Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1921, Image 5

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iditeing Buying and Selling
"ijobkoutin-the-Foretop" Lowest Price System
1 TXrilEN you visit our Silk and Muslin Underwear Department vou will say that the three months' preparation we have tl
j V made for the great Lingerie Sale which begins Monday was work well done. There you will find a display of high- i
I class undergarments such as you have seldom seen. Whether you prefer the popular silk garments or fine -lingerie cloth or
1 less expensive batistes, you will find here the underclothing that will give you absolute satisfaction both in quality of ma- ;
1 tenai ana Deauty or aesign ana aecoranon. me rjasemenx oners you sneeung, liming, musims, namsooivs ax special piuue&.
erchandise and command with their
Lower Prices !
Day We
Mother' day, someone has said,
i everywhere so lie made mothers."
allegorf written for the children,
r the grown folks: Once upon
irte to eirth to spend tbe day
hi cltlei and the gardens. En
. rpied a! beautiful rose and It
Is jtlA most beautiful thing In
11 tiki that." Then bevond the
smiU and It said, "That Is
I frill tike that." Then beyond
Inlle ll saw a Mother's Love
grea; blossom of heartsease
and bain and weakness of the
'lit Is eion more beautiful. I will
venwa'd. it stormed lust outside
If its tr insures. Tt found tTiftt the
the s'Biia had faded away, but
vas a, fresa and as fragrant as
kit It o earth. As the gates of
eive it marched down the
f 5 alo.t jts precious prize and
sf d mtl,f trooped after 1t, it
J Is ie one thing I found in all
if last aj the way from earth to
itl Voil); Curtains trimmed with
iflatVard. 1.00
s ftarquj'ette ' ruffled curtains,
iq&aoksj f0r bungalow windows;
Z Z i.J
quick embroidery; hem
erall Inrons Dutch tie-on style
Towels-; AKJL
Ii1a ncm .Ti'i on i
mderful Bargains
gMade Cluny &nd Cro
ertwu They are from 3 to 5
many styles ; just the thing for
ngerje, etc ; will be sold on the
bs n exactly one-nan tne
Flkt Center.
iary (md Embroidery Insertions
emor01ieriea, insertions and
rom-Jj to-5 inches; in Swiss,
10 Suitable for trimming lin-
l m extra 111
gfloOf Center.
You Can't Resist Buying these Gowns, Skirts, Chemise, Step-ins and Bloomers
For their Prices are the Lowest Offered in Years
Gowns, Skirts and
Envelopes, 95c Each
A lot of dainty undergarments m gowns,
envelopes and skirts lace,
embroidery and hand em
broidery trimmings; special
Fluffy Skirts, Chemise and
Gowns, 1.98 Each
Displayed in quantities and styles so
greatly varied that we cannot describe
each model. Materials used are soft fin
ished lingerie cloths and the trimmings
used are dainty laces and embroideries.
They are well made and properly sized.
Soft fluffy skirts, envelope chemise
gowns, also cotton crepe
gowris with floral designs,
priced at
Gowns, Skirts and
Envelopes, 1.45 Each
Another group of snowy undermuslins
' containing the best values and choicest
styles shown for some seasons past; in
cluding numerous styles to select from
gowns, envelopes and
skirts, specially, priced
Third Floor Center.
Gowns, Skirts and En
velopes, 2.98 and 3.98
A beautiful assortment of high grade un
dermuslins including gowns, skirts, enve
lopes; made of the sheerest of materials;
trimmed with dainty laces;
beautiful designs; priced at
2.98 and up to
Entire Stock of Our
Seal-Pax Athletic Suits,
Our entire stock of Sealpax placed on.
-sale at a great reduction from their
former prices.
Bloomers of Batiste
and Cotton Crepe
59c and 1.00
Beautiful Silk Lingerie at Matchless Prices!
Silk Skirts, Gowns
and Envelopes
Elaborately trimmed; these garments are
of a quality and style seldom offered at
such a price.
Gowns, Envelopes, Bloomers, Vests and Step
ins In Crepe de Chine and Satin. All trim
med with dainty laces and insertions; offset
with tiny rose buds and dainty ribbon bows ;
priced at about one-half regular sell
ing prices; special during May Sale
Skirts, Gowns, Envelopes Elabor
ately trimmed; the equal, of which we
have never shown at these z nc
prices, 7.95 and D,'J
Crepe de Cldne or Wash Satin Camisoles In four
distinct groups; tailored or lace trimmed; touched
up with a little hand embroidery so effective with
a sheer blouse; priced at OC,
2.95, 1.95, 1.C9 and 70 C
Envelope Chemise, Bloomers and
Vests A' wonderful assortment; 'lace
trimmed or tailored designs -i or
at the low price of 1.00
A Wonderful Group at About Half Price! '
Crepe de Chine, Wash Satin and Georgette Undergarments Slightly mussed from the season's show
ing. These garments are priced at about half their original selling price. Lot includes Irish Crochet
and real Filet lace trimmed garments, . . ;
( Third Floor Center. " .
Skirts, Gowns, Step
ins, Envelopes
Wonderful Values in Crepe de Chine and Satin
including Skirts, gowns, " envelopes and step
ins; lace trimmed and the neatly tailored garments.
WHITE GOODS ff'& noMFSTf r.s
8-lnch Bleached Mslift The ever popular
Lonsdale. Hope and Cabot quality. None better
made. Tour choice. Monday, -j Af A
10-yard limit, per yard, 2V
(No Mail or Phone Orders.)
Plain White Flaxoi A sheer linen-like material
for aprons, uniforms, "blouses, dresses, etc.; very
special, Monday, 2S
per yard,
White Sherrette A cotton material of superior
construction and finish; can be substituted lor
linen for tailored waists and blouses; special,
for Monday, QlLr
per yard. ' 2 V
White Lily English Longtloth In a beautiful soft
chamois finish specially adapted for fine underwear.
No. 110, 36 Inches wide,
10-yard bolt.
No. 250, 36 Inches wide,
10-yard fcolt,
No. 310, 36 Inches wide, ... .
10-yard bolt,
Plain White Flaxon Sheer crisp
dresses, waists and blouses; 40 inches
wide; a regular 59c quality, per yard,
quality for
Imperial Eifrtisk Nainsook Made of spe
cially selected yarns; beautiful soft finish
of superior construction; No. 17, 36 inches
wide; Imperial nainsook, 10-yd. bolt, 1,69
No. 190, 36 inch Imperial nainsook, 10-yard
bolt. 1.95
27-lnch White India Unon Sheer crisp qual
ity for uniforms, waists, aprons and boudoir
sets. "Wonderful value
Monday, yard -"-.T
Novelty White Flaxon In assorted checks; popu
lar for waists and dresses; range in value from
59c to 75c, Monday, iQ
at, per yard, V
White Dimity In neat hair line stripes; crisp
and dainty; 27 inches wide; a regular 0kgL
39c value, special, at, per yard, M3
White ri(He In assorted cords suitable for suits
or skirts; 36 inobes vride; an unusual nni
offering for Monday, at, per yard, &J
White Chiffon Yoile Made of hard twisted yarn,
beautiful tape edge; extra soft and clingy; 40
inches wide; worth 50c; special,
Monday at, per yard,
White Linen Finish Suiting For dresses, aprons
and middies; an excellent value; while 2,000
yards last, Monday, "tR
at, per yard, '' -Lvty
White Mercerized Poplin With a' beautiful lus
trous silk finish that will launder perfectly and
retain its finish; 36 inches wide; worth 89c;
special Monday, KCkJ
at per yard,
Imported Swiss Organdy Guaranteed permanent
finish; launders beautifully, requiring no starch;
45 inches wide; regular 1.75 alue; -g f
very special Monday, per yard,
Bleached Sheets Size 81x90; a good heavy
quality, made with French center seam;
hemmed ready for use; -ClQvl
special, each, jO?
Pajama Checks Splendid quality for tinder
wear, pajamas, boys' and girls' waists and
blouses; 36 inches wide; 2 to 10-yard lengths;
per yard,
Unbleached Pepperell R Sheeting Famous for
its uniform weave and wearing qualities; 10-
yard limit to a customer; 36 Inches
wide; Monday, per yard,
Festival Nainsook A beautiful soft finish fab
ric suitable for underwear, lin
gerie, etc.; 36 in. wide, per yard,
Bleached Indian Head Muslin In beautiful,
soft finish, suitable for uniforms, cooks' or
waiters' coats or aprons, etc.; 36 inches wide;
exceptional value,
Monday, per yard,
Bleached Pillow Cases Made of good quality
muslin in size 45x36; while
the lot lasts, Monday, each,
The Celebrated Pepperell Sheeting Known
throughout the land as the housekeepers'
pride; in fact, for over sixty years the name
Pepperell has been a household word; your
choice of bleached or half bleached; 81 In.
wide; Monday, AKA
per yard, V.
Bleached Seamless Sheets Made of heavy
linen finish sheeting ; exceptional value, -j -g q
72x99 inches, while 60 dorea last, each, Ap
. Mill Remnants Bleached Mnslin and Cambric ;
36 inches wide; good quality for underwear,
pillow cases, etc.; "IA1 A
special, per yard, AV 2V
Bleached Sheeting A genuine easteramake;
heavy linen finish; SI inches wide; on'a
a wonderful value; Monday, yard, t:
81-inch Unbleached Sheeting Made of extra
heavy round thread yarn; easily bleached in
laundering; 10-yard limit to a
customer; special, per yard,
Bleached Mnslin Good quality; free from
dressing; full spring water bleached; wonder
ful value; 36 inches wide; f -j -j t i
special, per yard, AAV2ri
Basement North.
Unbleached Mnslin Made of heavy round
thread yarn; 36 Inches wide; limit, 15 yards
to a customer;
special, per yard,
Bleached Tubing 42 -inch width; your choice
of Pepperell or Barker mills; while 2,000
yards last; snecial, QSCt
per yard, , ""rl
Bleached Pillow Tubing Your choice of Pequot
or Bridal; both makes known as the superior
of all others; 45 inches wide; a m-t
special, per yard, 72 V,
Pequot Sheeting Full bleached; known as
America's best quality sheeting; two popular
10-4, 90 Inches wide, regular 85c value,
Monday, per yard, 69
9-4, 81 inches wide, regular 80c
value, special, per yard,
Bleached Sheeting Good quality , heavy
linen finish; in one to three-yard lengths;
extraordinary value in 72 and 81-inch Bheet-
Ing, while 6,000 yards last,
Monday, per yard,
'Flesh colored batiste and crepe bloom
ers : lace and ribbon trim- s s - I
med; in good full size;
priced at 59c and
Third Floor Center,