Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. FK1UAY. MAI 13. ' 1321.
Absentee Hostess
The absentee hostess has
into voKue! And she will
.Very popular with the men, to we
hear. Why! Just because she will
. . let the males have their "stag" par
tics absolutely undisturbed by the
murmurs of the fair sex.
I he Women's Faculty club of the
, University of Nebraska College or
Medicine will entertain at a dinner
at the University club Friday eve
ning, May 20, Their guests will be
"the 50 seniors of the college' and the
faculty of the school. The women
of the club will not attend.
A luncheon will be given Thurs
day, May 26. at Camp Brewster by
the Woman's Faculty club for the
15 nurses who will be graduated
from the University hospital in June.
The club members will attend this
Omaha Story Tellers.
The Omaha Story Tellers' league
will close the season with a lunch-
eon Saturday, 1 o'clock, at the Y.
"" W. C. A for which 3.5 reservations
have already been made.
Stories will be told by Mrs. Rob
' ert Clinefflter, Mrs. Edward John
son and Miss Edith Heine.
Officers of the league for the com.
' mg year are: Miss Kate Winslade,
J i president; Mrs. S. V. Fullaway, vice
" president; Miss Isabelle Graham,
secretary; Mrs. F. M. Fritchard,
Attend Sorority Affairs.
Mrs. Charles Cook, Mrs. Stewart
'. Kirkpatriek, Zoe Grecnough, Bertha
'Ehlers, Olive Means and Ella Feter-
, son go to Lincoln Friday to attend
a dancing party to be given Friday
evening by Alpha Xi Delta sorority,
. The annual sorority banquet will be
given Saturday evening in Lincoln.
For Martha Noble.
. : Mr. and Mrs. William Noble en
tertained at , dinner at their home
Thursday evening in honor of
. Martha Noble and ner fiance, Ar-
thur Griffiths of Pennsylvania. The
... guests included Mr. and Mrs. John
Robinson of Denver, Mr. and Mrs.
..Benjamin Sylvester, Louise Stoil
and Catherine Howey of Beatrice,
Genene Noble and David Noble.
For Miss Heil.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mallory en
. tertained at a bridge party at their
( home 1 hnrsday evening, followed by
"' a midnight musical in honor of Miss
Jessie Heil, who is appearing at the
Orphcum this week. Twenty-four
guests were present at the musical
" and supper at the Mallory home.
Miss Heil is visiting Miss Marguerite
For Pleasant Holyoke.
Mrs. G. W. Holdrege entertained
at a luncheon of 10 covers Thursday
at her home in honor of Miss Pleas
ant Holyoke, whose marriage to
Harold Elwood will take place Sat
urday. '
Mr. and Mrs1, E. A. Holyoke en
tertained at dinner at their home fol
lowed by a party at the Orpheum,
Thursday evening, for the Elwood
Holyoke bridal party.
For Mrs. Estey. t
Mrs. R. L. Huntley entertained at
a luncheon of eight covers at her
home Thursday complimentary to
Mrs. Harold Estey of Boston, guest
of Mrs. D. C. Bradford.
Extension Society.
A meeting of the Extension socie
ty will be held Friday afternoon at
2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. J.
Elkins, 1628 Emmet street.
1 Community Cluh,
A card, party will be given Friday
at"ternoon at Crounse. hall by the
.Community club;
W. R: C; Notes
' George Custer Woman's Relief
corps will entertain the new citizen
class Friday evening, 8 o'clock, at
the -Y. W. C. A. ..
G.'-A. R. members will be honor
guests at a theater party at the
Rialto Saturday afternoon, given by
members of Custer corps. An invita
tion is extended to all patriotic so
cieties. ' ,
Those wishing to participate in
the affair are requested to meet at
the court house at 1 p. m. Saturday.
Free Dental Service
Anyone In need of dental service may receive the''
same' free of cost, during the annual meeting of the Ne
braska State Dental Society. A limited amount of Vork
will be done; all work done by the members of the society.
Report in the lobby of the City Auditorium Monday
morning, May 16th, at 9 o'clock for examination and
.'..i.v .,.srv..
p! "V- "fi-!. -'
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lonergau of
Broken Bow, Neb., announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Geraldine, to Captain Lamar Weaver,
U. S. army, now stationed at At
lanta, Ga.
Mrs. John Clapper, who has been
ill with pneumonia, is convalescent
at her home.
Miss Mae A. Flanagan will leave
Omaha May 18 for a 20 weeks' tour
of the United States.
Mrs. H. B. Cameron of Herman,
Neb., is spending a few days at the
home of Mrs. T. L. Combs.
Mrs. Robert Drake of Boston,
who has been spending the winter in
Texas, is the guest of Mrs. Robert
Harry - May " and - tfatighter, Miss
Myrtle May, of Los Angeles are
spending a few days in Omaha at
the Hotel Rome.
Mrs. James Railey of Kansas City,
who spent last week-end in Omaha
with Mrs. Paul Gallagher, has re
turned to her home.
Billy Marsh, jr., who underwent
an operation for the removal of his
tonsils Saturday at the Wise Memo
rial hospital, is convalescent.
Mrs. F. L. Loomis of Minneapo
lis, formerly of Omaha, is visiting
her sisters, Mrs. Virginia A. Black
and Miss Lizzie R. Needham.
Miss Mary Hall of Chicago, who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
C. D. Sturtevant, for several weeks,
left Wednesday evening for her
or Mrs. Buckley.' '
Mrs. James Allan and Mrs. E. H.
Bruenig entertained at a bridge
luncheon of eight covers Thursday
at the Allan home at Seymour lake.
Mrs. Robert Buckley of Washington,
D. C, guest of Mrs. H. A. Cameron,
was the honor guest.
Queen Mary of England is a sec
cond cousin of her husband, King
George. r
Look at the
bottom of
the bottle
' 1 1 i
The wedding will take place early
hi June.
Miss Longergan is a 'cousin of
Mrs. W. D. Hosford of this city and
a niece of Mrs. John A. McShane of
Coronado Beach, Cal., who is now
visiting in Omaha.
ecial Offer
plain lines, yet so artistic that it la. certain to satisfy the most scru
tinizing buyer.
$895 Behr. Bros. Grand
Piano Reduced &7Cn
to ... . . MIWV
This small grand is a- -ttondeful
instrument ideally suited for
small apartments. Its unusual
grace and beauty commend It
for any home where charm .and
distinction are sought
We -will make liberal allowance
foryour present piano or phono,
graph, or accept liberty bonds
at face value as part payment,
and arrange easy terms on the
Exceptional Values
Steinvray Square
.$ 68
Arion Upright
Cnickering Upright
S 88
Billings Upright.
Wellsmore Upright$ig8
Heller & Co $220
$5.00 to $10.00 Sends One of These Bargains to
Your Home.
Organs at $8, $10, $12-ancTlJ p.
Remember, we are the exclusive
repreeentativeelforTHE 8TEIN.
WAY, the -worldet piano,
also the celebrated Hardman,
the old reliable : Emerson, Mo
Phail Llndemair & Sons, Behr
Bros, and our own sweet toned
Schmoller A Mueller pianos.
We quote lowest prices and-give
three year to pay.
Schmoller & r.Tueller Piano Co.
1514463&.I)odg St Omaha, Htb Phone Dang. 1623.
The Oldest jmd'Lare&Piaixo
By the Picturaaqu
St. Lawrence River Route ':
Sailings Every Few Days
Montreal and Quebec
Liverpool, Southampton
Glasgow, Havre, Antwerp
Ocean Trip Shortened by
Two Delightful Days on
The Sheltered River and. Gulf
Apply to Agenta Everywhere or
40 North Dearborn Street
Chicago, 111.
Traffio Agenta
rroDiems mat rer
Answered by
A Dlnmoml lu tboi Rougli.
' Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 21, and
during the past eight or nine months
have been going about with a young
man two years my senior.
This young man is .very brilliant,
rather good looking and has an at
tractive personality, so that I have
deeded I really like him. The trou
ble is. however, that ho appears to
everybody to be rough. Inconsiderate
and impolite. 1 see all this myself,
but I am quite sure that this is all a
"pose" and only on the surface, be
cause he doesn't want to give a girl
the satisfaction of saying ho likes
her. Behind all .this I Xnow he has
a good heart and n noble soul and, I
am sure he cares for me.
Now don't you think that a man
like that is just as good as and even
better than the polished and polite
dandy who keeps on paying compli
ments all the time? Isn't real, true
character to count? My people are
very much opposed to him, but have
decided to abide by your decision.
Of course character counts. But
there's nothfng to bo gained by
roughness and the consequent
wounded feelings that must follow.
Bad manners are a habit. If the
man loves you he ought to make
some effort to impress favorably
those near and dear to you.- I see no
reason for putting him out of your
life but I see no reason for letting
him "get away" with his ungracious
ness. Talk to him pleasantly but
firmly about the effect he has on peo
ple and the importance of making
A Gingerbread Party.
I am sure you would like a "Gin
gerbread party." The Invitations to
this delightfully novel party for little
folks are made of heavy brown pa
per cut In circles the size of a ginger
cooky. Each circle is scalloped
around the edge and has thifc rime
written on It in red Ink:
Coma to my party as mnny aa can;
Com for a romp with the Gingerbread
Gingerbread amllea on hla gingerbread
Gingerbread buttons all neatly In place,
Raisins the eyca that are watching for
Coma to my party on Tuesday at two.
These cooky invitations are placed
In large envelopes, each having the
child's name lettered on the outside,
and In one corner instead of a stamp
there is a little cooky man drawn
with pencil and painted with brown
water colors.
At each child's place at table there
should be a gingerbread toy. These
toys horses, men, roosters and cats,
made of hard gingerbread frosted
pink and white you can have made
$25 Down
Sends one-of these new
player or grand pianos
to your home. $600 Ar
temis player piano re-
"id.; $495
These beautiful instruments are
fully guaranteed, which assures
you absolute satifaction and
protection. It is designed along
in Used Instruments
Schmoller & Mueller ...$250
Smith A Htxari Upnght-i
Kurtzma Upright.
Hardman Upright.
Bradley Player $375
Behning Grand ...
Omaha, Keh.:
Wa w nd whoot ohltf He
dttional lnformatkn. -dmortptUw
and tenns at payment. I ant in
terested particaliirix la Grand
rnrtght. Player... ...
Th'rr .-.I
Special Sale
Men's $1.50 Union Suits,
short sleeves, 03 C
Men's $1.50 Athletic QO
Union Suits 2OC
Men's Balbriggan Underwear,
Men'. $1.00 Wash ntl
hirti............ oc
Men's $1.50 Dress QQ
Shirt..;..- HOC
Men's 25c Hose in all " A
colors, on sale... 1"C
J. Helphand Clothing Co.
314 North 16th St. .
nil ti . r
inexpensively at a icood bakery. If
they are -not available, gingerbread
men to stand at each place can be
made at home of cooky .dough.
The brown menu' is simple but at
tractive because it is "different:"
Franut Butter Snnrtwkhet
Curry of Chicken
Ginger Preserve . , dinger Tut
Glnnr Je Cream ' Ginaer Cookies
The little guests' favors may be
toys chosen with a view to their j?en
oral fitness for the scheme of enter
talnment. They are lnexpenslvevbut
must weicuiao in ins cnuaren, una
may. consist of tin kitchen sets and
wooden dishes for the girls, and toy
animals for the boys. These gifts
should be wrapped in brown tissue
paper, making fiat, round parcels In
the shape of cookies, and tied with
scarlet ribbon.
Why not procure a copy of "The
Little Gingerbread Man,", by George
I if Putnam, and, after a'few merry
games on the lawn, let the children
hear It read.
Give each child a bag of homo
made ginger cookies to take home.
Mother: How about golf? Tou
used to play and you remember how
fine it made you feel? Women can
get over more ground with less
fntigue and effort at this game than
in any other prescribed form of ex
ercise. It is nerve soothing, and I
think the very thing you need to re
vive your interest and joy in life. The
more fun you put Into any form of
exercise the more benflcial.
Yates Parent-Teachers
Elect Officers.
Mrs. Frank Field was re-clccted
president of the Parent-Teachers'
association of Henry W. Yates
school at the annual business meet
ing Wednesday afternoon . in the
school auditorium. Mrs. Anna Pick
ard, principal of the school, -was
chosen first vice president; Mrs.
Claude K. Camblin, second vice
president; Mrs. Martin Sugarmari,
recording secretary; Mrs. S. A.
Robertson, corresponding secretary;
Mrs. Pearl McGrew Harris, treas
urer, and Mrs. A. F. Jonas, chairman
of program committee.
Polishing Cut Glass.
Wash cut glass in a good suds,
rinse in ciuite hot water to which a
tablespoon of bluing has been added
and polish with a tea towel. This
gives a brilliant luster to the cut
Furniture .
from cellar to
in most every home are
pieces of furniture that could
be made useful and to look
like new with little repair.
There is much use in every
piece you have laid aside.
Send them to us. When they
Our Repair Department j
and are delivered to your
home, you will admit it
would have been most waste
ful to have discarded anything
so good.
! You'll Save Money
-your home will be better
furnished and you will be
pleased you had the work
done by the
Howard St. Btw. 15th & 16th
in Oven
It Measures the Heat !
The "Lorain" Oven Heat Regulator on these
beautiful "Clark Jewel" Gas Ranges is your new
automatic cook. It measures the heat, saves gas, con
serves your time and strength and absolutely takes
all the guesswork out of baking and cooking. Come
in and see this remarkable gas range at work.
Terms as Low as $10 Down
. &
Stretching Out Canned
i : Fruit. , -. ,,
When 'you have several persons to
serve from a limited amount of
canned peaches or apricots divide the
fruit equally among the number to
he served and arrange in comports.
Pour over fruit the following cus
tard and serve when cool: To each
cup fruit juice add the well-beaten
yoHc of one egg and three table
spoons sugar which has been; mixed
to a paste with one rounding tea
spoon cornstarch and a little juice or
milk. Cook till thick, then beat in
the stift.white of an egg.- One cup of
juice made into custard will serve
five or six generously.
Bachelors and Children.
Commenting on J ohu Galsworthy's
book on childhood, "Awakening," a
critic remarks : that men, and espe
cially bachelors, are the best his
torians of childhood. It was Charles
Lamb who wrote "Dream Children."
Lamb, by the way, was scarcely an
inveterate bachelor, as" he would have
married Ann Simmons if she had
been willing, and there was also
"Alice W.," as well as Fanny Kelly,
S I. ' ..,i.,,,i. . I 5
"The children are always hungry, and I've found that,
plenty of bread and milk or cereals and milk satisfies
them better than anything else. They thrive on It,
too. Just look at them did you ever see healthier
"I buy Alamito Milk because I know I've got to. take
ray milkman's word for the quality of my milk. And
under those circumstances it pays to trade witk a
strong, responsible company.' ... -
Your Neighbor Uses Alamito Mitt.
Call the Office and on of the
White "Wagons win stop
Leavenworth Street at 26th,
Douglas 0409 , Phones to. Bluffs, Bed 2874
Meal Cooking and Baking
Absolutely Without Attention
and Saturday Afternoons
From 2:00 to 5:00 P.M.
Special Factory Representative in Attendance
All Day Long1
Range Headquarters 3rd
the aetre5s, who refused him.' It
was the lonely Barrie who w rote
"Peter Pan." And few descriptions
of children not dream thildren or
Peter Pans, but of actual child fire
can surpass the pictures drawn by
E. Nesbitt (Mrs. Hubert Bland) in
"The Treasure Seekers" and "The
rhoenix and Carpet." '
Saturday . at the H- R.
Bowen Company you will be
able to secure linoleum at
prices less than you have ever
before paid.
Over 3,000 yards of high
grade linoleum will be offered
in this one-day sale and you'll
save money if you attend and
buy. . . .v
Dozens of different pat
terns are shown from which
you will be able to choose the
particular pattern most suited
to the. room in which it is to
be laid. '
Watch Friday papers for
announcement. t
rffajBowen (d
Howard St., bet. 15th and 16th
Glee Club.
Nebraska Wesleyan . Glee club
gave a concert Thursday even
ing at ' IlanserTm farlc Methodist
church. On Friday evening they
will give a concert at Trinity Meth'
odist church.
Cook With Gas
and Lighten Your
Kitchen Labors -
Gas Stoves and Ranges
at Reduced Prices
Note .Thai. Reductions
$47.50, 4-burner Gas Stove,
white porcelain door, $31.00
$30.00, 2-burner Gas Stove,
large oven $18.25
$42.50, 4-burner Gas Stove,
large oven $23.00
$95.00, 6-burner. High Oven,
Cabinet Gas Stove, $52.50
$52.50, -4-burner, High Oven,
Cabinet Stove .....$33.00
$40.00, 4-burncr, with good
oven, at only $21.00
$70.00, 6-burner, high oven,
with white doors, . .$44.00
Some More Big Values
Bowen's . Large
Big Value. Aluminum
Brooms Percolator
33c $1.25
Bowen's -Guaranteed
Howard St, Btwi. J5th 16th.
air- wi
Very Red and Would Scale Over
Could Not Sleep. Cuttctforlealj.
"I had pimples alt ovet mjUfcw
that were very red and would jfcttr
A i . mnt
uu sw vtci avj
itched and I cond not
help sctatchlag them,
and sometimes I could
not sleep. Thsy etiarted
In anflSm nn raw faea. mnA
after ' while mTfacC
was ahuoe ne bleach 1
ofrlmples. .-
"1 used Cuticnra 8osp and Oint
ment and the pimples suited to heal,
and after using three boxes of Cutl
cura Ointment with the J Ortcna
Soap I was healed.", (SifQfd) jf Mn
H. Kessler.Route A.MarUnlhatKaa.
Make Cutlcura Soap, Ointment sad
Talcum rout daily toilet preparatfcma.
irU. Hal . Mldaa U. Iu4." Ms
wmtj, aoap me. inaw a aoo wa. Taoam Jtm.
pCnacBra. Bass' sutss wMaasas sk.
How You Can Remove
Every Trace of Hair
(Toilet Talks)
A stiff paste made with some pow I
dered delatone and water and spread j
on a hairy surface about 2 minutest
will, when removed, take every trace ;
of hair with it. The skin should)
then be washed to free it from the
remaining delatone. No harm can
result .from this treatment, but be
sure it is delatone you get and yo-j
will not be disappointed. Mix fresh
as wanted. - .
Siys His Prescription
His Powerful Inlluer:
Over Rheunati.c.1
Mr. Jamas H. Allan, suffer! for years'
with rtaenmatiim. Manx timts thin tar
ribls di.aa.a left him hclplats and nn.
abl to work. '
Ha ftnsllr deeidad. aftar years ot,
eeaaalaaa atudr. that no on eaa tut tnm
from rh.umatlam until tha- aeeaan
latcd - impuritiaa, commonly callad art
acid dero.lta. wars dlasolvad in thai
joints and muielaa and axptlltd sVoaa
the body. i
With this idea in mini fcrf oasnltol
physicians. made sxpsrimsais anet
finally compounded a praaeripttea- thus
quickly and baniahad err
aien and symptom of rheumatism (rooa
his system.
Ha freely Bare his diseovary1 M
others who took it. with what salfha
be called marreloua saecssa. Aitar
years of ursinar ha deeidad to let suf
ferers everywhere know about hts cliaa
covery through the newspapers. Shsnaaa
a McConnell S Oroa Stores haa baa
appointed agent tor Allen rhu n this wi
einity with the understanding that fcs
will freely return the purchase money on
the . firat two bottles to nil who stats
they received ao benefit. .
M!nrtmm sSstrtar fartttuMift nai aal 1 a an ar
(Hunt's Salve and Soapl.aUl io
"the treatment ofttcb, Beaeraa,
inc akin diseases. Try this
treatment at our risk.
fthsrassn s McConasU iPra