Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Message of Hope
For Deriiocrats
Given by Bryan
five Mediums uuumeu dv
Which He Says Control
Can Be Wrested From
Republican Party.
Columbui, O., May 24. William
J. Bryan brought a message of hope
and chfer to members of the Jeffer
son club at their picnic Monday.
' "If any one can preach the gospel
of hope, it is the man who has been
resurrected so many times thai death
seems commonplace," he said, in
reference to his appearance.
Leading up to his subject, "Democ
. racy's Opportunity," Mr. Bryan men
! tioned five mediums-through which
1 the democratic party might, rise to
success, ne named them as, a na
! tional bulletin for the dissemination
of unbiased political news atid'jariy
opinions, "prohibition, ' reduction of
taxes, proper aligning of mo'nopblfes
and disarmament ' as a feature' "of
world peace.
"The most crying need js 'the
maintenance of unpolluted channels
of information so that the public
may know whar is going on at Wash
ington," he said. ,' .
Mr. Bryan suggested a, tentative,
plan for his proposed national bul
letin and added:
"We want a daily paper to be is
sued by the government whose news
columns shall be nonpartisan, but
whose editorials shall be bipartisan."
On the issue of prohibition Mr.
Bryan said: ,
"The democratic party can riot
avoid the part it has had in bringing
prohibition. I am proud of its part.
But I am not proud of the part it has
played in Ohio." ' .
Discussing , monopolies, he said
that where there was any excuse for
the existence of one, it should be
taken over by the government.
Plutocracy, he said, was the breeding
place for revolution.
Mr. Bryan's chief hopes for the
.. future of the democratic party lie in
the matter of taxation, he said. And
it is true, he said, that he expected
to see a new party leader arise. ...
Omaha Youth Hit
By Train, Killed
Lad on Way to Chicago in
Search of Work Comes
To Death. '' '
Arthur Brightwell, T, son 6f Mr.
and Mrs. S. O. Brightwell, 2570
Hartman avenue, was instantly killed
when he was struck by Burlington
fast mail train No. 8 near Mendota,
III., yesterday. :
Arthur lejt home last Thursday,
his mother said yesterday just
after she received a message of his
death. ,
"He couldn't get work here and he
was on his way to Chicago to work
on one of the Lake Michigan boats."
she said. , "I received a card from
him just this morning, written at
Sheridan, la. It said:
"Dear mother: I am on my way to
Chicago to get a job on a lake boat
like I did last summer. I will write
you again when I get the job. I am
all right and hope you and the rest
are the same. With lots of love,
your son, Arthur."
S. 0. Brightwell is a railway mail
clerk. ; They have two daughters
younger than Arthur. Arthur was
their only son.
The body will be brought back to
Omaha for burial. ,
Man Held as Train Robbery
Suspect Is Unknown Here
Scranton, Pa., May 24. Frank J.
O'Boyle, for .five years chief of po
lice of Carbondale, is in the Lacka
wanna county jait'ori suspicion of be
ing the man who held up a train
near Omaha in 1908 and afterward
escaped from the federal prison at
Leavenworth while serving a life
sentence. The prisoner declares he
will be able to furnish an alibi. His
measurements and finger prints have
been forwarded to Leavenworth.
James B. Nickerson, acting United
States marshal, said yesterday the
robbery mentioned occurred in May,
1909, when a Union Pacific train was
held up near the Lane Cutoff. The
men were captured and committed
to Leavenworth for life.
According to records in the mar
shal' office there was no man by
the name of O'Boyle in the robbery.
The man who later escaped from
prison was known here as Frank
Grigware. His other aliases were
James Gordon and E. E. Hollings
head. At the time of his escape
April 21, 1910, he was 24 years old.
A reward of $200 still stands.
Opening Townley-Langer
Debate Will Be at Deshler
'Deshler, Neb., May 24. (Special
Telegram.) H. C. Schumackcr, per
sonal representative of A. C Town
ley, arrived here this morning with
a tent for the Tdwnley-Langer de
bate. The opening debate in Ne
braska will be at Deshler Wednes
day. Schumacker reports great pub
the interest in the Kansas meetings.
The debate at Beatrice Thursday
' will be in the Auditorium and the
tent will be trucked from Deshler
to York for the debate there Friday.
Grand Island .Man Seeks
, Bright Lights, Loses"aih
" Herbert Scott .came down to the
city from Grand Island Monday to
see the bright lights and have a good
time. . ;
He went to watch the wild west
movies at a lower Douglas street
theater and when he came out he
fled to the police. i .
Some pickpocket had gone through
him for $20 cash and his annual pass
on the Union Pacific railroad. '
Harrisbnrg Pastor Named"
Clerk by-Presbyterians
Winona Lake, May 24. The
Rev. Louis Seymour Mudge of Har
risburg, Pa., was elected clerk of
the Presbyterian churches in the
United States at the 133d general as
sembly here today. He will take
office Aoril-k 1922. There were
three other-andidates- bt " Mr
Mudge received 727 of the 882 votes
Wife Loves Another,
Is Husband's Reply
To Divorce Petition
t. 1 f ,,1, 7"V
Station Operator
Accused of Series
Of MailRobberies
iff ' ;
Mr3. Lela Farnberg.
'His wife loves Otto Nilsson,
Omaha realtor, John A. Farnberg
of the O'Donncll "Grain company,
charges in an answer he filed yes
terday to his wife's recent divorce
petition. His wife told him so, Farn
berg asserts.
.'The grain-' man also charges his
wife with reckless extravagance. She
spent $40,000 since their marriage in
1916, principally for wardrobe, he
Mrs. Farnberg, Who was Lcla La
vance before their marriage, accused
her husband of cruelty and a vio
lent temper and said he passed worth
less checks which she was forced to
call upon his parents to make good.
....Farnberg denies he ever asked his
wife for money from her private in
come or ever pawned her diamond
rings. He seeks furnishings of their
home at 2228 Emmet street and to
restrain her from receiving alimony.
Accident Fails to
Stop Rickenbacker
Los Angeles, May 24. After an
nouncing once he would abandon
plans to fly across the United States,
because of. damage to his airplane in
waking a landing, here Monday, Capt.
Eddie Rickenbacker, former. Ameri
can ace; changed his mind today
and deci'dea to ' continue his flight
tomorrow. .
He found it possible to repair his
plane with r parts of : another plane.
He said he would start at noon to
morrow for " San Francisco. He
planned to leave that city at dawn
Wednesday, stop at Oimfta Wed
nesday night, leave there, early
Thursday morning and arrive at
Washington Thursday- night.
In Washington he plans to- attend
a banquet commemorating , the sail
ing of the Baltic,; May 28, 1917, with
the first of the American expedition
ary forces fof-participation in the
world war, including himself and
General Pershing. ' . ;
Capt Rickenbacker smashed the
propellor of the machine in making a
lauding here. Mud on the landing
field caused damage to the machine.
Captain Rickenbacker was not in
A single implement that can be
placed at any convenient, place on an
automobile scrves'as'a primer, de
carbonizer or auxiliary air inlet.
Pleads ' Intoxication When
Caught With Pouch at Falls
City Federal Indict
ment Sought. ,,
Falls City. Neb., May 24. (Spe
cial.) Held in the Richardson
county jail under a 20-day sentence
for intoxication is Joseph E. Ouel
let. alias H. J. Rochel.
Ouellet claimed intoxication as Jhe
excuse for his being caught in the
basement of the Burlington railroad
station here May 19 with a pouch of
United States mail. -r-
But when the federal grand jury
meets at Lincoln Thursday, federal
officers wilt seek Ouellet's" indict
ment for alleged mail, thefts, claim
ing that he is responsible for a se
ries of rob,bcrics which have puz
zled authorities in Nebraska and
neighboring states for three years.
Ouellet is an expert telegraph
operator. He held the key at the
local station August 3, 4 and 5, 1918.
On August 5, a mail pouch was
stolen, with over $3,000 in currency.
Ouellet left shortly afterwards
and returned only a few days be
fore the robbery with which he U
charged now. He was charged
first with illegal possession of li
quor and was fined $100, which he
paid. He claimed that he was' in
toxicated when he took the mail
pouch and was then charged with that
offense in order to permit his being
held until the grand jury meets.
Blue Law Base Ball
Case Up For Trial
Jury Will Pass on Guilt of
Dakota League Of
ficial. '
Girl Artist Visits Here
On Cross Continent Hike
To satisfy, curiosity somewhat, like
the small boy who broke open!- his
new watch to see what made it tick,
Miss Eleonora Rouden, New York
Kity, is making a hike from New
York to ban Francisco to see what
makes the country "go," to learn the
origin of its many products. Shear
rived in Omaha yesterday and left on
her hike westward in the afternoon.
She wore the regulation khaki
breeches, o. d. shirt, walking shoes
and her curly hair bobbed.
In all the large cities she stops
and visits factories and industrial
plants, and at. one place descended
into a coal tnlne to satisfy her crav
ing for knowledge.
The trip to her is purely educa
tional and, beiner an artist and a
member of the Art Students' league
of Nev York, she makes sketches
along the way which, she returns : to
New York, she also -helps out witfc
a camera. ," .
So far Miss Rouden : has hiked
1,600 miles.'ejtcepf for an occasional
lift in automobiles, and since April 2
when she started, she has spent less
than $50. People ;.she' meets are sa
hospitable "they just won't .take pay
for lodging ani mealsA" she declares.
Omahati Head Synod.
Dr. C. F. Sandanl of Omaha was
elected president and Rev. F.,J. El
man of Bertrand secretary of the
Augustana synod of the .Nebraska
Lutheran church, conference held at
Swedehome, Neb., Monday.
Davis Slain and
Thrown in River,
Is New Theory
Wife Confident Husband Mur
dered Broken Glass Found
on Bank of Elkhorn
Link in Case.
Grand Island, Neb., May 24.
After two hours' interview between
Sheriff McCutchan and County At
torney Suhc and Mrs. Aaron
"Wingy" Davis, whose car w
driven into a country lane and lett
there Sunday morning, no doubt re
mained in the minds of either .liat
Davis had been murdered and hi l
body disposed of somewhere be
tween here and Omaha. -
Mrs. Davis was positive in he
statement here, though it conflicts
with statements made Omaha pa
pers, that the motive was to get
Davis out of the way for "knowina
too much." She says she had one
car confiscated for alleged framed-up
dope-delivering escapade, namine a
former showman, Anderson, and an
unnamed negro government official
as the men who induced hiin to get
the drug for Anderson. She said
Davis trial was postponed from Sat-
uiday to today. She positively iden
tified the car as her husbands and
was very anxious to reeain oosses-
sion of it, but the sheriff emphatically
declined the proposal. On the -vy
out, per automobile, Mrs. Davis and
party said, they noticed some broken
glass at this end of the bridge over
the Elkhorn.
Parts of the broken windshield
glass were taken along to compare
as to thickness with the glass at the
bridge. It is a possible theory that
it was there that Davis' murdciers
slew him and threw the body in the
river. County Attorney Suhr is
quite convinced that all has not as
yet been told and that the motive
was not robbery.'
Intimate acquaintances of "Wingie"
Davis told Omaha detectives today
they believe "Wingie" is still alive.
Detectives Danbaum and Pzan
owski, who have been working on
the case, maintain the opinion
"Wingie" has been killed by some
one who was a victim of a "double-cross."
Ab Waggoner, Former
Live Stock Man, Dies
After an illness of three weeks fol
lowing an operation, Ab Waggoner.
78, former live stock commission
man, resident of Oma' '- 35 year.,,
1620 South Thirty-third street, died
Monday afternoon in the Methodist
hospital. He is survived by his wife
and a granddaughter. Mrs. Arthv
B. Dunbar. .
He was a charter member of the
Chicago Live Stock exchange and
aided in the organiv,- ) of thi
South Omaha Live Stock exchange,
comin gto Omaha in 1886. He was
a Mason.
Funeral services probably will b-;
held Wednesday afternoon at 2.
Burial will be at Osceola, la.
Laborer Confesses
To Arson in Firing
Building at Wymore
Lincoln, May 24.Thomas Hen
derson, day laborer of Wymore,
Neb., signed a written confession last
night that he was guilty of arson,
according to Deputy State Fire
Warden Hauser, ' who was present
when the confession was made, to
gether with Deputy United States
Marshal Carroll and State Sheriff
Hyers. Henderson in his confe
sion says he set fire to a business
building at Wymore Sunday night.
Deputy Warden Hauser filed a
charge against him. .
, Henderson, who roomed upstairs
in the Docekal building on Main
street, was arrested for drunkeness
early Sunday morning. The roont
High school boys to sell Porch
and Lawn Chairs after school.
Acme Box Co.
Harney 1837
was found to be saturated with ker
osene which had been ignited. He
was taken to Beatrice for further in
vestigation as to where he obtained
his liquor and the starting of the
fire which is said to be .his second
attempt within a month.
Bee Want Ads Are Business
Guticura Soap
Clear the Skin
Sm.Ohta.TdOTmJN.mrrwfcM. Ttmmm ym
You Want
A good ued car that's ready
to run and one you can buy
reasonable and pay part down
and have ten months to pay
the balance.
If That's the Case
Used Car Sale
Starting Today.
A Bif Stock of Dependable
Cars to Select From.
Mid-City Motor
and Supply Co.
2216.18 Farnam St.
...Jvedfield, S. D., May 24. Arraign
ment of Jacob Koerner, secretary of i
the local base ball club of the Da
kota league, who was arrested yes
terday on a charge of violating the
"blue laws" by charging admission
to Sunday's game, was set for' this
afternoon in the court of Justice Gil
lett. It is understood a request for
id iriai uy jury win uc niauc.
I If- r . .
Mr. ywuefiier was arrcsicu yester
day on a complaint signed by the
Rev, Koonay of Tulare, where the
Ridfield and Wahpeton-Brecken-ridge
teams played Sunday. He
was charged specifically with viola
tion of that section of the "blue
laws" which forbids playing of base
ball Sunday when admission is
charged. It is the contention of
President Michael Cantillon of Min
neapolis, president of the league, j
who is here for the case, that no
admission was charged to Sunday's
game. Fans who desired to see the
game free were permitted to do so,
he Said, but those who parked their,
automobiles or sat in the grandstand
were charged for the privilege.
Dog Which Bit Vfwo Boys
To Be Examined for Rabies
, Examination of the head of a dog
belonging to' Mrs. Mary Herman,
1126 North Twenty-third street, will
be made by the Nebraska university
pathological department to determine
whether the animal had rabies.
' Two boys, Everett Hill, 925 North
Twenty-fourth street, and Thomas
Decker, 1553 North- Seventeenth
street, were bitten by the dog Mon
day, according' to -complaints made
to police. . ' . ; ,.
New Police Chief Brands
Rum Law Enforcement Lax
Chief of Police Michael Dempsey
and Robert G. Anderson, chief of the
federal prohibition enforcement
agents in Nebraska, held a private
conference yesterday "on the ways
and means of combatting the liquor
evil in Omaha."
"Something's got to be done," de
clared Chief Dempsey. "Enforce
ment, of th law in this .regard has
been terribly lax." .
Every Home Can Have a
ia Graf one
On Our New Weekly Payment Plan
Pay Only
No Down Payment to Make
, If You Join Our Graf- ,
" . onola' Club
Just start with the regular
weekly payment 52 weeks to
pay 51 weekly payments of .
$1.60, and the last or 52nd pay
ment is only $3.40 all other
payments only $1.60. Remember
$1.60 sends this Grafonoia, Style
E 2 to your home. Join our
Grafonoia Club Today.
Columbia Supremacy and
what it means to every music
lover the best Phonograph in
the world, the best artists re
cording Columbia Records.
If you cannot call, mail coupon
today. We ship Grafonolas any
where In the U. S.
A Week
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co. . Omaha. Neb.
Without obligation on my
part please mail roe details
about your Grafonoia Clnb.
Style E-2 now only $85.00
eld en our Special Club plan
for a short time only.
A Few Columbia Record Specials
2930 Shadows. Formerly $1.00
293 My Sahara Rose. , Records on
2942 Way Down Barcelona Way. Sale at
2863 An That I Want Is You.
285 & Cairo. ktlA
2845 My Love Song, My Roses, And You. J
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
114-16-18 Dodge St
Omaha, Nebr.
Phone Doug. 1623.
That is our candid opinion of it. Why is it that so many of
the present members are not getting down to "brass tacks" and
making-a running that will give them an opportunity to secure
one of the big awards?
One would think that with the offer of a high grade motor
car for a couple of weeks' endeavor, they would be flooding the
office with subscriptions and loading up with votes.
That $1,625.00 Overland Sedan will pay its owner at the rate
of $500.00 a week. Many of the other awards, at a larger rate.
Has anybody offered jtou a better job? Just three weeks of work
and a classy little boat of your own. Well, some folks don't know
a good thing when they see it.
A whole lot of opportunity is going to waste out through
those sections of the states of Nebraska and Iowa covered by The
Bee. Many have been the instances where the residents have
wanted The Bee, but have never been, solicited for their subscrip
tions. And most of these are in sections where there is no active
member of the Help. Yourself Club. The folks had rather have
The Bee than any other paper, but have had the idea that The
Bee did not reach them.
Somebody could get to work in those territories and swing
1 an awfully big vote.
Who can't get subscriptions to The Bee? 'One young lady
doubted it. She knew the awards were worth going after, so she
decided to try it. A very little time gave her several. She is now
an enthusiastic member of the Help Yourself Club.
Don't you suppose that other folks know as well as you the
improvement made in The Bee in the past year. They know as
well as you that The Bee is the best paper in Nebraska.
What if a person is taking another paper? Get them to give
you a subscription to the best paper, The Bee, to start when their
present subscription to the other paper ends. Just mark such a
subscription on your remittance sheet, "Paper to begin delivery
on (Date).
Look at the value of the list of awards. . This is no "piker"
or cheap affair. It is the opportunity of "live ones." The money .
value of these awards is the largest offered in this community.
1921 will reward fighters. t
These Two Automobiles
Will Be Awarded to the
Members Sending in the
Greatest Amount of
4 , Cash Subscriptions
' From Now to
June 4, 1921
$1,625.00 Overland S-Pauenger Sedan,, purchased from Van
Brunt Automobile Co. Five wire wheel. Body,' Overland
blue; fender, wheels, hood and top, black.
$1,350.00. 5-Paenger Gardner purchased from the Western Motor Car
Co. Special equipment of side wings, extra tire and tire covers and
Subscriptions count three ways right now -regular votes, extra votes and
cash value toward the special additional awards of the Overland and Gardner
cars. As en example, we will take a $25.50 subscription. First, it is worth
260,000 votes under the regular vote schedule; then you get 76,500 extra votes
under the offer of 75,000 additional votes for each $25.00 in subscriptions;
also you receive a credit for $25.50 to apply on ypur effort to secure the special
award of the Overland and Gardner cars. ;
Remember the remittance sheets and receipts. Don't run out.
It appears the population of District 4 had been materially decreased since
the last census else why the small corporal's guard represented in the list of
members. We can't see how many members over there can fail to secure
awards. , - , , , -
.Highest published vote today is less than 260,000. '
.The campaign manager. says: "Oh, you folks out in the state. If you
knew what I know of your opportunities and if you would only let me tell you
personally what I know. Some wonderful starts and finishes can be made
through the state right now:" 1
. .. There is a Burroughs Adding Machine in the Help Yourself Office, which
was installed to tabulate the votes. It has not been busy enough to hurt it any.
75,000 extra votes for each $26.00 in subscriptions and 3,000 extra votes
for each and every dollar over the $25.00. The extra vote offer expires June
4th. Make hay while the sun is hot and subscriptions count most.
Do you cut these notes out and save them? Sometimes there are selling
helps in them. , ' .. ..
A $7,800.00 Home, and it looks as though only a few people wanted it.
If you don't want it, you can sell it.
Have you a copy of the Help Yourself Club booklet? There are plenty
to go around. Call or write for yours. The Help Yourself Club office is at
312 Peters Trust building (Bee building). The mail address is H. Y. S., Omaha
Bee, Omaha, Neb. '
Many of your neighbors want to subscribe for The Bee.
The list of votes published on page 9 contains votes received and counted
up to 3 (00 p. m. Saturday last.
Big Extra Vote Offer
Take advantage of this extra vote offer, which expires at 10:00 p. m., June 4th. ; ,
For $25.00 in subscriptions you will receive 75,0 00 extra votes and for each dollar in excess of $25.00
you will receive 3,000 extra yotes. " These are in addition to the regular votes as given in the schedule.
There is no limit to the extra votes you may gain in this offer; $30.00 will give you 90,000 extra votes.
The $28,000 List of Awards:
1 --$7,800.00 Home, First Capital Award
1 -$4,440.00 Cadillac, Automobile,
1 --$1,500.00 Conservative B. & L, Deposit
8--$l,l 15.00 Maxwell Automobiles
3--$200.0Q Building & Loan Deposits
8--$ 100,00 Building and Loan Deposits
1-$1,625,00 Overland Sedan
1 --$1,350 Gardner 5-Passenger Automobile
Total Number of Awards - - - - - - - 29
Ten per cent cash commission to all non-winners
if they turn in $50.00 or more.
i : : 1
. ;, Campaign Closes June 25th, 1921 I
j The Omaha Bee j
Help Yourself Club
Not good after June 8, 1921. Must be voted or msiled on er
I before expiration date. - I
Street No :. Dist. No.... i
City State...
' Good for 10 free votes when sent to the K. Y. S. Club on or
before above date. No coupon will he transferred to another after
being received at the office of The B.
f Membership Entry Blank
I The Ornaha Bee Help Yourself Club I
5,000 VOTES
Dat '.' J
II nomine! e... ,
(Mr., Mrs. or Miss) I
Street No Diet. No
City State j
At a member or 'ine Help xourseu wiuo
I 6isncd . I
I Address I
This nomination blank will count for ,090 votes If sent to the
I manager of the H. Y. S. Club. Only one blank will count for a I
member. Fill out this blank with your name or the name of your I
favorite and send it to The Bee. The name of the person maklng
j the nomination will not be divulged.