Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Every Phase of
Problem Covered
By Trade Council
Many Recommendations on
Export Businen Covered
In Report of Eighth Na
tional Convention.
Cleveland, May 8. With the
unanimous adoption of the foreign
trade program for the coming year
at recommended by the general con
vention committee, copies of which
will be sent to Trejident Harding,
members of his cabinet and of eon
greti, the eighth annual convention
of the National Foreign Trade coun
cil closed.
The report of the committee is r
coniMsU embodiment of all practi
cal recommendations brought for
ward by international experts at the
Every phase of the world'a export
buiineii credits, exchange raten,
' taxation, tariffs, mercantile marine,
domcftic transportation, consular
aervice and other problem of im
porters and exporters is covered.
Exchange of scholarships between
Mexico and the United State and
Utilities which Mexico will provide
in this connection, was the subject of
a letter from President Obregon of
Mexico, which was warmly ap
road principles on which the
convention made declaration include;
Immediate creation of financial in
stitutions under the Edge, law to
facilitate extension of long term for
eign credits and promote free ex
change of imports and exports.
Economies fn cost and production
until a stable balance of all value
of ail commodities and productive
effort i established.
Encouragement and development
of the American merchant marine,
revision of shipping laws to place
America on an equal footing with
foreign competitors and enactment
of the marine insurance measure now
pending in congress.
AlKancc Auto Show
Reported Big Success
AWance, Neb, May 8. (Special
Telegram.) Western Nebraska's
first annual automobile show closed
here and was pronounced a success
from every standpoint, More than
,000 people attended the exhibit dur
ing the two days and dealers report
a large number of sales, There were
24 ear pf 19 different nuke in the
exhibit, with total value of $4,800.
The show wa free to the public and
a big dance ws held each evening,
Purine; the afternoon musical pro
gram by local artist were given.
Local dealer are o enthusiastic
over the success of the first under
taking of its kind in this part of the
state that many have reserved space
for next year's show and are plan
ning on larger exhibits;
factory representatives sod com
pany officials from out of town who
attended the show Included the fol
Icwing: G. G. Pickett of Denver,
sales manager of the Cadillac, corn
Dan: J. BBeard of "Omaha; terri
tory manager for the Chevrolet com
pany; G. H. Knpwle of Racine,
Wis., territory manager for the Case
:.lot'r company; B. G, Fisher of the
Bcwser Pump company gf Qmaha;
E, Y FunF, branch sales manager,
and Assistant Saks Manager G, W.
Re4,i&f the Omaha Chevrolet com-penjx-JS,
H. Coon of the Manhattan
company of Omaha; C. W. Robey t,f
Omaha, territory manager of the
Omaha branch of the Studcbaker
company; Jack Ferdig of Des
Moines, distributing agent for Ford
cars? J. L. Anderson, representing
the Ford branch at Omaha; W. C.
Fjnntrty of Hastings, representing
the A- H. Jonc company; E, H.
Cunnittgham, part service manager
for the Nebraska Buick company of
Llneofn; F. S- Camp of the Camp
Hallett company of Lincoln, manu
facturer of "Stay-Made" truck
bodies and closed cabs; Don George
of Denver, representing Goodrich
tire, and George Siperry of Omaha,
representing the Prest-orLite com
ply. ;j V- ' r ' ,
Change in Commanders
Of U.S. Fleets Planned I
Washington, May Changes in
the commanders-in-chief of the At
lantic and Pacific division of the
United States fleet are to be an
nounced shortly by the Navy de
' partmenL Both Admiral Henry B,
Wilson, commanding in the Atlantic
and Admiral Hugh Rodman in the
Pacific, have about completed their
' A.wt.m ..,(! the 4!tc ann
are slated tor, shore service.
No decision a to their successors
has been reached, H was said today
at the Navy , department, but Sec
retary Denby has the names of
eligible officers under consideration
and t expected to make a decision
within a few diyv "1 waa reported
at the Navy department tht Ad
miral Wilson would became super'
intendent of the naval academy at
Anpapojis, but this wa not con.
firmed.; Admiral Rodman also was
said to be slated for duty on the
east coast. ,
Small Crowd Hears
Townley at Beatrice
Beatrice, Neb., May 1 (Special
J'elegram.) A. C Townley. presi-.
ent of the Nonpartisan Uigue, ad
dressed a small crowd in this city
Saturday. Prior to the addres
of the head of the organization.
county executive committee wa
named consisting pf Walter Diete,
Fred Damrow, J, U Frerichs, A,
Miller . and HenryFape, jr,
Townley' address wa defense
of the North Dakota record of the
league. Referring to the challenge
of William Langer. former attorney
general of North Dakota, to debate,
.Townley stated that he had refused
t to meet his former supporter in one
or two engagements, but asserted
that be was willing to meet Langer
for a aerie to take the two through
Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and
Montana, this series to open at
Salina, Kan., next Tuesday,
Omaha Grain
Omaha, May 7.
Ca.-h wheat prices tumbled today,
the market in the best grades being
oy 8 to 9 cents and some in tlu'
lower grades being 12 to 12 cents
" i .. : .u:. '
iuwci. vnicago imurcs in :
cereal were sharply lower. Corn '
prices were off 1 to Wt cents. Oats
were 5 J to 1 cent off. Rye and bar-j
Icy were nominal. Wheat and corn
receipt were moderate.
No. 1 hril: I cr. l,44 . .
N. I hard: I ers, $1.4;: J rr, It. It.
io. hard: 1 rsr, ll.DI omuliy): 1
ear. $1.57 (smutty).
No. 4 hard: J cars. II. St; 1 car. $1.35
(very mtiutty).
No S hard: 1 car. 11.37 (heavy, musty):
1 car. Il.:.
f.'o. 1 whits: 1 car, 63'ir; I can, (Je.
No. 3 white: 3 cam, 51 4.
Ne. 3 white; 3 cars. 62i t car, ltv;c.
No. 4 white: I oar. 60t,f,
Kamiile whit.- 1-S car. 49c (Muting).
No. 1 yellow : S cart, S
No. 2 yellow: 1 or, tZ'ic; I 4-t cars,
No. 3 yellow: ! cart, HSic.
Ne. 3 mlsertt I care, 10 W.
tio. t niljed: S car. Gftfeo (near whlta);
1 tar, 60c; I car, 4tyc.
No. 3 whir: J car, Ste.
No. S white: 4 oar. Sic.
Sample white: 1 car, 34c.
Jtelpts-- Week Yer
Today. Ago. go.
Whaat .8? ?l 10
Corn 41 IS 81
Oat ,16 T ;'S
y ,., , ,. 31
Darl.y , 0 1 J
Wheat SS it 1
Corn ,7 l 41
Oaia 1 I ' 1
Ky 3. l
8rlf y , S
W'hat ,,.41 !
Corn ,.HI 153 5
Out ,.. Tl 10 33
Whaat -Jin Hi 10
Oat , ,...,... 33 S t
Od , 2 83 33
Whaat , 14 341 1!
OaU 47 SS 3
Oat ...'.i II 11 8
Minn.' .,,,,,,.,...,.133 )44 184
Dululh 44 40
Winnipeg Ill III "
Rwalpta Today. Tr. Ag.
Wheat 940.000 743,000
Corn 6! 1.000 S6M0II
Oata ,',.. ,,441,000 40,0i
Shlpjnonta- ...
Wheat 385,060 T48.0M
Cirn 131,000 5S1.000
0t ,...!.........., .110,000 401,000
Wheat ' .,.4:0.000 14.000
Corn .3M.00O '
By Updjk Grain Co., Dogf UiJjJL
1.47 1.41 1,41, !.'.
1.43 l.S I.JO 1.43 Mi
1.10 1.07Vi l.SS 1.114
.1$ .4 .11 -S
.5014 ,G8ti .6 .SO'i
,61 .61 -61'
.45i . .,
,;5, .31 ,36 .374
.34 .31 -31 'A
,40 ,313, ."'A
17.10 17.10 17.1 0 17.60
J7.S0 17,60 17.60 Il70
' 9,60 I f.5 1.15 1.70
110.05 I M0 I.SO 10.07
I O.'O I.JO J 1.50 S 0
(10.05 110.00 10.01 110.110
1 s.o I
I I. so
Bataipts wre Cattl lhig
Official Menday ., 3 H
Offlelal Tuday .., 4,600 J.llJ
Official Wedntaday.. 1,577 1S,02
OffiWai Thmaday... t,i J0.9
Offlelal Friday... 4,630 S.350
Estimate Saturday... 00 6,708
81 day thia wh 43.541 51,113
Soma day at wk... 81,007 70,101
Same dys 2 wU. B J8.76S 6S.19S
Harp ys J WH. aBa S0.I8S ll.OJS
Bums dy yr. ,,. .50,400 II.7PI
SI, 128
8, 698
Receipts and dlsposttipn of live sloel t
the Unfon StoeV yard, Omaha, Nat,., Or
t Hours et)d)nf t t o'tleuk p, m .
.tri uua puijij.
1 1 !
; .....
s ..-
..... 1 ,..
..... 1
Union Perific. ....... ,
V. Ik S. W., east
ft. & X. W,, wet
C, St. r 11. O....,
t'. 3. & Q., at
C, B. A weat.'. ...
C. K. I. &. T.. ei.,.
C. R. 1, 1., wt,,.
ChitSfU Gt. West,, , .,
folnl receipts,,.,.,, 3
)iri (Jo. ,,...,,,, . .
Pwift b Oe. ,.
Cuduhy PackfDf Co.,, ,i
Armoqr Co. ,,,,,,, ,.
,T. W, Murphy
Higjrln PaoUina Co,
Pold PacWiita Ca ,,
Cudthy Ba ,,,, .
Tt' ,
CUU With only tut 10 head of
cattl en aal today the market wa
nominally tdy at yesterday' decline.
The week' total reeelptf hav been 115.
100. On lislH supplies Mr)dy and Tupsr
And iu
Individuals, business
and banking institutions
often need to know the
appropriate committee of
the 3enate or House of
JlepreBentatives which
they should address.
The names of mem
bers of the Sixty-Seventh,
Congress have been cora
piled in booklet form for
free distribution by this
Bank. We. have included
the high' officials of the
Executive branch of the
American Exchango
National Bank
OrianltW la 1S3 a4 NaUJia4
im 1M
128 Broadway Nw Y.rk
Our Monthly Letter will be (ent free
ta thos deslrin a brief revisw at
world eapnomis 4evelopment.
8K1N (MIBASC llMltllM.
Wustfl ! aM SMrMtil I
the Ireataaenl afttch, Rcmou,
Ina aUn 4Imm. Tr Ula
trealiaaat M aw rak.
Skaraua McCwull t Dnif Star
Clear Baby 'c Skin
With Cuticura
Soap and Talcum
W.rtajit,flM,9,ef atmt reraaawtas
At Uitt and butcher cattle 4vfe4
much aa tic, but part of thla 'lu
lot ThurKday nl Friday and at thu clone
price r not over tfiOc hlslter Ihaa
vtvk ago. Top for tha wek on etecra
of I'M " he lilglteat In nearly
HU'iith. ptockera and (erdera ara In very
light nui'Biy and aold about a quarter
llilfhar thla week.
Quotation on Catlla--Cholce to prima
l-ttvre. II.Ubt.60; gad to i hoicu itva
ll.760.10; fair to good beevra. I7.6(
7.40; commoil to fair baavea, 18. 607. i;
Cod la choice yearling. S.OOiff S.3t; (air
to good yearllnga. 7.ttA7.s6; common to
fair yearling. l.:Sj7.00; choice to prima
heifera. 7.00(ii7.t0; good to choico helter,
! ;SQ 7.00 iholca to prime cows. 6.M'u
7ttU; good to choice raws, 16.00
(air o good '(, I S, 26 Tj S 1 1' ; common to
fair cow, I3.0u1f4.60; good to choice
fradrri, I". 1687.71; flr to good ferlra.
SO 6 0 i T 3 6 ; common to fair feeder. IJ.7S
ftf.60; good to choice atoclccrn. 7.00fj7.tOt
fair la good atockera, 14.3607.00; com
mon to fair atockura, 6.000.00; lo.:U
hffr. 14.60 4.00; dock cowa. i.7Hf
(. 00: t9Ck calve, IS.00QI.60; ttiiI calvt.
I.V00OI.6U: bulla, ataga. tic. I4.7S07.OO,
llog The atU la I'luaing with a mod.
crat Saturday run of hoga. about 6.70U
lirad ahewing up. Trading wan active
from the atart and meet of tlio hoaa
acid at advaneea of about 10c, although
oaicaaaional aalra ver reported lit prieea
quntahly atrong. Light lioga made a top
of 18.3" with bulk of the receipts celling 17.00ft 1.36, Th trade thla week
has been feutured by a fairly broad park
ing demand and quite a littl- improve
ment In price. Compared with a week
Why not join The Bee's $25,000.00 Help Yourself Club? It it
rapidly growing. The more members there are, the better your
chanee of winning a capital award.
Call, phone or write for the booklet which gives complete de
tails of the operation of the club. '
In a great many towns club members have been nominated by
their friends. If these members in your town are not actively ad.
vancinz their quota of votes, why not get into the race yourself?
Just fill in the mambership entry blank and mail it to . "H, Y. C,
Omaha, Bee, Omaha, Neb." You will be promptly supplied with full
information and materials and will be given a credit of 5,000 votes
for a starter.
One $15.00 New Subscription 136,000
One 7.50 New Subscription 62,000
One 5,00 New Subscription 32,000
One 4.00 New Subscription, 22,000
$39.00 Total Regular Votes 312,000
Bonus of 4,000 Extra Votes Per Dollar. .... .156,000
Total Votes for $39.00-
The standing of the club mem
bens, as they appear in this issue,
orilv infludpi the received
anil counted at this office up to
p, m., last Wednesday. The stand'
mgs will be changed again in Tues
day's paper and will include the
votes that are received and counted
at the H. Y. 8. Club office before 6
p. m , Saturday.
Will Include nil territory In.lde the
City limit of Omaha, south of Pacific
street, weet of the river U ttevrntj.
itrcond atreet. Including Rqlstoo. Belle
t ue. Fort Crook and Avery.
On SMIS.oe Maxwell, ana fSue.lM)
R. i I.. Deposit nd one 1 00.00 It.
it I,. Deposit frill la awarded la thi
district. t
B. W. Base, Silt S. ZSi St 60.T4
Mia. C. A. Chrlgtensan, iil Cellar. -1 S,0I)
iest Iferngren, 2015 S. 7th St, ., ,60,870
Mftrtlift Bbert, SH0J Poppleton, .,, . , ,
Mrs, Thomas Selxe, 2311 I St J ti.StO
Mrs. Pearl Starkey, 1937 S. Kth.,. ,l,30
Fraxk Kennison, Utt S. 2eth St, ,,.17,860
John Salerno, lii Pierce St ,,,lj,4
Frn!( Starb. 121 Et. Bids"., S. T., .11,688
CI. O. Philips, 6U Polk 8t 12,40
Fred Stiovh, 49IJ South 26th. . . , , , .11,10
Mabel Hogan, S40 rJ. 4th 10,110
Julis, 6806 . COth.,. 11,10
William Murray, 8084 S. 52d Ave 17,640
Mrs. Fred Kaiser, Bellevua, Neb 11,660
Mr. J. K. Williams, 6608 H. ?3d 17,260
Jernlc Wawrz, 3626 L St ,....11.650
Mabel Uarevett, 626 Bancroft 16,740
Mrs. Alfred Pedei'fon, 2016 Dorcas. . 1T.610
Mrs. P. ataractic, S3 16 . SOU) at. ,. ,61, sup
Vlieo, A. (atacson, $317 S. list, .,. ,11,660
Mrs. Anna, Ruppert, 20H Martha. .. .16,260
Mrs. C. A. Kauth, 1822 Bancroft, ,. ,1 1,800
John Kwaaniawfcki, S867 OaK .,16,630
Mre. Katherine Haves, 302 S. 18th 11,660
Mb O. O'Halloran. 2761 S. 0th, , . .11,81)0
H. Jlakenholz. itZi Monroe, 1 1.660
Iva Siecel. 1724 Dorca .66,840
U. II. Kvan, 4560 8. 46th ,,.62,490
Mr. E. L), Hawerth. 1776 S. 9th.,., 6,670
Gorg;e Peterson, J4 Wright,,, ,,,, .6,010
Aaiie Jorgensen. C20 S. 20th,.,,,,,, 6,000
U alter Hnmllton. 2209 f. 2th 6.000
Mr. W, B. Wfthrow, 225 Francis. .6,000
Ira. Ollvj 8, pueenbury, 906 p, fid. 6.0J0
WiU laelud all territory inside th
ity limit at Omaha anil am, a ad
north of Pacific street, west at th
river to ElchrjrhM slraat asul far
aorth a Mapl street.
On II.IIS.M MajwII, on t'JOO.OO
B. 4 I,. Depoalt and one SIOU.M B.
ft I,. Dpeit ril be ewfe) in thi
... in i, .ii i.
Fred a. Wltte. 8517 Seward 10.6S0
Mr. C. J. Hubbard. 3864 Farnam. .61,170
Membership Entry Blank
The Omaha Bee Help Yourself Club
5,000 VOTES
Date 1921
I nominate . . ,
(Mr., Mrs. or Mies)
Street No Disk No
City State
" As a member of Th Help Yourself Club
Address , , ...
Thi nomination blank will count for 8,000 votes if aent
to the manager of the H, Y, 8. Club. Only pn blank will
eunt (or a member. Till out this blank with your nam or
th name of your favorite and send It to Th Bee. The name
of the person making th nomination will pot be divulged.
ago current value ahow general ad
vent ( 10 9 40e.
N. Av. Uk. Pr. Kg. A v. fk. Pr.
43. .484 4C S 10 71. .164 140 f T SS
17. .143 14 7 10 S4..34I 40 f SI
II. ,3t 40 7 SO 64. .IS IS 1 CI
67. .300 111 7 70 It. .SSI ' ... 7 74
4. .304 70 7 SO M..3l 7 7 II
te.,117 ... T SO 70. .3(0 ... T II
M..I0S 40 , 74. .260 )10 I 01
72. .333 ... S 10 ft. .331 44 t 16
73. .311 ... S 20 II. .163 ... S 31
12. .310 ... t to
8heep-only two load f lamb were
received today but they wcr condgnad
dirert to a packer and trad ai nom
inally steady. N malarial chang haa oe.
curred In the market thla week although
fat lamba hav been alow aale sine
Wednesday with closing price about a
uuartrr abov a week ago. Thi advance
appltea to bold nooled and (born fad
lamba. W ooled grade are quoted up to
M0.7." and chorn lot have been celling up
to 10.36. rlhccu coatlnua suarc wH good
ewes quoted up to 17.36.
Quotations an sheept Beat fat lam ha
f 1(1.5(141 10.76; tnadlum to good lambs, I0.7S
10.60; plain and heavy lamba. Id. 7649
0.76; ahern Iamb, lg.60QI.ti6; good to
rholcn ewe, I6.i5& 7.35; spring In nibs.
19.0011.60; fair to good ewe, tit.onei
f.60; cult oiift, 3.603.60. Spring lamb,
10.60 ft I.'.OO.
A new false bottom to keep vege
tables from burning in cooking
utensils can be used as a strainer.
Look over the list of Club Members published below and see how they stand in your District
Remember there are awards for each District; also 10 Commission to all non-winners
O. W. Hendee, 4204 Burdetta
A. 1, Klein, jr., 4806 podge ,..,,,.,66
Kloye B. Morell. 644 S. 26th Ave..,, 67
( . j. wrignt, 2310 Howard
James Addeson, 2411 N. 18th
W, T. Zlesel, 3314 Decatur
If. Peterson. 120 N. 25th
Dr. Frank U. Smith, Blaclcstone
l.ouis J. aichafer. 112 N. 26th ,,.
. . 6.
.Miiureu rianu, zin uurt 00,
Mrs. Anna Morenelli, 668 B. 21st. .,,11,
Fred Keogh. 220 N. 19(b 22,
A. HicUa, 871 Miami , ,,,.60,
R. H. Ackley, 607 N. 24th 11,
Mra. Kinlly Winner, 119 N. 20th ...54,
Meuwig aitcnei, 241 1 n. oin
Gertrude Levin, 2051 N, 10th
Louis KlewlU. 2771 Burt
K. K. Holbrook. 356( Pacific
Marten Treufeit, 2436 Hamilton .
Herman Kachahoan. 413 N. 16th.
Dessie D.- Harrop, 2667 Duugia , ,
IT. A. Wler, 1910 fharlea
O. F. Sloason. Jr.. 4906 Cuming
Ida Karback. 1433 N. 20th
J. K. Mcintosh. 4100 Chicago .
Mrs. Mary Engel, 2706 Cuming 24,
Mrs. A. K. Waack, 2223 Howard ...59,
Mrs. K. Enilish. 1005 S. 38th Ave. ..21
Mrs. C. U Caao 2674 Corby 10
0. T. Peterson, 800 Harney 6
Marten J. Dlncen. M8 N. 20th 16
Blanche Snyder. 723 3. 25th Ave..,, 15,
B. L. Murray, 442 Jones , ,,,16,
Mrs. Bessie Beach, J 008 8, 29th ,,..10,
Hichard Tiiard. jr.. S2014 N. 2Jd... 5,
Harold Anderson, 3116 Marcy 12,
Josephine Bhumaker, Loyal Hotel.,. 10
1. D. Pagani. 41J S. 16th ,.,,,,,..11,
K. H. White, 667 S. 93d 6,
Mrs W. J. Whi taker, 480 podge. ..32,
L. X. Swanson, 4128 Lake 6,
Mrs. B. N. Clauren. 4800 UnderwoodCl,
Mrs. Marie Coulter, 300 Harney..,. 5.
Mrs. II. L. Paulson, (it Turner Ct,. 5,
Ham Wolf, 2316 N. 30th 6,
Rav. X. C. Hanaon. 1712 K. 16th t..2,
W. J. Puve. 3223 Seward .....6
Mr. C. M. tomandl, 4607 Charles 6,
Poland Frelaman. 1016 ft. 82d ,0,
ITorrara fichaeffef, 4225 Cuming .,,,
BmniPt Wlemer. 41 S. 42d 6.
Mrs. C. E. Llnneman, 1633 Victor.... 6,
Mrs. Jennie Lament, 2806 Podge..,, 6,
ueugia reicrs, 'i a. :a ii,
P. F. Outacheweki, 3627 Charles 6
Mr, tigs Kronta, No. 5 Balrd BldE.. 6,
district o. s.
Will include alt territory iBsld th
rlly lipilte of Omaha na and north of
Maple street, want of the fiver to
Elghtj-thlrd street and north to Hsr.
geant tree. Including tTiurraee and
h garter Lab district.
On fl.l 15.00 Maswell, on SW0.00
B, I.. Deposit and one 100.00 16.
I.. Deposit nil! be awarded la thi
Edna T.avrenson, T711 N. 28th Av.,10,9S
Fred B. Nichols, 3415 N. 34th ll.!0
A. L. Frederick, )6.r! Whltmora, ., .61,740
Mona Harria, 3954 H. 4Jth Ave. ... .14.960
Henry Cbrlstenaan, 6906 Minn Lusa
Blvd 11,810
C. D. Bahnall, 2423 Crown point, .. .11, 3S0
Q. J, Emery, S654 Pratt 60,790
Las Panleis, 2301 Maple 42,683
Mr. Rose Tedesco, 293 Lincoln
Blvd 1S.T40
Robbers Escape
After Binding
Man and Woman
Housekeeper on Farm Near
Benson Frees Self and Sum
mons Aid; Bogus Of
ficers Flee.
Two unidentified men,' posing as
officers, entered the farm house of
A. F. Daily, two miles west of Ben
son, late Saturday afternoon, seired
the housekeeper, Mrs. Helen Andres,
as she was working; in the kitchen
and forced her into the basement,
where they tied her to a post. They
then went to the garage, where they
found William Lawson, the hired
THE $25,000.00 LIST
1-17,800.00 Home, First Capital Award
1 $4,440.00 Cadillac, Second Capital Award
1 $1,500.00 Coaservative Saving A Loan Deposits, Third Capital Award
8 $1,115.00 Maawetl Taurine Cars, Flrat District Awards
S $ 200,00 Building and Loan Deposits, Second District Award
8$ 100.00 Building and Loan Deposits, Third District Award
Total Number of Award. , , .27
Home is at 2578 Titua Arc, "Minne Lua" Addition.
Lot 44x120. Block 13, Lot No. 20. Modern in evary way.
Violet Brotchie, 6020 Florencs l!lvd..l9.4S'J
A. H. Mayer, 2438 Klllaon 63,70
Mrs. L. M. Thirtle. 6005 N. 30th 11.490
Olivet- Cole, 4738 N. 40th 22,310
Mrs. W. XV. Davis. 3919 Flor. Blvd. .44,90
Louise Shumate, 1464 Plnkney. .17.040
Mrs. Harry Rogers, 6511 N, 39th. . . .10.8F.)
C, Hell, 28,9 Vane 12,230
Winifred Travis, 2861 Fowler ,.11,370
Mrs. J. XV, Kodebaugh, 3180 Mere.
dlth , , 11.770
Mrs. J, M. Strecter, 4008 N. 34th
Ave. 51.219
Mrs. G. L. Tracy, 2611 Browne 5,540
Mrs, K. P. Perrin, 3120 N. 4Jth. 10,690
Bert Ferretl. 3410 N. 24th 6,110
Mrs. J, A. Wilson, 2712 Camden 6,300
K. t. Johnson, C035 Plnkney 5,l-);i
Mrs. C. L. Rogers, 3125 Tueker 5,210
W. P. Boiian. 8676 Kvans 6,000
Mra. W, McKenim. 2012 Emmet 6.260
leo. W. Allen, 1707 Manderaon 6,210
Mrs. f E, Waters. 3021 N. 18th 11,000
1'. Finkle. 2018 Manderson 6,009
Mrs. R. E. Moore, 6003 N. 2Sth Ave.. 5, 110
W, E. Stutenroth, 2456 Camden 6,13 J
Will include all territory, fn the city
of Council Bluffs, lucluding the 61an
fva dittrirt.
One Si, 13.00 Maxwell, one SiOO.OO It.
& L. Deposit and nn SI 00.110 B. L.
Deposit trill be awarded in this district.
Mrs, W. C. Riley. 109 Angle Ave 10,380
Gertrude Sullivan, 813 Ave. B. .62,630
L. R." Roberts, 163 W. Bdwy 21,470
Ray C. Wllcor, 037 E, Bdwy..,,,., 6.410
Ann Ward, 1006 etl, Av ....,18,130
Mrs. M. A, Smith, 2304 Ave. P, 15,740
Rev. A V. CRtlin, 12 4th Bt 26,60
A. W. deisfer, jr., 42 Damon 17.6S0
Dorothy Lenllian, 662 Harrison St... 10.380
Mra. Ada McLaughlin, 1908 3d Ave.. 21, 700
Harold O. DeVol, 1013 7th Ave 18,430
Mra. W. J, Relnts. 1222 6th Ave 17,960
R. P, Bolin, 2003 4th Ave ,.17,10
Mrs. Peter Janscn. Oakland Bt ..... ,21,639
Mrs. F, ft, Scholes, 641 Mill 11,650
Lawrence Gallagher, 2408 Ave. A. . .17.480
Van Liddel. 2401 Ave. A 6.130
A. W. Anderson. 3431 3d Ave 10,589
lrs. Iva M. Ford. 305 S. 18th 61.2M
R. P. Edwards, 2310 Ave. 0 10.599
Mrs. J. W. Head, 3185 3rd Ave 11,109
F. H. Moran, 114 S. 1st Bt 5,110
Mary Cahill, 122 W, Brpadway 17,450
John Kennedy, 121 4th Ave ', .11,120
Ernest Taylor. 2407 Ave, C 6,269
P. McGce, 218 3d St 6,380
Mrs. L. C. Pavls. 1417 Fairmont Ave, 21,080
M. Oreno, 1023 E, Broadway., ,10,270
Paul Brackney, 20 S. 1st.. 6,270
Lou Punlap, Grand Hotel 43,200
Mrs. Win. J. Ryan, 2026 Ave. A 63.110
Catharine MalOHe, 611 Ave. 4 6.110
Will fatelud all the territory In the
tate of Iowa outsld th city f
Council Bluff and the Manawa dis
trict. One $1,1 10.00 Maxwell, one $700.00
B. & L. and one $100.00 II.
& I,. Deposit wlU he awarded in this
Theima Lindsay, .Sidney 13,160
Address Your Entry Blanks and All Communications to
THE OMAHA BEE "Help Yourself Club," Omaha, Neb.
For further information, subscription, blanks, etc., call, write or phone
Office of the "Help Yourself Club"
312 Peters Trust Bldg. (Bee Bldg.)
Office Opens at 9 a. m. Phone Atlantic 1000
In order to insure accuracy, a Burroughs Adding Machine is used
in tabulating the votes.
man, and bound him.
While thry were preparing to re
turn (o the house, they saw Mrs.
Andres, who had loosened her bonds,
running through the field to a neigh
bor's house, The two robbers fled.
Mrs. Andres, arriving at the
neighbor's house, called the pheriff'e
office and Deputy .ShrrilTs Charles
Hoye and Charles Johnson went to
the farm, but the two men had es
caped, evidently by means of an
automobile which they had left on
the Dodge road,
Mrs. Andres told the deputies the
two men had represented themselves
as officers. They exhibited stars,
worn under their coats, and read a
paper which they said was a search
The deputies said former tenants
on the farm were said to have oper
ated a still and that they had kept
their store of "moonshine" in the
After reading their "warrant" the
two bogus officers pried the lid off
the cistern, but gave tip their search
Myrtlo Rogers," Fercivai. .63,510
tars. June Flckel, Hastings ...16,650
Harlen Klutts. Mondamln 63,120
Sirs, .Vettje Batcholder.. Rlvarton. . . .17,0'JO
JohR Glllete, Atlantic 13.780
(Soma Hughes, Grieweld, ,,...S6.610
Glen ('. Sillilt, Missouri Valley 28.410
Jir, Ellen Tucker, Weston .,11,620
O. J. Atkins. Savin. 56,020
Marlon Caughell, Carson ,.,,..29,760
Ruth Knight, Ulenwood 49,180
Betty Eacrett, Malvern 49.660
Rev, G. B. Bauman, Mlnden... 6,690
Mrs. Biillo Iwen, ISchlefiwIff, 11.490
Juno Oviatt. Shenandoah 63,920
B. I. Mart, Emerson..., ,,, 6.340
,Mrs. Ona Johnson, Pac, Jet,.,.. 63,980
Ocorga W. Moore, Bartlett 17,460
Bert Graham, R. I, Logan.,.,.,.... 6,020
Nellie J. Solleder, Thurinan., 17.010
Gladys Mavis, Harlan.., 3,660
Eva Hough, Oakland 6.160
Bernard Franklin, Hamburg, ...... . 6,190
Ivar Averill, etanton..., 6,000
Merle Andress, Oakland .... 6,210
Dorothy Hull, Hepburn 21,040
J. H. Hudgene. Walnut ,.29,940
Morle B. Travis, Carson 6,810
Leona Hamann. Persia ,,.18,940
Mrs.' Ray Fierson, Henderson, .6,080
Lloyd W. Weatherell, Panama ,6.000
Mrs. Lowell C. Mattox, Shelby 6,000
Fred Tallke, Avoca, , 6.660
Will include the following rountie In
the state ot Nebraska: Case, Sarpy,
Douglas (outside the city of Omaha),
Saunders, Butler, Polk, Merrick, Nance.
Piatt, Colfax, Dodge, Washington,
Burt, Cuming, SI anion, Madison,
Boone, Antelope, Pierce, Wayne, Thar,
ton. Dakota, Dixon, Cedar and Knox.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell one $300,00
B, L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
ft L. Deposit nil) a awarded in thi
G. C. Hobak, Nchawka 6,540
etta Lower, Valparaiso 17.020
J. H. Domingo, Weeping Water .... 6,610
V. H. Hoerstmann, Fremont ,,,.,,..63,280
L. N. Warrick, Blair 12,180
Louisa Figmbaum, Springfield 41.6(0
Winnie McMillan, Shelby 6,840
Win. Andrews, Bcllwood 17,940
Vivian Dae, Pavid City 46,960
W. L. Kcott, Osceola (.620
E. C. Wilde, 823 8. 8, Norfolk 16,620
A. M. Sandera, Plattsmouth 63,480
F. L. Brown, Schuyler ,.17,980
Helen M. Wynkoop. Central City 63,240
C. J. Havtland, Norfolk 6.340
Floyd Buchanan, Silver Crek ,,,,.68,110
Henry J, H Dynes, Qctavla .11,820
Sam Pavls, Wayne , ,,63,614
R. V. Kennedy, Tekamak 62,890
Jo Krajlcek, Arlington ,, 17.640
Fred Boss, 1566 24th Ave.. Clumbus.16.StO
Rimer Nordland, Columbus ., 13,610
G. Koch. R. 3, Columbus 6.640
P. P. Hill, Genoa 64,40
Henrietta Miller. Oakland ,.64,240
W. C. Haleey, Oakdale ........... ,64,60
Clifford Cunningham, Wahoo 16,060
Herman Buhk, Beemer 36,940
H. A. Homann, Elkhorn 11,420
Fred T. Wlglngton. Schuyler ...... .64,10
Cordon Smith, Lyon 6,690
A. E, Stafford, Rising City ...16,610
Alvln Barton, Lyons 28,070
R. K. Btrashurg, Polk 62,790
there when they found it' full of
Neither Mrs. Andres or Lawson
were harmed by the robbers.
New York Bandits Busy
While Coppers Parade
New York, May 8. Soon after
the annual New York police parade
had started, thieves celebrated the
event by stealing a $7,000 motor
truck loaded with $33,000 worth of
woolens which had just arrived from
Rhode Island.
Minnesota Bank Closed
St. Paul. May 8. The Farmers
Slate hank of I hokio. canitalized at
$15,000, suspended business, accord
ing to an announcement made here,
Depleted reserves is given as the
An Ohio inventor's scefaw for
children can he raised or lowered on
its standard to suit the size of a
If already entered as a member, let us remind you that your
subscriptions right at the present time will count for more votes than
at any other stage of the campaign. The largest extra vote offer of
the entire campaign is now in effect.
Take advantage of thU big extra vote offer which expires at
10:00 p. m., May X4.
For $25.00 in subscriptions you will receive 100,000 extra
votes and for each dollar in excess .of $26.00 you will receive 4,000
extra votes. These are in addition to the regular award of votes as
given in the schedule There is no limit to the extra votes you may
gain in this offer. $100.00 will give you 400,000 extra votes.
You must surely realize that now is the time to pile up votes.
After May 14 your extra votes will be one-third less.
One $10.20 New Subscription. 76,000
One 7.80 New Subscription, 62,000
One 5.10 New Subscription 32,000
One 2.55 New Subscription : 12,000
$25.65 Total Regular Votes . . .182,000
Bonus of 4,000 Extra Votes Per Dollar 102,600
Total Votes for $25.65 284,600
Mrs, P. E. Buck, Fremont fl,660
Mra. Wad Prultt, Humphrey ,62,190
G. C. Smith. Albion 12,860
Charles J. tSvoboda, Prague 16,160
Anna Blumtn, JStribner 17,810
E. P. Cushmsn. Kennard 6,420
Frank Pallas, Pender 6.120
Mabel Brazda, West Point ....18,060
Nellie Dwyer. Colon 6,180
V. E. Hayes. Herman 6,060
Jessie B. Kay. Wlsner 17,070
Ida Ruther, Stanton 36,410
H. J. Muffley, St. Edward 37,240
JenB Jeneu, Lyons,.., ...20,050
C. E. Anderson, R. 4, Norfolk 6,000
Cedrie Anderson, Wausa 6,1 10
.7. M. Fox. Gretna 6,000
Laura Koleni. Cielehton ,31,610
Marie, Rowaidt. Tutan 5,010
Mrs. Edith Schooler, Rosalie ,.6,150
Mrs. Archie Roberts. North Bend ...6 000
Lydla Seyersdahl, Madison 6,000
Emma Fredstrom, Oakland 5.S60
Mildred E. Johnson. Mead (.010
.Tosaphine Evans. Platte Center 5,000
Mrs. Ad Lyons, Newman Grove. .. .8,000
Mr. Lulu Owen, Ashland ,,.13,760
Mr. B. O. Darlipg, Hooper 6,010
J. W. Keeler, Fullerton 6,000
Robert Welk, Columbus , 6.000
R. J. Swanson, Fullerton .......5.000
Wm. Nick, Cedar Bluffs 6,000
Roy Combs. David City 31,260
Will Include the following counties la
the tat of Nebraska! Otoe, Nemaha,
Klrhardson, Pawnee, Johnson, Oagc,
Leneaater, Seward, ftaline, Jeffersoa.
Thayer, Fillmore, York, Haralttoa,
Clay, Nuckolls, Webster and Adama.
One $1,118.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
n. A I.. Depoalt and one $100.00 B.
L. Orposlt will be awarded ia thi
Mr. Otis Welford, Clay Center 61.840
Thomas Foster, Beaver Crossing.... 6,640
Ruth Welia, Blue Spring 21,980
Glady Baylor, Bruning 26,690
Hattie Stables, Carleton ,,,,,10,460
Eleanor Shoff, Fairbury 16.90
Geo. Whitesell, Kenesaw 16,710
Mrs. Lyda Wolfskltl, Superior.. .41.2H0
Francl Himburger, Wymore ,.22,960
Frank C. Bruning. Mllford 6,970
Mra. W, L. Chapman, Gilmer 20,160
Chaa, Launla, Alexandria ...17,680
Mrs. Dick Harper, p van port 22,710
Raymond L. Crosaon, Hastings 13,490
Mra. ft. Anderson, 1324 H tit.. Lincoln 17.690
Mr. B. F. Jordon. Tnrk 17,940
Mr. Marie Morris, Mebror, ,, 0,720
Tlllj Nolle. Auburn. R. !,.,., 17,890
Mr. Mark Hall, Auburn..,; 63,470
Robert Moore. Velaon 1. 27,540
Lee Parriott, Peru. .CS.ItO
Will Brookley, Edgar , .17,44
Mr. Peeii Kite, Auburn., 61,60
Volva Pair, Fairmont, 16,59
A. C. Bek. Seward 1,4K6
Rev. L. A. Mesar, Harvard 16.290
Vera Orosshaus, Sutton.. ,,.,,16,410
E. L. Knits, Deshler .21,410
Margaret Ahrens, Falls City 16,660
Mrs. Thomas Brower, It 1, Geneva.. 2 1 . 1 s
Agnes Krasomll, Aurora. .......... ,36,110
Gall Parson, Humboldt 36.00
A. E. Pratt. Toblaa 1.000
William McKerver, Cordova 6,010
Rev. P., B. E. Hill. Table Rock 6,090
Campaign Closes Juno 25th, 1921
The Omaha Bee
Help Yourself Club
Not good after May 19, 1921. Must be voted or
mailed on or before expiration date.
Street No .Dist. No. ......
City State
Coed for It free vote when lent te th H. Y. S. Club on or
before above date. No eoupon will b transferred to another
after being received at the offie of Th Bee.
New Cat to Speed Up
Mail Transportation
thleag TH baa. Omaha Br 1 sated Aire.
Chicago, May 8. A new type of
railroad mail car, thief proof, and
capable of increasing the speed of
mail transportation several times, ar
rived in Chicago over the New York
Central linei. Postal officials believes
it signifies a new era of railroad mail
The car carried approximately 27,
000 pounds of mail ot various classes.
Through it's "unique mechanical ar
rangements, however, it was unloaded
in 31 minutes, one-fifth of the time
ordinarily required.
The cargo space is divided into
nine removable containers, each hav
ing a capacity of nearly three and a
half tons. A crane picks up each
container and dumps the mail into
trucks. In this way the labor of a
score of men is dispensed with.
Mr. Che. Fowler. N'braeke City,. f, 220
Mr. W. A. Hunt, Rod Claud 1,000
Alfred Bookwalter, Pawn City.. ..18.111
Vada Parker, Xockford 6.000
Mr. C. P. Riley, Tecumseh .6,000
Will Include all territory ia the state
at Nebraska not Included la District
Nomber and 7, a la territory ia South
Dakota, Kansas and Colorado,
On $1,11.00 Maxwell, oae $J00.M
yi. I. Deposit and one $100.0 It. at
I. Deposit will be awarded la thli
II. S. Helme, Seottnbluff 10,069
W, B. Hhelton, Paxton 1,41
Martin Nielson, Dannebrog 17,430
Mr. K. T, Blgelow. Smlthfield t,o
Pick Pullman, Sargent ,..,.12,60
Elisabeth Ralaton, Orleans 61,710
Mrs. Merle Spotts, Imperial,....,,. 86,640
Mae Dick, Cambridge 81,640
Mrs. Ethel Copeland. Bridgeport. .. .63,190
Mr. C. M. Taylor, Benkelman 4,70
Hilda Jacabton. Araphao 17,11
J. E. Williams. Alliance... ,.,.26.60
Mrs. Margaret MilUgan, Arnold. ,.. .12,040
Signa Peterson, Eddyvlll., ,.11.490
Oscar Petron, umnr , 6,68"
Bert Brownell, Chappell 6 2, WO
P. J. Mlnner. 101 W. th,-Grand la. 38.040
Mr. A, Callahan, Goring...., 11,690
Pr. D. A, Rundatrom. Curt! 16.490
Mr. Walter .Borden, Cordon 81,690
Mr. Bertha A. Eber, Kirk 11,740
H. H. Edward, ftcottsbluff 17,690
W. K. Harria. Bertrand 47,880
Mr. Grace Rtdttelt, Mlnden 41.680
George Gardner, Bayard,.. 10,470
Melba Phllbrlek, Ord ..,.18,060
C. B. Douet, Axtell 6,420
E. G. Nlsley. Lexington,.,., (3,720
Wm. Hatsey, Lebanon 6,260
Forn Gates, Stamford.'. 61.940
Chaa. Johnson, jr., ManvllU,,ltO
Mr. Emit Stainke, Holdreg 48.980
Mrs. Clay Funston. Ogallala 41,060
A. R. Lee. 71 N. Locust. N, Platte 63,470
Blanche Myers. Sutherland 16.460
Mra. H. Rosecrana, Julesburg, Colo, 1,110
C. H. Blackburn, Mltobell 6,2
Fern Belts, Franklin 36,41
C. K. Grlsbam, Lodgepole 33,260
John Firth, Long Pine 1,10
Mrs. Ray Rathbun. Hays Canter.. 6,040
Philip Mercler. Campbell (,010
E, C. McKak, St. Paul 1,000
Velme Waatherwax. Sidney i.060
Edw. Norlandsr. Keyston.. (,000
Ruth Walsh rhelton 6,000
Mr. Robert Smith. Ord 6.000
Mr. In B. Harshbuger, Oconto,.,. 1,060
Harvey Thompson. Ravenna ,, 1,000
Helen Looml. Gibbon , 1,000
Mr. Phillip Seefu. Scotia 1,(60
Albert P. Power. Greeley 1. 004)
P. C, McKenxlt. Burwell (,000
J. K. Hopkins, 60 W. 4th. Grand I..6.00O
Waltr T, Shin, Franklin ., 6,000
Mr. J. A. Quintor, Brule ........ (.01
Wm. F. pranek. Loup City (.000
Haxel Farrel, Gothenburg J0,84
Mr. Orae Murray, Bloomlngton. .. .11.640
Wm. J. Berry, Upland (.000
Extra Vote Offer
Closes May 14th