r Dollar Day In the Linen Department A Dollar Day in the linen department is something very unusual and could not be done for a long time. The articles for this sale are limited and when sold out no more can be secured. We therefore advise early shop ping if you wish to take advantage of the splendid offerings. A Special Lot of Girls ' Summery Gingham Dresses Sanitas Luncheon Sets 13 pieces or 5 pieces; & the kind that requires no laundering; just v rub off with a damp cloth ; regular value, 1.90 priced for this sale, per set, Hemstitched All Linen Huck Towels Extra heavy quality; regularly sold for 1.59; priced for this sale, each, ' Linen, Tea or Kitchen Toweling With blue or red borders; all pure flax; regularly sold at 40c per yard; priced for this sale, 4 yards Tiuiesdlaiy piOFflmiiinSMes 8 Large Size Huck Towels Hemmed ends, all pure white; sold for 19c each; priced for this sale, 8 for $ Irish Cotton Table Damask The long wearing kind; beautiful designs; 70 inches wide; for- t merly sold for 1.29; priced for this sale at, per yard, Satin . Finish Mercerized Damask 58 inches wide; the kind for hotels and restaurants; for merly sold at 79c; priced for this sale, 2 yds. Good Heavy Cotton Toweling AVith neat blue border; very absorbent; 8 yards for, Heavy Union Toweling Half linen and half cotton; usually sold at 29c per yard; priced for this sale, 5 yards for v Hemmed Napkins 20x20-inch size ; several d good designs; to save your better ones or for r hotels and rest aur ant s ; priced for this sale, 5' for Turkish Bath Sets Slightly soiled; just fifty of these sets consisting of wash cloths and v towels; former price, 1.98; priced for this sale, each, Main Floor South. And Now Comes the Biggest Event of Its Kind in Years EennaDw Aproims Formerly 1.25 to 1.50 In One Extraordinary Group Your Unrestricted Choice at The Styles 'Dainty slipover styles with .front lacing, bib styles Rith large sashes; , others with shases to be tied In the back. Belted and side fastening ef fects. With or without collars. I flj.l' rfPaisfelA mWW Pinks and blues. All colors liirlifiia X Yvrl' ai'e guaranteed fast. I 1 ' j Sizes 6 to 14 years Special, Tuesday Of good quality ginghams, in a vnvi- rlrnccna linv spfihiva ntbrra liavfi rv. It' gandie collars and cuffs, pockets, etc.; the materials arc plaids, checks and stripes; the lot also includes a few Avhile dresses. Remarkable values when sold at higher price Every mother who is Interested in keeping her girl dressed in fresh, clean ginghams for the summer, and who wishes to avoid great expense, should take advantage of this sale, Jor here sh" can purchase dresses in numbers to last, between wash day. with only the expense' she would ordinarily incur in purchasing a limited number. Priced for this sale, at Second FlorWest. Ml) Final Clean-Up of Children's Spring Coats New attractive spring coats, in various styles and col ors; brown, blue, in serges, gaberdine, fine black and white checks and a few silk and Panama cloths; sizes vxxa. 2 to 6 years and are divided into different lots and prices. Group No. 1 Consists. of 24 coats, worth 7.50 to 8.50; priced for this sale at 4.50 Group No. 2 Consists of 43 coats, worth 9.00 to 10.00; priced for this sale at 6.75 Group No. 3 Consists of 20 coats, worth 10.00 to 15.00 ; priced for this sale at 8.95 Third Floor East Women 's White Canvas Pumps and Oxfords Taken from our regular stocks for quick m mm& 'disposal; priced for this !! j. sale, per pair, ' 0 jCJ Womtn 's . 'Daniel Green' Black Kid Boudoir Slippers 3.50 values ; priced anf for this sale at, yr V 1 per pair, MftVl Main Floor West. Trim Up the Summer Frocks With Laces and Embroideries it. Large Bargain Square of Laces and Embroideries The laces are vals, clunies and torchons; embroid eries are nainsooks, cambrics and swiss; one to 3 jnches wide; regular 10c and 12c values; priced tor this sale, per yard Clony and Crochet Laces Fancy wash laces and bands; some of the clunies are of all-linen thread; in white, cream and ecru; 3 to 5 inches wide; a wonderful assortment of values up to 25c; priced for this sale at, per yard Main Floor Center , 5c 10c Menu's Soil. Collars Regular 25c, 35c and 50c Values Boys' White Canvas Tennis Slippers 7Q( 1.50 ralucs, siz6s broken, per pair, Main Floor Men's Store. Hosiery and Underwear Children's Cotton Bibbed Hose Double knee and medium ribbed; black and cor- dovan; all sizes; special, per pair Infants' Cotton Shirts In sizes up to 3 4 a years; sleeveless and short sleeves; l7C special, each. Children's Cotton Bibbed tnion Salts m -f All sizes; special 4 AC Basement Arcade Summer DRESSES 3.00 100 Slightly Soiled Summer Dresses Of voile,, Swiss and organdy pretty summer styles ; values that regular ly sell at a higher price, but reduced because of their slightly soiled condi tion; your choice, while the lot lasts, each, 3.00 Main Floor West. X vV ''jr n tn are all perfect and new style collars in cords, ox 1 f .','; k fllyAM N. JL sjr fords,- fiber silk mixtures and all silk ; sizes 13 to 16 ; NJJJI j I tiM s V 'JL , A r' regular 25c, 35c and 50c values; priced for this sale at Sgjr I. ll . Hosiery Specials Women's Fiher and Thread Silk Hosiery In black, gray, brown and white; semi-fashioned, double sole, spliced heel; seeonds of 1.00 grades; p on bargain square for Tuesday, ntflf at, per pair, . t V Infants' and Children's Half Sox In all sizes p 5m plain square for Tuesday at, Main Floor South. pv pair, Continuing for Tuesday Great Sale of Munsinjrwear Women and Children Third Floor Center. Continuing Tuesday Athletic Union Suits For Men Very Special, 98c - Main Floor Men's Store. Porch Swings and Hammocks Tour Foot Wood Slat Porch Swing Complete with chains, each 2.00 Porch Swings Six foot size, with good springs; with ' mattress com plete; our regular 15.00 swing; priced for this sale, Woven Hammocks Good quality woven hammocks, worth 4.50 to 15.00: priced .for this salen 3.50 to ' lO.O Fourth Floor East. uine Inlaid Linoleum Phe ideal floor covering for store, of fices, kitchens, etc. ; colors go through to the back, never wear off; tile and wood patterns; regular price up t 2.50 ; priced for Tuesday selling at, per square yard, Fourth Floor Center. fa Sayman JSoap, 3 bars for 34c ftimoadV EsL!r jLiauiiury 10 Bars for Pint of Witch Hazel. Special at 29 Main Floor West. Mavis Talcum Pow der, special, 19 c 10.00 "Breaking AH Records" Ladies 9 Wrist Watches "9.98 Very Sped Ligne lO1; tventy-year case; 7 jewel; 2 adj.; engraved and plain case; flexible and ribbon bracelet; special, for Tuesday, each, 9.98 Main Floor East Offered Tuesday at About, I2 Price 200 Bed Spreads and Sets Worth 3.50 to 15.00 f These sets are slightly soiled, so we have marked them at one-half, the price they were marked three monthsago. Many have scalloped cut corners and bolsters to j match; regular 3.50 to ,15.00 values of fered fer Tuesday at from yanaat' 1 98 to 7.50 1 0,000 Yds. Assorted Remnants This lot includes nainspok, -white and colors ; pon gees, marquisettes, longcloths, underwear crep6, ba- 4. ! - A 11 . ' J " . , 1 ' 1 1 usLes, seasiue uiungs, lining iwms ana sateens; values1 range from 25c to 35c; specially priced for Tuesday, per yard, White Organdy Beautiful sheer crisp quality for dresses, waists, etc. ; 40 inches wide ; exceptional values, per yard, Basement Center. 15c Outfit the Little Folks for Summer With New Play and Dress Shoes Infants' and Children's Shoes In patent kid, brown kid and black calfskin; either hand-turned or stitched soles; sizes in the assortment from 2 to 8; regular 1.50 values; special, per pair. Barefoot Sandals and Tlay Oxfords Sec onds in black and .tan lotus calfskin; well worth 1.50 to 1.75; all sizes in the lot 5 to 2; priced for Tuesday selling, pair, l.O0"arr-ffl 98c Clr 1 Little Boys' Box Calf Blucher Lace Shoes 2 full soles; hisrh toe q lasts; regular 2.50 value; sizes 9 to 13ji ; priced for this sale, rair 1.D5. I In Main Floor West. Basement Arcade ' I