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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1921)
THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 9, 1921. Wallace Tells of Need for Better Market Service Secretary of Agriculture De scribes Work of Depart ment and Aim of Ex tending Activities. "' Henry C Wallace, Iowa man, and secretary of agriculture, gives some interesting information on the needs of the farmers for more reliable and specific marketing information, in an article in the Market Reporter, pub lished by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture for April 30. In this article Mr. Wallace points out the need for detailed information on prices and market conditions and gives some of the aims of the depart ment of agriculture in the future. The article is as follows: The work of the department of agriculture in helping the farmer solve his marketing problem doe not stop when he has been shown the best forms of organization? for marketing farm products. These marketing organizations need infor mation with regard to market condi tions. In the case of perishable products such as fruits and vege tables, they need daily information from the principal markets in order to know how 'freely to ship so that there may be an adequate supply evenly distributed instead of gluts in some markets and a scarcity in others. ; . Should Know Market Conditions. Information is needed, also, with regard to the less perishable prod ucts, even with regard to such prod ucts as wheat and wool, which are rccognizfd as commodities having a market that is- world-wide and bring American farmers into competition with the farmers wha are porducing these products in the southern hemisphere and in Europe and Asia. If farmers are td act intelligently in producing and selling these products, it is very, important that they have information with regard to the con ditons of production and the supply available in all of these competing countries. ' They need, also, to be -kept in formed as to the rate of consumption of the various farm products in dif ferent parts of the world. The de partment of agriculture should fur nish this information, both as to sup ply and demand. This information is important to farmers, not simply at the time when the products are ready for the market," but when the farmers are deciding what to produce.- And it is equally important to the consuming public which needs a continuing supply at reasonable prices. - It is coming to be recognized that greater efficiency in getting the pro duct from the farmer to the con sumer is only one phase of the mar keting problem and- the problem of a fair price to the farmer. I believe it is coming to be recognized that if prices are to be satisfactory there must be a right adjustment of pro duction to .marketing conditions. This infprmation, then, .'relating -to the world's production1 and consump tion which the department of agri culture "should make available, is especially useful and necessary in aiding farmers to decide what to produce and what not. to produce, or in what quantities given commodities -should be produced in order that they mav be an adequate supply, but not a destructive glut, which inevitably n-arts imnn nroduction 'in a restric tive way that is usually harmful to both producer and consumer. Should Investigate Costs. And in its studies of the market in nf farm- rrnns the deoartment may very properly go a' step further. J Jt snouia maKe inuruugu iinjuuy in to the costs of marketing at every stage from the time the crops leave the farm until' they reach' the con sumer. It should turn on the light. If there are points along the way at which there is unnecessary waste, that should be made known.' If there are men along the way who are taking too much toll for the service thev render, that ajso should be made known. A plentiful supply of food at prices which are just to both producer and consumer is vital to n,.r n'stinnal welfare and it is a DrO- pcr function of the government to do what it can to insure it. inac curate estimate of the fair cost of marketing the products of our farms is a necessary preliminary to any real improvement in our marketing Only in the light of such know ledge can farmers determine wnai changes should be made and what part they should have in them. There has been too much guesswork in this matter o marketing: Jany organ izations have been formed when there was no need for them, and their failures have discouraged the formation of other organizations which were needed. Purpose ef Cost Studies. ' Such inquiry as the department may make into this matter of marketing costs should be with the sole pur pose of getting at and making known the facts, in order that improvements may be made and costs lessened, whether by existing agencies or by others which may follow them. Its marketing experts should approach such studies in exactly the same spirit that its scientific experts pur sue their, search for scientific truth. They must be free ,from precon ceived notions and their inquiries should have nothing of the nature of persecuting investigations. I have tried to make clear that the market news service of the depart ment is glad to render help la organ izations of farmers, co-operative or otherwise. Let me make it equally clear that the same sort of service will be rendered with the same good will to everyone who has ' anything to do with marketing our crops and who. is striving to improve his marketing methods. It is the pur . pose of the department to do every thing it can to improve our market ing system, to the end that both producer and consumer may receive better service at less cost, and its services arc available to everyone who is interested in this matter. " Bargains 'of all kinds in Bee Want Ads. " 0 " - - News of Special Interest to Nebraska and Iowa Farmers Gladiolus By FRANK RIDGWAY. Out of the jungles of South Africa many years ago came the gladiolus, with its tender sword-shaped leaves, to fight its way into its proper posi tion in the flower knigdoni. It was half starved, tattered and torn for want of culture when it came from its home in the cape region. In spite of its condition, botanists recognized its kingly characteristics and the pos sibilities of giving it a prominent place among the other royal families of flowers. In America today the gladiolus is a supreme ruler in flowerdom and bears the distinction of being the only flower that is able to exhibit all colors of the rainbow. Are Easily Grown. The grower does not have to wait a year for the plants to bloom. Bulbs planted this spring will bloom this summer. In most cases the blos soms come out within about three months after the bulbs are planted. They will stay in bloom for at least eight weeks and frequently longer, depending on how early they are planted. Plants that are started early often begin to bloom 'about the middle of June and continue to bloom until the frost kills the if. The gladiolus is not only easy to grow, but will do well in almost any kind of soil, while the plants seem to be partial to sandy loam. The principal requirment is plenty of sunshine throughout the entire day. Shrubbery furnishes an espe cially good background for the gla diolus. When the planting is done in front of the shrubs there is plenty of contrast for the flowers when they arc in full bloom. The space left between each bulb depends upon the size of the bulb. The average distance in beds is about three inches in the row, leav ing just enough room between the rows for hoeing. A simple way to plant the bulbs is to open up a fur row deep enough that the bulbs may be covered with four or five inches of dirt. If planted shallow the plants bend over easily, often exposing the bulbs to the sun. Sonte cover them about two inches deep Farmers of Nebraska Deeply Interested in Legislation on Wool With. approximately 200,000 pounds of wool in the state pool or on consignment and the total clip coming on, the farmers of Ne braska are watching with interest national legislation which will affect the wool industry, according to H. D. Lute, secretary of the State Farm bureau. The wool market has been lifeless for months and the farm ers can only secure relief through protective measures, he pointed out. Congressman Burton L. French of Idaho has again introduced the bill, which during the last session of congress became popularly known as the Truth-in-rabric bill. The pur-' pose of the bill is to prevent de-' ceit and unfair prices resulting from unrevealed presence ot substitutes for virgin wool in woven fabric pur porting to contain wool and in ar ticles made therefrom. " In introducing a bill providing for an embargo on wool tops, wool wastes and wool on the pelts, Sena tor Reed Smoot pointed out that the domestic wool market has been hard hit by exceedingly heavy imports during the last few weeks. During the week ending April 16, approxi mately 15,000,000 pounds of wool in the grease? 800,000 pounds of scoured, wool and 7,600 pounds pi mohair were imported into this country. A majority of the imp6rtations were Argentine wool,' indicating lowtr grades. . Demand for Draft Horses Stimulating Breeding The dc'mand for draft horses is stimulating .breeding this spring, ac cording to the state college of agri culture. Good drafters weighing 1, 500 pounds or more are finding a ready market, both in the country and in the cities. The eastern mar kets are bidding up for better quali ty of draft animals. " The medium weight horses of not too good quali- Dog Hill Paragrafs ' By George Bingham Frisby Hancock lias put a tin roof en his stable and now his mule can tell when it is raining. The Tickville town marshal has received a post card which announces that there is a reward of $1,000 for a bank robber m New York, and he shadowed a mysterious stranger all dav vesterdav. but irave nn the case fate in the evening when he found the man was nothing but an innocent millinery drummer. The posimast;r laid his pipe down somewhere yesterday, and though he has looked all ever the place, he has been unable to get a scent of it. Raz Barlow says a right good fortune teller could do well here. (Copyright, 1M1, Georgs ilatthsw Adams.) 5? ' i Nm I Easily Grown Gladiolus Spike. at first and rake in mm c. dirt as the plants grow. From the time bulbs arc planted until the end of the blooming sea son the ground must be cultivated frequently. It is probably best to have the rows a foot or more apart where he gladiolus is being planted for cut flowers. Always plant the bulbs right side up. For a succession of bloom where plenty of spaca is available the bulbs should be set from time to time un til about July 1., Begin planting as soon as it is warm enough to work outdoors, and set out more bulbs about every two weeks. Bulbs that are sprouting should be planted first. After the plants come up the ground must be kept free from Huge Decrease in Prices Shown Since, Year Ago This Month The following table shows the aver age price received by Nebraska farm ers on May 1, as compared to the average price jf( a year ago and the decrease: May 1, May 1, P'cent Product. Hogs : . , Beef cattls Veal calves ..... Hr.eep , Lambs - , Milch cows .., Horses Milk, wholesale 1921 1920, De'se. . T.0 .12.80 45 - 6.30. 10.30 40 7.03 11.60 39 , 4 92 12.60 1 . 7.6S 1T.20 .66 67.00 96.70 SI. 93.01) 118.(10 31 , .37 .38 3 . 41 .51 20 , .17 .43 60 . 3.35 4 SO 32 1.93 - 4.00 S3 , 9.50 17.00 44 1.75 15.30 45 . 9.00 16.40 51 7.75 14.30 47 10.46 32.50 84 . .1 .34 47- .20 .26 23 1.10 ' 2.26 52 .37 1.37 73 .28 .SI 66 .45 1.06 , 63 , .93 1.31 29 .60 3.00 80 Milk, retail 41 Wool, unwashed Beans, dry Unions Timothy hay ... Clover hay ... Alfalfa Hay ... pralria hay ... Alfalfa seed ... Eggs Chickens All wheat Corn .......... 'Oats Barley Rye Potatoes ty are finding a slow sale, especially in the east. There are indications that medium weight horses of good quality will bring good mdriey in, the future for farm purposes. The tendency of farmers to return to more extensive use of horses will, in all probability, send up the price. The general horse shortage, together with the tendency to use more horses, has opened up a good ma rife t for the better quality animals. ' jfourtr There ,1s considerable excitement among pcjultrymen over the proposed addition to the "Standard of Perfec tion," which will admit capons. The "Standard of Perfection" is the book published by the American Poultry association which pictures and de scribes the perfect fowls of all breeds and varieties' that are recognized as purebreds. George Benoy of Cedar Vale, Kan., known throughout the world of poultrydom as the "Capon King," is the author of this amend ment to the Standard. The subject was discussed in detail at the last meeting of the American Poultry as sociation and will be passed on at the next meeting at Seattle, Wa$h., in August If capons are admitted to the Standard, poultry shows will then carry capon classes for all varieties exhibited, and no doubt a large fol lowing of capons will spring up for show -competition. This should be a boost to the industry. Aside from this, science is required to produce a fancy capon just as it is required to produce the perfect specimen in cock, cockerel, hen or pullet, so there can be no objection on that score. All in all, the idea is unquestionably a good one, and broad-minded poultry raisers should rally to' the support of Mr. Beuoy and urge the accept ance of his amendment. Time enough to throw it out if it is found that it doesn't work. In the feeding of early hatched pul lets, some experts cling to a set and fast rule of one-half as much mash as grain per day. While this plan has worked out satisfactorily, yet it is believed by a large number that the growing stock should be allowed to consume as much mash teed as they will eat. I believe the better plan is the latter and that ultimate results will be better if the fowls are fed dry mash rather than wet mash. Start right by accustoming chicks to dry feeding and you will never have any difficulty in getting the older birds to continue the consumption of the dry. It is largely a matter of "bringing up." Save yourself later trouble with dry feeding by raising the birds that way from the begin ning. While grain may be fed twice daily, the heaviest feeding should be about an hour before roosting time so that the birds will go to bed with i i' in Garden weeds. They respond to plenty of water, but the watering must be done after sundown. Cutting the Spikes. Gladiolus is primarily a cut flower, and as such it is a strong competi tor of all other plants. Cut the spikes when the first bud opens and if kept in water in the house every bud will open. In cutting the spikes leave about three leaves on the bulb roots. As soon as the foliage turns brown in the fall the bulbs should be pulled up and stored, after having been cured in the sun or in a cool place. Store them in trays or bas kets. Wherever Irish potatoes will keep, gladioli bulbs will be safe. Storing in a cool place, where the temperature is about 40 degrees Fahrenheit, is considered the best. In selecting varieties to plant this spring you should have no trouble in getting all sorts of colors with marvelous and ' infinite variety spotted, striping, splashing and blotching of petals. .There' are thousands of varieties from which to choose. Gandavensis. Primulinui Hybrid Naocietnui Increase in Freight r At ti Uiarges more man Double Rates in 1914 On January 1, 1914, it cost 17.4 cents' to ship 100 pounds of live stock from North Platte. Neb., to Omaha. Today it costs 29.5 cents. Arid it cost 68.5 cents to ship . 100 pounds of meat in 1914, from Oma ha to New York City and today it costs 132.5 cents. These figures have just been made public following an investigation made by the transpor tation department of the American Farm Bureau federation. It is pointed out by Federation officials that when this statement is contrasted with the recent fall in the prices of agricultural commodities, the burden of present transportation rates becomes -very striking.- Other: figure brought to light by this investigation are as follows: For wheat from Minot, N. D., to Minneapolis, ,from 16 to 27 cents; for wheat from Hutchison, Kan., to Kansas, City, Mo., from 13 to 21 1-2 cents; for flour from Minneapolis to New York City, from 25 to 50 cents; for flour from Kansas City, Mo., to New York City, from 28.7 to 50 1-2 cents;- for hogs from Ottumwa, la., to Chicago, from 21 to 36 cents; for meat from Chicago to New York City, from 45 to 96-1-2 cents. Nine out of every 10 prospective brides who have applied for a license to wed in Boston in recent years were 30 years of age. full crops. Always feed -scratch feed in deep litter so; that, the birds will get plenty of exercise searching for their food, In . considering your method of feeding,-don't forget that hens will overeat of a moist mash. If you prefer one feeding of moist mash do not give it until about noon, as an early .morning feed of the moist may cause them to hump up and suffer from indigestion and lack of exercise. At present prices of eggs, poultry raisers must be more careful than ever to weed out the poor layers and drones. There should be no room in the poultry house for hens that do not lay from 150 to 180 eggs per year. Good stock will make this record if properly housed and fed. With lower prices there is only one thing the poultry raiser can do work for greater efficiency and in creased production. If this plan is followed, the poultry venture will still yield a satisfactory profit. It Helps Keep i uisem Away An inexpensive But powerful solution of - Pratts Poultry Disinfectant kills many disease germs. and nlpasan tn tic. f- maintain the nnnltrv ntmr m sanitary condition. "IWMenay Baeh If YOU Arm mi aacisrted Pratt Food Company PMladeJpUa Chi can 1 oroata turn. 9 I a I ! 101 Safe 111 M. Ill . III Grain Growers Plan Membership Drive in Nebraska One Million Memberg Goal Set by New Farmers' Mar keting Organization Plans Outlined. One million members this year is the goal of the United States Grain Growers, Inc., the new farmers' grain marketing company, according to national, officers who announced that the membership campaign would probably be launched in Nebraska within the next 30 days. The board of directors metjn Chicago all last Week and outlined a definite organi zation plan. Conferences of officers and direct ors of farmers' organizations in' some xentral point in each of the. market ing zones outlined some time ago, will be announced in a short time. The meetings will be called by the sales department of the new com pany for the purpose of getting sug gestions relative to the establish ment of the zone sales offices, their management and other details. The first conference will be held at Columbus, O., on May 12. and will be in charge of J. M. Anderson of Minnesota, chairman of the sales committee, and . H. W. Robinson, a member of the committee. Similar conferences will be held atKansas City, Omaha, Ft. .Worth, Spokane, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Chicago. Dates for these conferences have not been arranged. Invitations will be extended to the- officers of the farmer organizations of each terri tory and all such official representa tives of farmers will have an impar tial voice in these meetings. C. H. Hyde, chairman of the pool ing committee and Clifford Thorite, general counsel, have been given authority to confer at an early date with reference to the proposed sec atid ottter government departments with erference to the proposed sec tions in the contracts that will f ro vide for pooling one-third of wheat for export. These clauses must comply with the statutes which le galize export pools under the Webb act and cannot be drafted in their final form until the exact govern ment interpretation of the act has been ascertained. Preparations are being made for the immediate formation of a finance corporation, an export company un der the provisions of the Webb act, and other subsidiary corporations in certain states. More than $50,000 has been pledged by county farm bureaus over Illinois for establishment of the national headquarters in Chicago. President C. H. Gustafson of Lin coln and W. G. Eckhardt of Illinois, treasurer, have been authorized to raise sufficient funds to get the or ganization ,and other work under way at once. Where It Started Brokers. Originally "Brokers" were public inspectors, whose duties were to in spect imported goods and reject any that were unfit for use. This cos tom originated in Russia. ' The term "Broker" is used because originally bankrupts, or broken persons, were ajlowed to follow the trade. Later, middlemen came also to be styled "Brokers." ... . (Copyright, 1921, Wheeler Syndicate, Inc.) You Can Grow Better Chiclis if you start them right. They need at first and for at least three One that contains in condition all needed food tically tree irommd!gesTOlehNe,tflatis easily digestible. Hff Pratts Buttermilk exactly meets these requirements. raises them right. Not a cereal Choicest materials carefully prepared , lne nrst brood you feed it to will milk Baby thick Food the trtiinal (bod for baby chicks" is the best en " Your Monty Back If YOU Art SatUfod" , Sold ty Pratt dealert tverywhen. PRATT FOOD CO. III Qsissa BANK STATEMENT. Charter No. 11829 REPORT OF THE THE PETERS NATIONAL BANK AT OMAHA. IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON, Y APBIT. RESOURCES - Losns and discounts, including rediscounts Other bonds, stocks, set unties, etc Banking house furniture and fixtures Cash in vault , Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank... Items with Federal Reserve Bank in process of collection (not available as .reserve) Net amounts due from national banks Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust companies in the United States Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank Total of five preceding items 1314,828.47 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items Total ' , LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in. ..........$ 200,000.00 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided profits . 8.977.96 Net amounts due to national banks 8,875.60 Net amounts due to State banks, bankers and trust companies in the United States and foreign countries . 188,410.06 Certified checks outstanding 1,250.00 Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding.... 6,175.96 Total of four preceding items .8149.220.61 I Individual deposits subject to check i Certificates of deposit due in less thsn 80 borrowed) Other demand deposits Total of three preceding items..., Certificates of deposit (other than for money Other time deposits Total of two preceding items.... Total , 81,114,085.82 State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss: I, E. L. Lindqilest, cashier ot the above named bank, do solemnly swear that th above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. - E. L, LINDQUEST, Cashier. ' i Correct Attest: C. J. CLAASSEK, J R. CAIN. Jr.. M. D. CAMERON. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of May, 1921. (SEAL) EVANS Z. HORNBERGER, Notary Publia. PLANTING LORE DOMS BLAKE If slips are cut from plants with shears, they will not live. They must be broken off to do well. When drbps of water hang on the leaves of plants, they will soon bloom. If plants received as gifts grow and nourish, it is a sign that the giver is a true and faithful friend, but if they wither and refuse to grow, the giver is false and an enemy. Count the blossoms on your favor ite plant; if they are odd, you will have no enemies, but if even you have at least one. When you free your plants or shrubs of broken twigs and d;ad leaves, never burn them, as it will make the plants sick and probably cause them to wither away. If a house plant suddenly withers, it is a sign that some one will t soon die in the room. If a person purchase a plant Jhat another person1 intended to buy"? it will wither, and die. Old wives, when gathering herbs for their salves and simples, were wont to judge of their luck during the year by the facility with which they found the desired plants. If you pick up a shrub or plant of any kind after it has been discarded by some one else and the plant grows, it is said' to mean certain old age to you. A cutting of , a stolen plant will surely grow. ; It is believed in Cornwall, Eng land," 'that household plants will wither and die soon after there has been a death in the house, unless a piece of black cloth is tied to them. Greeks believe that some plants have immortal souls. If the dirt from your plants falls to the floor, you will soon see a newly made grave. A childless woman is Relieved by the Irish to have the Strongest power over herbs, especially those used for maladies of children. If a little fresh dirt taken from the grave of a child which has been bap tized within a 12 month, is sprin- weeks a true "baby food.' correct amounts and proper elements. One that is prac Baby Chick Food It raises every (rood chick- trSU by-product, but made of and blended. - show you why Pratt Eutter "bsby earth. Not FUledaleUa . Reserve Diit. No. It CONDITION OF SB 1981 . , .... .1 714.844.51 66.847.50 25,000.00 15.029.4S 75,728.36 21,486.84 80,640.28 126.748.0 0,226.96 7,485.91 $1,184,036.82 , 671,380.15 day (other than for money 1,150.00 2,088.60 .8674,618.65 borrowed) 80,565.47 25,668.14 856,228.61 kled on potted plants, it will make theni flourish and have large, hand some flowers. ' In Mexico, there is a herb that is popularly called the "rattleweed"; if horses eat of it, it is believed tljat they will go mad. ' Plants having "lady" attached to their names were formerly dedicated to the ancient goddesses; but Chris tianity claimed these flowers for the Virgin Mary. They are of good medicinal virtues. ' In Tuscany, there is a little plant which grows on the walls, whose tiny flowers are of whitish rose color. It is gathered on Ascention day and hung up until the 8th of Septem ber; and for those who do this, the virgin has great favor and will pro tect them from all evil. If this plant will not blossom while hanging, it is a bad omen. Parents' Problems Should games be played for prizes at a children's party? No: this is never wise, either in its immediate effect, or in its im pression on the character of the chil dren. Games should be played for their own sakes, for the pleasure in doing something together. Expensive Hands! Leopold Godowsky, famous pianist, has insured his hand for $250,000.00. A temporary damage to one finger pays $25,000.00 a' permanent damage to one finger $125,000. ' . . ' - t ' Unless you are a Godowsky, you perhaps don't value your hands at $250,000, but do you realize how much your health and time are worth to you? Upon them depends your happiness and your income your most important assets. Accident and Health Insurance costs but little, and is well termed Time and Income Protection. Let us explain to you this form of coverage. 1 HarryAKo "PAYS THE CLAIM FIRST" Surety Bonds Insurance Investment Securities 640 First National Bank Building T; '-r 0360 ' 17 Service... m the Careful Handling of All Order for Grain and, Provisions for Future Delivery in Alt the Important Market Wt Operate Private . Wife Connections teAU Offices Except Kansas City WC SOLICIT voua Consignments of All Kinds of Grain to OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, KANSAS CITY and SIOUX CITY Every Car Receives Careful Personal Attention The Updike Grain Company 1 THE RBLIABLE CONSIGNMENT HOUSE High Schools of State To Meet In Title Dehate , Eleven District Champions, Picked From 83 High Schools, Will Hold Three-Day Contest. Lincoln, May 8. (Special.) Eleven Nebraska High school dehat jug teams winners ' ot district championship honors against 85 con testing schools will compete it the University of -Nebraska, May 12-14, lor the state championship hojiors in the fourteenth state debate of the Nebraska High School Debating league. This concluding league event of tlte year will be a three-day tournament. The 33 debaters are the surviving victors over some 250 members of teams, who, in turn, were selected from nearly 800 candidates for the honor of representing 97 schools in the league contests. To this state tournament the teams come prepared on a few hours' notice,' to shift sides on the league question for the year, ".Resolved, That the Literacy Test for Restrict ing Immigration Should Be Re pealed," upon which question over 80 debates since January have been held from one end of the state to the other. "To premium all-round grip on the subject under discusion and to put still greater emphasis on off hand rebuttal on the abilitv to meet emergencies ' rather than the ability to make merely a 'speech,'" Prof. M. M. Fogg, professor of Eng lish in the university, tend president and organizer of the league, states was the main reason why; the league decided on the innovation tourna ment bringing to the state con tests, not individual representatives of the. district championship schools, but all the teams" prepared to main tain either side of tfce. question. Five simultaneous debates will be held Thursday evening, Mav 12, After these debates, lots will be drawn for sides and pairing for three debates Friday morning, May 13. Lots will then decide sides for the debate Friday evening. The state championship, which Beatrice won from Lincoln in 1920, will be decided Saturday morning, High School 'Fete Day.' High scholarship standing char acterizes this group of picked de baters. Ability to think and ,to ex press orally ideas with precision, clarity and vigor, and willingness to work are qualities debate team mem bership demands. Over two-third 1 of these debaters have already de termined to go to college. Principal of Fairbury. School Goes to Steele City Steele City. Neb., Mav 8. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Sminia of Fairbury, has been employed as city school super intendent of Steele City by the board of education. She has been principal of the Central school in Fairbury two years. ch-Co Offices at Omalsa, Nabrataka LiMoba, Nebraska Hastiafi, Nebraska CUcftfO, Illinois Six City Iowa Holdrra, Nebraska Giun, Nebraska Dn Moinaa, Iowa . MOwank, WIscomU Hamburg, Iowa Kanaaa City, Missouri