Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1921, Page 14, Image 14

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Sunday as a
Day of Rest
By Loretto C Lynch
The ether day I called on a sin
cere old gentleman who is working
very hard for what is termed the
"Blue Sunday." He told me he be
lieved everyone should observe Sun
day. He believed that folks who
work hard six days a week should
in the interest of health, if for ncr
other reason, have the seventh day
upon which to rest. He was the
speaker, I the listener. But he in
terrupted himself about 2 in the
afternoon to inquire of his wife if
dinner was ready. There was some
sort of a feeble reply from the kit
chen. Then said the man: "It's takin'
her all fired long to bring on the
dinner to-day been at it, too, since
9 this morning."
I waited, anxious to hear him de
nounce the lady who had been work
ing in the kitchen from 9 in the
morning on "the day of REST' and
I waited but there wasn't even a
murmur in this direction.
The dinner was a delight. We
began with iced grapefruit and went
through all the courses ot the con
ventional dinner trom soup to nuts,
"You've quite a party dinner to
day. I sugcested, knowing. that 1
had dropped in upon these folks un
expectedly and that no special pre
naration had been made for me.
"No, indeed: this is our regular
Sunday dinner 'bout thejsame every
Sunday. Pa just has to have a course
dinner on Sunday.
It would not have been polite to
say anything nt the time, but who
could helo think, about the consis
tency, or rather the inconsistency, of
such a situation' Mere was a man
who worked hard for the observance
of the dav of rest by the OTHER
fellow and then insisted on having
a course dinner prepared hy his own
wife when he realized full well that
it meant hours of work in prepara
tion and in cleaning up.
Yet in the average workaday Amer
ican family Sunday is often the only
clay when all meet to gether around
the family board to exchange the
gossip of each one's 6mall world.
Then, must the mother Work all day
to provide the Suriday dinner? Must
she be busy in the kitchen cooking or
cleaning uo, while everybody else in
the family sits restfully about and
.reads the Sunday newspaper, or
plavs a quiet game, or takes a nap?
The answer depends largely upon
the woman herself. She must elimi
nate elaboration. She must care
fully plan. She must manage to
larry out her plan.
The observing woman will soon be
ible to gauge the appetites of each
' member of the family and will come
pretty rear to putting the required
amount of food on the plate. A
alad or a dessert and a drink will
;omplete this dinner with a minimum
tf dishes to be washed, and" mother
will be able to enjoy the meal with
he family. i
"Why, my family would not eat
meat that had been cooked the day
before and then just reheated," said
in indignant woman to me when I
mggested that she more than half
roast the beef on Saturday and fin
ish the cooking just 'before serving
time on Sunday. Yet both her hus
band and her sons were active club
members and frequently attended
club banquets at local hotels. The
chef at one hotel told me that at one
of these banquets, where more than
250 turkeys were served, they had
been almost cooked the day before
and the cooking was completed just
before serving hour.
Plan a simple meal for Sunday.
- Only have desserts and other foods
that will be good if they arc made
the day before and stand in the re
frigerator over night.
If the housewife cannot have a
day of complete rest, at least 6he
should plan to do as little work as
-possible on the day the other folks
Engagement Announced
Wte . T r ..
v H As I
s&as p
Professor Theodore Rud Reese an
nounces the engagement of his
daughter, Miss Elsie Reese, to. Floyd
E. Davison, son of J. R. Davison of
Hutchinson, Kan.
Ihe marriage of Miss Reese will
not take place until her return from
abroad. With her father she will
leave Omaha May 23, sailing for
Europe June 4. Miss Reese will be
gone a year, fche will study voice
and piano at the conservatory of
Berlin and also at Liepsig. Miss
Reese appeared recently in the
Mikado, presented bv the Omaha
Opera association. She has been
violin student of Henry (Jox. '
Among the hostesses who have
entertained for Miss Reese arc Mrs.
Vegetable Omelets. -
A baked vegetable omelet or souf
fle is a good way to combine eggs
and vegetables. If made with the
green-shelled peas, beans, soy beans
or cow peas, it may be served in
place of meat. The following gener
al recipe for making these appetiz
ing spring dishes is given by food
specialists in the United States De
partment of Agriculture:
A thick sauce made with 1-4 cup
(.1 1.4 run and 1 CUD linuid.
which may be milk (whole or skim),
cream, meat stock or the water in
which vegetables have been cooked.
One cup thick vegetable pulp
made by draining cooked vegetables
nd then mashing them or putting
them through a sieve. '
Three eggs, the whites and yolks
beaten separately.
Flavoring: Salt, pepper, onion
Juice and any one of the following
may be used: Very finely chopped
parsley, chives or ham, or 1-8 tea
spoon curry powder. Bacon used in
making the sauce gives a good flavor.
Mix the vegetable pulp, seasoning,
aauce nd well-beaten eg yolks.
Carefully fold in the well-btaten
whites of the eggs, put into a but
tered baking dish and bake in a slow
oven until firm.
Mrs- Katherine Conklin, of Jersey
City, N. J claims to be the only
woman train caller in the United
States. She stands upon the platform
in one of the subway stations and
announces the arrival of more than
J00 trains a day. . ., .
Neat, easy to read labels on
canned goods are a great convenience.
Years ago a girl in an
open boat called to her cap
tain on the bridge of his
big liner. But he pretended
not to hear. , ,
The Other Shoe
By John Fleming Wilson
f Ribbon i
story In
The Bee Sunday
Student Club Encampment.
The Student club encampment at
Camp Brewster will be held from
the afternoon of Friday, May 27, to
the evening of Monday, May 30.
Games, stunts, a treasure hunt,
swimming, dancing," songs around
the campfire and all kinds of good
"eats" are among the attractions.
Camp Brewstr will be turned
over to the girls for this week-end,
and any high school girl who
wishes to enjoy the good times is
invited to come.
For further information ask any
student club member from any of
the high schools of the city, or
phone Mrs. Margaret B. Richard
son, girls' work secretary at the
central Y. W. C. A., Douglas 1248.
Eye on Future.
"You seem to keep on friendly
terms with all the children."
"It's the best thing to do when
you live in a small town. One of
the kids is almost sure to turn out
an author some fine day and write
up the place."
Women prominent in business and
professional lines in Cincinnati have
formed an organization to fight the
passage in the legislature of the
Schrimper bill, which provides for
a iminimum wage for women and
China now has a woman clerk in
the National Assemblythe first in
the history of the empire. She has
beeen assigned to the work of. pub
lishing the Parliamentary Record.
Marshall Dillon end Mrs. J. A.
Flynn. Mrs. E. A. Reese gave a
dinner Friday evening and Mrs. Val
J. Peter a party Saturday night in
her honor. The Concordia Singing
club will give a party for Miss
Reese Monday evening prior to her
-Good, Cheap Dinner.
The following is a weekly cheap
dinner and my family like it, too:
Pound a flank steak with a knife
and work flour into it; salt well and
brown a little on both sides. Cut
up potatoes over the steak and add
a little water and a dash of garlic.
Cover the skillet tight and let sim
mer for an hour.
Bar to Romance.
Short skirts are taking the
romance out of life for young girls.
They now have nothing to look
forward to in that dress transition
time that formerly marked the age
when they quit being little girls and
became young women.
In the old days before all' of the
gentler sex wore short skirts one
of the most anticipated days in a
girl's life was when she would
wear her first long dress. It was
parallel to the small boy becoming
a young man when he put on. his
first long trousers. This glorious
moment survives to the boy, but is
denied to the girl. She has nothing
to plan for the time when she "gets
big." She is wearing short dresses
npw and she will be wearing them
snort when she reaches young
But aside from the dropping of
her "pig tails" and the addition of
a powder puff there is no new era
for her as life develops.
Problems That Perplex
Answered by
Home or Husband?
Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a young
girl 19 years old. I am alone in this
world, or at least might as well be.
for my home is away from here. I
have been golngr with a young man
for about four months. When I first
met him I did not even consider
married ljfe for at loaat two years.
But in the last few months I have
had so many heart aches and disap
pointments that I long for a real
home. I lov this young man and he
loves me. He makes enough tmoney
so that we could have a nice little
home. But he says he will not get
married until ho has a different posi
tion. I can't see his reason for this,
aa he has an honorable position. I
have a chance to go away to a
friend's house in another, state to
make my home. Tiiere is a young
man there whom I used to go with,
and my friend here does not want me
to go. I. C.
Now. dear, it would be pretty hard
for me to 6ay whether you shouldJ
marry tne man or not. I suspect lie
is not overly anxious to marry just
yet, and you, too, may be wanting a
home more than a husband, which is
not quite enough. You must be sure
you love the man, and that he loves
you, too.
Iron colored linen on the wrong
Ink Stains.
This has been tried on the finest
georgette waist with success:
Flace the article in strong sun,
light, covering the stain with lemon
juice and rubbing common salt inio
the stain with the lemon juice every
once in a while until the stain has
wholly or nearly disappeared, then
wash in hike-warm water and you
will find the stain completely removed.
Conversational Ammunition.
"Do you suppose there is any
truth in those awful things they are
saying about Mrs. Hoozis?" asked
the lady who was pouring tea.
"Probably not," admitted her
guest, "but aren't they just too
thrilling for anything?"
It is claimed that not more than
10 per cent of the Franco-American
marriages contracted during the war
have been successful.
Specials for Saturday
Horn Drnsed Young Routing Chick- .
ens. per lb 185,4c
Beat Creaaiery Butter, per lb 31 c
Lean Pork Roat, per lb 12ViC
Lean Pork Loin Rout, per lb 19c
Freeh Spareribe, per lb 9Vc
Beet Pur Lard, 2 Ibe. lor 25c
Choice Steer Rump Roaet, per lb. 17c
Choice Steer Pot Roaet, per lb.,.12'ic
Extra Fanay ' PorterhouM Steak, per
lb ; 29c
Young Veal Roaet, per lb 15c
Young Veal Chop, per lb. ....... .20c
We Have a Full and Complete Line of Fruits and Vegetables at
the Lowest Prices. tmJmtk
Washington Market
Our No. Coffoe, 3 lb, for $IJM
Eagle Brand Milk, per Bn 24c
Carnation and Pat Milk, 1 Urge cane,
for S3
Pet Milk. 3 null can, for 10c
Largo Cold Duet, per pkg 89c
Nomis Fruit, all kinde. No. 3 can.
special, por dos 3.25
Snowdrift, special. 1 -lb. can., 15c
Snowdrift, special, 2-U. can.... 29c
Snowdrift, special, 4-Ib. can..,. 58c
Palmolivo Soap, 4 bars t.31e
Jackson 3940 $5 Orders Delivered to Any Part of City
Join the Crowds of Enthusiastic Shoppers That Will Respond Saturday to Thec
would stop that itching.
No matter bow severe or
stubborn the trouble, un
less it is due to some in
ternal disorder, Resinol
Ointment usually clears it
away in a reasonable time.
Trritendaee. At all drnggina.
Trial free. Dept. 11-T.'
. Baku), Boltimere, Md.
This new style package is a -can
to be returned when empty just like a milk
- When you buy Iten's Graham Crackers in returnable
Half Cans you pay only for the crackers, but deposit 50
cents with your grocer to cover the cost of the Van. When
the can is empty you can exchange it for a full one, paying
only for the crackers, or you can 'return it and get your
50 cents back.
Iten's Grahams are certainly mighty fine eating in
spring and summer with milk or cream, or half-and-half.
G-o-o-d morning, noon or night.
Your grocer has the new Half Can of Iten's
Grahams or can get it for you quickly.
Handy convenient always ready.
Iten's Grahams
ihSsliw whftfwaylten's Grahams
6 cam to customer.
3t a i
$i I
Electric Spark Soap, 10 bars 47c
Farrell's Wedding Breakfast
Dark, 10-lb. pails 53c
Light, 10-lb. pails 63c
Big 4 Naptha Soap, 10 bars. 63c
Corn, Peas. Tomatoes, 6 cans
for 59c
Nomis Canned Fruits, can.. 25c
Per dozen $2.90
Del Monte Fruits, 3 cans.. 451.00
Per dozen .$3.90
Table Supply Quality Meats
Young Roasting Chickens, per lb 22J2c
Pork Loin Roast, per lb 22J-.C
Pot Roast, per lb. -. 12y2c
Boiling Beef, per lb 5c
No. 1 Rib Roast, per lb ..20c
Round Steak, per lb 25c
Shoulder Steak, per lb 17zc
Veal Roast, per lb 15c
Veal Stew, per lb 10c
Hindquarters Spring Lamb 25c
Forequarters Spring Lamb 15c
Candy Specials for Saturday
Jumbo Salted Peanuts, lb 15c
Lyon's Chocolate Covered Glace Fruit, $2.00 value,
full lb 89c
A.'ter Dinner Mints, 60c value, lb., 45c
Butter and Cheese
Beat Creamery Butter, lb iUs
New York Cream or Brtelt Cheeee,
pound 3c
Fresh Vegetables
Asp&ragug, home grown, 4 bunches
for fte
Radishes, home Brown, S buncha So
Green Onions, home grown, t bunehea
for lfe
Coffee and Tea. ola, Coffee, lb 4A
Household Coffee, lb. 30o
3 lbs. for SSo
Our 60c Japan Tea. In..... 4a
AdTo Jella. per pkgr 10e
Ortman's Bakery
CTEfT lT M!Ia2S5 k 'T CT,ad' Angle Food Cake 30c
eOfillM iMliVKaMl EfJNoodl., Spaghetti and Butter Rolls, doz 20c
' othr Macaroni Product Bread Rolls, doz. .......12c
, Supply Your Needs
by Using
Bee Want Ads Best Results
BISQUE' Sunday Special
Something different is Bisque Caramel Cream,
with macaroons; a most delicious special. A trial
will prove this.
ray jont Telephone and
Electric light bills at pay
station in out store.
Mail in your orders. Ship
ments made same day as
order received
Come Once
and You
Will Come
Harney St.
After you once enjoy the satisfaction of shopping at the Central Market
you don't, care to go anywhere else because there is no element of
' chance in buying at the Central Market. You are certain of the better
values, the efficient service and the wholesomenes and purity of the
food you buy here.
Fancy Fresh Dressed Young Hens, per lb.
Youing Mutton Shoulders,
per lb. 12t
Best Cuts Steer Shoulder
Roast, per lb 15
Fancy Fresh Dressed Milk-Fed
Broilers, per lb. ...... .60
Steer Pot Roast,
per lb . .V.lltft
Steer Shoulder teak,
per lb. 17
Fancy Young: Veal Roast,
per lb 17
Prime Rolled Rib Roast,
Per lb 27Hi
Pig Pork Roast,
per lb. 16
Fancy Young Veal Breast,
per lb 12t
Tall cans Carnation Milk, ' -per
can .12$
J. M. Assorted Fruits in heavy
syrup, can, 23; dos.2.75
, Monarch Maine Corn, can,
25; 3 cans 65
Central Special Coffee,
8 lbs
48-lb. sack Climax Flour
at ..81.95
Sunkist Assorted Fruits in heavy
syrup, can, 25; do?. $2.95
Large cans Del Monte Asparagus
at 35; 3 cans 81.00
Golden Santos Coffee,
Per lb ...-22
Advo Extra Sifted Peas,
3 cans ..70
Large cans Fancy Ripe
Olives 29
Waldorf Toilet Paper, reg. ISc
roll, each, 10; doz. 81.00
Uncolored Japan Tea,
per lb
McCombs' Home-Made 70c Chocolates. . . . .59 70c Satin Finished Candies .59
Iten's Returnable Half Can
' Graham Crackers . . . .81.75
Assorted Cookies,
per lb ,
Iten's Delicious Fig Bars,
per lb '. 25
Angel Food, Cake,
each 30
Butter Rolls,
Bread Rolls,
Cloverbloom Creamery Pkg.
Butter, per lb 34
Guaranteed Strictly Fresh Eggs,
doz. ...22
Extra Fancy String Beans,
per lb 20
the highest grade Macaroni,
Spaghetti, Egg Noodles and
other Macaroni Products.
Country Creamery Pkg. ,
Butter, per lb. 32
Extra Fancy Home-Grown
Spinach, peck .20
Extra Fancy Leaf Lettuce, doZ.,
40; 3 bunches 10
1814-16-18 FARNAM STREET
U Phone Atlantic 4603 We deliver to any part of the city orders of $5 or more
Saturday's Smashing Specials on Food Stuffs
Here's another vivid demonstration of the wisdom of concentrating all your buying of Foodstuffs
z,i Omaha's largest, finest, most sanitary market. It's a delight to shop here, and the money savings to
be enjoyed mate it doubly so.
From the Meat Section
Finest select Chickens, secured by our country
buyers direct from the farmer. Dressed in our
own store. . , "
Fresh Dressed Roasting: Chickens, per lb. . . .22
Fresh Dressed Young Hens, per lb 32 $?
Fresh Dressed Young Spring Frys, each.... 65
Pig Pork Loins, lb ..V...............v..17
Prime Rib Roast Rolled, lb;.... ...25
Porter House Steak, lb. ...................... ...30
Fresh Spare Ribs, lb............ 10c
Shoulder Pot Roast, lb.......
Steer Shoulder Steak, lb. ; .17
Fancy Veal Roast, lb..... .....17
Veal Stew, lb.... 10
Lean Breakfast Bacon, lb. : . . .25
Sugar Cured Small Skinned Hams, lb. 25
Pure Rendered Lard, lb 12H
Grocery Specials
10 lbs. Granulated
Sugar, the best obtain
able 73
48-lb. Sack Gooch Best
Flour $2.15
One lb. best bulk Cocoa FREE with 3 lbs. Food
Center Coffee ; . . .$1.00
10 Bars Crystal White Soap. . . ,
Carnation, Pet, Eamo, Dundee,
special large can
Rogers' Candy Specials
Toasted Marshmellows, box ....... 29
Campfire Marshmellows, box . 19
G Just Inside
igars Door Cigars
20o Mozart, 15c; box of 25 for.. J
15c Mozart, 11c; box of 50 for.
1254c Harvester, 10c; box...
of 50 for $4.50
10c Harvester, 3 for 25c; box
of 50 for $3.75
we seii Skinner's
the highest grada Macaroni,
Spaghetti, Egg Noodles and
thor Macaroni Product
Elkhorn Milk, extra
5 tie Fancy Parker Brooms 39
5 lbs. Fancy Head Rice.. ........24
5 lbs. Hand Picked Navy Beans , 4.24
No. 1 Bulk Rolled Oats, 7 lbs.. ...25
Full Quart Jars Old Monk Selected Queen Olives,
very special 73
Headquarters for
Dairy Products
Tliomsen's Ialry Maid Fancy
Creamery Batter, lb 33
Fancy Tub Batter, lb 32
leading brands of Colored But-
terlne, lb. 31
Wisconsin Fall Cream Cheese,
per lb 20
Wisconsin Fall Cream Nippy Brick,
per lb. 20
Creamed Cottage Cheese, per
lb 20
Best Drinking Buttermilk In the
city, glass, 5 qnart......lO
Strictly Fresh Eggs, dos 23
Full and ' complete line of all
fancy package cheese found on onr
counters at all times.
Fruits and Vegetables
Radishes, 3 bunches for 5
Rhubarb, 3 bunches for. .......... .10
Home Grown Spinach, peck ...201
Fancy California Tomatoes, ,
5-lb basket 63
100 size Sunkist Sweet
Oranges, dozen 57
Winesap, best eating Apples,
basket ...23
Bananas, dozen ....35
Ortman's Bakery Products
Angel Food Cake 30
Butter Rolls, dozen. .......... .....20
Bread Rolls, dozen.... 12c