Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE 'BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. MAY 49, 1921.
Omaha Railroad
Chiefs Rejoice
In Wage Ruling
Decision of Rail Labor Board
Expected to Aid in Ami
cable Solution of Re
duction Problems.
Officials of two of Oflialia's princi
pal railroads, the Burlington and the
Union Pacific, are rejoicing at the
decision of the railroad labor board
to revise downward wages of "un
skilled rail workers and hold hear
ings June 6 on proposals by roads to
i decrease wages of other classes of
The two roads are in entirely ctif-,-
ftrent positions on the wage reduc-
tioij problem, but officials of both
J predict the board's decision will aid
in an amicable solution.
The Burlington has met with all
classes of its employes and utterly
failed to negotiate any decreases. It
has now submitted all wage decrease
questions to the labor board, and is
devoting its attention tci revising
working rules effective under the na-.
'tional agreement.
U. P. Reports Progress. .
The Union Pacific, on the other
hand, has been meeting during the
past tew weeks witlr employes ;on
the working rule question, and only
Monday announced that beginning
May 23 it would meet with all classes
of employes to discuss wage reduc
tions. .
Union Pacific officials announced
definitely yesterday that no agree
ments on. working rules had been
entirely completed, but declared
that much progress had been
made. They also said the wage
reduction meetings with all classes
of workers would start as announced,
despite the labor board's decision,
When the Burlington called meet
ings to discuss wage 'decreases in
Chicago it proposed no definite
schedule of decreases.- The Union
Pacific is following this polity, and
according to officials has. worked out
no definite policy on wage decreases.
Thus far the Union Pacific has
met shop craft employes, clerks. and
signal men' on reyision of working
rules. Jt is understood an agree
ment has practically been completed
with the clerks.
In Chicago the Burlington yester
day met with signal men on rules.
It has met with unskilled employes,
and progress is reported. .
Officials of both roads sav every
effort will be made to arrive at
understandings on new rules before
July 1, when national agreements
will be abrogated by the labor
Issues involved in the revision of
rules are numerous, and include
overtime questions and classifica
tions. Burlington officials here say
the rule making it impossible for a
man in one class to perform any
other work is one of the most ob-
iertionahle rnlrs unrip? th ti.ittnnal
Recognize 8-Hour Day.
"We are recognizing the principal
r the eight-hour dav jn our neeo-
lafcons on rules," said C. L. Gray,
. assistant to General ManageraW F.
.Tlnchoff of the Burlington. "We
believe, however, that the men should
be paid pro rata foe the ninth and
tenth hours of work-,, and after the
OOth hour time and & half. This ap
plies particularly to unskilled em
ployes, as machinists, even before
"the National agreement, were paid
overtime after eight hours' work.
"On the other hand, some classes,,
section laborers, for example, never
Kot ounitive overtime until covern-
ment control. This class probably j
will continue to get overtime under
the revision, as it did during the '-existence
of the rational agreement."
For the first time today Burling
ton officials revealed the fact that
Umana was tne citv on which a
trenuous fieht over living costs was
waged during the unsuccessful ne
gotiations in Chicago for wage de
creases.' Ihey declare employes
made specific mention of Omaha,
and especially of rents here, in ef
forts to prove the cost of living had
not been reduced.
In Line With C. of C.
Announced intention of the Union
Tacitic railroad to negotiate wage
reductions of all ' classes ' of em
ployes, and past efforts of the Bur
lington railroad to reach an agree
ment with employes on reductions
is directly in line with a resolution
passed by the executive committee
of the Chamber of Commerce and
forwarded to all Omaha railroads,
became known today.
The resolution, which- was passed
several weeks ago, declares that
knrdnncnm. ' freicht rat and r3S-
sencer fares are "due lamely to thci
penses of carriers, caused by high
costs of labor and materials, which
cannot be relieved until the present
schedule of wages and working con
ditions under which the railroads
are compelled to operate are re
. vised and readjusted to a reasonable
and efficient basis."
; Urges Economy.
The resolution' urges that "such
measures of economy and retrench-
ment in the operation of railroads
- LI. . 1 . l-
45 Will ClldUlC IIICUI IU llianc Crtl ljr
and general reductions in their rates
and charges for the revival and re
storation of- production, trade and
commerce to normal" be made.
J. David Larson, commissioner,
said the rosolution reflected not only
the Omaha" organization's 'attitude,
but the attitude of the United States
Chamber of Commerce.
m " -m -1 If '. 1
1UUIU UI iUiUUUlUUt iuuuui
', Ta Fminrl at fir an A Island
Grand Island, Neb.. May 18.
From a depth of 25 feet a' local sand
romnanv's suction machinery has
pulled up what appears to be the
, tooth of some mammoth historical
animaL weighing six pounds. The
unusually large object from the bed
of sand broke the screen, leading
4 to the immediate discovery. -
Brick Plant Burns
' Lincoln, May 18. Fire whicn
started shortly before midnight total
ly destroyed the brickmaking ptant
at Rurnham, five miles out of Lin
coln. The loss is roughly estimated
at $100,000.
A serving tray that fits an arm of
a tu'nch room chair securely has beert
To Be Honored on JOOtH
t Birthday Tomorrow
Aurora1, Xcb., May 18. (Special.)
Mrs. Anna Rapp will be 100 years
old tomorrow.
Open house will be licit at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Pierson,
with whom she makes her home, by
flie Ladies' Aid society of the Swed
ish Mission church, of which she is
a member.
Mrs. Rapp joins the ranks of Xe-
r,t-acl.-:i'c rr-ntpnarianc with A (tear
I .:J -..J 1 I.. ..J -.UI.
ir.iiiu aim miuu uuuv, duu i auic
fo be about the house part of each
day, conversing with i'riencft on sub
jects of interest.
Mrs. Rapp formerly lived at
Princeton, 111., where she operated a
boarding house after she was 90
years old, performing the duties of
a housekeeper with vigor even at
that advanced age.
Many friends of Mrs. Rapp plan to
visit the open house of her daughter
tomorrow to pay their respects to
Hamilton .county's only centenarian.
Pilot Jack Knight of
Air Mail Service Safe
Cheyenne, . Wyo., May 18. Pilot
Jack Knight of the aerial mail serv
ice arrived here late last 'night from'
Rock Springs. Wyo., after he had
been reported missing and plans
made to conduct a search for him
with 'airplanes. Knight leit. Rock
Springs at noon Tuesday and was
due here at 2 o'clock.
The delay in the flight was due to
engine trouble, the flier said, which
forced him down for repairs.
Knight. is credited with having
made the first flight between Chi
cago and Omaha.
Court House Plans for
Lincoln County Accepted
North Platte, Neb.. May . 18.
(Special.) Plans for Lincoln coun
ty's $200,000 court house were ac-.
cepted by the county commissioners
and it is hoped to let the contnact
not later than October IS. The
building will be 78x104 with three
floors above, ground, with pressed
brick walls trimmed with Bedford
stone or terra cotta. The new build-
intr ran be erected on the court
house block without interfering with
the present building.
your children becomingly and economi
cally. Send child's age and a money or
der for $2.50, and we will forward you.
by return mall a pair of romper or a
girl' dress, as you apecify. They are
washable, hand-embroidered and guar
anteed. You save two profit.
365 Pacific Bldg., San Francisco, Cat.
Scrutinize carefully the tpecifica.
tions of this model V
which formerly sold for 1140: don't-'
just scan it over hastily, but eon
ider every feature; compare eaeh.1
feature with others selling for more.!
and- you'll readily learn why peoploj
prefer to have in their home a
Columbia Grafonola
As usual at the H. R. Bowen Co.
Columbia Grafonolaa and Columbia
Records arc made by the oldest and
largest phonograph company in ex
istence. Your old machine taken as
part payment on any new
Make your selection now of the
standard retired Columbia records
which we are offering for
59 cents
VWU3 vuu( (jVINC SToat
Howard St. Btw. 18th t 16th
- t
3,500 Children Get
Teeth Fixed at
Free Dispensary
Report , Made to Nebraska
Slate Dental Society Showj.
Work Accomplished in v
Year for Needy.
The Omaha Free Dental Dis
pensary for Children came in for
consideration yesterday at the noon
meeting of the executive council of
the Nebraska State Dental society.
"In the last year more than 3,500
Omaha childrcu who were not able
financially to pay for dental treat
ment we're given free service," was
the report sent in by Miss Charlotte
Townsend, in charge of the dis
pensary. Real Treatment Given.
' "The Omaha dispensary is one of
the very few in the entire' country
where real treatment is given. In
most other cities where a dental dis
oensarv is maintained, only extrac
tion and cleaning of teeth are done.
Bjit in the Omaha dispensary any
dental service needed by the children
is performed without cost. The force
at the dispensary includes one den
tist, full time; one dental assistant
and the secretary. ,
"One of the main features of the
dispensary is that the children are
taught the care of the teeth and the
importance of keeping the mouth
Four years ago the Omaha den
tists. without .solicitation, maugurat-
ed the free dental dispensary for i
school children. I he w ork was
financed entirely by the Omaha den
tists. Children whose parents were not
ble to pav one cent received treat
ment at the hands of the most
eminent dentists in the city. One
dentist was employed full time and
members of the Dentists' association
each devoted one-half day per
month to the work. In this way
five chairs were in use.
For three vears the Omaha den-
Xs ! ' il ill I li 11 I'.. 11, 1 T-.lff1.
This Duof old Suite
Regular $125.00 Value
At a price you would consider reasonable for the duofold alone we in-
serves as a luxurious davenport
a ivimfortfthlft full 'sized hed at
brown Spanish fabricoid upholstering adds
greatly to its beauty. Virtually adds another i
room to your home. Buy the three pieces
tomorrow on Easy Terms, at.
Dining Suite Bargain
V ' Rich Golden Oak Finish
S Can you imagine a more desirable Colonial style dining room suite?
Ordinarily the price would be at lea3t $120, so you see .what you can save
S here tomorrow. Chairs have genuine leather
seats; table extending to full 6 feet; and the buf
S fet is of convenient, size. Complete Suite at.,...
j For the Baby
$48.00 Values
Attention, motheral Here is the
very bargain you have been
waiting for. . Tomorrow wa
place on cale a limited quantity
or nign grade Daby carriages in
natural or aaw av
Our Liberal Credit
Enables You to
Buy the Best
tists continued this work, treating
from 4,000 to 5,000 children annually.
Then, having demonstrated the
necessity of a dispensary of this
nature, the dentists offered the in
stitution, together with all equip
ment and instruments, to the Oma
ha Board of Education, which ac
cepted the dispensary and placed it
under the nursing department of the
public schools, where it is at present.
Jimmy Cosgroves Pal Pleads
Guilty to Highjack Attempts
Ed Faulkner, serving eight years
in the Nebraska state prison, pleaded
guilty to charges of attempts to
highjack in Iowa, through hts attor
ney. J- J. Hess, in district court in
Council Bluffs Tuesday ' and wa3
fined $500.
Faulkner was indicted by the
grand jury with Jimmy Cosgrove,
Tony Matigano and Ed Reynolds
for two attempts to highjack Wil
liam Rodenburg, McClelland. Ia.,
farmer. Faulkner is now elidible for
parole and for this reason his friends
acted in Bluffs district courv-to elimi
nate any chance of his having to go
to the iowa prison.
His mother died in Omaha two
weeks ago. Relatives paid the tine.
Two Women Hurt as Stand at
Ivy Day Celebration Collapses
Lincoln, May '18. Two women
spectators were slightly injured heir
this morning when a reviewing. stand
collapsed at the University of Ne
braska during the annual Ivy day
celebration. Upwards of a score or
persons went down with the bleach
ers. . s;
Miss Ada Maude Stidworthv of
nooper was tnis years ivy aay
queen and Lawrence Shaw of Osceo-
U was orator.
Minden Graduating Class .
Hears Baccalaureate Sermon
Minden, Xeb., May 18. (Special.)
The baccalaureate address to the
graduating clss of Minden High
school was delivered by Rev. M. B.
Carman, formerly pastor of the
Methodist Episcopal church of Min
den. He spoke on "Seed Time and
by day and L ,
nizht. Rich vi
Special Price
For Porch Use
If you need a comfortable rocker for the
porch if you want to eave money, youil
uo uni 01 ins eariy Duyers jbb.
tomorrow. Just as pictured Arj Ar
here, and In durable twisted BC ZaJ
, ,uu,-u . .itiaiicu I'll u rirni p
brown. Cash or credit, only . m-
. -
ill ia
Noted Canadian
Doctor Praises
Dentistry Here
Dr- Wallace Scccombe of To
ronto Lectures on Preventive
Surgery at State Con
vention. Dr. Wallace Scccombe of Toron
to, Canada, professor of preventive
surgery, Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Toronto, who lectured
in Omaha Tuesday night before the
Nebraska state convention of the
Xcbraska State Dental society, at
tended the morning clinics of the
convention in the Auditorium.
"Xebraska dentists are scientific
and thorough in their work," said
Dr. Scccombe.
"We are paying the price of mod
ern ' civilization. It is the dark
brown taste of the morning after
these diseases which are attacking
us- ,
"The preventive side of dentistry
lutf ' (('""V1 Ik liT 1-1 HS A till: l
ti'j. 'it' i' '2.r
-;' ''
W ' . .'' V
H "i "r'N
Time Is Here
This Bargain
on Credit
Enamel Lined
We've cut th price so deep- that you
can save many a dollar on the purchase
of that new refrigerator. Holds a good
sized cake of Ice and has a, generous
food storage space.- All parts removable,
easy to clean. Come tomorrow and buy
this white enamel lined bargain on easy,
terms if you wish, at..
Couch Hammock
Canopy Priced Extra
Unusual Comfort in Hot Weather:
Couch hammock time la near. This hammock' cornea com
plete with chains and ceiling hooka. Has magasina pock
et and is made of durable brown duck throughout Haa
comfortable pad no adjustable head rest, , You will en
joy the comfort offered by a hammock of this kind.
Lawn Swing Special
Sturdy 4 - pas
aenger lawn
awing. Seat and
back adjustable
to two positions.
Derrick Is dou
ble coated red
enamel; seats
.natural varnish
finish, A very
unusual value at
the low ririce of
The World's Largest
SixtesnUiT-Betn rjarney and Howard
is arousing much interest. For 50
years progress in dentistry has
heen along the line of dental surg
ery. But the advances of the next
50 years must be along the lines of
preventing dental diseases.
"The modern dentist is a dental
physician as well as a dental surgeon.
"Denial disease is the most pre
valent disease in the world today.
"And we are growing more sus
ceptible to disease because of the
pace at which we are living.
"In the past we have, in general,
looked upon the teeth as a portion of
the body different and apart from
other portions of 'the human anato
my. But we are now "beginning to
see that the teeth affect the whole
body. When the teeth are out of
order, so is the whole body.
Dental decay is only one sign of
decay and trouble in other parts of
the body." '
Dr. Seccombe lectured to the stale
convention o the effect of diet on
the teeth. '
Present Two .Plays.
Minden, Xcb., May 18. (Special.)
The senior class of Minden High
school put on two class plays this
yer, "Miss Fearless and Company,"
1 and "What Happened to Jones."
Canadian Pacific Rockies
A Complete Change
Leave the old style vacation behind. Learn
the joy of mountain climbing and get new
inspiration following Swiss guides in this
i'Fifty Switreriands in One." Nine resort
centers each different in this 600 miles
of Alps: Banff, Lake Louise, Field (for
Emerald Lake and Yoho Valley), Lake
Windermere, Glacier, Sicamous all
reached via
Canadian Pacific Railway
Full information furnlihed upon application to
THOS. J. WALL, General Agent
v 140 South Clark Street. Near Adam
Chicafo, 111.
Stand extra, $650
' o
Home Furnishers
Standing of Members
"Help Yourself Club"
See the Notes on
Page 4
.Vote Value of
Tht DAILY and Sunday, Morning or
Evraing, by Boy Carrier ia Omaha,
Council Blulla aadn town where
Carrier Boy torvkr ia maintained.
- New
2'i Years $25.60 250,009
2 Year .......... 20.40 180,000
1 Year ,. 10.20 16,090
S Month 6.10 32.00.;
1 Month 2.55 12.000
Morning or Evening Without Sunday
by Carrier Boy Service.
S Yra.. S Montha
2 Year
1 Year
t Month .......
3 Month
. 15.40
. T.50
,. J. 90
. 1.95
Sunday Only by Boy Carrier.
s New
S Years $25. SO 250.009
2 Year 10.40 76,000
1 Year .; S.20 Si.OOO
Months 2.(0 12.000
Morning, Evening and Sitaday by
Boy Carrier.
1 Yr., S Months ..$28. SO 50.000
1 Year 18.00 12.000
t Months ........ 9.00 68.000
3 Months 4.50 28.000
Dally and Sunday by Mail.
X Year $25.50 260.000
2 Years 15 00 186.000
1 Year 7.50 J2.000
a Months 4.00 - 22,000
S Months ....... 2.00 10.000
Daily Only by Mail, Without Sunday
5 Years $25.00 250 000
2 Years 10.00 711,000
1 Year 5.00 ?200o
Months 2.50 12,000
Sunday Only by( Mail.
4 Years $10.00 70,000
2 Years 5.00 32,000
1 Year 2.60 l'.wOO
Months ........ ' 1.25 . 6.000
Renewal subscription payments
will bo given half a many
vote as new subscription. -
The standinar of the club members, as
they appear in this issue, only includes the
votes received and counted at tnis oftice
up to p. m., last Saturday. The stand
ings . will be cnangea again in rriaays
paper and will include the votes that are
received and counted at tne n. i. s. uuo
office before 6 p. m. Wednesday,
- Will Include all territory inside the
City limit of Omaha aoulh of Pacific
treet. west of the river to Seventv
secoert street, Including Balatoq, Belle
vue. Fort Crook aad Aver)'.
Ona l,115.0fl Maiwell. one $21)0.00
B. li. I., Deposit and one 1 09.00 B.
4k I.. Deposit will be awarded in ttala
district. .
R. W. Sage, 2519 S. 33d St 14:!. M0
Mrs. C. A. Christenscn, 622 Cedar. . 65,470
Ernest Kerngren, 2016 S. 7th St . . . 14", 820
Martha Ebsrt, 2402 Poppleton. . . . . 6I),210
Mrs. Thomas Seize, 2S1S I St 146,480
Mrs. Eearl Starkey, 1S37 S. 12th. .122,410
Frank KonniBon. 1503 S. 26th St.. 67,490
Mrs. J. N. Williams, 5S04 8. 25d. .. .145,830'
Mrs. F. Marecek, 6314 S. 20th St. .144,910
Mrs. Anna Ruppert, 2014 Martha.. 65,70
Mrs. C. A. Kauth, 1882 Bam-roft. . .121,240
John Kwasnlewskl, 2857 Oak 55,370
H. Hakenholz. 2223 Monroe 104,960
Iva Slegel. 1724 Dorcas 112,220
G. H. Evans. 4550 S. 40th 141,270
Mrs. E. D. Haworth, 1775 S. 9th.. 108,660
George Peterson, S412 Wright ,121,660
Mrs. Olive 8. Dusenbury, 1906 S. 33d 41,170
Henry Furst. 3205 W street....... 21,170
J. L. Beoeroft, 4543 S. lath... 14tf,5!0
L. A. Speitzer. 6626 S. 23d 21,080
John Spell, 810 Forest Ave 5,060'
R. H. Burke. 1102 Park Ave 5.000
Miss C. O'Halloran. 2T1 S. 10th.. 27.710
I. E. Kolle. 1338 S. 81st St. '. 6,000
Mrs. E. J. McEvoy, 2323 S.-11th St. 6,000
dIstbict so.
14111 Include all territory inside'the
city limits of Omaha and on, and
north of Pacific street, west of the
river to Eighty-third atreet and a far
north a Maple street.
One M.115.00 Maxwell, one S200.00
R; A I, Deposit and one 100.00 B.
L. Depoalt will he awarded in tbia
Mr. Q. .T. Hubbard, 8304 Farnam. .143,940
O. W. Hndee, 4204 Burdette 100,560
A. D. Klein, Jr., 4806 Dodge 143,740
Kloye B. Morell, 544 S. 35th Ave.. 143, 680
C. J. Wright, 2310 Howard 70,040
James Addeson,. 2411 N. 18th 60,910
W. T. Ziesel. S314 Decatur 142,360
Dr. Frank o. Smith. Blackstone. .144 470
Loul J.- Schafer, 113 N. 36th 11S.780
Mildred Plank, 2714 Burt ... 1 :.. .137,840
Mrs. Anna Morene II. 558 8. 21st. .142.360
Fred Koegh, 250 N. lth ..144,9601
A. Hicks, 2718 Miami ,. 101,660
R. H. Aekley. 2507 N.- 24th 20,980
Mre. Emily Winner. 119 N. !0th. .100,790
R. B. Holbrook, 3554 Pacific 146.850
Herman Nachshoen, 413 N. 18th.. 33,110
Dessie D. Harrop. 2667 Douglas. .. .142.510
C. A. Wler,. 1915 Charles 126,910
e F. Sloeson, jr.. 4906 Cuming... 69,480
Ida Karbach. 143S X. -20th 64,740
,T. K. Mcintosh, 4160 Chicago 141,310
Mrs. .Mary Engel, 2705 Cuming. . 41.850
Mrs.' A. E. Waack. 2222 Howard. .144,680
Marten J. Dlneen. 938 N. 26th... 64.950
Blanche Snyder. 723 S. 25th Ave.. 29.860
Mrs. Bessie Beach. 100i S. 29th. .104.510
Harold Anderson. 3116 Marcy 73,860
T. D. Paganis, 411 S. 16th 66,780
K. H. White;-661 S. 33d 21,450
Mr. W. J. Whitaker, 4804 Dodge. 117,760
h. X. Swanson, 4129 Lake 143,760
Mra. B. N. Clausen. 4809 Underw'd 141,840
Mrs. Marie Coulter, 3009 Harney. .144,840
Sam Wolf, 2316 N. 30th 43,650
Rev. ?. C. Hanson. 1713 N. 25th St.145,980
Mrs. C. M. Tomandl, 4507 Charles. 145,960
Boland Preisman, 1018 N. 82d 21,780
Horace -Schaeffer, .4223 Cuming.. 11,280
Mrs. C. E. Llnneman, 1633 Victor. 39,760
Mrs. Jennie Lament, 2808 Dodge. . 63,660
Douglas Peter, 204 S. 32d 21.670
P. F. Qutschewski. -S5S7 Charles.. 81,140
Mrs. M, L. Vosburgh, 2564 Douglas 11,080
W. C. N'iolon. 1824 N. 33d.
. . 6.010
, 6,000
C 6,000
. 5,000
Thos. K. McLeavey, 833 Park..
Ralph N.' Pratt, 503 S. 28th
Norman Lewis. 805 8. 19th St. ...
H. T. Ahlbeck. 2880 Cass
C.-B. Hyde. 3830 Seward ........
Phtnoaa Wlntroub, 1324 Howard..
6,040 1
' Will Include all territory Inside the
elty limits of Omaha aon and north of
Maple atreet, " west ef tlm river ta
Klgbty-thlrd (treet and north to Har
geant street. Including Florence and
. the Carter lake district.
One 11.115.00 Maxwell, one 9200.00
B. A L. Deposit and one $100,00 B. A
1.. Deposit . will be awarded In this
Edna Lawrence, 7711 N. 28th Ave. 101, 340
A. L. Frederick. 2564 Whltmoro. . .117,390
Mona Harris. 2954 N. 47th Ave... 26.580
K. Chrlstensan, 6904 Minno Lusw... 60,480
C. T. Schnell, 2423 Crown -Point. . . 28.140
G. J. Emery. 2664 Pratt 145,340
Leo Daniels, 3302 Maple 144,210
Mra. R. Tedesco, 2939 Lin. Blvd. .144.760
Violet Brotchie, 6020 Flor. Blvd. . .134,090
Mrs. L. M. Thtrtle, 6005 X. 30th.-.. 24,360
Mrs. W. W. Davis. 3929 Flor. Blvd. 110.96
Mrs. Harry Rogers, 8511 N. 29th.. 46.040
C. Hall. 2879 Vane 29.980
Winifred Travis, 2JI61 Fowler.'. 125.840
Mrs. Tom Rodebaugh. 8180 Mer'th.111.680
Mrs. J. M. Streeter. 4008 N. 84th.. 76.910
Mrs. O. L. Tracy. 2811 Browne. .. .145,490
Mrs. E. D. Perrin, 3120 N. 47th 43.870
W. E. Stutenroth. 2454 Camden.. 146,690
Mrs. Qua Krants, 7301 Maple 6.280
14. M. Flnley, 1921 Blnney 5.000
Mrs. B. O. Peats, 2720 Laurel .... 5,000
Will Inclode all territory in the elty
f Council Bluffs, Including the Mana
wa district.
One fl.llS.OO Maxwell, one 1200.00 B.
4k L. Depoalt and one 1100.00 B. 4t I.
Deposit will be awarded In this district.
Gertrude Eulliran, til Ave B 144,680
Anna Ward, 1006 5th Ave 21,960
Mrs. M. A. Smith. 2304 Ave. D. . .145,710
A. W. Gelger, jr., 424 Damon 20,670
Dorothy Lenihan, 663 Harrison St. 120, 660
Mrs. Ada McLaughlin. 1908 Id Ave. 38.490
R. P. Bolin, 2003 4th Av 24,760
Mrs. Peter Jensen, Oakland Ot.... 6t,680
Mrs. Iva Ml Ford, 806 S. 18th 146.&70
R. D. fcdwkfds, 2310 AVe. C 100,660
LoUkDunlarf Grand Hotel 44,990
Mra. Wm. J. Ryan. 2024 Ave. A 117,790
Mr. WA. MltehH, 236 Ave A,, 21,380
A. P. Olobrldgo. 34 W. Pler.-e.... 6.000
Ray Wilcox, 537 . Broadway.... 16,310
Will Include all the territory In the
tat of loma ontaldo the city of
Council Blgffa and the Maaawa dis
trict. On ai.1l5.0A Marwell, one $!Mm
It. 4k L. Deposit and ena flOO.OO .
4k I.. Deposit will bo awarded la (hi
Myrtle Roger, Perclval
Harlen Klutta, Uondamln
Mis, .Nettle Batrhelder. ltlverton.
Glen C. Sllllrk. Mlaaourl Valley...
O. J. Atkins. Neola
Merlon I'aughell, Caraon. ...... ..
Uutll Knliht, Ulenwood
Botty llaorett, Malvern
Iti.v, G. R. Baunian, Mlndan.....
Mrs. Billie Iwen, Schleswig
June Ovlalt, Shenandoah
Mrs. Ona Johnson, l'ac. Jet
Cleorge W. Moore, Bartleltt
Bort Orahnm. R. 1, Logan
Nellie J. Solleder. Thurman
tlladya Jlevls, Harlan
Bernard Franklin. Hamburg
Merle Andreas, Oakland
Pornthy Hull, Hsnburn ,
J. H. Hudgeus. Walnut
Merle B. Travis, Carson.........
T.eona Hamann, Teral
Mrs. Ray Tiei-son, Henderson.....
I.loyd W. Weatherell, Tsnama...
Mrs. Lowell C. Matto. Shelby..;.
. 4.)f
.104, 8
.144, eon
, 40,140
. II, til
. Sl.tso
. 40.741)
. 6S,IL0
. 47,440
. 11.410
. 144.170
. 44.440
. MI"
. 4,e0
,105 H"
Fred TsiiKi. Avota
Mrs. S. U Jefferson. Woodbine
K. E. Aithclm, Olenwood. . . .
Mia. H. II. Stub, Sidney
June Beaver, Harlan
Onal Snyder, Randolpli
Mrs. June Flekel. Itattnga. . . v
T. J. Coner, Mo. Valley
Will Taclude the following eooalles la
the stats of Nebraska t Cass, Sarpy,
Douglas (outside the city of Omaha),
Faunderi. Butler, Tolk, Merrieli, anee.
'Piatt, t'olfna, Dodge. Washington,
Burt, Cuming, Stanton, Madison,
Boone. Antelope. Pierce, Wayne, Thur
ton, Dakota, Dlion, Cedar aad Knot.
Ona 1,11.00 Maswell on .
B. I.. Deposit and one aiW.00 B.
1,. Deposit will be awarded In this
G. C. Hobak. -Nehawka..-.., S7.6SH
Zetta Lower, Valparaiso 46,41
T. H Pomingo, Weeping Water. . !5, 270
V. It. Hoerstr.iami. Fremont 14S,70t
I. N. Warrirk. Blair l03.S9i
Vivian De, David City '. 1SO,0
K. r Wilde, 523 S. 4, Norfolk.... 44.71H
A. Jf. Sanders, Plattsmouth 144,470
P. 1.. Brown, Schuyler 144,750
Helen M. Wynkonp,, Central City. .144,400
r. .1. Haviland, Norfolk .",.144.64.1
Flovd Buchanan, Silver Creek. .. .144,070
Sam Davies, Wayne 146,410
ft. V. Kennedy, Tekaniah 114,200
Joe Krajicek, Arlington 6I.-S11
Klmer Nordland. Columbus 11 1.170
D. P. Hill, Genoa 116,460
Henrietta Miller. Oakland 135,450
W. t;. Halsey, Oakdale i...144;7o
t.'lifford Cunningham, Wahoo 116.9V1
Herman Buhk, Beemer 144,SSi
Herman A. Homann. Elkhorn 144,5S
Fred T. Wlgington, Schuyler. .... .145. 24"
Gorrton Smith, T.yon 104,170
A. E. Stafford, Rising City. ...... .146, 4t
Aivln F. Barton, Lyons ,...126,090
R E. Straahurg, Polk ....143.110.
Mrs.. P, E. Buck, Fremont 146,100
Mrs. 1Vade Prultt, Humphrey. .....146,141
O. O. Smith, Albion J1.440 .
Charles .r. Swohoda. Prague 96,4 M
Anna Blumm, Scribner. 78,1'
E. F. Cushman, Kennard 145, S70
Frank Pallns, Pander, .j ,...145,210
Mabel Brazda, West Point 145.52.1
Xellle Pwyei Colon 64.10"
. E. Hayes, Herman 101,46'.
Jessia B. Kays. Wlsner ......145,60'
Ida Ruether. Stanton ..145,110
Harry J. Sruffley, St. Edward. ... jl0,66O
Jens Jensen, Lyons 44.410
Cedric Anderson, Wausa 65.81"
J. M. Fox, Gretna 108, S40
Laura Kolena Creighton 106.44O
Marie Ttowalrtr. Tutan 146.82'
Mrs. Edith Schooler, Rosalie . 46,140
Mrs. An:hie Roberts. North Bend..8,6S
Ljdi.1 'Seyersdahl, .Madison 52.780
Emma Fredstrom, Oakland. 58,41 0
Mildred E. Johnson, Mead. ...... .146, 7'60
Josephine Evans, Platte Center. . .100,16 '
Mrs Ed Lyons, Newman Grove.. .107,481
Mrs. Lulu Owen, Ashland 146,800
Mrs. G. B. Darling, Hooper. ..... .100,80
J. W. Keeler, Fullerton 67,470
Robert Welk. Sootia...- v.... 6,:8
R. J. Swanson. Fullerton 47,840
Wm. Mick, Cedar Bluff 47,410
Donald TVaugh, R. 5, Valley. .... .136 880
Herbert Struthera. Craig . S6,45
Emma Johnson, R. 1 Fremont, .... 47, 140 '
A. D. Allen, Decatur :!,740
Anton F. Votava, Schuyler. ...... .108, 410
Junita Carlson, Stromsburg 8,00ft
Josephine Ketchmark. Ft. Calhoun 4,0S'
Marguerite Durbin, Bloomfield. . . . -71,140
Josephine Kenton, Osceola ... .. .51470
Stella Starry, Springfield 44.864
Mrs. R. C. Johnson, Fremont 31,000
Blanch Colby, Shelby 87,440
Mrs. John Huebner, R. 8, So. Omaha 34,600
Mrs. A. Masters, Clarka IS.00O
N. P. Broderson. Fremont 5,000
Chas. Relpl. 17S0 N. D Fremont . 4.890
G. C. Griffin, Clark , .17,010
Will Include the following comities la
he state of Nebraska: Otoe. Xemaha,
Richardson, Pawnee, Johnson, Gag.
Lancaster, Seward, Saline, Jeffersea,
Thayer, Fillmore, York, Hamlltea.
Clay. Nockolla, Webster and Adams,
One fl.115.0O Maxwell, en S2fle.0O
B. 41 L. Deposit and one f 100.90 B.
L. Deposit will be awarded 1a this
Mrs. Otis Wolford, Clay Center. .144,82'
Thomas Foster, Beaver Crossing.,.. 51. 6S
Gladys Salor, Bruning 64,250
Eleanor Shoff, Falrbury.'. 14S,S7
George Whitesell,- Kenesaw .48,681!
Mrs. Lydla Wolfskin, ' Superior. .. .42,48f
Mrs. W. L. Chapman, Giltner..-,... 45,710 .
Raymond L. Crosson, Hastings. . ..144,80
Mrs. B. Anderson, 1924 H. Lincoln. .145.461"
Mrs. B. F. J or don, Tork... 60,160
Mrs. Marie Morris, Hebron. .... ...100,40
Tillie Nolte, Auburn. R. 3 70,821
Mrs. Mark Hall, Auburn.., 144.47C
Robert Moore, Nolson.- 64,11'
Lee Parriott, Peru 44 49f
Will Brookley, Edgar , lJ3.14f
Mrs. Dean Kite, Auburn. 108,44'
Velva Bair, Fairmont ....1J3,46' -
Vera Grosshaus, Sutton ......144,71'
Mmgaret Ahrens,' Falls City 144.87'
Mrs. Thomas Brower, R. 1. Geneva, .100,241
Agnes Krasomil, Aurora... 145,80''
Gail Parson, Humboldt.... JI2.96'
A. E. Pratt, Tobias 34.42'
William McKerver, Cordova . .v. . .146,84','
Mrs. Chaa. Fowler, Nebraska Clty.,146,14t
Mrs. W. H. Hunt. Red Cloud 84,02'
Alfred Bookwalter, Pawnee City. .. . 17.681
Lola Ilosford, Seward 47,00'
Mrs. C. D. Riley, Tecumseh 146. 56'
Emma Krutz, Deshler 146.86C
C. E. Gtlmore. Harvard 84,8Si
Delma Harp, Belvldere. .. .6,004
Chas. Laurie. Alexandria .....17,820
C. M. Beggs, Carl ton .......67,46(1
Sonja LlndquUt, Mayberry 88,000
S. D. Long, Cowles .87,000
A. C. Bek, Seward i ......... .138, 7i
Aivln Lentz, Deshler '. 4,000
T. F. Stock, Heatings 86,00
Will Include all territory la the stale
of Nebraska not Included In Districts
Number and 7, aim territory a Bonth '!
Dakota. Kansas and Colorado. i
One f 1.115.00. Maxwell, one COV.VO 1
B. Jt L. Deposit and one C 100.00 B.
I. Deposit will be awarded la this
district. I
IT. S. Helme, Scottsbluff
W. B. Shelton, Pax ton... ,
Martin Nelson, Dannebrog
. 46.910
. 79.260
- 7t680
Mra. F. S." Copeland. Bridgeport. .187,050
HllJa Jacobson, Arapahoe. ...... ,al48,470
J. E. . Williams. Alliance 64.240
Slgna Peterson, Eddyville 16.41
Bert Brownell, Chapoell... 145,580
P. i. Minner. 10 W. 6th. Grand I. 88.760
Mrs. A. K. Callahan, Geririg 98.410
Mrs. Bertha A. Eber. Kirk 40,410
W. K. Harris. Bertrand 43.810
Mrs. Grace Redfelt. Mlndan........ 40.540
George Gardner, Bayard 68,490
Melba Philbrick. Ord 41.610
C. B. Dorset, Axte1l..,i 101.41"
E. G. Nisley; Lexington. . . 121,08
Wm. Halsey, Lebanon.. 48.84
Fern Gates, Stamford .....146.45
Mrs. Emll Stetnke. Holdregs 76,670 .
Mrs. Clav Funston, Ogallala 146,470
A. R. Lee. 719 N Locust, N Platte. 144.99
Blanche Myers, Sutherland 12,81
Mrs. M. Rnseorana, Juleab'g, Cole 68,280 -
Dr. C. IT. Blackburn. Mitchell 118.750
Mrs. Ray Rathbun, Hayes Center. 47.84
E. C. McKak, St. Paul 56.21
Ruth Walsh. Shelton .... 98.140
Harvey Thompson. Ravenna. ..... 43,44
Helen Loomls, Gibbon .......108,170
Albert P. Powers, Greeley........ 33.410
P. C. McJCensle, Burwell 14,420
Walter T.T8haw. Franklin 63.170
Mrs. J. A. Qulnton, Brule 144.990
Wm. F. Beranek. Loup City 84,48
Hard Farrell. Gothenburg. ...... .144.760
Mrs. Grace Murray. Bloomington. 78.44
Mrs. J. Mcintosh, Cosad 44.340
Luclle Johnson, Orleans........... 14,749
Harry G. Selk, Scotia 31.010
Hannah Simmons, Mason City 47,10
H. H. Stevens. North Platts 61.021
Blanche Dakan, Beaver City 87.290
Mrs. K. C. Dlllman, Broken Bow. .128,01
Vera Corley. Callaway 13.00
Mrs. Fred Collom, Arnold ' 5,02
Andrew Campbell, Cambridge.... 10,28
Andy Stone. Wood River 4.
C'has. Johnson. Manville, Wyo. .. 16 444
Frank K. Kimball. Rock Point, lo...87,00
C. E. Johnson. Lexington 6,400
J. F. Schualrer.' North Piatt. . . ,.... .
Leland Zlnk. McCook , ....0
H, B. VanBushlrk. Mullen. . ........ .8..
Haxel Tuidtl, Sumner, 42,14 ,