i'HE BEE.v OMAHA. r'UlDAV, MAY 20, 1921. - I Society Marriag Announctd. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Ruth Powell, daughter of William Towell, to Fred Hlankenship of this city, formerly of Logan, J a. The ceremony took place Tues day afternoon at Papillion, Neb. The bride is a former student of Central High school and Mr. Blankenship attended Creighton. At present the couple are at the home of the bride's father, but will take an apartment about June 15. Luncheon for Nurses. Mrs. G. Alexander Young enter tained at luncheon at Happy Hol low club Thursday in honor of the graduating nurses of the University hospital, who will be graduated in Lincoln at the commencement exer cises of the University of Nebraska on June o. Pink roses formed the centerpiece for the luncheon table. The graduates are Thclma Crow, Arta Lewis, Irene McKown, Klla Kictan, Grace Styre, Krma Ander son, Thclma. Bassett, Marion Flem ing, Frances Myattway, Emma Kihn stud Thcda Waterman. . Missis Laura Burgess, My.ra Tucker and Nettie Fitch of the Uni versity hospital were also numbered among the guests. Concert Patronesses. Patronesses lor the sacred concert to be jjiven Friday evening at the lust Central Congregational church j re Mesdames K. F. .Klokc, A.' W. tiordou. C. W., Pollard. R. J. Din ning, X. I!. Updike. K. K. Segur. Louis Clarke, F. L. Loomis. Forrest KCroxson, W. R. Wood and Harvey Milliken. A group, who will attend the con cert together, are Messrs. and Mes dames Samuel Rces, William Ram sey, Ralph West, John K. Morrison and George !s. Johnston. . Prettiest Mile Club. The last matinee dance of the sea son for children of the Prettiest Mile chili will be given Saturday. Chil dren will be permitted to ; bring guests. A May party for the children will be given Friday evening. May 27. Phi Rho Sigma. An informal dancing party will be given Saturday evening by members of IotaN chapter of Phi Rho Sigma fraternity of the University- of .Ne braska College of Medicine at the chapter house. Personals Mrs. C. F. Cheshire returned Wed nesday from an eastern trip. . Rrtth Colin of Kansas City is vis iting her sister, Mrs. William Stern berg. . Miss Lorcta Larscn will spend the, week-end with friends in Ccresco, Neb. t. nr... w n VnrAvt. f till, flllU ill I J. J VI i j . vs. Los Angeles will arrive here about May 28 to spend several weeks. Gwendolyn McCoy . returned Thursday from "Lincoln," where, he blouse. Irene Barmettler leaves early in Tune to spend a month in Cleve land, O. C. L. Shamp and daughter. Miss Gladys, have returned from an east era trip, including Wheeling, W. Va., Pittsburgh and Chicago. Mrs. J. B. Klausncr, who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lester Drishaus, for the last few weeks leaves Friday for her, home at Los Angeles, Cal. 1 tr anl fr T P Fallnn arr planning a motor trip to White Bear lake, Minneosa. for the month of July. They will be the guests of Mr. and . Mrs. Thomas Lovering of St. Paul. . r Mrs. M. E. Morse of Lincoln will arrive Friday for a visit of several weeks with her daughter. Mrs. Join R, Golden. She will be accom panied by her daughter, Mrs. Robert B. Kelly, who will spend the week end in Omaha. :.'. ? Oliver Maxwell of Omaha had one of the leading roles in the musical Phoenix Hosiery You will find keen, delight in select ing your hosiery at PR'AY'S . . . for you choose from an assortment of PHOENIX HOSIERY .that ALWA8 Is Complete . . . and too, the "Homey" atmosphere at Fray's makes your ?Mt a pleasant erne ... ; Men's - - - - Women's - - CM4reKs - TWO STORES: MS S. lltk St IMS ranaa St. Tht Horn ot PHOENIX Women nd Omaha Chairman P W - firs. CJ.Hu.bba.Pd ' Kli-hiirt-8trrrn I'hiito. Mrs. C. J. ' Hubbard is chairman of the Omaha unit, League ot Women Voters, which will combine with other units of the Second Con gressional district in an all-day con ference 'Monday, May 23, in Oma ha, at the council chambers of the citv hall. Woman's Club to Hold May Party At the request of Mrs. Charles Jo hannes, the new president of the Omaha Woman's club, the house and home . committee of " the " club, has arranged for a May luncheon and party to be held at Camp Brewster, Wednesday, at 1 p. m. The affair is to be a get acquainted party, and it is the'wish of the new president that all club members at tend. It is probable, that the club will hold social meetings through out the summer months, as Mrs.' Jo hannes favors a year round club. Reservations for the luncheon should be made by Monday with any of the following members of the house and home committee: Mrs. John R. Golden, chairman, and Mes dames T. R. Ward, C. H. Long, George J. Henderson, C. A. Sher wood, Joseph Bushman, William Bryden, William Davenport, Burt C. Fowler, Philip Welch, James P. Slater, A. B. Macphcrson. Charles Trimble, Albert Hasson and Francis Bowers.- 1 Members who plan to attend the affair are requested to take the 12 o'clock "Fort Crook street car at Twenty Tfourth and N streets. comedy given' Tuesday evening in Lincoln by the Kosmet club. Misses Marguerite Fallon and Zoe.Schalck of this city also took part. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred . Schalck and Mr. and Mrs. J." P. Fallon went to Lincoln to attend the performance. Senator J. H. Millard and Miss Jessie Millard have abandoned their plans for a trip abroard this summer, oving to the recent illness of Sena tor Millard. At present his condition is much, improved. Mrs. Sarah A. Bond and daugh ter, Miss Ella Wheeler Bond, of Ord. Neb., arrived in Omaha Wed- hkiIiv mnrninor on their wav home brothers and other relatives near Madison, Wis. They are visiting at the home of Mr. and (Mrs. C. W. Rogers, until Friday morning, when they will go on to Ord. Freshman Play; The Central High School Fresh man Student club will oresent a play, 'Patron of Arts." at the Y. W. C. A. Saturday, May 21. at 8 p. m. Taking part in the program will be Arline Shamp, Ruth Romsted, Madaline Andrews, Helen Anderson, Elizabeth Combs. Dorothy Quivey, Margaret Carmichael, Minnie Good rich, . Katherine Bullock. Margaret Ziblcr, Jean Kanes, Mildred Zibler and Louise Grant. 40c to $1.10 65c to S3.30 9 5 ' $t.o HOSIERY tor Men, Children, Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX Xo Use Mourning. ' Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a young trirl of 20 years and am in love with a younsr boy of about the same age ana reany Know tnat he cares for me. But for eome reason which I do not know he broke on. "What would you advise me to do? Thanking: you, I remain, IMPATIENT. That kind of disappointment must he accepted along with the other dis appointments of life. Just net so busy with some other interest that you will soon replace your lonesome memories of him. He must be In terested in some other girl, and there Is just no use in mourning over things. Fatty: If you are willing to do housework, as you say you are, I think you could And work in Oma ha and if you go to a nice family, I think you would be perfectly safe. A girl's" best protection is always found In her own desire to do right. If you do eome to Omaha, I would advise you to consult the Y. W. C. A. employment bureau, before com ing, and have a prospective position in mind. The Big Sisters would also be ready to offer yon advice should you feel the noed of it. I do not know how you could make boys talk politely, but I do know you need not liston. Keep away from the people who do not talk decently, anil if they start it when you are around, leave. , A Mother: The 12-year-old boy you speak of sounds to me like a case for the doctor. His flushed face makes me think he has heart trou ble, but really my udviue on this sub ject might miss the mark sadly. Better consult a reliable physician. Kiglitecn: A girl is of age in Ne braska at 18. She then does not have to have her parents' consent to marriage but what girl would dis regard her parents' advice at so early an age? Two Question Boxes: What makes you think I will tell you to stav at home and study and not go with boys? The company of good boys is good for good girls and vice versa. Tour letter sounds sensible x v i. . i nitnti hnvfl An pve on you, so I think you are not sadly in need or aovice rrom me. I cannot -tell you how old a gtr' should be before she goes with boys. That is something to be determined by the girl's sense, not her age. Some girls are never old enough to go with boys: others are always better for a broad-mided association with the other sex. Keep right on using the good sense which you show you possess and you will be happy. As for moles, electrolysis will remove them. Meeting for Eighth Grade Pupils. J. G. Masters of Central High school wilt address all eighth grade pupils and their parents of the city Friday afternoon at 2 p. m. in Cen tral High school auditorium. The curriculum committee of the Parent - Teachers' association, of which Mrs. A. R. Fetters is chair man, will be present with informa tion regarding entrance requirements of the various colleges of the coun try. . This is being done in order that students registering for high school may plan their course of study so that it will fulfill all the requirements of the college they may attend. - Dinner Party. -m r sn,t Mn W TV Hosford en tertained at a dinner of 12 covers at their home Thursday evening tor Mr. and Mrs. John 'A. McShane of Coronado Beach, Cal., who are their guests. . Our Variety of White Footwear AS the season approaches, our stock is complete to the smallest detail. Never be fore in the history of this store has the assortment been more complete. The sport ' strap and oxford with low walking heels will prove a revelation in ladies' foot wear. Plain white oxfords in kid and canvas, with brown and black trimming, moderately priced at $5.95 to S9.45. SHOE MARKET 320 South 16th Street. Omaha's Biggest Sale of Library Tables Will Occur Saturday at Union Outfitting Co. Handsome Tables in Rich Mahogany at a Wide Range of Low Prices. If you want to save .a handful of dollars on a Library Tabic, your opportunity comes at the Union Outfitting Company next Saturday, when their entire stock of Library Tables in mahogany and mahogany finishes goes on sale at big reductions. This big Homefurnishing Insti tution, located Out of the High Rent District, considers no trans action complete until the cus tomer is satisfied. As always, you make your own terms. Advertisement HOLDING A HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife The Question Lillian Asked. I waited with a good deal of in terest for the reappearance of Miss Foster and Dr. Pettit at the hospital door. They were possessed of such diametrically opposed temperaments that I wondered at the outcome of a clash between their wills such as had seemed inevitable when they took the child of the wounded woman into the hospital. But .when they finally came out again and walked toward the car x saw that Miss Foster's youthful volatile spirits had triumphed over her own temper, and. the physician's outraged dignity. She was chatting volubly, and sinilling upward into Dr. Pcttit's face in such : attractive fashion that I did not wonder at the almost fatuous gaze he was bending upon her. That the sight of his admiring look embarrassed and piqued me, . made me fujious with myself. I cared nothing for Dr. Pettit, and had never given a second thought to .his per sonality or to his protestations an assertion which I could not truth fully make about Allen Drake or Maor Grantland. innocuous as my friendship with bothof them had been but I could not deny that I wished mvsclf anywhere else than in the role of gooseberry in the drive back to the Ticer house. In mv desire. to appear matter-of- fact and oblivious, I moved toward the car as I saw them coming, climbed into the driver's scat and turned the ignition switch. At the sound of the starting . engine. Dr. Pettit hurried forward. "That's right," he said. "You arc very thoughtful. I am exceedingly anxious to make Sag Harbor as quickly as possible." He hesitated, and I interpreted his thought. "Won't you drive, then?" I asked. "I would not dare to drive as fast as you could with perfect .safety." "If you really do not mind!" he said, with relief spreading over his countenance. "If you and Miss Fos ter will just climb into the tonneau then. I've got something to -think out, and can't talk this trip." A Breathless Drive. His face held the professional ab sorption which I often had seen upon it in the old times, and I knew that no woman's charm, no matter how potent, could stir him in this girding up of his powers for the next battle with death which he must wage. I looked quickly, furtively at Miss Foster to see how she would relish this sudden shunting of her to the background. She was gazing at the physician with a speculative ap praising look, in which I detected no resentment. It was the look a child ri rii ifT rriil 1 f" f and for might bestow upon a toy in which he had suddenly, discovered a hidden mechanism of potent possibilities. I climbed obediently down from the driver's scat and entered the tonneau, closely followed by Miss Foster. Dr. Pettit did not wait for the closing of the tonneau doors be fore starting the car, and from the time we left the hospital gate till we arrived, breathless and shaken, at the Ticer farm, I gripped the side of the car, expecting every minute to be hurled into another world. He drove as if a demon possessed him, and I wondered, what attention he could bestow upon any mental, prob lem while going at such breakneck speed, let I was sure that he was studying his problem as calmly and thoroughly as if he were in his office at home. I was afraid, and I think I showed it. But apparently the speed he was making was only a fillip to Miss Foster's spirits. She sat erect, sway ing with each swerve of the car, her eyes sparkling, her lips smiling. That the physician's skill in safely driving the car at such speed was making a most potent appeal to her was plain ly to he seen, and again a sense of j pity for my old friend swept over 1 me. ! . Hurried Farewells. " j Miss. Foster was the sort of girl! to admire and fall in love with the splendid animal type of man, able to excel in all sorts of athletic con tests. If she had been bred in the bull-fighting countries, the prize winning matador would have been her ideal hero. Staid, sombre Dr. Pettit. with his skill in driving al most his only spectacular achieve ment, was doomed to dsiappoint mcnt, it seemed to me, if he set his heart upon the glowing girl beside me. As he stopped the car before the u J la-raT in i --i,-r-- the Sunday Night Luncheon after spending the afternoon in a long drive to the country or per haps the early evening watching ; your favorite "Movie" star you ; will thoroughly enjoy coffee and sandwiches sandwiches made of - delicious HARD ROLL BREAD. A congenial crowd invariably has ' a vigorous appetite and no one thing is so easily prepared or so much in favor as the sandwich made of HARD ROLL. Hard Roll is well; it's different, that's all. PETERSEN & PEGAU BAKING COMPANY Also: Makers of Tip-Top Bread. , Ticer gate he descended hurriedly, 'tossing a word of apology back over his shoulder, v - "I'm sorry not to take your car in, I Mrs. Graham, but I know you won't mind. -Hurry, Miss Foster, please, if you're coming, with me." He strode , across .the lawn I never have seen him run to his own car, climbed into it, and set the en gine running. Miss Foster had waited for a hasty farewell to me. yet she was before him, for she had skimmed across the lawn like a bird to her place in his runabout. In another half-minute Miss Fos ter's handkerchief was waving a fluttering farewell through n cloud of dust, and I turned to face the bat tery of inquiries with which the Ticers and Marion were waiting for me. . ' Lillian, in the background, listened intently, but asked no questions and made no comment until the curiosity of the entire family, had been satis fied and iwc were once '.ifore, in our own quartet's, with Marian absorbed, outside in being taught how to milk. Then Lillian spoke nonchalantly, as . 1 , . , . , , , . inougn xue.suDjeci naa dui a cursory interest for her. - "Is Dr: Pettit as interested in that young" woman as he appears to be onrnmea tomorrow. ) Use Bee Want Ads for Results. PRICES CUT Prices of Slip Covers ' Much Lower Vfto'tl nred Mi revtr 1 prolrrt four fnrnltor from in dux ami flirt thu aniiimer. We offer special ! wrk a net ot damaak ar cretoane alia eorera la coTer S pleera "SI 8.50 up Phoaa VOCOLAS 8097 A will rail nlta aaaialea aaS quota j on complete pricra. SOW' IS THUS TIMK TO FEPTE1T THAT OLD FURNITURE A B-plcce Suite, veapkolateroS t leatherette, tapertry ar Teloar, w prln-, traatea poltaea, lor-) $27.50 up American Upholstering Co., Oppo.lte Caatle Hotel. 617 Sooth 1Mb Street. Speelnl Price to Hetele, Tkeatora anil Caareaea. PHO.K IIS WE CAM, FOR AHD DELIVER FREE. Trr- - T Iff HTI TB f T Birthday Party. Mrs. V. O. Swanson eniertained at her home Wednesday afternoon, the occasion being the fifth birthday of her son, John William Swanson. Eighteen children and their mothers were guests. May baskets and dec orations appropriate to the month were used. An out-of-town guest was little Jane Levine of Shenan doah, la. ' Luncheon for Mrs. Fels. Mrs. L. M. Pcgau entertained at her home Thursday in honor of Mrs. 'Joseph Fels of Chicago, guest of Mrs. Karl Louis, v. overs were placed for Mesdames ,H. M. Goulding, Louis, E. H. Bruuning, Lee Huff, Frank Smith, E.-A. Pegau, Claude Uren and Miss Irene' McKnight. For Mrs. Cudahy. Mrs. Joseph Barker entertained at a-luncheon of. eight covers .at her home Thursday for Mrs. E. A. Cud ahv of Chicago, guest of Mrs.jC. M. Withelm. ' r Watch Our Windows Our Weekly Specials , f0r Friday and Saturday Carefully read the following: specials offered this week. They will conclusively prove to you where real values are found. 125 Dresses Formerly priced 'at $19.50, will be sold with our week-end specials, at Tljpse dresses are truly worth three or four times their aale price. Our advice is to be here early Friday, as such values can not last long. Underwear C repede Chine Chemise at - the extremely low pries $ 1 98 Crepe de Chine and satin chemise built-up shoulders and lace .trimmed, . Q Extra Special! Blouses Good quality tailored wash blouses in sizes from 36 to 46, at $1.00. One style extra sizes, 48-54. $100 x Extraordinary values in Coats Suits and Wraps at $1950 The values on these ,ir.( assortments are up to f4.OU. i 5 See Our Windows Luncheon for Mrs. Esty. Mrs. Eva Wallace entertained at a luncheon at her home Thursday it honor of Mrs. Harold Esty of Bos ton. guest of Mrs. D. C. Bradford Yellow ' irjs and columhine formal 1 the centerpiece. Covers were placed for 12.. BOWEN'S I Columbia Grafonola Scrutinise carefully the speci fications of this instrument, which formerly sold for $140; consider every feature of this Urafonola with other instru ments selling for more and you will quickly understand why the Columbia leads all others. $100 is our price for this model and, as usual, you make your" own terms. Columbia Grafonolas and Co lumbia Records are made by th " oldest and lament phonograph ', company in existence. i Your old machine taken as part payment on any new machine. (VJUS VAWC WINS 5TOW Howard St. Btw. 15th & 16th -; ADVERTISEMENT The Real Secret of Rejuvenating thc Face She holds the true secret of facial n- ' juvenation who haa learned how to to move the dead akin particles as fast as they appear. It's a secret anyone may : possess. The aged, .faded, or discolored surface skin may be gradually absorbed, in an entirely safe and rational manner, by the nightly application of ordinary mercolized wax. Within a week or two the underlying skin, youthful and , beautiful to behold, haa taken the plaee of the discarded cuticle. So little ot the old skin is absorbed each day there's no inconvenieajce at all, and no one suspects . -you are putting anything on your. face. Tha mercolized wax, .procurable at any drug store (an ounce is sufficient), is ! applied like cold cream. In the morning ' it is erased with aoap and water. It'a ' the best thing known for freckles, black- ', heads, pimples, moth patches, liver spots . and fine surface wrinkles. ..... For the deeper wrinkles, an excellent -recipe is : Powdered aaxolite. one . ounce, dissolved in oce-half pint witch hazel.. . Bathing the face in the solution produoea quick and wonderful results. . Affords protection against In , '; fectious diseases. " All pnident, ;.. persons should avail themselves;; ; of this dependable germicide.; , 3 4T M5UQ STORES EVERYWHERB " - ADVERTISEMENT. How to Rid the Arms .' of Objectionable Hairs (Aids to Beauty) A simplified method is here "given J-" for the quick .removal of hairy o- fuzzy growths and rarely is more " than one treatment required: Mix. a stiff paste with some powdered dela, ' tone and water, apply to hairy sum r face and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, " wash the skin and ever hair haa " vanished. ; This simple treatment f cannot cause injury, t care shouW "I De exercised to get real delatone. in- Make Ctmcaara Soap and Ointment 'your every -day totkt prep arations. Bathrwith the Soap and hot water on ming an4 retiring, nainppleBt of Saap, best applred with the hands. Smear any signs of pimples, redness or' rouchness with tha Ointment and let it renin' five before a lew aMarVssavflaA. i m. Daaae.lbiaa 4.a. " a an. UMimi st isil Era Money back without question H HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt'a Salve and Soapt.fall in the treatment of Itch, Ecsema. Rincworm.Tetterorot,erttch- ft awimmaumil Vr vmtmuA Qatar Itfwl oara, it ea n- ptoce-oljoftierja perfesmes for f&e-rfEsn, ' - ftwal 1 ln( skin dUtatee.; rry this r. 1 1 a II a a i i r"tmsnt at ou- tle . Sherman A McConaell S Dru, Stars A