THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 9. 1921. The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY 1 II K BKK PUBLISH ING COM PAN V NELSON H. UPDIKE. Publisher. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Ts i.culil IV tit utile The lies It member, elu'l ,niilld in ux fur i'ulili.'Uii of ell niws diipstcbjs crxlmj tu It nr ii. K ulUdOiM credited III thu Wl". ' '"f locul Hili.lml lirrclll. til rnlt'4 vt nulllktllOil ol etlf irWW diinuliw n . rtuned BEE TELEPHONES Prints l!ri-k Kwlwiw. sik ir Tvler 1000 UM PeitrtBinK i" l'tM't tWii'.eu t For Night Calls Alter ID p. m.i Sdltnn.l ef JJJJL AdMrll.ln, Ut,iluiil WL OFFICES OF THE BEE Jl, mi llMim: KM. end Kurr.'" ' CoiUOll ttlu'ft 15 oVirlt HI i Sulllli Nldr. tij Uulltll itik H Out-ol.Towa Offices: Ne Voik ChtCJi HlHct UUs. ttlhllHt" till 1 " 1 I'tilo. riiee. Hue St. Uoimrr Tte ecs Platform 1. New Uie Passenger Statiea, 2. Continued improvement ( the Ne braska Hifhway, including the pave mont of Main Thoroughfare leading lata Omaha with a Brick Surface. 3. A abort, low-rate Waterway from the Cora Belt to the Atlantis Ocean. 4. Horn Rule Charter for Omaha, with City Manager form of Government. Nebraska Solon After the Pacloers. It is peculiarly appropriate (hat a measure for the regulation of the meat packing indus try, just agreed upon by the senate committee on agriculture, should bear the name of two Nehraskam as' its authors. We have not a copy of the Morris-McLaughlin measure at hand, and but slight information as to its con tent!, but it may be admitted that these men rt familiar with the' problem in its details. Coming as they do from one of the great meat producing states of the union, wherein is lo fattr) one of the three really great packing (tenters of the world, they should be possessed !of first, hand knowledge as to what is needed. Regulation of a great industry is not a sim ple matter, to be accomplished off hand, and recent eperience has shown the meat packing tujine to be one of the most widely tjiver aififd of any. Its extensive ramifications were in part disclosed by the inquiry and report of the Federal Trade commission, and some head wgy his been made in putting into effect the recommendations then , made. -The packer havj largely been divorced from the wholesale grocery business, and are expected to retire front stockyards under the 'Palmer com promise agreement. This restricts them to the V1 preparation and distribution of fUsh foods ex ellvefy, What generally has been sought is tei break up the monopolistic control of the industry. ' Nebraikans uho are looking ahead to the restoration of the live stock industry through '" government direction of the packing houses . may well consider that elsewhere in the world are springing up great herds and flocks, where the latest and best methods of production are being employed and the highest breeds of stock re encouraged. When . E. 1, Russell cwv; back from his visit to South America, hi brought reports of great herds of improved cattle in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay; of hogs that come from, the accepted strains of Iowa and Nebraska breeders, and of forward looking let of men backing the industry, to the end tljaJtliey already are recognized as for midable competitors in the meat trade. Armour long ago' "went to Argentina; in Uruguay and . Brazil American capital and genius are back of the meat packing enterprise, These factors are of concern in Nebraska, whose principal product must come into coni petitiort "with those of South America, for it will be lit the world market we will sell, if we sell at all, the surplus of the state's farms. Jhesa considerations give additional interest to the Norris-McLaughlin bill, and suggest its . provisions as being of a nature designed to help the farmers of the west in their efforts to pro duce at a profit, to hold the home market, and in the end to enjoy a fairer share of the gain jthat flows from their efforts, f In a World of Hysteria. Governor McKelvie's words on the need for respect for law (pate properly were linked up Jsvith reference to the folly of attempting to Jay down ' for Providence. Unless laws are wisely made, it will be impossible to command public respect for .tbera, , . Although Gilbert K. Chesterton is no great favorite hereabouts, many will agree with his , statement that, "Xever perhaps has an average liuman being had so little control over his own life, oyer he house he lives in, over the things ht eats and drinks, over the changes in hi land Ictpe or the traditions handed on to his children," Freak legislation, such as that recently pro posed in the Missouri legislature to make auto mobile thefts punishable by the dath penalty, Undoubtedly tends to bring the statutes into dis repute. But measures such as this affect only a lew people. Restrictive legislation that bears op peaceful citizens is more harmful. There has teen a sort of hysteria in the air ever since the world war began. It is as" if liberty were to be buried through the four of moral, political, ecv nomie and social chaoo. The governor' of Ne braska, it is good to see, has kept cool through it all, and if the rest of our statesmen will only calm down and sit tight, the world will go on 0Ch more smoothly than if they w ere 'con tntly tinkering with human nature. Strangled by Freight Rates. One might su;pe;t that eating onions had been placed under strict taboo, after reading that the owners ol 3,000 sacks of this fragrant product wjre. tq dump them into' a river In California for lack of a market. But a similar condition exists with many other farm prod ucts. Spinach, - cabbage and onions are de clared to lie rotting in the fields of Texas. The director of markets in that state estimates that fcOOO cars of early vegetables have been "lost to date because it did not pay to ship them, Cotton has been plowed under in many south, ern fields. The , movement of hay and corn - from Nebraska and other western districts is blocked in many cases by the high cost of get ling them to market. Oat raisers in irrigated gegions are said to be unable to get enough phoney . for their crop to pay the freight and 0StS of distribution. So the onion is not in disgrace"; people feuld eat it as before, but its strength is not of the kind that wll carry It from farm to city. Farm organizations, and various associations of shippers are hammering away in the effort to obtain lower' railroad rates. This is in the in terest of the consumer as well, and it will not be until freight charges are reduced that the normal condition of prosperity can be expected. Progress toward rail readjustment has been slow, and . unless the Interstate Commerce commission acts with more speed, the move ment to restore power to state railroad coni' missions will surely be pressed. Harding and the Supreme Council. In deciding to have an unofficial representa tive present at conclaves of the supreme coun cil, which is now the governing body of Europe, President Harding merely indicates a reasonable desire to have always full and re liable information as to what goes on behind I he scenes. The invitation from the Allies shows them to be where they have been all aliini,'. nnvous to have our government share in Europe's vexations, The arrangement is con venient, and, while it docs not bind the United States to anything, it affords the best possible proof that England, France and Italy are trying to he fair and at the same time to sacrifice no' advantage cither may have gained through the war and by reason of subsequent events. Viviani'a expressed hope that the United States would find it possible to come into a modified League of Nations is not considered in this connection. That pact may be revised until it meets the views of President Harding as to the form of association he feels we can safely enter. Whether it will, or whether the proposal will come from Washington, iyet to be determined. With Ambassadors Harvey and Wallace and Mr, Henry Boyden present as unofficial "observers" for the United States, Ms. Harding wj 11 be kept in touch with the progress of several delicate adjustments, in which our interest is yet rather intimate, regard less of the rejection of the Wilson plan for ab solute participation in European politics, Advocates of the League of Nations pre tend to extractmuch consolation from the re newal of the representatives at Paris. In this they affect to see a reluctant admission that Mr. Wilson was right. He was, to the extent that he kept close watch on the dealings with problems growing otif of the war. President Harding prudently adopts simijar ways for the same purpose, but this does not commit him to the rejected Wilson covenant, Night Life and Home Life, Once a New Ygrk man, endeavoring to il lustrate the difference between his home city and Chicago, deprecatinfly referred to the lat-r ter as a place "where more men are in bed by 10 o'clock at night than are out," Then it was that New York boasted of its "night life," and other communities throughout the land were imitating the metropolis, A change has been wrought in that, however, f ne of the direct and noteworthy effects ef prohibition. , A 'writer in the New York Times give the resultsof an intensive study of American city habits, and he finds that so-called "night life" is not only on the wane, but "actually is Jigappearing, Men and women arc winding up their evenings of pleasure and divertisement at seasonable hours, and seeking repose earlier than ever, Another thing that may be noted: Three years ago a very popular ditty inquired, "What are you going to do to wet your whistle, when the whole darned world goes dry?" The an swer to this is that the whistle is going on without being wet, Last season, and the sea son before, any jest having to do with prohibi tion was "sure fire" at the theater, and many a quip was set floating by the jesters from the stage. Now such jokes fall flat. The dry law has ceased to be a joke, and is accepted as a grim reality. The whole darned world has not gone dry, but the United States is drying up much, faster than is generally realised, As to the vanishing "night life," it will not be greatly regretted, So far as song, mirth and dancing are concerned, these will remain; only the drfnking has ended, and therefore indul gence is not carried to an extreme, Wholesome, rational pleasure is always to be had, and many have, learned that h zest !s in nowise dulled because h lacks the fillip of alcoholic stimu lant. Night , life is the Joser, therefore, but home life has gained, and mankind is that much better off. , '. A Light Spot on the Map. On a map showing business conditions in the United States, published" by the National Cham ber of Commerce, the entire state of Nebraska and those portions of Iowa and South Dakota nearest Omaha are shown In light colors, A great deal of the continent Is still marked in black, bnt in this district conditions are noted 19 be bettering themselves, and are statistically denominated as "fair," - Omaha is not vainglorious of this distinction; its deepest hope is to see the entire remainder of the country -marked in the same way. But the fact that this great section is resuming its normal trade will serve to accelerate the prog ress of other regions. Kansas City is still sur rounded by black, as is New England. There ,are bright spots in California, Florida, Texas, Arizona. Minnesota, and abput St. Louis and the Great Lakes, Once more Omaha's location in the heart of the nation has demonstrated its advantage. In Nebraska toda: according to a survey of unem ployment reported, by the Associated Press, there arc only 12,000 unemployed, while in New Hampshire, which has a population about a third as large as Nebraska, there are 35,000 idle. It was all right to make school teachers take the oath of allegiance, but in New Bedford, where they have been forbidden to powder their noses, things might be said to be carried a bit too far. The envoy from Latvia has arrived in Wash ington to deliver a message of gratitude to the American people. Of eourse you know where Latvia is. The French communists who bombarded the Paris guards with bottles presumably emptied them first, "Curfew shall not ring tonight" has been replaced in Chicago by "Let 'er blow." RergdoU'i pot gf gold must have been the one located at the end of the rainbow. The first sign of returning sanity in Europe Hungary has abolished jazz. Humanizing the Government Harding and Hays Put Another "II" Into Service of the Country By Will P. Kennedy in the Washington Star. The new order Is here. Under 'the new order the great army of government employes is going to march forward under sunnier skies and along pleasanter ways to greater accomplishment. The most practical fact from Uncle Sam's point of view is that greater efficiency in his workshop is resulting while congressional committees are yet mulling over preliminary proposals and elemental suggestions for a reorganization of the federal service to attain the same much-desired result. The morale of the federal service is bcins built up in just about the same way that the morale of the 4,000,000 soldiers who went into the world war' under the Stars and Stripes was so effectively done as to be a marvel to the world. Ry Retting the government employes 10 pull with rather than against and to fight for instead of against the official in charge, it is recognized by psychologists, economists and scientific ex perts on shop management that the most eco nomic and efficient service can be obtained, and that is just the new wave of feeling that is spreading through the revivified army of gov ernment employes. The Postoftrce department lias initiated this new order and the other government departments arc following the good example, as witness the appointment of Miss Mary A. Tate as assistant' to Ueorge tarter, the government printer. Miss Tatc's particular work is to create an interest In their work among the 4,500 employes of the government printing office, about one-third of whom are women. The big idea is to "build up the spirit of the working organization, so that instead of getting off in small groups and knocking they are be coming individually and collectively "boosters." The Harding administration has recognized that to get such a spirit into the workshop the right type of executives must be selex-ted. They mu6t be men and women, who w ill lay out work all right and expect to get it done right, but who in their relations with the employes the rubbing together of shoulders will not hesitate to extend the good hand of fellowship, human Sympathy and establish a cornmeraderie mora potent than great tomes of rules and regulations, penalties and prohibitions. lees The cabinet was selected with this idea in the back of President Harding's head. Secretary Weeks, in the War department, is a good ex ample of the genial good fallow who makes friends of all with whom he associates, while at the same time getting, results. Secretary Hoover gave the entire country a direct and personal illustration of his power to spread enthusiasm aud a spirit of co-operation as food administra tor when he said. "Let's do this," And the peo ple who followed his lead during the war are still cheering for him as leader. Now this isn't propaganda for any depart ment. The attention of the Writer was focused on the new sweep of feeling and zeal that is spreading through the entire federal service by the most unexpected agency leaders of organ ized labor who heretofore have been having cat-and-dog fights with the government officials. The Postoffice department is a striking ex ample of the complete revulsion of feeling that has come with, the Harding regime. ' Postmaster General Hays has announced his intention to establish a division of welfare work, to have eharge of such activities, that will spread into all the postoffices throughout the country and brighten the lives and improve the working con ditions for every man or woman who helps Uncle Sam deliver the mails. ; In instituting this social welfare reform in the postal, service Postmaster General Hays, having already established a well recognized reputation for organizing genius, called into con ference the best possible authorities Dr. Gar land, in charge of social welfare work for the National Cash Register Company, and Mr. Frankel, in charge of similar work for the Met ropolitan Life Insurance company, But while organizing for such a systematic development of good feeling, Postmaster Gen eral Hay put his own personality and genial affability to work. There arc a "big four" of organized labor in the postal service, represent ing the city carriers, the rural carriers, the post office clerks and the railway postal clerks, Each one of these has maintained officers in Washing ton to represent their interests before the depart ment and before congress, These officers of the organized labor in the Postoffice department asked Postmaster General Burleson for recognition, and lie ignored their request. Postmaster General Hays sent out an invitation to. these representatives to meet him in his office for a conference, which thev did on Tuesday, April 21. . Jt is aiv important fact that immedtately at) ngreement was reached and" went immediately into effect on the subject of reinstatements. This provides that if an erftploye resigned on account ot illness he is to be reSistated at his old grade of salary, and if he resigned for any other reason he is to be reinstated one grade below the one he occupied when he left the service. The sec ond reinstatement is to be two grades below and the third reinstatement three grades below. Admitted that that was, a victory for the or ganized employes but it was a much bigger vic tory for Uncle Sam, because, instead of having these postal employes all fighting the depart ment, as they have been of recent years, they are now ah fighfcipg for and with the department. Jn the closing days of the Sixty-sixth congress (he members of the house and senate were up in arms because they charged, under the leadership of Chairman Lehlbach of the committee on re form in the civil service, who fathered the civil service retirement bill, that the specific pro visions and well established intent and spirit of the retirement Jaw had been set a? ide by the postmaster general. ..."" Postmaster General Havs has let it be known, and congress has Sppjauded the decision, that the Postoffice department, on the matter of re tirement, is going to apply the law in its real intent and spirit. AH through the federal service the army of employes is responsive to the new spirit of serv ice and good feeling. They are expectant as ever before" in at least a quarter of a century that they will have a chance to win advancement by proven merit, and that means more, to them than small quarreling over a few minutes more or less in a day's work or a few cents extra in pay. Those who are looking at the government service as on the biggest industrial unit in the world .see more prospect of economy and ef ficiency through development of this morale un der the right sort of officials than they do for years to come through voluminous and intricate reorganization and reclassification schemes. ' With Regrets. Uncle Sam present his compliments to Berlin and regrets that he is obliged to decline the lat ter' kind Invitation to be the goat in the repara tions case.- Baltimore American. It Is Rising. Prosperity's sun is rising aRain, but not with a sufficient glare to cause bjindness. Chicago News, v That la Deep Stuff, Nowadays you can's tell whether a union suit is something to go to eourt with or in. Wash ington Star, Wherein It Resembles Taxes. Getting along with human nature U life's big gest bother. Toledo Blade. Wherein It Resembles Taxes. Getting along wilh human nature is life's biggest bother. Toledo Blade. Cut Out the Air Mail. Omaha, May 6. To the Editor of The Uoe: The government has for niHiiy months maintained a pseudo "air mail service" and one by one the pilots have gone to their doom, useless sacririces on tne altar or a mad desire for speed dying terrible deaths in order that a paltry 400 pounds of mail may be delivered an hour or two sooner. I have before me two letters marked "advuneed by aeroplane." One advises me that Blanks asphalt paints are the best for steel chimneys und the second that now is the time to buy cleaned and sterilised wiping 1'ttffH. For surh a noble cause the hot eyed mothers mourn their srms for such a noble cause it wife falls in a faint on her husband's flag-draped casket; while you and I thumbs down stand calmly by and cry move. You gentlemen of modern ideas wliu sny this is the aernplune age, and who from the security of your mahogany desks insist on speed, and yet mora speed do not the pitiful, fiutveringy blnokened bodies of the victims cast back your words Into your very teeth? The fully, the utter uselessness of it cries to high Heaven; "How long, or Lord, how long?" U. 13. I. How to Pay War Debts. Omaha, May . To the Editor ot The Rea: Are the allied governments of Europe playing square with the rest of the world in their attempted settlements of the war indemnities? Ov are thoy trying to shift the pay ment of the debt from Germany to the United States? Not having been successful in making Germany pay it looks 08 if they have figured out another plan whereby they can make the people of the United States pav the bill by flooding this nation with worthless foreign securities. News items of the press tell us that the allied ' ultmiatum has been signed. Germany must pay. Bonds ere to be issued in June and Novem ber to constitute gold securities good at face value in any country. This decision was reached in England at Lloyd George's residence where the allied conference met. It is to bo remembered that this is the same buneh of conspirators who lured ex President Wilson to Europe and tried to double cross the American peo ple after we had befriended them in war with a sacrifice of 200,000 men and going into debt $26,000,000,000 after which we learned this nation was to be made a "cat's paw" in a ltasrue of nations as our reward- The American people graciously subscribed for our Liberty bonds to tho extent of $28,000,000,000 and to day we find these same bonds sell ing far below par, even as low as 83. How these allied premiers Jn a conference in Lloyd George's resi dence can so cleverly scheme out a way to make Germany .pay by having Germany issue gold securities good at par value in any eountry in the world when there is nothing baok of these bonds is more than any in telligent person can conceive. This scheme cannot help but fail for the American people surely will nof be deceived by such a ridiculous fraud' and accept these bonds with nothing back of them but hot air from , the commissioner's conference. The people of this country have been educated to a gold standard and our financial system with its many faults is the best in the world, and the American people are not going to permit any set of foreigners to break down our financial struc ture by coming over here- to trade their worthless chips and whetstones for our valuable products (bonds payable Jn gold with no fold back of them). The time has come for the Amer ican congress to take some action regarding our own money. Paper money is an invention designed to transfer wealth, but today we find America has the most money per capita we have ever had. "We also And the highest interest rate being exacted and a shortage of money which indicates there must be some thing wrong with money matters. This only proves one thing we must get back to a hard cash basis with gold and silver circulation as a me dium of exchange, for it seems that the people all over the world have confidence in metallic specie. But there. s not enough metallic specie to go around in carrying on the world's commerce at the present gold standard of value. There 1s a remedy for the present business depression caused by these financial shylocks who are exacting an exhorbitant rate of interest at a time when the money per capita is the greatest in tho history of the United States. If we are to redeem our debts in gold, we must safely create more money ' than we now have, and to do this we must in crease the present gold standard of value from $20.87 per ounce to $41.34, which will double the money supply of the world, and Jet it pay its debts in gold. - ROY M, HABROP, In the Herdina Case. Omaha, May 5 To the Editor pf The Bee: The answer of "Another Voter" (who no doubt wasted his time at voting) has -come to my at tention and I have noted contents, also lack of contents carefully. The evidence is In, and, if Mr. Ringer gave a decision in the Herd Kina case, it passed me unnoticed. No doubt "Another Voter" will do me the favor of informing In what issue of what paper I'll find the decision. "Another VoterV reply makes no attempt to answer or explain the questions as set forth in the original letter, so I assume ha gave it P. Now I fully appreciate an officer's position, but let it be understood that' I refer to Herdzina in answering the fiuestlons based on evidence brought out at the Inquest and not to police officers in general. The following is my so-called narrow minded opinion: To your first three questions I'll say "yes" if he sees fit, and a good place to begin would have been tho tsoft drink parlor operated by a rela tive or Herdzina, where the shooting took place. . In the fourth question, you make a veiled intimation by referring tu the boya as ''characters," not. desig nating whether good, bad or other wise, However, I again presume you mean, "bad." All these boys were honorably discharged by the United States military service, all worked at honorable occupations for railroads, packers and automobile concerns thence the paper auto license num ber.) Your charge is a malicious insult that cannot be substantiated and which no gentleman would make. It doesn't bear the stamp ot a broad-gauged mind. The fifth question is bo far from the truth that it doesn't deserve an answer, but if it were the truth I would rather take a dpsen beat ings than to take a life, to say noth ing of the attempt to take aeveral more. The space is limited, or I would give more information such aa the well-based rumor that a certain prominent criminal lawyer refused to take Herdzina'a case, and it wasn't financial reasons either; or the offer of several prominent lawyers to as sist 'in the prosecution, regardless Tribute to Mrs, Monroe. Omaha, May 5. To the Editor pf The Hee; Ere this the little ceme tery at Lawrence, Kan., has received the mortal remains of Mrs. Harriet B. Munrpe, wife of John A, Munroe, ot this city- No such life can go out without casting a long shadow. Her many friends in Omaha have reason to mourn with her beloved husband and her closest friend, Miss Elder. Words surely are inadequate to pay the just tribute to the life as lived by one of the sweetest and kindest of natures. The privilege to have been counted among her ac quaintances was uplifting, but to feel and know her friendship crystallizes a memory sacred Jnto eternity. No purer, brighter Christian wom an ever dwelt lining the people of this city gentle and simple in taste and yet endowed with a love so deep and strong, as to be likened to the immortality her soul now inherits, The responsibility of wealth was understood and could all who pos sess it, render such an accounting for their earthly stewardship, there would be no sorrow. Into many homes of this city the generosity of this noble woman found its way. Her sensitive solicitude for others will be missed. , God never took from us a higher type of uprightness and the sorrow felt is softened by the joy of being able to Sign A FRIEND. Agncw Activates on Autopsy. Omaha, May 7. To the Editor of The Bee: Some valuable lessons can be drawn from the repent city cam paign and election and we may all profit by the exciting experiences that have been passed through in the last few weeks. In the first place the result shows plainly that mud clinging does not pay and that the vast majority of people will resent vicious personal attacks that are made in the heat of a campaign. Those who pretend that they are working for the uplifting of human ity ought to know that denouncing the faults of others in a vicious man ner does not result in the good they may pretend they are doing. Be cause some one may not have the same views in political affairs as I have is no sign that they are horse thieves and murderers. Some of the worst mud-slingers in the recent city campaign are said to live in glass houses themselves and ought to clear up their own skirts before denouncing all of those that do not look upon public questions as they do. Then there was widespread objec tion to the use of churches for po litical purposes. It looks like a profanation Of holy places for poli ticians to use pulpits to further then political ambitions, and it is to bo hoped that the recent city campaign will see the last of political cam paigning in churches. Religion and politics will not mix any more than will oil and water. But after all of the talk of the moral issues in the city eahipaign there were two things that the men and women took into consideration. One was the fear that the present city administration would vastly in crease the debts and burdens on the taxpayers of Omaha at an enormous rate in the next three years, for some of the speakers stated that they were In favor of vast public expenditures in the next three years, When there is an ever increasing number of idle men in the country, it is a poor time to increase public expendi tures at the cost of the taxpayers, Another thing that had its influence in the city cempalfcn was the destruc tion of our magnificent eourt house, for most people believe it could have been prevented if a little more nerve and discretion had been used at just the right time. But it is over and we will all try to boost for Omaha in the proper way. When many thousands of the j best men and women of Omaha voted for the successful candidates for city commissioners, it shows that some of the speakers on Douglas street were wrong in saying that only, the bad j elements were supporting the Dahl- 'man ticket. It is likely that many that can be called baa people voieo on both sides at the election. We all hope that the next three years will see less of quarreling among oity officials and that they will ail work together in the same direction. FRANK A, AGNEW. EDITORIAL SNAP SHOTS. "The modern sweet girl is bolder, but is the same sweet girl under neath," says a writer, Underneath what, pray? Akron Beacon-Journal. Greece "would like to get hold of the gink who started the story that Turkey was "the sick mn of Eu ro p e.'V-Richmond (Independent) Item. ; Looks now aa though we'd get back to 4 per cent beer for medicin al" purpose with 96 per cent red tape. Nashville Tennesean. One George is the figurehead and another the head figure of the Brit ieh empire. Greenville (S. C.)' Pied mont, Reveries of a bachelor: If nature had intended to have knees go bare she would have made them prettier, Columbia (S. C.) gtate. Oftentimes, as it so happens, the same woman who ruins one man's life by not marrying him, ruins an other's by hitching up with him, Columbia (8, C.) Record. To be clapped by th'e tail of a comet as it saunters by us is the In glorious climax in the world's trou ble. Baltimore American.- THE SPICE OF LIFE. "r. what re neesir?" "Well, my on, I'm one of jours, your grandpa Is anothtr." "Oh! Thon why U it people brag about them?" Boston Tranasrrlpt. A .Tapanesp '"hoy" earn to tha home ot a minuter in ko 'Ang-lea rarnntly and applied, for a position. Now jt happened that the household wu already well sup plied with servants. o the minlater'a wife said, 'T em sorry, but we really haven't enough work to keep another boy busy." "Madame." aaid the oriental politely. "I am suro that you mut have, Tou may not know what a little bit of work it takes to kesp me buay." Christian Beg- The fussy stenog-had looked at her wrist watetj a number of lme one morn " , , ., "I have a date for lunch ana don't went to ml:i It." the explained ts the of. flee boy when she found him 'watching her curiously. j. "Huh!" replied the youth scornfully, don't need no watch to know when It's lunch time. I got a halt, I have,",-The American Legion Weekly. How to Keep Well By DR. W. A. EVANf Question concerning hygiene, sanitation anal prevention of rfltesee, subseittrd to Dr. Evans by leaders of Tha Bee, will be answered personally, subject to proper limitation, where a .stamped addressed envelop is enclosed. Dr Evans will not make diagnosis or proscribe for individual dlseaees. Address Utter la care ef The Be. , Copyright, 1921, by Dr. W. A. Evsds ALL NATURE SMILES. ot CONCERNING SKIN TROUBLES. AVord has been spread around that hive is due to certain pnculiur pois ons until nenrly everybody 1ms hoard about it. There are people to whom it is still new, but not to tho ma jority. They know, furthermore, that the cams is sopio food in most eases; that the food responsible- is something which 1 wholesome to most people. Therefore they are pe culiar in that the food poisons them and the food itsrlf 1 not peculiar. Moat of them knowtJint sometimes hive is not dut to a food, but is due to a pollen or the secretion of bacteria or to the dandruff from some animal. They know that the cause f the trouble can be discovered by easily anolied. imtle. harmless skin test. and that any druggist can order the material required to make the ktn test. ' They know that if, for in stance, a man has discovered that, eating buckwheat gives him hives- he can either refuse to eat buck wheat cakes or lie can take the trouble and go to the expense ot having himself desensitised. A later suggestion is that five to seven grain of peptone taken one hour Detore eating will prevent hives. All these are fairly well known facts. But there are other annoying dis eases about which the same state ments hold true, but concerning which not so many people have been informed. Dr. Eiigman and Wan der found that 78 per cent of thu cases of infantile eczemas they ex amined were due to protein sensi tization 'the same group of causes a is responsible for hive. Infantile eczema goes by many different name . tetter, milk cap, rheum, being a few of the list. If a baby gets an eruption on its face or head it is almost certain the food 1 at fault. The milk may be too rich, too much cream, too much but ter, or the trouble may be with tho sugar in the milk or the cereal fed or to eggs. Some babies will not get well of the tetter until the family cat is sent on a vacation. Simple F-kin tests will show the cause. In general, the remedy consists in changing the diet. In their investigations almost one half38 per cent of that great grab bag of skin troubles called oceema ore due to the game group of causes. In another investigation, by Dr. Ramirez, it was found that 38 per cent were due to protein sensitiza tion. Some were caused by foods, some by pollens, and some by bac teria. In searching for the cause it is necessary to know a good deal about the person. For instance, one wom an had an eczema which could not be cured at home. They took her to the hospital apd she got well quickly, but the eruption came back when she went home. When she consented to give up a pet guinea pig she was quickly cured and she stayed cured. So many cases of so-called ecze ma results from work poisons. Es. pecially is this true of eczema of the hands. Dr. Lane tells of a dentist who had eczema of his hands due to the use of procain in his work. Dr. Mook reported cases due to the use of apothesine, again by dentists, and Drs. Ormsby and Mitchell report other dentists who got eczema from using npvoeaine. Quinine eczemas have long been known. Men who work in certain kinds of woods are very apt to develop ecze ma because the wood dust is pois onous to them. In fact, if we in clude these occupational eruptions in the grab bag, called eczema, we TO EUROPE By the Picturesque St, Lawrence River Route fMAIE RESERVATIONS NOWl Sailings Every Few Day From Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool, Southampton Glasgow, Havre, Antwerp .Ocean Trip Shortened by Two Delightful Days on The Sheltered River and Gulf Apply te Agents Everywhere er 40 North Dearborn Street Chicago, lit. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Traffic Agent will find that more than half of the case are due to poisoning with some substance not oridlnarlly regarded as poisonous. Not Qucsllon of Dipt. Constant Render writes: "Is not this Bo-called winter itch from which so many of your readers nro suffar ing caused by the bread which thy eat and not by the dry heat of the house temperature? That which is not quite fresh develops 'a disease which makes ergot, and ergot, or too much f it, causes in the human body the itching your reader rnm plain of. We are, no doubt, eating up what is kept of the 'after the war" flour. Perhaps thl flour i moldy. I. for one, never heard of winter itch caused by the dryness of temperature before, but people in Europe are familiar with Itching caused by ergot in grain." REPLY. There are many vafletle of Ikin disease. Ergot poisoning Is a well recognleed condition, and is In no way related to winter itch. There is no ergot prHnoninK due to eating commercial Hour or bread made from flour. There are person who develop urticaria or hives from eat ing wheat flour which I wholesome to the average man, Thi condition is In no wise related t winter itch. I am afraid your effort to knock our old friend winter itch has failed. Hut now that the windows are belnc thrown up he is dying a natural death, or, more accurately, he is turning In for his summer sleep. He will be with u next winter regard less of our diet. To Discipline Unities. Trained Nurse writes to H. II, S.: "How roiild you be so cruel as to permit a child to suck Its finger for 26 months'' However, fise the fol lowing: Lenghton the child' night gown sleeve and sew them up at the bottom. Mix powdered bitter aloes with a little water. Except when the child is handling food keep fingers covered witlr the mixture. Always after an application hold the hand until fingers are dry. The dis coloration, temporary of course, js not attractive, but if persisted in the treatment is effective. It must be thorough. I have broken two chil dren, one 18 months old nnd the othar 2 years old, of this habit with tjio bitter aloes treatment. o'nonoaonocouon o tj An Invitation S foiAePii&iicll D o a0 After more than two U 0 months' work and spend- 2 n mg over ?i&,uuu m. " o cleaning, painting, re- n Q carpeting, we now have 5 the Henskaw Hotel Omaha in such shape that we feel we can welcome the n public to stop with us q with every assurance of 0 satisfying them. D o a 0 a o a o i S 8 Conant Hotel Company o m Proprietor U g JOS. H. KEENAN, Manager g 5aooonoaosocioE30CeQ I Twin- Fight CHOCOLATES INNER-CIRCLE CANDIED Bee Want Getters, Ads The heavenly bodies greet the eyes man And bid him fst i)pon their mystic j cnarm. -The waving moon, that searches through the gloam Of darkness for a drop of silver dew, Uives splendor to tb silence of the night, Tho morning sun sends forth it golden beomn or lov to warm and light this mundane aphore. . At neondsy time the sun's eroosslvo heat !i tempered by tho intervening cloud That everspresda Aha sky and sends the rain " To water vegetation of the earth. dress and Adorned with charming gleaming peaks, The mountains lift thsir atesples to the sky And stsnd aa sentinels to glorify And Isud tho works ef nature. Stately and supreme thoy lower in mag nificence. How beautiful, majestic, proud and grand They are In all their glory and delightl Behold the wondera of the mighty saas, Inhabited by swarming myriads Of living creatures of ihe f:nny tribe! t'pon their, watora floats the gallant ahlp. We etand in awe at their sapanse snd dipth. H. f. HOPEWELL. Oo (Tarn iX?arni(f Ofifnna HUM MllMI rx-. I y mkauKiu mini fiitiiiiiiqfiiTii(feiici mm tin i. uiu- (I