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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1921)
THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1921. Classified Advertising Rates 18c per line (count sis words to line) 1 day BRINGING UP FATHER Regiitertd O. S. Patent Office SEE JIGGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE Drawn for The Bee by McManus REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Copyright, 1921 International News Service Miscellaneous. la per .line per day. B conaecullv Ida per line per dy, 1 eomecutlre day Ho per lint per day, 80 consecutive day No ada taken for less than a total ot Sic. Theaa ratea apply either to the Daily or Sunday Bee. All advertisementa ap pear in both morning and availing daily I JO'aT DROPPED IN TO bE.E. HOW WO ARE FEE.LINO THIt MORN INC, WELL- I EXPECT VOO TO PeVY vex. e,,Ll $7,000. One of tlii-se very complete, strictly modern, up to dste houais on Hie story ami-half plan, H has a living room, dining room and musiu rem finished In oak, beamed ceilings, paneled walla, etc. Two larne bedrooms with plenty of closet room and ath room upstairs. Will handle as low aa $750 to $1,000 down. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, Douglas 8880, 830-2-4 pranil. Th. Bklg, I'M NOT TFj AN- OUT Mf COOD MAN VOU 0ON'T TAKE NX AOVlCF' THEREFORE. OOrs'T OWE FCELIN WELL ENOU6H TO Pv you to cure NE IbUT LOOK AT ME INy AP.OUT YOU- I KIN TELL I'aptra for the one charge, CONTRACT RATIOS ON APPLICATION OU THAT- J Want ada accepted at the following of AHEAD OF THE fice! : MAIN OFFICE 17th and Karnim St. South Side 4935 South 24th St. Council Bluffs 1 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 1000. THE REE will not ba reaponsible for mora than one incorrect insertion of an $300 DOWN. Flv rooms all on one floor, hs " aid one finished off in attic. Has city water, elec lights and gas. ' Price, $3,660. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, DO. 8880. 330-2-4 Brandel Tb, Bldg, advertisement ordered for mora than one time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition... 11:15 A.M. Morning Edition 9:00 P.M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M., Saturday Dougla 8380. 330-2-4 Brandels Th. 'Bldg. WILL TAKE CAR. As first payment on a new 6-room atrlctly modern house: excellent hape; oak floors and finish. Douglas 741$. Ask for Mr. Carse. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. PARK HURST Adeline, aged 44 years, Wednesday a. m at her home, 2863 Wobtr street. Funeral Friday at 10 a. m. from Brewera Funeral Home, S4th and K atreela. Burial at Oraceland Park ceme torf. e-A 1 I 12 , , r ''WT lot ' , . ' ADMIT I . Af I t , ' ' r' ' - ' r r ! 6J ' r Va-ri JKI. I. IN Andrew F aited 41, 70th and Center atrreta, died May 14, 1921. Funeral at 2:50 p. m. Friday, May J7. from Knedixh Mission church, 23d and Davenport elreeta. SAUTTER tlonnvleve, paused away at her residence, 213 3. 61st atreet. Funeral notice later. ' F (JNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST KAMBULANCE 8ERHvif Thlrtylhlrd and Fartiam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEKR rUNKRAL DIRECTORS. 701 South Uth St. JaikHun 1238 HEAFEY & HEAPEY, Undertaker and Embatmera. Phone H. SS. Office 2611 Farnam. FOR AUUULANCK call Market 0680. Korisko Tuiiernl Home, 23d and O Sts. "florists. LEE L. LARMON 'SI' 1814 Doutelae 8'.. Douglaa 8J44. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam, Jackson 1268. JOHN bATH. 104 Farnam. D. births and deaths. Birth. James and Hilda Murphy, 4923 North Bex enter-nth stret, girl Ooorgo nnd Rose Klinefelter. 2207 W atreet, boy. ,. Myer and Nettlo Katman, 4425 South Twenty-seventh sm-ct, girl. Ravmnnd and Gladys Davis, 801 North Forty-sixth street, boy. William nnd Elisabeth Rlcht, Sarpy county, rJeuranna. gin. ...... ... Charles and Mary Bently, 6414 South Forty-eighth street, boy. , , . .lames and Dora Fersefleld, hospital, girl John and Ada, Chamberlin, hospital, boy. Sampson and Anna Brown, 07 North Twenty-Blnth atreet. girl. , Leslie and Anna Washington, 2i24 Tarker atreet, girl. Deatha. Guataf Edwin Hokatuon, 47, 610 North Sixteenth street. Anna Jordan, 41, hospital. Samuel Bauman, 65, hospital. Edward F. Gallagher, 64, hospltaj. Annie Barton McCracken, 81, 286 1 Bau man avenue. .... ... William C. Busklrk. 66, hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Walter Page, 21. Omaha, and Lydla Waterman, It, Indianapolis, Ind. Lewis A. Anderson, 45, Hyannls. Neb., and Cerena Painter, 2. Hyannla. Neb. Bert E. Nlea. 2, Omaha, and Verna Eden, 26, Omaha, Isadora S. Bevls. 21, Omaha, and Julia Cumerllnck, 19, Omaha. Harvey James. 31, Omaha, and Fannie Jackson, 37, OmMia. ' Thomas D. Baltimore, 2J, Omaha, and Florence Moody, 21, Omaha. Joyce S. Fullerton, 27, Omaha, and Clara Wrlgg, 23, Omaha. v JOUT1 B, Uirv, oo, vyi. M. Claus, 24. Omaha. John t. Roaea, 45, Omaha, and KUno RodlMi. 32, Onwhrt. lost. fouWaniTrewards. $100 REWARD Diamond bar pin. three large-size diamonds act around t with about 30 small onei. No questions asked. call w riwu i win FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cart tele phone Tvler 800. We are anxious to re atore lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. BY. COMPANY. BILL folder containing money and other articles valuable to owner only: keep money, return folder. Harney jiib, WILL party whD called Sun, about gold foun. pen please call Harney 6374. A BUNDLE of shades. Party finding aame please call Webster 1825. Reward. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute Phone Doug 4135 and our wagon will rail. Call and Inspect our nsw home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodgo St. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HES8 & SWOBOfA. 1416 FARNAM STREET. FLOORS rcvarnished, waxed, polished. . Velwtcr 4816. ELECTRIC baths and message. Web. 2H11. MASSAGE 219 North Seventeenth Street. WEAVING, old rugs remade. AT. 1433. Swedish massage, msuese.20 S.20.D.5877. RENT Hoover Tacuum, II up." Wal. 1947." MASS A GB. Call, Douglas 9549. VIOLET Ray and massage. Doug. 6844. MASSAGE treatments. S18 Neville Block. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aid's, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all elzea and styles: hemstitching, plot edging, eye let . .cut work, buttonholes. . pennanta. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. $0$ - Brown Blk. Jackson 1936. Ken. Pleating dt Button Co.. 1806 Warnam St.. 2d floor. Douclas 6670. Contractors. GARAGES $100 and up; house remod eling; screen porches; new and repair work; satisfaction guaranteed. W. Stephens, 4409 S. 22d. Market 0527. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. Fancy. Stag and Ballroom Dancing 'iaughL ' Lesson by Appointment. . EMPRESS RU8TIC GARDEN. Empress Theater. - 'Atlantic 6646. - KEEP'S HOTEL ROME LET KEEP'S teach you to dance. Spe cial attention to children. Satisfaction assured. Dg. 2681. Tol Pin& School for Dano'.ng. 1424 XieiTllii; Farnam. Doug. 76. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. JA 2056. Night Col. 3312. JAMES ALLAN, til Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Atlantic 1136. Furs. WE) ramodel your furs and make them Ilka new. Fur stored and Insured against all losses. , KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO. . ' 101 & 16th. Doug. Till. Painting and Paperhanging. PATCH plastering, cement work of all kinds. Paperhanging and wall paper cleaning. Holbrook. 616 N. 17th St., Tyler 2711. INTERIOR varnishing, enameling, floors waxed, wall paper cleaned. Walnut 4831. FIRST-CLASS paper hanging and paint- in: n array a. ciapp. Douglaa 40. DAVIS Co. First-class painting, paper hanging, work guaranteed. At. 990. FAINTING, paperhanging and wallpaper cleaning. J. Nan. Walnut 466T. WALL PAPER cleaning. DO. 9t8. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. X W. MARTIN, patent attyM 1711 Dodge. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDSl!-h "a-S-i t.t buv back at atnal! profit GROSS '-" Mi vj . utn ot- :oug- RAZOR BLADXfS sharpened. Single. 15c; double edge. 4 60 do. Mall ordra so licited. Omaha Shara Co. 1I K, nth. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Miscellaneous Announcements. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 17th and Martha Sta.. Omaha. Neb Brass, bronae, aluminum and nuchln gray iron castings. PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH 3ATH. Maaaage, hot acka. COKCANN'ON BROS., ATLANTIC B731. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can ba purchaaed at Rlalto Drug Store, 15th and Douglas sta., uraana, Neu. LET ua clean your ruga. Orientate our apeclalty. MONROE RUG CLEANING CO., 471 S. Htn. NAK 3533. FILMS developed; srlntlng and enlarging. write ror prices. The jgnsign uo.. oui Howard hi. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Electric, 318 8. lztn St.. umana. DR. tuN CANNON, chiropodist. Bushman Blk., 16th and DouKlas. Doug. 6166. WRITE me if annoyed by the Pocket Gopher, O. P. Wyland. Harlan, la. DAVID Cole Creamery Co., 14th and Jones. Fresh liquid buttermilk. FILMS developed, one-day service. Kase Studio, 213-29 Neville Blk. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. JA. 0528 Tailoring;, retinitis;, alterat's. spec. H. 6804. CEMENT work of all kinds. HA. 8163. H. J. Hough piano tuner. AT. 2475. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Prices reas onable for quick sale. Also all kinds of tools. Phone 3468. 625 Roosevelt Ave., Council Bluffs. NEW 24 yard real Austrian tablecloth with 1 dozen napkins to match; all hand hemmed; will sacrfice. DO. 1020. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new tick, at half the price of new beds. 1907 Cuming. Jackson 2467. SEVEN-PIECE ivory bedroom set. 3276; mahogany duofnld. $50. Atlantic 0041. FOR SALE Brown reed baby bugBy. At lantic 4200. Mrs. Barsky, Apt. 212. FpR SALE Earl v English buffet, prac tically new. Webster 3829. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEORGE A. SMITH Dealer In drums, xylophones, etc.. Instructions, repairing. Address 2761 Davenport St. for catalog. Phone Harney 2967. Try 8mlth's pedal. $49.50 BUYS new $150 guaranteed phono graphs; Just a few left. Shlaes Phono graph Co., 1404 Dodge. DANDY upright, to be sold for storage and repair charges; big bargain. Jack son 3066. BIGGEST phonograph bargains In Omaha. Shlaes Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge. Typewriters and Supplier. TYPEWRITERS AND , ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sola agents for the CORONA. Get our pricea before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4120. 1912 Farnam. PROTECTOGRA PHS, F. at E.'i: bargains. 19 Farnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, txlM foot platform, also 28-lnch Buffalo Forge Co. exhaust fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office, 17th and Farnam Sts. Phone Atlantic 1000. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Dvugtaa 1171. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show eaaes, etc Ome.ha Fixture A Supply Co, 8. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 3724. FT, AT TIRE? CALL D. 6603. WHITELEY. The TIRE MAN. 820 8. 13th. S A FTTQ BARGAINS, 12th Fsrnam. OAT CiO j. j. Darlght Bafe Co. HIGH-GRADE boys' bicycle. Wal. 0613. LARGE reed baby bug?y. KEN. 2770. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. Bargains of all kinds in Bee Want. Ads. WANTED SITUATIONS Female. BOOKKEEPING position Wanted by ?oung lady of 22 with four years' liank ng experience. Efficient with various details about good alsed country bank. Complimented for getting out work quickly and efficiently. Best of ref erences. Address Box Y-1530, Omaha Bee. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestio column of The Bee. Lota of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. Laundry and Day Work. Laundry, day work. 40 & 45c. Web. 0202. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. CYLINDER AND ROTARY PRESS MEN WANTED BY r CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, LADIES HOME JOURNAL. SATURDAY EVENING POST. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Forty-eight-hour week. Permanent work at wages ranging from $50 to $58 per week, with $5 additional for night work. Only first-class workmen will be considered. Apply by special deliv ery letter, giving experience in detail and at least two references, one on workmanship and one on character, to EARL B. MORGAN. Manager of Employment, Curtis Pub lishing Company. Sixth snd Sansome Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED First-class linotype operator, printers' open shop conditions. Bennett Printing Co.. Paris. Tex. WANTED Linotype operator. Day work, $45 a week. 48 hours. Hogan-Tryon Co., 502 S. 13th. Omaha. MOLER BARBER COLLEGB). 110 80. '4th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN or brokers wanted to eell all or any part of $300,000 8 per cent preferred stock In a dividend paying chain store corporation of 25 years' standing. A gilt-edge Investment. Ad dress. Barker-Condon. Denver. Colo. Agents and Canvassers. CANVASSERS, reliable; to sell most practical sliding clothespin bag ever Introduced. Positive seller. No competition. Protected. Ku Ku Mfg. Co.. St. Louis. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A first-class fry cook for night work; one who can make cake and doughnuts: no pies; also a second cook for day work; must be cooks snd steady. State wages you wouid expect and ex perience hl in tlrst letter: good jobs for the right men. Brunswick Restau rant, Fremont, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. 1,000 MEN WANTED TO WEAR Uncle Sam's Shoes at 12.90 Per Pair. MIDWEST HARNESS CO..' 706 N. 16th. COLLEGE student, teacher, for vaca tion; asset for any life-work; salary. $315, 90 days. Box A -4. umana nee. Trade Schools. LEARN telegraphy In three monthal Work for board while attending. Tui tion reasonable. Position secured. Rail road wire for practice. Catalog Tree. Address Boylea College, Boylea Bldg., Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED An alternation woman, one that can alter and sell both, must be able to work fast and do it well, prefer some one from 35 to 40 years, with no less than eight years experience. In answering, give age, nationality, height, weight, color hair, and salary wanted, also forward photograph. We are not looking for just an average person, must have unusual ability. Kepp Baertsch Co., Rapid City. S. D. EXPERIENCED dressmaking wanted. Procoplo Bros., 70S Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. WANTED at once, experienced bindery girls. Apply 1214 Howard. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike places always advertised. WANTED A competent woman for gen eral nouaeworK in mmiiy ui huuiis, 3112 Woolworth Ave., Harney 1839. WANTED Competent for general house work, two In family good wages, ref erence required. Walnut 6066. COMPETENT girl wanted to take care or two small children, and do light housework. Kenwood 4504 WANTED White girl for general house- worK ; small family; good wages. 302 N. 24th. Webster 2891. WANTED Good cook, white, 210 S. Thir ty-second Ave. Harney 0530. WHITE girl for general housework. 1509 3. 33rd St. Miscellaneous. CORPORATION has exceptional opening for cultured, ambitious lady. Perma nent; salary, $1,500 to start. Box A-2, Omaha Bee. CORPORATION has exceptional opening ror cultured, ambitious lady, permanent. Salary, $1,600 to start. Box. O-90 Bee. WANTED Experienced silk lroner. write The Vallet, Huron. 8. D, HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to leant barber trade; big demand; wagea while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Bnrhr College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT CHOOU Complete courses In accountancy, ma china bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service . and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for large Illustrated catalog. Addreaa BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyle- Bldg.. Omaha, "'b. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening School. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6811. GLASGOW, ANNIE E., voice and piano. 503 Karbach Block. Jackson 1081. BUSINESS CHANCES. POOL hall for sale, good place for bar ber with half-grown boy; 4 tables; building, 20x50 feet, frame; rent, $45; soft drinks and tobacco; $1,000 will handle this; Catholic preferred; shaves, 25c; haircuts, 60o. Fred TVorthen, Pocohonta, la. FOR SALE Ono delco light plant In good condition. Reasonably priced, John Bader, Scrlbner, Neb. SOFT drink parlor, lunch room, pool hall; very reasonable. Co. Bluffs $29. TO GET In or out of business, see LEWIS & CO., 411 McCague Bldg. POOL hall and soft drink parlor. 203 South 13th St. AT. 1902. TO sell a business. 636 Bee Bldg. Rooming Houses I HAVE to offer for sale the furniture of an 8 -room residence; beantlful porch and shade trees. In a fine residence dis trict known as Hanscom Park. Rent, only $55 per month. A beautfiul home, furniture is first-class. I have a beautiful 8 -room flat on California St. Mahogany furniture throughout; In a nice neighborhood. Rent. $76. I have six rooms of good furniture on Capitol Ave. $250 cash buy It. Rent, $25 per month. J. D. BRAZIE, Tel. Jackson $378. 202 N. 16th St. Crounse Blk., opposite Postofflca. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS T Or 'iave you planned on making change, which will be more convenient for youT If so, then call The Bea Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000, and we will ..ot only furnish you with a complete .oora list ot choice vacant rooms In Omaha, but also keep your number on our 'Want to Rent" list for further refer ence in case yon wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all reader and adver tisers of The Omaha Be and published solely for their convenience and benefit Call any time. Atlantic 1000. Want Ad Dept BEAUTIFUL large front room in Beml park home, married couple or ladle employed. No other roomers. Wal. 6845. TWO nice rooms, one large enough to ac commodate two people; reference. Phon Harney 2500. 3030 California. ATTRACTIVE, cool room. 6 windows, . inou., priv. nome. 2 gentlemen. v aiK lng dlst. Harney 2786. - LARGE front room, private home, mod ern, double. $5; single, $3. 1515 S. 25th. Douglas 6294. TWO cool front rooms, ladles employed, home privileges; Dundee car line. Har ney 1016. TWO light housekeeping rooms, com pletely furnished. 2613 Mason. 711 S. 29TH Large cool room for 2 men. Walking distance; reasonable. LARGE furnished rooms, elose-ln. 114 X. 25th St. Atlantic 5125. LARGE front room for 1 or 2. 1627 Cass. LOVELY sleeping porch. Webster 0539. GIRL wants roommate. Harney 1690. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO PLEASANT MODERN RMS. EV ERYTHING FURNISHED, REASON ABLE; NO CHILDREN. WAL. 2006. 602 8. 28TH. parlor floor, 2 or 1 large cool modern rooms, $8 and $12.60; porch and shade. Harney 1836. VERT desirable, 2-room modern house keeping apt; walking distance. Har ney 1585. 638 S. 27TH 2 newly decorated cool rooms 1st floor, single or ensulte; walking dis tance. 3121H CALIFORNIA 2 and 1 furnished rooms, nice yard, main floor. HA. 4001. NICE housekeeping apartment, alao two sleeping rooms; close In Douglas 7468. 3 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, nicely fur nished. 2824 Farnam St. 2 HKP. or sleeping rms. DO. (580, I : I L - U FOR RENT ROOMS. Housekeeping Rooms. CLOSE-IN, modern light housekeeping rooms, single and ensulte. Gas range, electrto lights. 2627 Harney. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOTT WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMB. FRONT room for two; modern home; breakfast; walking distance, war. 403:1, CLOSE-IN, large, cool rooms, suitable for two; best board. Atlantic 1533. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. LEAVENWORTH Heights, 6-room house with sleeping porch, June 10 to Septem ber 1 or 16. No children. Call Walnut 1112. Unfurnished. COLORED For rent, six rooms, atrlctly modern, Close in. Call Web. 0923. 6-ROOM house, modern; garage; Bemls Park, June 15 for 3 or 4 months, wal nut 0435. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. i ROOMS and Bleeping porch, Page apartments, 31st ana f arnam streets, completely furnished, June 1 to Oc tober 1. $120 per month. Includes garage for one car. Call Doug. 7716, day times. UNUSUALLY desirable Apt., front porch. clean, cool, complete furnishings or less for sale. Apt. 29, Capitol Ave. and 2 2d. NICE furnished 2-room apartment with garage: nne neignDornooa, suv. can Web. 6205. MODERN' furnished Apts; also unfur nished. The Pershing, 823 H. 24. Doug las 6200. THREE-ROOM apartment, furnished, $65. lit a-aam.An.4 A v. IVa, lanltl,. Tt 8867. COOL 5-rm. apt. 1st floor, for summer months, front porch. Webster 2610. Unfurnished. APARTMENTS. AVAILABLE AT ONCE. No. 3, Troy, 3009 Harney Street, 4 rooms, $62.50. No. 23, Mount Vernon, 626 South list Street, 6 rooms, $140. 2211 Davenport St., 4-room furnished flat upstairs, $55. AVAILABLE JUNE 1. No. 16, Bosworth, 2217 Howard St., t rooms furnished, $57.50. No. 11, Flo Les, 20th and Capitol Ave., 4 rooms, $62.50. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "WHERE OMAHA RENTS." Atlantic 0544. 17tb and Farnam Sts. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apnrtment management. MODERN brick flats, now vacant; move in. Eselln 622, Paxton Block. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses. WANTED To rent furnished cottage at Lake Okobojl during the summer. Douglas 7582 or Walnut 8203. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANT to lease 10-room home; must be modern and well located with two stall garage. Possession any time before August. L. E. Hurtz, care Fairmont Creamery Co. FOR RENT Business Property. SEE F. P. WEAD. 110 8. 19TH 8T. Offices. OFFICE space In First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. to reputable physician. Box 0-83. Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. M0V1N9 TORAGB PACKING SHIPPING Save money on freight. Special rate on consolidated car ship ments of household good to Seattle, Chicago, St. Louis and Los Angeles. FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO., 1107-11 HOWARD ST. PHONE JACKSCN 0188. Formerly 16th and Jackson St. MOVE IT YOURSELF. Do you busy people know as- fiecially those who have to put n a full day'a worn that you can rent a one-ton Ford truck and Drive It Yourself night or day and do all your trucking or moving. Handle your own stuff and cot your cost half In two. W never close. Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard. Jackson 3622 FIDELITY CO. STORAGE MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE, COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS.. 1187-11 HowaM St Jackson 0288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household good and planes, moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 106 South 16th. Doug. 4168 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Atlantic. 3400. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let u eatlmats your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. JA. 2908. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. THREE large work horses, weight 1.400 lb., aet double harness, 1 D, Stroud wagon; all in No. 1 condition. 703H N. 16th. Apply office. AT. 5933. GOOD buggy horse, weight lino to 1200; e years oia; ibu. .Market 0913. LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cows, tested. L. G. Leader, Papilllon. spruce 1303. l-OULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings. $4.60 per 100, del. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. Doug. 1142. B. ORPINGTON, and Plymouth eggs. $1.00 setting, half price. JA. 0327. R I. R. CHICKS. 15c each. 4415. zis vine at., council Bluff- POULTRY AND PET STOCK. R. I. H. hatching eggs, $1.00 per setting. Kenwood 3245. FINE rabbits, Belgian hare. Kenwood 2093. BABY CHICKS, 15c. 1646 So. 25th Ave. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Hudson Super-Six Touring. Here you are. We are showing this weeic several beautiful Hudson super Six touring cars at prices ranging up from $900. Every car is thoroughly renewed in every respect and Is de Hvered to you with the aame guaran tee as a new one. These cars are rcfinished In standard colors and also several special color Jobs, which are very classy. It you are thinking of Duying a car tnis summer do not fall to see our fine line of renewed Super Six cars. The pricea are rock bottom .and our guarantee protects you from every risk Call at our salesrooms or phone Douglas 1970 for Information. GUY L. SMITH MITCHELL Six roadster. A-l condition must be seen to appreciate; must sell on account of sickness; party leaving city June 1. Best offer takes It. Can be seen at Davenport Garage. Ask for Mr. Peters, uouglas 3573. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car. A Safe Investment. We have a complete line of renewed cars in nearly every body style and all standard makes. Remember our guarantee protects you from all risk and our reputation Is your safeguard. Drop Into our Farnam atreet sales rooms and look over our line today Guy L. Smith, 26th and Farnam 8ts. Douglas 1979. USE our Ford motor while your la being repaired, our service exchanging mot' ors Is 14 hours out, m hour In. OUR AUTO REPAIR CO.. We repair all make of cars. 4216 No. 24th St. ESSEX SEDAN. This week we will release on of our Essex sedan demonstrators at a liberal discount. This car has run less than 2,000 miles and is just like new in every respect. our guarantee protects you aame as on a new one, and this Is a real bargain if you want a amall high-grade, sedan. Call Doug las 1970 for a demonstration at your own nome. GUY L. SMITH NEW and used cars bought and sold. Goldstrom Auto Sale. 1318 Harney. GOOD as new. In perfect condition, 1920 buick touring car. Kenwood 1677. Buick Touring. Here you are. We are showing today an exceptionally fine Buick five-passenger touring car which Is as good as new and guaranteed in every respect. Do not fall to see this one If you want a good Buick at the right price. Call uouglas 1 mu. Guy L. Smith. SOME bargains In used Kurd cars. Mc . catrrey Motor Co. Tna Handy Ford service station, iota ana jacason, Dougla 8500. USED cars, bought, sold and exchanged. tkaw vkr auto Co., 2210 Farnam St. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car. A Safe Investment. We have a complete line of renewed cars in nearly every body, style and all standard makes. Remember our guar antee protects you from all risk and our reputation la your safeguard. Drop Into our Farnam street salea room and look over our- line today. Guy L. Smith, !6th and Farnam St. Douglas 1970. 191 DODGE touring car, will sell at a sacrifice for $5,75. Call Harney 7119. FARM LANDS. Minnesota Lands. 160 ACRES and stock, $8,000. Equity Land Exchange, St. Paul, Minn. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC.. 638 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 271$. $100 to $10,000 mad promptly. r. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 110 S. 18th St Miscellaneous. $660 2d Mtg., payable monthly, draw ing 7 per cent as 1st payment on 6 room home. Douglas $585. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Not. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426 LIST homes nnd Income property with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1966. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES C. B. STUHT CO.. City Nat'l Bldg. Dougla 178T. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List It with C. A. Grimmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. pTp-rTnrrtm REAL ESTATE: DlrvIV Ej 1 I sella. Rents, Insures 360 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 0633. PT Ti7URi7TQ real estate . J. IHi-DDJCjINO in, and Rentals 606 Omaha Nat'l Bk Bldg. Jackson 2182. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 1146. LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 413 Karbach B. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALT, rent or exchange Store build ing 25x75 and outbuildings: in a good southwestern Iowa town; splendid open ing general slqck: rent reasonable. Ad dress S. E. Nonlqulst, Red Oak, la. FOR SALE or will trade for Omaha Im proved suburban acreage, 160-a farm S. E. Neb. Box 0-97, Bee. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. 100 Feet, Overlooking Happy Hollow and Blvd. Priced for quick sate. $3,500. paving all paid, easy terms If desired, cheapest lot In the entire district. Glover & Spain, Jackson 2S50 918 City Nat'l. Mercer Park Lots. These are very choice. In a restricted residence district all Improvements In and paid for. Price $2,000 to $3,760. W. Farnam Smith & Co., Jackson 0564. 1320 Farnam St. 1921 REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Acreage. Suburban Home on Fort Crook Interurban at the Country Club Station. We are offering an extremely attractive 6-room bungalow on an acre of ground. House Is i years old. Has living room with built in bookcaaes; dining room, kitch en and 3 bed rooms; floored attic; electric lights, furnace, cistern, pump In kitchen; cess pool; chick en house and pen. An Ideal coun try home only 40 minutes to town by trolley and 15 by automobile. The recent approval of paving the Fort Crook boulevard will greatly enhance the value. The proximity of the big development In Chi Ids' Estate Acre 1 also a feature. Price $4,000; $1,000 or more down. For appointment call Mr. Agor, Douglaa 5074 or Market 1442. Shuler &Cary, Douglaa 5074 201 Keeline Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee Folks, Listen to This! A, brand new, 8-room bungalow, sight ly south front lot. Has a living room, 14x20, with fireplace, den with book cases; dining room, 14x14; wonderful kitchen, two large bedrooms, tile bath, built-in tub, etc.; two large bedrooms finished upstairs; full light basement, laundry tubs, plastered bin, etc. The finish la oak, birch and white enamel on birch. Floor aro A white oaic. it you really want to appreciate this com plete home you should go through It Price, $12,600.00. Terms. Willard C. Slabaugh, REALTOR. ir.n. tjij- T-tn.... nee tto 9ft1 K Many other homes. Price from $7,500.00 TO fOU.uuv.uu in ivunuee, Dundee Bungalow, 4812 Underwood. Just listed, five rooms, oalc floor and finish in living room and dining room, built-in book cases, two nice bedrooms with maple floors, bath finished in white, splendid kitchen, full ce mented basement, south front lot, street paved, prlca $7,250. Payne & Carnaby Co., $16 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1016 Dundee Corner Lot. Solid comfort In a nearly new home; aeven extra sized rooms, up to the minute in every detail, also a sleeping porch that Is a "bear." There is a 3-car garage and tha many little refinements that go to make the complete home. Make us an offer. Plica $12,500. Schroeder Investment Co., REALTORS Jackson 3261. 638 Railway Fxch. Florence. Netbfway. Flor. prop., no colored. KB. 1401 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West New and Nifty. New building, stucco bungalow. Five rooms on one floor, attic and full cemented basement Fire place In living room. Enamel . kitchen with breakfast nook. Oak floors, oak and enamel finish. Price $6,500. For appointment call Grand Benson, Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block, Atlantic 3540. Evening, Walnut 1580. FIELD CLUB. W have a dandy five-room eml-bungalow at 2316 So. 35th Ave. . Finished throughout In oak and birch. Nicely decorated and only five years old. Paved streets, faces east on a good big lot set out in shrubs and flowers. An honest value at $5,600. $2,500 cash required. Payne & Carnaby Co., (II Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1016. TWO HANSCOM PARK BARGAINS. 6-room modern; oak finish: full two atory; built six years; only $6,800 with easy term. .. M - , 6-room on one floor; all moderns oak finish; double garage; east front lot, near two car lines; $1,250 will handle GLOVER & MORELL. 718-20 Keeline Bldg. Atlantic 3621. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOH AN, 621 Paxton Blk. Atlantic 4880. North. Dandy Bungalow. New S room and bath, oak fin ish in every room, built-in kitchen cabinets, fine basement, furnace, floor drain, etc.; nice lot, paved street, near car line, near 19th and Sprague. Priced right, $1,000 cash, balance on payments. P. J. Tebbens Co., 605 Omaha Nat. Bk. Jackson 5182. 4720 N. 39TH ST. Good 6-room house. modern except heat $700, balance monthly. Crelgh. 08 Bee. JA.. 0200. MINNB LUSA home and lot offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Atlantlo 0107. R ROBIN80N. real estate and Invest ment 642 Peters Trust Doug. 807. HOUSES for colored, small payment down. Davis. 2630 tJranf St. weiwter Z4ZO. COLORED 1-5-6-rm. cotaages, $50 cash up. .lonnson, wcoster 4160. D. E. BUCK a CO. buy and sell borne. South. You Should See This Home at Once. 2959 Harris Street. Living room, dining room, den, kitch en first -floor; oak floors and flnl'h, beamed celling In living room and din ing room. Two bedrooms, sewing room and sleeping porch on second floor. Paving paid; Ruud heater; one block to car line; good neighborhood. Price $8,000. A. P. Tukey & Son, CO 1st Nat. Bank. Jackson 4J5J. INT'L FKATURC StRVICt. INC, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. 7-Room Home, $5,500. Near Field Club. Newly painted and decorated. Corner lot 66x160: $1,600 cash. Sunday phone Harney 2397. W. Farnam Smith & Co., Jackson 0564. 1320 Farnam Street. FOR SALE Four 6-room cottages, Just papered and painted, near 2 car lines, on paved street; sidewalk, city water, gas, electria light and sewer; 15th and Vinton, 1 block north. Only $2,000 to $2,200 each. $300 down, balance llko rent. Now vacant. Owner, Market 3270. Miscellaneous. Three Houses for $2,800. $300 down on the whole bunch. $30 per month. Each bouse has 4 room with electrlo lights. Now rented, $15 per month each. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, $6,000 $1,000 DOWN, Balance like rent, and you will own thla modern 6-room home, handy to car and good school on paved street with paving paid. ALFRED THOMAS & SON, Realtors, Jackson 0064. 604 First Nat. Bank. Bldg. Lot Owners, Attention! Have high class 7 second mortgage gold bonds to yield 8, to exchange for first class building lots. Lots must be clear. Only first class prop erties considered. This is an opportunity to convert your investment into income bear ing securities. Your investi gation is invited. C. T. SPIER & CO., REALTORS 304 Peter Trust Bldg. Dougla 4857 ANNOUNCEMENT To supply a popular demand, some of the choicest high ground in Childs' Estate Acres has been cut into smaller units of IVi Acres and will be offered on the usual easy terms. These 14 -Acre Tracts, comprising about 35 Acres of ground, are by far the most desirable of the entire addition. Act quick if you want one of them. The story of twelve days of sale is as follows: No. of Acres offered 2651 No. of Tracts offered 120 No. of Acres sold 145 No. of Tracts sold 76 No. of Acres to be sold. . . . 120 1 No. of Tracts to be Bold. . . 44 The extraordinary low prices of the opening sale of $475 to $695 Per Acre (with a few choice locations slightly higher) remain in effect this week and until June 1st. Subject to raise on that date. TERMS $25 to $50 down on small tracts; 5 to 10 down on larger tracts, and easy monthly payments. Salesmen at the Addition office every day. Phone DO uglas 6074 or MA rket 1442 and we will call for you. Do not overlook this opportunity of getting one of the choice 1-Acre tracts. They will not last long. Come or phone today. SHULER & CARY, Realtors Main Office 204 Keeline Bldg. Addition Office Ft. Crook and Childs' Road. BEAUTIFUL Minne Lusa In this district of wonderful development we have some decided bargains in lots and homes. Splendid building sites in nearly all blocks, with all improvements in street. $800 $850 $900 $950 $1,000 And Fine, Completely Modern, Up-to-Date HOMES with ideal surroundings, at PRICES less than cost to build TODAY. $7,000 $7,300 $7,500 $8,000 $9,000 $9,500 Charles W. Martin & Co. REALTORS 742 Omaha National Bank Bldg. AT Iantic 0187 Do You Own Your Part oj Omaha? Five years ago, a Real tor bought small house at Fifth and Bancroft treett for $500. He gave a mortgage for the en tire amount, thus put ting no money in the place. Last week he sold it for $800. , During the five years the Realtor owned the place, it paid all taxes, interest, etc., and netted him $450 besides. He made $750, with nothing but credit in vested. Keep in touch with Realtors. They can put you on to such deals. Consult a Realtor OMAHA REAL ESTATE BOARD