THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1921. is it 1 1 4 v 4 ; I'! . "Jazz" Is Evil Spirit of Music, Says Professor Expresses Hysteria and Incites to Idleness, Revelry, Dissi pation, Destruction, Dis cord and Chaos. Chicago. May 9. Jazz is the evil spirit of music, according to Dr. Frank E. Morton, chairman of the music industries committee, in speaking at opening of the Music Trades convention here today. "Jazr," said Dr. Morton, "express cs. hysteria and incites to idleness, revelry, dissipation, destruction, dis cord and chaos. It accords witu the devastating, volcanic spirit that has burst forth over the world in the last six years. Like Intoxicant. "Rhythm and musical vibrations swayed the half savage voodooisls like a powerful intoxicant. It shows the extreme to which musical vibra tions .can control human nerves when Improperly employed.: This U bad music, but tlm difference be tween the incantation-crazed fanatics and the patriot or soldier stirred to noble action by music is a difference in the music itself. "Ja is compounded after- the same formula as the Voodoo chant. Typifying the unbalanced state of humanity's mind, it tends to unhinge it more and more. Human nerve tis sues respond to this perverted or ganization of sound just as' readily as did those of the Voodoo zealots, and just as readily will they respond to music of the higher, ennobling order. The world needs good music as never before. Make Music Virile. "Seldom do you hear 'Home, Sweet Home' sung now. Formerly it dropped in upon us in concert en cores and quiet, social and family gatherings. And every rendition of it reacted on the cerebral tissue ot those who sang and to a lesser ex tent 4u those who listened. With 'Home Sweet silenced, home itself tends to disappear. With home swallowed up in the cabaret, the great stabilizing center of society is lost. "Make music ' virile. Put red blood info it. Associate it with two fisted men who do things. Keep away from the jazz abominations. Restore the orderly harmonized or ganization of industrial and social life with good music. Bring back 'Home, Sweet Home.' " . . Japanese Crown Prince In London for 3 Weeks London, May 9. Crown Prince Hirohito of Japan today began a . three weeks' visit in England under most auspicious circumstances. He landed in Portsmouth harbor " thU morning from the battleship. Katori, being escorted to the shore by the prince of Wales. British warships in the harts-r thundering the royal sa lute wheff he left the deck of the bat tleship, " 1 The """nee proceeded to Bucking ham 'pahce. where he will be the guest i f King , George and Queen Mary for several days. Announce ment has been made that the crow.t prince has been made an honorary genera! of the British army. The prince probably will leave for France about June 1. National Women's Civic Foundation Is piscussed New York. May 9. The Women's National Civic foundation project to provide in Washington joint head quarters for all national women's or ganizations was the subject of discus sion at a meeting of the foundation today. . Miss Alice Carpcnticr. the founda-, tion's secretary, said a 10-acre estate at the head of Connecticut avenue in Washington hai been acquired, where it is proposed to construct it group of artistic buildings and club houses, one residence for each or ganization. The groups are to be beautified and among other features a large theater is to be erected. Ryan Grocery Company In Bankruptcy Court A petition in involuntary bank ruptcy was filed against the Ryan company, wholesale grocery con cern, by the A. F. Smith company, the Iten Biscuit company and the I'axton & Gallagher company iii federal coi:rt late Saturday. The petitioners allege the Ryan company , committed acts of' bank ruptcy by assigning to William S. Randall land Frank . Masterson, as trustees, its property, with intent to . prefer some creditors. They assert - they are creditors of the company for more than $1,000. Funeral of Woman Hurt in ; Fall to Be Held Wednesday v The funeral of Mrs. Edward H. Flitton, 4816 Underwood avenue, who died Sunday, will be held from the home at 2 Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Flitton was injured in a fall downstairs at her home about two weeks ago and had been confined to her bed the greater part of the time since, but her condition was believed favorable. Sunday she took a sudden turn for the worse and died suddenly. She is survived by her husband and two children. Lad Is Blown to Pieces When Cigar et Falls' in Pocket With Dynamite Portsmouth, O., May 9. Wher Carl Newman, 15, attempted to toss a lighted cigaret away it lodged in his pocket with a number of dyna mite caps, exploding them. The lad was blown to pieces and six com panions were more or less seriously injured. Thourold M. Carmichael. 13, lost a leg. The accident hap pened late yesterday. Piles Fistula A mild system of A cure guaranteed in every ease accepted for eured. Writ for book on Rectal Diseases, 1.000 prominent people who have been permanently eured. DR. E. R. TARRY Sanatorium, Peters Truet Bldg. (Bee Bldg.) Omaha, Neb. Lincoln Business Man , Speaks to Ad-Sells on "Business Friendship" George, O. Risdon of Lincoln, vice president and sales manager of the. Western Glass and Paint Co., ad dressed members ' of " the Adver tising Selling league at the Hotel Fontenclle last night. His subject was "Business Friendship," and he told of his experiences "in the good old days," when he landed in Oma ha, homeless, without a job and with $4.50 in his pocket. He reviewed his activities up to the present time and attributed his success to business friendship. After the meeting at the Fonte nelle members of the league attended a free lecture and moving picture flvtirtir theater tlirnuoli the courtesy of Harry B. Whitehouse. The film shown was one proaucea by the National Cash Register com pany at a cost of $30,000, showing tlii result of 36 vears of investiga tion of retail conditions and .mer chandising problems. Germany Again Seeks Metal Market Control St. Louis, - May 9. Germany is taking active measures to once more gain ascendancy in the nonferrous metal markets of the world and is only delaying its plans until the reparations question is settled, ac cording to Stephen S. Tuthill of New Yerk, secretary of the American Zinc institute, who addressed the an nual convention of the organization here today. ' He asserted that at present Ger many and, Belgium arc conducting negotiations for a re-establishment of, their former trade relations in the metal market and that Germany plans to re-establish its once "me- tallgcseUschaft," with headquarters at Hamburg and Liege and witbr of- hces in the principal cities of the world. . - . . Engineer Says Alaska to . Revert If Not Developed , Washington. Mav 9. Unless, de velopment of Alaska is stimulated, depopulation will reduce its inhabi tants to Eskimos and Indians only, J. L. McPherson, a civil engineer who has spent 23 years in the ter ritory declared today before the house territories committee. He urged passage of Chairman Curry's bill to create a board ot five mem bers to administer the affairs of the. territorv. He said it was virtually impossible for white settlers to get possession of Alaska lands or resources without consulting one or a dozen of the 32 different conflicting and overlapping federal bureaus. $6.42 Is Sent to 'Conscience Fund' of City of Boston Boston, May 9. A contribution to the ".conscience fund" was made to Commissioner of Corporations, and Taxations Henry F. Long. He re ceived' $6.42, the 42 cents being in stamps. Commissioner Long' said this is the, first -contribution pf its kind in the! history of the ffice. The letter 'was mailed inQ'iJincy, Mass.,' a,nd contained only the money and the inscription: "For the con science fund." Commissioner ,Long turned the money over to the state treasurer. Mrs. Maud E. Willis Leads In ElkV Popularity Contest 'Mrs. Maud' E. Willis yesterday took the lead in the Elk's popular women's contest. An automobile which will be given for. first prize to the women will be awarded Wednesday night at the Au ditorium where the big Elk's circus is on for the week. For second and third prizes, two diamond rings wil,! be given away free. Wilma Keanc is in the lead in the baby contest. Secretary of Missing Show Man of Toronto Sentenced Toronto, May 9. John Doughty, convicted of stealing $105,000 in Vic tory bonds from Ambrose Small, missing theatrical man, today was sentenced to six years in the pro vincial penitentiary. Crown author ities indicated they might drop for the present the charges that Doughty, Small's secretary, had conspired to kidnap him. ADVERTISEMENT f CUT THIS OUT OLD ENGLISH RECIPE FOR CA TARRH, CATARRHAL DEAF NESS AND HEAD NOISES. If you know of some one who is troubled with Catarrhal Deafness, head noises or ordinary catarrh cut out this formula and hand it to them nnd you may have been the means of aaving some poor sufferer perhaps from total deaf re. In England scientist! for- a loner time past have recognised that catarrh is a constitutional diseare and neces sarily requires constitutional treatment. Sprays, inhalers and nose douches are liable to irritate the delicate air passages and force the " disease into the middle ear. which frequently means total deaf ness, or else the disease may be driven down the air passages towards the lungs which is equally as dangerous. The follow ing formula which is used extensively in the damp English climate is a constitu tional treatment and should prove espe cially efficacious to sufferers here who Hve under more favorable climate conditions. Secure from your drusgist 1 ounce of Farmint (Double strength). Take this home and add to it '4 'pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar: stir until dissolved. Take one tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from distressing head noisea. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and hearing improve aa the inflammation in the eustachian tubes is reduced. Parmint used in this n&y acta directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system and has a tonic action that helps to obtain the desired results. The preparation is easy to make, cotti little and ia pleasant to take. Every per son who has catarrh or head noises or is hard of hearing should give this treat' ment a trial. A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED - All Work Guaranteed V 1513 Douglas St. Tel. Doug. C188 - Pay When Cured troarmeat that cures Piles, Fistula and other Rectal Diseases in short time, without a sever surgical op eration. No Chloroform. Ether or ether general anesthetie used. treatment, and no money ia to be paid until with names and testimonials of more than Move to Abolish Rail Wage Board On Foot in Senate Advocates of New Plan Would Have President Name , Body,, Without Regard to - Business Affiliations. , Washington, May 9. A movement to abolish the railroad wage board as now constituted, and to substi tute a board composed of men se lected by the president without re gard for their business affiliations, will assume form in connection with the. investigation of railroad condi tions, to be started Tuesday by the senate committee on 'interstate com merce. It is believed by senators Five More Days Big Extra Vote is not a winding road of wishing. It is a direct, straight road of action. Wishing you could win a Capital Award will not achieve it. The only way to get it is to make a positive decision to try. You stand just as good a chance as anyone. The way is wide open, but the first essential is to become a Member. Do it now and a way of achieving your desire will be shown you. Use, the blank in the lower left EXAMPLE NO. 1 Vote. One $15.00 New Subscription 136,000 One 7.50 New Subscription 62,000 One 5.00 New Subscription 32,000 One 4.00 New Subscription . . . '. . 22,000 $39.00 Total Regular Votes 312,000 Bonus of 4,000 Extra Votes Per Dollar 156,000 Total Votes for $39.00 468,000 EXAMPLE NO. 2 One $10.20 New Subscription One 7.80 New Subscription ........ One One 5.10 New Subscription. 2.55 New Subscription . $25.65 Total Regular Votes 182,000 Bonus .of 4,000 Extra Votes Per Dollar. . . . .102,600 T9taVtes for, $25.65. .. .284,600 , ' DIBTBICI NO. 1 Will Include all territory Inside the City limits of Omaha south of FaeHta street, west of the river fn Seventy, second street, including Ralston, Belie vue, Fort Crook and Avery. One SI.115.0O Alaxwell, one SZM.M It. L. Deposit and one flOO.M B. L. Deposit will be awarded la this district. R. VT. Sage, 2519 S. 83d St. ...... .72,560 Mrs. O. A. ChristenueiK 522 Cedar.. 1.51. Ernest Hcrngren, 2015 S. 7th 8t...7i,70 Martha -Ebert, .2402 Poppleton 11,750 Mrs. Thomas Sell, 2315 I St.'. ... .74,650 Mrs. Pearl Starker, ,1587 8. 11th. . 73,351 Frank Kennison. 1509 S. 30th St... 13,210 John Salerno. 723 Pierce St 15,60 Frank Sterba. 129 Ex. Bide. S. T. .17.650 C. O. Phillips, 162 Polk St ..12,f !rea Btroen, 4?a sautn zntn. n.suu Mabel Hogan, 240S S. 24th. ...... .26,810 Ed Julie, 6806 S. 2th 13,240 William Murray, 3024 S. 324 Ave.. 17,500 Mrs. Fred Kaiser. Believue. Neb. . .11.710 Mrs. J. N. Williams, 3608 S. 23d. ...18, 460 Bernlce Wawrz, 3926 I, St.... 11.750 Mabel Gravett. 626 Bancroft 18.610 Mrs. Alfred Pederson, 2019,Dorcs,.18vH0 Mrs. F. Marecek, 6218 S.- 20th St. .74,8X1 Theo. A. Isaacson, 2317.:- S. 31st. . .17.644) Mrs. Anna Kuppert. 2014 Martna. . . .ii,n Mrs. C. A. Kauth. 1822 Bancroft. .12.110 John Kwasnlcweki. 2857 Oak.. .. ,.16,680 Mrs. Katharine Hawea, 8024 8. 18th. 27,540 Miss E, O'Halloran, 2751 8. 10th. . .17,460. H. Hakenholz, 2323 -Monroe 75.790 Iva Siegel, 1724 Dorcas;..., 62,440 Q. H. Evans. 4660 S. 40th 62,590 Mrs. E. D. Haworth. 1775 8. 6th... .21,860 George Peterson. 2412 Wright...... 6,480 Aage jorgensen, Sozn s. zotn... ... e.liv Walter Hamilton. 2201 S. 29th...... 5,600 Mra. W. B. Wlthrow, 225 Francis.. 6.000 Mrs. Olive S. Duaenbury, 1206 8. 23d. 6,020 DISTRICT NO. S Will include all territory Inside the city limits of Omaha and oa. and north of Pacific street, west of the river to Elahtj-.thlrd street and as far north as Maple street. One 1,1 15.00 Maxwell, one S200.00 B. Si T,. Deposit and one S 140.00 B. ft I.. Deposit will be awarded la this district. . . ,'. .- . . . Fred G.t Witte. 8517 Seward, i-. .V. . .16,630 Mrs. C.'JT Hubbard. a604 Farnam.. 70,460 O. W. . W-endee. 4214 Burdette. . J. , .69,600 A. ,.':: KlelTi.. ir-. 40 tjodge. .- . ;. . .70,90 Kloye R.. Morel!,- 544 9. 25th..rAVe.. 70,390 C. J. Wright. 531 0 Howard;.;.-.;. .68, 350 James Addewn, 2411 N. 16th... ... .12,610 vv. t. ziesei,' sit .uecaiur,...,,...ei,2iv H. Petereon',126 N. 26th.. ..v 21,510 Pr. Frank ,Q.--Smithy BlaekatOna, . .72,110 Louis J. Schaterv 112 N. , 26th. .... .71,470 Mildred Plank, 2714 . Burt .vi .... .,60,310 Mrs. Anna Merenelli.SoS S'. 21st...., 12,340 Fred Keogh, 220 N., 19th, , .....22.411 A HlcU. 2714 Mlml. . -.79.430 R. H. AcUley. 2607 NVC4fb.. 11,590 Mrs. Emily Winner, lit ;f; ietit 71.860 Hedwig Michel, 2411 N. .68th. .. .. . . .11,580 Gertrude I,evln, 5061 N. . 19th... .. .21,959 Louis Kiewits, :i7i Kurt.,..... .11,210 R. E. Holbrook. 3568 Pacific..-,. 71.840 Marten Troufelt. 2435 Hamilton. ...26.650 Herman Xachthocn. 413 N. 18th. ... 16,550 Dessie I. Harrop. 2567 Douglas. .. .36,470 C. A. Wler. 1915 Charlea 74.710 Membership Entry Blank The Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club 5,000 VOTES Date 1921 I nominate (Mr., Mrs. or Uitt) Street No Dist. No City ....State As a member of The Help Yourself Club Signed Address ; This nomination hlsnk will count ht B.000 votes it sent to the manager of the H. Y. S. Club. Only one blank will count for a member. Fill out this blsnk with your name or the nam ef your favorite and send It to The Bee. The name of the person making tha nomination will not be divulged. antagonistic to the present board that President Harding will throw his influence against it and that in the legislation that will be framed for the general betterment of the transportation system, the board will pass out of existence. The movement is understood to have the backing of the railroad cor porations, because the men who are behind it in the senate are known to be friendly to railroad interests, and this circumstance has been the basis for the assertion that what is desired most is to get rid of the representatives of labor on the board. It is charged that the board thus far has been, hampered by the class consciousness developed by the rail road employes and the representa tives of railroad managements in its membership, and that the conflict between these two elements has re layed decisions and prevented, in some instances, fair considerations of the public interest. Together with the undergrbuni movement against the wage board and engineered by the same-adminis- of the Offer Vote 76,000 62,000 32,000 12,000 C. F. Slosson, jr., 4906 Cuming. ... 68,800 Ida Karbach, 1433 N. 20th 24,350 3. K. Mcintosh, 4160 Chleago. .68,630 Mrs. Mary Engel. 270 Cuming... ,.25,380 Mrav A. E. Waack, 2.223 Howard 73,4A0 Mra. E. English, 1005 S. 36th Ave... 31, 730 Mrs. C. L,.. Case, 2874 Corby 26,6'JO 0. T. f Bterson, 2009 Harney 6,010 Marten 9 Dineen, 938 X. 26th. .16.5SO Blanche Snyder, 723 S. 25th Ave. .16,490 R. L. Murray. 4424 Jonee 16,540 Mrs. Bessie Beach, 1008 S. 29ih... .21,840 Harold Anderson. 3116 Marcy 12,680 Josephine Shumaker, Loyal Hotel. . 32.480 T. D. Paganla, 411 S. 16th 65,750 E. H. White. 667 S. 33d.. 6,230 Mrs. W. J. Whitaker, 4804 Dodge. .74,880 L. K. Swanson, 4129 take 11,'t'J Mrs. B. K. Clausen, 460! Underwood. 73,710 Mrs. Marie Coulter. 3009 Harney. .75,600 Mrs. R. L. Pattison. 218 Turner St.. 17, 30 8am Wolf, 23164 N'. 30th... 6.470 Rev. N. C. Hanson, 1713 N. 25tli St. 72,600 W, J. Duve. 3223 Seward 6,080 Mrs. C. M. Tomandl. 4607 Charles. .21,180 Boland Preisnan,. 1018 N. 32d 5.110 Heirace Schaeffer, 4226 Cuming ...5,000 Emmet Wiemer. 416 S. 42d 6,050 Mrs. C. E. Llnneman. 1833 Victor.. 6,00 Mrs. Jennie Lament, 3868 Dodge.... 5,100 Douglas Peters, 206 B. iid 6,110 P. F. , Gutschemski, 3627 Charles. . .12,390 DISTRICT NO. 8. Will Include all territory inside the city limits of Omaha on and north of Maple street, west ef tho river to Eighty-third street and north to Sar- ;eant street, laeloding Florence and ha Carter Lake district. ' One Il.llo.Ofl Maxwell, one (200.00 B. 4ft I Deposit and on 8100.00 B. 4ft L. Deposit will be awarded in tbla district. - Edna Lawrence, 7711 X. 28th Ave.. 11,180 Fred B. Nichols, 3415 N. 24th 21.680 A. L. Frederick,. 2658 Whitmore... .74,999 JCpna Harris, 2954 N. 47th Ave. .,.19,290 irT Christehsan, .6904 Minne Luna. . ..11.9 10 C. D. Schnell,. 2423 Crown Point. .. 11,450 O.'J. Emery, 2554 Pratt 7U.9S0 Leo Daniels. 2302 Maple 74,450 Mrs. K. Tedosco, 2938 Lincoln Blvd. 13,840 Violet Brotchle, 6020 Florence Blvd. 75,680 A. H. Mayer. 2438 Ellison 63,870 Mrs. L. M. Thlrtle, 6005 N, 30th. .23,6510 Oliver Cols, 4738 N. 40th 35,110 Mrs. W. W. Davis, 3929 Flor. Blvd. 46,130 Mrs. Harry Rogers, 8511 N. 29th. ..16,910 C. Hall, 2879 Vane 18,690 Winifred Travis, 2861 Fowler 11,680 Mra. J. Rodebaugh, 3160 Meredith. 11, 910 Mrs. J. M. Streeter, 4008 N. 34th.. 21, 660 Mrs. G. L, Tracy, 2811 Browne. .. .21,833 Mrs. E. D. Perrln, 3120 N. 47th. .. .11, ISO Ben Fcrrell. 34)0 N. 24th 11,1:1) Mrs. J. A. Wilson. 2712 Camden. . .21,38(1 E. I. Johnson, 6035 Plnkney 17.110 Mrs. C. L, Rogers, 3126 Tucker. .. .11,390 W. P. Bohan. 2571 Evans 6,150 Mrs. W. McKenna, 2012 Emmet.... 5,480 Geo. W. Allen. 1707 Manderson ',40 Mrs F. E. Waters, 3621 N. 18th 11,120 C Flnkle. 2018 Manderson 6,210 Mrs. R. E. Moore, 6002 X. 28th Ave. 6.330 W. E. Stutenroth, 2456 Camden.... 6,390 Mrs. Gus Krontz, 7301 Maple 6,020 Extra Vote Offer Closes May 14th jtration representatives in' the "seiidie,- is one to abolish tue icacrai tranc commission. . . . The president's declaration that there must be more business i.i gov ernment and less government in business is now construed in m-an that he will support any legislation which tends to remove restraints. Abolition of the shipping board -is also planned by senators close to the administration, but this action, if taken, will be based upon eco nomic reasons only. No one claitv.b that the shipping board has been a success and some other method of controlling the government's maritime interests will not be seri ously objected to. The belief is general that the eminent will be compelled eventually cither to get rid of all its merchant ships, or to assume monopolistic control of ocean shipping from "h:s country, regardless of the cost. Los Angeles clothing workers are demanding week work instead of piece work. HELP YOURSELF CLUB hand corner. There is still plenty of time to get a flying start and come in strong on thebiggest extra vote offer of the -campaign. Look over the published list and compare the. standings with your possibilities as shown in Ex amples 1 and 2. In many of the towns covered by The , Bee, there are very few members. How about your town? DONT WISH BUT ACT. See the Big Extra Vote Offer. The $25,000.00 List of Awards : 1 $7 00.00 HOME, First Capital Award. : l$iM6.00 Cadillac Auto: - 141,500.00 Conservative B. & L. Deposit. 8 $1,115.00 Maxwell Automobiles. 8 $200.00 B. & L. Deposits. 8 $100 B. & L. Deposits. Total number, of awards, 27. ... . , . ..( Ten per cent cash commission to all non winners if they turn in $50.00 or more, " ' '. ft v DISTRICT NO. 4. Will include all territory In the city of Council Bluffs, including the Jlana wt district. One 81.113.00 Maxwell, one X2OO.0O B. & L. Deposit and one 1(H). 110 B. I.. Deposit will be awarded in this district. Mrs. W. C. Riley, 109 Angle Ave 23,450 Gertrude Sullivan. 813 Ave. B 72,740 L. R. Roberts. 162 W. Bdwy 21,760 Anna Ward. 1006 6th Ave 1,30 Mrs. M. A. Smith. 2304 Ave. D 76,740 "Rev. A. F. Catlln, 129 4th St 26,6:10 A. w. Ueiger, jr., 4Z uamon is,26 Dorothv Lenihan, 652 Hnrrlson St.. 31, 470 Mrs. Ada McLaughlin, 1908 3d Ave. 22,350 Harold O. DeVol, 1012 7th Ave 18.7SO Mrs. W. J. Reinta, ;i222 6th Ave 18,980 R. P. Bolin. 2003 4th Ave 20.990 Mrs. Peter Jemen. Oakland St 22,85 Mrs. F. R. Scholes. 641 Mill 12.6SO Lr.wrenee Gallagher, 2408 Ave. A.. 17. 670 Van Llddel. 2401 Ave. A 17.210 A. W. Anderton, 3491 3d Ave 10,76 Mrs. Iva M. Ford, 806 S. 38th 74.750 R. D.. Edwards, 2310 Ave. c 10,700 Mrs. J. W. Head. 3485 3d Ave. ... ,.11,280 F. H. Moran, 114 S. 1st St 11,310 Mary Cahlll, 122 W. Broadway 17,580 John Kennedy, 1921 4th Ave 11,501 Ernest Taylor. 2407 Ave. C 5,4:0 P. McGee, 218 3d St 5,48) Mrs. L. C. Davis, 1417 Fairmont Ave.21,340 M. Greno. 1022 E. Broadway 10,360 Paul Brackney, 20 X. 1st 6,6'H) Lou Dunlap, Grand Hotel 43,280 Mrs. Wm. J. Ryan, 2026 Ave. A. . . .73,650 Katherfne -Malnne. 811 Ave. A...... 6,200 Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, 2035 Ave. A.. 5,000 RIGHT NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THE . MOST . VOTES EXTRA VOTE OFFER J 00,000 Extra Votes for. $25.00 in Subscriptions and 4,000 for Each Additional Dollar DISTRICT NO. 5, Will include all the territory , in the state of ' lawa outside , the city of Council Bluffs and the Manawa dis trict. One 81,115.00 Maxwell, one (200.00 B. ft I.. Deposit -and one 1 0O-. Off B. tc I.. Deposit will be awarded in this district. Thelma Lindsay. Sidney 24,560 Myrtle Rogers, Perrlval 76,500 Mrs. June Flckel. Hastings -..33.010 Harlcn Klutts. Mondainli ......76,690 Mrs. Nttie liatchflder, Rlverton. .. .60,480 John Olllctte, Atlantic 28.910 Sadie Hughes, Griswold 37,040 Glen C. Silllk. Missouri Valley 9,610 Mrs. Ellen Tucker. Weston 27,810 O. J. Atkins. Ncoln 56.410 Marlon Oauzhell. Carson ...36,200 Ruth Knight. Glcnwood 49,240 EVERY SUBSCRIBER IS ENTITLED TO VOTES WHEN MAKING A SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENT, Give your renewal to some present club member, or nominate a new member. - Your renewal will give some member a helping hand in the race. If your community is not actively represented, send your renewal direct to the H. Y. S. Club of The Omaha Bee, giving the name of the club member to whom you wish your v'otes credited. . " .- ' . '' Address Your Entry Blanks and All Communications to THE OMAHA BEE "Help Yourself Club," Omaha, Neb. For further information, subscription blanks, etc., call, write or telephone OFFICE OF THE "HELP YOURSELF CLUB" 312 Peter Trust Building. (Bee Bldg.) Office Opens at 9 a. m. ' Phone Atlantic 1000 In order to insure accuracy, a Burroughs Adding Machine ia used in tabulating the votes. Litigaton Over Will Threatens To Eat Up Estate Judge Redick Orders New Trial in Suit Over $1,200 Property .After Jury Sets Aside Will. Litigation which threatens to" eat up the small estate left by Johanii Dohse, aged Omahan, went legally upon its continued and expensive way yesterday when" District Judge Redick ordered a new trial of the suit in district court brought by one of his sons to rjrove that the de ceased was not of sufficient mental capacity to make a will. ' The value of the estate is $4,200. He left a will dated March 6, 1914. I ' ' Betty Eacrctt, Malvern 76,980 Rev. G. B. Bauman, Mindcn 16.940 Mrs. Billie Iwen, Schleswig 28,040 June Ovlatt. Shenandoah 76,740 B. I. Mart,' JImereon. : 36,450 Mrs. Ona Johnson, Pac. Jut...'. 76,650 George W. Moore, Bartlett 17,960 Bert Graham. R. 1, Logan... v 36.240 Nelfto'f. Soileder, .Thurman 48,720 Gladys Mavis. Harlan......... 76,750 Hva Hough, Oakland.. 11,410 Bernard Franklin. Hamburg 36,260 Ivar Averill, Stanton 16,210 Merle Andreas, Oakland 41,650 Dorothy 'Hall, Hepburn.' 21,110 J. H. Hudgeha, Walnut.... 30.210 Merle B. Travis, Carson 17,920 Leona 'Hamahn. Persia. . . . ,V. .49,980 Mcm. Ray Pierson, Henderson. ...... .37,280 Llojd AV. Weatherell. Panama 5.020 Mrs. Lowell C. Mattox, Shelby .5,140 Fred Tanke. Avoca ; 38,290 Mrs. S. L. Jefferson. Woodbine 10.890 E. E. Axthclm, Glcnwood 12,940 DISTRICT NO. . Will Include the following counties In the -Mate of -Nebraska: Cass. Sarpy, Douglas (outoide the rity of Omaha), Maunders. Butler, Polk, Merrick, Nance. I'lntt, Colfax, Dodge. Waxhington, Burt,.' Cuming, M ant on, Madison, Boone, Antelope, Pierce, Wayne', Thur ston, Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and Knox. One S1.11.V00 Maxwell one $200.00 B. 4ft I.. Deposit and one 8100.00 R. A L. Deposit will be awarded In this district. G. C. Hobak, Nehawka.. Zetta Lower, Valparaiso. 24,590 17,240 J. H. Domingo, Weeping Water. ... .10,740 V. H. Hoeietmann, Fremont 75,960 L. N. Warrick, Blair 43,290 Louise Figenbaum. Springfield 45,010 "Winnie McMillan, Shelby 37.210 Wm. Andrews, Bellwood 18,040 Vivian Dee. David City 47,860 W. L. Scott, Osceola 21.780 K.'C. Vllde, 823 S. 8, Norfolk 16,840 A. M. Sanders; Platlsmouth 75,100 F. L.' Brown. SchuyUT 76,350 Helen M. Wynkoop. Central City. .. .76,080 C. J. Havlland. Norfolk 34,890 Floyd Buchanan. Silver Creek 74,820 Henry J. Haynes. Oclavla 12.260 Sam Davis, Wayne 76,010 R. V. Kennedy. Tekamah ....75,580 Joe Krajicek. Arlington 23.830 Fred Bops, 1566 24th 'Ave.. Columbus 4T.8tO Klnier Nordiand, Columbus 14,690 G. Koch. R. 3, Columbus..., 11,713 I. P. Hill, Gonoa 76.210 Henrietta Miller. Oakland 70,660 V. C Halsey, Oakdale 76,320 ACHIEVEfflEMT "Mr Dohse tfied Se'nlemher 14, 1919. This gave $5 to his son, William. jl42 South Senteeuth street, and the re mainder of the estate in equal por tions to Fred, Henry, John, Theo dore and Frank Dohse, also sons. William contested admission of the will, but County Judge Crawford held that it was the last will of Mr. Dohse and that he was mentally competent to make it when it was made. " The' case was appealed to the dis trict court, and on March 17, 192?, a jury in Judge Redick's courv bought in the verdict throwing out the will. Judge Redick holds that the vfrdict was not sustained by the evi dence. Italian Politician Kills Self by Leap From Window Rome, May 9 (By The Asso ciated Press.) Francesco Tcdesco, former minister of finance and the treasury and vice president of the Chamber of Deputies, committed sui cide today by jumping from, a win Vote Value of Subscription Payments The Pally anil Sunday, Mornin or Evenlnit, by Roy Carrier In Omtbi, ConneU Bluff ana In town where Carrier Boy eerrtce la maintained. New 2 Teara .... 1:0.4(1 110,009 1 Tear 10.20 76.000 6 Months .. 6.10 32,000 3 Montha 2.65 12,000 Mornlnr or Evening- With out Sunday by Carrier Boy SerTlce. New 2 Teara $15.10 130,00.0 1 Tear 7.10 62.000 Mentha .. 3.0 22,000 3 Month! .. , 1.95 10,000 Sunday Only by Boy Carrier. New 2 Teara . 1 Tear .. 6 Months .110.40 . 6.20 . '2.60 STANDING OF THE CLUB MEMBERS The standing of the club members, as they ap pear in this issue, only, includes the votes received and counted at this office up to 6 p. m., last Satur day. The standings will be changed again in next Friday's paper and will include the votes that are received and counted at4he H. Y: S.. Club office before 6 p. m., Wednesday- Clifford Cunningham, Wahoo. ..... .18.710 Herman Buhk, Beemer 43,040 Herman A. Homann, Elkhorn 11,960 Fred T. Wiglngton, Schuyler 76,640 Cordon 8mith, Lyon 11,810 A, E. Stafford, Rising City ...32,900 Alvln F. Barton, Lyons ...38,190 R. E. Strasburg. Polk v. ...74, 980 Mrs. P. E. Buck, Fremont ......21,940 Mrs. Wade Prultt, Humphrey ...... .76,810 O. C. Smith. Albion ..43,610 Charles J. Svoboda, Prague 47.310 Anna Blumm, Scribner 48,970 E. A. Cushman, Keunard 76,720 Frank Pallas, Pender 76,610 Mabel Brazda, West Point 78,760 Nellie Dwyor, Colon 36,240 D. E. Hayes. Herman 3.7,210 Jessie B. Kay. Wis.ner .....48,199 Ida Ruther. Stanton ..76,850 Harry J. Muff Icy. St. Edward... .. .38,210 .Tens Jensen, Lyons ..21.410 C. E. Anderson. K. 4. Norfolk... 6,040 Cedric Anderson. Wausa .36,620 J. M. Fox. Gretna 6,120 Laura Kolena. C'reighion .....31,680 Marie Rowaldt, Yutan : 25,940 Mrs. Edith Schooler. Rosalie... v 36,290 Mrs'.' Archie Roberts, North Bend. . .21,200 Lydla Seyersdahl, Madison.....; 5,280 Emma Fredstrom, Oakland." 6,100 Mildred E. Johnson, Mead 6,070 .Tosepjiroe Evans. Platte Center 21,000 Mrs. Ad Lyons, Newman Grove. 21,000 Mrs. Lulu Owen, Ashland ....75,260 Mrs. B. O. Darling, Hooper 5,010 J. W. Keeler, Fullertcn '. 5.000 Robert Welk, Columbus v 5.000 R. J. Swanson, Fullerton 67, 000 Wm. Nick, Cedar Bluffs 6,000 Roy Combs, David City 35.710 Donald Waugh. R. 2, Valley ..5.000 Herbert Struthers. Craig 6,000 Robert .Wells, Columbus 5,000 DISTRICT NO. 7. Will Include the following counties In the state of Nebraska: Otoe, Nemaha, hlchardsan, Pawnee, Johnson. Gage, Lancaster. Seward, Saline, Jefferson. Thayer, , Fillmore, York, Hamilton, .Clay. Nuckolls. Webster aad Adams. One 81 .118.00 Maxwell, one 8200.00 n. L. Deposit and one 8100.00 B. i I,. Deposit will be awarded In tbls district. Mrs. Otis Wolford. Clay Center. .... .76.640 Thomss Foster, Beaver Crossing.' .. .36,980 Ruth Wells. Blue Springs 24,210 Gladys Bsylor, Brunlng 37,700 Hattle Stables, Carleton 26.840- Kleanor Shoff. Falrbury .....47.510 George Whltesell, Kenesaw ....47,980 Mrs. Lyda Wolfskin. Superior ...43,780 Francis Hlmburger. Wymore 23.110 Frank C. Brunlng. Mllford 37.990 Mrs. W. L. Chapman. Glltncr 51.410 Charles Laimie. Alexandria 17.820 Mrs. Dick Harper. Davenport.: 38,740 Raymond L. Crosson, Hastings 29.670 Mrs. B. Anderson. 1324 H. Lincoln. 1 7,990 Mrs. B. F. Jonlon, Tork 49.060 Mrs. Marie Morris. Hebron 37,980 Tlllle Nolte, Auburn. K. 2 38.320 Mrs. Mark Hall. Auburn 76.SS0 Robert Moore, 'Nelson 58.640 Le Parrlott, Peru 73.780 Will Brookley. Edgar 4860 Mre. Dean Kite, Auburn ,.76,740 Velva Belr, Fairmont 63.810 Rev. L. A. Moser, Hsrvard .....47,380 Vera Orosshaus. Sutton 47,680 E. L. Knits, Deshler .....32,580 Campaign Closes June 25th, 1921 The Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club Not good after May 20, 1921. Must be voted or mailed on or before expiration date. 10 FREE M Street No City Good for 10 free votes when before above date. No coupon after being received at the of dow. 'Signer Tcdesco was suffering from nephritis. The Liver Is the Road to Health If the liver la right the whoU mtem la better off. Carter's LmU Liver ruia awaicea your sluggish, clogged- up liver andre- If" nave constipa tion, stomacn trouble, inao , tive bowels. loss of ai tftL aick nead- ache and dizziness. Purely reset abta. i ou need them. teall ru-SmanD4--Sac3 Met laVataUtre WW n 1 1 ivnu i Five More Days of the Big Extra Vote Offer Mornlnr. Krenlnar and Son day by Boy Carrier. New 1 Tear . .flt.ot 1SI.009 Monfha .. a.'OO I,000 3 Months .. 4.(0 21,000 Dally and Sunday by Mall. New 2 Teara ....215.00 135,000 1 Tear 7.50 52,000 Mentha .. 4.00 22,000 3 Months .. 2.00 10,000 Dally Only by Mall, With out Sunday. New 2 Tear ....10.00 75,000 1 Tear 5.00 32.000 6 Mentha .. 1.50 12,000 3 Montha .. 1.25 (,000 , Sunday Only by Hall. 2 Teara 5.00 S2,000 1 Tear 2.50 12,000 5 Montha .. 1.26 5,000 Renewal subscription pay ments will be given half aa fnany "votes as new sub scriptions. 70.000 33,000 12,000 Marraret Ahrens. Falls City..-. 49.180 Mrs. Thomas Brower, . i, asneva..,ei' Agnes Krasjmll, Aurora 62,410 Gall Parson, Humboldt.'. 52,170 A, E. Pratt, Tobias S,'" Wlllism MeKerver, Cordova 36.000 Rev. R. B. E. Hill, Table Rock 26.140 Mrs. Chas. Fowler, Nebraska City. . .74,920 Mrs. W. A. Hunt. Red Cloud 6.000 Alfred Bookwalter. Pawnee City.... 14.210 Vada Parker. 'Rockford .6,660 Lola Hosford, Soward 6, 000 1 DISTRICT NO. 8. Will Include an territory in the state of Nebraska not Included in Districts Number and T. also territory In South Dakota. Kansas and Colorado. One 81,115.00 Maxwell, one 8200.60 B. J- Deposit and one $100.00 B. 4t I.. Deposit will be awarded ia ' this district. H. S. Helme. ScottsBluff 20.490 W. B. Sheltin, Taxtor 61,740 Martin Nielson. Dannebrog. 41,790 Mrs. E. T. Blgelow, Smlthflold 26,490 Pick Pullman. Sarsent il8,940 Mrs. Merle Spotts, Imperial 56,120 Mae Dick, Cambridge 24.02.) Mrs. Ethel Copeland, Bridgeport. .. .62,680 I Mrs. C. M. Tr.ylor, Benkelman.- 42,780 i Hilda Jtcobson, Arapahoe. 48.961 ( J. E. Williams, Alliance 14,110 ( Mrs. Margaret Mllllgan. Arnold. ...23.480 Rigna Puterson, F.ddyvllle. 22,750 . Osrar Peterson, Sumner..-. 10.910 Bert Brownell. Chappell ...71,60 P. J. Mlnner. 10 W. 6th. Grand Is. 55,570 irrs. A. K. Callahan, Oaring 71,620' Dr. D. A. Rundstrom, Curtis 16.820! Mrs. Wsltcr Borden, Gordon. ...... ' Mrs. Bertha A. Eber, Kirk.. -..11,860 W. K. Harris, Bertrand 47,620 Mrs. Grace Tiedfelt, Mlnden 4.02 George Gardner, Bayard ....41,190 Melba l'hllbrick. Ord 41.540 C. B. Doeset, Axtell 36,580 E. G. Nisley, Lexington 71.761) Wm. Halsey, Lebanon ... 26,190 Fern Gates. Stamford 74,490 Chas. Johnson. ,1r., Msnville, Wyo... 16,960 Mrs. Steinke. lloldrege 41.260 Mrs. Cay Funston, Ogallsla 76.64 A. R. Lee. 719 N. Locust. N. Platte.. 76.4 Blanche Myers. Sutherland.. 41,7 Mrs. M. Roserrans. Julesburg, Colo.. .86,290 C. H. Blackburn. Mitchell 17,140 Fern Bctts. Franklin 36,68 C. E. Orlahanv Lodgcpole 33.410 John Firtb. Long Tine 27.410 Mr. Ray r.athbun. Hayes Center. . .26,290 Philip Mercler. Campbell 27.410 K. C. McKak. SL Paul.,. 37,010 Kdw. Norlander. Keystone ,...6,090 Rulh Walsh. Shelton., 6,070 Mrs. Robert Smith, Ord 56,140 Mrs. Ina B. Harshburger. Oconto. .21,140 Harvey Thompson, Ravenna 6,000 Helen Loomis, Gibbon. ..6.000 Albert P. Powers, Greeley...... 6.000 P. C. McKensie. Burwall..: 5.000 J. E. Hopkins. 604 W. 4th. Grand Is.. 6, 000 Walter T. Shaw, Franklin 21.000 Mrs. J. A. Quintor. Brule .6.010 Wm. F. Bcrnaek, Loup City 6.000 Basel Farrell, Gothenburg..... 10,940 Mrs. Grace Murray, Bloomlngton... 11.040 Wm. J. Berry, Upland 6.000 Mrs. J. Mcintosh. Cosad 67.000 Luello .lohnron, Orleans 63.480 Harry G. Selk. Scotia 4,010 VOTES FOR .Dist. No. State sent to the H. V. 8. Club en or will be transferred to another firs of The Bee, ,