Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MAi 10, 11)21.
Tcacheis Seoul
IHCIM V lllill nuv
Took Own Life
Lad Found Hanging by Rope
Tried to Imitate Trapeze
Performance, Teachers
,'ass school kiddies were silent at
tit ir play at recess yesterday.
,ve over the news that, their
c! ccrful little -playmate, Sanimic Git-
.i r- i l i
i, fiv, nas iuuiiu ucau mi 1110 iuuui
,',uriday night, hanging by a rope,
cast its spell over the mournful
Why Sanimic hanged himself, if by
Vmtent or accident, is a secret forever
lucked in his little breast.
Police Say Suicide.
Police say it is a case of premed
itated sucide. Xo inquest will be
held. .
His mother, only six months from
the horrors of Kussia, sat in their
humble rooms at 1191-2 North Fif
teenth street, crooning over her dead
hoy, at a total loss to account for
the deed.
Neighbors second her testimony
that the child was in good spirits
Sunday night and no scolding or ill
will could have influenced the act.
Heard Him Call.
"I heard him call-out 'Goodnight.
n.ajunia. wake me car v so l won t
e late for school,' " said Mrs. Mary
Rogers, a neighbor across the hall
v mi wnose son. Loren. sammie was
nlrn-mer Kail Vffi-,r -nf fi-
at 7 o clock.
Two hours later his brother Na
than, 13, found him dead.
Cass teachers are indignant over
the police theory. ,
Trying Trapeze Stunt.
''We think he was trying to imi
tate a trapeze performer or some
teat he saw in the movies, said Miss
Martha Homelius and Miss Grace
Lillic. "No child as bright, cheerful.
f'Jager and normal as our Sammie
fwould do such a thing."
Anvntlp 'hr itiiriprctaiin r hi il
psychology can see how the child
might have tried some trick and
been caught in the noose," said the
principal, Miss Josephine Grant.
Sammie. topped even his 13-year-tld
brother, Nathan, in school, hav
ing finished the third grade since his
arrival in this country six months
Bright in School.
"He was so eager and ambjtious
in school we were going to promote
him to the next grade before the end
of the year," said his last teacher,
Mrs. Mulick.
His playmates will take a collec
tion to send flowers for Sammie's fu
neral, Miss Grant said. Two other
children. Ren, 11, and Anna, 8. go to
Cass. TITeir father, H. Getnick, who
runs the Mann hotel, 1406 Cass
street, has been in this country eight
years, lie brought his family from
Impol. Russia, as soon as he could
after the war.
wo Sets of Twins Are Born
In Same House Within Day
Los Angeles, May 8. The birth
of two sets of twins in the same
house within 24 hours, in which one
pair was left with one family and
the other pair with other parents,
was the unusual achievement. of the
stork in a recent visit he made at
Los Angeles.
Cabaret Character j Landis Takes Slap at
Arrested as "Lure' ! Cotton Mill Owners
While Sentencing Boy
r r i ! it
ror uamDiinstnouse
Chicago, May 9. Jed A. Flana
gan, familiar cabaret character, wa
arrested Saturday, charged with, be
ing i "lure" for a fashionable gam
bling house. Detectives who made
the arrcsY declared that Flanagan
received 10 per cent jof $1,200, the
Mini lost several nights ago in John
Barry's gambling place by Lock Da
vidson, a banker of Wichita, Kas.
Flanagan, according to the police,
admitted having taken Davidson to
the place, but denied that he had
received a "rake-off." The gambling
house was raided and a roulette
wheel confiscated.
Flanagan figured in the shooting
of Herbert P. Zicglcr by Mrs. Cora
Orthwcin. He was the man who es
corted Mrs. Orthwein to her home
from the Green Mills GardiJi a:ter
she had shot Zioglcr.
The, police declare they have re
ceived two complaints against Flan
agan. One man is said to have lost
$1,750 and another $1,900.
France Opposes
German Army in
Upper Silesia
Ambassador Informs Country
All Incursions - of Troops
Will Be Regarded as
Treaty Violation. ( .
, Paris. May 9. A Berlin dispatch
to the Matin' says that the French
ambassador has informed "the Ger
man foreign office that all incursions
of German government troops into
i;pper Silesia would be considered
by France as a violation of the Ver
sailles treaty. ,
Advices. Irom beuttien state that
an offensive against Poles who have
virtually taken over . most, of upper
Silesia, is being planned by' German
civilian guards, which are being con
centrated along the Oder river.
The interallied commission at Op
peln is reported to have issued an
appeal to the people of that city, ex
horting them to be calm and declar
ing that Oppeln will be defended
against all attacks.
$4,500 Worth of Alcohol
Found in Potato Shipment
Salem, Mass., May 9. Four bar
rels of pure alcohol were found hid
den in a carload of potatoes from
Canada arjd consigned to the "Quebec
Products company of Salem," which
was seized by United States custom
inspectors. The alcohol is estimated
to be worth about $4,500. The "Que
bec Products company is said by the
officials to be a fictitious name, but
Deputy Collector of Customs Wil
liam J. Sullivan announced he hoped
to obtain indictments charging viola
tion of the Volstead act against local
men he believes responsible for the
shipment. , .
About 600 invalid soldiers in Eng
land have been taught the " art of
diamond cutting. -
. Divorce Court.
Dirorea Petitions.
Alma fates against George Yates,
cruelty. -
Pearl Wright against Robert Wright,
Roberta Hans against Fred M. Hans, desertion.
Ask For Bread
By Name
mm . - . 1 . -
,ONT buy just "bread any kind for the differ
ence may mean much in your family s well-being.
This difference may not be apparent at a glance, but
it is found in the quality of the materials and in the
manner in which they are processed and baked. There
is a difference, too, in the equipment and cleanliness of
bakeries and in the scientific understanding of baking
It is our policy to always bake the very best bread we
are capable of producing, In'bur BETSY ROSS bread
we believe, we have produced a loaf, that is a crown
to our efforts, e believe it is the best bread you can
bake or buy.
Don't $ay "bread"-Say "BETSY ROSS"
Your Sandwich Booklet it waiting to bo asked for.
The Jay Burns Baking Company
Chicago, May 9. For stealing a
jeweled bag sent by parcel post, and
entrusted to him for delivery, Her
bert Schulthcis, 15, was sentenced to
o'J days in jail by Judge Landis. The
judge displayed leniency because
Herbert already had spent 56 days in
jail waiting for trial.
In pronouncing sentence, Judge
Landis took an indirect slap at south
ern cotton mill owners. He asked
why the postal officials had hired
Schulthcis when he was only 15,
knowing the law specifies employes
shall be at least 18.
"Well, the boy said he was 18,"
an Hispector replied.
"Huh, don't you wnow that the
cotton mill owners in the south hire
girls 12 years old after they make
affidavits they are 22?" the judge
Senator Dial of South Carolina,
who censured Judge Landis for re
cent leniency to a young bank
clerk, is a cotton mill owner,
Belgian diamond cutters work 44
hours a week, the same as in the
United States.
Coast Wrestler Kills Man
Found Rifling His Home
San Francisco, May 9. Louis H.
Ardouiu of the Olympic club, who
recently won the amateur heavy
weight wrestling championship of the
Pacific coast, early today killed with
his bare hands, a man he'found rifling
a bureau drawer in his home. The
man later was identified as William
E. Anderson.
Ardouin told the police that after
grappling with Anderson, ho was
unarmed, for five minutes, he an
plied a severe wrestling hold to de
tain him until Mrs. Ardouin could
telephone for help.
- V
-yrrt ;v
nV7 VPS""? wta n
v i i i i i i
Effective today, Vacuum Cup
Cord and Fabric Tires, also
"Ton Tested" Tubes, are
As a special inducement for
old users to purchase their
season's equipment at once
and to give new users an opportunity of proving the ex
ceptional service and non-skid qualities of Vacuum Cup
Tires, all authorized Pennsylvania dealers are prepared
to give, during the remainder of May and continuing to
June 30, inclusive, with each regular - Vacuum. Cup Tire
One "Ton Tested" Tube
of corresponding size
This combined price reduction and limited free Tube offer
affords opportunity for an approximate
Even now the demand for Vacuum Cup Tires is such that our plant is operating
V to full capacity. Place your order immediately to insme prompt delivery.