Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    lliCi BCit: U M AHA, HCiMJAt, MAI 11, li;L-
Revision PlailS 'Woman Reaches Omaha! Liverpool Homes (Extradition Granted
r r r in I 1 ! r A n in
For Taxes Swamp
Senate Hearing
On Cross-Country Hike
Finance Committee Near Firt
Defense of Excess Profits
Tax Other Suggestions
Are Made.
Washington, May 16. The senate
finance committee was swamped at
hearings today with suggestions for
revision of the federal tax laws. It
heard for the first time a defense
of the excess profits tax as well as
pleas for reduced taxes and elimina
. tion of alleged discriminatory pro
visions against business.
C. C. Hanch of Indianapolis and
G. M. Graham of Buffalo, speaking
for the national automobile Cham
ber of Commerce, were chief wit
nesses from the industrial ranks and
urged removal of the excess profits,
luxury, excise transportation and
consumption taxes.
H. A. Harris of Chicago, a ccrti
fied public accountant, was the cham
pion of the excess profits tax. Mr,
Harris also urged exemption of cor
poration dividends from personal in
come surtaxes.
Frank E. Srdman of'C-rand Rapids,
Mich., took still another tack on the
orofits tax attention.' suggestion a
tax on undistributed earnings of
corporations to make good losses
caused by repeal of the profits tax.
Attempts of officials during the war
1o differentiate between essential and
non-essential industries has left bad
vSpots in the nation's commercial life,
said Mr. Graham.
Mr. Hanch stressed the need of
the country for an equilibrium be
tween supply and demand. He de
clared increasing the tax burden
would make more remote restoration
, of the business balance which he said
was necessary for an early revival
of commerce and industry.
The subject of high taxes got on
to the senate floor today. Senator
LaFollctte, republican, Wisconsin, a
'member of the committee, charged
that there was a definite trend among
members of the .finance committee to
"shift the tax order from the ricl
to the great common people." ,
Wallace Opposes
m AiasKa
Burned to Ground
By Raiding Party
For Alleged Murderers
Miss Helena Zielinska. New York,
passed through Omaha Monday on
her way from New York to San
Francisco, where she expects to
finish her journey in August. She
has traveled 1,600 miles of her jour
ney. Her next long stop will be
Denver. Miss Zielinska is a former
Y. .-W.'C A. worker in New York
and when she finishes her journey
she will write a book and then go to
Poland to do Y. W. C. A. work.
Except for an occasional lift in auto
mobiles, she is walking: all the way.
' Secretary Declares Develop
ment Board "Would Be
Highly Prejudicial."
Washington, May 16. Opposition
to the bill to create an Alaskan De
velopment board was expressed by
Secretary of Agriculture in a letter
today to Representative Curry of
California, chairman of the house
committe on territories.
"The enactment of this measure,"
Secretary Wallace said, "would be
liighlv prejudicial to national inter
ests and to Alaskan interests as well.
It would remove wholesome checks
sa-ainst the exploitation of bur vast
national resources and would, de-
prtve -MaSKa Oi uic recnnicai nciyui
the federal agenaies which combine
long experience and the best scientif
ic knowledge in studying and develo
ign natural resources."
In effect, Mr. Wallace argued, the
measure "proposes to set up a branch
federal government having jurisdic
tion over certain properties and
functions in the territory of Alaska."
"We have now come to a time,
Secreatry Wajlace continued, "when
economic conditions should bring
about a gradual development of Alas
kan industries with a corresponding
increase In population. This, devel
opment should, be on a 'sound basis
and not the result of temporary and
reckless Exploitation of public prop
erty. , " .
"By creating an Alaskan board
composed of' representatives placed
terc by each of the federal agencies
new active in the territory and of
one or two permanent residents of
Maska, every proper purpose sought
to be accomplished by this measure
could be brought about without
.'(.opardizing national and territorial
interests."- .
Presents State Warrant of
R50 for Work Done in 1893
Lincoln, May 16. (Special.)
Mrs. G. L. Shumway, Scottsbluffc
wife of a former land commissioner;
presented a state warrant today for
$4.S0, drawn by Eugene Moore, for
mer state auditor, in 1893. The war
tant stated tht the $4.50 represented
work done at a legislative session
State officers-have no doubt of the
.-lehuincnes''. rf he warrant, but are
holding it ui to discover the length
of time fo- which the state is re
sponsible for payment of warrant.
Rates Fixed by W. 0. W. in
1010 A HpU tn Ro I.wfll
j - r
Lincoln, May 16. (Special Tele
gram. Rates established by the
Woodmen of the World at the Chi
cago convention in 1919 .were held
to be legal today by the supreme
court, in a ifcision handed down
from an a-ipctl by Charles E. Fowler
and others f i om the Otoe county dis
trict court The court also held that
a 15 per cent linking fund for an epi
demic was legal?
Aliens Have No Right to
Ask Relatives Admittance
Washington.' May 16, Alien resi
dents in the United States have no
legal right to demand the admittance
oi relatives,, the supreme court ruled
in effect today in. upholding deci
sions of California courts in the ap
peal of Yee Mon, a Chinaman, who
sought to bring his wife and three
minor children with him on his return
to this country from a visit to China.
The immigration authorities refused
to admit hiro
Father and Son Face Arrest
As Their Bank Is Closed
Tuscola.. 111., May 16. Warrants
were issued here today for the ar
rest ot John Quirk, cashier of the
Areola state bank at Areola, 111.,
eight miles from here, and for his
father. M. T. Quirk, vice president,
and the bank was closed by State
Barik Examiner Whitlock. following
a reported shortage of $400,000. The
warrants were tent to Areola to be
served. V '
Chicagoan Urges
Tax Retention
Takes Positive Stand for Ex
emption of Corporation Divi
dends From Surtaxes.
H 1 - r y rr-'
wasnington. May lo. lax revis
ions discussions were given a new
tw.tst before the senate finance com
mittee today by H. Archibald Harris
of Chicago, who took a positive stand
for continuation of the excess profits
tax and urged exemption of corpora
tion dividends trom surtaxes. He was
the first witness before .any congres
sionai committee at this session to
propose retention of the excess
profits tax provisions of the present
revenue laws. '
He told the pommittee lhat in his
opinion it should direct efforts to
ward reduction ot tax tree securities.
He also suggested a reduction of the
higher surtax rates on personal in
comes. . ?
By sifting ' the 1917 returns the
treasury is shaking out around $35,
000,000 a month in extra taxes, Mr.
Harris said, and predicted that when
examination of the 1918 returns gets
under way, the income from back
taxes will jump to between $50,000,
000 and $75,000,000 a month.
"This will mean.'-' he added, "that
between $1,800,000,000 and $2,520.-
000,000 in additional taxes will be
assessed in the next three years."
In the next three years, he said, the
government should receive between
$2,340,000,00 and $3,276,000,000 from
1918, which treasury officials have
not counted on as yef in any of their
computations. . K
Says Very Atmosphere of .
Town Will Cause Reform
Lincoln, May 16. (Special.) The
very atmosphere of Taylor,-: 'Neb.,
will cause erring young men, , to re
form, A. S. Moon, county attorney,
told the state board of control, in a
letter received today. , -
Moon wants the new $300,000 re
formatory located at Taylor.
"Surprise the taxpayers by an ex
hibition of good judgment in'locating
the reformatory," Moon wrote in his
letter. . . :
An extensive deposit of fairly pure
iron pyrites has been discovered in
eastern Finland.
Sherman & McConnell
Drag Co.'s
Big Brush and
Thermos Bottle
Brushes for every purpose
at money saving prices.
20 Discount
' For. 10 days only we offer
our entire stock of clothing,
shoes, furnishings, hats, etc.,
at a discount of 20 on pur
already low prices. Nothing re
served choose from our en
tire stock of up-to-date, well
selected merchandise and pay
just 20 less than the amount
of your purchase. Remember
the place
314 North 16th Street
Clothing Co.
Occupants of Every House
Visited Have Relatives Serv
ing in Royal Irish Con
stabulary No Arrests.
Liverpopl, May 16. Six hoiiscs in
widely separated parts of this city
were raided and set on fire by un
identified parties last night. The
occupants of every house thus vis
ited have relatives serving in the
Royal Irish constabulary. The in
mates were in some cases gagged
and bound, the furniture was
drenched with kerosene and set on
fire, and in some instances the help
less people were left to the mercy
of the flames by the raiders who
fled in automobiles.
The raids were in all ways simi
lar to those made in suburban dis
tricts of London and in this city
One house that was raided was
occupied by Mrs. Jennins. a widow
and her daughter. The latter opened
the door when there was a knock
and she was seized by the throat by
the intruder.. She struggled and fled
to her mother and then fainted. The
women were too terrified to raise a"
In another house were three
sisters, who were overawed by
dozen men who displayed revolvers
and threatened to shoot them if the
A terrier attacked the raiders
when they assailed his 77-year-old
master and prevented them from
setting fire to the house. When the
raiders ran. the dog chased them,
but was shot dead.
A sailor named Biailsford, who
lost a leg in the famous naval raid
on Zeebrugge, refused to throw up
his hands when men broke into his
house, but threw a sewing machine
at the intruders, who fled, firing
their revolvers.
None of the raiders has been ar
rested. i
Officers Find Still While
Seeking Car Accessories
Neligh, Neb.. May 16. (Special
Telegram.) While searching in the
vicinity of the Will McClachey
farm, east of Elgin on Sedar Creek,
tor accessories which had been
stripped from a car officers discov
ered a 25-gallon still and about 150
gallons of mash tn addition to the
missing parts. James McClachey
ana Math Ulnch on the tarm. were
arrested and taken to the Neligh
jail on charges of manufacturing
War Risk No Excuse for Not
Paying Policy, Court Holds
Lincoln, May 16. (Special Tele
gram.) The extra hazard of war is
no excuse for an insurance company
not paying a Ine insurance policy.
according to a ruling today by the
supreme court." Airs. Carrie 'Hage
lin's husband was killed in France.
He carried a $2,000 insurance policy
and it was contended thaV'-because
the policy was taken out tbef ore his
enlistment and no war '-premiums
were paid payment was void.
When you can buy those
ever handy, convenient
articles for the home
such as are here listed
and at such prices as are
here quoted, buy, as it
means a saving of money.
The big, fast - growing
Bowen Store is constant
ly offering values to' the
housewife that are ap
preciated and always acceptable.
Waste Baskets Hamper
shape, well made and
closely woven ....$2.25
' Ice Cream Freezers Made of
galvanized iron, 2-quart
size, only .89
Brooms Large size, well
made, strong handles,
only 33
Oil Mops With large bottle
: of oil, only 65 ti
Clothe Racks- Made of sea
soned wood ; close up tight
to the wall when not in
use . . ... 95
Aluminum Percolators 5-Cup
capacity, only ... .$1.25
Double Rice Boilers Made of
aluminum; strong, light and
durable .......... .$1.25
Carpet . Sweepers Mothers'
wonderful labor and time
saver .....$1.95
Solid Oak Foot Stools In
golden and fumed oak fin
ishes. Were $2.25, now.
t ....74
Ask about our special prices
on Mattresses.
Howard St., bet. 15th and 16th
! San Francisco, May 16. Mrs.
Nellie Ormsby, matron of the coun
ty jail at Twin Falls, Idaho, arrived
today with extradition papers for
Mrs. Lyda Eva Southard, former
Twin . Falls resident, who is under
arrest in Honolulu on a charge of
murdering her fourth husband, Ed
ward F. Meyer, at Twin Falls, Idaho.
Mrs. Ormsby joined her husband, V.
H. Ormsby, Twin Falls deputy
sheriff, who was, detailed to go to
Honolulu to return Mrs. Southard
for 'friar and whn arrived here on
Friday. The Ormsbvs will depart
on the steamer Wednesday if the
ship strike does not detain them.
Dates and Places of
League Debates Set
Lincoln, May 16. -- (Special.)
Dates and places where the debates
between A. C. Townley, Nonpartisan
league leader, and William Langer,
former attorney general of North
Dakota, will be held in Nebraska
were announced today. The debat
ers will carry a tent with them which
will hold 2,500 people and all debates
will be-held at 2 in the afternoons.
The admission will be 50 cents. Fol
lowing are the places and dates:
Deshler, May 25: Beatrice, May
26; York, May 27; Dannebrog, May
28; Newman Grove, May 29; Hos
kins, May 30; Fordyce, May 31.
Rail Costs Must
Be Reduced Say
Company Heads
Senator Cummins Says "Rail
roads Cannot Last" If 1920
Operation Returns Are
To Continue.
Washington,, May 16. Private
ownership of, railroads cannot con
tinue if railroad operating costs,
when fair returns on capital is con
sidered, continue to exceed revenues,
Daniel Willard, president of the Bal
timore and Ohio testified today be
fore a senate investigating commit
tee. He said that the railroad situation,
insofar as depression and lack of
earnings were concerned, differed
"only in degree" from that now be
ing encountered in other industries.
General economic conditions and
difficulties encountered in federal
war time operations,he added, were
in his opinion largely responsible for
present difficulties, and he expressed
confidence that private ownership
would justify itself financially and
work out under present laws and
government policy.
Chairman Cummins of the senate
committee had previously expressed
the opinion that the "railroads can
not last" if 1920 returns from opera
tion are to continue, an opinion
agreed in by Julius Kruttschnitt,
chairman of the Southern racm
board, the first witness.
Four Are Slain bv .
Ambushing Party
Three Government Officers
and Woman Are Victims
of Raiders.
Dublin, May 16. Three govern
ment officers and tne wife of one of
them were shot and killed in an am
bush last night at Bally Eirn, four
miles from Gort, county Galway.
The victims were District Inspec
tor Blake and his wife, Captain
Cornwallis and Lieutenant Mc
Creery. The captain and the lieuten
ant were attached to the Seventeenth
The party was riding in a motor
car when it was ambushed by 40
men. ,
Military and police reinforcements
sent to the scene were fired upon
and one constable was seriously
Parents of Womay
Held for Murder
Will Not Aid Her
Will Visit State Homes
Lincoln, May 16. (Special.) The
state board of control left Lincoln
today to visit state institutions at
Milford, York, Burkett, Kearney,
Hastings, Geneva.
Alleged Murderess, Suspected
Of Slaying Four Husbands,
Must Battle for Life With
' out Parental Help.
Twin Falls. Idaho, May 16. Wil
liam J. Trueblood, 57, and Mrs. Lau
ra Trueblood, 52, will not contribute
financially to the defense of their
daughter, Mrs. Lyda Trueblood
Southard, who was last Thursday
arrested at Honolulu to be returned
here to stand trial for the murder oi
her fourth husband, Edward F.
Mrs. Trueblood, when seen today
at the modest farm home of the
family seven miles southwest of
Twin Falls, said that she expressed
the views of her husband when she
said :
"We have hoped and believed all
along that Lyda is innocent. If she
is guilty, not all the money we have
and could raise would save her,
and if she is guilty of all that is
charged against her she should be
punished. This is hard for a mother
to say, but I am sure our decision
must be the right one."
The mother bore evidence of the
strain to which she had been sub
jected on her daughter's account a
strain that was not of a few days'
duration, but which had extended
over a period of months dating from
the death of Meyer and the disap-(
pearance of their daughter soon af-j
terward with the finger of suspicion
even then pointing at her. "We had
hoped it was all settled," Mrs. True-l
blood said today. ' I
"We heard from Lyda only onco
after she left here following Meyer's
funeral, last September," Mrs. True
blood said. "That was a telegram
telling us she had arrived in Cali
fornia., She had written to us fre
quently whcnevcr.she had been away
from home before." .
While in California for several
weeks last fall with a view to mov
ing the family home, Mr. Trueblood
visited Los Angeles ,and other cities
in an unsuccessful effort to locate
his daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Trueblood are the
parents of eight children ranging in
age from 7 to 33 years, of whom
Lyda. or Ann Eliza as her mother
declares she was christened, is th
third child and the second daughter
Railroad Officer in Gun
Battle With Two Hoboei
Two hoboes who engaged Special
Agent E. F. Martin of the North
western railroad in a pistol duel Sun
day night in the yards at Missour
Valley, la., arc being sought by
Omaha police.
Central police headquarters was
notified of the gun fight by Martin
who said he believed he had wounded
one of the men as a trail of blood
was left by them as they fled toward
The Smartest of Wearables for a Season
of Sports-at Thompson-Belden's
Plaid and striped
sport skirts in so
many shades that
choosing is difficult;
White flannels, too.
Sweaters of silk or
wool favor darker
shades, navy, brown
and black and whi
Graceful knitted
beach capes with
soft brushed wool
collars are conveni
ent and becoming.
C 111
( -1
Our piece frocks of
white crepe de chine
have tr i m m i.n gs
of blue, orange. or
The jersey suit in
heather shades
serves for all out
door occasions with
Silk sport blouses
banded in plaids or
contrasting colors"
beautiful with flan
nel skirts.
CUSHIONS that lend an
,J- added charm to the varied
activities of the summer season.
Colorful displays of clothes
and accessories that are in
complete harmony with the
demands of every daytime and
evening occasion.