THE BliE: OSAFlA, SATURDAY, MAY 11. 1021. 13 amouflaged Milk Diet Contest for State Honors By LORETTO C. LYNCH. j An interesting letter from i mother says her doctor has ordered her child ( 7 to get one quart of milk a day in addition to his other food. Rut the child will not drink milk. What he wants to know is how to get that milk into his diet every day with out his noticing it? In the first place, there are four measuring cups of milk in a quart. Suppose we decide to put one cup of milk into the breakfast. The break fast might be apple sauce, bread and butter and a cup of cocoa. Here, of course, the milk will come in the :ocoa. To make a cup of cocoa for a diet if this kind, in a small saucepan, rub vr mix together one level teaspoon fach of sugar and cocoa. Add one fourth of a cup of water and boil, stirring for two minutes. Have the cupful of milk scalded in a double boiler and add it to the boiling cocoa. Remove from the flame at once ami serve. Attention is called to the fact that the milk is only scalded. Scakted milk is less likely to constipate than is boiled milk. Fruit, however, in the form of apple sauce in this case, is given to counteract any tendency toward constipation. For noon luncheon, plan a soup. Let it be milk soup. It has been my experience that milk soups that have some color to them are often accepted without question by this type of child when a soup that looks milky would be passed by. Suppose we plan to use the second cup of milk of the day's supply in a cream of tomato soup. Cook a slice of onion in half a cupful of canned to mato for a few minutes.' Strain the tomato and add a few grains of bi carbonate of soda baking soda. In another saucepan rub together half a tablespoon each level of flour and buttef. Add one cupful of milk and cook, stirring until the mixture boils. Stir the thickened milk into the to mato season and serve at once. Cream of pea or spinach soup may be made in a similar manner. Serve either toast points or crackers with sou p. Mestdes soup for luncheon, have mashed potatoes containing a little 3?n uetteJk nec LeonCctznetl Sweetbreads Plus! Sweetbreads larded with tongue and bacon and stewed in broth and vegetables are a delicacy worth the trouble taken in their preparation. To cook them, soak and blanch two larke sweetbreads and when they are cool lard them with strips M bacon and toneue used alternatelv. To do j this, select a good sized larding needle and prepare strips of cold, fat bacon and cooked tongue, also very cold, to keep it from breaking. Cut the bacon in strips the length of the width of the slices about two inches and about as wide as the bacon is thick about a quarter of an inch. Thus the larding pieces of bacon will he two inches long and a quarter of an inch square. Cut the tongue in the same way. Thrust the needle through the sweetbread, thread it with the bacon and draw it through. Draw through a thread every half inch until the sweetbread is filled, making every other thread of bacon, every other one of tongue. Put a couple of. tablespoons of but ter in a shallow saucepan and some minced vegetables a couple of tablespoons each of onion, carrots, turnips, celery and a little parsley. Season well with mace, pepper, salt and thyme ground tine. Fry for five of six minutes and then put in the sweetbreads. Then cover them with chicken or veal broth, bring them to the boiling point, cover the dish and set it in the oven to cook slowly until the sweetbreads are tender. When they are done put them, partly cut. on a hot dish, surround them with cooked peas and cover them with broth strained and very hot. TRY EXCELO CAKE Sold in all the Groceries in the City Made by Kuenne's Bakery Annette Fanger, representing Omaha Central High, left Friday morning, May 13, for Cozad, Neb., to compete for state honors in dramatics. Leon Connell goes to Stanton Saturday to contest for state honors in the humorous class. These two representatives of Cen tral High have already won among oO contestants locally and in the district contest where there were representatives from South High, Osceola, David City and Stroms burg. Miss Fanger and Mr. Connell have prominent rolis in the senior class play of Central High to be given June 3 and 4. Miss Fanger is plan ning to attend the Sargent school in New York next year, continuing her dramatic work. Mr. Connell is con templating a year at the Emerson j school in Boston, to advance in i music and expression. ! tie milk may be poured over the syrup to moisten it. Otherwise, use fruit juice or syrup such as maple or cane. The addition of raisins or dates makes a plain cereal tane, on a party air. Cereal coffee made ' on most milk nmy be given if the ; ttar's milk is not nspd. Toast and butter or plain bread and butter and a simple cracker with good jam or a baked apple, if apple has not been served for break fast, might be used to finish off the evening meal. . runner than this, 1 suggest you Clean Aluminum Utensils. An easy way to clean the inside of darkened aluminum pots and pans is to use the remains of rhubarb stalks which are not good for cook ing. Take as much water as neces sary, add the remains of the rhubaib and boil 20 to 30 minutes. Pots will look like new. more milk, and butter, of course. A i get a good cook book and note down child of this age may have a small j recipes calling for milk. Then try quantity of broiled meat or boiled J making menus from these recipes, meat. Carrots, or spinach or any planning to use the quart of milk other vegetable may be used for the each ady. meal. Egg custard or cornstarch pudding or junket or pure ice cream are all deserts containing milk as their prin cipal ingredient. An egg custard may be made by Removing Paint. Saturate the spot two or three times with equal parts of spirits of turpentine and ammonia and then wash out with soapsuds. This treat- beating an cg slightly in a mixing ! mem win remove pauu, no maucr bowl and then adding to it one or ! how dry or hard it may be. two level tablespoons of sugar, a iMi:i.iiii,iiti;t:ii:ituinii.ii!i..iHiij'r.i is few drons of vanilla or a level table-! spoon of .cocoa. One cupful of j scalded milk is added. j - The mixture is then nut into a TREES ROSES SHRUBS Homier ttert, Ward, It-How, Ophelia, J'ink, KillariH'y, White Rosen, e...26o ( limbing or Uamhler Mines, each . . . 15e' .Native Plum Trees, 6 font, each. . .!5v Carolina I'oplar Trees, each 10c,' SilTerleuf Maple Trees. 6 foot, ea. .15 Hanlf 1'lim era. 51) Tiirlettes, ea . . . . 150 lawn (irasN, Prr lb 300 Flower and Vegetable feed. 3 pkgs.Hlni Bridal Wreath Shrubs, each Mm: Japanese BHrhcny. each . i grapevines !So Blackberries and Haspberries. doi..S0, Corrants and ooseherrie. each...o Otalpa Hedeinit. per 100 !.' Ited Onion Sets. B qnarts I5e Host complete line of bedding plants and poHeJ flowers in the city. Remember oar new locution. nil T 4 Doors West 1C11 DILL of 16th at Howard ID I I Come Once and You Will Come Always 1608-10-12 Harney St. Doughs 1796 There's a feeling of keen satisfaction in buying at the Central Market because you know that the food here is absolutely fresh and wholesome; because the Central Market prices are lower than elsewhere and because you can always depend on the staunch reliability of the Central Market. Steer Pot Roast, per lb ....... 11 Pig Pork Loin Roast, small and lean, per lb 24Vi V aney Steer Sirloin Steak, per lb Best Cuts Fancy Steer Shoulder Prime Rolled Rib Roast, Roast, per lb 15 per lb 27tf Pig Pork Roast, Legs of Genuine Spring per lb. '....16tt ! Lamb, per lb 32Vz i Star or Supreme Half Ham, Sugar Cured Bacon Hacks, 30 i per lb. 30 i P lb 17?4 Carnation Milk, per can. ....... 12V2C 48 pound sack Sycle Flour, every sack guaranteed..... 1.95 Large cans Assorted J. M. 1 Large cans Sunkist As- Large cans Assorted Del Fruits,, in heavy OQ ; sorted Fruits in heavy OC n Monte Fruits in heavy QQ oirrnn nor can i svrnn npr ran syrup, per can vv ; syrup, per can i Per dozen . . ; $2.75 i Per dpzen . . . $2.95 syrup, per can, Per dozen $3.90 Crvstal White Soap, 10 bars 53 It en's Assorted Fancy Cookies, per lb. ..25 Our Central Special Coffee, reg. 35c grade, 3 lbs. for. .98r Chocolate Caramel, Cocoanut Cream, 3-layer cakes, ea.50 P. & G. Naptha Soap, 10 bars 65 Iten's Graham Crackers, half size returnable cans, lb 20 Golden Santos Coffee, per lb 22 Vit: Parker House Rolls, . per doz 12 Waldorf Toilet Paper, repr. 15c roll, each, 10; doz. .$1.00 Fairy Soda, aeturnable cans, per lb 18 Uncolored Japan Tea, per lb 19 French Rolls, per doz 204 McCombs' Home-Made Chocolates, Saturday, special, per lb.' 59 Crispy Peanut Brittle, best ever, Saturday, per lb 29C" Guaranteed Select Fresh Coun- I Cloverbloom Creamery Package Ap;ed Fancy New York Cream try Eggs, per doz 22 Butter, per lb 35t I Cheese, per lb 28 Extra Fancy Sweet Oranges. i Extra Fancy Head Lettuce, 1 Fresh Tomatoes, per per doz 30 I each 5t. 10. 15 j lb 15. HARDY baking cup set into a pan of water. Ppyonni n I Plinf It is baked until a knite inserted ? CIClllUUl t fUflld into it comes out clean about halt an hour or so according to the shape tf the dish. Care must be taken that the water in the pan does not boil. This indicates too hot an oven lwl will make the custard curdle. : The .junket tablets and. also, the liquid rennet is for sale At all drug and most grocery stores. Full di rections are given as to their use. It is suggested that a bit of vege table color paste for sale at all first class grocers' be used to give a bit of color to , the otherwise milky white junket. For the evening meat, I suggest! a bowl of rice or other cereal cooked on most all milk instead of water. If tfie child will take it, a very lit- i 60 VARIETIES 60 I VEGETABLE PLANTS Cabbaga Tomato Cauliflower Pepper r Celery Eg Plant " Sweet Potato Plant FLOWER PLANTS Aster Salvia Petunia i Verbena . Peony Blotsomt Ruined i I BY ANTS ' ? Use an Ant Exterminator : Nebraska Seed Co. : '. 1613 Howard I im i I ruin i i i I i I I i t i 1 Look at the bottom of the bottle ,, ,, ,, j .j. .j M' ! 'I1 '! ! "H'4'M'4'4'H44H WHY NOT BUY? When price and quality are combined to make seasonable offering for diieriminating housewives. Del Mont Canned Fruit, Melba Halves, Eat Sunshine Cracker and ba healthy. SHeed Peaehes. Peeled Apricot. sin Graham Cracker. 3-lb. ear Pear. Pineapple. 3S per ean. 8 for ' Ginger' Snap..' V-lbV rton. $1.00; per dozen 3.90 Bt 40c Carti larre White Cherries. We ffuar- Sunshine lOe pkg. Cookie, pkjrs. antee thee Cherrie to be largest for BC Marshall's Best Minnesota Flour, per 2-lb. sack ! You know the quality. Burnhara Morrell' "Pari" Brand Main Corn. can for ..JU3 Japo-Crepe Toilet Paper, four rolls for 25c 10 Bars Ivory Soap, small 79c Extra Fancy Blackfard Dates, per lb. for , 4c Wedfwnod, Meadow Gold. Seward and Mid-West Butter, per lb.... 37c basket ..33c Fresh Asparagus, long green," 4 bunches for 23c Fresh Spinach, per peck. ......... .30c Fresh Rhubarb, 4 bunches 15c Head Lettuce, each ,10c-12';c New Potatoes. 4 lbs 27c Sunkist Lemons, per dos 19c If you have not tried our Fancy Break fast Coffee, you are the loser. We will still keep the introductory price. 2 lbs 55c .Choice Young Lamb Legs, lb 33c : Dolds' Niagara Hams, 8-9 lbs, each, j per lb ....25c SOMMER BROS. Harney 0188. 28th and Farnaro Sti. XV akr w wata 9m!fcS The Highest Grads Maearenl V SlrTI iVl W HIVS) Noodles. SpaghetU and SH Wl1!! .thef Macaroni Product, Choice Fresh Killed Roasting Chickens 23c Sugar Cured Skinned Hams Special at 24c BUEHLER BROS. OMAHA'S LEADING CASH MARKETS For Quality Meats - Quick Service - lowest Prices Please Shop Early 212 North 16th Street 2408 Cuming; Street 4903 South 24th Street Sugar Cured Picnic Hams Special at 13c Native Steer Beef Pot Roast lie Choice Boston Butts For Roasting 17c Fresh Spareribs 10c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon lz or whole sides 23c Native Steer Rib Roast Rolled 25c PORK CUTS Choice Pork Loin Roast 18c Choice Pork Loin Chops 22c Choice Boston Butts. . A7& Fresh Spareribs ...... 10c Fresh Leaf Lard 10c Small Lean Pork Shoul ders at 12c Fresh Neck Bones, 6 lbs. 25c Fresh Pig Feet, .5 lbs. .25c Fresh Pig Tails, per lb. 10c Little Pig Hearts, 5 lbs . 25c Fresh Pig Liver, per lb . .5c Fresh Ox Tails, 4 lbs . . . 25c SAUSAGE AND ' COOKED MEATS Choice Wienies and Frankfurts 18c Choice Garlic and Polish Sausage 18c' Fresh Liver Sausage . . . 15c Fresh Bologna Sausage 16c Choice Minced Ham . . . 20c Choice Pressed Ham . . . 22c Fancy Summer Sausage at .22c Choice Breakfast Sausage at . ... .20c VEAL CUTS Choice Veal Shoulder Roast . . . . ... .16c Choice Veal Stew . . . . 12c Choice Veal Chops ... 22c Choice Veal Legs, or whole 20c Choice Veal Loins, for roasting 20c Fresh Country Eggs . . . 23c Best Creamery Butter. 33c SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Strip Bacon at . . . ... . . .17c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, or whole . . . 23c Sugar Cured Brisket Bacon . . . 18c Armour Star Bacon.. . .44c" Cudahy's Puritan Bacon at 44c Sugar Cured Picnic Hams at 13c Sugar Cured Regular Hams 25c Sugar Cured Skinned Hams 24c Cudahy's Puritan Regular Hams . . . 28c Cudahy's Puritan Skinned Hams 32c Armour's Star Skinned Hams . . . 32c SPECIALS ON CANNED GOODS Fancy Early June Peas, 3 cans for .30c Fancy Pork and Beans, Mon arch, 3 cans .30c Fancy Sweet Corn, 3 cans . . . 30c Fancy Tomatoes, No. 2 can, 3 for-.." 30c Fancy Sardines in Oil, 5 cans 25c Evaporated Milk, 6 tall cans 70c P. &G. White Naptha Soap, 10 large bars 80c Tee Pee Laundry Soap, 10 bars T. "... . . . 35c Kasper's Star and Stripes Cof fee ... . .!. 30c Rasper's Big 5 Coffee 35c California Seaside Lima Beans, 2 lbs ....20c BEEF CUTS Choice Rib Boiling Beef . 7c Choice Rib Pot Roast. . 11c Prime Rib Roast Beef . . 20c Choice Round Steak . . . 22c Choice Sirloin Steak ... 22c Choice Beef Chuck Roast at . 14c Fresh Cut Hamburger 12ic Fresh Beef Hearts 8c Fresh Beef Tongues . . . 22c Fresh Beef Liver, sliced, at ........ 12c Fancy Steer Shoulder - Steak 17c PURE LARD AND SHORTENING Pure Lard, per lb. . . . 12c Compound Lard, per lb. 1 lc Swift's Premium Lard 5-lb. pail, net ...... 80c 10-lb. pail, net $1.60 Cudahy's Puritan Lard 5-lb. pail, net ..... .80c 10-lb. pail, net $1.60 GENUINE SPRING LAMBS Fancy Hindquarters . .20c Fancy Fdrequarters . . . 121c Fancy Lamb Chops . . . 25c CHEESE Fancy Cream Cheese . . 25c Fancy Brick Qieese . . . 25c Swift's Gem NutMarga rine at. . . 21c Buehler Bros.' Best Brand Margarine v. . . . 20c Mail and Express Orders Filled From This List i I i mm Stores WEEKLY SPECIALS A Fancy Recleaned LIMA 5 BEANS 31c 7 POUNDS FOR TOILET PAPER SALE Tissue 10c buy now Crepe 8c V hi CRISCO, for flaky pie ' O " crusts JC mazola, ryi quarts wtC KARO SYRUP, white, O C No. 5 UDb SALT, 3-lb. bag WV POTATO CHIPS, 4 Qr per pkg i I GLENCREST Spaghetti, 1 Q No. 2 cans I Ov SPICES, all kinds, pure, Q and the best . vv BASKO BAKING Q 4 A POWDER, a real saving. . . Cm MY WIFE'S SALAD 4 QA DRESSING, large size .... Sf( SNIDER'S TOMATO 1 AA Soup, goes farther Js IVORY 1 VI SOAP I -frG PRUNES, large meaty, Hj wmF-- 40-50 size G QUAKER QUAKIES H J- Corn Flakes 53 G 11 Just Think This BASKO JELLY POWDER Dessert 1 e "BASKO" BY NAME- BY THE LIVE BETTER r r oaa A new and better way of get ting delicious "oy en-fresh" Graham Crackers and keeping them so until consumed. vYour grocer has the new Half Can of Iten's Grahams or can get it for you quickly. Half Cans cost 60c each, hut are rt'turnable at that price or yo may exchange the empty for a full Half Can, paying only for tha crackers therein. Handy convenient always ready. Iten's Grahams Th'iwEwhitDw.y Iten's Graham HCGl