Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1921, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. 50 NO. 289. CalwH tl Swna-Ctau mutt Ku I. . Omh P. 0. UiMr Act f Muck &, 1(71. OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1921. Until ) H. by Mall (I Vr.). Dally A Sim.. IT.SO: Dally Oalv. : . t2.M Outildt 4th Zoaa (I nv). Dally and Sunday. Hi; Dally Only. SI2; Sunday Only. 19 THREE CENTS Hostility To Briand Dies Down Chamber Lxpecled to Give JF rench Premier Large Vote Of Confidence on For eign Poliey. Tardieu Opens Debate By HENRY WALES. Chlfit Tribune Cable, Copyright, ,J9Jt. Paris, May 19. (By Wireless.) Parliamentary experts this evening, prophesied a big vote of confidence in I'remier Briand when the premier outlines his foreign policy, follow ing M. Forgcot's interpretations, to morrow. The expected hostile attitude in the chamber ot deputies failed to mate rialize this afternoon, it being lulled into drowsiness by Andre .Trdicu's long harangue, bristling with figures wherein gold 'and paper francs and mark? were intermingled so con fusingly that M. Louchcur stopped taking notes,' M. Briand nodded in his seat, the deputies drowsed, and the spectators in the galleries fanned themselves and conversed on other subjects. It was known that if M. Tardieu opened the debate it would end in M. Rriand's triumph, as Clemenccau's lieutenant and forwr high commis sioner to the United States is cor dially disliked by his colleagues. After the recess following M. Tar dieu's spcach only a handful of dep uties returned to listen to the Marquis d Baudry Dason's speech and the spectators, including" Miss Anne Mor gan, Colonel House, Ambassador Wallace. Lord Derby, Cecile Sore!, and Elsie Janis, left the chamber. Occupation in Doubt. Cjuai d'Orsay announced today that M. Briand has refused to tell Prime Minister Lloyd , George whether France will occupy the Ruhr basin if German troops enter upper Silesia before Monday. In the ab sence of Lord Hardinge. the British charge d'affaires, yesterday carried a. message from Earl Curzon to M. Bertholct at the foreign office re minding the French government of M. Millerand's promise at San Remo last April, following the isolated French occupation of Frankfort, that thereafter no ally would take inde pendent military measures against Germany. .Great Britain demanded to know whether France contemplated seiz ing the Ruhr basin alone if German reithswehr ..fought to; protect- Gf rr man nationals against the Polish in surgents. ' , . , M. Bertholet replied that lie could not answer such a hypothetical question offhand and when an answer was insisted on he stated that Premier Briand could not com mit himself until the chamber gave him a vote of confidence. ' He post poned giving a reply until Monday. It is expected the French will delay again on Monday, promising a reply at the meeting of the supreme coun-(Tm-n to Fse Two. Column Two.) Plans for Bombing Experiments by Air , : oemce tompietea VW-Aington, May 19. Plans for the ting of naval vessels by srmf? ( navy aircraft were com pleted at a conference of officials of the Atlantic fleet, the Navy depart ment and the army air service. The experiments will be conducted off the Virginia capes beginning June 21, with the bombing of the former Ger man submarine U-117, . and ending July 20 with the destruction of the former German, battleship Ostfies land. ' '' " ' , , . The radio-controlled battleship Iowa will be used in the second test, which will consist of searching out the battleship and bombing her from the air. - ; The army will withdraw from this phase of the operations all of its land planes, using -only the seven seaplanes it has obtained from the Nary department and four airships or blimps. ; " ' '.- ' ' '. Name of ormer Lieutenant Removed From Slacker List Washington. May 10;T-The name of William Claude Conger, who registered for the draft m the Fifth district of Denver, was offi cially removed from the War depart ment's list of alleged draft evaders. ,Conger served honorably in the army during the -war arid w-as discharged as a first lieutenant in 1919, the an nouncement said.. His is the. fifth name to be removed officially. The failure to identify Conger's draft record with his military service record was due to the fact, the War department said, that the address he gave at his resignation differed from that which he gave when be was commissioned. ! Son-in-Law of Wilson Rout a firms Prnwler Cambridge. Mass., May 19. Francis B. Sayre, son-in-law pf ex President Wilson, w ho is an assistant professor at Harvard university, routed a burglar from his home early today. , He was aroused by the screams , of a maid who was struck by the intruder when she dis covered him in her room. Mr. Sayre saw the man going down the -backstairs and pursued him until he escaped through a window. Burgess-Nash Movies. ; "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves." of Arabian nights fame, will be shown in a five-reel motion picture Saturday morning m the auditorium on the fifth floor of the new Burgess Nash building, in a free show for Omaha children. The show will start at..9;30 a, m, "v. ""x President Portrayed As Real American By Harvey Ambassador to Great Britain Pays Glowing Tribute $ To Americans in Speech at Annual Dinner. 21 To Represent United States on Supreme Council in Regard to Silesia. By The Awo?!atri Prut. London, May 19. The American ambassador. George Harvey, in his speech at the Tilgrims' dinner this evening, announced he had just re ceived instructions designating him to represent the president on the supreme council with regard to Si lesia. Ambassador JIarvey. who was making his first speech since pre senting his credentials, declared American soldiers came to Europe in the war to save the United States anrl not to save European states opposed to Germany as some had contended. Mr. Harvey paid tribute to the Pilgrims as the most distinctive link in the jchain of blood relationship between the British and American peoples and one of the most potent agencies of civilization. '"Inevitably, you to the east of us, derive your information respecting our public opinion from the great cities pn the Atlantic seaboard,' he continued, "precisely as our friends to the west take theirs from the states on the Pacific. Inferences thus drawn may be right or wrong, but whether right or wrong, their bases obviously are the subjest, of sectional influences. The heart of our republic lies in the great plain which stretches from the Allcghen ies to the Rockies." It was from the hardy stock of that region, he declared, that Amer ica had drawn seven of its recent chief executives, including President Harding. Harding Typical American. President Harding was portrayed as "a typical, modern American, j New Chief Orders City Detectives to "Clean Up Town" "Stool Pigeons Must Go," Says Dunn; Officers Start Work 15 Minutes After Word , Is Given. ' "Stool pigeons must go." "Clean up the town." These were the words of Police Commissioner Dunn and Chief of Police Dcrrtpsey yesterday afternoon to the meeting of all the city detec tives at Central police station fol lowing the ratification this morning of Dempsey's appointment as chief by the city council. Fifteen minutes after the meeting Detectives Danbaum, Palmtag and Pszanowski checked in with Is men t.V'pn" in a raid on a negro pool hall at Twenty-fourth and Franklin streets, all of, them being charged with gambling. ' Women Faint All the emergency cars and pa trols were ordered made ready for extensive raids by the police heads and the bells began clanging shortly after the meeting. ' On the heels of Danbaum, Palmtag and Pszanowski came other detec tives with other prisoners, several oi the women taken n raids on al leged disorderly houses fainting as they stepped from the patrol. "Stool pigeons must go," said Commissioner Dunn, in his talk to the detectives. "And this petty jeal ousy among you men must ..disap pear. We've got to have discipline and lots of it. Hit the ball. Pick up every bootlegger, 'vag,' gambler and the like you run across. . Bring 'em all in and let's look 'em over. Clean tip the town."' "Get Results." , Chief Dempsey spoke along simi lar lines. , "I've been on the job long enough to know what I'm talking about," he said. "Shoot straight with me and I'll stand by you;-. I want every man -in the department on his toes and working. Stop this petty jealousy stuff am get results." The new city . commissioners unanimously adopted yesterday a resolution appointing Michael F. Dempsey chief of police. Mr. Dempsey was ousted by former Police Commissioner Ringer. Mr.' Dempsey immediately took the oath of office and then went to his head quarters in central police station. He appointed; Miss Agnes Savage his secretary.. ... Police Commissioner Dunn de clared he found the police department in a demoralized condition. The first step toward reorganizing it w as taken at the council meeting yester day whea Charles Walker, D. C. Rich and F. H. Murphy were rein stated as city detectives and Lester Warner as chauffeur. vv ' Resigns When Demoted. . Walker and ' Murphy resigned June 14, 1918, and Rich about six months later. Walker suffered a broken leg during a struggle with a thief and was assigned to walk a beat when he came back on duty. Rich quit after he was demoted from the position of detective to that of pa trolman.' Murphy was . formerly head of the detective department. Fred Kelly, a policeman, against whom charges were made a few days ago, resigned yesterday when given his choice by Inspector Patullo of doing that or having a trial before the city council. Clyde Lake, a policeman, resigned from the forcr yesterday. It is said he will enter the narcotic division of the federal service. Visits in Ohio. Paul Rigdon, secretary to Carl R. Gray, president of the Union Pacific, has left on a trip to Massillon, O., ac companying his mother to her home there after a visit to his home in Omaha. proud of his own country, but jeal ous of no other man's, resolute in maintaining his. own nation's rights, but not less scrupulous in recogniz ing the rights of others, a fair, just, modest man, humble, but unafraid." The outstanding attributes of Pres ident Harding. Mr. Harvey said, arc breadth of vision, greatness of heart, fidelity to his race no less than to his clan, and no mor to his family than to his ancestry, drawn from all parts of the United Kingdom. He de clared these were sufficient reasons why Mr. Harding felt that friendli ness and good will should exist al ways between the great English speaking nations and why he now pledges unfaltering co-operation in achieving that aspiration. "I shall fail miserably to the griev ous disappointment of my chief," he said, "if I do not so greatly strength en those bonds of friendship and mutual helpfulness that hereafter our governments will not only pre fer durable engagements to tentative compromises as between ourselves, hut will instantly approach all world problems from the same angle. jtho .iracnuonai weapons. i "I rejoice that the king and the president see eye-to eye and sense the yearnings of the peoples to whose service their lives have proudly been dedicated. "I came .here destitute of the tra ditional Weapons of diplomacy, but fully equipped with the same candor, frankness, straightforwardness, sin cerity and consideration which have characterized to a marked degree, the utterances of all your chief officers (Turn to Page Two. Colnmn Two.) Storms Damage North Nebraska; Rain Last Night Tornado Damage in Cherry County Estimated at $45,. 000 Railroad Tracks Washed Out. Heavy wind, rain and hail is re ported from a storm sweeping north Nebraska. Wednesday night a tor nado struck at Harmony razing farm age estSated- at $45,000. Lite stock I also suffered. - Threequarters of an inch of rain fell in less than 15 minutes at Ells worth, accompanied by a heavy wind that damaged trees and small build ings. An hour later a violent hail stqrm followed. The fall of hail is estimated at one inch. Garden truck and advanced crops were dam aged by being pounded into the ground. The cold weather has re tarded crops and the damage was thus reduced. Rain in Northeast. In northeast Nebraska last night 1 a heavy rain was tailing and roads were reported almost impassable. No lives were lost in the Harmony tornado. Several persons were re ported injured. Buildings on the McGee and Fred Taylor farms were razed and MrSi McGee injured. Com munication was severed and stories of the cyclone were brought to Val entine by farmers. Tracks Washed Out. Near Crookston a cloudburst wash out the Northwestern tracks between that town and Valentine. Fred J. Taylor, prominent cattle man, suffered the heaviest as a re sult ot. the tornado. All of his im provements, except his home, were completely wrecked. The wind readied a velocity sufficient to carry heavy farm ma chinery several hundred yards. MiJes of wire fenscs were levelled. , Irish Rebels Now Use Train In Attacking Barracks Dublin, May " 19. Rebels have adopted a new method for attacks on police barracks. I raveling by train yesterday, they compelled the trainmen to stop the train at Bal laghaderren," where they opened fire on the barracks. The police replied, wounding one passenger in the train. The members of the attacking party were pursued by the police and the belief is expressed that one of the party wras killed. Spring Revels" to Be Staged At Nashville Country Club "Sprine Revels," is the name of an outdoor program , which, will be presented on Saturday and Sunday afternoons at the Nashville Country club grounds tinder the auspices oi the Midlev School of Dancing, 1716 Dodge street, the Craik Plavers and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carroll. .The pro gram will be started at 2:30 on each afternoon. Teacher Complains Of Lack of Language Range As She's Fined New York, May 19. Elizabeth Marsen, the pretty school teacher who spent 30 minutes -in a cell and paid a $1 fine for telling a police man to "go to hell" felt today that she hadn't had enough freedom of language for her money. So she has elaborated her invita tion to include the whole force. They are "a lot of boobs," she de clared, "and are unfit to converse with la-dies who take their pet pom eranians for an airing on Riverside The police first told me to 'shut Trv damned trwo."" she explained. "Wasn't that rx ttectly terrible, lan- r.age to.u4e to laovi' China Rearing End of Patience With Alliance "Warns Great Britain in Regard j To Renewal of Anglo Japanese Treaty Note Made Public. Clilrnco Tribune (able. Copyright, 18'Jl. Shanghai, May 19. Taking the stand that its protest against the Anglo-Japanese alliance constitutes no secret document, the government of China has issued the text of the note to Great Britain, which has been kept secret by London, exclu sively to the Chicago Tribune. The text of the note follows: "Reports have been in circulation regarding the proposed renewal of the Anglo-Japanese alliance, the ex piration of wliich will be due in July, 1921. These reports aver that in view of a stipulation in the treaty wliich obligates the contracting par ties to confer together one year be fore its expiration in c,ase its renew al is desired, pourparlers are being held in Downing street between the respective diplomatic representatives and in event of its renewal, a re vi.M'on of the treaty is intended. "The whole question of the Anglo-Japanese alliance affects the des tiny of the far east in general and of China in particular. The Chinese people view the proposed renewal of the alliance with deep, concern and strong misgivings. According to in ternational usage, when two friendly nations contract a treaty, only the interests that are strictly within the right of the contracting parties can properly "form the subject of a treaty of alliance. "Out of the European war has been developed the doctrine of equal ity of nations. The. treaty of alli ance in question contains reference to China and her integrity. Such references, without China's actual participation, will seriously impair the dignity, and good name of its people, Both the Chinese govern ment and people wish to make it known at this juncture that in event of a similar reference in a renewed treaty, further forbearance on their part cannot be expected." Davis Confers With President in Regard To Strike of Seamer, Washington, May 18. .Conferences with parties involved in the marine wage controversy were continued by Secretary Davis in an effort to reach a final settlement. He met represen " H -Cj!tW pil where he talked with X resident Harding half an hour. Tie planned to confer with Chairman Benson of the shipping board tonight and later meet with representatives of the seamen, engineers and radio op erators, when it was indicated a definite solution might be looked for. It is understood that the men Sug gested to the secretary a basic 15 per cent wage reduction as demand ed by the ship Owners and the board, but an upward revision in overtime scales, which wonld make reductions actually range from 10 to 121-2 per scm- While ship owners have announced that they would not sign any agree ment with the men, Chairman Ben son? said he had not determined his course. Farm Bureau Opposes Townsend Road Bill Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Washington, May 19. Why build highways for the idle rich and leave our food and raw material for cloth ing at the far end of a mud road, is a query propounded by the American Farm Bureau federation, in session here today, in an argument, against the Townsend highway bill, pending before the senate committee. ""It is . our bclicif," the Farm Bureau federation argument, con tinues, "that the Townsend bill does just this. "In section si xof the Townsend bill, it is provided that no project shall be approved by the commis sion in any state until that state has made adequate provision for the maintenance, ol all highways selected by the commission." State Pardon Board Acts on Applications for Release Lincoln. May 19. (Special Tele gram.) The board of pardons and paroles took action tonight on the 31 applications for paroles, pardons and commutations of sentences heard Tuesday. Findings will be withheld until the secretary prepares written reasons for the board's action on each application. The meeting was not to be held until Monday, but as some of the members expected to be away then it was held tonight. Inland Press Association Opposed to Short-Hour Week Chicago, May 19. The Inland Press association went on record as being "unalterably opposed to a re duction of weekly working hours in publishing plants to less than 48." The association, further resolved "that the board of directors appoint a labor committee to consider all labor problems and that each pub lisher, before signing a new agree ment, consult with the committee." Graduate Exercises Of Madison High School Madison, Neh., May . 19. (Spe cial.) Commencement week opened with the baccalaureate sermon preached by Rev. Allen Chamber lain in the Presbyterian church. The Class play, "The Strenuous Life," was given Tuesday and Wednesday. Graduation exercises will be held Fridav. Judge Harry S. Dunjran of 4 Waitings .will deliver the address, J. 1 1 I . rl w" IT fell ' , 9W tfi 1 1 j jj ' Man to Succeed White Is Cause Of Speculation Ex-President Taft and Sec . retary Hughes Most Men tioned One of Justices May Be Elevated. Washington, May 19. (By The Associated Press.) The choice of a successor to ' Edward Douglass White as chief justice of the United States' was one of the most widely discussed subjects today in official circles of the capital. Although the speculation centered ' chiefly about the name of former President Wil liam H. Taft, there were many indi cations that President Harding was far from a decision and might find the-sclection a difficult one. All indications pointed to consid erable delay in making the appoint ment. ' i Hughes Is Mentioned. Another whose name has been linked repeatedly with the highest judicial post is Secretary Hughes of the State department, a member of the court until he retired in 1916 to accept the republican nomination for the presidency. , One circumstance which now gen erally is suggested as a barrier to such a transfer is the prominence al ready assumed . bv Mr. Hughes as secretary of state in view of the im portant phases through which the nation's foreign affairs are passing. ' In res'pect to Mr. Taft, some sena tors today were recalling the bitter controversy they had with him as a president at the time he promulgated his rule against appointment of jus tices who had passed the 60-ycars mark. May Promote Justice. , In some quarters there has been suggestion that a temporary solution of the problem might be reached by the promotion of one" of the present justices. The names most frequent ly mentioned in connection with such a possible ' promotion, are those of Justice Day, of Ohio, and Justice Holmes, of Massachusetts. Should a promotion be made, the vacancy thus created would be gen erally expected to go to George Sutherland, a former United States senator from Utah, and former presi dent of the American Bar associa tion. During the last campaign Mr. Sutherland served in Mr. Harding's headquarters at Marion and has con tinued since the election a close friend of many years standing with the president. Husband and Wife Sentenced To Life Terms for Murder Thompson Falls, Mont., May 19. Mrs. Mona May McCully, convicted by a jury in district court of the murder of her son-in-law, Leon Richardson and her husband. Fred McCully, who pleaded guilty last night to a charge -of murdering Rich ardson, were sentenced by Judge Lentz this morning to life terms iij the state prison. "First National BanhT Has Moved. Yes It Has. Short Skirts Blamed Chicago. " May 19. The "First National bank," the one that vaude ville comedians overworked in days gone by, has moved. The fashion in skirts has made stocking .banking out of the ques tion so a new location for the "Bank"- had to be found. Where? Well, the hidden money is just about as far above the skirt's edge now as it used to be, fashion ex perts report. A belt, to which is attached a pendant purse, is now being used and is on sale in ; Cfaicjgfl jjore? After That Mint Dental Society Closes Meeting May Ask Legislature to Legalize Cleaning of, Teeth By Assistants. With a session of the executive council at noon and a short business session in the afternoon, the Nebras ka State "Dental society's 54th an nual convention which has been in session in Omaha since Monday, closed Thursday .ftcrnoon and the 450 dentists from out in the state scattered to their homes on the eve ning trans. One of the last acts of the convention was officially to declare the 1921 convention the most pleasant and instructive meeting the society has held since its inaugura tion. Under the rules of the organiza tion the 1922 convention will be held in Lincoln and the doctors will re turn to Omaha in 1923. In all probability the next Nebras ka state legislature will be asked to legalize cleaning of teeth by den tists' assistants. Under the present laws none but full-fledged dentists can perform this operation. Dr. H. E. King of Omaha was named president of the Nebraska State Dental society Wednesday. Dr. M. H. Dunham of Omaha was elected vice president; Dr.. G. A. Grubb of Lincoln,- secretary; Dr. E. W. Fellers of Beatrice,, treasurer. Coast Guard Cutter Starts Annual Cruise Seattle, Wash., May 19. The coast guard cutter Bear was ready to sail today on its annual cruise into the Arctic ocean, carrying C. L. Wat kins of the coast and geodetic sur vey, who plans a visit to Demarca tion Point, the northernmost end of the boundary between Canada and Alaska, to place a marker on the in ternational line. The regular route of the Bear would take it to Point Barrow, and the visit to Demarcation Point will extend the cruise about aOO miles eastward along the north coast of Alaska. The Bear will spend the summer cruising the north waters to remote points, "where Capt. C i. Cochran, its commander, will act as a United States judge in settling disputes among the natives. i Gubernatorial Bee Is Buzzing for Williams Lincoln, May 19. (Special.) Democratic newspapers are using much space in giving a gubernatorial bee in the bonnet of Representative George Williams of Fillmore, repub lican, an opportunity to buzz. . Williams, who was instrumental in pulling a number of state adminis tration chestnuts out of the fire in the lower house during the winter, was in Lincoln -today and admitted a number of friends in the state had urged him to enter the primaries for governor. "I believe the people want a farm er to be their next governor," Will iams said. U. S. Bankers Get Lease, on 10,000,000 Acres in Russia . Los Angeles, May 19. The syndi cate of Los Angeles bankers and business men represented by Wash ington D. Vanderlip. has secured a 50-year lease on 10,000,000 acres of spruce land in the Archangel district of Russia, according to a message received by the syndicate from Van derlip. J. H. Covcrlcy, secretary of the syndicate, said Vanderlip left last January tc change details of a con tract previously secured from the soviet government for a concession in KamcnatKa and to work out plans s for orders he had obtained for'" American gjjods, " J4 Rumors of Huge "Booze" Scandal Rife in Chicago Much Talk of "Shakedown Gangs" and Fake Liquor Permits U. S. Agents Mum on Subject. Chicago, May 19. Prohibition en forcement quarters in Chicago today snapped and crackled with rumors of a great baring of bootlegging, but offcials who might know what's in the air were mum and those few who talked dodged standing re sponsible for their statements. "What seems to have become known leaked out," said Col. E. C. Earnshaw who with a squad of spe cial ' agents has been working on secret investigations for four months. "There'll be no more leaks if we can help it." But there persisted talk of num erous "booze rings," many more "shakedown gangs" and traffickers in fake liquor permits. Politicians, federal and state officials were said to be involved amazingly. There were some really important developments though. The internal revenue department at Washington announced appoint ment of John Kjcllander to be su pervising prohibition agent to suc ceed the lately resigned Frank D. Richardson, who was the successor of the original enforcer, Major Dal rymple. R. A. Stone, director of Illinois, will quit two weeks from today. He announced his resignation some time ago. Mr. Stone made public the list of 70 prohibition agents in the central district who have been dismissed and denied frequent reports that the agents were ousted because of sus pected conspiracy with bootlegger-. With the new dismissals there arc only eight agents in Chicago and 11 in the rest of the district. Dismissal of the 70 agents, Mr. Stone said, would probably mean collapse of many prohibition cases on the federal court dockets. U. S. Makes Rule for Liquor for Embassies Washington, ' May 19. (By The Associated Press.) The State de partment has taken steps to guard more closely the only avenue by. which altoholic liquors for beverage use may enter the country. In a communication to the heads of the embassies and' legations the depart ment outlined new regulations gov erning the issuance and use of ccr-)Ul., tificates under which members or employes of the missions may obtain ! liquor shipments, amendment ot the existing rules apparently being for the purpose of preventing possible misuse of such certificates. Japanese Naval Budget for Next Year, to Be Reduced Honolulu, May 19. A Tokio cablegram to Nijji Jiji says Premier Hara has announced that the new naval budget will be reduced because of . the prospective withdrawal of Japanese troops from Siberia, and that for the same reason the army budget for next year will not include emergency army expenses. The Weather Forecast. Probably showers Friday; much change in temperature. Hourly Temperature. ' . m 4 i 1 u. m. . . . not a. m. . a. in. .. a . m. . , a. .m, . r. in. . a. m. . 2 P. 3 P. 4 P. tt p. P. . . ..Tl . TS , i is r "oa.,JW(iAfc,..Sl 1 1 Last Rites For Jurist Saturday Death of Chief Justice White of U. S. Supreme Court Casts Shadow of Sorrow Over Capital. Valued Position Highly By The Anclu(d Pri"M. Washington,' May 19. The death here1 early this morning of Edward Douglass White, veteran chief jus tice of the United States supreme court, cast a shadow ol sorrow to day over the national capital, where during his long years of service on the supreme bench, he had grown in the admiral ion and esteem not only of his official associates, but of the entire community. Although all hope for the chief justice's recovery following an op- ( oration last Friday had been aban doned since he took a critical turn for the- worse two days ago, the j news of his death, which occurred j at 2 o'clock this morning came as a I shock to friends and associates. ' The chief justice, who was 76 years old, had enjoyed rugged health up to the time he was froced to sub mit to the recent operation for blad der trouble and his record of attend ance on the supreme court bench was traditional. Wife at Bedside. At the bedside, when death came, were the wife of the chief justice, his two nieces. Miss Ann Montgomery and Miss'Mary Leo Broussardk and the Key. Father S. J. Crecden, of Georgetown university, who had ad ministrcd the last sacrament during the early evening. According to tentative funeral ar rangtmnts announcd today by Frank K. Green, marshal of the supreme court, who has taken charge, inter ment will take place here in Oak hill cemetery following simple serv- r ices tinder the Catholic ritual to be held at St. Matthews church at 10 o'clock Saturday morning. Several weeks ago the vgnerable justice developed a severe cold, which made it necessary for him to absent himself from the court, but he returned within two weeks, and on May 2 delivered a vigorous dis senting opinion in the Newberry case, the last opinion he delivered, and his last appearance in court on decision day. Adherent of Marshall. Mr. White's first opinions on the bench indicated that he was a strong adherent of the sc'hool of Chief Jus tice Marshall. - Thx" hope of tlw ic public. he insisted at every opportu nity, lay in the supreme power of the federal government to control its affairs and his dissenting opinions to any decision which seemed to him, to have the least tendency toward undermining that power arc cited by lawyers and court attendants as mas terpieces of logic and eloquence. As recently as the Newberry case, the chief justice departed from the usual judicial tenor of the bench to warn against attack upon the federal power. He declared that the' propo sition that congress could not regu late the election of United States (Turn to Frk Two, Column One.) Extradition Hearing Of Suspected 'Booze' Runner Postponed Fargo, N. D., May ,19. (Special Telegram.) The extradition hearing in the case of the government against William Connelly, alias J. F. Burns, alias William Mahcr of Omaha, al leged member of an international gang of smugglers and liquor bandit who plied operations on the border and is wanted in Canada, was post poned today to June 6. Connelly was arrested at Minot on May 6 by federal authorities and brought to Fargo. Two United States extradi tion commissioner warrants issued from Chicago for the alleged fugitive from justice charge him with forging papers and obtaining, money under false pretenses and with burglary and shoplifting in Saskatchewan, Canada, on or about November 20, 1920. In forgery operations wholesale liquor, dealers in Canada were swindled out of ?38,000 by a gang. Connelly, ac cording to federal authorities, is a member of the notorious "Omaha gang," three alleged members of which had previously been arrested in Butte. Mont. Rock Island Shopmen Say v They WH1 Reject Wage Cut Moh'ne, III., May 19. Emplovcs in the shops of the Chicago, 'Rock Island X- Parifir raltvi.iw at near here, announced today that they would refuse to abide by anv decision of the railroad labor board involving a reduction of waces of unskilled workmen to . take effect July 1, and that they would take im mediate steps to prevent application of any cut in wages, even if they had to quit work. U. S. Flashlcss Powder Co. -Plant Wrecked by Blow Up Wilmington. Del., May 19. The plant of the United States Flashlcss Powder company at Caircroft, near here, was completely destroyed early this morning by fire, following an explosion of unknown origin. The surrounding countryside was shaken by the blast, which was felt in Phil adelphia, Chester and intermediate towns. There were only two men near the plant at the time and both I escaped. Cnolidge Confine! to Bed Washington, May 19. Vice l'rcsi- flrtlt . ( 'ill iliflor. rtty tt.y..1 !.i k. , ...... ..--....k i,i.,i l lu It'll- lined to his bed with what is de scribed as a severe cold. At hi olticc it was said it might be several dys Uctore he returned to his dutiu-