Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Senator Cummins
Pessimistic Over
Rail Situation
Chairman Declares Perma
nency of Private Ownership
Challenged, Result of Pres-
. cnt Financial Condition.
Washington, May 13. Unless
some way is found to increase rev
eliies and reduce expenses the rail'
way deficit "will have to be met
froiirthe national treasury," Chair
nla 11 Cummins of the senate inter-
sJatc commerce committee declared
today at hearings on the general
mil way situation.
Chairman Cummins said that the
total loss sustained by the govern
ment during Jo months of its con
tiol of railroads was estimated by
the director general of the railroaJ
administration at $1,200,000,000.
Considering ' railroad claims con
flicting with the government, the
chairman said,' the total amount rose
to $2,500,000,000, and he gave as his
own estimate $1,800,000,000 as the
final loss which the government was
likely to sustain.
Private Control at Stake.
"That situation challenges the per
manency of private owenrship," he
A table showing what sums had
been expended for railway operating
expenses and taxes from 1917 to
1920, inclusive, was submitted by
Julius Kruttschnitt, chairman of the
kboard of the Southern Pacific, who
kpuearcd for conclusion of his cross-
examination iu connection with the
committee's inquiry into the railroad
The total of operating expenses
and taxes for the railroads, accord
ing to the table, rose from $3,043,
000.000 in 1917 to $6,047,000,000 in
1920. Salaries of general officers of
the railroads in 1920 totalled $47,
119,465, as against $3,605,755,516 for
Labor 60 Per Cent.
The exhibit also showed that
whereas in 1917, 55 cents out of every
dollar expended for operation and
taxes wen for wages rf cmplayes,
this had increased in 1920 to 59 cents.
Salaries of general officers, on the
r.thcr hand, it showed, decreased
from 1.15 cents to 0.78 of a cent out
of each dollar. The salaries of di
vision officers remained practically
The table covering this salary and
wage distribution of each dollar of
money expended was as follows for
1917 and 19Ztf:
Salaries of general officers.
Salaries of division officers.
Wages all other employes. . .
v' .
Total compensations
1917. i:o.
.. 1.15 .78
. . .74 .75
. .65.27 (9.63
..57.18 61.15
Virginia Nurse Honored .
By France for Her War Work
Paris, May.' 13. Miss Hamilton
Shields of Virginia was decorated
today as a chevalier of the Legion
of Honor in recognition of the
work of Miss, Shields as a nurse
during the war.
Bee Want
Getters. -s
Ads Are Business
Vice .President Mum
Regarding Secrets of
Cabinet Conferences
Washington, ' May 13. Senators
who have been hoping that Vice
President Coolidge, now that he sits
in cabinet sessions, would get chatty
with them about "goings on" in the
cloister of the executive circle, arc
Never a garrulous individual, the
vice president since joining the cabi
net group, has become a veritable
sohinx. Of course, the senators can
not criticize the vice president for
not loosening up and letting them
in on secrets from the White House,
but they think he might do It once in
a while, just to be chummy. But
they have yet to hear a symbol from
his lips on the subject of what oc
curs at the executive end of the
This being so, the senators are
hoping that Mr. Coolidge is just as
mum about senatorial secrets when
he gets to cabinet meetings. Judging
by his sense ol fairness, they believe
he is.
Action on Tariff Bill
Delayed by Democrats
Washington, May 13. Democrats
in the house blocked prompt action
on the emergency tariff bill.
Representative Garner of Texas,
democrat, objected to sending the
bill as passed yesterday by the sen
ate to conference. This made it
necessary for the republican leaders
to seek a' special rule which will be
granted by the house rules commit
tee tomorrow. Under this rule, op
portunity will be provided for a de
bate on the measure on the floor
and a roll call on the question of
sending it to conference.
Strong sentiment is itC evidence
in the house against the senate pro
vision which extends the war trade
board control over imports of dyes.
Representative Young of North Da
kota, who introduced the . bill or
iginally in the house, declared him
self as opposed to the dye provision.
Steamer With 1,100 People
Beached After Collision
London, May 13. The Peninsula
and Oriental liner Benalla, from
London to Sydney, Australia, with
1,100 passengers and seamen has
been beached near the Royal
sovereign lightship, off Cherbourg,.
France, after a collision with the
British tank steamer Patella, says
a Lloyd's wireless dispatch from
North Ireland. The collision oc
curred in a fog.
A statement issued by the Penin
sula and Oriental company says no
one was injured and that the pas
sengers will be landed this after
noon. It is possible the ship may
be floated late today.'
Standard Oil Company
Announces Cut in Price
San Francisco, May 13. A reduc
tion of 2 cents a gallon in the mar
ket price of gasoline and of 25 cents
a barrel for fuel oil, effective to
morrow, was announced by the
Standard Oil company of California.
The field price the company will pay
for all grades of crude oil also will
be reduced 25 cents a barrel.
High Officer in
World War Listed
As Army Slacker
Remarkable Values
Fabric and Sport
. First Showing
'at .
Name of Lieutenant Colonel
First to Appear Among
Names of Slackers in Sixth
Corps Area.
Chicago, May 13. Uncle Sam led
off his long-postponed publication
of "slacker" lists in Chicago with a
William Sutherland Bacon was
the first name published in the of
ficial list of draft evaders in the
Sixth army corps area. Bacon, ac
cording to records here and offi
cials of the American Legion, vol
unteered for army service, was ac
cepted, served throughout the war
and won promotion until he re
ceived the rank of lieutenant colonel.
The War department list gave
Bacon's residence as the Del Prado
hotel, but records there failed to
show he had ever been there.
According to friends. Bacon or
ganized the chemical warfare serv
ive proving grounds at Lakehurst,
N. J., and had at least 1,000 men
under him. Practically all gas masks
and shells were handled there. Ba
con now is in New York City, con
nected with the National City bank.
Capt. William Sctliff, secretary of
the American Legion of Illinois,
suggested that newspapers do not
publish the official lists until the
Legion has had an opportunity to
check every name.
"There must have been some
thing very peculiar," Captain Setliff
said, "when the draft board, the
whole United States government,
including the War department and
the Department of Justice could not
learn that a lieutenant colonel com
mander of a camp in a very im
portant branch of the service, was
billed as a draft deserter."
Other errors have already been
found in the initial list.
Administration Scored
By Farmcr-Lahor Party
Chicago, May 13. The national
executive committee of the farmer
labor party, after a three-day ses
sion, made public a statement de
claring that there was no difference
between the republican and demo
cratic parties and that the only
peaceable remedy for the workers is
to supplement the efforts of the
trade unions, farmer organizations
and co-operative societies by inde
pendent political action through the
farmer-labor party.
"President Harding made his cam
paign on the issue of opposition to
President Wilson's league of na
tions," the statement said. "He is
now in the act of embroiling the
United States again in the intrigues
of the unprincipled plotters of
Priest Used Stolen
Bonds to Pay Parish
Debts, He Tells Police
Chicago, May 13. Rev. Anthony
Gorck, pastor of the Polish Catholic
church, New Chicago, Ind., was ar
rested, at Gary, Ind., by federal
agents in connection with the recent
$907,000 mail robbery at Toledo. O..
and confessed that he had sold $1,240
worth of coupons from the stolen
bonds in order to pay parish debts.
Gorek dug up $72,000 worth of bonds
in his back yard, telling the officials
they had been given to him by Miss
Wanda Urbatis.
According to officials. Gorek said
he had met Miss Urbatis on a train
for Chicago sometime ago. She gave
him a package, he said, telling him
not to look at it, but to keep it until
he heard from her again. The priest
said he had known the woman in To
ledo and did not hesitate to comply
with her request.
He took the package home, he
said, and held it for some time. Fi
nally he opened the package and
later, needing money to pay parish
debts, sold some of the coupons.
Arkansas Negro Lynched.
Little Rock, Ark., May 13. An
unidentified negro was lynched at
McGenee last night for alleged par
ticipation in an attempted attack on
J. P. Sims, a railroad blacksmith,
and a young white woman while
they were riding in an automobile,,
according to advices received to
night. Sims reported three negroes
stopped his car and demanded he
leave the young woman. He openeJ
fire and the trio fled, it was stated.
Bargains of all kinds in Bee
Want Ads.
to stop dandruff
and loss of hair
Full directions with erery
package of Rsslnol Soap and
Ointment. Bn thie treat
runt today. It relieve dan
draff and scalp itching, and
tend to keep the hair thick,
live and lustrous. Suld 6 all
drutfiMtt. Trial naekage free.
Dept. -?. Baatoal, BsMaMre, Ha.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Last Day of the Big
Extra Vote Offer
Last Day of the Big
Extra Vote Offer
a j oir ra
Second Extra Vote Offer of 75,000 Extra Votes Starts Monday
To get the benefit of the 100,000
extra vote off ex you must have your sub
scriptions in the office or the mail before
10:00 p. m. today (Saturday) . If mailed
later they will only give you a credit of
75,000 extra votes for each $25.00 or part
If you live in the city bring your sub
scriptions to the office personally. The
office of the Help Yourself Club," at 312
Peters Trust (Bee) Building, will be open
until 10:00 p. m. today (Saturday).
First Extra Vote
Second Extra Vote
Third Extra Vote
If you live out of the city be sure your
subscriptions are mailed before 10:00
p. m. today (Saturday) evening. Also
be sure that the postoff ice where you mail
them stamps or marks on the envelope the
time of your mailing it. Remember that,
letters mailed on Saturday will not be re
ceived until Monday and that only those
which show that they were mailed within
the time limit will be given the big credit
under, the first vote offer. Any not so
stamped or marked will be given credit
under second vote offer of 75,000 extra
votes for each $25.00 in subscriptions.
Vote Value of
The DAILY and Sunday, Morning or
Evening, by Boy Carrier in Omaha,
Council Bluffs and in town where
Carrier Boy service is maintained.
2 Years $20.40 180,000
1 Year 10.20 76,000
6 Months 5.10 32,00.;
3 Months 2.65 12,000
Morning or Evening Without Sunday
by Carrier Boy Service.
.2 Years S 15.60 136,000
1 Year 7.80 62,000
6 Months 8.90 22.000
3 Months 1.95 10,000
Sunday Only by Boy Carrier.
2 Years .10.40 76,000
1 Year 5.20 32.000
6 Months 2.60 12,000
Morning, Evening and Sunday by
Boy Carrier.
1 Year J1.00 152,000
6 Months 9.00 68.000
3 Months 4.50 28.000
Daily 'and Sunday by Mall.
2 Years $15.00 136.000
1 Year 7.60 62.000
6 Months 4.00 22,000
8 Months 2.00 10,000
Daily Only by Mail, Without Sunday
2 Years $10.00 76,000
1 Year 6.00 ?2,000
6 Months 2. BO 12.000
3 Months 1.25 6,000
Sunday Only by Mail.
2 Years 5.00 32.000
1 Year 2.60 12,000
6 Months 1.25 6,000
Renewal subscription payments
will be given half as many
votes as new subscriptions.
Closing at 10:00 p. m., May 14th. For $25.00 in Subscriptions
100,000 Extra Votes; 4,000 for each dollar over $25.00.
Closing at 10:00 p. m., June 4th. For $25.00 in Subscriptions
75,000 Extra Votes; 3,000 for each dollar over $25.00.
Closing at 10:00 p. m., June 18th. For $25.00 in Subscriptions
50,000 Extra Votes; 2,000 for each dollar over $25.00.
The standing of the club members, as
they appear in this issue, only includes the
votes received and counted at this office
up to 6 p. m last Wednesday. The stand.
:in will be chanced aeain in Tuesday's
paper and will include the votes that are
received and counted at the H. x. S. Llua
office before 6 p. m., Saturday.
Will Include all territory Inside the
City limits of Omaha south of Pacific
street, west of the river to Seventy
second street, Including Ralston, Belle
vue. Fort Crook and Avery.
One 1,11 5.0 Maxwell, one f 1O0.00
B. A I,. Deposit and one ftlOfl.OO B.
& I.. Deposit will be awarded In this
R. W. Sage. 2619 S. 33d St 92.450
Mrs. C. A. Chrlstensen, 622 Cedar. .16,830
Ernest Herngren, 2015 S. 7th St. . .92,630
Martha Ebert, 2403 Poppleton 49,840
Mrs. Thomas Seize, 2318 I St ,.9:1,840
Mr?. Pearl Starkey. 1937 S. 12th. .93,750
Frank Kennlson. 1309 S. 26th St.. 19.350
('. O. Phillips, 1624 Polk St, 12,910
Mabel Hogan. Z40S 8. Z4th t4,9SO
Kd Julis. 6806 8. 20th 28,610
Mrs. J. N. Williams, 3C08 S. 23d 34,730
Mabel Qravatt, 825 Bancroft 19,?50
Mrs. F. Marecek. 6218 S. 20th St.. 94,910
Theo. A. Isaacson. 2317 S. 31st 23,840
Mrs. Anna Kuppert. 2014 Martha.'.. .17,280
Mrs. C. A. Kauth, 1822 Bancroft. .. .62,780
.lohn Kwasnlewskl, 2867 Oak. 54.790
11. Hakenholz, '2323 Monroe... 94,340
Iva Slegei. 1724 Dorcas f.6,180
a. H. Evans, 4550 S. 40th 93,850
Mrs. E. D. Haworth. 177ft 8. 9th. .. .22.310
George Peterson, 3412 Wright 95,910
Aage Jorgensen. S520 s. 20tn b,uo
Valter Hamilton, 2209 8. 29th 5,000
Mrs. W. B. W.lthrow, 235 Francis. .11,080
Mrs. Olive 8. Dusenbury, 1906 S. 33d. 6.020
Henry Furst, 3205 W street 6,030
J. L. Beecroft, 4545 S. 18th 6,000
It A. Speltzer. 6626 8. 23d.. 5,060
John Spell, 810 Forest Ave.: 6,000
E. II. Burke, 1103 Park Ave 5,000
$750 $0
The New Sport Hats--
Omaha's discriminating women will
find our new arrivals - of Sport Hats
complete to the smallest detail at
ultra values. The modes featured
Saturday are approved by fashion.
-Hats of Taffeta, Georgette, Crepe de
, Chine and . Hemp Hats that were
made to sell at double and in some in
stances three times - their selling
.prices .
7i '
1 The Fabric Hats Are-
M Truly the latest in styles and the
ifl . qualities are superb. In colors of
If? v Black. Brown, Navy, Combinations,
, etc. You will have to see these Hats
i " to fully appreciate the extreme values
1 , we are offering.
IS Selling Starts Promptly at 9 A.M.
Will include all territory Inside the
city limits of Omaha and on. and
north of Taclfie street, west of the
river to Eighty-third street and as far
north as Maple street.
One 91,115.00 Mai well, one $200.00
It. ft T.. Deposit and one 1 00.00 B.
L. Deposit will be awarded In Ibis
Mrs. C. J. Hubbard, 3804 Farnam. .92,660
O. W. Hendee. 4204 Burdette 91,600
A. r. Klein. Jr., 4806 Dodge 88,680
Kloye B. Morel!. 644 S. 25th Ave... 91, 840
C. J. Wright. 2310 Howard 69,140
.Tames Addeson. 2411 N. ISth 13,7X'g
W. T. Ziesel. 3314 Decatur 94,2707
Dr. Frank O. Smith, Blackstoue. . . .60.30
Louis J. Schafer. 112 N. 26th 92,410
Mildred Plank, 2714 Burt 60,950
Mrs. Anna Morenelli. 95S S. 21st. .. .94.840
Fred Keogh. 220 N. 19th 23,410
A. Hicks, 2716 Miami 83,570
R. H. Ackley, 2507 N. 24th 11,850
Mrs. Emily Winner, 119 N. 20th. .. .91,680
Hedwlg Michel, 2411 N. D8th 27,750
Louis Elowltz, 2771 Burt 11,450
R. E. Holbrook. 3556 Pacific 92,360-
Herman Uaehshoen, 413 N. 18th. .. .32,680
Dessie D. Harrop, 2567 Douglas 93.610
C. A. Wler. 1915 Charles 93,580
C. I. Slosson, Jr., 4906 Cuming 59,390
Ida Karbach. 1433 N. 20th 30.470
J. K. Mcintosh. 4160 Chicago 94,310
Mrs. Mary Engel, 270o Cuming 2d, 760
Mrs. A. E. Waak, 2222. Howard 93,350
O. T. Peterson, 3009 Harney 22,460
Marten J. Dineen, 938 N. 26rh 16.860
Blanche Snyder. 723 8. 25th Ave.. 29,240
R. li. Murray. 4424 Jones 16,700
Mrs. Bessie Beach, 1008 8. 29th., ,. .22.150
Harold Anderson, 3116 Marcy 13,110
Josephine Shumaker, Loyal Hotel. .32,570
T. Pi Paganis. 411 S. Ifith 55.950
E. H. White. 667 8. 33d 21,450
Mrs. W. J. Whitaker. 4804 Dodge. . .92,850
L. N. Swanson, 4139 Lake 94,760
Mrs. B. N. Clausen, 4809 Underwood 92,510
Mrs. Marie Coulter. 3009 Harney .. .93,840
Mrs. R. I Psttison. 218 Turner St.. 17, 680
Sam Wolf, 2316Vj N. 30th 43,650
Rev. N. C. Hanson. 1713 N. 25th St. 95,980
W. J. Duve, 3223 Seward .11,570
Mrs. C. M. Tomandl. 4507 Charles. .83.960
Boland Frelsman. 10J8 N. 32d 21.680
Horrare Schaeffer. 4225 Cuming.... 6.150
Emmet Wlemer. 416 S. 42d 11,140
Mrs. C. E. Liuneman, 1633 Victor. . .39,150
Mrs. Jennie Lament, 1808 Dodge.... 5,240
Douglas Peters. 206 S. 32d 21,340
P. F. Gutchewxkl, 3527 Charles. . .15.050
L. W. Rellly. 123 S. 29th 6,040
Mrs. M. L. Vosburgh, 2564 Douglas. 6,000
W. C. Nielson, 1824 N. 33d 6,010
Will Include all territory Inside the
city limits of Omaha on arid north of
Maple street, west of the river to
Klghty-thlrd street and north to Sar
geant street, Including Florence and
the Carter Lake district.
One fl.115.00 Maxwell, one X200.00
B. & I.. Deposit and one 100.00 B. &
I.. Deposit will be awarded in this
Mrs. R. E. Moore, 6002 N. 28th Ave. 11.460
W. E. Stutenroth, 2456 Camden. .. .94.390
Mrs. Gus Krantz, 7301 Maple 6,020
Will Include all territory in the city
of Council Bluffs, including the Mana
wa. district.
One l. 113.00 Maxwell, nne 300.00 B.
& L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. & I..
Deposit will be awarded In this district.
Gertrude Sullivan, S13 Ave. B... .93.210
L. R. Roberts, 162 W. Bdwy 59.830
Anna Ward, 1006 5th Ave 20.680
Mrs. M. A. Smith'. 2304 Ave. D. . . .94,210
A. W. Geiger, Jr., 426 Damon 19,760
Dorothy Lenlhan, 653 Harrison St.. 43,790
Mrs. Ada McLaughlin, 1908 3d Ave.22,610
Harold O. DeVol, 1012 7th Ave. .. .19,570
R. P. Bolin, 2003 4th Ave.. 23,850
Mrs. Peter Jensen. Oakland Ct 23.460
Mrs. F. R. Scholes, 541 Mill 44,650
Lawrence Gallagher, 2408 Ave. A.. 32. 670
Van Llddel 2401 Ave. A 33,610
Mrs. Iva M. Ford, 306 S. ljth 94,750
R. D. Edwards 2310 Ave. C 26,840
Mrs. J W. Head, 3485 3d Ave 49.600
V. 11. Moran, 114 S. 1st St 21,430
Mrs. Ij. C. Davis. 1417 Fairmont
Lou Dunlap, Grand Hotel 43,850
Mrs. Wm. J. Ryan. 2026 Ave. A. . . .95,650
Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, 2035 Ave. A... 6,110
Dorothy Hull. Hepburn 2t,240
J. TT. Hudgens, Walnut 46,580
Merle B, Travis. Carson 18,160
Leona llamann, Persia ,....72,190
Mrs. Ray Plerson; Henderson 37,420
Lloyd W. Weatherell. Panama 36,280
Mrs.' Lowell C. Mattox, Shelby... .70,160
Fred Tanke, Avoca 38,690.
Mrs. S. L. Jefferson, Woodbine.... 89,460
E. E. Axthelm, Glenwood 13,280
Mrs. H. H. Stlch, Sidney 24,560-
June Beaver, Harlan 6.000
Opal Snyder, Randolph 6,000
Will include the following counties la
the 'state of Nebraska: Cass. Sarpy.
Douglas (outside the city of Omaha).
Saunders. Butler, Polk, Merrick. Nance.
Piatt, Colfax, - Dodge. Washington,
Burt, Cuming, Stanton. Madison.
Boone, Antelope, Tierce, Warne, Thur
ston, Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and Knox.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell one 200.MI
B. 1.. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
It I,. Deposit will be awarded in this
G. C. Hobsk, Nehawka..., ..66.420
Zetta Lower, Valparaiso 28,790
J. H. Domingo. Weeping Water. .. .22,980
V. H. Hoerstmann, Fremont 95,500
Edna Lawrence, 7711 N. 28th Ave.. 27, 240
Fred B. Nochols, S416 N. 24th 21,980
A. L. Frederick. 2568 Whitmore. .. .93,390
Mona Harris, 2954 N. 47th Ave. .. .23.880
H. Chrlstensan, 6904 Mlnne Lusa. ... 1 2,540
C. D, Srhnell, 2423 Crown Toint. .. .27,560
O. J.- Emery. 2564 Pratt 92,840
Leo- Daniels, 2302 Maple 93,850
Mrs. R. Tedesco, 2939 Lincoln BIvd.96,760
Violet Brotchie, 6020 Florence Blvd.94,460
A. H. Mayer. 2438 Ellison 54,380
Mrs. L. M. Thlrtle, 6005 N. 30th 23.950
Mrs. W. W. Davis, 3929 Flor. Blvd. 59, 370
Mrs. Harrv Rogers. 8511' N. 29th. .34,560
C. Hall. 2X79 Vane 29,740
Winifred Travis. 2861 Fowler 11,840
Mrs. Torn Rodebaugh. 3180 Meredith. 50,050
Mrs. J. M. Streeter, 4008 N. 34th.. 21, 760
Mrs. O. L. Tracy, 2811 Browne 94,83"
Mrs. E. D. Perrin. 3120 N. 47th 11,560
Ben Ferrell. 3410 N. 24th 11,540
Mrs F. E. Waters, 3621 N, 18th 11,120
C. Flnkle, 2018 Manderson 5,210
Don't Hold Subscriptions
Get Them in by Saturday
They Count for the Most Votes Right Now
Will Include all the territory In the
state of Iowa outside the city of
Council Bluffs and the Manawa dis
trict. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. & L. Deposit and one $100.00 It.
ft L. Deposit will be awarded In this
Myrtle Rogers, Perclvsl 99.100
Harlen Klutts. Mondamin 98,840
Mrs. Nettie Batchelder, Riverton.. 61,560
John Gillette, Atlantic 29,260
Glon C. Sllllk, Missouri Valley. .. .39.860
O. J. Atkins. Ncola 99.680
Marlon Caugbell. Carson 74,420
Ruth Knight, Glenwood 82.590
Betty Eairett, Malvern 99,460
Rev. -G. B. Bauman. Minden 99,740
Mrs. BIIMb Iwen. Sehleswig 69,110
June Oviatt. Shenandoah 91,260
Mrs. Ona Johnson, Pac. Jet 98,790
Georgs W. Moore, Bartlett ...86.020
Bert Graham, II. 1, Logan 36.410
Nellie J. Sollelpr. Thurman. .... .64,940
Gladys Mnvls. Harlan 98.840
Bernard Franklin. Hamburg 36.820
Merle Andress, Oakland 64,390
I. JJ. Warrick, Blair 96,400
Louise Flgenhaum, Springfield 45,460
Winnie McMillan. Shelby 37.640
Wm. Andrews, Bellwood ,....36,090
Vivian Dee, David City 80.150
W. L. Scott, Osceola 162,970
E. C Wilde, 823 8. 8, Norfolk 48.299
A, M. Sanders, Plattsmouth; 96.400
K. L. Brown. Schuyler 97,160
Helen M. Wynkoop. Central City. .. .95.400
C. J. Havlland, Norfolk 36.250
Floyd Buchanon. Silver Creek. .... .95.870
Henry J. Haynes, Octa.via 43.510
Sam Davies, Wayne .,..95,680
R. V. Kennedy. Tekamah 96.560
Joe Krajicek. Arlington 60,890
Fred Boss. 1566 24th Ave.. Columbus.48,160
Elmer .Nordland, Columbus 77,480
D. P. Hill. Genoa 84.790
Henrietta Miller. Oakland 98,780
W. C. Halsey. Oakdale 97,460
Clifford Cunningham, Wahoo 311,980
Herman Bunk. Beemer 69,160
Herman A. Momann, Elkhorn 43,080
Fred T. Wiglngton.. Schuyler 97,730
Gordon Smith. Lyon 40,860
Marguerite Durhln. Blnoinficld 73.01s
A. E. Stafford. Rising City 96.870
Alvln V. Barton. Lyons 88,490
R. E. Strssburg, Polk 96,640
Mrs. P. E. Buck, Fremont 77.9S0
Mrs. Wade Prultt. Humphrey 98.960
O. C. Smith, Albion..' 44,080
Charles J. Swoboda. Prague 68,990
Anna Blumai, Scribner 61,020
E. F.. Cushman. Kennard 98,160
Frank Pallas, Pender 97.830
Mabel Branda, West Point.... 98.720
Nellie Dwyer, Colon.... 37.610
D. E. Hayes. Herman 37.64 )
Jessie B. Kay. Wisner 59.280
Ida Ruether. Stanton ..i.. 98,420
Harry J. Mufley, St. Edward 93,460
Jens Jensen, Lyons 83.790
C. E.. Anderson, R. 4, Norfolk. 6.700
Cedrlc Anderson, Wausa 36,640
J. M. Fox, Gretna 36,120
Laura Kolena. Crelghton 95,820
Marie Rowaldt, Tutaa 99,460
Mrsf. Edith Schonler, Rosalie. .... .85,719
Mrs. Archie Roberts. North Bend.. 27, 450
Lydia Byersdahl, Madison...... 36.490
Emma Fredstrom. Oakland. .... .,37,240
Mildred E. Johnsbn, Mead. 99.670
Josephine Evans. Platte Center. .. .21,690
Mrs. Ed Lyons. Newman Grove 21,210
Mrs. Lulu Owen. Ashland ....99.350
Mrs. B. G. Darling, Hooper 6.340
.T. W. Keeler. Fullerton 67.240
Robert Welk. Columbus ,...6.040.
R. J. Swanson. Fullerton..... 67.0S0
Wm. Mick, Cedar Bluffs 67.009
Roy Combs. David City 35,90
Donald Wabgh, R. 2. Valley 6.070
Herbert Struthers, Craig 5.280
Emma Johnson, R. No. 1, Fremont. 67.070
A. D. Allen, Decatur 22,140
John Huebner, Papillion 5,000
Anton V. Votava. Schuyler 37,290
Junlta Carlson, Stromsburg 6.000
Josephine Ketchmark, ft. Calhoun.. 6.000
Marguerite Durbln, Bloomfield. .. .73,010
Josephine Newton, Osceola 52,970
Will Include the following counties In
the state of Nebraska: Otoe. Nemaha,
Richardson, Pawnee, Johnson, finge,
Lancaster. Seward, Saline, Jefferson,
Thayer. Fillmore. York, Hamilton,
Clay, Nnckolls. Webster and Adsms.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. ft L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. ft
I.. Deposit will ba awarded in this
Mrs. Otis' Wolford, Clay Center ...
Thomas Foster, Beaver Crossing ..
Gladys Saylor, Brunlng
Hattie Stables, Carleton
Eleanor Shoff. Fairbury
George Whltesell. Kencssw
Mrs. Lydia Wolfskill. Superior ....
Frank C. Brunlng, Mllford
Mrs. W. L. Chapman, Giltner
Raymond L. Crosson. Hastings ....
Mrs. B. Anderson. 1324 H. Lincoln.
Mrs. B. F. Jordon. Tork
Mrs. Marie Morris, Hebron
Tlllte Nolte. Auburn, R. 2
Mrs. Mark Hall. Auburn
Robert Moore. Nelson
Lee Parriott, Peru
Will Brookley. Edgar
Mrs. Dean Kite. Auburn
Velva Bair, Fairmont
Vera Grosfhaus. Sutton
Margaret Alirens. Falls City
Mm. Thomss Brower. R. 1. Geneva
Agnes Krasomll. Aurora
Gail Parson, Humboldt
A. E. Pratt. Tobiss
William McKerver, Vordova 36.420
Rev. K. B. E. Hill, Table Rock ...36.480
Mrs. I'bas. Fowler, Nebraska City .,98.160
Mrs. W. A. Hunt, Red Cloud 36,000
Alfred Bookwalter, Pawnee City ....65.210
Vada Parker, Rockford 6,670
Lola Hpsford. Seward 6,001
Mrs. C. I). Riley, Tecumseh 55.180
Emma Krutz, Deshler 32,680'
C. E. Gllmore, Harvard 47,380
Will include nil territory in the stats
of Nebraska not Included in Districts
Number 6 and 7, alo territory ia South
Dakota, Kansas and Colorado.
One $1,115.00 Msiwell. on $200.00
B. ft I Deposit nnd one $100.00 U. ft
1.. Deposit will be awarded in this
H. S. Heline. Scottsbluff 35.840
W. B. Shelton, Paxton 62.910
Martin Nielson, Dannebrog 60.240
Pick Pullman. Sargent 60,160
Mrs. Merle Snotts. Imperial 47,960
Mae Dick Cambridge 60,580
Mrs, F, S. Cop-land. Bridgeport. . .99.720 '
Mrs. c. M. Taylor. Benkelman 4.:'
'Hilda Jacohson. Arapahoe 49.410
J. E. Williams. Alliance 67.820
Mrs. Margaret Mllllgan. Arnold. .. .23,310
Signa Peterson, Eddyvllle 63.91 4
Oscar Peterson, Kumner 42,060
Bert Brownell, Chappell 9.64fl
P. J. Minner. 109 w. 6tb. Grand I..S4.S70
Mrs. A. K, Callahan, Gering 79.62(1
Dr. 1. A. Rundstrom. Curtis. .... .47.940
Mrs. Walter Borden. Gordon 64.170
Mrs. Berlha A. Eber. Kirk 29,140
W. K. Jlarr)ss, Bertrand 47.67
Mrs. Grace Redfelt. Minden 49,480
George Gardner. Bsyard 42.66 1
Molhsi. Phllbrlck. Ord fO.KO
C. B, Dosset, Axtell 6,74'l
E. G. Nisley. Lexington ?,S0
Wm. Halsey, Lebanon 98.69
Fern Gstes. Stamford 99.640
Mrs. Emll Stelnke, Holdrege... 49.480
Mrs. Clay Funston, Ogallala 97.90
A. R. Lee. 719 N. Locust. N. Platte. .97.660
Blanche Myers. Sutherland 68.90'
Mrs. M. Rosecrans, Julesburg, Colo.36,920
C. H. Blackburn. Mitchell X8.410
Fern Betts. Franklin 36,640
Mrs. Rsv Rathbun. Hayes Center. .S6. 840
Philip Merrier. Campbell 38.160
E. C. McKak. St. Paul 63.810
Edward Norlander. Keystone 21.260
Ruth Walsh. Shelton 36.070
Mrs. Robert Smith. Ord 36.220
Mrs. Ina B. Harshburger. Oconto. .21.5(0
Harvey Thompson. Ravenna. fl.00
Helen I.oomls, Gibbon 91, 06ft
Albert P. Powers. Greeley 1,070
P. C. Mc-Kenzlc. Burwell 6.240
J. E. Hopkins. 604 W. 4th, Grand I. 6.010
Walter T. Shaw, Franklin 53,000
Mrs. J. A. Qulntor. Brule 5,080
William F. Bernaek. Loud City.... 36.000
Hazel Farrell. GothenbnTg. 45,090
Mrs. Grace Murray, Bloomington. .1 1,170
Mrs. J. Mcintosh. Cozsd 67.060
Luclle Johnson. Orleans. 63.610
Harry G. Selk. Scotia 6,010
Hannah Simmons. Mason City. 6,000
H. H. Stevens. North Platte..... St. 021
Blanche Dakan, Beaver City 37,000
Mrs. K. C. Dillman. Broken Bow..98.00e
Membership Entry Blank
The Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club
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Date 1921
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Campaign Closes June 25th, 1921
The Omaha Bee
Help Yourself Club
Not good after May 24, 1921. Must be voted or
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