9 Society COMBINING utility nd novelty is a difficult task, we all agree. But some there are who see possibilities for unusual effects in the most commonplace circumstances. Saturday evening Happy Hollow club opened for the summer season in spite of the fact that the weather closely resembled winter with its chilling breezes. . The number, of diners was very large, thus making it necessary to place tables on the dance floor which ,is not enclosed. This prospect, lowever, did not daunt those in charge. The openings were closed with leavy canvas curtains, and on each table was placed a smalj glowing object, a tiny electric heater, whose warm rays quickly dispelled the gloom and chill. The heaters were most effective in their usefulness and made unique decoratitons. In the main dining room logs were heaped in the fireplace and the crackling flames lent a cheery atmosphere to the occasion. r . 1 : ; Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. E; Liebo of St. Paul, Minn., announce the engagement of their daughter, Leigh," to S. Garret Bialac of Omaha. No date has been ict for the wedding. For Mrs. Pettis. Mrs. E. F. Pettis of Lincoln, who was the week-end guest of Mrs. C. E. Johannes in the city, left Monday morning for Hastings, where she will speak to the League oi Women Vot ers. Mrs. Pettis is chairman of the Lincoln league. Among affairs given in honor of Mrs.. Pettis was a supper party Sun clay evening at the home of Mrs. Johannes. Pink roses formed the decorations. Mr. and Mrs. Halleck Rose enter tained a dinner party at the Country rlub Saturday evening for Mrs. l'ettis. ( , Ed Pettis, son of Mrs. Pettis', was host at a theater party to see "Mary Rose" at the Brandeis Friday eve ning. For Visitors. , Mr. and Mis. H. P. Davisson and .laughter, Miss Davisson, of New York City, stopped in Omaha Sun day afternoon for several hors. Dur ing their stay. the were entertained informally at tea at the H. H. Bal- drige home. They were enroute to their home from California, where Miey spent the winter .months. Among :hose who were privileged to meet .his family were Mrs. Luther Kountze, Mrs. C. T. Kountze and Miss Gladys Peters. Mr. Davisson was nationally prominent in Red Cross activities during the war. Hazel Cook Engaged. A. B. Cook announces the engage ment of his daughter, Hazel, to Orville Garder of this city, formerly of Kansas City. The wedding will take place the latter part of June. Affairs for Mrs. Schmidt. Mrs. J. M. Shaughnessy will en tertain at a matinee party at the Or pheum Tuesday, complimentary to Mrs. William Schmidt of Colorado Springs, guest of MisS Ruth Bieber. Mrs. W. D. Cameron will entertain at luncheon Wednesday, compli mentary to. Mrs. Schmidt, who will remain in Omaha until Friday. Miss Bieber and her guest5 gave a program Monday evening at the studio of Miss Mary Munchhoff. Ms. Schmidt is a soprano, well known throughout Colorado, having recently been awarded first place in a state contest there. Mss Bieber is a contralto. . v i'J ' 1 Affairs Planned To Honor ' Guests For Mr. and Mrs McShane. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Tukey en tertained at. -dinner--at, their' horn 'Monday evening, honoring Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane of Coronado BeacKCal., who are visiting at the W. I). Hosford home. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Hosford will give a dinner for Mr. and Mrs. McShane. . Supper Party. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McKeen en tertained informally at supper at their home Sunday evening, com plimentary to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. . Charles qf San Francisco, who spent the week-end at the Howard H. Baldrtge home. Luncheon for. Mrs. Estey. A luncheon of 12 covers was given Monday by Mrs. E. A. Higgins at her home, honoring Mrs. Harold Estey of Boston, guest of Mrs. D. C. Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy of Chicago arrive Tuesday to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wil helm. Mr. and Mrs.- Wilhelm will entertain at a dinner of about 40 covers at the Omaha club Tuesday evening complimentary to these vis itors. . A luncheon will be given Tues day by Mrs. Charles T. Kountze. Wednesday Mrs Arthur C. Smith will entertain at luncheon. Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall will be hostess at a dinner Wednesday even ing, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Cudahy. Affairs for Thursday complimen tary to Mrs. Cudahy include a luncheon to he given by Mrs. Joseph Barker. On Thursday evening these guests will be entertained at dinner at the home of Mrs. E. W. Nash,. League of Women Voters Orgai.ize Units. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gunther, Mrs. E. S. Rood and Mrs. L. B. Webster motored to Bennington and Irving ton Saturday to make arrangements for the organization of local units of the League of Women Voters. Delegations from these towns, ac companied by Rev. E. Von Nus baum, pastor of the Bennington Lutheran church, and Rev. G. W. Schleh of the Congregational church of Irvington will attend the conven tion of the Second district of the League of Women Voters to be held in Omaha at the council chamber of the city hall Monday, May 23. A 'special meeting was held Mon day morning in Mrs. Charles J. Hubbard's apartment at the Colonial, when plans were completed for th! district meeting. " ' A. C. A. Adds Music Section. The Association of Collegiate Alumnae will organize a mufeic sec tion Wednesday, afternoon. 3:45 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Herbert Woodland, 2118 South Thirty-third street, . All A. C. A. members who are in terested in the organization of a music section are requested to at tend this meeting. . Big Sisters. The Big Sisters' association will meet Thursday, 6.15 p. m.. at the Y. W. C. A. for dinner and business "meeting.; . . " , , Calendar. . J.ooniW Chautauqua Circle Tucsflay. ! p. m., T. W. O. A. . Omaha Bmtnmi - Women's Club Tues day, 6:15 p. in.. T. W. C. A. U. S. Grant VT. R. C. Tuesday. 1:S0 p. m., Memorial hall, court house. . El Club Zaragozn Tuefa'ay evening, with Miss Jane Bowen, 2417 Dodss' street H. E. L. P. Club Tuesday eVenlns. Social Settlement house, supper and dra matic art. Omaha Spanish Club Tuesday, 8 p. m., 302 Patterson Block. Seventeenth and rar natn streets, . Alice R. Howard Chautauqua Circle Tuesday, 7:30 p. m.. with Mrs. Howard, 4722 Captltol avenue. Dundee Mornlnf Chautauqua Circle Tuesday. 9:45 a. m with Mrs. K. A. McFarlane, 56U Miami ptreet. P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. X. Tuesday. 1 o'clock luncheon, with trs, W. A. Gordon, 4830 California street Personals Mrs. H. R. Jobst of Lincoln, is spending several days in Omaha. A son was born Sunday at Stew art hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown. John R. Norris of Culpepper, Va.. is visiting at the home of his brother Edgar W. Norris. . J. P. McCarthy of Denver spent Monday in Omaha enroute to Chi cago and Minneapolis. Mrs. R. S. Hall and Miss Dorothy Hall left Sunday evening for Chi cago, where they will spend a few days. ' A son, Ned, was born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steel. Mrs Steel was formerly Miss Minna Weber. i ' Delta Zeta. The monthly luncheon of Dc.lta Zeta was held Saturday, at the Ath; letic club. Miss Ruth Odell of Lin? coin and Mrs. B. A. Rosencrans of Plattsmouth were guests. Problems That Perplex l Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Doesn't Know Her Mind. Bear Miss Fairfax: Although this is the first time I have written to you for advice, I think that you will be able to help me with trou bles which cause me to worry sometimes. r. - ( am only 16 and am a senior in high school, and like most other girls am Quite friendly with everyone and, seems to me, 'mostly with -boys. But my trouble is this, not long aso I kept company with a boy and went with him for a short time. When I was away from him I liked him but when with him,! was In misery. ,. . So, of course, we didn't go to gether very much longer. . Then he started going with another gtrl who happened to be my chum. And af ter not going with him for a while, I began to like him again. So he went with me and then with her. His steady girl did not like this so she stopped going with him. Now, I am in a puzzle, for my sisters and brothers do not want me to keep company with him. I like him real well but don't know of a reason to tell him why I can't go With him. Now, Miss Fairfax, I wish you would please advise me what to tell him and also whrft to do. MART-MARGARET T. Apparently you don't want this young man but you don't want any one else to have him. That Indi cates selfishness and Jealousy, two rather bad things. Also I discover from your letter that you don't know your own mind. Tou deserve to lose the friendship of this young man for your lack of. consideration for his feelings. My advice to you is that you give up any thought of him until you know your own mind, or at least until you can give him a sincere friendship. This idea of liking a boy when away from him and being in misery when with him is nothing more than a bad mental state. Start in now to control your thinking and your conduct and you may be in time to save yourself and others much unpleasantness and unhappi ness in life. If you do not care to go with this young man, tell him so politely and honestly. . ; Florence: Tou could do one of two things: Either get a sympa thetic tutor who could teach you the . thlncs you need . -to know about reading, mathematics, penmanship.' omitting the things you hnvtOearned throoitli experience, or .: " i could enroll In a business folKg.'. where Sou can get instruction iu iho sub jects you mention. Tour letter proves that you have learned considerable without going to, school, and I be lieve you would be equal to a straight business course. . I would be glad to talk to you personally if you will call, or I am sure any person connected with a business college will be glad to take pains with one whose aims ari as commendable as yours seem, to be. A Curious Threat, i Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a man of 28 and have been keeping com pany with a girl of 25 for some time. I love her and she loves me, but my parents don't like her, and if I mar ry her they threaten to disown me. Do you think this is right? She is a respectable girl. Do you think that a girl should be- Judged by her par ents and Other relatives? This hap pens to be their reason for -disliking her. . Kindly answer soon, Miss Fair fax, as I am anxious. K. F. B. Kdncy. a man of 28 afraid of being disowned! Aren't you making enough to support the girl without depend ing upon your parents? Tou ought to be! As for shirting the parents' sins onto the daughter, how about reversing the case and putting your self on trial for what your parents might have been. I don't think the girl will be getting any prze pack age if that's the kind of young man you are! , T Skih trouble needs imme diate attention. Buy a jar of Resinol Ointment to day and use it regularly. . A few days of such persijt ent treatment usually , , tops the iteming, clears " away the inflammation and soreness, and helps the skin resume its natural healthy condition. At all draniats. Resinol BOWEN'S qesM Eld red ge . Two-Spool SewingMachine With the onrushing days of spring there is always that extra sewing to be done. The little tots must have their rompers the eirl their mid dies and the boys their wash suits. This means work unless mother is prepared for such emergencies, and the best way to prepare is to have an Eldredge Two-Spool Rotary Sewing Machine in the home to ue each and every day of the year. The Two-Spool El dredge Rotary requires no winding of bobbins you sew direct from the spool, saving both time and labor Eight Handsome Models to Select From ' -" '. PRICED FROM $22.50 to $98.00 AND AS USUAL WE ALLOW YOU TO MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS Your old machine taken as part payment on any new machine. See these modern machines demonstrated. - ft 'jRtBowon (d OrUHAS VMUC tlVINt STOW Howard St., bet. 15th and 16th Mrs. C. Couch and daughter. Miss Clara, leave Saturday to spend the summer , at Okoboji and Spirit Lake, la. Mr. and Mrs. VV. K. Charles of San Francisco, who spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Baldrige, left Monday. Mrs. Mary Turner Salter of Vi! liamstown, Mass., who has been spending the winter in Omaha at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. VV. Morton, left Monday for her home. Robert Burton of Chicago, has been spending several days at the Hotel Fontenelle. He was a guest a.t the weekly Kappa Sigma lunch eon, Saturday, at the University club. Mr. Burton leaves Omaha Tuesday. . Chautauqua Notes. Miss Gertrude Bailey was elected president and leader of Alpha chap ter, League of the Round Table, Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Condon. ., . The chapter will study Brown ing's poems next year. The members are Mrs. George Condon, Mrs. E. W. Kolterman' and the Misses Elva Douglas, Grace j Grant and Bailey. I Beta chapter- elected the follow- I ing officers at the home of Mrs. C. R. Harper Saturday: President, Mrs. M. A. Phillips; vice president, Mrs. C. R. Harper, and secretary treasurer, Miss Abigail Manning. Luncheon for Visitors. Mrs. Robert Buckley of Washing ton, D. C, and Mrs. Ed Getten of Los Angeles, shared honors at a luncheon given Monday by Mrs. C. E. Hunter at her home. Covers were placed for 12. Mrs. Buckley is tire guest of -Mrs. H. A. Cameron and Mrs. Getten is visiting Mrs Margaret Cheney. Benefit Dinner. . A dinner for the benefit of the Chinese Relief will be given Wed nesday evening at 6 o'clock at the First Presbyterian church, Thirty fourth and Farnam streets. i Informal Luncheon. Mrs. George Rasmussen will en tertain at a luncheon of eight cov ers at Happy Hollow club Wednes- clay. ; ' Stockings will be less likely to be pulled out of shape if darned on a shoe-tree instead of a small. darner, a JSealth in the dinner pail MEN, -who do a hard day's work know the food that has! staying qualities. You can't fool them. Bread is and always has been the back-bone, of the -worker's diet., ' :. f ': :,'- ' -: ' -v'r:.' ; But the bread should be good. It should , be highest in food value.' ' . .' ..Ty; f"!''f ..'; : Big healthful sandwiches - meat, cheese, - or eggs between thick slices of 1 good" bread- supply the : nourishment for the hardest day's work.; r - f T You can depend on BETSY ROSS Bread. It is made of pure ingredients, in cleanly surroundings, and is scientifically balanced to give the greatest amount of nutrition with appetizing zest. Always ask for and get BETSY ROSS Bread. Your srrocer has it. ., Your sandwich booklet it waiting to be called for. The Jay Burns Baking Company Atm nt Swiff Cnmnanu art widely distributed. The mapthowsthenumberof share holder in each state and hat been dotted to indicate the pro portionate diit,ribution. Who is Swift & Company? h ; Swift & Company is not a one man or one family affair. It is a company owned by more than 40,000 people scattered over the lace of the globeforty thousand share- holders with voting powers and a share in the risks and profits of the business. Most of the forty thousand live here in the United States. But some of them live in France, some in England, t others in the Philippines, Hawaii, Alaska. 13,000 of them are women. Nearly 14,000 of them are employes. The average individual holdings are small about 37 shares apiece. No one person or family ownsa majority of the stock. In fact, it would take 900 of the largest shareholders pooled together to vote 51 percent of the stock! These shareholders are the men and women , whose money, in the form of capital, makes Swift & Company possible. ' They are jealous of the character and reputation , of their organization, proud of what it is doing, proud to have a part in supplying to the world such products as Swift's .Premium Ham and Bacon, Brookfield Sausage, Silverleaf Brand Pure Lard, Wool Soap, Swift & Company's fresh meats, etc. The executives of Swift & Company maintain the - high standards of these products as an imperative duty not only to the 40,000 shareholders, but to the public. - ... . ' " Swift & Company, U. S. A. ' Omaha Local Branch, 13th and Leavenworth Streets F. J. Souders, Manager Packing Rant, So. Omaha, 0. W. Waller, Manager jSK-BKK WANT ADS THEY BRING kf.sttt.ts ON LY DOLLARS If you knew the work, worry and trouble Five Dollars would save you if invested in a 'Mm WOOD TUB ELECTRIC WASHER i i 1 r u 1 vnii tvnnlH have madp the investment' Inner aon ped with all-metal swinging, reversible four-way adjustable wringer, still continues, and if you would rid yourself of the disagreeable work connected with wash day, get a Maytag. Convenient payments, on balance See it demonstrated at the Electric Shop. HOT POINT WEEK jr i s . r . 1 may lo to tn We offer any Hot Point Appliance in stock at ONE DOLLAR REDUCTION for this wppk nnlv. This offpr inplnrlf9 nll.Pprnnl'atnrs Grills, Irons, etc. This is a good time to get that Utility Set for youf summer traveling and save a dollar. THOR IRONERS 1 Like the illustration will do your ironing right and without the tiring drudgery of doing it by hand H75 T H O Rift l IRONERS oil FOR A SHHRT TIMF There isj a Thor Ironer for eveiy home. No. 44 has a 44-inch ironinc surface. Irons an 88 inch sheet doubled and it will also iron per fectly the heaviest blankets or the daintiest lingerie. i. hc iiiur is omii so simple ana strong it will never wear outit will give a life-time of satisfying service. Nebraska M PowertTo. Farnam at Fifteenth AT lantic 3100 2314 M Street MA rket 1500