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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1921)
THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1021 Vj- - f r 4 -1 r e J i 4 if i V if. Divorcc Soudit By "Toots" Young, Once Stage Star Alleges That Husband, Son of Late U. P. Auditor, Com pelled Her to Work For Living. David L. Young, 45, son oi Mrs. ; " Erastus Young and of the late Eras- tus Young, Union- Facific auditor, ?' was sued for divorce in district court "t yesterday by "Toots" Young, 25, former vaudeville artiste playing the ' eastern circuits. Mr. Young lives with his mother in a big home at 3172 Dodge street. The petition states that in spite of her husband's large income she ha y. been compelled to work for her liv " ing. ' "Toots" Young had filed suit for ,! divorce 18 months ago, but allowed it to lapse when she moved to Chi cago. 4 In the former suit, the young bride charged that Mrs. Young waged a persistent campaign to separate her son from his bride. She also al :', legcd that David threatened to kill " her. and that, in an effort to get rid of her, he took "her to St. Joseph in April, 1919. where, she charged, he abandoned her. J Mrs. Young admitted she asked her son's wife to leave the house. "She was always nagging me and f asking David for money and 3rtiok- ing cigarcts," Mr. Young, senior, said. ',... "Toots" always attracted attention C"""l'y 'ier looks and her. vivacity. At f .. a trial in police court when she had . her husband arrested on a nonsuppon, i charge, she exclaimed, displaying '. shapely limbs: ' "Look at them, judge, they're the g- only pair I've got." (referring, of i course, to the silken hose that were ! ' full of holes.) j t Without moving the base a new " t frame for photographs permits them ,.f to he turned to the angle at which " they receive the best lighting effect. Says She Will Press Second Divorce Suit W2 )f ' ' Mrs. David L. Young. Movies Free for Children At Burgess-Naeb Saturday Saturday morning the Burgess Nash company will open its new auditorium to the children with the first of a series of moving pictures which they plan to have every Sat urday morning for the little tots of Omaha. The show is free of charge and is held at 10 o'clock; A six-reel feature film will be the show this Saturday. Each tin of with the REED TOP contains freshly made tobacco. Just right for your pipe . And the mild smoothness you enjoy is the result of Velvet's twe long years' ageing in wooden hogs heads. Patient ageing is Nature's way the right jvay of removing raw harshness and bite. You'll say that Velvet b cool, smooth and "sweet &s a nut. In your plpc Uscbtt &, Myers Tobacco Ca! City Asked to Do Own Train Probe Corporation Counsel Recom mends Commissioners Make Independent Valuation. The Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company faces a de ficit of $059,490.36 to yield 8 per cent on the valuation of the company's holdings during 1920, according to Corporation Counsel V. C. . Lam bert's interpretation of 'the physical valuation report. Recommendation was made to the city council yesterday by the cor poration counsel that the city should make an independent physical valua tion,' similar to one recenty made in the electric light and power rate case. This will fall to the new adminis tration when it takes charge next week. In making application for an in crease in ,ratc the street railway company loft a copy of the pur ported valuation of the physical property with Corporation Counsel Lambert. "This is the beginning of the last step in proceedings instituted in May, 1918, before the State Railwty commission for both emergency and permanent rates," Mr. Lambert said. Krug Park to Be Opened For Season on Saturday Fred Ingersoll, who operates Krug park as one of a string of amusement parks, expects to be in Omaha for the opening of Krug park next Sat urday. This is the fourth year that Inger soll has had Krug park and the 19th year that the park has been in opera tion. ' The gates will open at 6 Saturday evening. Albert D. 'Palmer is. local mana ger. He has been with the Inger soll enterprises for 21 years. TOBACCO Public Welfare Board Will Not Be Abolished, Predictionof Zimman That the new city administration will not abolish the Public Welfare board is the belief expressed by B. Zimman, who was re-elected city commissioner. "This board may be made an agency of usefulness in our city." Mr. Zimman said, "and it is my opinion that it will not be abolished." It is understood that if the wel fare board is retained, it will be com posed only of men. Dr. Jennie Call fas and Mrs. E. B. Towl, women members of the board, resigned a few days after the recent election. Tells Judge to Give Wife All Property t "Give her all, judge, so I can have peace of mind," exclaimed Charles Ude in district court yesterday when Judge Sears entered an order in the settlement of the divorce granted Maud Bessie Ude a few weeks ago. Mr. Ude's face twitched with ner vousness. The divorce was started after Mr. and Mrs. Ude had built up the Oma ha Auto Top and Trimming com pany, l he company was ordered sold to a bidder for $1,450 and the proceeds divided, $990 to Mrs. Ude and the rest to Mr. Ude. Juge Sears complied with Ude's request yesterday and entered the order. B'Nai B'rith to Initiate 100 New Members Sunday initiation of 100 new members into the B'nai B'rith, a Jewish organiza tion, will be held next Sunday in Crounse hall. An open meeting of the lodge will be held in the Hotel t-ontenelle at 8 p. m. that day. Gustavus Loevinger of St. Paul vice president of District No. 6. I, O, B. B., and Mrs. S. Pisko. executive secretary of the National Jewish hos pital at LJenver, will speak. Members of Council Bluffs, Des Moines and Sioux City lodges have been invited to attend the meeting, NOTE The Red Top tin con tains Velvet that has recently been delivered from the fa tory. It is in fresh condition cool and smooth la a pip 1 Largest Shipment Of Film Sent East Seven Elaborate Productions Pass Through Omaha on Transcontinental Train. The largest shipment of motion picture film negative ever transported on a transcontinental train passed through Omaha at 7:30 last night en loute from Los Angeles to New York City.. The shipment was in charge of John McCormick, westeru represen tative of First National exchanges, and Dave Barshow of Los Angeles. It is valued at $2,000,000. Five insurance companies pooled the'gigantic risk of transporting the film with provision that two men accompany the shipment. Harry Weinberg, John Alperson and Arthur Cunningham, well-known Omaha film men,, met the two First National representatives at the L'nion station. This big production activity denies statements that American producer are stopping work in tavor ot (.ht- man productions, according to Mr. McCormick. The shipment comprised seven Friday --Boys' Shop Boys' Union Suits of Barred Regular, Priced $1.25 2 for $1.50 Insuring your boy warm weather comfort and long wear so well made, so correctly proportioned, care . fully cut and finished, is each suit. Made in knee lengths wityi drop seat waist attachment button-up fronts-adjustable over the shoulders. Supply Son 8 Entire Summer Needs Friday Boys' Shop r Balcony e.Store.of.SpecialShopsi, FRIDAY-SATURDAY We Introduce " , Women's 32.50 Cadet Silk Hosiery At Every pair made of pure thread silk. , ' With unusual elastic silk lisle tops. Full-fashioned lisle soles, heels, toes. Guaranteed fast , colors. In Black, Navy, Cordovan This hose is a very desirable, satisfying, splendid wearing hose at $2.50 at $2 it is a value you cannot afford to miss. Hosiery Shop- Floor he.Store.of.Specialty Shops. $ elaborate film productions soon to be released. Hospital Dismisses 1 2 Nurses Who Went On Joy Rides at Night Twelve student nurses at Nicholas Senn hospital were discharged from Nicholas Senn hospital Wednesday for alleged infraction of rules. They went on secret automobile rides at night and attended public dances, it is said. The girls are Mabel Drucker, champion swimmer in the hospital pool; Clarice Fall, Adele Maslousky, Edna Peterson, Delia Van ' Skiver, Kihel Carroll, Marie Sourezny, Bon nie r armor, Helen-Dorman, Lillian Kudrna, Esther Greer and Helen Bagley. "We had to dismiss ringleaders who were breaking hospital rules," said Mrs. A. P. Condon, who as sists her husband. Dr. Condon, in operating the hospital. "We have to keep up the standards of our hos pital. There are .SO girls on the hos pital s waiting list, though the num ber employed is but iO, Mrs. London stated. An Englishman is the inventor of a radio receiving set in book form, the wave lengths being altered by opening or closing thgt covers. Dimity Regularly Priced $U5 2 for $1.50 Pair Girl Says She Stole To Get Money for Rent i Tearfully pleading for another chance,Rose Lee, who was arrcsteff Wednesday night for the theft of a $125 mink stole from the National Fur and Tanning company, 1701 Douglas street, told Judge Dunn in Central police court yesterday she stole ,the fur piece to get money with which to pay her rent. She was discharged and the police matron was instructed to secure a ticket to Kansas City for cr and send her to her home there. May Brock, whose apartment at 617 South Sixteenth street detectives searched for the fur, and who was arrested for operating a disorderly house, was fined $25 by Judge Dunn. Earl Hartley, bellhop, and li. S. Hawthorne, salesman, 2522 North Thirty-first street, who were arrest ed as inmates of the Brock apart ment, were discharged. Judge in Debate. Attorney Charles A. Sundcrlin will go to Lincoln today as a judge in the interscholastic debate of the Nebras ka High School Debating league. n i l it SIXTEENTH AND Attend r 1 ji mm f I ft """" T " The Cooking School Conducted by the Corn Products Refining Co., Manufacturers of Mazola, Argo and Karo. from 2 to 4 P. M. Every Day This Week All Cooking Will Be Done Upon Detroit Jewel Ranges The expert lecturers show the latest and most improved methods of cake making. Salad preparation, seasoning, sweeten ing and shortening are demonstrated by the instructors. Special stress is laid upon 'kitchen efficiency," and all possible means are demonstrated for conserving time, strength and energy. During the Week of This Demonstration $5.00 Will Be Allowed on your old Gas Range and the new Detroit Jewel Gas Range Installed Without Extra Charge Where Gas is in the Kitchen. t Terms on Gas Ranges Will be 10 Down; 10 Month, From 20 to 50 Can Be Saved From 1920 Price by Filling Your Drapery and Curtain Needs in Our Drapery Sale Almost Every Class of Fabric for Window Treatments Is Included for Instance: , . Portiere Material v Double faced Chenilles and velvets in desirable drapery colors; 2,4 yards wide. 1920 price $ 6.00, now $2.95 1920 price $ 8.75, now $3.95 1920 price $15.00, now $6.85 Plain Voiles, ' Marquisettes Plain Voile (1920 price 75c). New, per yd 45c Plain Voile (1920 price $1.00). New, per yd... 65c Plain Voile (1920 price $1.75). Now, per yd... $1.25 40-inch Plain Marqui sette (1920 price $1). Now, per yard 45e If You Plan to Buy That Needed . Rug, Carpet or Piece of Linoleum You Will Do Well to Attend Our Sale of Rugs Savings From 1920 Prices are From, ' 25 to 50 . NOTE AH Rugs arc perfect and up to standard. Southwestern Nebraska I. O. O. l to Meet in McCook McCook, Neb., " May 12.-(Spe-l cial.1 The southwestern Nebraska! I. O. O. F. association will hold its second annurtl meeting in Mci Cook, June X Thi district associa lion covers IS Bounties. .IVKRTIKMK.NT "If I Could Only Belch Up That Gas I Know I Would Feel Better' How often have you felt tht wrTi How often have you winhecl for om. tliinir to Rive you genuine anil lantinj' relief for Ga 7 i Don't buy any ordinary dytpepsia talW let fcr temporary results, do to a flrtt.j cl3 lruK ature, Bfsk for a bottle of uen-! nine Banlmann', Gai-Tahleta: take thr' tnbloU an hour before mealt and aeain three before eatinK then watch. Now comes a urpriae. No more ro, no mor. mnthoreii feeiiiR, no difficult breathlnir, nml no bloat. Remember Baalmann'f Gas-Tableta are not only fur tlic relief, but alo for th; prevention of Ca. Most people with Gaal suffer from nervous dyapepsia, not com mon indigestion. KaalmannU Han-Tablet are aold In tha famous yellow package for on dollar. Baalmann'a Gaa-Tableta are for eale by all reliable HniRui.t and Sherman & Mc Connell. J. Tlaalmann, rhfcmint, tian Fran cisco. HOWARD STREETS 40-inch Plain "Marqui sette (1920 price $1.25). Now, per., yard ........ 65c Cretonnes One splendid array of Cre tonnes at almost any price you may elect to pay. Twenty, ' Patterns (1920 prices 50c to 75c). Now, per yard, 38c .Twenty-five Patterns(1920 . prices !75c .'to $1.00), Now, per yard..,..... 80c Twenty Patterns (1920 prices $1.25 to $1.75). Now, per yard 85c Eighty Patterns (1920 prices $1.35 to $2.00). Now, per yard .$1.00 i -I -ORCHARD & W1LHELM C0.