8 A' THE REE: OMAHA. SUNDAY, MAY S. 1921. Omaha Doctors Will Speak at Medic Meeting Passing of Family Physician, Treating; of Cancer, Sleep ing Sickness to Be Discussed. Twenty Onialia physicians will give talks at the SM annual meeting of the Nebraska State Medical as sociation in Lincoln, Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, at the Lincoln They are Drs. A. F. Tyler, Palmer Fimlley, Floyd Clarke. F. K. Coulter, C. W. Pollard, C. A. Roed er, A. D. Dunn, Frank Conlin, Adolph Sarhs. B. B. Davi. M. G. Wohl, C. O. Rich. A. F. Jonas, C. H. Newell. E. C. Henry, C. R. Ken nedy, A. P. Condon, I. S. Cutter, J. V. Lord and C. A. Young ; High Points. Passing of the family physician, treatment of cancer, sleeping sick ness, tuberculosis and the Lyons Melter gall bladder drainage are among the high points of interest on the convention program. Special cntcrtainmeut features for wives of the doctors have been planned by the Lancaster county society. 1,300 Members. "We realize that the wife of a doc tor bean the heaviest burden in the practice of his profession and that she should have recreation and en tertainment," their advance state ment reads. The state society now numbers I, 300 members. Probably 100 doc tors witl go from Omaha to the meeting. Tram Fares In Italy Are Two Cents, Writes Former U. P. President Aj L. Mohlcr, former president of the Union Pacific railroad, has writ ten Frank Johnson relative to con ditions in Italy where he is now visit ing his daughter who resides there. "Shops open at 9 a. m. and close at $ p. m.." Mr. Mohlcr stated. "Food stuffs are high in Italian money and cheap in American; best clothes to order, $64; shoes, $8. Peo ple are allowed only two pounds of sugar per week. Gas is high priced and low pressure. "All street cars have cushioned seats; and the fare for the longest run, 'seven miles, is 2 cents. They raise 70,000,000 tons of silk worms a year, each worm having 24.000 feet of silk and there being 1,000 worms to the pound. "Will leave soon for Paris and London, then to New York in July and Omaha in the fall." Christian Science Lectures This Week Dr. Walton Hubbard, C. S. B., of Los Angeles, Cal., will deliver free lectures on Christian Science next Monday and Tuesday evenings at 8 o'clock '"n the First church edifice, St. Marys avenue and Twenty fourth street. Dr. Hubbard is a member of the board of lectureship of the "mother church," the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston. The public is in vited to the lectures. Food Prices in Omaha Show Decline Says Restauranteur John Welch, proprietor of Welch's restaurants, declares the prices of foodstuffs has decrreased from 25 to 40 per cent compared with f,ood prices a year ago. "Declines in prices have enabled the proprietors of restaurants to buy lower and this should be reflected in the prices of the prepared food. I have ordered a reduction of prices of food in all my restaurants." Welch declared the downward trend in price would be influential in making all restaurant owners low r their prices. Anan Raymond to Speak At Epworth Union Meet , Anatt Raymond will be the princi pal speaker at the meeting of the City Epworth league union in Wal nut Hill Methodist church Monday evening at 8. He will be introduced by Walter S. Byrne of the Nebraska Power company. Robert Anderson will lead the community singing. A 15-piece or chestra will play. There will be games and refreshments served by the Epworth league of Walnut Hill church. Officers sof the league union will b elected. Omaha Boy Made President Of Harvard Debating Cluh Cambridge, Mass., May 7. Barton H. Kuhns, Fifty-fifth and Farnam streets, a member of the Harvard junior class, has been elected presi dent of the Harvard university de bating council. Kunns graduated from the Omaha Central High school in 1918, coming to Harvard college the next fall. He was on the Harvard team which de feated the University of Washington in the' East-West debate last year. Body of Mail Pilot To Pass Through Sunday Supt. William I. Votaw and me chanicians and pilots of the Omaha air mail station, will be at the Union station tomorrow at 7:15 p. m., when the body of Air Mail Pilot Walter 31, Bunting, who was killed 'when his plane crashed and burned up last Thursday, passes through Omaha, accompanied by Pilot J. F. Moore, on its way to the home of Bunting's parents in Camden, N. J. Oniahan Named President Of Club at Chicago Uni Reed Zimmerman, son of E? E. Zimmerman of Omaha, has been elected president of the Commerce club of the College of Commerce and Administration of the University of Chicago, and is scheduled to take two parts in "The Blackfriars," the students' annual spring musical comedy. An English scientist claims to have invented a glass which is a conductor I electricity. Columbus Boy Named To Enter West Point K WWW- WXM V A ..". . W W.MlMIWfc Ira Kenneth Evans of Columbus has been appointed to enter the United Stftes Millitary academy at West Point in July. He graduates from Kemper Military academy this month. Motorist Is Virtual Partner, Says Smith "The automobile dealer in the present market is realizing that when he offers a car for sale he is, as a matter of fact, offering the prospec tive lAiyer an interest in his estab lishment," says Guy L. Smith. "Car prospects generally recognize this fact to the extent that they fre quently give the dealer's place of business and reputation a more care ful analysis than they do the par ticular car which they have under consideration. For they realize that a great many things enter into the purchase of an automobile which are not visible to the eye of the buyer at the time he is enjoying a demon stration of the car. "The good dealer accepts and is prepared to meet his obligations to make the customer permanently sat isfied. He cannot do this without the institutional ability to make good his intention that whatever may be the requirements of that car owner, they shall be promptly and satisfac torily met during all the years that he drives the automobile. "In this fashion every car owner becomes, as it were, a partner in the J csiauiisnmrni mai sens rum a car and his investment in the automobile is clearly an investment in the insti tution that sold it to htm. REMEMBER HANSEN'S SERVICE POLICY IS PERMANENT The whole world testifies to day that the Cadillac realizes to the full, the high criterion of absolute reliability which induces in your mind com plete confidence, complete rest, complete satisfaction, every mile you travel in the Cadillac. J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC .CO. Distributor OMAHA LINCOLN C I LLAC I9JWUM J ' 1 "ft. id h The "Most Beautiful Car in America, ' : 1 ! The Qualities of a Champion World's Championship form is the best fuarantea of all 'round efficiency that the sporting world affords. . That is the real significance of our great victory with the Paige "Daytona" 6-66 model on January 21st When this car won the world's stock chassis record by traveling at the rate of 102.8 miles per hour it proved itself, not merely a fast car, but a superlatively fine engineering achievement You can establish this fact for yourself by riding In any Paige 6-66, Then, at a mere snail's pace or with the throttle half open, you will sense the finely balanced construction and im mense reserve power that is basic and fundamental. We invite you to test the 6-66 and compare it with any other car -at any price on the American market If you one knnv that exclusive power plant you will know the Paige story as no words can tell it. PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROIT NEBRASKA PAIGE CO. R. M. Austin, General Manager 27th Ave. and Harney Sts. Omaha, Neb. Every merchant aid; business 'Concern interested in speedy ."economical delivery service"-should visit tha Briscoe dealer during Motor Delivery.. We elr. Pretident This Is JMXM imXVmy Week In Our Showroom When we saw the Briscoe Motor Delivery, and found what it was doing for own ers wherever it had gone, we told the factory to ship us all they could spare. For , . we realized that no other, r,apid delivery vehicle fitted so well the needs of our , territory in economy, power, style and up-to-dateness. So we are making this week igotor Delivery Week, with special Traffic Rep resentatives to discuss your business needs intelligently. Every one interested irt delivering goods cheaper and quicker; every business concern anxious to make ' its delivery service a sales asset instead of a liability come in and compare the Briscoe Motor Delivery with any other delivery vehicle on the market. Individuality! There's snappi ness and style in the Briscoe Motor Delivery a pep and zip that makes it a business-getter as well as a business help. One mor; evidence of the truthofour state ment the 1921 Briscoe is the best car built today. COE Big body space, yet carefully balanced so that even under full load there is no strain on working parts. Nature-brace driver's seat, and plenty of leg room. Light-weight, with the absolute minimum of weight beneath the springs. Sturdy as can be tne frame is of channeled steel section seven inches deep. Briscoe special spring suspension takes all the jar out of bad roads. 1 Wonderfully economical of fuel; amazingly easy on tires. Plenty of power, and it is properly applied, avoiding costly excess. Special thief-proof wire netting front, back and sides on the open model an exclusive feature making petty pilfering impossible. Make Your Delivery Dollars Do Double Work You can do it with a Briscoe Motor Delivery. Come in any time this week, and we'll show you how. Htrt art jutt a ftui oat of scores of concern that can ute the Motor Delivery at a great failing in coat and a great gain in efficiency Bakers Cleaners and Dyers Expressman Laundries R. F. D. News Bottlers Caterers Florists Municipalities Stationers Builders Contractors Grocers Public Service General Stores Butchers Department Store Hardware Companies Wast Men BIXBY MOTOR COMPANY Distributors of Dependable Cars 1803 St Mary's Tyler 0792 BRISCOE MOTOR CORPORATION, JACKSON, MICHIGAN 2a With Screen Body, $128S With Panel Body, 91360 F. O. B. Factory This Reo Speed Wagon Displaces Heavy Trucks! That is the actual experience of at least one concern in carrying heavy steel forgings tool -and This concern was using 3 -ton trucks, but finding them only slightly more efficient than horses, had about decided to go back a step when the idea occurred to try a Speed Wagon. Results were astounding, problem. It proved the solution of the That's only one of hundreds of similar cases that prove the same thing. Concerns that used to consider a two or three or a five ton truck necessary for their work, are now discarding the slow, cumbersome, solid-tired trucks, for the faster, more versatile Speed Wagon mounted on pneumatics. It will deliver three one-ton loads while the big three-tonner is "getting started." You can depend upon it, that for transporting any product or materials that can be divided into ton-loads or less, the rapid Reo will do the work better and cheaper. In city, suburban and rural service; on short and long hauls; over concrete, mud or sand roads or mountain trails this Reo is adaptable to 90 per cent of all kinds of hauling and delivering. Tell us what your needs are and we'll tell you why a Reo Speed Wagon will fulfill those needs better than a heavier (and slower) truck. Better, in fact, than any other motor truck ever built That's a strong statement but there is a "Best," you know, in every line. Among motor trucks that distinction, undisputed, belongs to the Reo Speed Wagon. Avoid imitations and substitutes "If it isn't a Reo it isn't a Speed Wagon," Vic it f. o. b. Landing, plat tpeciat Fmderral tarn A. H. Jones Co. Jones-Opper Co. Hastings. Neb. Distributor, for Southern and We.tern Nebraska Omaha. Neb. Distributor, for Eastern and Northern Nebraska and We.tern Iowa I!iJi we.iern ieDrasna i-veoraaKa ana western iowa k jj OOt-4 J 1 WL 1 I p" ' J Complete wiih U if Wagon I e J pneam,tie tiree, a1 , , ill I jS CopyrUM, tteo U (Her Car Compear AfT jff I . !' n . 7i mm :