f "4'r-P . ' f"' ' "i3r? I I jf'S vl ' ' ' I I Mapped. Vet mt h.m itiuk lid t'f'"" f : ' ff ) and ''M'fi tin- il-n.ip .ii c7yOw. y.y I jrr- I I! i C"""" l Salt' atc t..i li.if;-.s. jl JjUflter 'fiYr. Xkj, tr 1 . -4 I :- ''tjt $ on vmr ncrv trod ;in.l sun 1 f Wfrxaf CS U JS " YitJpf Wan WiKnaps sa.el, OeTineuitZ. Home -I -r--i V 1 I '4 - i on fivT j;arinfiit...ii v ei v eiclu 'S'm s ( 1 if I vru v,iu,,a'Kl ln ! t f : U " ) ' " vv. 1 V WSf II """ """" J'a"' 1 L COR'teAitmoce ctfety Dtnti - Dauber oZYrs. J, 3ttfs rjS W v tVS' V . Carolyn -23afAer of JTr. aru JYfs. Samuel OZeeSjJir. HVY PHOTO The Perfect Flesh Reducer Blaaeh Arral. Nolod Oaora Slnaor. TakM Off 34 Lao. Drlaalaa Toa Vrefrti ':mn Jajtanew Hart. NO DRUGS NOT IN JURIOUS TO HELTH NO DIET NO EXER CISE. Holleri and wied ume u ordinary TVa. Alan In Tahlet Form. Said 4c Staaia tor 44- Paao Booklit. Tall Flral Nil No A Mill Arral't Ilka Taa Co.. nmj. 95. Room 441. 800 Fifth Are.. New York. Egyptian Chocolates The choice of exacting candy lover. FLAVORS THAT SATISFY Sold at most good ahopt. Freckl es ft Now It tho Tlaia to S' RI of Thtfc u,, .,, If There's no longer the ' slightest need of feeling f Othine double strength is kui ttiuceu lu rcuiuve incite homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othine -double strength from any druggist and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter oneg have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to completely clear the Fkin and gain a beau tiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othine as this is sold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. The Premier Vacuum Cleaner is the one with the revolving rubber-fingered brush driven by powerful suction. This brush is so firm, but so gentle, that it gets every bit of surface Utter, yet will not harm the silkiest or softest fabric. More than this, the Premier knows a moth when it sees one. A cleaner that will rid the house of moths and germs besides doing away with all dirt and grime, is more than a ser vant; it is practically a health officer, There is a great difference in cleaners. Before buying any cleaner you owe it to yourself to have a TEN POINT DEMON STRATION of the Premier First Among Cleaners in your own home. 'Phone the distributor named below to have your near est Premier dealer make this demonstration tomorrow. The window of every Premier dealer contains a poster of this or a similar advertisement. Learn the advantages of the Premier's specially designed bag, self-balancing handle, notched nozzle, rubber brush ani' direct connected attachments. Test its light weight, powerful suction and efficient attachments. Have this Ten Point Demonstration first thing tomorrow morning. Find out from the Premier dealer what you can do with $5.00. It will surprise you. ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER COMPANY, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio OMAHA: Wholesale Distributor Mid -West Electric Co. Till: OMAHA tmrfp BillyGoes K After the Moths V) ik4V ..,.11 I ""IVX II Returning from the mountains, we were horrified to . find my husband's closet full of moths; but luckily, only one suit seemed seriously damaged. The eggs had just hatched. "Billy," I said, "you must help carry these things down to the yard. It'll never do to brush them off in the house." "But you can't take them out tonight," he answered; "it's raining. How about using our Premier?" "Of course!" I agreed. "Why didn't I think of that?" We threw the clothes over the bed, and Billy and I cleaned them with the Premier Attachments. "Nothing finicky about its appetite, eh Carrie?" Billy observed, while the Premier got eagerly to work. "I never knew it liked moths," I said; "but no doubt it would find ants or fleas quite as tasty." Just then Margaret called from the dining-room: "Come down here, mother; I think the moths are in the rugs." "Well," said Billy, "we might as well go through the house tonight and get 'em all along with the summer's dust, any how, it's only playing at housecleaning. But first I want something to eat." The Premier rubber fingered brush at work! Note the gentle but effec tive action of the rubber tips. Hairs and clinging litter do not wrap around this brush. They aredrawn into the air chamber. ill ill'f V ; , SUNDAY BKK HOTO;KAVl!KK SUCTION. vernier FIRST AMONG CLEANERS :iMMfAU sUrtWU 11 OiO - - JDi ALCOCHAVUKt INC N!W 0KKSI I OU I S H L 1 1 M U l E