r 7 THE BEE: OMAHA. ' SUNDAY, MAY X. J A Fitzmorris Tells Of Building and Loan Convention ironing Opposition of Bank ing Interests to These As sociations Was Discussed v In Iew Orleans. X. J. Fitzmorris, who returned last week "from the meeting of the I'ufkd. States League of Local Buildiug and Loan, association in N'evy ' Orleans, declares "southern hospitality" was fully exemplified them- It was the third time in 20 years that the national meeting was held in New Orelans. "Louisiana was a pioneer in de velopment of building and loan as sociations," said Mr. Fitzmorris. "A newspaper editor, Thomas G. Rapier, ki 1869 began planting the seeds of il es-co-operative associations iu Uuuisiana. Today that state has 68 associations with 80,000 members and .assets of $46,000,000 and ranks lltlrrn. the nation for homestead ac tivities. "'How highly such activities arc esteemed is shown by the fact that in 1914 the voters of the state adopted a constitutional amendment exempting associations and the hold ings of shareholders from taxation. This exemption i based on the prin ciple oi encouraging thntt ana homcmaking. "The convention took up in dis cussion a growing opposition of bankincr interests to these associa- v) sli.ria Hani-tilt 9 n fa crrn t&m line hppil evidence in various state apitols ironi iseorasKa to me varounas. Even New York bankers whose vaults bulge with legal tender, open ly for the first time antagonized measures desigued to aid associa tions in building more homes al though j they offered no alternative means of relief from the housing shortage." "Attacks from the same source appeared m Washington last month. One of the clauses of the federal in- jc law of 1918 exempts 'do- buildinsr and loan associa tions from the terms of the-act." So licitor Mapes of, the Internal Rev enue department' during the winter issued tentative rules defining what constituted a 'domestic building' and loan association.' and cited for tax ation an association at Anderson, Ind., because its businessi activities, in the opinion of the solicitor, oon-. stituted banking. The nature of the banking" was the investment of the association's surolus in public se curities, mostly Liberty bonds pur .1 j 'i..: " .u. -..j ...u:t. llldsru UUI NIK mc wai, aim ""ini could, not be disposed of without loss.-" "Representatives of the accused association together with the legis lative committee of the Unitedfl States league appeared before tlie solicitor early m April, ine result of the hearing -was the revocation or? the 'ruling' which if permitted to 'l:nd, would have overturned the i isla'tian of congress and set up a definition of 'domestic building and loan associations' other than that established by the laws of the states Vwhich created them. While the is- . , IsPiVJ'iheir representatives were on ; V . .... " ... ...l.ij: .u..l nana, Willi arguments upiiumwB uicr solicitors plana. T. J. McShane Accepts Position in Baltimore Une ot tl ciiinc ts nlf stic b Sliip'Eugineer to Consider U. S. Compromise Proposal New York, May 7.-i-Compromise proposals made by federal mediators in the hope of settling' th marine strike will be considered here to morrow by the Marine Engineers' Bentftcial association. I hese- proposals, acroruuiir to . o pav, -with the la per cet reauc- 1 ing working rules, and allowance of one hour a day overtime lorm erh- ciencvi v- similar proposals were re-. ft iected. ' yesterday by the executive L - ' - r . i. a : i' Xebraski 8 New Citizens raska City, Neb'., May 7. j (Special.) In the district court here Judge,: James T. Begley granted citi-.-. zenship to 28 applicants, all residents 7 -i rii..' ..i .'. "..-11 fH. 1- T.1 M DUlWfu xiKxaar V Burwell, Neb., May 7. (Special.) I Ttii" annual bazaar of the Catholic f chunch was held here and was a huge .1 succfsJ! A number of blooded cat ' tie were donated and sold. Tom J. McShane, for 17 years with the M. E. Smith company, leaves Omaha July 1 to join the American Wholesale corporation of Baltimore, Md., the largest concern of its kind in the south. Regret upon losing McShane from the M. E. Smith forces was ex pressed by Ward Burgess, on his return from Excelsior Springs this morning. "We wouldn't give Tom up for anything, except he is going into a bigger field," said Burgess. McShane is an Omaha product, the only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McShane, pioneer Oniahans, and related to the late Count Creigh-ton. City Purchaser To Be Restored Dick Grolte to Be Head of Department Abolished Three Years Ago. One of the prospective city hall changes when the new administration goes into office will be the restora tion of Dick Giotte as head of the purchasing department, which was abolished three years ago. Mr. Grotte, who is now general foreman of the street department, will be succeeded by Dean Noyes, now serving as gen eral foreman in the park department under Commissioner Falconer. Replacements of City Clerk W. J. Hunter and Deputy Clerk Joseph Sherry are anticipated,-and there are various applicants for these posi tions, including O. F. Bossie and Harry Primeau among those men tioned, although Mr. Primeau stated that he has not sought the position. Among those mentioned for city engineer are George L. Campen, as sistant city engineer under G. VV. Craig; H. E. Cotton, one of the pres ent assistant city engineers, and H. E. McClintock, formerly in the city engineering department and who superintended the Dodge street grad ing woric ior tne city. Henry F. Wulf, building inspector, is slated to go, according to an nouncement by Commissioner Zim man. Mr. Wulf was a candidate for nomination as city commissioner at the recent primary election, and was aligned with the Committee of 5,000 organization during the pre-election campaign. . Omaha Hospitals to Observe National Day Next Thursday AH hospitals in Omaha will have "open house" next Thursday, which is "National Hospital day," It will be the 101st anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. ' "The public is invited to visit the hospitals on that day," said Blanch M. Fuller, superintendent of the Methodist hospital, who is chairman of the state committee on the ob servance of the day. St. Joscpln hospital will give a spe cial entertainment. The Swedish Mis sion hospital will hold graduating ex ercises for a class of trained nurses. County Spelling Contest I.odgepolc, Neb., May 7. (Spe cial. Superintendent Anna McFad deu has arranged a county spelling contest and a school exhibit . to be held jointly at the court house in Sidnej-, May 14. Wit ' fir if! 1 KS 1 4' he Omaha unday Bee Including the Beautiful Rotogravure Section : By Mail Within 600 Miles of Omaha J One Year Six Months Three Months .50 $1.25 75c This Offer Good Until June 25, 1921 Fill clip out coupsn below and mail t one with your remittance to Tho Omaha Bea $2 THE OMAHA BEE, , 1921 Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: Enclosed find f .for which send me The Omaha Sunday Bee (including the Beautiful Rotogravure Section) for. months as per your special offer - Start Paper Name Tewn State. Box R. F. D. Half Space Taken for Second-Hand Car Show Omaha automobile dealers predict a great success for the second-hand automobile show to b held at thq Auditorium, June 7-11, under the management o. Robert C. Mitchell and Charles A. Frinke. This will be the first show of its kind in the history of the central west. Forty of the 80 spaces to be used for the exhibit of the machines have been requested. Mr. Franke an nounced yesterday. "Both individual owners of auto mobiles and dealers, largo or small, will be entitled to participate in this exhibition. We expect the show to stimulate the automobile trade,, es pecially among that class of persons who are rma'u to purchase new nuv chines." Bee Want GcVtcrs. Ads Are Business Federal Prisoners Plead Guilty; Fined Of 27 federal prisoners arraigned before Judge J. W. Woodrough yes terday, six pleaded guilty and paid light fines. C. V. Sc ott, 2408 Maple street; Dixie Mack, alias, licrnice Aurcalius, and Harry Kudolph, who were in dicted by a federal grand jury for violation of the narcotics law, were among those who pleaded not guilty. The following were fined: William H. Fransscns, ?S; Harry G. Steinert, $100; John Wagner, $10; Charles Druskus, $10; O. L. Mallcn, $10,' and Gactano Dclucrezio, $100. Judge Woodrough scntcnecd John '.Bull, Winnebago Indian, to one year and a day-to the federal prison at Leavenworth for forgery of a gov- 'ernment document. , French interests will erect a radio .station in Argentina for direct com- timuucation with t ranee. THE BOOK SHOP Located on the Main Floor is a delightful place to spend an extra few minute. You are certain to find lomething you are anxious to read. Prices Are Down to a Low Level 'And People 'Are Now Buy ing With Confidence This spring there is an other sun that is shining on us all. It is the sun of low prices for goods. And it is marvelous the difference it makes, in what we think of things. How much bet ter, finer and more alluring everything is,, now that it is so much easier to possess the things we want. Almost everything is back to the lower prices and there is no longer any need of doing without things. It makes us feel that we don't have to study so long to decide which things we will buy. This new sunshine is glowing all over our store this spring. That is one of the reasons why it is so much more interesting than it has been for several years. From day to day we are going to tell you of the new low prices. Watch our advertisements. 0) Q) Ml n fcnrn EVERYBODY STORE' DAINTY NECKWEAR Nothing is more attrtactive than a pretty piece of new neckwear. Our assortments are very complete and tha price caceptionally low. A Gigantic Purchase and ale of Ru gs At Prices Lower Than the Years Past It's time to" look over your floors and see whether you are not justified in having a new rug or two for now is just the time that careful housekeepers have been waiting for. ; They've been making the old rugs do, because the kinds they wanted have been held at a higher price than they care to pay. . Now exactly the kinds they want most the best grades, in wanted weaves are in this great sale at a tremendous price drop from the former prices. Regular patterns, drop patterns, and slightly imperfect weaves in the famous Bigelow rugs. Rugs in all sizes from the snall doormat up to the 11-3x15 ft. room size in a large and complete assortment of patterns and colorings. Our large purchase makes house cleaning a pleasure as one can buy rugs and rugs at lower prices than during the past four years. Come early, while assortments are complete, for rugs at prices quoted cannot last long. AXMINSTER RUGS One lot (500) Axminster rugs in large range of patterns, good heavy quality, slightly imper fect weave. Size 27x54 inches $3.98 Size 27x60 inches 4.98 Size 2-3x9 ft.. . 9.98 WILTON 1JUGS Bigelow, Ardehan, Wilton rugs in large range of Oriental effects and colorings, linen fringed 25 patterns fqr quick selling. Size 9x12 .$97.50 Size 9x10-6 92.50 AXMINSTER RUGS . In allover patterns, hit and miss centers with band borders. A good throw rug at a low price. Size 27x54 inches, $2.98 each. No. Make Price 6 11-3x15 Busaorah Axminster $72.50 each 7111-3x12 Bussorah Axminster 59.00 each 6 11-3x12 Marmon Axminster 41.75 each 721 9x12 Bussorah Axminster 44.75 eacfi 36l 1 9x12 j MarmonAxminster 39.00 each 168-3xl0-6 Bussorah Axminster 39.00 each ll8-3xl0-6 MarmonAxminster 36.75 each 3j 7-6x9 j Bussorah Axminster 29.00 each 19 6-9x9 1 Bussorah Axminster 24.75 each 8 1 4-6x7-6 Bussorah Axminster 12.74 each 49j 36x72 Bussorah Axminster 798 each 1001 36x63 f Burwin Axminster 6.98 each 35 j 36x63 j Marmon Axminster 5.98 each 134j 27x60 Bussorah Axminster 4.98 each 1001 27x54 j Burwin Axminster 3.98 each 127j 27x54 j Marmon Axminster 2.98 ea.ch WILTON RUGS Worsted Wilton rugs in the heaviest quality. Standard weaves. Large and complete pattern range; seamed and seamless. Size 9x12, special at $105, $115.50 and $1 19.50. WILTON RUGS Anglo-Persian and Bigelow rugs in broken line patterns, feet; only a limited quantity. 9x12 size 8-3x10-6 size f Ispahan Wilton Every rug per- $120.00 110.00 AXMINSTER RUGS In extra lieavy quality, medium and light pat terns, slightly imperfect weave. Size 36x63 inches, $6.98 each. Beautiful Summer Draperies for the Windows With the days becoming warmer and warmer, it is necessary to change the hot-looking draperies for the lighter and cooler ones for summer. Monday will be a good day to make your selection, for our assortment is .very complete. Panels Large assortment of panels, 9 inches wide and 2 Va yards long. Beautiful patterns and real val ues at $1.00 each. Lace Nets These nets come in white, ivory and ecru colors and run from 86 inches to 45 inches wide. 75c and $1.25 yard. Colored Madras Tapestry 36-inch madras in rose, blue, gold and brown, also a few com bination colorings. " Especially priced at $1.25 yard. Best, quality tapestry, 50 inches wide, in all designs, at the new price, $4.50 yard. Splen-. did for upholstering or for pil lows. Very beautiful colorings. Faurth Floor Exact Reproduction of Lempt in Sale Sut a Few Style Are Illustrated Here An Enormous Purchase and Sale of Floor Lamps, $39.75 Italian Polychrome Bases Complete With Silk Shades Never before have we been able to secure as beautiful an assortment of floor lamps and shades as these we are going to offer Monday. The Shades The Bases The shades are entirely different from the majority of shades you see. They are tailored, that is, the silk is stretched over ' the frame instead of being pleated, which gives a very beautiful lighting effect. There are shades of rose, blue, mulberry and many other. Some are dignified in appearance severely plain lines and also one color effect. Others are illuminated with rich, fancy colored Cheney silk panels. Every shade is silk lined and trimmed with double tow of silk fringe, odd tassels, braids, beads, etc. No matter what may be your taste, there is a shade here to please you. Fourth The bases are Italian polychrome finish. Most of them are hand-carved in artistic designs, and the high lights are brought out in burnished gold. This effect is entirely new and will har monize with furniture of any style and finish. You may have your choice of bases and select the shade you prefer. The lamps are outfitted with complete two-light, pull chain sockets and two cords. The illustrations show a number of the most popular styles, but you really must see them to appreciate the wonderful values. Floor A Beautiful Gift of Silverware For the Bride or the Home : Who can think of anything more appropriate than a gift of beautiful Sheffield silverware? A gift which will be a lifelong daily reminder of the giver's good wishes. Such gifts are here in abundance. The wonderful style and finish of the new patterns" now on display in our silverware department at popular prices make it one of the easiest and most pleasant parts of your gift shopping. Community Silver In Beautiful Patterns 1 This is also an opportune time to add some of those odd pieces to your Community chest. We have 40 dif-; f erent pieces to select from, including the new Grosvenor Pattern which is proving to be one of the season's most populai patterns. Our Annual May Sale of White Goods and Linens is one of the most important events ever held by us. The values are very extreme in every instance and housewives are taking advantage of them daily. The sale started last week, and Monday will usljcr in the second week, which will be bigger and bet ter than the past. Don't fail to lay in complete stocks while our prices are in effect. Fourth Floor Vacation Days Bring the Need of -New Luggage Steamer Trunks ; Extra Special $12.50 Black fiber covered. Black angle iron bound, full brass trimmed. Brass corners. Brass lifter bolta with brass excelsior lock. Hardwood slats on top and side ' and bottom. Sheet steel tray and fancy paper lining , in 36 and 40-inch. Suit Cases, $2.50 Brown fiber case, made on steel frame, brass bolts ' and combination lock, good anchor handle steel corners. "1 In 26-inch size only, at a very low price, $2.50 special.. - Fourth Floor The Whole-Family Would Enjoy One of These Croquet Sets For Pastime This Summer 50 croquet sets consisting of 4 and 6-balI sets. Made o? good durable wood, specially priced at $1.95 and $3.25. Fourth Flo,. Give date to atari s1