Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1921, Page 3, Image 3
r THE titti : UMA11A. SU.MJAt. MAI ft. LVZl. -A Boycott Aimed At C. of C. by Labor Unions Circulars to Be Sent 15,000 Families by Union; Co operative Bank Includ ed in Plan. Girl Saved From Jail Sentence by Apology to Court Juvenile Jurist Exacts Retrac tion of Imprecations Hurled Against Court; Geneva ' Sentence Pronounced. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii 1 1 in .ii i ii 'i n mi 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 'AT lantic 3000 ' - i i i i Glee Club to Sing Here SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS For Good Service We Will Have Three Times the Sales Force for This Event. "The Chamber of Commerce is the bunch we are after," declared Secre tary John Gibb of the Building Trades council yestreday just after a committee of labor heads had authorized mailing of a circular to 15,000 Omaha families friendly to union labor, calling on them to boy colt stores "unfriendly" to unionism. "The Chamber of Commerce," de clared Mr. Gibb, "has done all it can to make Omaha an 'open shop city and to abolish onions. It has even advised members who own stores to demand cash from all laboring men Mho are now holding out against the 20 per cent wage reduction which the contractors demand be put into effect. Credit Withdrawn. "Already we are forced to buy many things outside of the city be cause ot the withdrawal of credit. There will he no hardship in confin ing our trade in groceries, hardware, furniture, etc., to two certain stores, because wc get 25 to 40 per cent dis count on Mich things at those stores." Mr, Gibb said the various unions have $600,000 on deposit in Omaha banks. This is to be withdrawn, he ."aid. The boycott will continue, he declared, until the "big interests" recognize the demands of union labor and prevent the lowering of wages in building trades. . David Larson, commissioner of the Chamber of Commerce, denied that the chamber had taken any ac tion in the way alleged by Mr. Gibb. Plan Co-Operative Bank. "The Chamber of Commerce has carefully kept clear of any contro versy with union men regarding wages or making Omaha an 'open shop' city," he said. Labor unions of Omaha Friday night took first steps looking to pos sible establishment of a co-operative bank as part of their contemplated action to boycott all local banks. This is a development of the pres ent differences between the building trades unions and the building con tractors on the wage question. The meeting of Central Labor union also voted to boycott all local grocery and dry goods stores with the exception of two, Bradley, Mer- riam & Smith and the Farmers Union State exchange which recently opened a retail department. 15,000 Affected. Union men say this endorsement of the boycott resolution by Central Labor union means that between 10,000 and 15,000 men are under im mediate obligations to cease buying at the boycotted stores. Regarding the proposed- bank Secretary Gibb of the Building Trades council, said that farm bodies, particularly the Nonpartisan league, will co-operate in establish ment of such an institution. farmer Declines Citation; Fears Epithet "Stool Pigeon" William II. Franssen of St. Libory, Neb., appeared in the federal prohibi tion officer at Omaha yesterday to "let the world know" that he was not one of those "jiggers they call a stool pigeon." Mr. Franssen had been cited in a report to Washington for meritorious work accorded federal prohibition officers in assisting them to round up alleged moonshiners. "I helped them, but I didn't squeal on any one," the healthy farmer de clared. Mr. Franssen also denied that he was the person who purchased liquor from two bellboys at the Hotel Paxton. . Mr. Franssen also resents the re port that he was a member of the "flying .squadron" of federal sleuths that operated in Omaha two months ago. Congregational Churches ' Condemn Censorship Veto The Elkhorn Valley association, composed of ministers and delegates representing 30 Congregational churches, condemned Governor Mc Kelvie for vetoing the moving pic ture censorship bill. "He uses the same line of logic in e'efending his action as was used in defending the saloon," say the reso lutions, "and says in effect that if men don't want their wives, sisters and children insulted they should keep them away from places where men of careless conscience roam un restricted." State Sheriffs Car Stolen; Recovered by Omaha Sleuths Up from Lincoln late Friday came terrible news. Thieves had stolen Gus Hyers' automobile. Gus is the state sheriff and the Nemesis of bootleggers and other evil doers. Gus was mad. Nobody could blame him. o 1 But, anyway, early yesterday Act ing Chief of Detectives Pszanowski got information and a short time later Detectives Danbaum and Palm tag found Gus' car abandoned at Twenty-fourth and Pratt streets. . Committee Named to Plan Nebraska Farmer Union Following a conference of dele gates from various Nebraska farm organizations and co-operative socie ties at the Castle hotel Friday after noon, relative to forming a new or ganization which will eliminate many similar organizations in Nebraska, Chairman John Fraser of the Mid west Milk Producers' association ap pointed a committee to work out a plan of organization which will be submitted to a mass meeting of farmers to be held in Omaha soon. Banquet to Be Held in Honor of Commissioner-Elect A banquet in honor of John Hop kins, commissioner-elect, will be given by ex-service men and other Hopkins workers at the Paxton ho tel next- Wednesday night. Reser vations may be made with J. J. Isaacson at the Star Shoe company. The Nebraska Wesleyan Glee club is to sing in Omaha this week. Thurs day night the glee club wi'l give a concert at Hanscom Park Methodist church and on Friday night at Trinity Methodist church. The Glee club contains 25 voices. A feature of the club is the Wes leyan quartet which is pictured above. This quartet consists of: Left, Kline Ward of University Place; upper center, John Hutchins of Trumball; lower center, Kenneth Wilson of Pawnee City; right, Hubert Shultz of Omaha. The Ladies' Aid society of the Hanscom Fark church and the Ep worth league of Trinity church have united to bring the Wesleyan Glee club here. Hamburg Light Rates Raised by Compromise Hamburg, la., May 6. (Special.) The law suit which the Hamburg Electric company brought against the city of Hamburg in an effort to raise their rates was settled by com promise. Some time ago the electric com pany endeavored to raise their rates from 15 cents a kilowatt to 18 cents, but the city council refused as the light plant's franchise fixed the rate at 15 cents. Hamburg's electric current will cost 17 cents per kilowatt unless the patrons wait until after the 10th of the month to pay their bill, when it will cost 18 cents. The company also furnishes juice for Riverton, and recently received a raise in rates to 19 cents. A typewriter has been invented that sets up a line of type before it is printed, the printing being done with the type itself without the use of a ribbon. Price of Posies Hiked For Mothers' Day Here Weeping skies cannot dampen the fervor with which Mothers' day will be observed in Omaha today. Florists were deluged with orders from those who wish to "say it with flowers" to mother. The price of single white carna tions or roses jumped to 25 cents for the occasion. White sweet peas arc $1 per bunch. "Our supply of white flowers may not hold out hjit we have plenty of colored blooms," several florists re ported. A white flower is worn for the mother who is dead and a colored bloom for the living mother. "It is 'fathers' day' in our family," said Mrs. A. D. Peters, 124 North Thirty-eighth avenue. "To day is Mr. Peters' birthday." m Designed chiefly for automobile engine assemblers is a pneumatic tool that picks up nuts and screws them on bolts. Willis G. Scars, juvenile judyc. threatened to have pretty Miss Eva Brown, University Place, Neb., thrown into the county jail unless $hc made an instant apology for im precations she had hurled at the court, during yesterday's session. Miss Brown came to Omaha yesterday to defend her sister, Doro thy Brown, 16, of 524 North Seven teenth street, who was charged wit'i associating with vicious and immoral people. She was accompanied bv her elderly father, W. T. Brown. Judge Sears sentenced Dorothy to the Geneva home tor girls. Judge Beats Desk. According to court attaches the sentence brought forth loud abuse from both the father and sister against the court here and its work ers. Mrs. Alice Hopkins, wife of John Hopkins, city commissioner-elect, and Judge Scars, himself, drew more than their share of the abuse, it is said. Judge Sears rushed from a prl vate room where he had heard the case into his main court room. He was followed by ' the sister, now sobbing, and the father. He seated himself and struck his desk. Three Thumps; No Word. "I want an immediate apology for that sort of talk." he declared "Never again will I tolerate uch language against the court. Miss Brown continued to sob. "I'll count three and if I don't have an apology I'll have you put in the county jail," the judge threatened angrily. He thumped the desk thrice, loudlv. and still no apology. "Officer take this girl to the coun ty jail," he ordered. A court officer advanced, took the sobbing Miss Brown by the arm, and was about to lead her away when the father interceded. Gasps Apology. "We're sorry for what we said," he told the judge. "I'm not asking you for an apol ogy," retorted the judge. "Take her on, officer no", give her one more chance." "I I'm sorry," gasped Miss Brown between sobs. She was released, and was led from the court by her father. J- Ml Soon be -PICNIC TIME With' the coming of !May comes the desire to live in the opcu-to drive out early in the morning and make a day Df it to explore the hills and far-away places all in all the greatest season of the year the season of picnicking Yet it wouldn't be a real picnic with out sandwiches and to further insure a pleasant day the sandwiches must be made of HARD ROLL BREAD its ' crisp crust and snowy center will ap- pease the appetite of the hardiest "adventurer," " Make plenty of HARD ROLL sandwiches, wrap them in waxed paper and when lunch times comes, serve them with coffee from an open fire but by all means use MAM Bread PETERSEN & PEGAU BAKING COMPANY Also Makers of Tip-Top Bread mm ISiWiM wmzr mk 411 nm Displays in Windows and on Main Floor Displays in Windows and on Main Floor Save from 20 to 50 From 1920 Prices by Buying in This Curtain and Drapery May 9th to 14th This is the biggest Drapery Sale we have ever instituted, and the fact that it comes just as Omaha people are planning their spring and summer draperies and curtainings, makes it an event attractive to every woman. Indeed the most econo mical policy you can pursue is to look well ahead and buy in this sale at prices so favorable to the purchaser. Sale Cretonnes One splendid array of cretonnes at almost any price you may elect to pay. Twenty patterns (1920 prices "2 0 50c to 75c). Now, per yard . . JOC Twenty-five patterns (1920prices CA 75c to $1.00). Now.per yard DxJL Twenty patterns (1920 prices Zt 85c to $1.25). Now, per yard Fifty patterns (1920 prices $1.25 Of. to $1.75). Now, per yard...., u-v Eighty patterns (1920 priceil A A $1.35 to $2). Now, per yardlvV Twenty-five patterns (1920 priceil $1.75 to $2.25). Now, per yd.l.3 Plain Voiles Plain Voile (1920 price 75c) Now, per yard TJC Plain Voile (1920 price C.-. $1.00). Now, per yard UJC Plain Voile (1920 price 1 $1.75). Now, per yard. . . . . . .1 Overdrapery Materials Plain and Figured Colored Madras, Poplins, Sunfast Materials and all simi t. lar fabrics in most any color and at most any price. $1.75 quality in 1920 will be on sale at, per yard Colored Swisses, Voiles and Marquisettes Swisses in colored dots and small fig ures. White and cream Voile with dainty borders. Voiles and Marquisettes in heavy colored Cretonne effects. Thirty patterns at Special Sale Price, JT. 25c and 45c Marquisettes Marquisette in every style and quality, 36-inch Plain Marquisette (1920 price 50c). Now, per yard. .. . JL. 40-inch Plain Marquisette (1920 JC,, Curtain Net Filet, Ameraux, Colonial Stripe an8 many other novelty weaves. $1 quality in 1920, ; HCn Now, per yard ... ..,v-1. . 4 ... . . J C $1.25 quality in 1920; filf Now, per yard 0JC $1.50 quality in 1920; 1 AA Now, per yard. ..... . . -.jt . . 1 U $2.00 quality in 1920; Now, per yard 1 price $1.00). Now, per yard. 5-inch Plain Marquisette (1920 price $1.25). Now, per yard 60-inch Plain Marquisette (1920 r price $1.60). Now, per yard. . 03L 40-inch Fine Highly Mercerized Mar quisette (1920 price QCr $1.50). Now, per yard OJL. 40 inch Extra Fine Highly Mercerized Marquisette (1920 Price 1 $2.00). Now, per yard . 38 inch Bordered Marquisette . price 75c). Now, per yard $2.50 quality in 1920 will be on sale at, per yard $3.00 quality in 1920 will be on sale at, per yard $4.75 quality in 1920 will be on sale at, per yard 1.00 1.65 1.95 2.50 (1920 ,50c 38 inch Bordered Marquisette (1920 price $1.00). Now, 7Cr per yard JC 40 inch Dotted Marquisette (1920 price $1.75). Now, 1 AA per yard L ,JJ Of special not ar the Curtains and Drap riea that wera displayed throughout tha atora durinf our recent Pageant. Theaa will be sold at prices below coat. 1.25 $2.50 quality In 1920; 1 PA Now, per yard .r. 1 $3.00 quality in 1920 f 1 7P Now, per yard....:r.ra D Curtains Laces Voiles Net Maslins A special purchase of Net Cnrtaim; a government war net of established quality; hemmed and lace edged, 24 inches wide by 2 1-3 yards 1 fA Specially priced at, pair. .. 1 JJ Filet Net Curtains (192& "3 nC price $5.00), now, pair.-A.J.D Filet Net Curtains (1920 r AA price $7.50), now, pair.-sxrr.JUU Filet Net Curtains (1920 7 A price $10.00), now, pair.-.:.. .31 Muslin Curtains (1920 price 3 ? A $5.50), now, per pair..j,-.r.,J.OU Voile Curtains (1920 1 QC price $3.00), now, pair.Tsssr. 1 .00 Voile Curtains (1920 Cf price $4.50), now, pair. .Tvr.-.3U Also included in the sale are Tapes tries, Velvets, Double-faced Chenille Velvet Couch Covers, Portieres, Table Runners, Cretonne-covered Pillows and Cushions, Window Shades. Extension Rods, Cretonne Edges, and Remnants of all kinds of Curtain and Drapery Ma terials at a fraction of their former prices. Gifts The kd your friends will love to receive that you will enjoy giving. Bulb Bowls In powder blue or early pea green, 84 inches in diameter. Very special $1.75 11 inches in diameter. . S2.75 Lustre Bowls that make good buffet or center of table pieces, in amethyst, lavender, yellow, and jade 8 inches in diameter, very special, at S5.25 11 inches in diameter, very special, at 87.00 Jardinieres Weller's Glazed Pottery in Epire designs, 74 inches high, 74 inches in diameter S3.25 10 inches high, 11 inches diameter, at 88.00 Table Lamp ts& Shade 18 inches high, beautifulfy modeled bronze or poly chromed standards and hand-decorated parchment shades. The various . combinations are suitable for living rooms, and in some instances, for bedrooms. Price, complete, 812.00 Toys In Our All'Y ear-Round Toy Department $7.50 Stetson Speedsters at.... 85.00 White, Gray or Ivory Enamel Doll Carts at 810.00 Ball Bearing Brownie Roller Skates, at 83.50 Ball Bearing Union Roller Skates, at 84.50 Paris Coaster Wagon, roller bearing, at 89.00 Imported Jointed Bisque Babies with moving eyes a'nd sewed wig, special at 60 t.rO " If you plan to buy that needed Rug, Carpet or piece of Linoleum you will do well to attend this Sale of Rugs $36.00 Seamless Tapestry ") A PA $135.00 Extra Quality Wilton Rugs, very Brussels Rug, 9x12 size; . .T. JU heavy, in a large assortment of pat- $55.00 Axminster and Velvet Rugs. H"18 and the finest colorings, which Oriental and allover patterns, and match the new wall decorations excellent value, 1 A C( ?nd furnlture coverings; one of our 9x12 size ..JT.JV best bargains.- 0000 , , . . t, 9x12 size yif.UU $59.00 Seamless Axminster Rugs, a m. . ., . . . good range of patterns, large and c Other sizes in proportion. small allover designs in blues, taupes, Small Brussels and Velvet Rugs, size and rose, 9x12 .in PA 27x54, a big saving at .S.-rV"VV,";"- , -2.75 and 3.00 ; i j;j i fmmm rr ties t prices that reflect big reduc- lr 012 Ssi?P 55 00 tions' in biS assortments. Size 27x54 wear, 9x12 size aJ.UV ' ' ' ' ' $95.00 Extra Heavy Seamless Axmins- J, T.J anCt J, J ter Rugs, many new effects in . ' plain colorings as well as many Slze 36x63 Chinese and allover designs; excel- CO 7 0 and O SO lently made; 9x12 AO 00 . Jl dUU size OU.UU . Best Wilton Rugs, also greatly reduced, $106.00 Wool Wilton Rugs, good pat- Bize 27x54 terns, heavy, closely woven and easy 77C O 10 onrl 14- 71 to care for; 8-3x10-6 - q C( .? .JU dUU 1T.J size Oy.DU sizo 36x63 75.00 14.75, 17.75 and 19.75 l;ll!.M..i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IM I I ORCHARD & WILHELM CO....... II llllllllllllll II I I: 'ft.l I I II I Ii V7 ' 1 ! I lit) Vr --.! r- vv