Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Business Men
Jpf Praalia Visit
i At State Fann
For Mail Robbery
Frank V.' JucUon Stages Trip
To Create Interest in Ac
tivitiea of College o(
Ui'icoln. May 19. (Special.)
wVll-known Omaha busineu and
professional men spent the afternoon
here inspecting the state farm and its
eaffle and products.
i rre trip is one of a series that wlil
be"staged by Frank W. Judson of
Oriiaha, university regent, in an cn
ileavor to stimulate more interest in
tbfagricultural college among
OfjSiha residents.
JIayor Frank C. Zchrung of Lin
ra joined the party at Lincoln.
Tji Omahans left at 3 o'clock in
automobiles for home. Those in the
plV were: '
tjrl R. Grav, president Union
I'icjfic: T. C. Byrne, president
Bffhe-Haninier Dry: Goods com-
.ajiy; George Brandeis, presiaeni
(wnrlpti tnrp- Nelson B. Uodike.
pftlidcnt Updike Grain company and
Offifha Bee; John R. Webster, capi-
tapjj; J'dVin i-ars-u, aw.inoi j
Omaha Chamber of Commerce; E.
BirSkingliam, general manager Union
Stwk Yards company; M. R.
Mxitphv, general manager Cudahy
Packing company; O. C. Willis, gen
erjTmanager Armour & Co.; George
IlSlKeHy, president Adams & Kelly
ro$tpany; Walter Head, president
Ofltjiha National bank; Howard H.
Baldiige, attorney; Frank W. Jud
soc university regent, and J. L.
ma ii . '
TSfo Attoruey.Tie as
j Choice for District Judge
JTmcoln. May 19. (Special.) A
of attorneys in the Thirteenth
judicial district on the successor of
thWate Judge II. M. Grimes sent
totGovernor McKelvie resulted in
th ffollowing vote:
fbr T. H. Evans, North Platte,
19;" Leonard Tcewell, Sidney, 19;
E.- A. Cook, Lexington, u. .
The power of appointment is m
thehands of Governor McKelvie.
Hju-asked attorneys in the district
fojflheir firsfand second choice for
Stjte Board of Control
j. Inspects Institutions
Lincoln, May 19. (Special.) The
st;ffk' board of control is expected
to,; ft turn in a few days from its
regular semi-annual inspection of
sti institutions in the west and
northwest part of the state.
$ftmbcri probably will remain in
Lirreoln a few days to clean up ac-1
cuBltuated correspondence and then
viatj- institutions in the eastern part
of xlie state. The Nebraska statutes
caQfor an inspection of all insti
tutions at least twice a year by the
entire board. . . -J '. ;-. . ' .V-, " '
M&her and Fiance of Dead ;.
(htl Kill Selves Due to Grief
jnjnton, la., May 19. Grici
strrcfcen over the death of Miss
HtfKn Porthon oi Dewitt, whoe fu
nejrjri was held yesterday, Mrs. Catl
Pdftnon and Albert Bowman, moth
er 5ad fiance of the dead girl, com
mitted suicide last night. Their
bojft were found by searching par
ties "this morning on the front seat
of&h automobile which had been
drftgn to the banks of the Wapsipin
icoSt river, south of Dewitt. They
ha gaken pois.on.
Lincoln Commissioners
HAttack "Brother Charley"
' TJJicolu, May 19. (Special.) 1 he
Ligcjoln city commissioners began
toSSck back at Brother Charley
Brjtin today by charging that Bryan
bjfc-cefusing to resign or , to act as
street commissioner is costing the
tatsayers $10 a day. They claim
thlTmuch interest is lost on bonds,
width should be issued under the di
reton of the street commissioner.
Nmpartin League Debate
fp Be Held in York May 27
Srk, Neb., May 19. A debate on
therNonpartisan league will be held
inSTork, May 27, between A. C.
Toavnley and former Attorney Gen-eraT-anger
of North Dakota. The
aufslion will be: - .
Sfcesolved that the Nonpartisan
leatfje tinder its present management
hafcJbeen detrimental to the people
of 3ferth Dakota."
Graduate of University to
fWork for Commercial Club
S&more, Neb., May 19. (Special.)
Eord Harper, son of the Rev. Y.
C -Harper of this city, will graduate
tra the Wesleyan university next
wdWVnd go immediately to Superior
toiecome sccreUry of the Commer
cial Ulub. He will also be leader
of Die band in that city.
Nebraska City Forger
IjSentenced to Penitentiary
braska City, Neb., May 19.
(Special.) Anton Svanson, arrested
heed on a charge of forgery, was
sentenced by Judge Begley of the
disSSct court to from one to 10
yer5 in the penitentiary when he
plfeded guilty to the charge. He
ULl Norweigan and speaks Eng-
lisf-with difficulty.
Antbmobile Dealers "Will
t&scuss New Headlight Law
tKcoln,.May 19. (Special.) Au
tomobile dealers from all parts of
XeTtaska are asked to meet in Lin
cofe'Friday to discuss the new head
light law with Georg Johnson, tec
rtiwy of the department of pnblic
Aspirants for Lincoln
;i Postoffice Job Appear
tftcoln, ; May 19. (Special.) W.
IC23cClay, political manager for
Ccngressman C F. Reavis, and Phil
Soinmerlad, a member of the lower
hone at the last session, bobbed up
in Lincoln, today as possible appli
cants for the Ljncoln postmastcrship.
C Chautauqua, at York
TRk. Xcb.. May 19 (Special.V
ft, .v.
I V A.... Iv'i Af
Udw J I
Miss Wanda Urbatis of Toledo,
who lias been held in connection
with the $85,000 Toledo mail rob
bery following the alleged confes
sion of the Rev. Anthony Gorck of
New Chicago, Ind., in which he de
clared the bonds were given him by
Miss Urbatis.
The bonds were intrusted to him,
according to Rev. Mr. Gorek's al
leged confession, in a chance meet
ing on a train near Englewood, a
suburb of Chicago,' several weeks
ago by Miss Urbatis. She had been
a former parishioner of his in To
ledo. Curiosity led the pastor to open
the package, according to the al
leged confession, and the desire to
aid his starving parishioners caused
him to attempt to gain money from
the bonds. The bonds were traced
to the pastor after attempts to sell
some of the coupons from them had
been made in Chicago.
Kearney Military Academy
Closes. Successful Year
Kearney, Neb. May 19. (Special.)
The Kearney Military academy
has closed the most successful rear
in the history of the school, with a
graduation class of 14 and 40 stu
dents recognized for meritorious
achievements along various lines.
The graduation exercises were con
ducted by Bishop George A. Beechcr.
assisted by Kector J. Johnson ot
Ogallala. The school enrolled 105
students for the year, the limit for
which training and housing facilities
have been provided to date. Regis
tration closed last year with a wait
ing Jist. Additions in the way of
buildings will be necessary before
a greater student body can be accommodated.
Small Girl Hit
By Speeding Car
Dies in Hospital
Driver of Machine, Caught in
Council Bluffs, Is Held
He Is Charged With
Florence Cue, '8, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Cue. living on Forty
second street, Council Bluffs, the
first house cast of the Douglas street
bridge, was killed at 12:30 yesterday
on the Douglas street bridge by an
' automobile driven by George Laux
i man, 809 First avenue, Council
1 Bluffs.
The little girl is said to have" ruiitf
f .1 J -.1
I Mic Deu oi me wesioouna council
Blurts car bctore it reached the
bridge, but it did not stop. .
bhe then alighted when the car
stopped on the bridge to allow an
eastbound car to pass. She walked
around the back of the car and was
struck by the automobile which, wit
nesses say, was not speeding.
Her body was thrown a number
of feet. The motorist stopped and
help pick up the victim, who was
placed on the street car and taken
to a hospital. Later Lauxman gave
himself up at the Bluffs police sta
tion, but was released on his own
The little girl was hurried to St.
Joseph hospital by Omaha police
but she died before she arrived
there. The body was taken to the
undertaking establishment of DufVy
& Johnson.
Kearney to Be Heard From
In Fight for Reformatory
Kearney, Neb., May 19. (Special.)
When the time 'arrives for staging
a fight for location of the state re
formatory Kearney's hat will be
tossed into the ring. The Cham
ber of Commerce after carefully
weighing possible local claims along
this line, has decided that the city
is due for recognition, if for no
other reasons than that the state
already has three large institutions
here and owns considerable land
adjacent to Kearney where a re
formatory might be located. These
are only high spots in claims which
a committee has been delegated to
present at the location hearings in
Lincoln May 30.
Ord Knights of Pythias
Celebrate Successful Year
Ord, Neb., May 19. (Special.)
The Ord lodge, Knights of Pythias
and the auxiliary, Pythian Sisters.
celebrated the close of a successful
year with a progressive card party
and luncheon which was attended by
almost the entire membership. W. G.
Taylor, retiring grand chancellor
commander, is a member of the Ord
lodge and much of the success of
the year is due to his active participa
tion in lodge matters.
Why Men Leave Home;
Or Joys of Nebraska
Wood Lake, Neh., May 19. (Spe
cial.) Although the cool cloudy
weather of the past 10 days has not
been to the liking of the average
tfigler, some fine strings of black have been caught in the lakes
south" of here.
Grant Walker and John Applegate
brought in 35 that averaged about
two and a half pounds each; the larg
est one was a four and a half pound
er. Several parties were organized
immediately and pulled out to the
haunt of the big 'uns.
The ring perch are biting freelv
in Red Deer and Big Alkali lakes
and the bass are caught in the three
Marsh lakes also in Willow and
Dewey lakes. Fisherman report an
unusual number of ducks and prairie
Hart Gives Reasons
For Bank Conditions
Lincoln, May 19. (Special.)
Asked what lie believed was the
cause of conditions facing a number
of Nebraska banks, J. E. Hart, secre
tary of the department of trade and
commerce, said:
"A wild orgy of spending by farm
ers, who believed the price of their
crops would never drop.
"A wild orgy of money loaning by
bankers who apparently believed the
same thine the farmers did.
"Efforts of hard pressed farmers
and townspeople to keep up autonw
biles and other luxuries which they
had during the prosperity days.
Farm Mortgages in York
County Show Big Increase
York. Neb.. Mav 19. (Special.)
The mortgage indebtedness of York
countv for the years of 1919 and 1920,
furnished by E. C. Knight, county
recistrar of deeds, shows: Farm
mortgages for 1919 were 296, valued
at $2,062,305.62 and the number re
leased 184. valued at $886,244.89,
sheriff's and other deeds in fore
closure $1,176,060.73.
Tn 1920 335 were valued at $2,555.-
186.70. with the number released 178
and. the amount $828,831.87 which
shows a difference of $57,413.02 be
tween the two years.
In the town and city mortgages
the survey shows an increase of $3,
055.31 in the amounts released for
1920 over those of 1919 and for the
chattel mortgages an increase of $8,-
Kearney Teachers College
Plans for Big Enrollment
Kearney, Neb., May 19. (Special.)
The Kearney State Teachers' col
lege, upon the eve of closing a most
successful long term, is already be
sieged -with numbers of applications
for enrollment for the short or sum
mer term of school. Indications are
that the registration will exceed by
several hundred attendance of the
summer term a year ago when over
1,200 students were registered. Ar
rangements are already under way
for housing this big student body.
Friday A Sale of
Y OTT will not be able to resist having two if not three
of these blouses wrapped up for yoii when you see
and try on the smart models included in this sale.
Made of crepe 3a ehine and georgette crepe in the new6t,
overblouse effects. Black and white, white and black, nary and
tomato and brick and gray combinations. French knots, yarn,
picot ribbon and touches of handwork express originality as (.
trimming features. .
Crepe de chine In flesh and white trimmed wtth hand embroidery and
lae. Regular styles witlxlong or short sleeves, collarlesa round seeks.
Filet, Irish lacs and hand embroidery. . .
Second Floor,
UieStbreof Special Shops;
"Floaters" Numerous
Along Burlington
Wymore, Neb., May 19. (Special.)
"Floaters" arc becoming numerous
and frequent here. They are drifting
in no particular direction and among
them are found many southern ne
groes. Within a mile of the city limits
there are nightly camps around
which are found ex-soldiers, many
foreigners and goodly sprinkling of
mere boys. Burlington special agents
and the local police report that the
number of unemployed who are beat
ing their way on freight trains is in
creasing daily. As many as 60 men
are found around camp fires in one
night. They all claim to be looking
for work and there is very little com
plaint about any of them begging.
Officers assert that very few union
card men are met and when found
these men are always located apart
from the general run.
Eastern Star at "Wymore
Names Officers for Year
Wymore, Neb., May 19. (Special.)
--The Eastern Star elected officers
here as follows: Worthy Matron,
Mrs. Bessie Bingam; worthy patron,
re-elected, James Ragan; associate
matron, Mrs. Myrtle Brown; con
ductress, Mrs. Margaret Parish; asso
ciate conductress, Mrs. Qertrude
Schentker; . marshal, Mrs. Mazie
Kessler; treasurer, John S. Jones;
secretary, Mrs. Anna KoDerts,
chaplain, Mrs. Sarah Jones; warden,
Mrs. K. O. Parish; sentinel, E. Og
den; organist, Mrs. Bessie Danfosth;
Ada, Miss Orcelia Terry; Ruth. Mrs.
Gretchen Tones: Esther, Mrs. Crenie
Dixon; Martha, Miss Maud Baum
gardner; Electa, Mrs. Clara Hadscll.
J. S. Jones was elected grand mar
shal of the Grand Lodge.
Growers' Convention Will
' Meet in Holdrege June 7
Wymore, Neb., May 19. (Spe-,
cial.) "Organize to feed the world
directly through miller and exporter
such quantities and at such times as
their needs may require, is the
heralding notice sent out to the
Farmers union and American rami
bureau members in addition to a spe
cial invitation to the wheat growers
of Nebraska for a big growers' con
vention to be held at Holdrege, June
7. Aaron Sapira, California attor
ney and authority on co-operative
marketing, will be among the
Elks Flag Day
York. Neb., May 19. (Special!)
York Elks will observe Flag day,
May 29. The feature of the program
will be an address by Chaplain Harry"
W. Jones of Freeport, N. Y. Music
will be by the York band and the
singing by the Rotary club.
Farm Boudit for
Flanagan's "Home
Overlook Farm, 10 Miles West
of Omaha, Purchased at Ex
pense of $100,000.
Overlook farm, comprising 160
acres and 13 buildings, 10 miles west
of Omaha, was purchased Wednes
day from Mrs. David Baum and her
daughter by Father Flanagan's
Home for Boys through Dan Gaines
and the O'Keefe Real Estate com
pany, who donated their services.
The consideration was $100,000,
and the 40 acres west of Florence
owned bv the home, which was trad
ed in for $25,000. The sale included
all the blooded stock on the farm
and the machinery. The present
buildings will be used to house the
boys of the home until a $300,000
building, construction of which is to
begin at once, is completed. A head
farmer will be retained to supervise
operation of the farm by the boys.
It is planned to increase the mem
bership of the home from the pres
ent 125 to 500 boys. The lease on
the German home, where the boys
are now living, expires June 1 and
the move will be made as soon as
Federal Judge Munger and
Wife Will Visit Europe
Lincoln, May 19. (Special.) Fed
eral Judge T. C Munger and his
wife wilt visit the following Eu
ropean countries this summer: Italy,
Switzerland, Belgium, France, Ire
land, Scotland, England. They will
sail from New York June 4
Predict Reduction in Rail
Taxes Will Be Refused
Lincoln, May 19. (Special Tele
graph.) Although all Nebraska
railroads asked for reductions in tax
ation values of their properties at
hearings before the state board of
equalization it was predicted tonight
that their requests would not be
granted. The board met this after
noon in executive session to decide
on railroad assessments V. H. Os
borne, state tax commissioner, an
nounced after the meeting that the
board's findings would be announced
tomorrow. Total valuation of all
railroads operating mi Nebraska last
year was $61,299,188.
Control of Stromburg
State Bank Changes Hands
Stromsburg, Neb., May 19. (Spe
cial.) W. O. Ritchey and W.J. Sah
ltng have sold their interests in the
Farmers State bank of Stromsburg
to C. A. Larson and O. A. Rystroni.
All stock is now owned by Stroms
burg people and C. T. Moline will
remain as cashier.
Auburn Enters Race for
$300,000 State Reformatory
Lincoln, May 1(. (Specials
Representative J. W. Armstrong of
Nemaha wrote to the slate board
of control and asked that board to
consider the application of Auburn
for the new $.100,000 reformatory.
A new Narrow
CluetirVbody6.Calnc.Troy,RY. I
Friday Is the Last
Day of Florence Oil
stove Demonstration
Union Outfitting Co.
Three - Burner "Florence"
, Oil Stove Given Away
Souvenir to Visitors.
For a steady, even, intense
heat that is often more depend
able and uniform than gas, a
"Florence" Oil Cook Stove has
no equal, as hundreds of women
are learning tnis weeic ac me
Union Outfitting Company.
A delicious luncheon is served
to all visitors, and three big
sacks of "Puritan" Flour are
given away daily, rne union
Outfitting Company is the ex
clusive agent. And, as always,
you make your own terms.
your children becomingly and conoml
cally. Send child's age and a money or
der for $2.60 and we will forward you
by return mail a pair of rompers or
girl's dress, as you specify. They are
washable, hand-embroidered and guar
anteed. You save two profits.
365 Pacific Bldg., San Francisco, Cal.
Trade Your:
Piano on a
TV c are offering
some exceptional
trades right now.
Anyono can play a
Victrola, All can en
joy its wonderful
pleasures. " ,
In many homes Pi
anos are only a piece of
furniture, because no
one in the home plays.
If that is the fact in
you home, let's trade.
15th and Harney,
1. V Z
Get Yours While They Last
Tire prices are lowering and various' makers are adver
tising reductions. STEPHENS prefers to take its losses
in one lump and has slashed to bed-rock.
YOU ARE THE GAINERif you buy before
stocks are depleted" as MUST OCCUR when tire
users read these startling price quotations on
Guaranteed 6,000 Miles Stephens Special Tires
PRICES, not arguments, are what make the loudest
noise. The prices will move our available stocks at once.
Do not wait until too late. Get your tires NOW at these
money-saving prices:
With Each Tire Purchased, an
Best material and workmanship.
Stuffed with soft sea moss, and
firea great driving- comfort. Reg u
lerly retails in all Stephens Tire
Stores at $1.9S.
28x3 $ 8.35 , $ 8.85 $1.95
30x3 8.72 9.07 2.05
30x314 10.25 10.80 2.15
31X3V2 12.50 13.15 2.30
32x32 12.99 13.65 2.40
31x4 15.53 16.12 2.85
32x4 17.22 18.16 2.90
33x4 18.15 18.98 3.00
34x4 18.46 19.49 3.15
35x4 20.35 21.40 , 3.25
36x4 ..... 23.45 3.35
32x4Vi .... 24.30 3.40
34x42 .... 25.89 3.55
35x412 .... 27.00 3.60
'36x4 .... 27.48 3.70
.37x4 .... 28.50 3.70
35x5 ... .. 30.00 3.70
37x5 33.67 3.85.
; ;
Jl ire' Moires La
2215 Farnam St.
, Dresher Bldg.
Harry F. Trumble, Mgr.
, Omaha.
Tel. Doug. 4746.
TRtadni'al 1 ork Chautauqua will be i
etc August to , I