Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1921, Image 1

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    The Omaha- Daily Bee
VOL. 50 NO. 279.
Enbne 8mm-CIh Mtttw Kl M. IM. at
Oaiha r. 0. Uw Act MMth 3, 1879.
Until Jum 33. ky Mill (I Vr.). Dally & .. 17.(0: Dally Only. Ut ..
OuUldt 4lh 2.M (I jrMr). Daily and Saaday, til; Dally Oaiy. Saaiay Oaly, IJ
" Peace Stand
S f TT 1
ji naramg
Some Republican Senators
. Dissatisfied at Decision to
r Take Part in European
Reparations Conference.
Knox Plan Sidetracked
t'tilvato Tribune-Omaha lite Leaned Wire.
Washington, May 8. On the heels
of President Harding's decision to
participate in European troubles it
Mas authorathely stated that the
restoration of peace with Germany
would be held up pending the out
some of the reparations controversy.
The Knox peace resolution, passed
last Saturday by the senate, has been
sidetracked indefinitely in the house,
and it was learned that house leaders
are acting in accord with the desire
of the administration in deferring
action on the resolution which the
senate made such haste to adopt.
Dissatisfaction among republican
senators, particularly the irrecon
cilables, over the president's note to
the allies yesterday increased to a
feeling of intense but carefully re
pressed indignation when they
learned that administration influ
ences were at work against the Knox
resolution in the house. Conse
quental elation prevailed among the
Harding Undisturbed.
Notwithstanding rumblings of dis
satisfaction, the administration wends
its way unperturbed by any senatorial
criticism that may have found its
way to the White House or State
department. The State department
prepared instructions to Ambassa
dor Wallace at Paris and Roland W.
Boyden to resume their posts as un-
official observers for the American
government at the' conference ot
ambassadors and reparations com
mission respectively.
George Harvey, ambassador to
Great Britain, who will sit as trje
American representative on the allied
supreme council, will receive his in
structions when he arrives in Lon
don next week.
There were no republican sena
torial outbursts for publication, Sen
ators felt their hands tied in more
ways than one. The Johnson-Borah
faction didn't want to set off the ex
plosion because they feared itwould
be said they were hunting for trouble
with the administration, uia guards
men were restrained byt,their tradi
tional adherence to party'unity.
Furthermore, they realized that
the senate, at the present moment,
was entirely powerless, and that
nothing could be said or done to
change the situation.
Clash Expected.
It was predicted, however, that I
the policy mapped out oy yester
day's note must eventually lead to
a clash betWeen the senate, or least a
portion ofHt, and the administration.
One of the most radical of the re
publican leaders in the conservative
wing declared that the participation
outlined by the president would en
tangle the United States in the
broils of Europe as certainly as if
the Versailles treaty with the league
covenant included, had been rati
fied. In this connection they recalled
President Harding's own vigorous
support, while a member of the for
eign relations committee, of the Fall
amendment to keep the United
States out of the reparations commis
sion. Sooner or later, they thought,
the American participation in -the
reparations controversy must pro
duce a development that would re-
cjuirc yie unueu oiaics iu mut m
affirmative stand and bring the
whole issue of international policy
again before the senate.
Harding Within Authority.
Some resentment was lelt mat
President Harding had not consulted
the, senate before accepting the al
lied inflation to resume participa
tion in their councils, although all
admitted that the president was act
ing entirely within his authority. '
So' far as could be learned, no
senator knew anything of the presi
dent's intentions until the. note was
given to the press for publication yes
terday afternoon. . The belief was
widespread among senators mai u
president had been innuencea largely
by Secretary of State Hughes and
Secretary 01 commerce xjluuvci. uwh
. r 1 1. ..... .AnlanHtnrr tnt
months that the United States must
take part in the world-wide economic
readjustments growing out of the
war. - -
Minister of Japanese Navy
Favors Armament Reduction
Tokio, May 8. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) In a speech before
a gathering of Japanese governors
today, Vice Admiral Tomasaburo
Kato, minister of the navy, declared
he favored armament reduction, but
that no concrete proposal had been
received from any coui.try.
Meantime he was convinced
Japan's naval program, which is ex
pected to be completed in 1927 at a
cost of 200,000,000 yen, would not
necessitate increased taxation.
Woman Appointed Sheriff
Of Allamakee County, Iowa
Waukon, la., May 8. Mrs. Ben
Martin of Waukon vas appointed
sheriff of Allamakee county out of
30 applicants. She is believed to be
the only woman sheriff in Iowa. She
succeeds her husband, who died a
6hort time ago.
Woman Hurt at Banquet
Dunbar, Neb., May 8. (Special.)
Mrs. Henry Cleve of Nebraska
Eastern Star banquet when she
opened by mistake the door that
leads to the basement and backed
eft the steps, falling down the stair
way. She was unconscious for a
"We Want Independence"
Manila's Greeting to Wood
Huge Parade Held in Honor of Members of Philip
pine Mission Demonstration Marked by Friendly
Attitude Toward Americans Mayor Promises
Full Co-Operation in Investigation.
Chicago Tribune Cable, Copyrlfht, 1921.
Manila. May 8. "We want inde
pendence!" '
A banner with these words in Eng
lish was carried above the heads of
thousands of marchers who crowded
the gardens in front of the Palace
today, to express the welcome and
hope of the Philippine people to
Major General Wood and Commis
sioner Forbes of the special Philip
pine mission.
"We have faith in the congress of
the United States to comply without
delay, with the promise made in the
Jones law," was the legend on an
other banner. This promise was to
give independence to this potential
Ireland of America as soon as a
stable government had been estab
lished. Other banners carried by represen
tatives of the middle classes ex
pressed loyalty to the United States,
confidence in the justice of the mis
sion and desire to afford a full in
vestigation of the affairs of the
More than 7,000 Filipinos partici
pated in the demonstration, which
was remarkable for its friendly spirit
and orderliness.- General Wood,
Commissioner Forbes, Mayor .Fer
nandez and President Papa of the
municipal board appeared upon the
palace balcony and were cheered hy
the throng. Th$n delegations from
the labor unions and hundreds of
students paraded the torrid streets
for hours.
Remember Spanish Rule.
An old Tagalog laborer, who was
interviewed by the Tribune corres
pondent, said:
"I want independence just as all
the people want it, but if we must
be dependent we would prefer, to be
dependent on America. I remember
the old Spanish rule. vThis is much
"If the new party in power in the
United States will not give us our
independence at this time, we must
be patient. We would fight the
Japanese to the death if they should
ever come into control, for they
would be bad rulers."
Others in the crowd seemed to
Military Plans for
ation Of
Ruhr Complete
French Troops Beady to Ad-!
vance at Moment's Notice
Little Progress Made
By German Beichstag.
By The Aaraciated Preaa.
Dusseldorf, May 8. French mili
tary plans for the occupation of ad
ditional German territory are vir
tually complete and with the arrival
of General De Goutte from Mayence
Monday, the troops will be ready to
march at a moment's notice on re
ceipt, of word from the government.
Little Progress Made.
Berlin, May 8. Reichstag leaders
admitted no progress had been made
toward solving the "present crisis.
This announcement was made after a
aliy crowded with party conferences
and discussions between the cabinet
and foreign relations committee over
the ultimatum of the allies on the
reparations terms.
The German peoples party and the
democrats alone of the present co
lition bloc went on record as oppos
ing any new cabinet which would
accept the allies' ultimatum.
Clericals and majority socialists
were divided in v their sentiments.
Former Chancellor Hermann Muel
ler of the majority socialists, who,
with Dr. Johannes Bell, former min
ister of transport, signed the Ver
sailles treaty, was opposed to yield
ing to the entente.
The deliberations centered wholly
around financial indemnities, the
terms of the ultunatum and the up
per Silesian situation.
Bavaria Obdurate.
Candidates for the posts of chan
cellor and the various ministries
were not proposed or discussed.
The disarmament condition proved
a complication in consequence of
Bavaria's refusal to disband' the
civilian guards. In this Bavaria
has become obdurate because of the
upper Silesian revolt.
Dr. Wilhem Mayer, German am
bassador to France, who was sum
moned "from Paris Thursday when
it was believed a new cabinet under
his leadership courd be constituted,
had not given President Ebert a
definite answer tonight
Distribution of Loans
To Farmers Now Under Way
Washingtoq, May 8 Distribution
of the $40,000,000 raised by the farm
loan board through its recent bond
issue to make loans to farmers has
begun,. Commissioner Lobdel said
today. Land banks resumed the
making of loans to farmers Monday,
he said, and while full reports have
not been received, it is the board's
intention to spread the $40,000,000
among as many of the farmers as
Fairbury Baker Buys Entire
Business Block From Omahan
Fairbury, Neb., May 8.(Special.)
A $10,500 business deal was con
summated here this week by which W.
A. Immel purchased a whole busi
ness block, formerly the property of
John Bergeron of Omaha. Immel
is a baker and has been in business
k here a little more than a year.
have the idea that General Wood
had come as a new governor, but
they did not seem to resent it. Gen
eral Wood spoke briefly in Spanish,
saying that the mission would in
vestigate and then would make a
comprehensive nd impartial report.
Commissioner I-orbes declared that
all actions of the mission would be
directed by what was thought best
for the Filipinos.
Mayor Fernandez in his address
of welcome, said that nothing would
be hidden from the investigators
and that he felt sure the mission's
labors would reveal the right of the
islands to full independence.
Start Actual Work.
At the conclusion of the demon
stration, the mission settled down
to work iu the old Spanish castle.
Yesterday was spent in conferring
with various leaders and the reading
of complaints and reports of con
ditions. General Wood has "realized that his
is a big and delicate task, as former
Governor Harrison led the people
far along the road to independence
and the islands now are practically
self-governing. Any backward turn
toward Americanization would be
considered a reaction, although such
a move were made to benefit the
The young Filipinos of the educat
ed class express themselves as ready
to fight if the suggestion of former
President Taft to, do away with the
senate and place an American com
mission in control were carried out.
Recovering control of the interior,
if decided upon, will have to be ef
fected slowly. Such leaders as Pres
ident Quezon of the senate privately
have expressed themselves against
Raphael Palmya, head of the in
dependence comihission, called upon
General Wood and Commissioner
Forbes yesterday and presented a
memorial showing how the campaign
for independence had been carried on
since 1907. The national civic league,
composed of young Filipinos pre
sented similar memorials.
There is no question what policy
Manila wants, but President Har-
dine warned the mission against
pleasing merely this group, so noth
ing can be determined upon until
the interior has been visited.
Attorneys Seek
New Letters in
Stillman Case
Missives Said to Tell of -Ap-J
pointments Between De?
fendant and Indian
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
New York, May 8. Evidence of
appointments made by Mrs. James
A. Stillman with Fred Beauvais, the
French-Canadian Indian guide, whose
name has been metnioned in her hus
band's divorce case, for meetings in
Buffalo and other border points dur
ing the summer of 19-19, is alleged
to be contained in new letters and
telegrams that have been discovered
and which are expected to be a new
factor in the case when hearings arc
resumed May 19.
These letters are known and
eagerly being sought for by the at
torneys on both sides, it is said.
Evidence is now being sought in
Buffalo to ascertain whether the ap
pointments indicated in the letters
were kept. -
Beauvais is determined to come
here and deny the charges linking
his name with that of Mrs. Still
man in her husband's divorce suit.
Mrs. Stillman, it is understood,
would much prefer that he remain in
Montreal and submit his denial in
the form of a sworn statement. It
is feared that the Indian guide's fiery
temper would lead him to make rash
assertions in the court room and
probably lead to disturbance which
would damage the defense's case.
Warned to Stop Talking.
Since publication of the love let
ters, Beauvais is alleged to have
written Mrs. Stillman and has re
iterated his determination to come
here at once, it was learned. How
ever, he was told a statement would
be better an dalso warned to cease
talking to newspapermen. Conse
quently after once charging that the
letters in question were doctored, he
"dried up"- and answered questions
only with hints that he would tell
everything at the proper time.
Mr.s. Stillman, it is understood, will
fight hard 'for wide open hearings
when the case is resumed, May 19.
She feels that full publicity would be
preferable to' so-called secret .hear
ings, the sensational developments of
which leak constantly.
Another effort is to be made when
the taking of testimony is resumed,
to get the alleged "hysteria" letter
of Mrs. Stillman into the evidence.
This letter was written by her to
Stillman shortly before the birth of
Guy, youngest son of Mrs. Stillman,
it is charged. In this letter, Mrs.
Stillman is said to have complained
to her husband that he sent her away
to a lonely summer farm in the wil
derness near Grand Anse, Que.,
where she w"as thrown into the com
pany of Beauvais.
Plan to Call Daughter.
Miss Anne Stillman will probably
be called as a witness for her moth
er, it was learned today. This is
the present intention of Mrs. Still
man's attorneys,' who ' believe ' the
testimony of the daughter will off
set much of the testimony of the
French-Canadian witnesses, who
have told of seeing Mrs. Stillman
and Beauvais together in the Still
man camp at Grand Anse.
Coal Strike
In England
Dock Laborers at Glasgow
Quit When Nonunion
Men Start To Un
load Fuel.
Unions Issue Manifesto
Chicago Tribune-Omaha dee Iated Wire.
London, May 8. The coal strike
situation took a more serious turn
Saturday. Transport workers' fede
ration and the railwaymens' union
issued a joint manifesto calling all
sections of their members to refuse
to handle foreign coal, large quan
tities of which are due next week.
The manifesto was signed by,
Messrs Cramp, Williams and Gos
ling on behalf of the railwaymen and
transport workers. .
Glasgow harbor is at a standstill.
The dock laborers struck last night
because of the employment of non
union men to discharge Welch coal!
for the Caledonian railway. A num-
her of coal bearing ships have been
lined at the docks for the past fort-
nigni. recently non-unionists De-i
gan discharging coal from steamers
T. i r .i 1 . t . .
ana u was oecause oi mis mat tnci
trouble started. The docks arei
guarded by military and police and
while no serious trouble has arisen
yet the atmosphere is electric.
Thames Tied Up. .,
Glasgow conditions are reproduced
on the Thames where thousands of
tons of coal have already been held
up. Unlimited supplies are expected
from America and the continent,
which the authorities are. determined
to unload.
The executives of the transport
workers federation will meet in Lon
don Tuesday to decide on their
Isolated cases of trouble between
the strikers and the owners are
occuring throughout England. Re
ports of interference with safety men
from Rhondanna Valley and Ster
lingshire are reported, and coal des
tined for a hospital in Nottingham
was stopped by strikers, the motor
lorry carrying it being smashed and
the driver beaten.
Appeals for Order.
Herbert Smith, the miners' presi
dent, speaking at Sheffield today,
said: v
"Let there be no riots; it is bet
ter to give ui immediately than to
attempt them. The employers and
the government are disappointed be
cause you have not taken part in
riots. They have done everything
to induce you to riot. Resist as
long as you can. The miners are not
prepared to accept reduction below
I the cost of livinar. but if the mine
owners and the government forward
pool, consider it.
The owners definitely refused to
corftider a national pool in an official
statement, on the ground that pool-
ing would involve a national organi
zation and control and that the ex
perience of the last few years has
demonstrated that demoralizating re
sults would follow.
Landis Takes Slap at
Cotton Mill Owners
While Sentencing Boy
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee leased Wire.
Chicago, May 8. For .stealing a
jeweled bag sent by parcel post, and
entrusted to him for delivery, Her
bert Schultheis, IS, was sentenced to
30 days in jail by Judge Landis. The
judge displayed leniency because
Herbert already had spent 56 days in
jail waiting for trial.
In pronouncing sentence, Judge
Landis took an indirect slap at south
ern cotton mill owners. He asked
why the postal officials had hired
Schultheis when he was only 15,
knowing the law specifies employes
shall be at least 18.
"Well? the boy said he was 18,"
an inspector replie'd.
"Huh, don't you "wnow that the
cotton mill owners in the south hire
girls 12 years old after they make
affidavits they are 22?" the judge
asked. -
Senator Dial of South Carolina,
who censured Judge Landis for re
cent leniency to a young bank
clerk, is a cotton mill owner.
Favors Omaha for
Location of Mint
Washington, May 8. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Some time ago
Congressman Jefferis wrote to C. W.
Whiteley, vice president of the
American Smelting and Refining
company, with offices in New York,
asking him which city, in his judg
ment, Chicago or Omaha, was best
suited for the establishment of. a
branch United States mint. Con
gressman Jefferis received a reply
from Mr. Whiteley today in which
he said he had not given the matter
full consideration, but, in view of the
fact that so much more silver was
refined in Omaha' and that it was so
much nearer to the source of supply,
in his opinion Omaha was far more
desirable for the establishment of a
branch mint than was Chicago.
Commencement Program.
Superior, Neb., May 8. (Special.)
Superior High school commence
ment exercises will be held Friday,
June 3, with J. W. Searson of Man
hattan, Kan., as speaker. Rev. A. H.
Reitzell of the First Presbyterian
church will deliver the baccalaureate
sermon. -
Would You Work Six Weeks
for a House and Lot Worth
See Page 7.
Edison's CoFVts on College Graduates-
Many Omahans ,
Kneel to Shrine
Of Motherhood
National Day of Bespect Ob
served in Homes and
Churches "Mother,"
Text of Pastors.
Omaha knelt ' to . the shrine of
motherhood yesterday in both
churches and homes. . .
",Damp and threatening weather did
not prevent sons and daughters
from fittingly observing the national
day of respect to motherhood, al
though it prevented many mothers
from attending church services de
voted to honoring them.
Carnations, the flower most gen
erally worn in observance of
Mothers' day, were in such demand
that some florists found it necessary
to substitute roses. . '
Many churches held special ser
vices and a large number of pastors
chose that most inspiring subject,
"Mother," as texts for their morning
and evening sermons.,
" Speaks on "Best Mother."
Rev. John Leslie Barton chose
"The Best Mother" as his subject at
the morning services at the Im
manuel Baptist church. In the eve-
ning he presented "The Triumph of
Motherhood" in drama style.
"A Tribute to Our Mothers" was
the text of Rev. George Van Winkle
at the morning services of the Olivet
Baptist church. Special Mothers
day services were held at the Calvary
and First Baptist churches.
Mary, the Mother of Jesus, . was
the subject of Rev. H. J. Howard
at the morning services of the North
Side Christian church. A Mother s
day program was held at the Cen
tral Park Congregational church last
night. , .
Many Special Services.
"The Man Who Did Not- Dis
appoint His Mother" was chosen by
Rev. J. C. Edwin Brown at the
morning services of the St. Martins
Episcopal church. Practically all
Methodist 'and Presbyterian churches
of held special Mother's day
services either in the Sunday schools
or at regular-church services. ;
Rev. William McNary Jackson,
pastor of the",First United Presby
terianchurch, delivered a morning
sermon on "Christian Motherhood."
At the Dundee Presbyterian church
Rev.-Harry E. Foster included fathers-in
his-sermon, the text of which
was "Honoring Father and Mother."
Rev. E. L. Reese, pastor of the
Hartford Memorial United Brethren
church, chose 'JOur Mothers" as his
morning text. A special Mothers'
day prograTt was held last night at
the Reorganized Latter Day Saints
Omaha branch, at Druid hall.
Elkins Urges Consumers
To Buy Coal Supply Early
Washington, May 8. Senator El
kins of West Virginia issued a state
ment urging the public to lay in its
winter supply of coal as usual at this
time of the' year instead of waiting
until the cold months. He said up
wards of 200,000 miners were out of
employment because of the lack of
demand for coal and that their de
pendents were in distress.
Bridgeport Players Give
Drama, "Within the Law"
Bridgeport, Neb., May 8. (Spe
cial.) The Bridgeport, Players
staged the drama, "Within the Law,"
to a large audience at the opera
house. Mrs. Ethel Copeland direct-1
ed the production and also played
the leading role. The play was given
under the auspices of the Modern
Will ipur up thi war crop to .
Dtnonttratm that hm it 100 wrong in hi criticism.
Detectives Pluck
Prisoner's Mustache
To Fix His Identity
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
Chicago, May 8. It sure was a
hair-rajsing experience. Detectives
Sheehy and Doyle had arrested a
man they believed was "Tommy"
O'Conner, but he insisted his name
was Maxwell McArthur. He had a
black streak of mustache, where
O'Conner had a red one that was
the only difference.
"Simple," said Sheehy. "He'd
dyed his soup sfrainer."
The detective caught a hair and
yanked it out. The prisoner winced.
"It- is- O'Conner,'-' "'said Sheehy.
Then he pulled another hair. "It
ain't O'Conner."
The detectives continued picking
hairs as though they were playing
"he loves me, he loves me not," with
the petals of a daisy. . '
They decided finally that fie wasn't
O'Conner. '
Kinkaid Gets Senate
To Pass Resolution
On Irrigation Users
Washington, May 8. (Spe
cial Telegram.) One has to hand
it to "Uncle Mose" Kinkaid when
it' comes to getting legislation
through for "Kinkaiders" and others
who use- water for irrigation from
government sources. "Uncle Mose"
quietly entered the senate chamber
and, seeing a lull in the proceedings,
"conspired" with Senator McNary of
Oregon, chairman of the committee
on irrigation and reclamation of arid
lands, to call up his joint resolution
giving water users on irrigation proj
ects another year in which to pay
their water rents. ,
Senator McNary, who was won
over to Judge Kinkaid's way of
thinking, on the ground that it would
handicap every reclamation project
if the water users' were allowed to
fail in raising this year's crop, saw
his opportunity and secured the pas
sage of the resolution before you
could say "Jack Robinson." It was
a fine piece of strategy on Judge
Kinkaid's part. . '
Senate Committee
Favors Packer Bill
Chicago Trlbune-'Oraalia Bee leased Wire.
Washington, May 8. The senate
agriculture committee today ratified
the report of the sub-committee. fa
vorable .to the t Kenyon:Kendricks
packer bill. "
In. its amended form the bill vests
the authority to supervise; the pack
ing industry in the secretary of agri
culture. As it was originally pro
posed, -the bill created a federal live
stock commission to regulate ; the
packers.- ... . ,. . '
The bill probably. will be reported
to the senate Monday.' " It's backers
expect to call it up within the next
few weeks. ,
The . house agriculture committee
took up today the. task of revising
the measures.- Indications are that
the house committee will follow the
footsteps of the senate committee iiv
charging the Agricultural department
with the administration of the act..
The Weather
Nebraska Unsettled . Monday,
probable showers; cooler in
portion. -
Hourly Temperatures.
1 P.
8 p.
4 P.
5 p.
1 P.
S p.
Howell to Start
Senate Campaign
Soon, Is Report
Water-Gas Manager Wants to
Be Early Bird McKelvie,
Reims and Jefferis
Are Others.
R. B. Howell, republican national
committeeman 'and general -manager
of the Omaha metropolitan utilities
district, is about to announce his
candidacy for the republican nomina
tion for United States senator, ac
cording to gossip amohg politicians
who are in the habit' of knowing his
Although the primary is a year and
three rnonths in the ( future, Mr.
Howell is said to be anxious to be
the early bird, hoping thereby to fore
stall other entrants. 'Governor Mc
Kelvie, Congressman Reavis and
Congressman Jefferis are listed as
likely opponents.
Howell is quoted as hoping to fall
heir to the republican strength which
supported Hiram Johnson for the
presidency and which has backei
Senator Norris in past years. One
move in his senatorial campaign, ac
cording to the gossip, was his sup
port of J. C.,Kinsler for the United
States district attorneyship, although
Kinsler had been at outs with Howell
republicans in Omaha in recent years
and was opposed by-T. J. Maguire,
who had the iacking of ex-soldiers.
Howell is not expected to resign
his place as head of the Omaha wa
terworks and gas plant. Action ot
Mayor-elect Danlman in campaigning
for the city gommission while a mem
ber of the water board is cited as a
precedent, as is also Howell's unsuc
cessful campaign for governor in
1914. - . . .
Australian "Dry"
Officials Studying
Conditions in U. S.
Chicato Tribune-Omaha Bee Ieaed Wire.
Washington, May ; 8. Arthur
Toombes, state superintendent of
prohibition forces of Queensland,
Australia, arrived in Washington to
confer .with Wayne B. Wheeler ' of
the.: Anti:Saloon, league and other
prohibition leaders. He is spend
ing three months- in - the United
States making a survey ' of the pro
hibition conditions in this country,
which he states has an important in
fluence, on . the movement in Aus
tralia. During the past three. years,
remarkable progress has been no
ticeable in the prohibition sentiment
and also in the dry organizations
which Mr. Toombes . attributes to
two things the war and America's
example. . .
Mr. Toombes believes' that Aus
tralia will be entirely under prohibi
tion inside of 10 years and that New
Zealand will carry it next year.
Postoffice at Kearney
To Be Rated First Class
Kearney, Neb., .May-8. (Special.)
Postmaster Swan has been advised
that, beginning July 1, Kearney will
be rated as a first-class office, hav
ing passed the $40,000 mark in postal
receipts , for. the year just ; closed.
The postal receipts jumped ' from
$28,000 in 1918, to $43,000 on March
of this year.
Ex-Congressman to Speak.
Deshlcr, Neb., May 8. (Special.'
r-Charles H. Sloan of Geneva, for
mer congressman from the Fourth
district, will deliver the Decora
tion day address at Deshlcr.
Appeals for
Big Reserve
Asks Support of Summer Mili
tary Training Camps as Ob
'igation of Every Ameri
can Citizen.
Outlines the Army Policy
Chicavo Tribune-Omaha Bee Leaeed Wire.
Washington, May 8. That the
historic American divisions in the
world war should be perpetuated as
the organization of army reserves,
was proposed by General Pershing,
in appealing for public support of
the forthcoming series of military
training camps as recognition of the
obligation of every citizen to pre
pare himself to serve his country in
time of war.
General Pershing has been selected
by the president to head a skeleton
headquarters staff organized to func
tion instantly in time of war and the
general outlines for the first time, his
views of fundamental preparedness
"From a purely military stand
point, our policy," said General
Pershing, "should provide first, a
permanent military establishment
large enough to guard against sudden
attack; second, a force sufficient to
meet our international obligations,
particularly on the American con
tinent; third, such force as may be
necessary to meet our international
requirements; fourth, a trained citi
zen reserve organized to meet the
emergency of war.
Basis For Force. 1
"In considering a reserve, we al
ready have a nucelus in our trained
units that have had experience in the
war. I refer to the units of the na
tional guards as well as those of the
so-called national army. They have
returned with traditions, history,
pride of service and high ideals of
citizenship, all of which constitute
a valuable asset in any organization.
I should like to see those divisions
held together, retaining their officers
insofar as their efficiency records
show them capable of performing the
duties of their respective grades. I
Iwould retain the organization of
these divisions and utilize them as
reserve divisions into which the
young men would pass as they come
from the army or finish in the train
ing camps. Thereby the traditions
and the spirit of those historic units
would be kept alive to encourage and
stimulate efficiency in those who fill
their ranks in future.
Officers Needed.
"In a reserve army it should be
pointed out that there is great nec
essity for a large number of
thoroughly trained officers, not only
for the combat troops, -but for the
various staff and corps and depart
ments, including the general staff.
These officers should be very care
fully tested and depending his quali
fications, each should have a definite
assignment to some particular unit
or headquarters. An especial effort
should be made to retain in the re
serve, those officers, and men as
well, who, during the'war, performed
their duties efficiently.''
General Pershing asserts that our
success in the World war was not
due to the preparedness, but to for
tunate circumstances permitting us
to prepare after the declaration of
war, and that if we had been ade
quately prepared our rights would
not have been violated or safety
While we are opposed traditionally
to a large standing: army and have
fought our wars with citizen soldiers,
we always have failed to train our
citizen soldiers till war came on us.
We have made every citizen subject
to call as a soldier, but never empha
:,r,ou his obligation to prepare him
self to-serve. To provide for such
preparation is the object of the train
ing camps next summer.
Benefits in Training.:.
"In the preparation of our young
manhood for service in defense of
their country there are many per
sonal benefits that the course of
training would bring," General
Pershing said. "It would develop
the physical vigor and manliness of
our youth and sharpen their men
tality. .
"It would teach self-discipline and
respect for constituted authority. As
recent experience has shown, it en
courages initiative and gives young
men confidence in their abilities.
"The thought arrd the act of pre
paration for service' increase theif
patriotism.' Association with men
from all walks of like strikingly em
phasizes our democracy. The train
ing broadens the views and increases
the value of our youth as citizens.
It is especially heeded among our
alien population! a large percentage
of whom are illiterate."
Iowa Man Named Delegate
To Agricultural Institution
Washington, May 8. William H.
Stevenson, vice director of the ex
periment station of the Iowa State
Agricultural college, has been named
permanent delegate of the United
States to the International Institute
of Agriculture at Rome, the Depart
ment of Agriculture announced to
night. The appointment fills the
vacancy caused by the resignation of
Dean T. F. Hunt, president of the
California state agricultural college..
Class Play Presented by
Lodgepole Senior Class
Lodgepolc, Neb., May 8. (Spe
cial.) The senior class of ,the
Lodgepole High school presented
their class play, "Mary's Millions."
to a crowded house.
. The baccalaureate sermon will be
delivered Sunday, May 15, at the M.
E. church by Rev. Henry F. Mar
tens. The class address will be de
livered by Capt. W. H. Munson at
the M. E. church, Wednesday eve
ning, May 18.