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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1921)
H ft ttfOME and see!" That's all we need say about our Linen Sale which begins Monday. The word "extraordinary", ex- pressive as it may seem, is not sufficiently so for the description of this sale. Your stock ot household and iancy Jinens has run down during the past four or five years. In this sale you may replenish it at one-half the prices you have been in the habit of paying. "Come and see" and you will not only buy, but you will thank J. L. Brandeis & Sons for this rare opportunity. 1 clan IIIItElMOIilllllliin wammm inniBiiHi Both Sides of Merchand Are Operated Through Our Science "1 Our M ay White Sales appeal with Seasonable M Greatest Offerings in Linens at Lowest Sale Prices ( t That Have Tempted Omaha People for Years ! One could hardly tell this lot of linens from the famous hand loom, it is so fine and pretty. Brides will do well to lay in a supply for years to come. THe finest lot of linen cloths and napkins to match that Omaha and vicinity has seeji for years and at prices that will clear them out to new homes in one day. T y7 7 7 Linen Cloths 2x2 yards; Llfien ClOthS Und formerly 25.00, each- Napkins to Match1 $10 Linen Cloths 2x2 yds.; formerly 32.50, each 12.50 Linen Cloths 24x24 inch napkins to match, former ly; 27.50 dozen at $14 1,800 yards of Mercerized Table Damask of a heavy 64-inch satin finish. This one we feature for hotels and restaurants. Per yard, 89c A Limited Lot of 70-inch all linen bleached table damask ; variety of designs such as snowdrop, ribbon and floral designs. Per yard, 2.49 1,200 Napkins in 18-inch hemmed mercerized damask; all ready for the table. Save your expensive napkins ana use these for breakfast and luncheons. They are fine for restaurants also. Each, .tlUJf JLU1 MIO 15c 1,800 Yards of Table Damask of a heavy 64-inch satin finish ; beautiful designs ; floral and stripe designs, per yard, 33 Pure Linen Banquet Cloths; will seat from 12 to 16 persons. ' The quality leaves nothing to be de sired. An acquisition one could be proud of; special, 59c off Linen Cloths with napkins to match in two sizes. A big clean-up from a well known Irish importer. 70x70 and 70x88 and 22-inch napkins. All at one price, values to 13.50, each, 6.95 Irish Cotton Cloths, 2x2 yards; at last year's price these would have sold at 7.50. The designs in taste ful and many styles. Each, 3.29 500 Yards of Irish Linen Table Damask; extra heavy quality, assorted designs, sold last year at 4.00 yard. We only have 500 yards in the lot; per yard, 2.29 Here is a Beauty in an Irish Cotton Damask; 72 inches wide. In this lot are the most gorgeous patterns one would wish to see. Per yard,. 22-inch napkins to match, per dozen, 1.69 4.49 TOWELS and TOWELINGS, Whose Prices Shout: "Stock Up NOW!" 3,000 Yards Famous "Amoskeag" TEA TOWELING .Neat blue border, very absorbent quali ty. Formerly sold as high as 28c a yard. Not over 20 yards to a customer. At, per yd., only, 10c 400 Dozen 18x36 Hemmed Cotton Towels Good quality huck, neat -white borders, nothing better for hotel or family use. Half price, each, 12'2c 200 Dozen of Good Size and Good Quality Bleached Turkish towels, .hot so long ago these sold at 29c; now at the low price of 12c 100 Dozen of Fine Cotton Huck Towels Neat red border; size 18x36; formerly sold, at 39c. in this sale, each, 19c A Big Lot of Snowy White, Fluf fy Turkish Towels Large size; fine balk I C towels,' hemmed end, A Great Bargain in Turkish Tow elsLarge size; heavy quality; double tnread, bleacned; some have col- o r e d. borders, 39c-49e 4,800 Fancy Turkish WASH CLOTHS Fancy Turkish. Wash Cloths In pink and Diue cneck, not over one- half dozen to a customer; special at each, 3c BASEMENT SPECIALS. "While the lots last, and they can't last very long, for. the values are wonderful. 7,000 Yards of a Brown Absorbent Crash Toweling 20 inches wide ; this pm, crash sold at 19c per yard not iAf 3 months ago; special, per yd., 250 Dozen of Knit Wash Cloths In blue and pink border; a close-out lot at a S r real 1.20 value; sold by dozens fXp or half dozens. Per dozen, 200 'Dozen of Good, Heavy Turknit Wash Cloths A wash cloth that has r been sold right along at 20c I each. In this sale, each, A.Js 1,200 Fancy Turkish Towels Seconds from the biggest mill in the east ; a A r beautiful lot; values up to 98c; J.Un each, Basement South Most Marvelous Sale of Very Finest Madeira at Exactly Half Price! Hand Embroidered Center Pieces Hand Embroidered Fine Scarfs THERE is nothing that we could add to the above statement outside of inviting your inspection, for in that manner alone you will be able to appreciate this extraordinary offering. These Madeiras are the most beautiful we have ever seen, the finest linen and the best workmanship, but come and see for yourself. As illustrations we are quoting below these few items: 24-inch Round Center Pieces, elaborate de- r 5.00 27-inch Round Center Pieces, beautiful fine work, at 6.00 54-inch Center Pieces r . i i i i i or .Luncn vjiotns, at 16.50 and 12.50 Sample Scarfs, three Sizes, 18X3U, 10X40, 18x54 in., 9.50 to 13.50 BED SPREADS Here are a few items that should bring us customers from far and near and make us lasting friends: A Good Quality Satin Finish scalloped cut-corner Marseil les bed spread, regularly 6.00, in this sale, each, 3.98 Big, Heavy Floral Design and stripe effects, satin fin ish bedspreads, $10 value, each, 7.50 500 Colored Dimity Bed Spreads, size 72x90 and O CO 81x90; Pink, Blue and Yer- ZdZjy low at 259 and The !l "Vhati Is .Ai. 41 Speaking of Mothc "God could not tie ever There is a little allei but serviceable tor the a time an angel carte t roaming among thl c tcring a garden it apiei Raid: "Surely all the world rose It saw a bab more beautiful. I the rose and the spreading out like above all the sorro world. It said, Tlt i: take that, too." Journeying bq Its home to inspec flower had withere the Mother's Love when it had plucu heaven opened to q golden streets bold as the angels, big ; Bhouted, "Behold t he world that wil 61 lili g! ai btaven- a Mother Curta! 760 Pairs of Whit! kce edges and herf a wunaemu oargaiti 500 Pairs of White 2V2 yards lone; ti' something new; a i bargain, per pair, BA STAMH Stamped Dresser Sri stitched for crochet special, each, Unbleached Mnshn v for cross stitch or stitch embroidery, catj Stamped Tea Towel , with clever ouul Stamped Dresser edges; dainty desfi Two Wdi 2,000 Yards Fine M dieted Laces and I inches wide; a grei curtains, camisoles, main floor barjny regular selling jf per yard, Mi 1,000 Yards Embrc Extra fine oualitn . edging in widths rsauisook and Cam; gerie, baby sets, rj bargain at, po." V 12 Main Floor South Main FloorSouth