Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1921, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1921. 11 Society HAVE you a pair? Yes? Then you may take your place with the best of the fashion leaders, iou are up-to-the-minute, although you are many years behind the times. In other words, you are wearing the lace mitts fashionable With little Ctrll aH hi.fonte. nt davs long departed. Mrs. C. N. Diet has two pairs of the mitts in black lace. They are like gloves, but made without fin gers in them and do not reach quite up to the elbow. Helen Phelan has a pair of the white ones as has Eleanor Baxter. They are considered quite chic when -worn with organdy frocks gr any other nutty summer gown. Mayer-Rogers. One of the prettiest of the May weddings was solemnized Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, when Miss Frances E. Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rogers, became the bride of Henry J. Mayer of Dalton, Neb. The ceremony was performed in the living room , of the Rogers home before a canopy of palms and spring flowers. The Rev. Titus Lowe read the marriage lines. Miss Irene Ayrcs sang. Miss Olive Huntley played the wedding march.-' , The bride was given in marriage by her. father. She wore a gown of white georgette crepe. The bridal bouquet was of white roses. . Miss Edith Rogers was her sister's only attendant. Her gown was of pearl georgette and she carried pink ros-es. Jesse E. Rogers, brother of the bride, was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Mayer will be at home at Dalton, Neb.,.after August 1. For Brides-to-Be. Mrs. Irving Benolken entertained at luncheon at her home Wednesday, honoring Miss Esther Smith and Hiss Betty Kingwalt, brides-to-be. The other guests were Winifred Smith, Erna Reed, Elizabeth Barker and Dorothy Stowitts. Strawberry Festival. A strawberry festival and lawn - party will be given Monday even ing at the Charles T. Kountze home under the auspices of St. Elizabeth's Guild of St. Barnabas church for the benefit of the fund which is be ing raised to purchase a new church organ to replace the one which was destroyed by fire some months ago. M-s. E., S. Rood, assisted by Miss F.lnibr Kountze, president of the guild, will have charge of the affair assisted by the following members of the organization: Dorothy David , son, Jane McConnell, Verona De Vore, Helen Montmorency, Barbara Christie, Janet Willmart, Marjorie Paneoast, Emma Ritchie, Charlotte Smith and Marjorie Morehouse. Flower and candy booths and dancing will be features of the festival. Song Writer Benefit Luncheon. Ninety reservations. were made for the. benefit luncheon which was given Wednesday noon at the colored branch of the Y. W. C A. at Twenty-second and Grant streets, the pro ceeds to be used for screening the porch of the club house. , . ;Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson's guests at 4he luncheon were Mesdarhes Joseph Jarker, F. A. Nash, ,W, J. Hynes, Frank' Judson,' "George Brarideis," W. H. Wheeler and W. J. Foye. Others who entertained were Mes dames George J o s 1 y n, Luther Kountze, J. W. Towle, J. L. Ken nedy, Victor Caldwell, A. L. Reed, F. P. Kirkendall, Henry Wyman, L. F. Crofoot, Dr. Jennie Callfas and Miss Jessie Millard. Miss Lena Paul, chairman of the house committee, and Mrs. T. P. Mahammitt had charge of the luncheon. ' Family Reunion. Mrs. Maggie Aden Sturgeon will entertain at a family reunion at her home Saturday and Sunday. This will be the 11th to be held by mem bers of her" family. Her brothers. A. H.,,John and H. L. Aden, and their wives, of University Plaice, Neb., will be present. Her sister, Mrs. Richard Dey, and Mr. Dey will come from Gresham:-Neb.,' and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Louis Aden, of Shelby, la., will also attend. Mrs. William Kaufmann of Columbus, Neb., a daughter Mrs. Sturgeon, will come with uer husband. Two other daughters, Misses Mary and Lydia Sturgeon of this city, will also be at the reunion. English Scholar to Speak. Dr. J, Holland Rose of Cambridge, England, will speak, in Omaha next week under auspices of the Omaha school forum. He will appear at the Central High school auditorium Tuesday afternoon,: May 31. and again Thursday afternoon, June 2. His subjects will be "England and the High Seas " and "England in the Late War." ,: - Dr. Holland has specialized in his tory and is considered an authority on Napoleonic history. Students of history in Omaha regard his coming as art event of importance. Junior League Girls to . Pour Tea. Junior league girls will pour tea at the Chinese carnival to be given Friday and Saturday at the-Auditorium under the auspices of Chinese' " merchants of the city for the benefit of the Chinese relief fund. Other features of the carnival will be a Chinese play, "The Lion," given by a cast of Chinese actors: vocal solos by Lon Mon Kin, who is said to be a singer; sid: v shows and fortune telling. . Nurses Banquet -. The graduates and faculty of the University of ' Nebraska hospital were guests at a banquet Wednesday evening given by the alumnae at the University club. Covers were were placed for 25. Decorations were in scarlet and cream, the univer sity colors. Following the ban quet an alumnae association was organized and the guests attended a theater party to be given bythe alumnae. - ' - 1 Field Club. Mrs. William N. Anderson enter tained informally at a bridge lunch eon at the Field club, Wednesday Covers were placed for eight Reservations for the Wednesday evening dinner-dance were made by S. R. Kirkpatrick. M. J. Coakley,. George Wilson, and Clare Nelson. For Mrs. McShane. Mrs. E. H Sprague will entertain at a luncheon of 12 covers at her home Friday for Mrs. John A. McShane. riif Si liillfilliXai I' ' - ? tf it v - etfiWx. - J n e j a t a mw . ' i -V WW . H f Riiichart-Mtirddcn Photo - Auto Club Will - Have Early Breakfast Early morning breakfast in the woods sounds most alluring, particu larly a breakfast following a motor trip of several miles just after sunrise. The Omaha Automobile club, which has a club house situated near Hellevue, has one of the most beau tiful locations of its kind near Omaha. The club house, which Is really a large cottage, is high on a woody knoll overlooking the muddy Missouri. In many other cities early morn- : ing breakfasts are quite fashionable ' vAfi q at triA anrmnriilA rlnhe anrl Ofnahans hope to make this inno vation popular here. On next Sunday morning the Omaha club will be formally opened for the summer months at an 8 o'clock breakfast to be given by G. VI,j, TV. rr,icta uitll inrtit4 the otticers, directors ana meniDer shiD committee of the club, whose ! wives will also be present. The list includes W. B. Cheek, r. L. Mesbit, G. H. Brewer, J. S. White, J. L. Haskin, A. C. Pancoast, Zane Thompson, J. E. George, Gould Dietz, Charles E. Duffie, T. B. W. Jewell, J. B. Watkins, Dr. A. P. Overgaard, J. H. Lionberger, Dr. J. B. Fickcs, Harry .Scharf, L. A. Leppke, John Kuhn, C. D. Nolen, Charles L, Knox and Bert Clough. f Country Club. Mrs. Allan Tukey entertained 13 guests at luncheon at the Country club Wednesday noon. Arthur Keeline entertained a party of 12 at the dinner dance Wed nesday evening in honor of Miss Gertrude McCarthy, guest of Mrs. Paul Gallagher. Mr. W. A. C. Johnson hal 2i guests at the dinner dance and E. W. Van Brunt entertained a party of 14. Mrs. E. S. Westbrook will have 30 guests for luncheon Thursday and Burdette Kirkendall will entertain 10 guests at dinner Friday evening at the club.' HOLDING A HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife Mrs. A. I. McKinnon of Lincoln is composer of the fox trot "Some where," which is being shown with colored slides at the Rialto this week to a pipe organ accompani ment played by Julius K. Johnson. Mrs. McKinnon, who has written a creat manv songs during the last year, says that the popular airs like Somewhere and ' Marjorie are in demand in America, but that the ballads. "Idyll of Love" and "The Bird," have met their best success in Canada and England. Clubdom Woman's Club May Party. One hundred and fifty reservations were made for the Omaha Woman's club May luncheon Wednesday after noon at Camp Brewster. Spring flowers formed the decorations. The house and home committee, Mrs. John R. Golden, chairman, had charge of the affair. It is probable that other social meetings will be held during the summer months as Mrs. Charles Tohannes. the " new president, favors a year-around club. W. R. C. Notes. The George A. Custer Relief corps will meet for luncheon Friday at the home of Mrs. P. W. Smith, 816 South Forty-sixth street, to arrange for flowers for Decoration day. Tlnrin rr were married in England and Wales, which is far m excess ot ail previ ous records. Personals Problems That Perplex ' Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Weighs Too Much. Dear Miss Fairfax: As I am steady reader of your column and see you help many I thought u come to you for help also. I am 16 o,,-a rir c opt nnri 4 inches high and weigh 164 pounds. How much should I weign? Ana now can a re "Would a pink or rose color dress be nice lor summer ; x nave mem- kuimi hill. anH IlirVit vliin eves Is "Certainly" all right to say when a boy asks you ior a aance i mann ing you, I will remain. . A HEADER. A girl your height should weigh about 125 pounds. You are consider ably over the average but I would have to know more about you to guess the reason. Diet and exercise are the natural reducers. Pink and rose are very pretty shades for summer dresses. It seems to me if I were overweight I would avoid such a vivid color. It may be that you do not look too stout, how ever. "Certainly" Is a polite reply when a boy asks for a dance, but personal ly I like better "Yes, thank you," or "With pleasure." His Father Objects. . Dear Miss Fairfax: I am going about with a young man, whom I love dearly and my love is recipro cated. Our acquaintance has ex tended over three years, and while his father does not know me except by sight, he objects very seriously to me. As they do not speak it is impossible to obtam an explanation from his father. I know if he were to give me up the father would be happy, but we love one another too much. What means could you sug gest, whereby father and son could Resinol does stop THAT Itching, burning kin trouble which makes you scratch, no mat tor where you are, ia a source of annoyance to others as well as torment to yourself. Get rid of it with Resinol Ointment. The first application (tops the Itching- and in most eaaes H heals eruptions promptly. At oil druggists Send for fm trimt. Dept S-T. Bauooi, Bcltimor. Md Clothes Insurance We furnish you an insurance policy for a six-month period without charge. Full protection for your win ter garments against damage by moths. After we clean them, if yon so request, all winter garments will be sealed in boxes or bags. Cleaning will remove the ma terial on which the moths feed, and sealing will prevent their reaching the garment. Ik Pantorium "Good Cleaners and Dyers" 1515 Jones St. Phone Doug. 0963. So. Side, 4708 S. 24th. Ph. Douf. 1283. Guy Liggett, Pres. We Close All Day Monday. Phone Your Order Now and Be Ready for the Holiday. Miss Olga Metz is slightly ill at her home. Miss Rowena Pixley will return from Dana Hall June 17. Miss Dorothy English is recovered from an operation for appendicitis. Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Knode are planning an 'eastern trip for the month of June. Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Wolcott and Mrs. John B. Harvey are spending two weeks in Peoria, 111. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pixley have taken an apartment at 212 South 41st street for the summer months. Mrs. H. J. Bailey received word Tuesday of the death of her mother, Mrs. J. W. Sharrard, of New York City, who died on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Judson have purchased the Hugh Langdon resi dence in Fairacres and will take pos session in about a month. Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Wherry leave Wednesday evening for a trip to At lantic City, Boston, and New York. They will be gone three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blodgett of Honolulu, formerly of Omaha, have arrived to spend a week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. b rank Lonlm. Dr. and Mrs. John B. Potts leave June 4 for a trip to Boston, Mass., and Richmond, Va. They will remain 1 in the east until the first of July. Why Madge Told Lillian She Should Be a Real Estate Agent My spirits rose in spite of myself i as our little procession reached the j immense old elm which guarded the entrance to the dilapidated house next to the Ticer home. It had not yet come into leaf, but there was the hint of coming green in its branches, and it was so stately, so inspiring a thing, that one could not help a thrill of satisfaction at the prospect of owning it. "But only God can make a tree," I quoted softly. "I thought you'd feel that way when you got" close up to this," Lil lian said. "What a pity this is I But 1 believe a good tree surgeon could do wonders with this if any possible people owned this place." "Look, mother, Auntie Madge I" Marion called. "See what I've found. A fairy ring" She had run to the side of the yard near the road, about one hun dred feet from the tree, and was standing, a picture of childish de light, in the middle of a ring of glossy green stalks from which peeped the gold of daffodil blossoms. The plants entirely encircled what evidently once had been a cherished flower bed,, but which was now only weeds, the season's crop already large and ' flourishing. Only the hardy daffodils in a grassy border had survived the neglect of years. One Beautiful. "They say Grandma Dacey put those out years ago," Mrs. Ticer said. "This used to be the Dacey farm, and folks say in those days there wasn't a prettier place any where around. But after Grandpa and Grandma Dacey died the place was sold ,and since then it's gone from bad to worse. Poor old Grandma Daceyt I've often thought she'd turn in her grave if she knew how neglected her house and yard was. She loved the place so, ana she used to take such pride in her neat house and her flowers." I felt a little lump in my throat, for there is something especially pathetic to me in the thought of plants and trees one has cherished living on neglected after the one who planted and tended them has gone on. Surely if anything besides hu man ties could call a spirit back to earth it would be the flowers such a one had loved. "Look at the lilacs. Madge." Lil lian said, when we had waved ap proval at Marion's fairy ring "Let's walk around that way first. I'd like to see the orchard." I looked at her with smiling, com prehending eyes. 1 "Trading on my weaknesses, aren't you?" I asked, saucily. That she knew my inordinate love for anything growing and was trying to soften my first glimpse of the in terior tYi hnnc with a nr!imi. nary inspection of the attractive well aware, but I was also well con tent that she should have her way. The undeniable charm of the ' old place, like that of an old gentle woman compelled by circumstances to wear shabby clothing, but Still re taining traces of her former station in life, was beginning to get hold of me, and I willingly followed Lillian around the house, past the really magnificent lilac hedge to a point where one could turn one's back upon the unsightly sheds, the dingi ness of the house, and look at a pic ture that drew an exclamation of surprised delight from me. A Wonderful Orchard. Directly in front of us lay an old fashioned orchard, of the kind which I had thought was found only in fic tion. Here were great gnarled trees, at least 50 of them, ' with sturdy branches, some pointing straight upward, others stretching horizontal ly as if to invite children to fasten swings to them, still others curving fantastically. They were evidently just ready to burst into bloom, for there was a rose tint covering them; which upon closer inspection proved to be the exquisitely tinted edges of the unfoldings buds. The ground underneath the trees were badly cut up and trampled, but the grass was beginning to cover its unsicrhtliness. "They let the pigs in here," Mrs. Ticer explained, "and they rooted up the ground. Oh, them foreign ers is something awful when they rent a place I They rob the land, putting so much commercial fertil izer on it for their potatoes, and they let their animals and chickens run all over. But when they get money enough to buy places of their own do they splurge then? . Well, I guess!" "I suppose it would be easy to have some one spade and level those places and plant grass seed," I replied absently, for almost without my own volition I was already deep in a dream of what the place would look like if restored to its original state by being tenderly cared for. I was recalled to myself by Lillian's amused smile, but I did not resent it. Instead, I looked at her steadily, and laughed significantly. "You've mistaken your calling," I agent." "Perhaps I'll take it up yet in my old age," she retorted lightly. "But I think you've seen enough now to enable you to bear without discom fiture whatever you may find inside the house, and to look at it not as it is, but as it used to be, and may be again. And when you come out I'll lead you to a hill on your own property and show you a view that Mrs. Ticer says isn't to be equalled anywhere around here." (Continued Tomorrow.) Delicia Ice Cream and Schulze's Cake Free Saturday at the Union Outfitting Co. "Gurney Refrigerator Dem onstration Will Show How to Save Ice Bills. be put on speaking terms again and the misunderstanding ciearea. BETTY. Since the father and son don't speak, I can't see why your part in the situation need be considered a fxntnr Tho rnal iRsmfl Is the relation between father and son. Try to in fluence tne younger man to conquer his pride, and make the first advances in Trta nlAi nno Tlv rinfnflr thta vnu may be a real force for good. After tne two men resume ineir nappy, normal relationship, there's . plenty oi lime ior. me son xo maivo iuu father understand what you mean In ma lire. , Little Blue Eyes: You ask me how to make the boys like you. Well, what kind of boys do you mean? If you mean well-mannered, honest, good young fellows, then I would recommend that you be sincere, na tural, attractive in appearance so far as possible and as entertaining as you can honestly be. The classy clothes sometimes do attract boys, but not always the kind you would j like. If louty&nt to I(now the right kind of food can be ashelpful toyaurbody as it is delightful to your taste you'll be interested in ' these scientific facts about GrapeMn3Ls ffie unusual nutriment of wheat and malted barley is partly pre-digested in the making of Grape Nuts. You. get much f&od value in small bulk.and the stom ach is never over-taxed. CrapesKuts is a food for alertness and efficiency: "There's a Reasort Hade b Postum Cereal Compaq Lit Battle Creek, Michigan.' If you are interested in cutting down ice bills while preventing wastage of foods and milk during the summer months a "Gurney" Demonstration starting Saturday at the Union Outfitting Company will be of particular interest. You have heard how delicious and wholesome "Delicia" Ice Cream is. Come in Saturday and have it served to you with Schulze's Maple-Nut Cake by dainty , waitresses. Bring the kiddies, too. "Gurney" Refrig erators on easy-to-pay terms. Advertisement "Help Yourself Club" VOTE VALUE OF SUBCRIPTION PAYMENTS Th DAILY mat Bandar. Moraine or Kvfn lK. ? Boy Currier In O matt ft, ounill lllurf rind In towni where Carrier Box f rvlre U maintained. New Year 926.50 260,000 Yean 20.0 180,000 t Year 10.80 70,000 ( Monti) 6.10 12,000 1 Month 1.66 13,000 Morning or KTrnln Without Sunday by Carrier Boy Service. New S Yra.. S month 25.56 150,000 2 Year 15. do 136,000 1 Year 7.80 68.000 Month S. 21.000 t Month l. 10,000 Sunday Only by Boy Carrier. New t Year 126.50 150.000 t Year 10.40 76.00O 1 Year .20 12.000 S Month 1.60 12,000 Morula. Krenlnv and Sunday by Boy Carrier. New 1 Yr., I Month 116.60 I50.0D 1 Year 16.00 161.00 6 Month t.00 8,004 I Month 4.60 16,001 Dally and Bandar by Mall. New . IU Year 116.60 160.006 t Year 16.00 116,064. 1 Year T.60 62,006 t Month 4.00 12.000 I Month , 1.00 10,000 Dally Only by Mall, Without Sunday ( Year 26.00 150.0(1 1 Year 10.00 76.00 1 Year 6.00 12,00V ( Month 150 12.000 Sunday Only by Mall. New 4 Year flO.OO 76.000 1 Year 6 00 12,000 1 Year 2.60 12,000 ( Month 1.21 6,000 Renewal (ubecriptioa payment will be fives kali a many vote a maw ubacrlptloaa Standing.of the Club Member. JIMS i wvci.wu na cuumea at in ia oirica up to a p. m., laat Saturday The atandlnca will be chanced arah In Frlday'a naner and will lneluda h. v.,.. taa are received and counted at th H. Y. S. Club office before 3 n. m. Tuaadar. ADVERTISEMENT Kidney and Bladder TroublesCenquered or Honey Back For 40 years, said Dr. Carey, I have been prescribing Marshroot for kidney and bladder sickness and now that I have retired from active practice I have made arrangements with leading drugfrists to dispense this wonderful prescription at a moderate price, on the money-back-if-dissatisfied plan. Beware of kidney disease thousand die of it every year who ought to be en Joying the Meanings of life and health. Watch the symptoms. If you have specks floating before the eyes, puffy eyes, clammy feet or moist palms, backache or sideache, you ought to get a bottle of Dr. Carey's Marshroot right away. It has wonderfully benefited tens of thousands of eases of kidney and bladder troubles and is the medicine you can al ways depend upon. Results are guaranteed. NOTE Dr. Daniel G. Carey was a prac ticing physician for many years and his great Prescription, Marshroot, aided thou sands of sufferers from kidney and bladder troubles. Hereafter you can always get this effective Prescription at Sherman & McConnell Drug company and all reliable pharmacists the country over. Keep in mind the name. Dr. Carey' Marshroot prescription No. 777. No other medicine can take its place. White Pumps And Oxfords The Summer Clubs are open. Style and . Comfort demand White for Milady's Footwear. Although summer arrived suddenly this year, Frj's were prepared with the finest line of white pumps and ox fords we have ever shown. We have them in white kid, buck and Nile cloth. Dainty strap effects and sport models. 1 r5sr 1 ASy.WWTcdT DISTRICT MO. 1 Will Include all territory Inside the City limit of Omaha south of Pacific street, west of the river to Seventy eeood street, including Kalstoa, Bello vue, Fort Crook and Avery. On $1,115.00 Maxwell, one ftOO.OO B. L. Deposit and on (100.00 R. I- Deposit wiU be awarded la thia district. R. W. Sage, 2610 S. 13d Rt 116.110 Mr. C. A. Christeneen,' 622 Cedar. 111.880 Krnest Herngren, 2015 8. 7th St. 166,720 Martha Ebert, 2403 Poppleton ..'..115,200 Mr. Thomas Seize, 2216 I St. ...105,660 Mrs. Pearl Starkey, 1637 8. 12tli 196.610 i ranK itennison, 1509 s. 26th St. 134.0 Mr. J. N. Williams, 3608 S. 23d ..197,780 Mr. F. Mareoek, 6218 a. 20th St 196,410 Mr. Anna Ruppert, 2014 Martha 67,480 Mrs. C. A. Kauth. 1882 Bancroft .145,460 John Kwasnlewskl, 2867 Oak ....144,780 H. Hakenholz, 2223 Monro 194,(80 lva Slegel, 1724 Dorcaa 116,470 O. H. Evans, 4560 S. 40th 194.100 Mrs. F. D. Haworth, 1776 S. vth ..194,640 Ceorge Peterson, 3412 Wright 196.310 Mr. Olive S. Pusenburv, 1906 S. 13d 44,180 Honry Furst, 3206 W St 194,400 J. L. Beecroft, 4645 S. 18th ......196,760 U A. Speltzer. 5C26 S. 23d ......196,580 John SphII. 810 Forest Ave 179.710 R H. Burke. 1101 Park Ave 11.100 Mies C. O'Halloran, 2971 8. 10th .. 28,410 I. B. Kolle, 1338 S. 31st St 198,400 Mrs. E. J. McEvoy. 2323 S. 14th St. 6.110 Mrs. Mary R. Cole. 209 Francis.... 6.000 Mrs. Ella Dostal, 2300 S. 14th .... 6.000 John Andrlconls, 3351 T St. ..... 6.000 t. N. Warrick, Blair 103 A. M. Sanders, Plattntnouth 104, R. V. Kennedy, Tekamah 196, Henrietta Miller, Oakland ..194. Clifford Cunningham, Wahoo ,,..130 Herman Hunk, Beemer ,.146, Herman A. Human n, Elknorn....l96, Gordon Smith, Lyon 118 Alvin F. Barton, Lyon 193 Mr. P. E. Uuck, Fremont ..195, Lnarien j, swonoaa, rrague l0 Anna Blumm, Scrlbner ..,.171, jr.. F. cushman, Kennard 193 Frank Pallas, Ptnder 190 DISTRICT NO. f Will Include all territory Inelde the city limit of Omaha and on, and north of Pacific street, west of tho river to Eighty-third street and a far north a Maple itreet. One $1,119.00 Maxwell, one ISOO.OV R. I.. Deposit and on $100.00 B, L. Deposit will bo awarded to that district. Nothing will turn ambi tion into ill-tempered laziness quicker -than constipation. And nothing will .ren der the body more liable to dangerous diseases than this same poisonous condition. Don't be constipated! It isn't safe! It isn't sensible! - It isn't necessary! Bet well but don't rely on ordinary laxatives to help you. Try instead the newest scientific treatment for constipation RICH-LAX This preparation not only overcomes con stipation, but it does away with all the) nausea, cramping and deranged digestion Mused by ordinary laxatives. Gktrtnteed it Our Store. We are ao sure that Rich-Lax will please you that we want you to come to our store and get bottle and try it en tirely st our risk. If it doesn't suit you. if it isn't the best laxative medicine you ever used, simply tell us so and we Will BlOfflpUy refund the full purchase pneo. Sherman 4 McConnell S Drug Store. ADVERTISEMENT. DOK'T SQUEEZE BLACK HEADS DISSOLVE THEM Squeezing; and pinching; out blackhead make the pores large and cause Irritation then, too, after they have become hard you cannot get all of them out. Black head are caused by accumulations of dust ind dirt and secretions from the skin and there is only one safe and sure way and one that never fail to tret, rid of them simple way, too that is to dissolve them. ' Just get from any druir store about two ounces of calonite powder sprinkle little on a hot, wet sponge rub over the blackheads briskly for a few second wash off and you'll be surprised to lee that every blackhead has disappeared, ind the skin will be left soft and the sores in their natural condition anyone troubled with these unsightly blemishes ihould try this simple method. Mrs. C. J. Hubbard, 3304 Farnam , O. W. Hendee. 4204 Burdette ..... A. D. Klein, Jr.. 4806 Dodge Kloye B. Morell. 644 S. 25th Ave C. J. Wright, 2310 Howard W. T. Zlesel, 3314 Decatur Dr. Frank O. Smith', Blockstone ., I.ouls J. Schafer, 112 N. 26th ... Mildred Plank, 2714 Butt Mrs. Anna Morenelll, 868 S. 21st Fred Koegh, 220 N. lth A. Hicks, 2716 Miami , R. H. Ackley. 2607 N. 24th Mrs. Emily Winner. 119 N. 20th .., R. B. Hoi brook, 3566 Pacific Herman Nachshoen, 413 N. 18th ... iiessle Tt. Harrop, 2667 Douglaa ... C. A. Wier. 1615 Ch'arles , C. F. Slosson, Jr., 4906 Cuming J. K. Mcintosh, 41 BO Chicago ... Mrs. Mary Engel, 2706 Cuming ... Mrs. A. E. Waack, 2222 Howard .. Mrs. Resale Beach, 1008 S. 29th... Harold Anderson, 3116 Marcy K. H. White. 667 8. SSd Mrs. W. J. Whltaker, 4804 Dodge.. L. N. Swanson, 412) Lake Mrs. B. N. Clausen, 480 UnderM Mrs. Marie Coulter, 3006 Harney Rev. N. C. Hanson, 1713 N. 26th St Mrs. C. M. Tomandl, 4507 Charlea; Roland Freisman. 1018 N. SJd Horace Schaeffer. 4225 Cuming..., Mrs. C. E. Llnneman, 1633 Victor.. Mrs. M. L. Vosburgh', 2564 Douglas W. C. Nlelson. 1824 N. 33d Thos. K. McLeavey, 833 Park .... Ralph N. Pratt, 602 8. 28th Norman Lewis, 305 S. 14th SU .... C. B. Hyde. 3830 Seward Fhlneaa Wlntroub. 1324 Howard .. Herald Nelson, 4315 Seward Douglas Peters, 206 8. 32d 164.720 122,370 192,660 196,460 192,840 193,960 193,450 194.610 138.210 193,360 172,960 194,480 21,610 192,410 196,470 60,380 196,000 178,160 111,750 192,610 43,860 195,750 191,700 75,160 194,980 196,760 167,760 147.280 196,190 1)7,490 196,780 40.3S0 196,290 121,690 1)1,290 6,300 6,240 198.900 6.000 197,900 5.210 6.110 .11,640 DISTRICT NO. S. (Till Include all territory tnslde the elty limits of Omaha on and north of Maple street, west of the river to Eighty-third street and north to Ser geant street, Including Florence ad the Carter Lake district. One Sl.llft.on Maxwell, one ftOO.OO B. A L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. M I.. Deposit will be awarded in this district. Edna Lawrence, 7711 N. 28th Ave. A. I,. Frederick. 2568 Wttmore .. Mona Harris. 2954 N. 47th Ave... H. Chrlstenson, 6904 Mlnne Lusa.. C. D. Schnell, 1423 Crown Point .. a. J. Emery, 2654 Pratt I. eo Daniels, 3302 Maple Mrs. R. Tedesco, 2939 Lin. Blvd. Violet Brotchle, 5020 Flor. Blvd.. Mrs. L. M. Thlrtle, 6006 N. 10th.. Mr. W. W. Davla, 1)20 Flor. Blvd. Mrs. Harry Roger, 8611 N. 29th.. C. Hall, 287 Vane Winifred Travl. 2861 Fowler..... Mr. Tom Rodebaugh, 1180 Mer'th Mr. J. M. Streeter, 4008 N. 34th.. Mrs. O. L. Tracy, 28H Browne... W. E. Stutenroth, 2456 Camden... Mr. Gus Kranti, 7301 Maple S M. Flnley. 1921 Blnney Mrs. E. O. Peets, 2720 Laurel , P. F. Gutschewaki, 1331 Ame ... .138,870 .117,500 .196,870 .194,640 .194,640 .196.900 .147,850 197,980 .195.710 .116.690 .198.870 . 62.160 . 68.640 .126,310 112,150 .161,410 .147,560 .1)5,400 .1)7.670 .194.680 . 6,180 . 13,180 DISTRICT MO. . Will Include all territory 'in the elty of Council Bluff, Including the Mana wa district. One 11.115.00 Harwell, one 1200.00 B. L. Deposit and one 1100.00 B. IV. Depoelt will be awarded In this district. Gertrude Sulllcan, 811 Ave. B 118.780 Anna Ward. 1006 6th Ave 24,660 Mrs. M. A. Smith, 2304 Ave. D 196.790 A. W. Geiger. Jr., 426 Damon 22,680 Dorothy Lenlhan, 662 Harrison St. 1)7,860 Mrs. Ada McLaughlin, 1)08 Id Ave. 183,310 R. P. Bolln, 2001 4th Ave 101,160 Mrs. Peter Jensen, Oakland Ct.... .101,240 Mrs. Iva M. Ford, 806 8. 18th 1)7,920 R. D. Edwards, 2310 Ave. C 107.110 Lou Dunlap, Grand Hotel 102,686 Mrs. Wm. J. Ryan, 2026 Ave. A. ...185,680 Mrs. W. A. Mitchell. 2036 Ave. A... 21,160 A. P; Clobrldge. 306 W. Plerce.i.. 11,080 Ray Wilcox, 627 E. Broadway 1)6,6)0 IF yon are nervous, dsspondent, weak, ran down, through excess or other eaoais, we want to mail yon ear book which tdl aboot SEXTONIQUB. a restorative remsd that will cost yon nothlog if yoa are not eared or benefited. Every man needing a tonic to overcome personal weakness, etc, should get this free book at once. CUMBERLAND CHEMICAL COMPANY 440 Berry Block. Naahville, Tenn. WANTED! High school ' boys to sell Porch and Lawn Chairs after school. Acme Box Co. Harney 1837 o. 16th and Douglaa ADVERTISEMENT. Yes, Girls Everybody la using and talking about DEBWILLO th liquid tint. It instantly beautifies the complexion, makes a soft, rosy-whit skin everyone "Just loves to touch." Over five hundred thousand girls and women are using it. It's a real beau tifier, that's what it is. Try it today. Your money back if ycu don't like it. Bee Want Ade Produce Results. DISTRICT NO. S. Will Include all the territory In the state of Iowa outelde the elty of Council Bluff and the Manawa dis trict. One $1,118.00 Maxwell, one 1200.00 B. & L. Dapoelt and one 1100.00 B. L. Deposit will be awarded la this district. Mabel Brasda, West Point......... 193, Nellie Dwyer, Colon 197, u. i. fiayen, norman ...101, Jessie 11. Kays, Wlsner .197, Jens Jenson, Lyon 1)4, J. M. Fox, Gretna 140, Marie Ruwaldt, Yutan 192, Mra. Edith Schooler, Rosalie 103 Mrs. A'rrhle Roberts, North Bend.. 198 Emma Fredstrom, Oakland 86, Mildred E. Johnson, Mead 192, Mrs. Lulu Owen, Ashland ...178, jura. u. h. leaning. Hooper 101, Wm. Mirk. Cedar Bluffs 71 Ponald Waugh, R. 2. Valley 192 D. A. Struthcr. Craig 70, wmrna Jonnsnn, K. 1, .Fremont..,. 70, Jnsephne Ketchmark. Ft. Calhoun. 197 Stella Starry. Burlnxfleld 61 Mrs. John Huebner, K. 3 Omaha.191, Jv. P. Broderaon, Fremont 6, Ckas. Relpl, 1730 N. D., .Fremont 8, Ed R. Horak. Winnebago 17, Mrs.Ella Pieeh, Bancroft 5 Mr. E. A. Wachter, Herman ,.5, .910 6)0 64 790 .860 .31 too 290 610 )80 810 800 660 460 720 450 790 ,780 920 110 910 450 ,760 760 )40 240 940 ,860 520 .400 260 800 ,160 430 000 ,04O 000 ,000 ooo DISTRICT NO. 7. -Will Include the following oonntiee tn the state of Nebraska! Otoe, Nemaha, Richardson, Pawnee, Johnson, Gage, Lancaster, Seward, Saline, Jefferson, Thayer, Fillmore, York, Hamilton. Clay, Nuckolls. Webster and Adam. One 11.115.00 Maxwell, one ftOO.OO B, 1 I. Deposit and one f 100.00 B. Y L. Deposit will be awarded in this district. Mrs. Otis Wolford, Clay Center... Eleanor Shoff, Falrbury , George Whitesell, Kenesaw Mra. Lydia Wolfskin, Superior.,.. Mrs. W. L. Chapman, Giltner Raymond L. Crosson. Hasting.... Mrs. B. Anderson, 1324 H, Lincoln jure. a. r joraon, YorK 4.. Mrs. Marie Morris, Hebron Time Nolte, Auburn, R. 2 Mrs. Mark Hall, Auburn Will Brookley, Edgar Mrs. Dean Kite, Auburn Velva Balr, Fairmont. Vera Grosshatts, Sutton Margaret Ahrens, Falls City Agnes Krasomll, Aurora.., Gall Parson. Humboldt William McKerver, Cordova Mrs. Chas. Fowler, Nebraska City. Alfred Bookwalter. Pawnee City.. Lola Hosford. Seward Mrs. C. D. Riley, Tecumaeh. . nnu Krutz, Desnler.., C. E. Gllmore, Harvard Delma Harp. Belvldere Charles Laune, Alexandria ...... C. M. Bc-sks, Carlton 8. D. Long, Covrles Alvin Lenta, Deshler T. F. Stock, Hastings R. W. Masttn, Tobias Vern Butler, Bed Cloud E. E. Holme. Inland.. W. E. Price. Crete....; Jewell Howard, Lincoln.,,...,..,. .1)6,470 .1)7,870 . 87.6) .198.740 .111,240 .1)4,820 .1)4,610 69.760 .101,651 . 10,100 .1)4.470 .195,800 .182,641 .197,100 .196,710 .194,741 .1)7,721 .146. 7 .161,780 .194,964 . )3,70t .110,7)0 .1)6,609 .1)4.401 . 90,471 .130.650 .196.820 . 62,400 .197,400 . 70,110 . 36.000 . 10,160 . . 40,870 . 5.000 11,040 6,000 DISTRICT NO. 8..v Will Include all territory In the (tat of Nebraska, not included In Districts Number 6 and 7, also territory In South Dakota. Kansas and Colorado. One 11,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B. A L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. L. Deposit will be awarded In this district. W. B. Shelton, Paxton , 193.640 Martin Nelson, Dannebrog 108,210 Mrs. F. 8. Copeland, Brldeport 137,ii4 Hllda Jacobson, Arapahoe.. 193,670 Slgna Peterson, Eddyvllle.. .131,770 Bert Brownell, Chappell , 197,680 P. J. Mlnner. 10) W. 6th, Gr. lis.. 1)4,180 Mr. A. K. Callahan, Gerlng...... 1)2,460 Mra. Bertha A. Eber, Kirk. .......193.914 W. K. Harris, Bertrand 1)2,640 George Gardner, Bayard 192,900 Melba Phillbrick, Ord 197,710 C. B. Dossett. Axtell 166.410 E. G. Nlsley, Lexington 197,810 Wm. Halsey, Lebanon .......... .100,90 Fern Gates, Stamford ....1)7,560 Mrs. Emil Stelnke, Holdrege, 197.M0 Mr. Clay Funston, Ogallala 151,140 A. R. Lee. 71) N. Locust, N. Plate 1)4,230 Blanche Myers, Sutherland 1)3,870 Mr. M. Rosecrana, Julesb'g, Colo. 74.310 Dr. C. H. Blackburn. Mitchell 140,070 Mrs. Ray Rathbun, Hayes Center. ...77,460 H. C. McKak. St, Paul 90.460 Ruth Walsh, Shelton 105,490 Harver Thompson. Ravenna ...t5.7 Helen Looml. Gibbon ............ .164.610 a i Deri f. rowers, ureeley. ........ .103,600 P. C. McKenale, Burwell 1)3.620 Walter T. Shaw, Franklin ....SS.lno Mr. J. A. Quinton, Brule 1)6,490 Wm. F. Beranek, Loup City 61,670 Hazel Farfell, Gothenburg 1)6,810 Mra. Grace Murray, Bloomlngton....99,3i0 Mrs. H. J. Mcintosh. Coiad 1)6.840 Luclle Johnson, Orleans 196,760 Harry G. Selk. Scotia 194,780 Mrs. K. C. Dlllman. Broken Bow..l95,io Vera Corley, Callaway 100,210 Mra Fred Collom. Arnold 195.520 Andrew Campbell, Cambridge 194,340 Andy Stone, Wood River..... 33,100 Chas. Johnson, Manville. Wyo 94,160 H. B. VanBusklrk, Mullen 1)2.000 Haiel Trundel. Sumner ......196.770 Harriett Edwards. Scottabluff. 196,7)0 c. o. Jones. Hyannls. s.lto Clarence Sowler, Ansley 1,000 Mane Lewi, Aneelmo 6,01)0 Mrs. E. J. Reichstein, MInden 185.6)0 J. F. Schwaiger, North Platte 197,170 Iceland Zlnk, Mccook 116.000 Irwin W. Klumb, Grand Island..... 5,000 Llzsia Mclntyre. Tyron 17.001 Edna Galloway. Liberal. Kan. ......6,010 Mable Douglas. Morrell 16.390 Thomas Warder. Marysvllle., 46,900 John Allsky. Brownlee i.oos R. L. Dunn. 6th Ave., Kearney ... .198,000 Mrs. Koy Bennett, sis w. iso. Kearney .' 1,100 Oyma Clyde, O'Neill 16,000 Elisabeth E. Falrchlld, Letnoyne. ...,S, . Isaac R. Ross, Anselmo ,..,.6.000 Winifred Bogue, Atkinson 6,000 Mabel Shawler, Long Pine MOO Myrtle Roger. Perclval Harlen Kluts. Mono am! n Mrs. Nettle Batchelder, Rlverton. Glen C. Sillick. Missouri Valley... O. J. Atkins. Neola..... Marlon Caughell, Carson.. Ruth Knight. Glenwood Betty Eacrett, Malvern Rev, G. B. Bauman, Minden Mrs. Blllle Iwen, Schleswlg .Tune Ovlatt. Shenandoah Mrs. Ona Johnson, Pacific Jet.. George W. Moore, Bartlett Bert Graham, Rt. I. Logan Nellie J. 8olleder, Thurman Gladya Mavis, Harlan..' Bernard Franklin, Hamburg Merle Andreas. Oakland Merle B. Vravla, Carson Leona Hamann, Persia Mrs. Ray Plerson, Henderson. ... Lloyd W. Weatherell, Panama... Mra. Lowell C. Mattox. Shelby... Mrs. S. L. Jefferson, Woodbine... E. E. Axthelm, Glenwood June Beaver, Harlan Opal Snyder, Randolph .., T. J. Comer, Miasourl Valley..... Haiel Donaldson, Avoca , Grant E. Froyd, Harlan........ .114.611 .196,620 .197,450 .160.240 .115.400 .196,920 .1)4.790 .1)6.240 .1)6.900 .198,940 .196,530 .lb),780 .195.480 .194.960 .1)5,211 .154.240 .163.070 .1)7,080 ,114,161 .120,240 .106.620 . 10,210 .164.600 .1)7.870 . 16,110 .161,480 .117,740 .181,411 .117.610 ...1.001 DISTRICT NO. Will Include the following counties In the state of Nebraska, i Com, Narphy, Donglaa (ontaide the city of Omaha,), Sounder, Dodge, Washington, Burt, Cuming, Thurston, Dakota, Dixon. One $1,11.1.00 Maxwell, one 1SOO.M R. A L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. ft I. Deposit will be awarded tn this district. O. C. Hobaok, Nehawka 11,760 Zetta Lower, Valparaiso 45,770 J. H. Domingo, Weeping Water.. 41.760 V. H. Hoerstmann, Fremont 114,410 DISTRICT NO. . Will Include the following; counties hi the state of Nebraska! Bntler, Polk, Merrick, Nance, Piatt. Colfax, Stanton, Madisoo.Roone, Antelope, Pierce, Wayne, Cedar and Knox. One $1,111.00 Maxwell, one 1200.00 B. A L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. a L. Deposit will be awarded la this district. Vivian Dee, David City 141,170 E. C. Wilde, 121 8. 1, Norfolk. .114.110 F. L. Brown, Schuyler... 114,7)0, Helen M. Wynkoop, Central Cty.. 1)4.730 Floyd Buchanan. Sliver Creek. ....1)6,880 Sam Davtes, Wayne ..1)1.600 Elmer Nordland, Columbus .......183,660 D. P. Hill. Genoa ...........1)1.1)0 W. C. Halsey, Oakdale ......1)4,410 Fred T. Wlnglngton, Schuyler.... 1)2. 180 A. E. Stafford. Rising City 1)6.420 R. E. Strasburg, Polk .164.070 Mrs. Wade Prultt. Humphrey.. .'...1)6. 7)0 O. C. Smith, Albion ..134.110 Ida Ruether, Stanton 1)3,)S0 Harry J. Muffler, 81 Edward 1)5,600 Cedrio Anderson. Wauaa 111,760 Laura Kolena, Crelghton 111.121 Lydia Seyersdahl, Madison ........106,170 Josephine Evan. Platte Center. ...104.4S0 Mrs. Ed Lyons Newman Grove.. .184.120 J. W. Keeler. Fullerton. ...... ....115,660 ' R. J. Swanson, Fullerton 109,760 Anton F. Votava. Schuyler....... .191.720 Junlta Carlson, Stromeburg ........124,170 Marguerite Durbla, Bloomfield ...140,960 Josephine Newton, Osceola ...... .. 1)7,760 Blanche Colby, Shelby 191.630 Mra A. Masters, Clarke IS.Sot O. C. Griffin. Clark.., 18.610 Hasel Bowders, Nellgh 143,740 B. J. Maslowaky, Randolph 147.A06) Henry J. Hayner, Octavla 43.60 Roy Combs, David City 171.919 William King, Cedar Rapid ;.'"! C J. Haviland, Norfolk ,...172,114 If yoa want to be paid at tha rata of bettor than $1,000 par week, than enter tho H. Y. S. Club and win tha $7,800 hosAa.