Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE KEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1921.
Dairy Cattle On
Nebraska Farms
Are Increasing
Receipts of Butterfat in Oma
ha 23 Per Cent Lower Than
Last YearState . Be
coming Dairy Center.
Information for a uHn of surra.
agricultural conditions In Nebraska wrrt
obtained by The Dee fmm a questionnaire
sent to all county agricultural imtii In
the state. Thin I the first of tho various
ww HKta ap in we questionnaire.
Selected by Dahlman
To Head Welfare Board
Brief City News
The tinkle of the cowbell and the
lowing of dairy cattle as they slow
ly -wend their way from the rich
pastures of Nebraska is becoming
more and more a familiar sound
With the exception :of Hattc coun
ty practically , every county agent
mi the state reports a marked
crease in dairying.
County Agent H. H. Smith of
Walthill tersely explained- the rea
son for this change to more diver
sified farming by stating that it
could be attributed to the manner
in which dairv products maintained
their price in the face of a falling
market in all other products of the
Based on figures from the leading
creameries of Omaha it is estimated
that the value of milk nroducts
manufactured in Omaha will be in
creased this year. from $25,623,530
m to over ?ju,000,000 in 1921.
Omaha Notes Increase
The Omaha concerns report that
during the first four months this
year their receipts of butterfat from
Nebraska producers increased from
10 to 33 per cent over a correspond
ing period last year. I he average
increase is 25 per cent.
Taken with the reports of county
agents of the increase m dairying
nil the farms it is believed that this
ratio will keep up during the year.
The prices of butter and milk arc
continuing to hold vp and there is
no indication that reproduction will
be lessened and in most sections
plans are under way to gradually
increase this part of farm production.
With the post-war period of de
flation and the consequent money
stringency the farsightcd farmer at
once turned to seek a ready cash
producer. Live stock, wheat and
eggs have undergone big declines,
while butterfat has held near the
40-cent mark and creamery butter
is still high in the cities. This gives
strength to the statements that
dairying is the surest, safest and
most profitable branch of farming.
Diversified Farming Rule.
With the markets slowly becom
ing stabilized from the hectic war
years the Nebraska farmers are de
termining on a new policy of con
ducting their business. Lessons
learned during the war are making
many changes. County agents who
are daily in touch with conditions
report that one of the biggest chang
es will be more diversified farming,
with stress on dairying carried on in
a businesslike manner rather than
merely as a sideline.
The Department of Agriculture re
ported in 1920 that Nebraska farmers
were the owners of about 600,000
milch cows. At present prices the
dairy herds' of last year are worth
about $39,000,000. .
With the increased herds reported
from all parts of the state by county
agents and the increase in receipts
shownon the market it is estimated
that the herds of today contain at
least 750,000 milch cows valued at
bout $50,000,000. ,
Bankers Approve Change.
The Wall Street Journal, in com
menting on the attitude of farmers
extending their efforts in the pro
duction of dairy cattle and increased
buying, said:
"Trust the American cow to re
lieve the credit situation and improve
the federal reserve ratio. She is do
ing it, bless her heart! Taken in con
nection with hogs and poultry, the
dairy cows have been among the
strongest upholders of business in
the period of depression. The "cow
endorses the farmer's note and it is
Rood paper. She furnishes ready cash
to liquidate it. Every country banker
knows that and in sections with this
kind of diversification there has been
little talk of frozen credits."
MfflTOrnrMiTiMniMiMMinwrar Binni wran
Common Sense
Why Is a Stupid Person Called
a "Dunce?"
During the middle ages, certain
theologians were called "schoolmen"
because they had been taught in the
cathedral schools and cloisters
founded .by Charlemagne and his
successors. At first, these men were
revered and looked up to on account
of their learning. Their writings
were the court of last resort; their
opinions were regarded as authori
tative. Later, however, their works
fell from favor because the form of
their speculations was unattractive
and their books were, not written in
classical Latin. '
There were some, however, who
still clung to the teachings of the
schoolmen in general and to the
doctrines of one Dtins Scotus, a
(treat teacher of the Franciscan or-dcr-in
particular. So, whenever an
adherent ct I he old order, would seek
to support his contentions by re
ferring to the works of Scotus his
opponent would silence him with the
rejoinder, "Oh, you are a Duns
niart" or. more briefly, "You are a
' Duns," an epithet of scorn which
gradually found its way into the
accepted language tinder the slight
ly altered spelling of "dunce." Thus
it is that the name of one of the
best-known doctors of the church
admittedly a keen and sharp-witted
teacher, has been turned into a sy
nonym for stupidity, and obstinate
dullness. .
Copyright. 121. hnlr 8yndlcat. Ine.
Slight Changes Made for
City Council Departments
A resolution adopted by the city
council yesterday describes the
jurisdiction of the department of
public affairs, which is in charge ot
he mayor, as follows:
City clerk, lagal department, city
ibstracter, public library, gas light
ing, welfare board and city chemist.
The offices of inspector of weights
and measures, city license inspector
and municipal coal department were
included in the department of ac
counts and finance,
Wallace Wilson.
Mayor Dahlman announced yester
day that he will recommend Wallace
Wilson ' succeed O. M. Adams
as head oi.hc Board of Public Wel
fare. "Wally" Wilson came to Oma
ha from Fremont where he operated
a livery stable. He was once a state
senator from rremont and also a
state and federal liquor detective.
of the convention of the Union of
American Hebrew Congregations at
Buffalo, Mav 23 to 26. Rabbi Cohn!
will attend the convention as a dele- "Friend. Ronum" The. annual
gale from Omaha. elocution contest of Creijrhton uni-
Rabbi Colin will stop in Detroit versity will be held at 8:15 tonight
Sunday to occupy the pulpit of Tern- in th university auditorium,
pie Bethel, of which Leo M. Frank-1 Nurse Convene The annual con
in, formerlv of Omaha, is rabbi. He, volition of the Nebraska. Nurses' m
also will address the Jewish Student ?if'auo"v,j?i,tr,cto i?' i' JTiIopein
congregation of Michigan university I g 10
Sunday night at Ann Arbor. j
tan i iet -n.m ip ine new rtty
council yesterday adopted a. resolu
tion changing the time of council
meetings from 9 to 10 o'clock in the
No Work Yet Union Pacific offi
cials said yesterday that no plans
will be made for putting; laxse num
bers of mpn back at work until
after July 1.
Arrest Fanner John Swoboda, a
farmer near Oe Soto, was arrested
yesterday by deputy sheriffs on com
plaint of his divorced wife, who al
leges he is father of her child, re
cently born.
Fort Crook to Stay Extensive im
provements bPing made by the gov
ernment at Fort Crook lead army
officers to discredit rumors that tho I
Seventh army corps headquarters is
to be moved from there.
;irl l iulcriiourislied Trances i
Fadden. 15, 412 North Eighteenth
Sale of $900,000 in Bonds
Is Authorized by Council
The city council passed yesterday
ordinances which authorize the sale
of $500.00 public improvement bonds
and $400,000 general sewer bonds.
The public . improvement bonds
will provide, a revolving fund with
which the city may finance improve
ments without the necessity of issu
ing warrants and requiring contract
tors to accept these warrants until
such time as district improvement
bonds are sold, which has been the
Take a Look at Yourself.
You know many persons who
keep their heads, arms and hands in
constant motion while they- talk,
contort their faces and twist in every
shape, it seems.
Have you ever watched yourseii
from another's point of view?
Do you drum with your fingers
wheu some one is trying to converse
with you? Do you handle and keep
in motion some article which you
have in. your hands? Do you clasp
and unclasp your lingers? Do ou
rub your hands together? Do your
eyes dart from the ryes of the one to
whom you speak to objects about j BtIeet. was 'turned over to Juvenile
Ihe room. Do you place your autho-itles yesterday on reports or
Dog Hill Paragrafs
By George Bingham
It is reported that Sap Spradlcn
made an unsuccessful attempt to
end his life yesterday over a love
hands on the arm of the chair, then
in your lap, run your fingers through
your hair, rub your nose, pick up
something, lay it down, handle your
watch chain, cross and uncross your
legs, bite the end of a match, chew
it and break into the. conversion of
Do not examine your finger nails,
look out of the window and become
interested in something in the street
while talking to others?
All of these are very disagreeable
to your acquaintances.
It is quite likely that you are guilty
of some of these tricks of manner.
Watch yourself and cure these bad
habits. '
(C'dpyrifht, 1921. by International Featur
Service, Inc.)
Parents' Problems
In a large family, how can thn
property rights of each child best be
This is one of the most difficult
problems of any family in which
there is even one child. It can be
solved only by each member of the
family, whether a grownup or a
child, being scrupulously careful
about the property rights of others
always asking permission before
borrowing, still more before taking
a share of anything belonging to an
other. -While partly a matter of
habit, this is also a matter of princi
ple; this should be made plain to the
children at the very beginning.
Only one-third of the world's pop
ulation uses-bread as a daily food.
Australian experimenters are try-
neighbors that she had not eaten for
several days. Her mother is a chair
woman. ' Sentenced to Ten ricadingr guilty
to holding up George Kleinfeltcr,
2207 W Btrret, May 13, and getting
40 cents, Mike "Wood was sentenced
by District Judge Troup yesterday
to the penitentiary for three to five
Koport Robbery Fred Ftein, 2722
South Sixteenth street, and Rudy
Masilko, 2205 South Sixteenth street,
told nolice vesterdav that two men
and two women bnat and robbed
them in Dublin Inn, West Center
street road, last Sunday night. Ttaoa So) .Tnhn Tfprdzina.
i mi . . i .. . - -- - . .
iisnprnleri nolir.eman, charged witnl
manslaughter for the death of Jo
seph Howard the night of April 10,
will be tried in district court June
IS instead of June ft, as previously
. . , T , . C bV.nlr
determines -m. juno
Keegan. voung attorney, will be tried
for aiding and abetting the robbery
of Hans Jurgens, Florence farmer.
C. M. & D. LOCKS
Sold by nearly every car dealer
and garage in Omaha and
Fully Guaranteed Every Way.
ill 'k ifii. I
imm m mzi
lii The New Jr' "IS
in itczk! uuniuu arszTfi
u!:: ... wmn
lii STRAW HATS gj1
ana ya Tior anr? -fnllrttva r want, in ca v
mm v !? js I? ml III!
i mi wnu uie ziiu auu si. vie uj. xiiiu ave- VCW1 II
mOUki nue. Classy small brims with high CiOhl
f lif&H wide banded crown. Some in the SSl
HMRl nloin mIU (tont nthorc with tho 'OMfil III I
1 Iwliil turne ese cvcry ne has styic j?l
lK V Sensibly priced in keep- I ; l
I$Ji iner with, the usual Dun- - 1 5 Urn
Iqjfrc lap style and quality. HoEl
I , asm? ml
miii i - ' ' ' m i i i i
Standing of Members
"Help Yourself Club"
See the Notes on Page 5
The nAtlT and Kniuiar. Hornlnr nr Ken-
lnc. f mr larritr in iimm, ronnnll
Blorfi Mil In town where Carrier Boy
erne m mainiainm.
Moralnr, Knln ami Ponrtny by
:A Trara ,t3l.l
1 Tun '. w 10.40
1 THr v 10.20
I Month v . 8 10
Month I. IS
1 Tr.. I Month,
1 Tear '. .V.V.V.'
Month '.....'.',
3 Month , 4.(0
Dally and Snndajr by Mall,
..., !S fO
3 v
8 err Ice.
3 Tr., 3 months ......... .126 IS
3 Tr 18.00
1 Tr 7.0O
I Month i t. 0
1 Month l.tS
Sunday Only by Boy Carrier,
$18.50 !50.000
$!& 80
ear 18.00
1 Tear 7 60
Month 4.00
3 Month 2.00
Dolly Only by Mall, Without Sunday
S Tcr IJ6.00 J1H.O0O
S Tr 10.00 TH.000
1 Tr , 6.00 33,000
Months 2 60 11,000
Sunday Only by Mail
8 Ter
t Tear
l Tr .
t Month
4 Tear .,
2 Tsar .
1 A'ear , .
8 Month
.. .110.00
., 8.00
... i.:s
Renewal lubtcription payment will be fiven half a many vote new aubacrlpttona
Standing of the Club Member. .7;.:rwVS.h,ihf.ubtar:r-iV
Include the vet received and counted at thia office up to 3 p. m., Inat Wednesday.
The etandlni will be chanted a rain in Tueaday's paper and will inrlud the vote that
are received and counted at the H. Y. S. Club offic before 3 p. m. Saturday. '
,.5!n.'. ,nclnde ' territory inside the
City limit ot Omaha eonth of Pacifio
street, west of the river to Soventr.
eeond street. Including KaUton, Bell'e
TUe, Fort Crook and Avery.
One 11,115.00 Moxwell, one U 00.00
? J" Depoelt and one 1100.90 B.
dl.trlc?eP0,W WU1 wrte to tnl
K. W. Rar. K1 a a? a , . . n a
Mrs. C. A. Christensen, 623 Cedar.. 73,680
Ernest Hernaren, 2015 S. 7th St 1,6o
Martha Ebsrt, 5401 Popnloton lusso
Mrs. Thomas Seize, 2J18 I St 168,80
Mrs. Pearl Starkey, 1837 S. 12th. .123 470
Frank Kennlnon.1609 S. 58th St. . .133.180
Mrs. T. ,. Williams. SS08 S. 23l 14fi Ho
Mrs. F. Marecek, 8518 8. 20th 8t 1S10
Mrs. Anna Ruppert, 2014 Martha.. B8,71n
Mrs. V. A. Kauth, 1882 Bancroft. ..139,860
John Kwasniewskl. 2867 Oak 144 110
H. HakeebolK, 2523 Monroe 15o!80
Iva Sieeel. 1724 Dorcas ,.114,960
G. H. Evans. 4oS0 S. 40th 146 100
Mrs. F. T). Haworth. 1775 R. 9th. . . . 15; 940
George Peterson. J412 Wriaht 169,430
Mrs. Olive S. Dusenbury, 1S06 S. S3d 43.760
Henry Furst, 3206 W Street, j JS3.610
J. U Beecroft, 4645 S. 18th 169.730
L. A. Speitzfr, 6626 S. 23d 170,860
John 8pell, 810 Forest Ave 21,400
B. H. Burke. 1103 Park Ave.. ... . S.flOO
Miss C OHalloran. 2971 S. 10th.... 27.960
I. K. Kolle, 1388 S. Jlst St 136,180
Mrs. E. J. McEvoy, J323 S. 14th St 6,020
Will Include all territory Inside the
city limit of Omaha and on, and
. north of Pacific street, west of the
river to Eiffhty.third street and at far
north a Maple street.
On 11,118.00 Maxwell, one 100.00
B. I Drpeslt and one (100.00 B.
I,. Deposit will be awarded In this
Will Include the following- counties In
the state of Nebrankn: Cass, Sarpy,
Douglas (outside the city of Omaha).
Saunders. Butler, Polk, Merrick, Nance,
riatt, tolfai. Dodge. Washington,
Bnrt, Cuming, Stanton. Madlmn,
Boone, Antelope. Pierce, Wayne, Thur
ton, Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and Knox.
One 1, 115.00 Maxwell, one 8100.00
B. 1 Deposit and one (100.00 B.
I,. Deposit will bo awarded In thw
affair, by diving into the creek. The
water was so cold he denied it, and
saj-s he just did it to scare the fish.
A nice pijr -trough was observed
floating down Gander creek by
Bounding Billows Saturday morn
ing, slim 1'ickens stood on tne
bank and watched it, and hated it
awful bad because he was missing
free ride.
Elick Hclwanger, who swapped
for a Jews-harp a few weeks ago,
has jarred both of his front teeth
loose trying "to learn to play it.
Copyright. 1921. Ceorue Matthew Adams.
Rabbi Cobn to Discuss
American Judaism' Tonight
"American Judaism" will be KabbiJ
Cohn s subject tonight at 8 at the
Temple Israel. The topic is apropos
This Used Piano With Stool
r and Scarf :
ill I Sale Price
J $125
Right now we are offering
gome wonderful bargains in uxed
piano on a down payment of
$5.00 and $1.25 per week.
Extra Special Value in
Used Pianos a
Chickering Upright.
Pease Upright
Billings Upright. . . .
Peek 4 Son Upright
Wellimore Upright..
Heller & Co. Upright
Schmoller 3c Mueller
S 88.00
.8 98.00
SSI 5.00
We are also offering some
wonderful values in new instru
ments. It will pay you to see us
before you purchase. .
Player Pianos. .... .$495
Upright Pianos $395
Grand Pianos $750
We will accept your present
piano or phonograph at liberal
price or Liberty bonds at face
value as part payment.
If you can't call, write for
catalog and prices.
Name .
, foa)ta)vl
Address .
Schmoller & Mueller
isu-16.18 piano Co.
Recovery Sire If
Does Mot
The start of real world-recovery is seen by many in Germany's eleventh-hour acceptance of
the terms imposed by the Allied Reparations Commission unless Germany defaults on her
ageement. By this submission delayed until the shadow of French invasion lay black across
the Ruhr valey "a tremendous menace is lifted from the world," declares the New York Herald,
which bids the nations rejoice "at-the new prospect of peace, tranquility, and stability." A Paris
dispatch quotes Thomas W. Lamont, the American banker who,, during the Treaty negotiations,
was financial'adviser to the United States Government, as saying that German acceptance of the
reparation program means "salvation for Germany, and a hew era for the rest of Europe;" and
the New York Daily' News admonishes us that "this is an excellent time for the people of the
United States of America to stop-worrying and go back to work."
. The leading article n THE LITERARY DIGEST this. week- presents American public
opinion upbn the effect that Germany's surrender will have upon the peace and future prosperity
of the world. It also shows the total amount Germany must pay, to the Allied nations, how it is
to be'paid, and how it is to be divided. ,
O&er news-articles that are unusually interesting in this number are:,
Where Wage Reductions Hit Hardest
When Will You Fill the Empty Coal Bin?
America and the Anglo-Japanese
Saving a Thousand Miners' Lives
-What is a Nurse?
Road-Scales for Law Enforcement
Budapest's Coney Island in a Play
The President's English
Another "Christian Daily" Succumbs
Great and Small Bonapartes of
Europe and America
Topics of the Day
How Germany is "Winning the Peace"
Dutch Oil Lubricant and Irritant
Austria Cheering Up
Does Hard Work Shorten or
Prolong. Life?
Warts Found to be Infectious
The Religious Press on Youthful
As Hamilton Went to a Cabinet
Russian Music For Our Churches
What We Have Done For the Near East
Best of the Current Poetry
Interesting Half-Tone Illustrations, Maps, and Humorous Cartoons
Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor, says:
"THE LITERARY DIGEST serves its intended purpose admirably and it is a material
aid. It offers a mirror of news and thought that is invaluable." -
Ml-s, c. J. Hubbart. S804 Farnam. .!,;
O. W. Hendee. 4204 Burrtettn 1 22 250
A. D. Klein, jr., 40fi Bodice 1ST. 740
Kloye B. Morell, 644 8. 25th Ave 1S7.740
C. J. Wright. :S10 Howard ..71,140
.Tames Addeson. 5411 N. 18th 61,04(1
W. T. Zisel. S314 Decatur ..18.30
D. Frank G. Smith. BIacktone.,.m8,170
I.fi1 J, Rehafer, 112 X. 26th 166,780
Mildred Plank. S714 Burt 137,840
Mrs. Anna Morenclli, 858 S. 21st. ...167,8(10
Fred Koegh. 220 N. 19th 16,0
A. Hicks. 3716 Miami 1.16,680
It. H. Ackley, 2i07 K. !4th ....21,310
Mra. Emily Winner. 11 N. 20th. ...166, S10
R. E. Ho'.brook. S556 Pacific 168.470
Herman Xachahoen, 411 N. ISth... .49,240
Pessle r, Herrop, 2567 Douglas, ... 166,530
C. . Wier, 1915 Charles 127,440
f. F, Slossnn, jr.. 4906 Cuming. .. .1 10.860
T. X. Mcintosh, 4160 Chicago 166. S10
Ifl-s. Mary Engel, 2705 Cuming. .. .i . 43,180
Mrs. A. E. "Waack. 2222 Howard 169,410
Mrs. Bessio Beach, luo S. 29th. .165.700
Harold Anderson. 8116 Mercy ..7480
T. T. Peganis, 411 S. 16th 62,840
E. H. White. 667 S. 2!d 37,580
Mrs. W. .T. Whitaker. 4804 Dodge. .169.760
E. X. Swanton, 4129 Lake 167,040
Mrs. B. N Clausen, 4809 Vnderw'd 146,960
Mrs. Merle Coulter, 3009 Harney. .168,390
8am Wolf, 2316ij, N. joth 132.340
Rev. X. C. Hanson, 1J13 X. 2oth St. 170,990
Mis. O. M. Tomanill. 4507 Charlps. .146.370
Roland Prelsman, 1018 N, 32d. ... 39.900
Horace Schaeffer, 4225 Cuming. . . .169.790
Mrs. C. E. I.inneman. 163S Victor. ."9.890
Mrs. Jennie Lament, 2808 Dodge 53.840
P F. Gutsrhewski. 3331 Ames 31.410
Mrs. M. U Yosburgh, 2564 Douglaa. .1 1,240
W. C. Xlelson. 1824 X. 33d 6.010
Thos. Kl McLeavey, 833 Park.... R.OOO
Ralph X. Pratt, 502 S. 28th 5,000
Norman Twl. 305 S. 19th St 5,000
H. T. Ahlbeck, 3880 Cos 5.010
C. B. Hvii, 3830 Seward 6,040
Phineas Wintroub, 1324 Howard, 6,000
0. C. Hobak, Xehawk t 88,810
Zetta Lower, Valparaiso 45,690
.1. H. lomingo. Weeping Water.. 48,240
W, H, Hoerstmann. Fremont 16TI.3O0
1. X. Warrick, Blair 10;:. 740
Vivian Oee. David city 116,940
K. '. Wilde, 823 S. 8, Norfolk .... 1 68, 7
A. At. Samlprs, Plsttsmouth 161,740
F. L. Brown, S-huyler .'.168,490
Helen M. Wynkoop, Central City. 161.480
f. .T. Havlland. Xorfolk 165,610
Floyd Buchanan. Slvcr Creek 160.60
Ram Davie, Wayne 146,600
R. V. Kennedy. Tekamah 168,24
Elmfr Xnrdland. Columbus 160,49
D. P. Tlllt. Oenoa ..167, 891
Henrietta Miller, Oakland 167,700
W. C. Halsey, Oakdale '. . . . . 163,8:
Clifford Cunningham, Wahoo ....117,24
Horman Buhk. Beemer ...144,91
Herman A. Homnnn. Ulkhorn. . . .1 62.700
Fred T. AViglngton, 8chuyler. .... .166.680
Gordon Smith, Lyon ....116,920
A. E. (Harford. Rising City 154,960
Alvin F. Barton, Lynns 126.610
H. K. Strasnurg. Polk 153,310
.Mrs. P. E. Buck, Fremont 167.580
Mis Wad Prultt, Humphrey 164,290
G. C. Smith. Albion 72JI90
Charles .r. Swoboda. Prague ....... . 96,ilIO
Anna Rlumm, Siribner 168,640
K. Jr. Cushman, Kennard U8.920
Frank Pallas, Pender 164,890
Mabel Brands, West Point 168,710
Xellle Dwyer, Colon 86.29
D. E. Haves, Herman 101,580
.Tessle B. Kays. Wisner 1 CO, 780
Ida Ruether. Slanton 166.400
Harry J. Muffley, St. Edward 127,2on
.lens Jensen, Lyons lOD.Sio
edric Anderson. Wausa 81.n.
,T, M. Fox. Clretna 139,520
Laura Kolena. Creightoh 169.280
Marie Rowaldt. Tutan 164,910
Mrs. Edith Schooler, Rosalie . ..103,190
Mrs. Archie Roberts. Xortr.' Bend.. 89.760
Iiydia Seyersdahl, Madison 84,210
Emma Fredstvom, Oakland 83,910
Mildred E. Johnson, Mead -..166,810
Josephine Evans, Platte Center ,...100.480
Mrs. Ed Lyons, Newman Grove. ,.107, 640
Mrs. Lulu Owen. Ashland 167,120
Mrs. G. B. Darling. Hooper ....101,060
J. W. Keeler. Fullerton 98,560
R. J. Swanson, Fullerton 98,420
Wm. Mick, Cedsr Bluffs ........ 67.860
Donsld Waugh. R. 2. Valley .......168,520
D. A. Struther. Craig .. 67,690
Emma Johnson, R. 1, Fremont .,67.460
A. D. Allen, Decatur 64.870
Anton F. Vqjava. Schuyler 164.720
Juntts. Carlson, Stromsburg 109,870
Josephine Ketchmark. Ft. Oalhoun116,7!0
Marguerite Durbin, Bloomfield ....103.520
Josephine Newton, Osceola 85,260
Stella Starry, Springfield 50,1 6o
Mrs. R. C. Johnson. Fremont 11.040
Blanche Colby. Shelby 170,870
Mrs. John Huebner, R. 3. S. Omahal70,800
Mrs. A. Master, Clark 36,000
X. P. Broderson. Fremont 5.000
Chas. Reipl. 1730 X. D.. Fremont 6. 040
ft. C. Griffin. Clarka
Hazel Sowders, Xellgh
. . 4
Will include all territory Inside tho
city limit ot Omaha -on and north of
Maple street, west of tho rlrcr to
Eighty-third street and north to Ser
geant street, Inclndlng Florence and
the Carter Lake district.
One tl.115.0A Maxwell, on ItOO.OO
B, A L. Deposit and one 100.00 B.
I Deposit will be awarded la thl
Will Include the following eoontie In
the state of Nebraska: Otoe, Nemaha,
Richardson, Pawnee, Johnson, Gage,
Lancaster, Seward, Saline, Jefferson,
Thayer. Fillmore, York, Hamilton.
Clay, Xockolls. Webster and Adam.
One fl.llt.0Q Maxwell, one ttAQ.OO
B. ft L. Deposit and one 1100.00 B. ft
L. Deposit will be awarded in this
Edna Lawrence, 7711 X. 28th Ave.. 189,480
A. L. Frederick, 2558 Whitmore.... 117,480
Mona Harris, 2964 K. 47th Ave 169,470
H. Chrlstenaan, 6904 Minne I.usa. .. .168,680
C. p. Schnell, 2423 Crown Point.. . .169,140
a.TT. Emery, 2564 Pratt 168.400
Leo Daniel. 3302 Maple 147,390
Mrs. R. Tedeco, 2939 Lin. Blvd. .168.41 0
Violet Brotchie. 6020 Flor. Blvd 167.440
Mrs. L. M. Thlrtle, 6005 X. 30th. .. .114,990
Mrs. W. W. Dvl, K929 Flor. Blvd. 116, 980
Mrs. Harry Rogers, 511 X. 29th... 51,800
C. Hall. 2879 Vane 67,990
Winifred Travl. 2861 Fowler .126,150
Mrs. Tom Rodebaugh. 8180 Mer'th.111.940
Mrs. .T. M. Streeter. 4008 X. 34th. .167,410
Mrs. O. L. Tracy, 2811 Prowne.... 4J.660
Mrs. E. D. Perrin, 8120 X. 47th.... 44,160
W. E. Stutenroth,, 5456 Camden, ...167,690
Mrs. Gu Krantx. 7301 Maple 110.870
S. Jtf. Finley. 1921 Biniiey 189,580
Mr. E. Q. Pcets, 2720 Laurel 6,040
May 21st Number on Sale To-day News-dealers 10 Cents $4.00 a Year
m uoiA wa, m a jr a as a v w aa
is lerdiy wa
gtrt j J "j
FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary), NEW YORK
Will Inrlude all territory to the elty
of Council Bluffs, Including the Mana
ss district.
One fl.115.00 Maxwell, one M0Q.0O B.
L. Deposit and one f 100.00 B. I
Deposit will be awarded to thl district.
Gertrude Sulllcan, 813 Ave B. , .
Anna Ward, 1006 Mh Ave
it I
Mr. M. A, Smith, 2304 AvejW, .. .168,710
A. W. Golger. Jr., 426 Damof ... 21.760
Dorothy Lenihan. 659 HarrlsJt..l'0,50
Mrs. Ada McLaughlin, isus ia An.iw.ofi
R. P. Bolin. 2008 4th Ave 42,800
Mrs. Peter Jensen, Oakland Ct... .100.610
Mrs. Iva M. Ford, 305 8. 18th. ...169,420
R. D. Edwards, 2210 Ave C 106,640
Lou Dunlap, Grand Hotel 101,990
Mrs. Wm. J. Ryan.' 2026 Ave A... .169,730
Mr. W. A. Mitchell. 203S Ave A... 21.690
A. P. Clobrldg. S0 W. Pierce 6.050
Ray Wilcox, 627 E. Broadway 168,390
Mrs. Otis Wolford. Clay Center 170,770
Thomas Foster, Beaver Crossing 66.470
Gladys Salor. Bruning 64.290
Eleanor Shoff, Fairbury 170.874
George Whitesell. Kenesaw 86,824
Mrs. I.ydia Wolfskin, Superior....... 92,746
Mrs. Vt. L. Chapman, Giltner 100,240
Raymond L. Crosson, Hastings 169,859
Mrs. B. Anderson, 1324 H, Lincoln. 170,860
Mrs. B. F. Jordon, York ...50,240
Mrs. Marie Morris, Hebron.... 100,940
Tlllie Xolte, Auburn. R. 2 77,940
Mrs. Mark Hall. Auburn 169,680
Robert Moore, Nelson....... 60.540
Lee Parriolt, Peru.-. 85.70O
Will Brookley. Edgar ,.122,300
Mrs. Dean Kite, Auburn... 169.40
Velva Bair. Fairmont 124.610
Vera Grosshaus, Suttnn , 170,710
Margaret Ahrens, Falls City 160,740
Mrs. Thomaa Brower, R. 1, Geneva 100,270
Agnes Krasomil, Aurora 170,720
Gall Parson, Humboldt 145,820
A. E. Pratt. Tobias.. 38,n
William McKerver, Cordova 161.140
Mrs. Chas. Fowler, Xebraska. City. .170.660
Mrs. W. H. Hunt. Red Cinud 40,690
Alfred Bookwalter, Pawnee City. .. .90.100
Lola Hosford. Seward 90.140
Mr. C. D. Riley, Teeumseh 170,600
Emma Krutr., Deshler 169,860
C. E. Ollmore, Harvard 90.J10
Delma. Harp, Belvldere .- 84,100
Cnarlcs Laurie. Alexandria.. 17,6!0
C. M. Bepgs. Carlton 58.240
Sonja Lindqulst, Mayberry 36,900
S. 1. Long. Cowles 37,oea
A. C. Bek, Srward 13J.910
Alvin Lent, Deshler........ 7,0o
T. F. Stock, Hastings :i,900
Will Include all the territory the
state of Iowa enteldo tho city of
Conncil Bluff and the Manawa dis
trict. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one
B. A 1 Deposit and ooe 1100.00 B.
V t Deposit will be awarded to thl
Mvrtl Rogers, Perclval 168,590
Harlen Klutta, Mondamin 166,890
Mrs. Xettle Batcbelder. Eiverton. .100,650
Glen C. filllick. Missouri Valley.... 159,060
O. J. Atkins. Xeola 170,920
Marion Caughell. Carson 138,720
Ruth Knight, Glenwood 145,790
Betty Kacrett. Malvern 170,880
Rev. G: B. Bauman. Minden 170,500
Mrs. Blllle Iwen. SuhlesWig 96.810
June Ovlatt, Shenandoah..... 170,7404
Mrs Ona Johnson, Pac. Jet 153,690
George W. Moore, Bartiett 166,380
Bert Graham, Rt. 1, Logan 169,560
Nellie J. Solleder. Thurman 170,860
Gladys Mavis, Harlan ...138,170
Bernard Franklin, HamDurg. . .. . . lit, l iu
Merle Andreas, Oakland 170,799
Dorothy Hull, Hopburn 28.990
J. H. Hud gens. Walnut ...170,760
Merle B. Travis, Canon 113,760
Leona Hamann, Persia ...109,990
Mrs. Ray Pierson, Henderson..... 64,710
Lloyd W. Weatherell, Panama 69.210
Mrs. Lowell C. Mattox. Shelby..... 92.740
Fred Tanks, Avoca .133.910
Mia. S. L. Jefferson. Woodbine. .. .169.870
E. E. Axthelm, Glenwood 65.610
Mrs. H. H. Stirh, Sidney 113.570
June Beaver, Harlan 160.590
Opal Snyder, Randolph 106.920
Mrs. June Flckel. Hastings 107.31"
T. J. Coner, Mo. Valley 5,010
Will Include all territory to the state
ot Nebraska jnnt Included In District
Number and 7, also territory In South
Dakota. Kansas and Colorado.
One il. 115.00 Maxwell, one I200.M
B. U Deposit and one 9)100.00 B, 4t
L. Deposit will be awarded to thl
VT. B. Shelton 170.S4O
Martin Nelson, Dannebrog .. 76,94
Mrs. F. S. Copeland, Bridgeport. ...137,460
Hilda Jacobaon, Arapahoe,.... 170,(70
J. E. Williams, Alliance 53,260
Sign Peterson, Eddy villa 138,770
Bert Brownell, Chappell 170,680
P. J. Minner, 109 W. 6th. Grand I.13!.4
Mrs. A. K. Callahan, Gering 97.9,10
Mrs. Bertha A. Eber, Kirk. ...... .170.910
W. K. Harris. Bertrand 170,840
Mrs. Gordon Gardner. Bayard 170.900
Melhs, Philbrlck. Ord 170.710
C. B. Dossett, Axtell 132.960
K. G. Nisley, Lexington 122, in
Wm. Halsey, Lebanon..
Fern Gate. Stamford
Mr. Emil Sleinke. Holdrege...
Mrs. Clay Funston. Ogallala.'.
A. R. Lee. 719 N Lociwt. N Platte.. 1S0.94i
Blanch Myers, Sutherland 170,171
Mrs. M. Roscrsns, Julesb'g. Colo. 65.190
Dr. C, H. Blackburn. Mitchell .. ..139.411
Mrs. Ray Rathbun, Hayes Center.. 70.101
E. . McKak. St. Paul., 87.24
Ruth Walsh. Shelton...:
Harvey Thompson, Ravenna..
Helen Loomls. Gibbon
Albert P. Powers, Greeley......
P. C. McKensle. Burwell
Walter T. Shaw. Franklin.....
Mrs. J. A. Qulnton, Brule
Wm. F. Beranek. Loup City..
Hazel Farrell. Gothenburg
Mr. Grace Murray, Bloominglon..
. 80,190
... 84.201
... 35.900
... 64.200
... 40,980
Mrs. J. Mcintosh. Cocad 170.640
Lucilo Johnson. Orleans. ....... ....179,76
Harry O. Selk, Scotia 21,010
Hannah Slmms. Mason City 70.940
Blanche Dakan. Beaver City 40.100
Mrs. K. t Dlllman, Broken Bow. .170,560
Vera t'orley. Callaway....... 84.1110
Mrs. Fred Collom, Arnold.. .,.174(620
Andrew Campbell. Cambridge. .....170,780
Andy Stone. Wood River 6.009
Chas. Johnson. Manvllle, Wyo 90,14
Frank K. Kimball. Hock Foint. Mo.. .17,000
H. B. VanBushlrk. Mullen MOO
Sow paf 5 for full detail of
$28,000 Help Yourself Club.
Ilatel Trundel, Sumner 4I.T70
Harriett Edwards. Srottsbluff .... 17.110
C. O. Jonee, Hyannis 6.00
'Isrente Sowler. Ansley 5,000
Msrl Lewis. Aoselmo 9.AO0
Mis. B. J. r.eichntein. Minden .... .5o
1. PI. Johnson, l.exingfnn . . , 5 aso
.!. F. 8. hualger. North riatt ...S,an
Lcland Zink, McCouk. 6,980