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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1921)
1 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 9. 1921. ISMJIM I I ' MMM"- I '' vtt 7'1 ll ill Schools and Colleges Kearney Teachers' College. Mix A)'Oonnel of tbe training, Iiiirh school save Muilenl-parent parly. Thrr mula by the glee club and iirchr tr, a Maypole and community singing-. eftr which the students rved lea cream and eske. which thty had made. Mlaa Blanche E. Rtggs, at nnm'r. put on a one-act play. "The Florist's i Shop." for the city dramatic club. Tha Kronrh club, under tha direction nr. Mlaa Alma Hoilc, put on aa a chapel atunt, tha coronation. Charles Dauphin. Tha Cathedral drop curtain wis uaad aa tha background. First came the choir of school children singing In French, fol. lowed, by tha srchblshop. In rich vest ments. Tha archbishop knelt before tha altar, while tha abbot entered with, tha holy oil. all the ai-sembly bowlnit low. rea then brought In the royal robe, the crown and tha acejtter. The renter of attraction waa not tha Tauphln. how aver, but Joan of Ark, who entered Juat behind him. The coronation ceremony waa rather elaborate, the srchblshop auointlnK In a new placa at earn etep as ha beatowed the roba. tha scepter, tha rln and tha crown. When the ceremony waa dona and tha exultation had aubttded. Joan stepped i forward and presented her petition, that her native Uomremy ba exempt from 'taxes for Jno years. With the jubilant inrlng of tha chorus, tha king, and re tinue, filed out leaving tha archbishop alone In tha dim cathedral. Tha annual May party waa iven by tho ajlrla of the dean's council. This la one of tha b!g events of the yer, a Maypole rtnnee waa directed by Mlaa Knutien with beautiful decorations of Japanese cherry blossoms and young women In pictur esque Japanese attire. The Ninth (trade of the training school ha published the first Ifsue of "You Tell 'Em Freshle,'1 a live little school paper of arret merit, tt la a project In Knglleh, directed by the student teach er, Miss FMIth McBrlde. During the summer school the Normal school band will srlva a series of eon cms one esuji week, on the campus. B. H. Patterson Is the director. A new athletic field of 11 acres has jtitit been opened west of the gymnasium, lc la larger than the old athletlo field and will be more convenient. The annual styla show waa held Mon day, The etna's wna ret for a drawing room and two young omen, one at each stde, aerved aa announcers, to describe the gowns, material, and cost. The first ' year sewinsr class came In first, wearing middles which they hnd made. Then came the advanced sewing groups, each wearing the costume alio had made. There was alt young women In cloth suits, well tailored: about 16 girls then appeared In groups of two's or three'e In pretty gingham hntiee dresses, the cost of which varied from 12 to IS caclv. Nebraska University Eight student have signified tlmlr In tention of attending the R. C. T. C. camp, oventh corpa area, which will bs held at Fort Snelling. beginning June 16, and last ing for six weeks. This will be the larg est representation which bs ever gone from Nebraaka, In the history of th achool. About -MO students from the various colleges and schoola In the seventh corpa area will attend this camp. A state-wide Institute of cltls'.nship Hill be held by tho unlverrlty oittansion division In co-operation with tho Nebraska league of women voters commencement week, following the state mectlti' of the league of women voters. Plans have been completed for high chool Fete day, Saturday. May 14. Tho morning will be given over to finals In the annual debate of the Nebraska High School Debating league and to trips of inspection to university buildings In the pity and farm campus. The visitors will be entertained at a luncheon at noon. In the afternoon the annual championship contests In track and field (vents will be run off. The university extension division has called tho first annual conference on edu cational measurements to meet June 1 JS, at the I'nlverslty cf Nebraska. Among those on the program will appear Dr. Henry A. Ruger of Columbia university ; Supt. M. O. l.efler. Lincoln city schools j Atslstant Superintendent l.eon O. Smith, director of research, Omaha city schoola; Assistant Supt. W. V. Curfman. di rector of research, Lincoln tltv school; Fr. Winifred Hyde, department of psy chology, I'nlverslty of Nebraska, and Dean Fordyre of the teachers college. The Kosmet Klub will present the musi cal comedy, "The Io?t I'rime Minister," on May 17. The play la written entire ly by members of the klub, and the lyrics by a student of the univcratty. The 13 musical numbers of tho production were -written by Wither R. Chenowrth. The choruses, under the direction of the klult and the coaches, are preparing several musical numbers and dances. Nebraska Weslyan The baccalaureate sermon at Nebraska Wealoyan will be glveu by Chancellor I. B. Pchreckengart May SJ. Tho university sermon will be preached the same day by ,, Rev. ink K. Day. pastor of the yitst ; Methodist church at Huntington, Ind. The commencement speaker will be Bishop O. ' I Mead, who will speak June 1. A bronze tablet. In honor of Abble ' Cornelia Burns, formerly professor of mod ern languagea at Nebraska Wesleyan, who died last summer, will be unveiled May 31 la the Shite building. The senior class at Nebraska Wesleyan will preaent the "Man on the Box," May !. The clnsa will appear for the first time in raps end gowns on baccalaureate Sunday, May 29. ' The radio station at liellavue, Pa.,' has written to the Nebraska Wesleyan radio station mat tney intercepted a Wesleyan message April l. That station is In tho eighth radio district, which make a carrying distance of about 1,000 mllea. The Nebraska Wesleyan school of ex pression Is scheduling recital dates for the rest- of the school year. Junior re citals are Hated for May 9. 18 and !3. The senior class will give two one-act plays on May St. The regular graduating re cital will be held May 31. The Nebraska Wesleyan glee club will give concerts at Trinity Methodist Eptsco pal church In Omaha, May 1, and on the following evening In the Hanacom Park Methodist church. The home ooneert, which was to have been given May I waa postponed until May 11. Doane College The Expression department will present two playa Friday, "Op-O-Me-Thumb" and , "Surpresaed Deaire." The concert given by the Doane College - Ladles' Glee club Monday was largely at tended. The groups numbers by the club and the Euterpean entertainers ware beau tifully sung. The soloists at the home concert were Misses Olga Sputh, Ruth Toung, Klva Bloodgood and Miss Flora Vols again appeared as a reader. Other soloists who have appeared or will sing in the June trip are Mlsaes Pauline Cramb, Helen Sherrerd, Verna Cort, Helen Demp ster, Hinds, Lillian Held and Virginia Wary. Misa Hope Hlbbard and Dorothy Js'oyea are alternate readers for the club. Rehearsals have begun for the Junior Play. Miss Verna Cort will give her Junior recital In voice May 11. She will be assist ed by; Dorlen Jones, accompanist. The T. W. C. A. cabinet went on a camping trip up the Blue at Horky's part for their annual spring conference, May 6 to 8. The surveying class Is making maps of , tte campus and various buildings this week-. The tennts courts have beta relied and put In splendid condition and are con stantly In use from dawn until - dusk. "Both girls' and men's tornaments are being played. Simpson College ' Omaha and Council Bluffs almunl have been prominent in a movement which bids fair to revolutionize Simpson college af fairs. W. J. (Byrd) Sells and Robert Collins of Omaha and J. Carl Pryor of Council Bluffs are among the leaders in the plan to take Simpson athletics Into alumni hands, except in matters of eligi bility, hire an able coach and turn out some first-class teams. Mr. Pryor was chairman ot the meeting In Des Molncs which underwrote the sys tem. Sells, a famous Simpson star, was also- prominent. The plan as adopted will ba presented to the June meeting ef the alumni, at wnicn it is nopea to nave at least 500 alumni and former studenta in attendance. The policy Includes the employment ot paid alumni secretary. The athletlo plana have been endorsed by the executive commute of the college, and a committee of former coaches and stars Is now scout . ing for tha best coach available. Cotner College The Girls' Glee club gave a musical program In Falrbury. The muelo department presented some fine vocal and Instrumental numbers Tuesday morning In tbe chapel hour. The Cotner oratorical team and the bra tori cal team ot Union college of Col lege View met in an oratorical contest In the college auditorium Thursday. Tha sophomore class play. "Deacon Dubbs." draw the Urgeat crowd that any play In tha Cotner auditorium has drawn this spring-. Tha May festival will be staged in tha trmnaalum Monday evening. Miss Maria tevens ef the senior class will be the Vay Queen." The girls' gymnasium els sees, directed by Mrs. Elmer Strain, have been drilled In a number of May dances from all countries. .The May dances ef Spain. France. England, In dia, and Egypt will be presented. Chadron Normal Pr. . K. I.oy. head chemist for the Midwest Refining company of Casper, Wyo., gave a vary interesting talk to a number of students of the phyaics and ehemlatry department. He presented the theory moat universally accepted, for the formation of oil, and gave eonio explana tion of the process of oil refining. Several of the model achool children took part In the program given in chapel last week by the Bird club. This waa a little P'av entitled "The Woodpeckers Convention" and written by a cousin of Mrs. E. F, Trandley. It was put on first bv the Audubon club of l.oa Angeles. The children were costumed to rcpreaent many varieties of tha woodpecker family. "hey met In convention and gave reports of their relationship and usefulness to tne wn-l4 e, l.rr. The preliminaries in the essay contest; are now In progress, r.urn -receiving strong support from his class mates. Much enthusiasm is being shown by students and faculty. Misa Lucille Hcott and Mlaa Blanche Blair won first and second places, respectively. In the preliminary contest In declamation, held at the normal chapel. Monday. The ob ject of the contest was the chooalng oi representatives for the approaching t'had-ron-Wayne contest. Bleven contestants participated. Saturday the faculty entertained at the home of Professor and Mrs. Philpot, in honor of Misa Teteraon and Miss Cowan. A preparatory achool in the college or matrimony, furnished the program for the evening. After completing various courses of the curriculum the guesta or honor were required to pass the final After refreshments Dean Storkdale peaented the gueats of honor j each with a beautiful ellver calte tray. Preliminaries ror tne ayne-v.nuuroii contest have all been held. The affirma tive in debate on the Japanese question will bo upheld by tha leader of the affirm, alive on the home team in each normal. Yevltin Drummond of Oelrlchs, 8, D., is Chadron's representative on the affirma tive. Miss Ursula Miller of Chadron on the negative. Miss Miller will go to Wayne. In the oration Miss Mae Morey will represent Chadron at Chadron and Robert Slattery at Wayne. Miss Irma Ktoekdale will go to Wayne as chadrons representative in the essay. Miss May Montgomery will represent us at Chadron. Misa Lucille Scott goes to Wayne as rcpre aentatlve in declamations and Miss Blanche Blair .will represent the Normal at Chadron. Creighton University. Robert W. Burkley of Omaha and Francis J. Wlckhnin of Alexandria, S. C, sophomores of the Creighton university collese of arts, won places of distinction in the recent intercollegiate Kngllsh con test of the Jesuit colleges of the middle west. The contest was participated in by 13 universities and colleges, and by eev eral hundred students from 25 stateu. Burkley tied for second place with a student of Pt. Loula university, and Wick ham lied for sixth place with Ktudents from Marquette university, Milwaukee and St. Xavler college, Cincinnati. Burkley Is sharer in a purae of 100, which la divided between the winners of the first five places. Tho subject of the essay. "What I Expert to Get t'Jnt of My College Educa. tlon," was not announced until tho morn ing of the contest Three residents of Pmilia ard aaven out-of-town students' are the seniors ot C'tcighton university college of medicine were successful contestants for intern ships at St. Josephs hospital. The award is the result' of a competition examina tion. The 10 seniors chosen are: Jame Koutsky, Joseph Malloy and Joseph Mc Carthy of Omaha, John Cogley of Coun..l Bluffs, Joseph Ebert of Brewster, Minn.; Justin Ollmartin of Almont, Ia. ; Joseph J. Kane of Butte, Mont.; Henry Kildee of Do Smet, S. D. ; Charles Little of Bunker Hill, Kan., and James Vetter of Woou ocket, f. I. The Oratorical association of the Creighton college of arts will make Its public appearance this year Monday eve ning, at the I'nlverslty Auditorium, Twenty-fifth and California streets. The ques tion to be debated is Japanese Exclusion. Joseph McCovern, Lee Altchison ami Brendan Brown will stand for the ex clusion of tho Japanese from this country on the samo basis as the Chinese. Meade Mohun, Robert Patten and IT&rry Burk ley make up the negative team. The prise for thia debato is the Interest on a )500 bond, the gift of Mra. John Sohultr.. The program will begin at 8:16. The pub lio is Invited to attend. Grinuell College More than Jn delegates, representing 26 high schools of Iowa, met in their first annual convention and organized the Iowa High School Press association at Hrln neli. The high schol Journalists chose Grlnnell as the permanent seat of their association. Lewie Stone, editor-elect of the Grln nell High School, Orange and Black, wag elected flrat president; Eva Franklin, Xewton. vice president; Glenn Meagher, Ottumwa, secretary-treasurer. A board of directors composed of Cole Van Gor don, North Des Moines: Lucia MeCor nack, Sioux City, and Prof 1). I. Griffith, Grlnnell college, waa named. Every form of the housewife's art was in cluded in the community bazaar of the Orlnnell Wonicns' cluba. This la the first of a serlea of community enterprises which the women of Grlnnell expect to put on during the year in order to raise the $10,000 pledged by the clubs to the Orln nell movement. Miss Jessie Christian, soprano; James Hamilton, tenor, aiul Walter L. Jenkins, baritone, have been secured for the an nual May Festival at Grlnnell college, which will be held on May 14, 15 and 16. In addition to there soloists, the girls' glee club, the vesper choir, tha Grlnnell oratorio society, and the college orchestra will take part in the program. Thirteen seniors of Grinnell college have signed contracts for teaching work next year. Their positions, obtained through the college placing bureau, are mainly in Iowa, hut members of the clsss will also go to Colorado, North Dakota and Min nesota. York College The members of the T. W. C. A. cele brated Mothers' day at their regular meet ing this week and were gratified by the presence ot many mothers. Special music was furnished by Miss Lettie Johnson, Miss Marjorle Hackle and Miss Zelma RetcKer and a reading was given by Miss Sybil Phillips AH prsent were given earnationa and served with light refresh ments. A public speaking contest was held Tuesday. Of tha 10 participants Walter Henry of Van Meter, Iowa, won the first prise: Edna Thompson cf Toledo, Iowa, tha second, and Elwin Conner of Glldden. Iowa, the third. The prises were a silver loving cup and two cash prises of SIS. 50, offered by V. A. Hannls, W, O. Boyer and E. A. Leavltt. The eight-week training class ef the T. W. C. A., the members of which aro re ceiving instruction for organizing eight week clubs, in their own towns during the summer months to do Christian work, went on a hike Wednesday. Wednesday evening the Junior class was entertained by Professor and Mrs. Blsset. The annual outing allowed the senior class of the academy took the form of a plcnlo to the K. P. camp on Blue creek Thursday. Miss Edith Calender, prin cipal of the academy, was the guest of honor. Yankton College Founder's day was observed at Tankton college by appropriate exercises May S, being the birthday of Dr. Joseph Ward, the founder and first president of the institution. Ths services were . conducted by Prof. Larrabee, who called on G. W. Fitch of the alumni, Professor Ramsay ot the faculty and Arthur Wilson of the student body, to pay tribute to the man who gave tha best years of his lite in service to Tankton college and the two Dakotas. In connection with founder's day exer cises there waa held a short momorlal service before the elm trees planted in honor of the soldier dead of Tankton col lege. Before each tree Dean McMurtry gave a short account ot the man or woman whose life and death It commemorated. They are Robert Warren, Harry Dieman. Merrlt DeCamp,. Herbert Derome, William South, Matson Rames, Edwin Kundet, Robert Miller and Mra. Christine Iversou Bennett Midland College. The tennis tournament is attracting in terest and the college courts are greatly in demand by both boys and girls. Several ef the tournament games have been played. Track prospects are also encouraging. The stats meet will be held at Wesleyan May 81 and Midland will send a formidable team. The annual "M" elub banquet was held Thursday. At one end of tbe table a "victory bonfire" waa burning and in the center of tbe table a miniature foot ball field had been laid oat with two teams ia position for a klckoff. Tha first Wynn-Kal May party was given at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Krueger. The crowning of the "May queen," Mies Elsie Paulsen, waa the cli max of the social part of the evening. Then followed the 'May pole dance by a number of pretty girls. Grand Island College Athenian Mterary Soclotv elected the following officers: President, Harry Powers; vice president, Irving Johnson: secretary, KJna Weber; treasurer. Hale Cole; reporter, Winifred Benjamin; poet. Rather Rice; aergeant at arms, Urval Sears; and pianist, Esther Rue. I Don't Be Without a Car While Yours ia Being Repaired We make a special rate of 10c per mile, plus gas and oil, if you allow our experts to do your work. Your satisfaction is our guarantee. Drive It Yourself Co 1314 Howard St. Doug. 3622. Perfect Stitches to' Save Your Time. Pleating Hemstitching Our Specialty. Van Arnam Pleating & Button Co. 413-17 Paxton Elk. 16th and Farnam Phone Doug. 3109 Omaha, Neb. GRAIN MERCHANTS That firm whose business grows consistently must have something real behind it. Geo. A. Roberts Grain Co. Omaha, Neb. Douglas 0394 llth and Davenport Sts. How Does Your Old Car Look? I Make It Look New. H. W. BALLINGER AUTO PAINTING Oouglas 7595. 7415 Cuming St. TOM BROWN Orchestral Service Appropriate Music Assures the Success of Your Party 1821 Farnam. Douglas 6907 BEMIS BRO. BAG CO. of Omaha Phone Tyler 25S6 Quick Service and Courteous Treatment. Ford Transfer & Storage Co. I Sill II. MOTOR TRPCK3 THERK is not a drop of wster in Intd national Harvester common and preferred stock. Financial au thorities will tell you there is more than a dolar of value in International Harvester properties for every dollar of capitalization. tHAT means that ,the products ol International Harvester fantoriea do not have to provide a single dollar of excess revenue. It means that in tha price of International Motor Trucks there is nof on penny of inflated value. The International Harvester Company of America Omaha Branch: 714-716 So. 10th St, l f " - itnMaimjiii.1)!! Exclusive KELLASTONE STUCCO Distributors OAK-FLOORillG BOYER UAH If URAH Lumber I & II Coal Co Call Colfax 3400 for Prices CADILLAC ."Always Onivard" A Permanent Value The Standard of the World J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co. Omaha Lincoln JEWELRY Gold and Platinum work made to order. First class repairing. J. L. Jacobson Co. Factory, 63S World-Herald Bldg. Thirty Years in Omaha. Where You Get First Cost. and Say it With OURS Hess & Swoboda FLORISTS 1415 Farnam St., Paxton Hotel," Omaha. Phone Douglas 1501. ' Members Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. We deliver flowers on short notice any where in the U. S. or Canada. The Ideal Family Loaf Jay Burns Baking Co.' Carbon Coal & Supply Co. WHOLESALE GOAL 1905 HARNEY ST., Grain Exchange Bldg. OMAHA, NEB. The Modern Home Is an ELECTRICAL HOME. Cook, clean, wash, iron eelctrjcally, saving time, steps and money. Select your electric household appliances at the Electric Shop. Nebraska Power Co. Farnam at Fifteenth. 2314 M St., So. Side. VJM. F. R0ESSI6 OMAHA'S RELIABLE AUTOMOBILE . , PAINTER. CADILLAC BUILDING 2S70 Farnam St. Harney 1448. Service First! at the UNION STOCK YARDS CO. OF OMAHA1 The Live Stock Market of Good Results "O WStffcRD.- Your Town From a Car Window By JACK LEE. The tourist reclining in the parlor car of the train which is carrying him west arouses himself when he sees in the distance smoke arising from the smokestacks and in the distance the dim outlines of manufacturing plants and buildings. ; . V Soon he is being wtiirlcd through the railroad yards leading to the station. On. every hapd he sees tumble down shacks, abandoned ' manufacturing plants sur rounded with piles of refuse and dirt. The fences en closing property along the tracks are ramshackle and unpainted. The buildings haven't known paint since they were built. Boxes, straw, packing case?, feathers, paper and cans litter the ground. Old rusty tin adver tisements swing moaningly in the wind. The scent of the refuse is blown into the car and as the tourist gasp . ingly reaches for his handkerchief to - prevent utter stifling he groans, "So this is Omaha." This picture may apply less to Omaha than to- some other cities, yet in Omaha there is much room for im provement. Just why the dirtiest and most uninviting places in the average American city are found along the railroad tracks has never been explained. Yet the picture pre sented from the car windows remains With the tourist or casual visitor. ' First impressions are often the most lasting and that is why many cities are remembered by tourists as filthy and dirty. Among men and women it is not difficult to correct first impressions which may have been un founded. More intimate acquaintances are possible, but to the tourists passing through a city with no bpportu mtyto visit more inviting places the impression from the car window is likely to prevail. : Lame excuses are ofte'n made by property owners along the right-of-way. ''It is impossible to keep that property clean. I use the space along the tracks as a dumping ground. Then there are no neighbors to complain and anyway the pas senger and freight trains keep the place all cluttered up with trash and refuse." The excuse is lame. Because the property is along the railroad tracks i3 the most salient reason why it should be kept presentable. t Most plants adjacent to railroad tracks resemble the small boy who has been told by his mother that he'd better wash his face, as it is dirty. The boy takes the advice literally and washes only his face. Viewing the boy from the front, he is the picture of cleanliness. From the rear his neck and ears are deplorably dirty. Soap and water have not often touched them. In these days of efficiency, accumulations of trash are nothing less than slovenliness. Employes of those places reflect the ideals of clean liness from. their employers. If the employer is careless of the appearance of his plant and grounds, the em ployes will have the same careless attitude. The efficient plant inside and out will be conducted .without; regard to all the rules of neatness. A dirty place in Avhieh to work makes employes disgruntled and slovenly. Their work is careless nd in time may be reflected in the conduct of the business. If the employer has ideals requiring every bit of his property to be kept neat and clean the employes are going to respect his wishes. Clean places in which to work make employes happier. , They go about their work with more pep and ginger, which is reflected in the undeniable success of the business. Any successful business man will agree that cleanliness respecting prop erty is one. essential toward success. 'Admitting that various plants not too clean in them selves are situated along the railroad tracks to be near shipping facilities does not admit that these places must be eyesores to, everyone passing through the city. "Oh, yes, I remember E ," says one tourist. "That is the plaee where I passed through acres of filthy refuse piles before arriving at the station." How different to have one say: "I remember E because everything was so clean and neat." While much attention is given to keeping the front of a plant neat in appearance, it is just as necessary to keep the rear presentable, even though it faces the rail road .tracks. ' , Painting the rear of a plant occasionally, tearing down old signs and putting up new and attractive ones, hauling away piles of dirt which have been allowed to accumulate through months of inattention are sugges tions as to how to make property along the railroad yards presentable. Railroads cannot be blamed for uninviting places along the right-of-way which are not on their property. As a rule the railroad companies do all they can to maintain neatness along their lines. A certain western city has the reputation of being the most beautiful city in America. Tourists go into ecstacies every time the name of the city is mentioned. This is the reason : Tourists coming east must make a long trip through the desert. They see nothing but vast stretches of sand. The railroad coaches soon fill with dust and the tourists grow hungry for a bit of green and relief from the dust. This city is the first place of any consequence after leaving the desert: Here the tourist is greeted with green fields in cultivation, flowers in bloom, stretches of water and upon arrival at trie railroad station every thing has been done to make the place as beautiful as possible. " The contrast between the desert and the beautiful places along the tracks naturally, reacts on the tourists. Spring cleaning time is here: , ScKAvhy let property along the railroad yards give the cleaner places a black eye? ! TEETH,. 1- ...fflri'""" 'iremliV'i If Engdahl Does It It's Done Right! Let us make your next auto top and winter curtains. Also tailored sest covers. Engdahl's Auto Top Co. Formerly Ants Trlmnlna (US' Eeulpmint Comseey Doucias S677. 1718 Cais St. f -J - ' K' '..1 OH AH A" McKenney Dentist? 14th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 2872. -- Naio Pressed pSgN Hog Trough aVSii : : hbSS Sanitary V77 Solderlees Nebraska & Iowa Steel Tank Co. Omaha, Neb. Our Office RELIABLE INSURANCE COMPANIES AND NO' OTHERS'-.'1 Claim Adjustments Are Prompt and Handled Personally SH0LES-DUNBAR -THOMAS CO., Inc.-' . General Insurance and Bonds 915 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone JA ekion 0046 Talk Over Your Insurance Problems With Us Uncle Ssm's Msil Trucks Have a New Home at the U. S. Postoffice Garage, 19th and California Our on time service made It possible for them to move in todsr. G. A. Steinheimer Co, "Dept. Service" Omaha Real Estate J. J. MULVIHILL REALTOR ' ' Brandeis Theater Bldf. O. L. WIEMER Wall Paper Paints Class Cet in early to save en wall paper and paper hanging; also new and low er pricea on painta. New Location 1708 CUMING ST. Douglas 8753 PAXTON - MITCHELL COMPANY Manufacturers of Brass, Bronie and Aluminum Castings. You are practically sure to receive Soft Grey Iron Castings from us as wa machine in our own shop a large part of each run iron. Why Not Save 52 We will ship you lumber, mill wofli, hardware and paint to your nearest station and pay the freight. C. Haf er Lumber Co. 13S W. Broadway Councft Bluffs NOVELTIES in Pleating -Buttons Hemstitching . Embroidering Braiding Beading Button Holes ' f Ideal Button & Pleating Company . 300-308 Brown Bldg. 16th and Douglas Opposite Brandeis Stores Phone Doug. 1936 Omaha .b ti 11 Stationery That Satisfies Loose Leaf Books Filing Devices The Omaha Stationery Co. 307-309 So. 17th St. Phone Douglas 0805. This Shield' on Your Store Front Means Protection r IBSi n Against possible loss, such as from Theft, Burglary, etc. It is your assur ance of Safety. Pipkin Service means real Secret Service. Private and industrial work. Pipkin National Detective Ag'cy Doug. 1007. 305-6-7-8 Paxton Block Omaha. Omaha Sidney Sioux Falls COMMON BRICK RALPH DeLONG Yard on C, B. & Q. R. R. 1817 Douglas St. Tyler 4348 Use Western Bond Paper For Your Office Stationery Wholesale Distributors Carpenter Paper Co. OMAHA Represents '.'I-. i. ni.i h Contracting Painters 609 Keeline Bldg. D.6369 COPPER OR ZINC QUALITY AND SERVICE. ' BEE ENGRAVING CO. TYLER 1000. All American Chemical Co. Chemical Manufacturer and Jobbers. Phone Deug. 4864. ISOS-IO Ss. 18th St. We Analyse and Manufacture Aoytabig. Give Us s Call. , , Welding- Cutting-Brazing Omaha Welding Company Anything Any Time Any Place 1501 Jackson , Doug. 4MT RESTAURANTS There's one near you. Highest quality foods with quick service. The Omaha Testing ' Laboratories, Inc. , Analytical Chemists and Inspecting Engineers We Test Food, Milk and Beverages. W. H. Campen, Mgr. 60S Lyric Bldg. Tel. Trier 81 St ; Oases Household Good Packed! a ad Shipped Baggage Delivered W. C. FERRIN VAN AND STORAGE Piano Moving a Specialty. Tyler 1200. S. E. Car. 15tk and Caa. The . Handy Service Station nswwmw McCaffrey Motor Co. FORD SALES and SERVICE Douglas 3i0 T. S. McCaffrey, ISth aad Jackson, Presldeat Omaha. Over 25,000 feet of floor space devoted exclusively to Fords. Starter Ring Gears For Fly Wheels Sales and Service Station far Eissjnama Magneto and RayfiaM Carbureter, P. Melchiors & Sob MACHINE WORKS 417' Se. 13th. DeuglaeHSw The Gate City Transfer Co. General Drayage Shippers Agent Satisfaction Guaranteed. Bsggsge transferred te and from all Railroad Stationa, 'and te any part el the City. - : YOUR BUSINESS IS SOLICITED Phone Tyler 2970. Office , 1405 Jackson St. PRODUCTION!!! We effer yea 2Mef Nm se o ties line. Will erlll eH Md iiiiraetas srafMtlM. Prfee I7.MM.M. Ttrsii: 0M-slf eMi sn kalase whs w,H Is onelte(. ... DOUGLAS OIL AND CAS COMPANY SOI Werla.HwiM Bill. Tyler Ml (Hi MR We Furnish Clean Line FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY J. M. JENSEN, Prepr. Phone Doug. 62tl. 18l California J "BOISEN" THE JEWELER 601 Securities Bldg. Phone Tyler OMO. f XPERT WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. n