends on account of the charges lie knew would be filed. lie had no intention of abscond ing when leaving Mere, Babb is said to have explained. He expects relatives and friends to reimburse the institution it was stated. The bank is now in the hands of the state bank commissioner for liquidation. Babb was in complete charge of the institution the other officers beiiifj farmers. ; Man Appeals From Judgment ! For Separate Maintenance Lincoln, May 25. (Special Tcle- I gram.) The supreme court has re- reived and filed an appeal by Dr. I George L. Warner from a judgment J for separate maintenance secured by ' his wife, Matilda E., in Adams cotin- I ty. The lower court allowed her $500 I in a flat sum, with $100 a month ad- ditional for her own support, $25 a i month for their son, who is in her J custody, and $100' attorney fees. Dr. Warner claimed a property settlement was reached between his J wife and himself in 1919, in which he paid her $5,600 in property and ! cash. , . Man Held on Murder Charge Is in Critical Condition J North Platte, Neb., May 25. J , (Special.) Victor Moss, awaiting trial at the June term of district J court on thecharge of first degree murder, is in a critical condition fol- lowing an operation. After shoot J ; ing Mrs. l.enton he shot himself t through the lung. The operation 1 j was necessary to relieve infection. : Federation of Ex-Service ; Men's Bodies Endorsed t Lincoln, May 25. National Coni ; mander Robert G. Woodside of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of Amer t ica endorsed last night the proposal J to form in Nebraska a federation of ex-service men's organizations to I . facilitate the work of the various or J ganizations and give help to ex-scrv- ice men. i ' i 51 USSR: AT Downtown Program. Sufi "Bert Lytell in "A Message From Mars." Strand Mae Murray in "The Gilded Lily." Rialto -Douglas MacLean in "The iinme Mreton. Moon JJoraldina in t assion Fruit." Empress "The Road to Amb. tion." Muse "Paying the Piper." Neighborhood Houses. Grand Tom Mix in "Hands Off. Hamilton Mary Pickford i "M'Liss." The famous race track at Tia Juana, Lower California, one. of th few remaining turf strongholds in North America, is the locale for many of the thrilling racing scenes winch lcTittire The Home Stretch, Douglas MacLean s latest comedy which opens today at the Rialto theater. Agnes Ayres will go to New York soon to make one picture for Ceci b. JJe Aline, and will then eo England to make pictures for Para mount. Mie is under a five-year contract to ue MiIIc. Miss Ayres is getting a salary well up in four figures. She has made good very Dig m recent productions. rauime 1'rederick is to return to the stage again next season under the management of A. H. Wood Miss- Frederick, we ' understand, i to remarry Willard Mack, from whom she was divorced. . i-eari white says she s going to divorce Maj. Walhe McCutcheon. AT THE THEATERS TN "Dreamy Paradise." McLaln'a Ha I waiting are to offer as the stellar art of tho new show opcnlns at the Em press today, a program of slneliis". uanc Ins and Instrumental music that prom ison much In the way of entertainment. The "Joe Jenny Trio." oldest singing or ganization in vaudeville, are to present a program of clasmo and popular song" number. Charles and Helen Policy promise a program of comedy, singing, dancing;, talking, music and grotesque con tortion, Bessie Clifton impersonates a young country maid, along the traditional lines or rube comedy and furnishes clever bit of entertainment. The current production now being of feted at the Brandeia theater by the Princess Players, "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath," has hut three more days to play. witn Saturdays matinee making four performances. The play offers to Edith Spencer the first really big opportunity she nas naa since her return to hor na tlve city. As Polly Hathaway, the chor us-girl reporter, sho carried the role of a vivaciously wholesome creature upon whom much of the comedy of the play relies and Miss Spencer is equal to the occasion In every respect. You know the story of the play Polly Hathaway is cajoled by Jeffry Haywood Into helping him bolster up the matrimonial situa tion of Reggie Irving, the "terrible" hus band. It is Rcrgte and Polly who carry off the honors of the play Reggie for his stolidity -and Polly for her bright airi ness. Her efforts In trying to teach Reg gie to be really "terrible" are the center of the comedy. Miss Warfleld is seen as the baby doll wife whom Regale unwittingly picks upon to help him. while Mr. Nedell is the confident helper, Jeffry Haywood. Next week, they will play "39 East," -the suc cess by Constance Blnney. Two headftnors and two featured acts are on view at the Orpheum for this, the closing week of the season. Alice Lloyd, the English singing comedian, is one of the stars. Everywhere she Is the delight of vaudeville audlenea. Bobby O'Neill, comedian, singer and expert danc er, is appearing In his unique musical comedy offering. "Four Queens and the Joker." A quartet of attractive girls are appearing with him In this handsomely mounted offering. Presenting the nov elty comedy skit. "Themselves." Harry Holmes and Fl rrlo La Vere present one of the featured parts of the bill. The Italian comedians. Clarli and Verdi, of fer the other featured act. There are four other select acts to round out the excellent show. If the clothesline is boiled befon. using it will not stretch. THE SUN naMMiisW L These are not chirjmunks or guinea pigs that Mae Murray shows such affection. They are chows, mere pups, that play about Mae Murray's household. Both dogs are shown m The Gilded Lily," starring Miss Murray at the Strand theater this week. Order of Eastern Star Installs Officers at Ord Ord, Neb., May 25. (Special.) Mizpah Chapter, No. 56, Order of Eastern Star, installed the following officers: Mrs. L. A. Rowes, worthy matron; Mrs. Charles Sheppard, matron; Ed Bannister, worthy patron; Mrs. White associate secretary; Mrs. V. Pullen, treasurer; Mrs. C. VV. weekes, conductress; Mrs. F. Wichman, associate conduct ress; Mrs. Work), rnarshar, Mrs. James Milford, warder; Mrs. Marks. chaplain; Mrs. P. C Howes, Adah; Mrs. VYatters. Kuth; Kuth Millord, Esther; Mrs. Royal, Martha; Mrs. E. W. Weekes, Electa. Lodge Names Officers. Litchfield. Neb., May 25. (Spe cial.) Litchfield Lodge No. 278, A. F. & A. M., elected the following of ficers for. the ensuing; year: Worship ful master, George H. Gowm; senior warden, G.. A. Richmond; junior warden, Alva Lang; treasurer, H. I. Lang, and secretary C. A. Rydberg. Manawa Park OPENS SATURDAY : Two of the Royal ' n.--, ' ' .'jL ' " -- ftlrWM..I,..4l.,... we. -s-a- The Great ' Play of China . will be shown at the AUDITORIUM May 2 7 to 28 Afternoons, 2:30 P. M. Evening, 8:15 P. M. A Chinese cast headed by LAI MON KIN (Th Caruso of China) The'Royal Family of China will be impersonated in Ml regalia. The Costumes, which are facsimiles of those made famous by their two-thodsand-year history, are valued at ?35,000. , Chinese Tea rooms will serve imported Candies, Cakes and Teas, brought here by the Chinese Merchants Assn. Admission 50c Children under 10 year, 15c; oyer 10 year, 2Sc. THE PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE CHINESE FAMINE FUND THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MAY 20, ivzi. Moscow Is Near Starvation, Say Latest Reports Peasants -Refuse to Sell Corn, Save It for Seed Workers Leave toHunt Food in . Villages. Riga. May 25. (By The As sociated .Tress.) Moscow is near starvation, it is said in reports from that city, because peasants refuse to sen meir corn ana are Keeping it tor seed. ' Governmental commissions sent to nearby villages, to purchase corn are said to have returned empty handed. Several million pounds of corn have been destroyed by rebellious ele ments in the Caucasus region. The economic soviet of Moscow has issued an order that state sup plies will be granted only to work ing men and children. Mnce the first of April this supply, however, has consisted of only one pound of bread each week. Workers are leaving Moscow to hunt for food in the villages. A pound of bread sold for 1,800 rubles two weeks ago, and it is declared the price today is 3,000 rubles. Sugar is selling at 18,000 rubles a pound. The high soviet officials import large quantities of food for their own use twice a week by diplomatic couriers from Letvia and Esthonia. These shipments are made in the guise of "diplomatic baggage," and sometimes mount to whole carloads. They are treated with contempt by AMUSEMENTS. ,TJ "A Plc. of Re. J reshinf Coolness" And Tim of Gaiety "PARLOR, BEDROOM 1 DAT14" presented by the and DAln incomparable PRINCESS PLAYERS Starting Sunday Mat. May 29 "39 EAST" ongUn" Binney'e Matinee Sunday, Wednasday and Sat urday, 26c, 50c Eve. 50c, 75c, $1.00 Mat. Daily, 2:15) Every Night, 8:15 ALICE LLOYD; BOBBY O'NEILL; HOLMES LA VEREj CLARK VERDI; Thomas F. Jackson; Everest's Novelty Circus; Otto A Sheridan; Mar guerite Sc Alvarex; Topics of the Day; Paths New. Matinees, 15c to 50c; some 73c and $1.00. Sat. and Sun. Nights, 15c to $1.25. EMPRESS McLAIN'S HAWAIIANS, Presenting "Dreamy Paradise;" JOE JENNY TRIO, Songs and Comedy That Made Them Famous; BESSIE CLIFTON, "The Vil lage Cutup;" CHAS. 4 HELEN POLLY, Genuinely Versatile. Photoplay Attrac tion, "ROAD OF AMBITION, Featur ing Conway Tearle. Robes of tne Play: LION Booths showing rare ob jects of great interest will be a feature ol the entertainment. the population of the Baltic states and when a certain box of 'diolo matic baggage," containing eggs, was broken at a railway station re cently, the crow d cheered "lustily. Beatrice Youth Stabbed In Argument at Carnival Beatrice, Neb., May 25. (Special Telegram.) Albert Coon, 17, was stabbed six times by Harry Smith, a young Tennesseean who recently arrived in the city on a visit with relatives, as the result of an argu ment at the . carnival grounds last night. Three wounds were inflicted in the back, two in abdomen and one in the arm. It is thought Coon will recover. Smith was lodged in jail. Youth Committed to Reform School Jumps From Train Wahoo, Neb., May 25. (Soecial.) John E. Braim, youth who was committed to the reform school at Kearney, escaped from Deputy Sher iff R. F. Nelson at Grand Island just as the train was pulling into the yards. He jumped through the open floor of the vestibule, while the train was still in motion about a mile and a half from the station. 54 Naturalized at Wahoo. Wahoo. Neb., May 25. (Special,) Fifty-four residents of Saunders county were made citizens of the United States in district court at Wahoo. Judge Corcoran of York presided. Examinations were con ducted by W. H. Bode, naturaliza tion officer. American Legion Carnival Center J. Ceorge Loose Show, under aus pice of American Legion, Douglas County Post No. 1. Commencing Monday, May 30, 7:30 P. M., to June 4 ONE SOLID WEEK OF FUN 300 People 25 Cars MILITARY BRASS BAND Decency and Quality First Show Grounds, IcHh and Jones Sts. "Bath to earth with pre-war prices" Entire Evening, 30 Cents Sunday Afternoons, 20 Cents Leonard Jacobs' Orchestra And a Score of Other Attractions NOW TILL SATURDAY RIALTO SYMPHONY PLAYERS Harry Brader, Director Overture , "ZANETTA," by Auber STARTING SUNDAY Our Third Anniversary Week BOSCOE ;.'.(FATTY) -AQBU.CBIE.- s a as si as sa tin And Annual Baby Contest Register your babies at the Infants' Department of the "Brandeis Stores" Now. VALUABLE PRIZES EACH DAY AND SILVER LOVING CUP Better Babies Contest Being Arranged at Wahoo Hahpo, Aeb., May 25. Special.) Mrs. Gustafson, superintendent of the better babies department of the Saunders County Agricultural asso ciation, is arranging her campaign for the contest next fall. Last year over 80 babies were exhibited, but this year she is planning on about 200. She has arranged for 12 classes of exhibits, which will include babies from six, to 36 months. A silver loving cup will be given to each grand champion boy and girl baby exhibited. Valley County Anxious to Get State Reformatory Ord. Neb., May 25. (Special.) At a meeting of the allied business, professional and agricultural inter ests of the community, steps were taken to offer every inducement to secure the location of the new state reformatory in Valley county. A delegation of business men and farmers have been selected to inter view the state board at Lincoln. . 1 Dry Spell Hurts Wheat. Lincoln, May 25. (Special.) Former State Senator John F. Cor real of McCook here today said that wheat in his section of the state had been injured by dry weather. PHOTOPLAYS. Now Playing ' The International Screen Star The World's Greatest Dancer DORALDINA a i o cinn Ann r i IN PERSON JY'l Today 3:20,7:40, 9:20 In conjunction with her sen- sational photoplay "Passion Fruit" 0(5 LAS fjMjl AClLEAW Every Record Busted! TRACK record laugh record- love record! And hearts of real folks beating time to every leap of Honey blossom's wild race home! A picture that stands right up and yells for joy and excite ment! A RACING ROMANCE THAT CAN'T STOP LAUGHING. Also a BRUCE SCENIC "The Castaway" Ord to Observe Memorial Day With Union Services Ord, Neb., May 25. (Special.) Memorial services will be held here beginning Mr.y 29. The first will be a union memorial service by all churches of the city in the M. E. church. Rev. Gardner of the Chris tian church will preach the sermon. A union choir will furnish the music. Monday the American Legion will have charge of the parade and me morial program in the opera house. Police Asked to Seek Lad Miseing From Home in Lead Lead, S. D May 25. (Special.) The police of Denver and other cities of the west have been asked to keep watch for Edward Pelto, 14, who disappeared from his home here. Playmates of the missing boy have informed the authorities that before his disappearance he talked of leaving for Denver in a few days. Join in Baccalaureate. Ord, Neb., May 25. (Special.) All the churches of the city joined for the baccalaureate services of the High school seniors held in the Methodist church, the pastor, Rev. Dr. E. E. Hosman delivering the sermon. PHOTOPLAYS. f NOW TILL SATURDAY ill Mr. Harry Kessell Tenor Singing "Peggy O'Neil" 9i ? A 1 n Christie Comedy "NOBODY'S WIFE" Julius K. Johnson at the Organ Playing "Nesting Time" PHOTOrtAYfl. TODAY-lALL WEEK at 11, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 AOlH IUJCOB. k,MSNTf A ROBERT Z.LEOMMU) PRODUCTION 'THE GILDED LILY' WITH .MAE MURRAV, One of the Year's Outstanding Photoplay I She was New York's gayest, most daring dancer. And two men loved her. Puf na 1rtvjk4 tViA tinsel anil th glamour the other loved the real girl. Their conflict makes a drama of unequalled power and beauty. Scen ically one of the most gorgeous pic tures ever made, and Miss Murray's biggest triumph. SQDG9 ftMESJAGlf ! FROM MARS.! 7Aezanted House Last Tim a "PAYING THE PIPER" Tomorrow t FATTY ARBUCKLE In "The Round Up" lamiltonSrm FIREPROOF Farnam at 24th (Business Ceattr) Per Day, $1.50 Up . Per Week, $10.50 Up Newly Furnished and Equipped A Satisfactory Place to Lir RUG PARK "The Picnic Spot" TONITE Dancing! Amusements "Coolest Spot in Omaha" PEONY PARK Omaha's Newest and Best Dsncltif Pavilion and Play Ground Opens SATURDAY EVE., MAY 28TH Music by ROHAN'S ORCHESTRA. Located on West Dodge Road, Opposite Peony Form EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN ' Omaha's Finest Dancinf Palace Cooled by Typhoon Fans ' Always Comfortable v Under the Persona Supervision ot W. Lsdoux EATTYS' upds idlest com K ! Co-Operative Cafeterias We Appreciate Your Patrons f. I ilk A