Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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SOCIETY will pay homage to the
bride lor the month of June,
during every moment of it, for
with so many weddings the scant JO
days will be crammed to the brim
with affairs for the many brides-to
Miss Esther Smith has chosen
June 25 as the date of the marriage
to Richard Mallory.
Miss Betty Ringwalt will be one
of the first brides of the month, her
marriage to Lieut. Richard Crane of
Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Mary
land, taking place on June 4. -
An out-of-town wedding will be
that of Kenneth Norton of this city
and Janet Rockwell of Hornell, N.
Y on June 1.
Miss Olga Metz will be married
the latter part of June to Dr. Her
bert Davis.
Miss Mercedes Jensen will also be
married in June. Another wedi
ding of that month will be that of
Louise White. '
Engagement Announced.
Mr. and Mrs; Soren Dannevarn
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Goldie E. Christicnsen, tt
Paul Deardorf, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Deardorf of Dvton, O. The
wedding will take phec June 1 it
the Dannevarn home.
Benefit Party.
The Get Acquainted club will en
tertain at a benefit party Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock in the commc i
room of the First TT"' -'"an chur'-.h,
Turner boulevard and Harney
street. The proceeds will go to
ward the support of an Armenian
orphan which the club has adopted!
There will be games and dancing
and the .affair is open to fie public.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Harlan wi'l
chaperon the party.
Simmons College Club.
All Omaha alumnae of Simmons
college will meet Wednesday after
noon at 5 o'clock at Happy Hollow
club. Miss Rita Mayer of Lincoln
will be in charge. An Omaha alum
nae club will be organized at the
Dinner for Seniors.
Dr. B. B. Davis and Dr. Charles
a ir..ii ...mi a: . ,t.
j.iuu win give a unmet di me
Omaha club Thursday for the senior
students of the University of Ne
braska College of Medicine. Covers
will be laid for 50.
Affairs for Travelers.
Mrs. J. J. Mullen will be hostess
at a tea at her home, Thursday aft
ernoon, complimentary to Mrs. John
L. Kennedy and Mrs. C. A. H ill,
who leave early in June to summer
For Mrs. Hull.
Mr. and Mrs. H: H. Baldrige will
entertain at dinner at the Country
club May 30, in honor of Mrs. C. A.
Hull. ' .
For Mrs. Estey.
Mrs. W. J. Coad entertained at
bridge at her home Tuesday after
noon for Mrs. Harold Estey of Bos
ton, guest of Mrs. D. C. Bradford.
Four tables were set for the game.
Dinner for Miss Jordan.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hull will
entertain 18 guests at dinner Satur
day evening at the Country club hon
oring Mary Jordan.
Luncheon of Committee Chairmen.
George; Doane entertained the chair-
mAh A ..AAi4.rl I hqfihM' a.
day committee at luncheon Tuesday
at the, Baldrige home.;,
. : ' ... t
For Miss McCarthy.
MrV Kenneth Paterson was host
ess at a luncheon of 12 covers Tues
'rlav at: the Cnuntrv rluh in honor of
1 Miss Gertrude McCa.thy of Chicago,
guest of 'Mrs. Paul Gallagher.
Who expects a lawyer or a doctor
to take time from a busy day to sit
down and indite expert advice to any
" straneer who writes for that spe
cialized commodity without taking
pains to inclose a fee, or at least, to
ask what the consultation will cost?
Yet how often unknown and utterly
unqualified correspondents write to
literary specialists to request advice
gratis or to demand detailed reasons
why worthless articles are not ac
cepted? . 1 '
When an editor receives upward
of 100,000 manuscripts yearly most
of them illiterate, and only a rare few
available he is mood to diag
nose their ailments; a whole staff of
secretaries could not find time to
answer everv letter of inquiry regard
mg them. That is why the printed
. rejection form is used lor all but the
brilliant exceptions. No one need
write a letter to an editor when send'
iner an unsolicited contribution to his
publication. It is necessary only to
put the sender s name and address
together with the number of words in
the article at the head of the typed
MS., and to inclose sufficient postage
for the return of the contribution, if
it proves unavailable. Manuscripts
should be sent flat or folded, never in
the amateurish rolls illustrated.
(Copyright. 1921. by Public Ledger Co.)
22 02- i;
'fcnzr etas
What's What
"Splash Me" Sings
Alice Llovd at
Orpheum :'
"Splash me! Come and splash me!
sings the Splash Me Girl, Alice
Lloyd, at the Orpheum this week.
The invitation to ioin the trioDinff
little bathing beauty in her pastime
of splashing in the ocean is a wel
come one during this hot weather.
For the past 14 years, since she
made her first hit with the song.
Miss Lloyd has sung her "Old Re
liable" each season. Though the
styles in bathing suits may change,
the song does not and the public
waits for "Sweet Alice" to sing the
tune which she made a favorite.
Miss Lloyd is English by birth,
but American by adoption and mar
riage. Her . 4-year-old daughter,
Grace Cecilia McNowIton, talks
American, too, according to the
mother. She says laffs, and gir-r-rls,
and asks for candy instead of sweets.
The little girl will go to England
in July with her mother to visit her
grandparents during the summer
months. .
Miss Lloyd sings only character
songs, quaint bits picked here and
there from life. Her costumes are
old fashioned, just enough to lend
a picturesque touch to her act. She
has never attempted to use Ameri
can jazz in her acts and she says
of it:
"I like alt American songs, they
have melody and rhythm. But the
words I I can not sing most of
your so-called popular songs because
the verses are so meaningless.
She is the same Alice Lloyd of
14 years ago, she has the same
smile, the same curly yellow hair
and the same type of songs. Just
one thing is different. She is no,
we didn't say fatter she is just a
wee bit chubbier than in days gone
Mrs. C. J. Hubbard motored to
Kansas City for the week-end.
Dr. Ernest D. Johnson will return
Friday from a trip to California.
Mrs. E, W. Norris leaves the lat
ter part of the week of O'Neill,
A son, Richard Lee, was born May
23 at the Methodist hospital to Mr.
and Mrs. Everett C. Stice.
Miss Louise White returns Wed
nesday from Linwood, Neb., where
she has been visiting friends.
Mrs. C. S. Connor and family have
taken a cottage at Colorado Springs
where they will spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Quenten Deaver of
Casper, Wyo., are visiting Mrs. Clem
Deaver and Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sulli
van. Mr. and Mrs. George Foster have
returned from Chicago, where they
were called by the death of Mrs. Fos
ter's mother.
Mrs. J. S. Morris and daughter,
Trpn nf T.n Anffples. en route to
Chicago, are visiting relatives and
mends in umaha.
-Wayland W. Magee.his two little
daughters and their grandmother,
Mrs. J. W. Thomas, will motor to
Chicago the first' of June. .
. .,
Milton Darling, who sails June 3
on the steamship La France -for a
summer in Europe, leaves tor .New
York Friday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Epsten and
family leave Thursday for a motor
trip to Kansas City, where they will
remain until after Decoration day.
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Nachtifirall
announce the birth of a daughter at
at. josepn nospttai on Monday. Mrs.
Nachtigall was formerly Miss Edith
Keeler. -
A son was born Monday to Mr.
and Mrs; Henry E. Bock at St.
Joseph hospital.' Mrs. Bock was
formerly Miss WUhelmina Arm
burst. Mrs. J. P. Jerpe and Miss Selma
Jerpe have gone to Los ' Angeles.
Miss Jerpe-will become the bride ot
Arnold Leveen of Los Angeles m
Mrs. Charles Metz. and daughter,
Mrs. Robert Garrett, and their guest,
Mrs. Philio Metz. of Buffalo, N. i.,
have gone' to Cody, Neb., to spend
two weeks at the Metz ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Anderson, Mr.
and Mrs. C, W. Southwell and Miss
Ruth Anderson, will move the latter
part of the week into their new home
at 5010 Capitol avenue.
Mrs. Lewis A. Morris and daugh
ter, Ailecn Betty, of Hollywood, Cal.,
are visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. S. Finkenstein. Mr. Morris
arrives the first of next week to ac
comoanv his family to Chicago. Mrs
Morris was formerly Miss Jennie
Stein of Omaha.
Coffee is the favor
ite drink of normal,
healthy people
everywhere. In the
United States we
drank torty-ve bil
lion cups last year.
T4W.11 Street New York
the univeml drink
your children becomingly and economi
cally. Send ehild'e age end money or
der for $2.50 and we will forward yon
by return mail a pair of romperi or a
girl's dress, as you specify. They arc
washable, hand-embroidered and guar
anteed. Yoii ave two orofits.
36S Pacific Bldf- Saa Franciaco, Cat.
Council of Jewish Women
Elects Officers.
Mrs. Frederick Cohn was re
elected president of the Omaha
branch of the Council, of Jewish
Women Monday afternoon at the
Blackstone hotel. Mrs. Isadore
Ziegler was chosen vice president
and Mrs Joseph Cohn, recording
secretary. The following were re
elected: Mrs. Simon A. Meyer, cor
responding secretary; Mrs. L. M.
Woolfson, treasurer; Mrs. Carl
Furth and Mrs. Samuel Schaefer,
auditing committee.
Chautauqua "Notes.
Mrs. ' Elizabeth Ryan was re
elected president of the Bishop Vin
cent Chautauqua circle at the an
nual business meeting Monday eve
ning at the court house. Mrs.
James Ewing was re-elected secre
tary and Miss Myrta bchnieder
Frances W 11 lard W. C. T. C Wednes
day, 2 p. m , T. W. C. A.
La Salle Club Wednesday, 7:50 p. m,.
Chamber of Commerce. Parlor A.
Alpna ran umega weanesaay, is to
1:30 p. in., luncheon. Chamber of Com
merce. S. HI. A. P. P. Y. Club Wednesday eve-
ntnr. sewing class. Social Settlement
lundee Chautauqua Circle Wednesday,
2 p. m., with Mrs. Fred Elliott, Jr., HOT
Webster street.
Omaha Woman's Club Wednesday, I
Almost as Easy as Yishing
TCour breakfast cup is ready
without trouble or delay when
is the table beverage.
To a teaspoonful of
Instant Postum in the cup.
add hot water, stir, and you
have a satisfying, comfort
ing dTink,delightfui In taste
and with no harm to nerves or
digestion . As many cups as
you like, without regret.
"There's a Reason?
Your grocer sells Postum in two forms; ,
Postum Cereal. u- packages)
. made by boiling fall 20 mintxtes.
, Instant Postum (m tins)
made instantly in the cup by adding hot meet
Made by Postum Cereal CalncBattlc Creek.Mich.
Glaring Sun, Dust and
Strain, Injure and Weaken Eyes
Says Dr. Lewis. Prescribes
Bon-Opto in Hot Weather
Telia Hew to Strengthen Eyesight SO Per
Cent in a Week s Tim. in Many
Inataneea. 1
Philadelphia. Pa. Dr. Lewie, an eye
pceialist of many years' practice, says
summer time is hard on eyea because the
glare of the sun, heat and dust injure
and weaken them. He says it ia possible
to strengthen eyesight wonderfully in a
very short time by using Bon-Opto. He
oreaeribes it freely and further says: "A
patient came to ma suffering from Ble
pharitis Marginalia. Her eyes had the
dull expression common to such cases.
She used Bon-Opto and not only over
came her distressing condition, but so
strengthened her eyesight that she was
able to dispense with her distance glasses.
Hey headache and neuralgia left her. In
this instance I should say her eyesight
was improved 100 per cent." The doctor's
advice will prove of great value to many
eye sufferers. Many whose eyea were
failing say they have had their eyes. re
stored. One man says after trying it: I
waa almost blind: could not see to read at
alL Now I e'en read everything without
my glasses and my eyes do not water any
more. At night they would pafn dread
fully now they feel fine all the time. It
waa like a miracle to me." A lady who
uaed it says: "The atmosphere seemed
hasy with or without glasses, but after
using this prescription for fifteen days
son s
The Henihaw, 1609 Farnam
Harmony, 1509 Harney
Beatty 's, 1805 Farnam
7needa, 115 N. 16th
o'clock luncheon and May party at Camp
Brewater for all club members.
A. C. A. Horn Educational (taction
Wednesday, 1 o'clock, luncheon with Mra.
H. B. Bergqulst 2509 South A street..
Wemaa'i Faculty Club Wednesday
afternoon with Mra. Amos Thomas, Silt
Emmet street. Election of officers.
Dundee Morning Chautauqua Circle
Wednesday, 9:46 a, in. with Mrs. R. A.
Winkelman, 101 South Forty-first street.
Mothers' Club Wednesday, 1 o'clock
luncheon with Mr. H. E. King. 6006 Capi
tol avenue. Mrs. Carl Wilson, assistant
hostess. Election or officers, raper, ' Civ
il Service Commission," Mrs. Dean Smith.
lecture on Modem History Wednesday,
I p. m Duchesne college and Convent of
Sacred Heart. Thirty -sixth and Burt
streets. The Rev. Alfred Kaufman of
Crelghton university, speaker. The, public
la Invited.
Farm women in the United States
work on an average of 11.3 hours
each day.
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
Only a Little French Girl: An
olive skin Is considered very beauti
ful by many people.
Tou are not only too young to
teach at 15 but I think the law will
not permit you to do so until you
are 18. You are well advanced in
school for your years.
I think a girl who Is graduating;
from high school should be permit
ted to have boy friends.
There is nothing morally wrong
lp a young girl using rouge and face
powder, but I think they detract
from her charms rather than add.
Shades of rose, light gray and dark
blue are becoming to an olive
skinned girl.
everything seemed clear. I can even reed
fine print without, glasses." It ia believed
that thousands who wear glasses can
now discard them in a reasonable time
and multitudes more wilt be able to
strengthen their eyes so as to be spared
the trouble and expense of getting glasses.
Eye troubles of many descriptions may be
wonderfully benefited by following the
simple rules.
Go to any active drug store and get a
bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one
Bon-Opto tablet in a fourth of a glass
of water and allow to dissolve. With this
liquid bathe the eyes two to four times
daily. You should notice your eyes clear
up perceptibly right from the start and
inflammation will quickly disappear. If
your eyes are bothering you even a little,
take steps to save them now before it
is too late. Many hopelessly blind might
have been saved if they had cared for
their eyes in time.
NOTE Another prominent physician to whom the
ibofe article wis submitted said: "Bon-Opto is a
rery remarkable remedy. Its constituent ingredi
ents are mil known to eminent eye specialists and
widely prescribed by them. Tha manufacturers
fuarantea It to strengthen eyesight SO per cent in
one week's time in many initanoes or refund the
money. It can be obtained from any good drug
gist sad Is one of the few prepsrstlons I feel
should be kept on hand for regular use in almost
ery family. It is sold in Omiha by the Sherman
ft McConnell ( stores and the Melcber stores, and
other druggists.
More than a hundred years
ago, Toby Hobson of Cam
bridge kept the only two
horses in town -but his pa
trons had no choice ssrve to
take the one nearest the door
so "Hobson 's Choice'V has
eome to mean "take this or
none." This is not the -case,
however, at . the Beatty Cafe
terias. You have a wide as
sortment of quality foods to
select from. '
Eat lit the one moat con
venient for TOU the game
excellent service in all of
,: , duitfflL
Corset Covers From Old
When waists get worn in the
sleeves or around the neck cut them
down and make a neat camisole or
corset cover by hemming At the top.
After it is cut to the proper size sew
on a piece ot narrow lace or crochet
a lew lines ot some neat edging.
To Sing at Benefit.
Eleanor Gladys Behrens, pupil of
Louise Jansen Wylie, will sing at the
benefit to be given Wednesday eve
ning at the Auditorium for St. James
orphanage. ' Margaret Schmittrotli
will be at the piano.
Thousands of Advanced Cases
Completely Healed Dis
eased Mouths Made
Sweet and Clean.
Spongy, Bleeding Gums Are
Made Firm; Teeth Loosened
by Pyorrhea Are Tightened.
Pyros Is Guaranteed, if Fairly
Tried, Regardless of How
Severe the Case May Be.
Countless of nature's - own
human teeth have been saved for year
upon years of service through the prop
er and timely use of Pyros for Pyor
rhea, i
Thousands of diseased and unhealthy
mouths have been cleaned up. purified and
sweetened, stained teeth cleaned and whit
ened, decay arrested and foul breath made
pleasant and wholesome through the use
of this highly scientific mouth wash and
What a wonderful thing this highly
astringent, penetrating and antiseptic
Pyros is. What a blessing it is for those
who suffer from aore, bleeding and spongy
gums, trench mouth and pyorrhea-infected
teeth to know that absolute and positive
relief is at hand in a form as easily used
and applied as washing teeth with an ordi
nary dentifrice.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Used the sample of Pyros on a
patient with the most wonderful re
sults. Kindly send me three bottles,
two to the above address and one to
Miss Wilde, 6829 .Norfolk St., W.
J. S. Sullivan D.D.S.
just think what it means to forestall
for years and years to come the sacrifice
of your own natural teeth for false ones
with their disagreeable plates. And not
only that, Pyros guards your health b'
clearing up and dispelling the poisonous
pyorrhetic pue sacks which form at the
tooth roots and spread through the body,
causing rheumatism, stomach trouble, in
sanity and countless other ills unless they
are antisepticised with Pyros.
Pyros is a highly scientific liquid prep
aration, which is used just as any ordi
nary mouth wash or liquid dentifrice is
used. But it has a wonderful "kick" in
it. The minute you apply Pyros its potent
power is felt, and you will appreciate its
difference from the wishy-washy, perfumed
and flavored waters that are merely made
to taste good, but do no actual good.
Pyros doesn't taste good at first but it
sure does the work. It goes right after
Pyorrhea, sore, bleeding or receding gums,
loose teeth or trench mouth, and cleans
them up completely.
Get a bottle today. An 8 -ounce bottle
eosta a dollar and it will last a month.
Follow the directions carefully and use
it faithfully. Dilute it at first if your
mouth is very sore and tender. Then if
it fails to give you absolute and positive
relief r if it doesn't completely heal up.
purify aid sweeten your mouth and breath.
if it doesn t tighten up your pyorrnea
loosened teeth and in every other way do
all we claim for it, go right back to the
drug store from which you bought it, or
write in to the laboratory and yet your
money back.
Nearly every drug store sells Pyros, or
can get it from any wholesale drutririst.
If your druggist hasn't any just tuck a
one-dollar bill in an envelope with your
address and mail it to The Rhea Chemi
cal company, manufacturers of Pyros, 1271
Curtis street, Denver, uoio.. ana we win
send you a bottle, postpaid, with our
guarantee of results or your money back.
Do it today. , .
One Little Pimple
Will Spoil A
Beautiful Face
?V master how perfect the) fea
ture or bow prettily .owned, If
your complexion is marred by a
pimple or ugly blemish, yon cannot
poeaeis complete beauty.
Little facial blemishes can be car;
lly removed by the nse of
beauty bleach
This delightful flesh tinted cream!
forms an Invisible coating which will
clear the skin of tan, freckles, pim
ples, unsightly blotches, lirer spots
and similar blemishes.
Black and White Soap should bo
ased ia connection with Beauty
Bleach. It is's pore soap and a de
lightful aid in keeping the skin dear,
loft and yonthful.
Black and White Beaaty Bleach
can be found at yonr drag or depart
ment store. Bleach 50c the package,
Soap 25c the cake. Clip and mail
this to Black and White Box 1507,
Memphis, Tenn, for free literature
and ssmples of Black and White
Face Powder and Talcum. .
and the placing of advance
orders at most fortunate quo
tations enables the H. R.
Bowen Co. to . offer every
householder in, Omaha. v
at prices most amazingly low.
Now when the home is re
ceiving its spring renovating
from cellar to attic, and you
are making Several changes in
the rooms, ofttimes several
yards of carpet are all that's
required to make the room
cozy, comfortable and attrac
tive. In our carpet department
we have several thousand
yards of carpeting that are
offered at particularly, at
tractive prices, and you will
find from our immense stock
a pattern that will not only
give service, but please each
member cf the household.
See display on second floor
and make your selection early,
as you will save many dollars
by buying at Bowen's.
Howard St., bet. 15th and 16th
Money back without question
(Hunt's Salve andSoap),fail in I
the treatment of Itch, Bcsetna,
Ringwoiiu-Tetterorotherltoh- .
ing akin dieeaeea. Try thle'
ir-"v.ment ot our rik.
Sherman & McConnell S Drug Stores
If Ruptured
Try This Free
Apply it to Any Rupture, Old
or Recent, Large or SmatP
and You are on the
Road That Has
Sent Free to Prove This
Anyone ruptured, man, woman or child,
should write at once' to W. S. Bice. 676
Main St., Adams. N. Y., for a tree- trial of
bis wonderful stimulating application. Just
put it on the rupture and the muscles be
gin to tighten; they begin to bind together
so that the opening closes naturally and
the need of a support or truss or appliance
is then done away with. Don't neglect to
send for this, free trial. Even if your rup
ture doesn't bother you what is the use of
wearing supports all your life? Why suf
fer this nuisance T Why run the risk cf
gangrene and such dangers from a small
and innoeent little rupturei the kind that
has thrown thousands on the operating ta
ble? A host of men and womeu are daily
running such risk just because their rup
tures do not hurt nor prevent them from,
getting around. Write at once for this
free trial, as it is certainly a wonderful
thing and has aided in the cure of rup
tures that were as big as a man's two fists.
Try and write at once, using the coupon
Free for Rupture
W. S. Rice. Inc., '
676 Main St., Adams, N. Y.
You may send me entirely free a
Sample Treatment of your stimulating
application ' for Rupture.
Name .,
RemoTei DendruS-BtnpeHalrli'al Unci
Restores Color and I
Beauty to Gray and Fadd Hair)
w. ann at prtifcrtvt.
H'wn Che m. Was. Falchoaue. ?T. T.
Easiest Way to Remove
Ugly Hairy Growths
(Beauty Culture)
Here is a method for removing
hair from arms, neck or face that is
unfailing and is quite inexpensive;
Mix a thick paste with some powder
ed delatone and water and spread on
hairy surface. After 2 or 3 minutes,
rub it off, wash the skin and every
trace of hair has vanished. No harm
or' inconvenience results from this
treatment, but be careful to get genu
ine delatone and mix fresh.
Cuticura Shampoos
Mean Healthy Hair
Especially if preceded by touches
of Cuticura Ointment to spots of
dandruff, itching and irritation.
This treatment does much to keep
the scalp dean and healthy and to
promote hair growth.
SaaafbSasBtnttosbsl. AiMx"Ollnll
entatlaswtlM.lsahhaea.Haas." BoMm rr.
"Help Yourself Club"
The DAII.T and Sunday. Morning or Even
ing, by Hoy Carrier in Omaha. Counelt
Wotfe and In tew-e where Carrier Boy
service ia maintained.
t Years IS6.60 UO.OOD
S Tears tMo 110,0(111
t Tear 10.10 11,000
( Months '. S.10 ' . 1,009
1 Months i.... tit 11,000
Morning or Kresilng TV It boat Sanday by
Carrier Boy Service.
3 Trs., S naontha .:5.15 150,000
1, Tears 15.10 118.000
1 Tear ' 7.10 Ol.ono
1 Months , i ,. I t- 11,000
1 Months , l.tS 10,000
Sunday Only by Boy Carrier.
i , New
t Tear ' IS.(0 200.000
S Tears ., , 10.40 It. 000
I Tear ... 6. JO 11.000
(Months i .1.(0 11.000
Renewal subscription paymeate will be given half aa many votes aa new subscriptions
Standing of the Club Member. JftSTl FStE
mi v-i-a wwi E-iv-n ana cv-meei ai in is enice up to 3 p. m., last Saturday,
e standings will be changed again in Friday's Baser and will Includ. the vol.. that
are received and counted at the H. Y. S.
Turn to page 4 and
read the fascinating
details. See "the home
of smiling faces." read
how you can own the
home without expense
to you.
Will Include all territory Inside the
City limits of Omaha south of Pacific
street, west of the river to Seventy
eeond street, Includlnc Balaton. Belle
voe. Fort Crook and Avery.
One Sl.l 15.00 Maxwell, one (200.00
n. L, Deposit and one SI 00.00 .
A L. Deposit will be awarded In this
R. W. Sara. 519 8. SSrt fit iss am
Mrs. C. A. Christensen, 623 Cedar. 111,180
mrii-i nerogren, 3UI s. 7in Bt. 1(5,720
Martha Ebert, 1403 Poppleton ....115,200
Mrs. Thomas Seise, 2311 I Bt. ...105,(60
Mrs. Pearl Starkey. 1937 S. 12th left.sin
Frank Kennlsnn, 1500 8. 26th St. 134,080
Mrs. j. N. Williams, 3601 8. 13d ..107,780
Mrs. F. Marecek. 6213 S. 20th St 195 41(1
Mrs. Anna Rupp.rt, 2014 Martha ' 57.480
Mrs. C. A. Keuth, 1882 Bancroft .145,460
John Kwasnlewskl, 2867 Oak ....144,780
H. Hakenhols, 2223 Monroe 104,080
Iva Slegel, 1724 Dorca 115,470
O. H. Evans, 4650 6. 40th 124,100
Mra. F. D. Haworth'. 1776 S. 1th ..114 64(1
George Peterson, 3412 Wright 110.310
mra. unve s. jjusenoury, 1106 8. S3a 44,180
Honry Furst, 3206 W St 104,400
J. L. Beecroft, 4546 S. 18th 106,710
L. A. Speltzer. 5626 8. 28d ......106,680
John Spell, 810 Forest Ave 170,710
B. H. Burke, 1102 Park Ave , 11,100
Miss C. O'Halloran, 2971 8. 10th .. 28,410
l. i. none, ltil 8, 31st Bt 138,400
Mrs. E. J. McEvoy, 2323 8. 14th St. 6,110
Mrs. Mary R. Cole. 209 Francis.... 6.00ft
Mrs. Ella Dostal. 2300 8. 14th .... 6.000
John Andrlconls, 3353 T St 6,000
Will Include all territory Inside the
city limits of Omaha and on, and
north of Paciffn atrt. m4 of h
f river to Eighty-third street and as far
north as Maple street.
One SM15.00 Maxwell, one 1200.00
B. ft I.. Deposit and one SlOo.OO B.
L. Deposit will be awarded in this
Mrs. C. J. Hubbard, 3304 Farnam .114.720
O. VT, Hendee. 4204 Burdette .....122.370
A. D. Klein, jr., 4806 Podge ..112,840
Kloye B. Morel), 544 S. 26th Ave 196,460
C. J. Wright. 2310 Howard 192.840
W. T. Zlesel, 3314 Decatur ......193,960
ut. Frank G. Smith1. Blackstone ..193,460
Louis J. Schafer, 112 N. 26th ....194.610
Mildred Plaifk, 2714 Burt ..138.210
Mrs. Arfna Morenelll, 868 S. 21st 193,860
Fred Koegh, 220 M. 19th 179,960
A. Hicks. 2718 Miami .194.480
R. H. Ackley, 2507 N. 24th 21.610
Mrs. Emily Winner, 119 N. 20th ...192,410
R. E, Holbrook. 3564 Pacific 196,470
Herman Nachahoen. 413 N. 18th 60.380
Desale D. Harrop, 2667 Douglas ...196,000
C. A. Wler, 1916 Charjes 178,360
C. F. SlosKon. dr.. 4906 Cumins' 111.750
J. K. Molntosh. 4160 Chicago ...192,510
sirs. Mary ungei, z05 uumtng ... 43.860
Mrs. A. E. Waack,. 2222 Howard ..195,750
Mrs. Bessie Beach,'' 1008 6. 21th. . .191,700
Harold Anderson,- 3118 Marcy ..... 75,160
R H. White. 567 S. 38d 194,980
Mrs. W. J. Whitakr,'4804 Dodge. .196,760
I.. K. Swanson, 4129 Lake 157,760
Mrs. B. X. Clausen, 4809 Under'd 147,280
Mrs. Marie Coulter, 3009 Harney 196,190
Rev. N. C. Hanson. 1713 N. 26th St 197.490
Mrs. C. M". Tomandl. 4607 Charlea 196.780
Roland Preisman, 1013 N. 32d .... 40,380
Horace Schaeffer. 4225 Cuming. ,. .196,290
Mrs. C. E. Llnneman, 1633 Victor. .121.690
Mrs. M. L. Vosburgh; 2664 Douglaa 191,290
W. C. Nlelson. 1824 N. 33d 6.300
Thos. K. McLeavey, 833 Park 6.240
Ralph N. Pratt. 603 5. 28th 198,900
Norman Lewis. 805 S. 14th St 6.000
C. B. Hye, 3830 Seward 197,900
Phlneas Wlntroub.' 1324 Howard .-. 6410
Herald Nelson. 4315 Seward 6,110
Douglas Peters, 206 8. J 2d. 21,840
Will Include all territory Inside the
city limits of Omaha on and north of
Maple street, west of the, river to
Eighty-third street and north to Ser
geant street. Including Florence aad
the Carter Lake district.
One Sl.US.OO Maxwell, one
B. I.. Deposit and one 1100.00 B.
L. Deposit trill be swarded In this
F.dna Lawrence. 7711 K. 28th Ave.. 138.870
A. L. Frederick, 2658 Wltmore ,...117.500
Mona Harris, 2964 N. 47th Ave. .196,870
H. Christenson. 6904 Mtnne Cuaa. . .194,640
C. D. Schnell, 2423 Crown Point ...194,840
O. J. Emery, 2554 Pratt 196,900
Leo Daniels. 3302 Maple 147.850
Mrs. R. Tedesco, 2939 Lin. Blvd. 197,980
Violet Brotehle, '6020 Flor. Blvd.. .195,710
Mrs. L. M. Thlrtle, 6005 N. SOth. . .115,690
Mrs. W. W. Davis. 3920 Flor. Blvd.. 193,870
Mrs. Harry Rogers, 8611 N. 29th... 62,140
C. Hall. 2879 Vane 68.640
winirrea Travis, zsbi rowier lxs.iio
Mrs. Tom Rodebaugh. 3180 Mer'th 112,160
Mrs. J. M. Streeter, 4008 N. 34th.. .163,410
Mrs. G. L. Tracy, 2811 Browne 147,510
W. E. Stutenroth, 268 Camden. .. .186,400
Mrs. Ous Krantz, 7301 Maple 197,670
8 M. Finley. 1931 Binney 194,680
Mr. E. O. Peets. 2720 Laurel 1,180
P. F. Outschewski, 3331 Ames .... 12,180
Will Include all territory In the city
of Council Bluffs, Including the Ma-awe
One St .113.00 Maxwell, one S200.00 B.
ft I.. Deposit and one 1100.00 B. ft L.
Deposit will be awarded in thla district.
Gertrude Sullican, 813 Ave. B.. . .... .198,780
Anna Ward. 1006 6th Ave 24,660
Mrs. M. A. Smith, 2304 Ave, P 196.790
A. W. Gelger. Jr., 426 Damon 22.680
Dorothy Lenihan, 862 Harrison St. .197,860
Mrs. Ada McLaughlin. 1908 3d Ave. 183,310
R. P. Bolin, 2003 4th Ave 103.160
Mrs. Peter Jensen, Oakland Ct.. .. .101,240
Mrs. Iva M. Ford. 306 8. 18th. 197,920
R. V. Edwards, 2310 Ave. C 107,110
Lou Dunlap. Grand Hotel ,...102,680
Mrs. Wm. J. Ryan. 2026 Ave. A. . . .185,680
Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, 2035 Ave. A... 21,860
A. P. Clobrldge. 306 W. Pierce 11,080
Ray Wilcox. 627 E. Broadway 196,690
W1U Include all the territory In the
state of Iowa outside the elty of
Council Bluffs and the Manawa dis
trict. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one f.OOM
B. ft L. Deposit (nd one $100.00 B.
ft L. Deposit will be awarded In this
Myrtle Rogers, Percival
H.irlen Klutss, Mondamln
Mra. Nettle Betchelder. Rlverton
Glen C. Sllllck. Missouri Valley..
O. J. Atkins. Neola
Marlon Caughell, Carson...
Ruth Knight, Glenwood.
Bettv Eacrett. Malvern.
. 80,310
. 66.610
.189. 410
Rev. O. B. Bauman. Mlnden....
Mrs. Blllie Iwen. Schleswlg. . . .
.Tune Ovlatt, Shenandoah
Mrs. Ona Johnson, Paclfie Jet
George W. Moore, Bartlett
Bert Graham, RU 1. Logan
Nellie J. Solleder, Thurman....
Gladys Mavis, Harlan
Bernard Franklin. Hamburg...
Merle Andreas. Oakland
Merle B. Travis, Carson
Leona Hamann, Persia
Mrs. Ray Plersnn. Henderson..
Lloyd W. Weatherell. Panama.
Mrs, Lowell C. Mattox. Shelby.
Mrs. 8. L. Jefferson. Woodbine.
E. E. Axthelm, Glenwood
Mrs. H. H. Stlch, Sidney
June Beaver, Harlan
Opal Snyder, Randolph
T. J. Comer. Missouri Valley...
Ilatcl Donaldson. Avoca
Morning, Keening and Sanday by
Boy Carrier.
1 Tr., I Month I35.CO tM,00(t
1 Tear 11.00 1(1.009
( Months t 00 fiS.OOft
1 Months 440. K.00O
', Daily and Sunday by Mail.
' New
1 Teara ISS.S0 :co,Ofl
1 Teara 16.00 1SM0O
1 Tear 7.80 2,00(
( Months 4.00 11.00D
I Months 1.00 10,009
Dally Only by Mall, Without Sunday
t Teara (36.00 1S0.00H
1 Teara 10.00 76.009
1 Tear 6.00 . 11,000
( Months 1.60 11,009
Sunday Only by Mall.
4 Teara ., 110.00 70,00(1
1 Teara 6.00 11,000
1 Tear , 1.(0 13,000
( Months 1.15 (,000
Club office before 9 a. m. Tuesday.
Will Include the following counties Id
the state of Nehraskai Case, Sarpy,
Douglaa (outside the city of Omaha),
Sounders, Butler, Polk, Merrick, Nance,
Piatt, Colfax, Dodge, Washington,
Burt, Cuming, Stanton, Madison,
Boone. Antelope, Pierce, Wayne.-Thur-ton,
Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and Knox.
One Sl.l 15.00 MaxweU. one StOO.OO
B. ft L. Deposit and one $100.00 B,
ft I Deposit will be awarded In this
O. C Hoback, Nehawka..' .'w 88,76$
Zetta Lower) Valparaiso .......... 46,771
J. H. Domingo, Weeping Water..- 46,76$
V. H. Hoeratmann, Fremont. ..... .194.41 4
L N. Warrick, Blair .....103,91$
Vivian Dee, David City 140,07$,
B. C. Wilde. 823 8. 8. Norfolk. .194,81$
A. M. Sanders, Plattamouth 194,691
F. L. Brown, Schuyler 194,79$
Helen M. Wynkooti, Central Cty ..184.73$
Floyd Buchanan. Silver Creek 196,881
Sam Davles, Wayne ...196,606,
R. V. Kennedy, Tekamah. ....... ,'196,541
Elmer Nordland, Columbus ... i.. .'183,561
D. P. Hill. Genoa ..,.493,891
Henrietta Miller. Oakland .194.791
W. C. Haleey, Oakdale 194,491
Clifford Cunningham. Wahoo ....130,881
Herman Bunk, Beemer -. ,.146.811
Herman A. Homann, Elkhorn. . ..196.201
Fred T. Wiglnton. Schuyler..... 192,688
Gordon Smith. Lyon 118,299
A. E. Stafford. RIaing City .196. 420
Alvln F. Barton, Lyons.. .193,610
R. E. Straaburg, Polk.. '..164,070
Mrs. P. E. Buck, Fremont. ..... ..195,980
Mrs. Wade Prultt. Humphrey 195.790)
O. C. Smith. Albion .....134,310
Charlea J. Swoboda, Prague. ..... .100,810
Anna Blumm, Srrlbner 171,600
E. F. Cushman, Kennard. ....... ..193.660
Frank Pallas, Pfnder '.,.190,460
Mabel Brazda, West Polnl ,.193,720
Nellie Dwyer, Colon . . .' 197,460
D. E. Hayes, Herman .,..101,790
Jessie B. Kays, Wiener ...497,780
Ida Ruether, Stanton I'. 193,960
Harry J. Muffley, St. Edward 195,600
Jena Jenson, Lyons ' 14.920
Cedrie Andsrson, Wausa 112,760
J. M. Fox, Oretna .....140,110
Laura Kolena, Crelghton 192,820
Mario Rowaldt. Tutan V.-.192,91
Mrs. Edith Schooler, Rosalie 108,450
Mra. Archie Roborts, North Bend. .198,760
Lydla Seyersdahl, Madison 106,379
Emma Fredstrom, Oakland 86,760
Mildred E. Johnson. Mead 192,940
Josephine Evana, Platte Center. ...104.480
Mrs. Ed Lyons, Newman Grove. ,.184,120
Mrs. Lulu Owen. Arhland 178,24$
Mrs. G. B. Darling. Hooper. ...... .101,940
J. W. Keeler, Fullerton. ......,'., .195,660
R. J. Swanson; Fullerton., 109.750
Wm. Mick, Cedar Bluffs.... , 71,860
Donald Waugh. R. 2. Valley ... 192, 620
D. A. Struthers, Craig 70,41$
Emma Johnson, R. 1, Fremont.... 70,260
Anton F. Votava, Schuyler. ...... .192,720
Junita Carlson, Stromsburf .'..'...'. .124,870
Josephne Ketchmark. Ft. Calhoun. 1 97,800
Marguerite Durbln, Bloomtleld, ,-..140.960
Josephine Newton. Osceola ....-..197,760
Stella Starry, Springfield ......... 61,180
Blanche Colby, Shelby 191,630
Mrs. John Huebner, R. $ Omaha.191.4.10
Mrs. A. Masters, Clarka , , 36,000
N. P. Brodersnn, Fremont....... 6.000
Cfcas. Relnl, 1730 N. . D., Fremont 6,040
G. C. Griffin, Clarke.. ,28,610
Haiel Sowdera. Nellgh '..143,700
B. J. Maslowsky. Randolph. .... . .147,000
Ed R. Horak, Winnebago...,;..... 67,000
Henry J. Hayner, Octavla.T,.... 43,600
Roy Combs, David City....; 178.930
William King, Cedar Rapids. ...... .36,000
Will Include the following cohntlee tn
the state of Nebraska: Otoe, Nemaha,
Richardson, Pawnee, Johflson, Cage.
Lancaster, Seward, Saline, Jefferson.
Thayer, Fillmore, York, Hamilton,
Clay, Nuckolls. Webster and Adams.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one S200.00
B. ft L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. ft
I.. Deposit will be awarded tn this
Mrs. Otis Wolford. Clay Center.... 195,470
Eleanor Shoff. Falrbury .J97.S70
George Whltesell. Kenesaw. . . . ..... 87,590
Mrs. J.ydla Wolfskin, Superior, ..; ,.198,740
Mm. W. L. Chapman, Giltner 111.240
Raymond L. Crosson. Hastings.'. . .',194,820
Mrs. B. Anderson, 1324 H, Lincoln. 194,610
Mrs. B. F. Jordon, York 4... 69,760
Mrs. Marie Morris, Hebron. ... ...,;i01, 650
Tillle Nolte, Auburn. R. 8.... 80,100)
Mrs. Mark Hall. Auburn 194,470
Will Brookley, Edgar ,:195,800
Mrs. Dean Kite, Auburn .......... .182,640
Velva Balr. Fairmont i. .197,900
Vera Oroaahauu, Sutton ......,196,710
Margaret Ahrens, Falls City. ...... .194,740
Agnes Krasomll, Aurora .197,720
Gall Paraon. Humboldt ;14S,T0
William McKerver, Cordova. .'.;f. .. .161,780
Mrs. Chas. Fowler, Nebraska City. .194,960
Alfred Bookwalter, Pawnee City. 93,70
Lola Hosford, Seward t. 110,790
Mrs. C D. Riley. Tecumseh. .. .... .196,600
Emma Kruts, Deshler .194,40ft
C. E. Gilmore, Harvard 96,470
Delma Harp, Belvldere ......,.13fl,66i
Charles Laune, Alexandria ... ....196,820
C. M. BeggS, Carlton 62,400
S. D. Long, Cowles ....... 197,410
Alvln Lents, Deshler ....v.... 70,310,
T. F. Stock, Hastings... ........... 36.000
R. W. Maatln. Tobias.' $0,160
Vern Butler, Red Cloud 40,870
E. E. Holmes, Inland 6,0001
W. E. Price, Crete 21,040
Jewell Howard, Lincoln.. 6,000
Will Include all territory in the state
of Nebraska not Included In Districts
Number 8 and 1, also territory In Sooth
Dakota. Kansas and Colorado.
One $1,118.00 Maxwell, . oae f 200.00
B. ft L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. ft
L. Deposit will be awarded In this
W. B. Shelton, Paxton 193,640
Martin Nelson, Dannebros... ... .108,210
Mrs. F. 8. Copeland. Brldeport .m.Mit
Hilda Jacobson, Arapahoe.'. 193.C70)
Rlgna Peterson, Eddyville... ...... .188,770
Bert Brownell, Chappell ........ .187,680
P. J. Mlnner, 109 W. 6th, Gr. Us. .194,910
Mrs. A. K. Callahan, Gerlng ; . . . . .192,4o
Mrs. Bertha A. Eber, Kirk 193,910
W. K. Harris, Bertrand '....,192.MO
George Gardner, Bayard.. I92.90O
Melba, Phlllbrick. Ord .197.10
C. B. Dossett, Axtell. ...... 165,410
E. G. Nlaley, Lexington 197.810
Wm. Halsey, Lebanon 100,960
Fern Gates, Stamford ..197,660
Mrs. Emll Steinke. Holdrege.'. , .'..197.M9
Mrs. Clay Funston, Ogallala 151,340
A. R. Lee, 719 N. Locust, N. Platte.194.2SO
Blanche Myers, Sutherland... .....193,870
Mrs. jn. Kosecrans, juiesb'g, Colo. 74, 310
Dr. C. H. Blackburn. Mitchell 140,070
Mrs. Ray Rathbun, Hayea Center. .. .77.460
H. C. McKak, St. Paul 90,460
Ruth Walsh. Shelton 166.490
Harvey Thompson, Ravenna 86,760
Helen Loomis, Gibbon ..164,510
Alhrt T P.w.n rif-lv . InttAA
P. C. McKenite, Burwell..... 193,620
Walter T. Shaw, Franklin... 66.100
Mrs. J. A. Qulnton, Brule 198.490
Wm. F. Beranek, Lpup City 61,570
Haxel Farrell. Gothenburg. ...... MO
Mrs. Grace Murray, Bloomlngton. . . .09,3O
Mrs. H. J. Mcintosh. Cozad. ..... ..196,840
Luclle Johnson. Orleans. .......... .196.780
Harry G. Selk. Scotia .194. 70
Hannah Slmms. Mason City ....... .92.940
Mrs. K. C. Dlllman. Broken Bow.. 196, '.10
Vera Corley. Callaway .......... .108.210
Mrs. Fred Collom, Arnold .......... .19S v:'0
Andrew Campbell. Cambridge-... .,194.340
Andy Stone. Wood River. .......... 33,100
Chas. Johnson. Manvllle. Wyo. , . . . . 94.1UO
H. B. VanBuaklrk, Mullen 192.000
Harry Trundel, Sumner 194,'nO
Harriett Edwards. Soottibluff ...... 18.-JO
C. O. Jones, Hyannln. . 5.190
Clarence Sowler. Analey .......... 6,000
Marie Lewis, Anselmo , 6,000
Mrs. E. J. Relchsteln, Mlnden 185,69$
J. F. Bchwalger, North Platte 197.170
Lelaad Zlnk, McCook 115.000
Irwin W. Klumb, Grand Island 6.000
Llasle Mclntyre. Tyron $7.00$
Edna Galloway,. Grand Ieland 6,010
Mable Douglaae, Morrell , 16.39$
Thomas Warder, Marysvllle ,44..
John AliPky, Rrownlee. , 6.00$
R. U Dunn, 6th Ave.. Kearney. .. .113,000
Mra. Roy Bennett. $18 W. 23d,
Kearney J,00
Oyma Clyde, O'Neill .....36,000
Elisabeth E. Falrchlld, Lmoyne.....S.0JO
Isaao R. Roaa, Anselmo ....5,00
If yon want te own your own honuk
enter The Bee Ut.000 Het YeurseH Clut