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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1921)
li THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MAI iv, 10 BRINGING UP FATHP3- MR. ENUF t M THE PARLOR WiL. VOU SEC VHAT HE VRNTS' wts Classified Advertising Rates 18c per lint (count aia words to line) 1 day 16 per line per day, 8 consecutive days 16s per line per day, 7 consecutive days Mo per line per day, 80 consecutive days No ads taken for less than a total of S5c. These rates apply either to the Daily or Sunday Bee. All advertisements ap pear in both moraine and evening dally papers for the one charge. CONTRACT RATKS ON APPLICATION Want ads accepted at the following of fices : MAIN OFFICE I7th and Sts. South -Side 4985 South 24th St. Council Bluffs J5 Scett Bt, WANT AD3 RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 1000. THE BEE will not be responsible for mora lhan one incorrect insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one lllCLOtSlNU HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11 A. M. Morning Edition 0:00 P.M. Sunduy Editiot 9:00 P. J.!., Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. Mvml by hi wife. .Uccsle Cahill. and ifireo sons, wicuaei j., juiiu n,, . H.; fmr daughter!.- Mr. A. Ouenette, Mrs. U. CJuenttte. Miss Mtrgarct Cahill una Mrs, jacoo ttuuer. rji oi vjkiuij Funeral Wednesday in-.rnmtf from rcsf- ti. Holy Xarae t'liurrh at n'elOfV:. In- xe. mc-nr noiy w'puit'iirp tmciBrv, LA PUZZO Mrs, Sebantlana, 1211 Dor cas St., May 11, aged 33 years. De ceased Is survived by her husband. Car ; mello. and four children. Burial Tuesday at 2 o'clock from-fit. Anns church to Holy Sepulcher ceme tery. KOUTV Louis 11, May 18, 1821; aged "4 years, S months, and 24 days. Funeral , services will be held at family residence, 114 North 82d avenue, Wednesday, May IS, at 8 o'clock i. m. Interment private. ALLAN Henry B., aged 78 years, 1 months and days, i Funeral from First Presbyterian church Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Interment West Lawn cemetery. BOLTON Mrs. George H., died May IS, aged 88 years. Ssrvlcea Tuesday, 2:S0 p. m., from Burkat chapel, 2904 Leavenworth St. ALLAN Henry B., aged 72, died Sunday evening. May 16. He Is survived by three sons: Thomas, David T. and James ' t. ... CARD OF THANKS. I WIdH to thank my neighbors and frtends for thoir help and sympathy and beauti ful floral offerings slnco the death of ; my beloved husband. Also Local 105, D. A P., and especially Mrs. Nellie Wansley. who so kindly assisted roe In thla dark hour of my bereavement. Mrs. Frank Stone. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST AMBULANCE 8ERHT!oo4 'fhlrty-third and Farnaro. v HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS 701 South IGth St. Jackson 1228 HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embaimera. Phone H. 866. Office 2611 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call Market 06SU. Korisko Funeral Home, 53d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEWlTLARMON .SSTt." 1814 Douglas S:. Douglas 8244. L. Hendgraou. 1519 Farnain. Jackson 1258. JOHN PATH, 1884 Farnara. D. 1888. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth. Edgar and riorenc Flke, 6816 Miami streeW girl. . Ben and Maryo Pistlllo, 8028 Valley street, boy, Andrew anfl Ruth Wilson, 8S2T Miami street, girl. Anthon and Amanda Jensen, ho'tpital, boy. Abraham and Sarah Malsol, hospltlH, boy. Charles and Helen Stark, 1S0S Ohio street, boy George and "Hazel Sleuker. hospital, girl. . W lUlaat and .Mary Ingham, hospital, bby. Oharlea and Helen McNurlin, 2418 3 et reel, boy. Frank and Mary Strand, 6827 South Twenty-third strttet, boy. John and Pauline Podkovich, 2(08 X street, boy. Peter and Margaret Vang, hospital, boy. Henry and Theresa Schwab, Twenty fifth and Jlarrison streets, girl. Fred, and Ethel Levlne, hospital, boy. Deaths. Ethel Canfleld, 1, hospital. CSeorge A. Welgnld, 84, hospital. Fraiires Sinianek, 48, hospital. Lorrane Marie Bugee, Infant, 1818 North Eighteenth street. Baby Smith, infant, 707 South Thirty ninth street. Urace S. Greenfield, 60, hospital. Margaret D. Richards. 42. hospital. Elmer Summers, 6, 607 South Twenty-ninth- street Benjamin F. Saybert, 62, hospital. Ines Hall, 48, hospital. Charles B. Hill, 64. 2008 Farnam atreet. Charles A. Scott, 44, hospital. Uaetano Marino, 47, 81! South Twenty eighth atreet. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following persons were Issued per . mtta to wed: Oscar Van Damme. SO, Omaha, and Mary Pe Vaddere. 18, Omaha. Gabriel E Colson. over 21, Mat toon. III., and Eva Antes, over 18, Los Angeles. Harry J. Holmes, over 21, Omaha and Hannah J. Petersen, over 18, Omnha Martin long, over 1, Minneapolis, Minn., and Elisabeth Peck, over 18, Omaha. Simon Oruber, lr., 18, Union, Neb., and Helen Burler, 18, Nebraska City, Neb. Charles H. Bruner, 21, Omaha, and Irene Ashworth, 18, Omaha. Sidney R. Carroll. 32, Kansas City, Mo.. nd Dorrls M. Farrier, 32. Allendale. N. D. Vltantonio Cemarustl, 29. Council Bluffs, la., and Isabella Fortunato, 28, Omaha Ivar J. Hultman, 25, Omaha, and Mar garet R. Constrom. 26, Omaha. Edward Blcksteen, 22. Omaha, and Bern Ice Fisher, 19, Omaha. George W. Welsh, 21, Lincoln. Neb., and Mary Ann Cabeen. Council Bluffs, la. Bernard H- Rector, over 21. Kansas City, Mo., and Gertrude Dealer, over 18, Omaha. Mark F. Tlrka. 21, Omaha, and Edna Irew, 18, Hamburg, la. LOST, FOUND AND REWARns. SMALL black traveling bag cun.aitii.14 dresses and camera lost by excnnngs .01 Council Bluffs car Saturday afternoon. Tinder please communicate with Mrs. R. N. Wahlgren, 212 Oakland Ave., Co Bluffs, la., and secure his bag. FERSONS who picked up Mack leather puree containing diamond ring In rase n road between Central City and Mar. auette April 24 please return to Mrs. w. A. Refihauge, Folk, Neb., and re relve reward. FOR ARTICLES LOST en street cars tele phone Tyler 808. We are anxious to re - store lost articles to. rightful owners. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS 8T. RT. COMPANT. LOST Saturday evening Elks . circus, pock st book . containing annual ' panes. & L. Clark. Gpneral Agent. Erie Rail road. Room 1423 W. O. W, Building. , Reward. jBlaek sample case between Schuyler and Columbus. Owner's name in erder books within. Notify Kran Hotel, Columbus, Neb. MASONIC pin. between 8410 N. 29th St. and Hayden'e store; reward. Web. 0691. LOST A fox terrier, black and white. ueeraj- reward. tU Waljj ssllh FATHER WELL0 1 Lj H LOOK-b LIKE hf 1 iQWAY FOR ,11! DINNER LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Collie pup, tan and white. 421 41n St. Harney 1037. PINK Tricoloite waist on Howard St. Call days. Douglas 7483. PERSONAL. niB SALVATION Army Industrial home eollcits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute Phone Doug 41S6 and our wagon will call. Call and lnspfct our new home. 1110-1122-1114 Dodge St. SAT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS ft SWODODA. 141R FARNAM STREET. VIOLET ray and massage. Douglas 6844, ELECTRIC bathB and massages. WE. 2911. RENT vacuum cleaner. $1 day. KB. 4110. WEAVING, old rugs remade. AT. 1433. Swedish, massage, massuese.209 S.20.D.6877. RENT Hoover vacuum, 31 up. Wal. 1947. SWEDISH massage. 18 Neville Block. MASSAGE Emma Jlnitt. Webster 1717. MASSAGE 210-North Seventeenth St. MASSAGE. Call Douglas 9549. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Acccrdeon Pleating. ACCORDION, aid., knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and atyles; hemstitching, plot edging, eye . let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 808 Drown Blk. JauUson 1930. Neb. Pleating & Button. Co.. 1808 Varnaiu St.. 2d floor., Douglas 6670. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J W. MARTIN, patent atty 1716 Dodge Furs. WPi remodel your furs and make them like new. Furs stored and insured against all losses. KNKKTER ALASKA FUR CO.. 203S. 16th. Doug. 7288. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. . Fancy. Stage and Ballroom Dancing 'Caught. I.csson by Appointment. EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Empress 'Theater. Atlantic 11643. KEEP'S HOTEL ROME LET KEEP'S tench you to dance. Spe cial attention to children; Satisfaction assured. Dg, 2681. K"al.Pirift School .'or Dancing, 2424 aAAC, Farnam Doug. 760. Detectives RELIABLE Detective Rureau, Hallway Ex. Rl.lff. JA 2056. NiKht Col. S2. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all cases. Atlantic 1136. Painting and Paperhanging. k PAINTER wishes work. Cnii d your work at a reasonable price.' P. H. KvetivoUl, 2711 Wirt. "Webster 047S. PAINTING, paperhanging. wall paper cleaatne. quick service. Kenwood 495S. INTERIOR varnishing enameling, floors waxed, wall paper cleaned. Walnut 4821. DAVIS & CO., first-class painting, i.aper Hanging; work guaranteed. AT. 0990. FIRST-CLASS paper hanging and paint ing: Harray A. Clapp, Douglas 4909. PAINTING, paperhanging and wallpaper - oleanlua- J. N'au. Walnut 6K7 C. E. JONES, painting and papering. Prices right, fine work. Harney 2994. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS., 'pr.v.ft. to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th St. Joug las 6049. PAX TON-MITCHELL CO., 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronne. aluminum and machine gray Iron caatlngs. HAULING, all kinds, ' 32 per hr. Orders taken for black dirt and fertiliser. Ashes and rubbish hauled. Webster 0602. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 55c; double edge, 45o don. Mail orders so licited. Omaha Sharp Co. 103 N. 16th. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LcBron Electric. 818 8. 12th St.. Omaha. DR. CONCANNON, chiropodist. Bushmuu Blk., 10th and Douglas. Doug. 6166. PAXTON HOTEL TURKISH 3ATH. Massage, hot acks. CONCANNON BROS., ATLANTIC 6731. QTTTTQ save 6 per cent.. O U I 1 O D. B. GROSS. 402 N. 16TH ST. DOUGLAS 6049. BELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug Store. 16th and Douglas Sts.. Omaha. Neb. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co.. 607 Howard 8t. WRITE me if annoyed by the Pocket uopner. u. f. wyiana. Marian, la. FILMS developed, one-day service. K?u:e aiuqio, 213-351 XMeviue ik. PATOH plastering, cement work a spe cialty. Douglas 6692. Pettit. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. JA. 062 FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses 'made over In new ticks at half the price of new beds. 1907 Cuming, Jackcon 2467. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEORGE A. SMITH Dealer In drums, xylophones, etc.. Instructions, repairing. Address 2761 Davenport St. for catalog. Phone Harney 2967. Try Smith's pedaL BIGGEST phonograph bargains in Omaha. Shlses Phonograph Co., 1404 Dodge. Clothing. QTTTTQ save 60 per cent. ouno D. B. GROSS, 402 N. 16TH ST. DOUGLAS 6049. Farm and Dairy Products. GENUINE yellow Jersey sweet potato planta now ready; 7So per 100; 87 per 1,000. Reams Greenhouse. 600 N. 26th St. Phone 834 Co, Bluffs. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWSITERS AND ADDTNG MACHINES. All MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jnckson 4120. 1912 Farnam. PROTECTOGRAPHS, F. E.'r: bergalna 19 Fsrnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. 1-TON Fairbanks No. 4 standard scale, Sxti foot platform, also 23-inch Buffalo Forge Co. exhauat fan. Inquire at Omaha Bee office. 17th and Farnam Sts. Phone Atlantic 1000. SEWING MACHINES We renti repair, eell needles and Parle. MICKEL'S lirh end Harney. Dvugiaa 1173. WE buy, sell safes, make desks, show cases, etc, Omaha Fixture A Supply Co, S. W. 'or. llth and Douglas. JA. 2724. ELECTRIC washing machine and nearly complete dinner set of Havlland china. Atlantic 3233. UOl lil.y flat tup 1I1 si.- call forenoons. tit Peter Trust Bld. Registered U. S. Patent Office oh: mr.jus. I'M THtHKN,Ci ABOUT OIN5 TO NsORK.- FOR SALE. Miscellaneous Articles. C A TP l7Q BARGAINS, 12th At Farnam. Qr rilkJ j. j. Darlght SafeJJo. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS Now desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 6148. WE AIM TO PAT FULL VALUE FOR FURNITURE, RUQS, ICEBOXES, AT LANTIC 49S8. "WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. WANTED Position by experienced win dow trimmer and shoe salesman. Uradu. ato practlpcdist. Address Box T-1629, Omaha Bee. WANTED Position by experienced win dow trimmer. Address Box X-16.8, Oma ha Bee. COLORED man wants evening Job. Call Web. 2614 after 4 o'clock Female. BOOKKEEPING position wanted by young lady of 22 with four years' bank ing experience. Efficient with various details about good stzed country bank. Complimented for getting out work quickly and efficiently. Best of ref erences. Address Box Y-1530, Omaha Bee. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of Tht Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. Laundry and Day Work. DAT work, 40c and 46c. Webster 2366. DAT WORK, white woman. DO 8333. Bargains of all kinds in Bee Want Ads. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Clerks, cashiers and book keepers, who desire to prepare for better paying positions to onroll in our classes of higher accounting, income tax procedure, auditing and expert ac counting. A rare opportunity to re ceive individual Instruction by Certi fied Public Accountants. Evening classes only, Tuesday and Friday. Tui tion payable monthly. Dworak School of Accounting, 2d floor Wead Bldg.,-18th and Farnam. Professions and Trades. HAND COMPOSITORS, keyboard and cas ter operators, also skilled help in all departments of printing plant, highest wages, open shop, permanent positions to competent help, transportation fur nished. R. P. Studley & Co., 611 Market Street, St. Louis. Mo. FIREMEN. BRAKEMEN, beginners, 3200, later 3300; no reduction. Railway, Box Y-1610, Omaha Bee. OMAHA EMPLOYMENT BUR UAL. 121 X. 15th St. Phone JA. 1112. MOLER BARBER COLLEG-. 110 So. '4th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Two veal salesmen. those that can sell a clean proposition that will stand the closest inspection. An opportunity for the right parties to make big money. Address P. O. Box 23, Grand Island, Xeb. SALESMAN WANTED Well-equipped to call on physicians, etc. A very excep tional opportunity offered tor Immedi ate work. State age and experience. Box 121, Philadelphia. Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Distributor for automobile tires. Small Investment, prefer man with sales experience, Tou can make a profitable connection and establish a "lean business. Write Iowa Cord Tire Company, Dps Moines. Ia. HELP WANTED MALE. Trade Schools. LEARN telegraphy In three months! Work for board while attending. Tui tion reasonable. Position secured. Rail road wire for practice. Catalog free. Address Boyles College, Boylea Bldg., Omaha. Neb. ' Boys. BOY wanted to learn electrical trade and business: must be polils; give phone and wages expected. Box 0-86, Bee. Miscellaneous. MEN to prepare for positions as traffic manager, handling foreign and domes tic shipping, salary 31.800 a year or better. Railroad men preferred. Ex perience not necessary if willing to learn. Phone I,. W. Moore, Fontenelle Hotel between 11 and 1 or 7 and 8 p. m." Interview by appointment only. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Young ladles who desire to learn shorthand and typewriting to en roll in our day or evening classes in shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping. Individual Instruction. Tuition payable monthly. Call and see us or telephone Doug. 7415. Dworak School of Ac counting, 2d floor Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam WANTED Stenographer with law office experience. Address Box K. Sidney, Neb. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column ot The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid sl homelike Mays always advertised WANTED An experienced cook, refer ence required. Mrs. L. L. Kountze, 433 S. 39th St. Harney 0187. Miscellaneous. LADIES can make good wages at home, sparo time, experience unnecessary; call Room 30, Douglas Blk, opposite Hay den's. HELP WANTED. Male and Female, WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wage while learning; strictly modern. Gull or writ 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Burner College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT -CHOOL Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1666 for large Illustrated cetatog. Addrese ' BOTLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, "'b. Van Sent 8choul of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 228 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6s. BUSINESS CHANCES. WONDERFUL Invention. Patented one piece drafting instrument. Makes all let ters and flgure.i perfect. Big chance for some one with canital and business ability. - For sale or lease. Box G-64, OmshafBee. FuR SALE Battery and electrical service station, fully equipped. Large retail and wholesale trade well established. Exceptional opportunity. Address ft A, Sanborn, Sioux Falls, S. V. FOR SALE A drug store In n small Ne braska town, on ths railroad; a splen did opening for a doctor: none within lu miles: reason for sale 111 health. Ad dress Druggist, Obert, Neb. DENTAL office for sale. Elm Creek. Neb., on the main line of ths Union Pacific, Dr. M. E. Bockemuehl. FOR SALE Good implement business in good Nebraska town. Box Y-1S26, Oma ha Bee. f GET In or out of misine Co- 411 JdcCague Bldg. a, ee LEWIS SEE JIGGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY EF.E WELL vhy nnwT OU STOP TUItSKlN OOUTT AM' .0 TO WORK r 192f BY INT'L FlATUAg SERVICE. INC. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Or trade for residence, a good 13-room hotel In town of 400; only hotel in town; doing good business. Price, all furnished, $3,600. ' Address Hotel, Weldon. la. . TO buy a business, 636 Bee Rldg. FOR RENTROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARB TOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS! Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for youT If so, then call The Bee Want Ad Dept.. Tyler 1000, and we will .ot only furnish you with a complete oom list of choice vacant rooms in umana but also keep your number on our ''Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In case you wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit. CeJI any time. Atlantic 4000. Want Ad Dept. Nice front room In new modern flat, furnished or unfurnished, for couple or girls, walking distance. Web. 6230, eve. NICE pleasant, room, gentleman or lady employed. 4701 Davenport. Walnut 1347. COMFORTABLE room in strictly modern home on earline. Harney 6145. FINE sleeping porch: also nice room, very private. Webster 0639. ONE large room for two with hot and cold water, 211 N, 18tn. FUR. rms., mod., reas. Webster 241 S SLEEPING room, 33.60 week. Har. 1141. Housekeeping Rooms. LARGE, pleasant, unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Har. 1282, morning or evening. NICELY furnished, clean and cool rooms. walking distance. Douglas dm. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF TOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WAN IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLET1 LIST OF ROOMS. BOARD and rm. in newly fur. mod. home, convenient location, for 2 gentlemen! excellent meals. 1727 S. llth. AT 2100. Unfurnished Rooms. 3 ROOMS and "hall, private entrance; adults only. Kenwood 291 3 FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. NICE 3-ROOM furnished apartment and garage for ono car, excellent neighbor hood, Kountze -park, close to car. 300 per month. Call Web., 6305. NICE 3-room furnished apartment and garage for one car, excellent neighbor hood. Kountze park, close to car. 360 per month. Call Web. 6206. COMPLETELY furnished, 2 and 3-room . apartments, accommodations for 4. with in walking distance. Brown Apts., 608 N. 31st St. Douglas 6644. THREE room, am) bath, completely fur nished; west; fine proposition, and walk ing distance: 376 to good party. Doug ! 1734. FINELY FURNISHED 8-room apt, In the Dwight, 32d and Poppleton Ave. Phone Jackson 0203 or Harney 1427. NICELY furnished modern 2-room apart ment. Inquire 385(7 South 23d St- COMPLETELY turnished, clean, modern 2-rin. apti. 2124 Cass. 4-ROOM furnished semi-basement, Harney 2045. 336. 2 ROOM3 and bath, 311 N. 2ith. Unfurnished. FOR RENT 6-room, all modern brick flat. Well located. Close to church, school and car line. Reasonable rent. References required. Tel. Douglas 6670 after 6 o'clock. Tel. Walnut 1300. 6-ROOM modern apartment unfurnished, heat furnished 350 year around, on car line, references required, 2901 N. 30th St. S-ROOM modern apartment, 4-room ac commodation and sleeping porch. Com plete furnishings for sale. Atlantlo 4465. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In annrtnienr. management. MODERN Apts., 340 and 346; Janitor serv ice; electric ranges. The Pershing, 823 S. 24th. FOR RENT 8 rooms. 1141 S. 66th. FOR RENT Business Property. OFFICE space or desk room, 641 Peters Trust Bldg. SEE F. D. WEAD. 810 8. 18TH ST. MOVING AND STORAGE. MOVE IT YOL'RSELF. Do you busy people know es pecially those who have to put lu a full day's worn that you can rent a one-ton Ford truck and Drive It Yourself night or day and do all your trucking or moving. Handle your own stuff and cut your cost half in two. We never close. Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard. Jackson 3622. FIDELITY aTvax CO. STORAGE MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS, REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL 'SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES "AND APARTMENTS. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 106 South 16th. Doug. 4163 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Atlantic 3400. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, n. eking and storage. 1605 Davenport. JA. 2909. HORSES AND VEHICLES. GOOD worK horse in good condition, weighing about 1,100, 876, Atlantic 18U1'. GOOD riding horse, 6 years old. MA 0913. l-OULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings 31.60 per 100. See A. W. Wagner, 801 N. lilth. JA. 1142. Rhode1 Island Red baby chicks for sale. Black 4115. 215 Vine St., Co. Bluffs. THOROUGH BRED black Minorca setting eggs. 81 per setting. Kenwood 1885. R. I. R. hatching eggs, 31.00 per setting. Kenwood 3245. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE We Want You TO SEE THE REAL bargains we have for you 1n high-class, used cars at genuine low prices. Cash or terms. THIS WEEK ONLY OPEN EVENINGS Omaha Auto Sales Co., 2060 Farncm. USED cars bought, sold and exchanged. Trawer Auto Co-.-, 2210 Farnam St. FOR SALE Cheap. 7-passengcr car; best oi condition. Call Hernev ohoo. A good running Reo 6 Touring cfir for 3275. Atlantic 1500. Drawn WELL -then I'VE REALLY rAKDE UP MY MIND - I'M THINK IT'S ABOUT voo were com1: ALL WOUND UP- AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. A Real Bargain in Second Hand Cars. Buick D-45. Repainted, new tires, good uphol stery; motor completely overhauled; new battery. Overland Country Club Roadster. 5 ' new tires; motor recently ever hauled; new battery. Will accept partial payments from responsible parties or will trade for good Ford closed car with starter. Call Mr. Bolt. B. F. AVERY & SONS PLOW CO., 1219 Leavenworth. SOME bargains In used Kurd cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 16tn and Jackson. Douglas 1600. Accessories. FORD owners, insist on Everready trans mission lining, It satisfies; 31.60 a set with rivets, postpaid or at your dealer. Wilder-Miller Co., 18th and Webster Sts., Omaha. Tyler 0966. FARM LANDS. Arkansas Lands. FARM in northwest Arkansas for sale, 200-acre farm near Fayettevllle State university town, fine for general farm ing and best country known for apples and berries. Land high state of cultiva tion. Good improvements. 2160 per aero. Might take good land up to one half. Owner, Bruce Holcomb, Fayette vllle. Ark. Florida Lands, FOR SALE Twelve acres bearing grape fruit and orange grove, excellent con dition, fine location. Including six room modern bungalow, electric system two-story garage. Irrigated garden, fine lawn. Income property. Auto road and railroad convenient. Address owner, 713 East Orange street, Lakeland, F'la. FOR SALE 640 acres finest farm land In Florida, high elevation, cleared and fenced, railway runs through center of property. Write for full Information without obligation. ,C, T. B. Box 1092, Tampa, Florida, Minnesota Lands. 160 ACRES and stock. 38.000. Land Exchange. St. Paul. Minn. Equity Wisconsin Lands. REDUCED TO $19 Fine new hip roofed barn for 26 head, granary, large poultry house, hog house, corncrib, machine shed, fine roothouse, new silo, new 4-room frame house, with separate smaller house, that could be easily attached, making good G-room house, buildings In good condition, good well, fine shade trees, beautiful flow ing spring In barnyard and trout stream on land, 400 productive acres, level to gently rolling, all tillable, 86 under cultivation. 20 fine meadow, 100 acres fenced, part clay loam and part exceptionally good quality, dark sandy loam with clay subsoil, all good land, no rocks, on main road, 8 miles from thriving town on new Soo line, 85 miles northeast of St. Paul. Owing to death ' of owner's wife, no help and urgent need of money, .this splendid farm will be sacrificed for a short time at only 319 an gore: one-half cash, balance long time. Biggest snap offered anywhere in years. Immediate posses sion. We guarantee that you will find everything just as represented, and It will surely pay "you well to come at once. EQUITY LAND EXCHANGE. 408 Globe Bldg.. St. Paul, Minn. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WILL MAKE LOANS on' city real estate. No delay In closing. W. T. GRAHAM, Jackson 1633. BeeJ Building. WE have cash on band to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUOEB, INC.. 638 Keeline Bldg. . OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEF.FE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016" Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 215. 3100 to 310.000 made promptly. P. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg., 810 S. 18th St REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426 LIST homes and tn-.-ine pnmerty with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1966. WE) SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES' C. B. STUHT CO., City Nat'l Bldg. Douglas 8787. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? Ltst It with C. A. Grlmmel. Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. BIRKETT- REAL E S TAT E: Soils, Rents, Insures 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 0633. PT TTPPDTPXTG real ESTATE . J. lJnXJililNO Ins. and Rentals 605 Omaha Nat'l Bk Bldg. Jackson 2182. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO.. 1606 Dodge St Douglas 1143 A 6 or 6-room house located well. Can pay 3350 down,- $35 a month. SHOPEN & CO.. Keeline Bldg. LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 411 Karbacb B. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. REAL ESTATE for sale or exchange. Have 800 acres in a body, central Iowa, three sets Improvements, Want good city business property. Hansen, 600 Iowa Building. Des Moines. Iowa. WILL EXCHANGE 37,500 second mort gage and other properly for store building. 16th St., Cuming or Burt. Write E. Skogmen. 3611 Burt. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. THREE good lots, three blocks north of Benson ear, on 65th. Terms. Sign on lot. Walnut 6084. 2712 N. tjth Ave. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. DO NOT PAY RENT Wo are a good four-room house, cement basement and nice large lot. nicely located. 33,250. Small down payment, balance easy. F. A. . Stroup & Son, Harlcy Hotel, Omaha. Florence. Netliaway, Flor. prop., no colored. KE. 1409. Miscellaneous. ' 2 adjoining lots, quick sale, 3660 each. Ono single corner lot. 3760: must sacri fice; 2 blocks east of Ak-Sar-Ben field. Market2698. ""REAL ETfATEMPROVED-' West. Leavenworth Heights Bargain. New Kellastnne . bungalow In Leavenworth Heights. Up to the minute in every respect. .A real home. Priced to sell. Only $7,750. Can arrange easy terms. Benson &'Carmichael, 642 PAXTON BLOCK, ATLANTIC 3640. Sundays and evenings. Walnut 211' for The Bee by McManus r 1 I 1 v A 7 ; w- REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West, Montclair Bungalow Dandy five-room stucco; fire place, oak finish In living and dining room; bedrooms and bath In white enamel; oak floors throughout; 32,00. will handle. Owner leaving city. Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282. 4416 Mayberry Ave. Very fine eight-room home with sun room and sleeping porch. Frame and stucco construction. Oak floors through . out. Good furnace. South front. All specials in and paid. 33,600 cash will handle. E. H. Benner Co., REALTORS. P. 8406. 437 Railway Exch. FOR SALE 0 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern, located 3106 Lincoln Blvd. For price and terms telephone owner and builder. Harney 2196 or Harney 0927. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Atlantis 4880. North. Kountze Place Home Choice six-room, oak finish home; garage, large lot; paving paid: one block to car. 32,500 to 33,00 cash will handle. Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2262. NEARLY NEW BUNGALOW. Five-room and bath; oak finish; all modern; lot 35x130; paving paid; price only 34,000, about 31.000 cash. RASP BROS.. 212 Keeline. Bldg. AT 0721. IMMEDIATE possession, 4905 Military Ave. 6-rm. mod. bungalow, 21.000 cash. bal. mo. Crelgh. 608 Bee. Jackson 0200. TWO improved lots, 43d and uecatur; will sacrifice; also new 6-room bunga low. Call Jackson 3657, evenings. MINNE LUSA home and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Atlantlo 0107. , J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest merit. 643. Peters Trust. Doug. tl1. HOUSES for colored, small payment down. Davis. 2630 Grant St. Webster 2420. HOUSE FOR sale, modern- but heat, 1818 N. 21st St., Inquire within. D. E. BUCK A CO. buy and sell homes. South. NEAR HANSCOM PARK $2,500 DOWN 8-room strictly modern resi dence; 6 rooms on the first floor finished In oak; 3 bedrooms and bath on the second floor; full ce' ment basement; east front lot: garage. Price $6,760. Owner Is very anxious to sell and m&du price accordingly. , Payne Investment Co., 637 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglae 1780. CLOSE IN Near 8th and Forest Ave., dandy six-room, strictly modern 'home; full brick foundation, ce mented basement, beautiful lot covered with shrub and trees. Easy walking distance of depots and wholesale district. $5,800. Part cash. Osborne Realty Co., 530 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282. South of Depots-$7,850. S Rooms, Hot Water Heat. This Is an excellent house in good condition. Located on 9th street, near William. Full two story with four bedroom; oak fin- lsh first floor. Term can be ar ranged. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS Douglas 2850. 918-20 City Nat'l Boulevard South Of Hanscom park, five rooms and bath, strictly modern; large east front lot. $4,600. $800 cash. Osborne Realty Co., 630 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282. Miscellaneous. Brick Home, $010. Balance $1,240, buys fine 8-room house. City water, gas; opposite Train school; In good condition. Warm In winter, cool In summer. A real bargain. D. E. BUCK & CO., REALTORS, 442 Omaha Nat Bank. Jackson 8014. B. J. Newlon. HA. 6942. A. W. Perron, Webster 0832. TWO GOOD BUYS. Six-room; $6,650, 3450 down, $52 per mnnrh! tine veer old. all modern: also , a 6-room, modern bungalow for 36,500. I 3600 down. 350 per montn; oom wen located. Call Walnut 5432 evenings or Douglas 7413 days. Ask for Mr. Cole. SELLING YOUR HOUSE? Let us sell it for you. We are in close touch with the buying public and can make a quick sale for you. Creigh, Sons & Co. Established 1868 608 Be Bldf . Jaekion 0200 . 3pfJJ!J Standing of Member? "Help Yourself Club See the Notes on Page 4 Vote 'Value of Subscription Payments The DAILY and Sunday, Morning er F.vening, by Boy Carrier in Omaha, Council Blnlls and in towns where Carrier Boy service is maintained. New 21. Years J25.50 50,000 2 Years 20.40 ISO, 000 1 Year 10.20 78,000 6 Months 6.10 82,000 8 Months 2.56 12,000 Morning er Evening Without Sunday by Carrier Boy Service. New 5 Yrs., S Months ..$2u.35 260,000 2 Years 15.60 136,000 1 Year 7.R0 62.000 6 Months 3.90 22.000 S Months 1.95 10,000 Sunday Only by Boy Carrier. New 5 Years $25.50 250.000 2 Years 10.40 76.000 1 Year 6.20 82.000 Months 2.60 12,000 Morning, Evening and Sunday by Boy Carrier. New 1 Yr., 6 Months ..825.60 250.000 1 Year 18.00 162,000 8 Months 9.00 68.000 5 Months .j 4.50 28.000 Daily and Sunday by Mail. New 8!4 Years ".$25.60 250,000 2 Years 15.00 188.000 1 Year 7.50 62,000 6 Months '4.00 22,000 S Months , . 2.00 10,000 Daily Only by Mait, Without Sunday New 5 Years $25.00 250.000 2 Years . .., 10.00 76.000 1 Year 6.00 ?2.000 6 Months 2.50 1.2,000 Sunday Only by Mail. New 4 Years $10.00 78,000 2 Years 6.00 32,000 1 Year 2.50 12,000 6 Months 1.25 6,000 Renewal subscription payments will be given half as many vote as new subicriptions. STANDING OF THE CLUB MEMBERS The standing of the club members, as they appear in this issue, only includes the votes received and counted at this office up to 6 p. ra., last Saturday. The stand ings will be changed again in Friday's paper and will include the votes that are received and counted at the H. Y. S. Club office before 6 p. m. Wednesday. DISTRICT NO. 1 Will Include all territory Inside the City limits of Omaha south of Pacific street, west of the river to Seventy, second street, Including Italston, Belle rue, lort Crook and Avery. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B. & L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. 4k I,. Deposit will be awarded In this district. R. AV. Sage, 2519 S. 33d St 143.840 Mrs. C. A. Chrlstensen, 622 Cedar.. 65.470 Ernest Herngren, 2016 S. 7th St... 143, 320 Martha Ebert. 2402 Pounleton 60.210 Mrs. Thomas Seine, 2318 I St 146.480 Airs. Pearl Starkey, 1937 S. 12th. .122,910 Frank Kennison, 1509 H. 2Cth St.. 67,490 Mrs. J. N. Williams. 3608 S. 23d 145,830 Mrs. P. Marecek. 6218 S. 20th St.. 144.910 Mrs. Anna Ruppert, 2014 Martha.. 65,760 ! -virs. c A. Kautn, 1883 Bancroft. . .121,240 Jonn Kwasnlewsk), 2857 Oak 65,370 H. Hakenholz, 2223 Monroe 104,960 Iva Siegel, 1724 Dorcas 113,220 O. H. Evans, 4550 S. 40th 144.270 Mrs. E. D. Haworth, 1776 S. 9th..l0s,650 George Peterson, 3412 Wright 121,560 Mrs. Olive' S. Dusenbury. 1906 8. 33d 43.170 Henry Furst. 3205 W street 21.170 J. L. Beecroft, 4545 S. 18th 146.530 L. A. Speltzer. 6626 S. 23d... 21.060 John Spell. 810 Forest Ave 6,060 E. H. Burke. 1102 Park Ave 5.000 Miss C. O'Halloran, 2971 S. 10th.. 27,710 Ingor Kowll, 133C S. 31st St 6,000 DISTRICT NO. t Will include all territory inside the city limits of Omaha and on, and north of Pacific street, west of the river to Eighty-third street and as far north as Maple street. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B. & L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. ft I.. Deposit will be awarded In this district. Mrs. C. J. Hubbard, 3S04 Farnam. .143,960 O. W. Hendee, 4204 Burdette 100,260 A." D. Klein, jr., 4806 Dodge 143,740 Kloya B. Morell, 644 S. 25th Ave.. 143, 880 C. J. Wright, 2310 Howard 70,040 James' Addeson. 2411 N. 18th 60.910 W. T. Ziesel, 3314 Decatur 142,360 Dr. Frank O. Smith, Blackstone. .144,470 Louie J. Schafer, 112 N. 26th 113,780 Mildred Plank, 2714 Burt 137,840 Mrs. Anna Morenclll, 858 S. 21st. .142.360 Fred Koegh, 220 N. 19th 23,960 A. Hicks, 2716 Miami 101.660 H. H. Ackley, 2607 N. 24th 20.980 Mrs. Emily i Winner. 119 N. 20th. .106.790 R. E. Holbrook, 3556 Pacific 146.850 Herman Nachshoen, 413 N. 18th.. 33,110 Desslo D. Harrop, 2567 Douglas. .. .142.610 C. A. Wler, 1915 Charles 126,910 C. P. Slosson, jr., 4906 Cuming... 69.480 Ida Rarhach, 1433 N. 20th 64,740 J. K. Mcintosh, 4160 Chicago 141,310 Mrs. Mary Engel, 2705 Cuming.. 41,850 Mrs. A. E. Waack, 2222 Howard. .144,680 Marten J. Dlneen, 938 N. 26th... 54.950 Blanche Snyder, 723 S. 25th Ave.. 29,860 Mrs. Bessie Beach, 1008 S. 29th. .104,610 Harold Anderson. 3116 Marcy 73,860 T. D. Paganls, 411 S. 16th 66,780 E. H. White. 667 8. 33d 21,450 Mrs. W. J. Whltaker, 4804 Dodge. 117.760 L. N. Swanson, 4129 Lake 143,760 Mrs. B. N. Clausen, 4809 Underw'd 141,840 Mrs. Marie Coulter, 3009 Harney. .144,840 Sam Wolf, 2316 N. v10th 43,560 Rev. N. C. Hanson, 1713 N. 25th St.145.980 Mrs. CI M. Tomandl, 4507 Charles. 146,960 BolanT Prelsman. 1018 N. 32d 21.780 Horace Schaeffer. 4225 Cuming.. 11.280 Mrs. 4?. K. Llnneman, 1633 Victor. 39,760 Mrs. Jennie Lament, 2808 Dodge., 63,660 Douglas Peters. 200 S. 32d 21,670 P. F." Gutschewski. 3527 Charles. . 31,140 Mrs. M. L. Vosburgh, 2564 Douglas 11.080 W. C, NleNon. 1824 N. S3d 6.010 Thos. K. McLeavey, 833 Park.... 5.000 Ralph N. Pratt, 602 S. 28th 6,000 DISTRICT NO. 8. Will Include all territory inside the rlty limit of Omaha oa and north of Maple street, west of the river to Eighty-third street and north to Sar geant street, Including Florence and the Carter Lake district. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B. ft L. Deposit end one $100.00 B. ft L. Deposit will be awarded ia this district. Edna Lawrence, 7711 N. 28th Ave. 101,340 A. L. Frederick. 2668 Whltmore. . .M7.390 Mona Harris. 2954 N. 47th Ave... 28,680 H. Chrlstenson, 6904 Mlnne Lusa... 60,680 C. D. Schnell. 2423 Crown Point... 28.140 O. J. Emery, 2564 Pratt 145,340 Leo Daniels, 3303 Maple 144,210 Mrs. R. Tedesco, 2939 Lin. Blvd. .144,750 Violet B-otchle, 6020 Flor. Blvd. . .136.090 Mrs. L. M. Thlrtle, 6005 N. 30th... 24,360 Mrs. W. W. Davis. 3929 Flor. Blvd. 110.960 Mrs. Ilarrv Rogers, 8611 N. 29th.. 46.640 C, Hall. 2879 Vane 29,980 Winifred Travis. 2S61 Fowler 126,840 Mrs. Tom Rodebaugh. 3180 Mor'th.11 1.6S0 Mrs. J. M. Streeter. 4008 N. S4th.. 76,910 Mrs. O. L. Tracy, 2811 Browne. .. .146.490 Mrs. K. D. Perrln, S120 N.I 47th 43,870 W. E. Stutenroth. 2456 Camden. .146.690 Mrs. Gits Krantx. 7301 Maple 6.280 S. M. Flnlcy, 1921 Blnney 5,000 DISTRICT NO. 4. Will Include all territory in the elty of Council Bluffs, Including the Mana wa district. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, on $200.00 B. ft I.. Deposit and one $100.00 B. ft L. Deposit will be awarded In this district. Gertrude Sullivan, 813 Ave B 144.680 Anna Ward, 1006 6th Ave 21,960 Mrs. M. A. Smith, 2904 Ave. D... 145.710 A. W. Gelger, Jr., 426 Damon 20,670 Dorothy Lenlhan, 652 Harrison St. 120. 660 Mrs. Ada McLaughlin. 1908 3d Ave. 38.490 R. P. Bolin, 2003 4th Ave 26.750 Mrs. Peter Jensen, Oakland Ct.... 61.680 Mrs. Iva M. Ford. 303 S. 18th 146.570 R. D. Edwards, 2310 Ave. C 100,650 Lou Dunlap, Orand Hotel 49.990 Mrs. Wm. J. Ryan. 2026 Ave. A. . . .117.790 Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, 2035 Ave A.. 21,880 A. P. Clobridge, 306 W. Pierce.... 6.000 Ray Wilcox, 637 E. Broadway.... 65,390 tYou Can Win One of ' the Extra Cars in Three Weekt DISTRICT NO. . Will include all the territory ta the tat of Iowa outside the city ef Council Bluff and the Manawa, dis trict. On fl,115.00 Maxwell, one 9200.00 B, Si L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. L. Deposit will be awarded in this district. Myrtle Rogers, I'erolval '. .14S.50IT Harlen Klutts, Mondamln 140, 6KU Mrs. Nettle Batchelder, Rterton.. M.6I0 John (ill I ft r e. Atlantic 80. 710 Glen C. bllllck,"' Missouri Valley. .. .145,600 O. .1. Atkins. Neola 123,741) Marlon C'aughell, Carson 106.390 Ruth Knight, Glenwapd..... 102,760 Hetty Eacrett, Malvern 145.870 Row G. It. Bauman, Mlnden 14(1.000 Mrs. Hlllle Iwen, Schleswlg 60,840 June Ovlatt. Shenandoah 145.740 Mrs. Ona Johnson, Pac. Jet ...... .1 45.170 George W. Moore, Bartleltt 104. 8S0 Bort Graham, It. 1, Logan 145.660 Nellie J. Rolledcr. Thurman 144.800 Gladys Mavis. Harlan 136,060 Bernard Franklin, Hamburg Ji9,710 Merle Andreas, Oakland 146,790 Dorothy Hull. Hepburn 21.930 J. II. Hudgens. Walnut 144,750 Merle B. Travis, i 'arson 60,7;o Louna Haiuaiiu, Persia 104.710 Mrs. Rav Plerson. Henderson (.3,820 Lloyd W. Weatherell, Panama.... 67,940 Lowell C. Mattox, Shelby 81,410 Fred Tanks. Avoca IS 8,8 10 Mra. S. 1: Jefferson, Woodbine. .. .146.870 E. E. Axtheliu, Glenwood 44.49" Mrs. H. H. Stlch, Sidney 102.4H0 Juno Beaver. Harlan . 6,520 Opal Snyder, Randolph 85.0tiO Mrs. June nickel, Hastings. ...... .w DISTRICT NO. t. Will Include the following counties la the stale of Nebraska: t'nas, Sarpy, Douglas (outside the rlty of Omaha), Saunders. Butler, Polk, Merrick. Nance, Piatt, Colfax, Dodge. Washington, Burt, Cuming, Mnnton, Madison, Boone, Antelope, Pierce, Wayne, Thur ston, Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and Knox. One $1,115.00 Maxwell one $200.00 B. ft I.. Deposit nnd one $100.00 B. I.. Deposit wiU be awarded la this district. a. C. llobak, Nehawka 87,660 Sietta Lower, Valparaiso 45,410 J. H. Domingo, Weeping Water. . .35,270 W. H. Hoerstmann. Fremont 143,700 I. N. Warrick, Hlair 1O2.8S0 Vivian Dee, David City 130,690 E. C Wilde. 823 8. S, Norfolk.... 4S, 710 A. M. Sanders, Plattsmouth 144,970 V. L. Brown, Schuyler H4,7r0 Helen M. Wynkoop. Central City. .144,400 C. J. Haviland, Norfolk 146.640 Floyd Buchanan, Silver Creek. Sam Davles, Wayne R. V. Kennedy, Trkamau Joe KraJIcek. Arlington V.lmer Nordland. Columbus..... .144.070 146,410 116,200 61.310 111,470 D. P. Hill. Genoa 116. SCO Henrietta Miller, Oakland 136.650 W. a Hhlsey, Oakdale 144,760 Clifford Cunningham, Wahoo 116,90 Herman Buhk, Beemer ,...144.380 Herman A. Homann, Elkhorn 144,690 Fred T. Wlgington, Schuyler.. Gordon Smith,, Lyon A. E. Stafford, Rising City.... Alvln V. Barton. Lvons ..145.260 ..104,170 ..146,460 .126.090 R E. Strasburg, Polk 143,150 Mrs. P. E. Buck, Fremont 146,100 Mrs. Wade Pruitt,-Humphrey 146,140 G. C. Smith. Albion Charles J. Swoboda. Prague.. Anna Blunim, Scribner IS. F. Cushman, Kennard.... .. 71,490 .. 96,410 .. 78.610 ..145,370 ..146,210 ..145,620 .. 64.10') ..101,460 ..145,600 ..145,110 ..110,560 Frank Pallas, Pender Mabel Brazda, West Point... Nellie Dwyer. Colon... )'. E. Hayes, Herman Jessie B. Kays. Wisner Ida Ruether. Stanton..! Harry J. Muff ley, St. Edward.. Jens Jensen, Lyons 84.410 Cedrio Anderson, Wausa 63,810 J. M. Fox. Gretna 108,340 Laura Kolena, Crelghton 106.940 Marie Rowaldt, Yutan 146.820 Mrs. Edith Schooler, Rosalie 86,940 Mrs. Archie Roberts, North Bend.. 68,660 Lydia Seyorsdahl, Madison 62,780 Emma Fredstrom, Oakland 53.410 Mildred E. Johnson. Mead 145,760 Josephine Evans, Platte Center. ..100, 100 Mrs Ed Lyons, Newman Grove. . .107,480 Mrs. Lulu Owen, Ashland 145,800 Mrs. p. B. Darling, Hooper 100.840 J. W. Keeler, Fullerton , 67,470 Robert Welk, Scotia 6,280 - R. J. Swanson, Fullerton 67,340 Wm. Mick. Cedar Bluffs 67.41') Roy Combs, David City 36.410 Donald Waugh, R. r, Valley 133,880 Herbert Struthers, Craig 36,450 Emma Johnson, R. 1 Fremont.... 67,240 A. D. Allen. Decatur. 22,760 Anton V. Votava, Schuyler 103,410 Junita Carlson, Stromsburg 6,000 Josephine Ketchmark, Ft. Calhoun 6,080 Marguerite Durbln, BloomCield. .. . 72,140 Josephine Newton, Osceola 52.970 Stella Starry. Springfield 49.860 Mrs. R. C. Johnson. Fremont 11.000 Blanche Colby, Shelby 37,640 Mrs. John Huebner, R. 3, So. pmaha 36,000 DISTRICT NO. 7. Will Include the following eonntles ta the state of Nebrnska: Otoe, Nemaha. Richardson, Pawnee, Johnson, Gage. Ineaster, Seward, Saline, Jefferson. Thayer. Fillmore, York, Hamilton. Clay, Nuckolls, Webster nnd Adams. One $ Maxwell, one $200.00 B. ft Ii. Deposit and one $100.00 B. ft L. Deposit Will be awarded ia this district. I Mrs. Otis Wolford, Clay Center. .144,820 Thomas Foster, Beaver Crossing. .. .61,60 Gladys Salor. Bruning 64,290 Eleanor Shoff. Fairbury 146,370 Gcorgo Whltesell. Kenesaw 48.6SO Mrs. Lydla Wolfskin. Superior. .. .92.4SO Frank C. Bruning, Mllford 49.66" Mrs. W. L. Chapman, Giltner 65,710 Raymond L. Crosson. Hastings. .. .144.820 Mrs. B. Anderson. 32 4 H, Linooln. .145.460 Mrs. B. ft Jordon, York oO. ion Mrs. Marie Morris, Hebron 100.590 Tlllio Nolle, Auburn. R. 2 .....70.820 Mrs. Mark Hall, Auburn 144,470 Robert Moore, Nelson 69,110 Leo Parriott. Peru 84.99" WiU Brookley. Edgar 122,160 Mrst Dean Kite. Auburn 103.49" Velva Balr. Fairmont 123.460 Vera Grosshaus, Sutton..." 146,710 Margaret Ahrens, Falls City 144.87H Mrs. Thomas Brower, R. 1, Geneva. .100.240 Agnes Krasomil, Aurora 145, boo Gail Parson, Humboldt.. 112,960 A. E. Pratt. Tobias 36.420 William McKerver. Cordova 146,340 Rev. R. B. E. Hill. Table Rock 36.640 Mrs. Chas. Fowler, Nebraska City. .145,140 Mrs. W. H. Hunt, Red Cloud. .... .36.020 Alfred Bookwalter, Pawnee City.... S7.5S0 Lola Hosford. Seward 67,000 , Mrs. C. D. Riley, Tecumseh 145,560 Emma Krutz. Deshler .145,860 C. E. Gllmore, Harvard 89,380 Delma Harp, Eelvidere 6.000. Chas. Laurie, Alexandria 17.820 C. M. BeKgs. Carlton 67,960 Sonja Llndqulst, Mayberry..., 33.000 S. P. Long, Cowles 37.000 A. C. Bek, Seward.. 138,760 DISTRICT NO. S. Will include all territory In the state of Nebraska not Included in District Number 6 and 7, also territory In South Dakota. Kansns nnd Colorado. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B. ft I- Deposit and one $100.00 B. ft 1m Deposit will be awarded In this district. IT. S. Helme, Scottsbluff .' 86 910 W. B. Shelton, Paxton 79.260 Martin Nelson, Dannebrog 76,680 Dick Pullman. Sargent 61.480 Mrs. Merle Spotts, Imperial 48.210 Mrs. P. S. Copeland, Bridgeport. .137,050 Hilda Jacobson, Arapahoe 146.670 J. K. Williams. Alliance 68,260 Slgna, Peterson, Eddyvllle 85.610 Oscar Peterson, Sumner 42.860 Bert Bfownell. Chappell 145,680 P. J. MInner. 109 W. 6th. Grand I. 38.760 Mrs. A. K. Callahan, Gerltig 96.410 , Mrs. Bertha A. Eber. Kirk 60.410 W. K. Harris. Bertrand 63.810 Mrs. Grace Rodfelt. Mlnden 60.640 George Gardner, Bayard.., 63.690 Melha Phllbrlck. Ord 61.510 l B. Dosset, Axtell 101,410 K. G. Nlsley. Lexington.. 121,080 Wm. Halsey. Lebanon 98.840 Fern Gates, Stamford 145,880 Mrs. -Emit StelnKe, Holdrege. . .. . . 76,670 Mrs. Clay Funslon. ugallala 143,670 A. R. Lec, 719 N" Locust. N Platte. 144, 990 Blanche Myers, Sutherland 102.310 Mrs. M. Rosecrans. Julesb'g. Colo 63.2S0 l r. C. II. Black-burn. Mitchell. .. .135,780 Mrs. Ray Rathbun, Hayes Center. 67.840 Philip Mercler, Campbell 49,280 K. C. McKak, St. Paul 83.210 Ruth Walsh, Shelton 98,140 Mrs. Robert Smith, Ord 98.240 Mrs. Ina B. Harshburger. Oconto,. 62.7SO Harvey Thompson. Ravenna 83.040 Helen Loomts, Gibbon 102.170 Albert P. Powers. Greeley 33.410 P. C. McKenile. 'Burwell 16.820 J. E. Hopkins. 804 W. 4th, Grand I 6.280 Walter T. Shnw. Franklin 63,170 Mra. J. A. Qulnton. Brule 146.890 Wm. F. Beranek, Loup City 36,480 Hazel Furrell, Gothenburg. . ,s .. .146,560 Mrs. Grace Murray, Blootnlngton. 73,840 Mrs. J. Mcintosh. Cozad 98.340 Lurlle Johnson. Orleans , 94.760 Har,y G. Selk, Scotia 2t,P10 Hannah Simmons, Mason City...,. 67,100 H. H. Stevens. North Platto...... 61.021 rtlanche Pakan, Heaver City 81,290 Mrs. K. C. DJIlman. Broken Bow. .1S8, 061 Vera Corley. Callaway S3,flnit Mrs. Fred Collom, Arnold 6.021 Andrew Campbell, Cambridge.... lO.SSn Andr Stons. Wood River. ........u ) o