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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1921)
J v I' Hit; BUU: UMAHA, bUMJAI, MAI 0, 1VZI. at rn 1 t licw.-iaKc-iiown System Is Added Mitchell Feature tT. U. "Killy Says Simplifietl Disassembling Already Has .Won Admiration of Car Owners. Discussing the new feature of the Mitchell cSr. by which disassembling is simplifies V. L. Killy, president of the Noyes-Killy Motor company, distributors of Mitchell cars in the i Nebraska m territory, declares the readiness 'with which this new process , impossible, already has won the admiration of many car owners. "No ma (t'er how nearly perfect an automobile may be, there comes a time when- it must be overhauled," says Killy "Like any other piece of machinery; it must, from time to time, receive attention. "The far-sighted motor car builder recognizes -this fact and constructs his produCJ n such a manner that it may be readily disassembled and in spected wljcn extended use make a complete overhauling necessary. This is no small saving of expense in the maintenance of a car, as any parage or service hop man will readily de clare. "A very good example of the readi ness with which certain cars can be inspected .'nd taken down is the new serios Mitchell. It seems almost a contradiction that the Mitchell, one of the most staunchly put together of cars, can be so readily taken apart. Yet the second fact is the natural re sult of the first. "What is termed as the Mitchell 'suspension" construction provides not only ttS most scientific distribu tion of wftght and simplicity of de sign, but facilitates ready access to every par"Caf the car. This con struction consists of two units, and cither unitSs so'coustructed that any of the component parts can ' be quickly ami easily removed without disturbing,any other." It is hi contention that this is a big consideration, now that automo biles are 'Jfnught with the idea of rendering service over a number of j ears. w April Easiness Good, Says Cadillac Dealer "Bitsine.' for the month of April," said J. Ifv33an sen of the J. II. Han sen Cadillac company, "was very sat isfactory I aid encouraged us consid erably in our feeling that warm weather will do a great deal toward bringing conditions in the automo bile business back to normal. "Durintf'thc month of April we sold 12 new Cadillacs and 18 used cars, which, considering the price of the Cadillac, is .a very substantial business. "Dealers in the territory are also shovvin'g some signs of activity, which is a further indication of return of prosperity ianiong the farmers." Tucker Again to Take Active Management Of Auto Company Here 1 v fx Charles A. Tucker. Seventy officers and department heads of the Olds Motor works as sembled at the Elks' home, Lansing, Mich., Thursday, April 28, at a fare well dinner given to. Charles A. Tucker, recently resigned sales man ager of the firm. Mr. Tucker left Lansing the following Saturday for Omaha and will again resume act ive management of the Nebraska Oldsmobile company, which was or gnized by him several years ago and in which, he always maintained the controlling interest. Tucker recently erected one of the finest automobile buildings in the niiddlcwest and it has been his plan for .sonic time to build up under his own guidance one of the strong est automobile selling organizations in the United States. Owing to his deep interest in the company which he organized here, Tucker was rather reluctant to accept the position cf sales manager for" tlie Olds Motar works and his return to Omaha is nof altogether unexpected. E. .J. McMullcn presided at the farewell dinned. Talks were made by General Manager , Edward Vcr Linden, Vice President Leon Ger man, Frank Gross, Thomas O'Brien, Thomas Costello, Ed C. Shields. Guy Tcasley and Charles G. Groff. While general regret was expressed because of Mr. Tucker's resignation, the wis dom of his decisison to return to Omaha business was admitted. Mr. Tucker was well liked and given loyal co-operation in the Olds sales organization from factory to dedalcr, and while sales manager for the Oldsmobile line has accom plished much to foster the organiza tion and make it into a big, smooth working machine. Mr. Tucker's family will remain in Lansing until the close of, the school year, at which time they will return to Omaha to' live. Mr. Tucker is looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to the renewal of his many acquaintances here fn Omaha. Labor Turnover at Studebaker Is Cut Co-Operative Plans of Cor poration With Employes Reported Successful.. Labor turnover with the Stude baker corporation for the first three months of this year was 61.6 per cent as against a percentage of 269.0 for the y.ear of 1920, according to announcement now being made by the management. No small credit for this extraordinary reduction 'is attributed to the functioning of the company's unique and complete co operative plans 'as instituted in all the plants during the summer of 1919. The co-operative plans, which cm body the .payment of anniversary checks, vacation wages, life insur ance and pensions, together with stock-purchasing rights, were formu lated for the fundamental and pri mary purpose of securing prompt attendance, loyal application to duty and continuous service, and the em ployes are so informed in plain statements. No Paternalism. There is no savor of paternalism or any intention of giving something for nothing; the employes are assured that their prompt, loyal and continuous service, the only thing denjanded in exchange for the right to participate under the provisions, increases the company's profits until it can well afford to pay the benefits. Under the co-partnership provi sions employes are permitted to buy stock in the concern to the amount of $300 annually, 10 per cent of the amount being payable .in cash at the time of purchase and 40 per cent payable in equal quarterly payments over a period of four years. The re maining 50 per cent is paid by the company in exchange for continu ous service. Approximately 28 per cent of the total number of employes now own stock under these provi sions, the majority having purchased the maximum amount. What is considered most remark able in this connection is the fact that there was little effort on the part of the company to induce the employes to take advantage of the stock-pur chasing rights, almost all of the sales being made at the voluntary request of the purchaser. Prevailing Wages. The company has spent in excess of $2,000,000 in building homes for its employes in the past year and a half. In building these homes the company has made use of its enor mous buying powers and, in turn, furnishes the homes to employes at actual cost with monthly payments not more than the rental value of the property involved. Prevailing wages have been paid at all times in addition to the co operative benefits. Pres. A. K. Lrskine hopes to see the day when each employe will own stock under the co-partnership pro visions. Letters of a Home Made Father to His Son On Royal Coops. Dear Son: I been thinkin of knockin' off work fcr a month or two this summer an' takin' your mother to Switzerland. She's always wanted to climb the Alp mountains fcr the view, and fcr my part I'd like to see some of these royalty that's been collectin' there fer the last two years. I guess Switzerland can boast of more kings than any other republic goin'. You can't tell when you speak to a man if you ought to call "Wait er" or "Your Royal Harness." Most of 'cm answer to both. The country side is dotted with 'cm sittin' around on shallcys writin' books exposin' the family life of thefir friends an' ex plainin' why they was obliged to leave home. Aside from writin', the great pas time of royalty out of work is makin' coops. Royal coops ain't the kind you think of that's square an' made of laths. They ain't as strong as the ordinary kind an' don't usually last but a few days. In fact a royal coop ain't a coop at all, but is more like commutin'. It consists in rcturnin' to your na tive country on the 9:15 train in the mornin' accompanied by a brass band, declarin' yoursel king, an' re turnin to Switzerland in the evenin' disguised as a lunch basket. Royalty may be short sighted, but it makes up fer it in hearin'. A de posed king can hear his people callin' him when they ain't even aware of havin' opened their mouths. He's like a man in a hotel lobby what's hopin' fer a telephone message an hears his name on the lips of every passin' bell boy. As take the case of Emperor Charles some weeks ago. "Your people is waitin' fer you, says Count Popover, leanin' across the bridge table. "Waitin' fer me with what?" 'asks Charles, trumpin' his pardner's acc nervously. "Open arms," says the connt. "You're sure you said open?" f.sks Charles, '"Cause if you did you can call me a taxi. I'm goin' to maks me a coop." A Great Reform. Next mornin' finds him rollin' through the fertile dust of what used to be his royal kingdom. "'Tis wonderful to see my country again," says he, lookln' out the train window at the pesents, plowin' the ground with a bent stick. "'Tis my heart's desire to help these simple souls. My minister ot agricuitur taueht 'cm to clow like that. Before they used to do it with their fingers. Progress is a wonderful thing as long as it s government-controlled. When they get to Hungery ttiey take a hack an' drive to the mag nificent castle of a starvin dook. One of the nice things about bein' royal is that you don't have to be invited anywhere. You can ask your sel' an' family fer a week-end with out even botherin' to telephone if the spare room is empty. The streets is deserted. Nothin' 211 LI N COLN M O O R Again the Lincoln -' Shows its Prowess IN 48 MINUTES LESS than the fastest Chicago-New York train on the Pennsylvania Railroad travels from East Liberty (Pittsburgh) to Harrisburg, Pa., a Lincoln, standard touring car driven by Robert P. McCurdy, and carrying three other persons, covered the 210 miles thru the mountains in the amazing time of 4 hours and 53 minutes. C0 The high rate of speed attained was 76 miles per hour and at one time the car was held at 72 miles per hour for 20 miles. Only tourists who have traveled" the Lincoln Highway in Pennsyl vania from Pittsburgh to Cham bersburg can fully appreciate what this performance really means. They know that it is nearly all up or down the mountains with but few stretches of straightaway for'any considerable distance. They know that no ordinary car will mount the abrupt and long ascents without change of gear. They know that no ordinary brakes will meet the emergencies and no ordinary car hold the sharp and winding curves at the pace at which the Lincoln had to travel. Like the recent record 'from Los Angeles to Bishop, 285 miles thru the mountains of California, when the Lincoln cut train time in less than half and beat a former motor car record by 2 hours and 57 minutes, this new achievement is but another demonstration of the Lincoln's superior roading capabilities. PITTSBURGH .,:.-.. .CHAMRIRSBUXa FROM PITTSBURGH TO CHAMBERSBURG IS OM THE LINCOLN HIGHWAY 3 H ANNAN-ODELL, Inc. Farnam at the Boulevard. . Phone Harney 0868. breaks the peaceful stillness but an occasional rifle shot. All night autos is comin' an' goin. Great nobles is flockin' from all sides to pay their respects to their lord. It's all they can afford to pay. In another week they'd 'a been forced to go to work. It was a clpse shave. The emperor, with his usual generosity, offers them the freedom of the dock's house, in cludin' everythin' in it, not over lookin' th' liquor. The next mornin' the people hear that their Emperor is back. They stand outside the castle an' show their pleasure by throwin' bricks at the walls. The Emperor walks up an' down very nervous. Nobles hur ry to an' fro. Messengers run back an' forth. But it 'don't seem to do any good. The people just stand, heavin' bricks. A Misunderstood Call. It's a great disappointment to the Emperor. "Queer thing, Popover," says he. "I distinctly heard my subjects call in' me. This is the result of lettin" the people monkey with a demo cratic government. You can't under stand what they're sayin'. Do you s'pose if the White Hussars was to ride quietly among 'cm at a gallop it would bring back some o' their old love?" "Alas, your Majesty, the White Hussars has all gone to America to wait on table." "What'll I do, Popover? I can't walk up an' down the room fer the rest o" my life just to make good readin' fcr the school histories." "I think your Majesty came a little early. If you wait a few months there won't be anybody left in the country. Then you can have it ail to yourself. Fer the time bein', I suggest you wrap yoursel' up in a pair of false whiskers an' drive quietly down to the 9:25." So the Empero proudly disguised as a butcher's assistant, buys a sec ond class ticket back to Switzland. He's sure of get in' a royal welcome there at least 'cause he left without payin' his hotel bill. it's a funny thing what's turned folks so against kings. There's some thin' about the sight of 'cm that seems to make the common folk want to holler. If it's not for 'cm it's at 'cm. Pooch Frishie says it's familiarity did it. The Brotherhood of Man is a good idear but as soon as you begin slappin' royalty on the back it seems to knock 'cm off their thrones. Perhaps that's what they mean by the balance of power. In the old days rulers knew their business which was mainly to pre vent other folks from kuowin' that they didn't have any. No man ever increased the world's respect for him by allowin' his picture to be exam ined under a microscope in the Sun day papers. When Napoleon had a red nose he didn't go around dis playiu' it. He had a sheet put up in his headquarters an' talked to his generals through that. Talkin' through a sheet may strain a man's relations, so to speak, but it docs away with a lot of cxplainin'. Old Rulers Had Right Doper When Alexander the Great had a carbuncle on his neck he didn't walk around advertisin' it. '.'Tell the people to pull down their shades," says he. "I'm goin' fcr a ride in my barouche an' it might strike 'em blind to gaze on my divine figgcr." But as rulers began to learn readin' an' writin' they got new idears. "Simplicity," says they, "is the watchword of civilization. Away with these robes. They catch in the furniture an' folks step on 'em when I dance. Take this crown down to the hardware store an' see if you can trade it in fcr a derby. From now on I'm of the people, fcr the people, an' from the way I dress you ormldn't hardly tell that I was better Jhan the people." It was a fatal mistake. Instead of plcasiu' the crowd it made 'cm mad. "is this the fcMow everybody said was divine? If that's the case so am I. Why, he's partly bald. His trousers bag at Ijie knees. Yester day I saw him iive three balls in the bunker an' hrteak the club over his pry minister's 'back. An' I hear lie don't get along with his wife. He's no king. IV w just a man what looks like Cassidy the grocer, only not so refined. 4vvay with him an' t lu-t man as car make the palace first is ruler by prtpalcr choice." An' the wrctchtVl monarch slinks from, the country in a Rolls Roycc to eke out a life of miserable pov- ....... 1.. Akt nitoHin I I IV fUllUH IIIU . D" IIIUllllUlHI,!, IV, scrted by all but twelve valets, half a dozen dooks, throte doctors, a cou- pic ot press agents an a iiuiiukt m poor relatives. Whto supports 'cm all the papers fail to state. If I was a monarch I'd look for- ...n...l I .- tn til. in iiiImkii lll.F 1 I It.. 1 ,1 f crossed the Swiss boitder as the hap piest minit of my life. The Cooper's life fer mine. Democratically yours, Amos H. Amcsbv, Fath. (Copyright, lKl, by Ed Stricter.)) Masneto Failure ! r.iininnn cause of noor magneto action is dirt on the interruptj-f points. Whrn the points are sus pectcd of being dirty a few drops of kerosene will remedy the trouble" and restore the tts to good working order. El Absolutely Harmless I II Removes Carbon I tlWHITELEY W mm m the tire and MteS "J RADIATOR NAN feWi 320jSo.l3'JSt. r one l.lsco Tahlet to t nallon nf pasolipe. Guaranteed n produce 25 to 4(1 per cant more mllfaixc. reme anrl prevant carbon and purify lowest grade EiMoune. Satisfaction or Money Back Pon't confute with makwhlft txptrl- mentn. If your dealer haan t l.lwt or der 100 Tablets by mall for 11.00. LICHTY SPECIALTY CO., (Inc.) Dept. 1 Kearney, Neb. TiMf TUTte ahd nam Signs of Svrinft (sjflff ,0RftUUUW e-rt"" JIMKEN YOU'LL be using your car more and more from now on. Hadn't you better make sure that all the bear ings are in first class condition? If new genuine bearings . .are needed, they may be obtained at Omaha Branch: 181? HARNEY ST. Phone AT l-uitic 2844 Bring Your Road Equipment Up Tb Date The "Caterpillar's" field of usefulness is by no means limited to road work. On farm and ranch, in the mining, oil and lumber industries-" wherever power and endurance are at a premium, the"Cater pillar" has no real competitor HOLT PEORIA, ILL. STOCKTON, CALIF. In every department of toad work, both in the actual construction and in the maintenance, Holt "Caterpillar" Tractors have definitely established their supremacy over all previous methods vw For operating graders, pulling scrapers and scarifiers, and hauling heavily laden wagon grains the "Cater pillar" has no successful rivalCwIts titanic power, positive traction and its srieed enable it to go about its duties uninterrupted by conditions that do not permit the operation lof any other machine After a road is built its mainte nance can be continued most economically by "Caterpillars "sw Contractors, road officials and tax-payers, in brief everyone who is interested in good roads should know the savings that can be effected by the "Caterpillar"wWe can furnish you with actual cost figures taken from actual jobs or we will arrange, at your convenience, to exhibit moving pictures which show the "Cater pillar" doing for others what it can be made ito do for youwThe time to bring your road equip ment up to date is now-Write, wire oqtele phone for full details. There is only one "Caterpillar" Holt builds it. The name was originated and is owned exclusively by this company Infringements will be prosecuted. THE HOLT MFG. CO., Inc., PEORIA, ILL? Branches and service stations all over the world Factory Branches: 2429 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 5th and Court St., Des Moines S 1